Dustin07's All Out - Sweat Edition Log - Sponsored by Iconic Formulations


Thank you @delsolrob / Iconic for the opportunity!

I've never done a formal log dedicated to just one product before so forgive me for starting off by somewhat following the format that Hyde and AK already started here:

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and here:

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@delsolrob also has the ingredient profiles loaded here:

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I've been a preWO junkie for the better part of 2 decades and what caught my eye about this product is the ingredients within their performance matrix, which I often now days find in some of the nootropics products I've enjoyed. So these in particular got me excited to try. What's even better is I got notification that nootropics I had ordered off Amazon were cancelled the day that my All Out arrived, so that was a coincidental blessing!

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Since I already have my main log here:

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I'll try to keep this thread focused around the lifting and preWO and keep out the side chatter a bit.

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Week 1 Note: This stuff hits hard. Novel ingredients tend to have a great impact the first time you use them, but I would not necessarily share this with my boy. He's 15 and same size as me, but I normally give him maybe a half a scoop of a more mild product. I might give him a 1/4 scoop of this to let him taste it, but I definitely wouldn't give him a full scoop. I'm loving this product already.

Week 2 Note: I have been able to use both the All Out Ultra, and the All Out Sweat. I feel strongly that the All Out Sweat hits harder. It really gives me a bigger push, I am sweating like crazy in my sessions and my body stays warmer for a while. Another note I want to mention, is I do feel like I have greater mental faculties postWO when taking this product, similar to nootropics I have taken to clear brain fog in the post covid era.

Week 3 Note: I've grown to really take the timing of Sweat pretty serious. My office is 5 minutes from the gym. I like to pound a shaker of water with the preWO as I'm walking out the door then head to the gym. Timing is usually perfect, feeling energized in the locker room while I change. This week I noticed a couple times if I take my preWO and hesitate even 3-4 minutes I'm getting the tingles and some shakiness before I get to lifting. Either way after nearly a month of using it, the effect is still very strong and I'm feeling energized in my sessions. still sweating like a pig and fully energized even on days I have to force myself in.

Week 4 Note: Now that I've wrapped up 4 weeks of All Out Sweat, here are my thoughts.

1. All Out interested me because many of the ingredients included in the "All-Out Performance Matrix" are in some of my favorite nootropics and I can always use a mental pick-me-up. PostWO while using Sweat, I do not have any kind of fatigue. Instead, my mind feels like it's firing on more cylinders than it was preWO. In fact, I can pretty much count on All Out to give me the bump I need if I simply feel like trash and don't want to lift. once it kicks in, I'm good to go.

2. I choose sweat because I'm ready to cut. My diet has been 80/20 so it's not fair to truly judge the product on that note however I do sweat like crazy while on this product. I have no doubt of a thermogenic impact.

3. The original bottle arrived fairly dried out, so I have been chiseling my dosages out daily. I mentioned this to Rob and he immediately, like same day, sent me a new container. Unfortunately the new container was "Ultra" rather than sweat. When using a full scoop I found Ultra to be lower impact than Sweat. But when I measured out my Ultra dosage on a food scale, it hit hard. This makes me wonder if I'm getting stronger doses on the Sweat since it's a little dried out and perhaps condensed. Given an option between the two, I might opt for Ultra in the future and just take larger doses to avoid the excess sweating 😅

4. My training had been pretty consistent for the 2 months leading into using Sweat so things were primed, but along this stint I had a couple small PRs along the way on Bench so I can definitely say All Out had no negative impacts there!

5. I would 100% use it again. Only critical comments would be the dry product, and for me the beta alanine does seem a little highly dosed since I seem to enjoy a higher dose of the rest of the ingredients in this product but dont' necessarily need the beta alanine to follow suit.
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First off, the artwork is dope.
The safety seal was easy to peal off. The scoop was easy to access. So far all good.
The smell hit me immediately. I grabbed coconut smells and even though I'm back in the very cloudy and dismal PNW today, it definitely reminded me of being on the beach in the Caribbean!

Mixed up incredibly fast, tastes great! Pounded a shaker with about 10oz of water at work then jumped in the car and headed to the gym. I find that the 10 minutes or so it takes to get from work to gym locker room is usually enough for the beta alanine to kick in.

10 x BW, bar, 95
5 x 135, 185, 205
1 x 225, 245, 265, 285, 305
10 x 225
20 x 135

Walkouts - 12-15 seconds
1 x 335, 365
(Wanted to see what it felt like)

Front squats
5 x 135, 155, 175

Leg ext
3 x 12

Leg curls
3 x 12

Weight 196
I've been on business for 1 week in Vegas. a couple of late nights, and 3 hotel gym days. Last night I flew home at 11pm and my alarm went off at 4:30am so I did not expect to have a stellar session. I have not focused on squats in over a year, since 2023 was a purely deadlift + bench centric year for me. Just recently started bringing them back and to squat 305 today felt awesome. I've never been a great squatter, I think my PR is only like 350.

I felt very focused and energized. Like I could essentially push myself to the point of passing out if I wanted to. Almost OG Jack3d style, but without the tingly brain (LOL).

Initial impression is pretty solid! Obviously have to hit a few more sessions to see if there is a trend but so far so good!
Another note:

10 x 225
20 x 135

Squats really do destroy me. I have many times found myself yawning while on the progression upwards with squats before I hit my top set. there was a fire in my belly today to chase some more volume and it felt great. When I'm deadlifting or benching I never want to stop, so to have a squat session like this was a real treat.

I noticed the inner seal was really good too, which is very important with the glycerol. Keeps the moisture out so when I got mine (the Ultra edition, not sweat) it wasn’t already hardened. Makes it way easier to scoop.
subbed - thank you! Yeah, I'm such a huge fan of the Blue Hawaiian!
Another note:

Squats really do destroy me. I have many times found myself yawning while on the progression upwards with squats before I hit my top set. there was a fire in my belly today to chase some more volume and it felt great. When I'm deadlifting or benching I never want to stop, so to have a squat session like this was a real treat.

I don’t squat heavy either. I do it for the flexibility aspects. I found out quite a few years ago that if I squat and deadlift heavy at the same time it kills my back. I hate squats anyways. Takes me forever to warm up.
I don’t squat heavy either. I do it for the flexibility aspects. I found out quite a few years ago that if I squat and deadlift heavy at the same time it kills my back. I hate squats anyways. Takes me forever to warm up.

I see so many guys who barely do 1 warmup set and then jump into working sets on squats - I just can't imagine. I have to do like 5-6 warmup sets before my hip flexors/etc are ready and I can get full ROM
Following along. The Blue Hawaiian flavor is really good.
In on this for sure!
I don’t squat heavy either. I do it for the flexibility aspects. I found out quite a few years ago that if I squat and deadlift heavy at the same time it kills my back. I hate squats anyways. Takes me forever to warm up.

I brought them back because after a year+ of deadlift efforts I could tell that I was losing some size in my legs despite my deadlifts hitting PRs in 2023. I tried to treat my pull days as lower+back days but it wasn't enough. so I started gingerly with low weight sets of 10 this year a few times and yesterday had a bit more desire to test and push it.

I truly think I'm already seeing some improvement in the quad size with only a half dozen or so squat sessions this year as I make it a priority again.

I see so many guys who barely do 1 warmup set and then jump into working sets on squats - I just can't imagine. I have to do like 5-6 warmup sets before my hip flexors/etc are ready and I can get full ROM

me too, it's both mental and physical for me. I'm trying to improve my ability to warm up with less work capacity spent at lower weights, but it honestly just takes me a bit of time to get the body firing on all cylinders, warm, loose, and aggressive, before I can go heavier.
I see so many guys who barely do 1 warmup set and then jump into working sets on squats - I just can't imagine. I have to do like 5-6 warmup sets before my hip flexors/etc are ready and I can get full ROM

Most of those guys are very young, rather weak, or squat pretty high.

Or they already did their mobility work before they got to the gym I try to go that route sometimes in summer, trying to loosen up at home in the AC so when I get into the garage/barbell club I can get to business faster and save some sweating. But there’s still going to be 5 warmup sets for sure.
Ya I don’t really need to do the warm ups to really open up my mobility, but I can’t imagine not working up weights to a starting weight. I’d feel I’d have to be pretty weak to be able to jump right into it or be sacrificing something.
Went ahead and tried about 3/4 scoop today before a round of golf in the rainy PNW today. About 55f and I can say to start the game I felt like I had some serious mental clarity and at no point did I feel cold. Definitely feel warm....

Also prolonged energy. A round of golf can be tiring to be honest and at no point did I feel any fatigue mentally or physically.
Went ahead and tried about 3/4 scoop today before a round of golf in the rainy PNW today. About 55f and I can say to start the game I felt like I had some serious mental clarity and at no point did I feel cold. Definitely feel warm....

Also prolonged energy. A round of golf can be tiring to be honest and at no point did I feel any fatigue mentally or physically.

Man 55 degrees and rain…I’m in 90 degree weather at the beach camping. Not tent camping! Pulled the camper to Conway, SC near North Myrtle Beach for my wife’s 50th.
Man 55 degrees and rain…I’m in 90 degree weather at the beach camping. Not tent camping! Pulled the camper to Conway, SC near North Myrtle Beach for my wife’s 50th.

I hope that you have a great trip. Happy Birthday to her.
Warm up, waiting for barbell

DB curls
DB bench
3 x 12 x 50s

Bench (jumped in with rando)
10 x 135
5 x 185, 205
1 x 225, 245, 265, 280, 290

5 x 275

8 x 225
Wide grip
15 x 135

Tricep push downs
3 x 20

Pec deck
3 sets

This preWO slaps hard. I think I could push myself harder on it than my body should go

I might be sweating for the rest of the day now, time to go throw myself over a bank and cut down some trees in the middle of blackberry bushes.
man I feel thoroughly worked today after yesterdays session and 4hrs of cutting down trees down the bank. Not sure if I'll get a session in today because I have a customer visit that might last 36hrs but really looking forward to my next one.
Warm up - waiting for platform

DB curls
DB rows

5 x 135, 225, 275
3 x 325, 375
1 x 405, 425
5 x 325

3 x 8 x 225 (doh)

EZ bar curls
15 x 70, 80
20 x 70
(Closing in on 11.6" boys!)

Superset with t bar rows
3 sets

Rear delt swings
3 x 15 x 22.5s

Superset with hammer curls
3 x 10 x 40s

Seated DB curls
3 x 20 x 25lbs
(Final burnout set)

Felt good! Haven't pulled over 400 in a while, went "all out" today Invalid Link Removed
425 was a grind, won't lie, but I'm grateful for it cause I pushed through and that's something I'm bad at. So hitting hard reps even if only at like 88% of previous PR is a major mental progress.
Felt naked without my knee sleeves today so that's why I focused more on back and arms versus knee joint accessories.
More than once a big breath of air out my lips sent sweat flying off my lips lol.

Definitely a sweaty session.
This preWO slaps hard. I think I could push myself harder on it than my body should go Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

I might be sweating for the rest of the day now, time to go throw myself over a bank and cut down some trees in the middle of blackberry bushes. Invalid Link Removed

over the weekend I had posted this at 10:51am from the gym. Hours later while I was playing lumberjack over our bank, my core was very warm, I was sweating so much I was starting to get cold from the soaking wet under shirt. product lives up to its name.
Sweat ripping off my face, hair, neck, ears today:

Warm up
Laterals, curls with 10lb plates

20 x bar
15 x 95
3 x 135, 175, 205
1 x 230, 255, 270, 285
0 x 300
1 x 290

3 x 305 (probably reps PR?)
1 x 315
5 x 280

4 x 245 (3sec pause)
16 x 185
20 x 135

EZ bar laying skull crushers
3 x 12 x 60lb

SS with laterals
3 x 12 x 30lbs

Tri cable extensions.
3 x 15

That 300 was a crazy miss, I'm like 90% sure that's a mental thing I have to just get over. My cadence out of bottom position was off, my bar path sucked, I hit an instant wall like 2" off my chest. And this was after 285 moved like butter. Dropped back to 290 and no problem. 300 out of the rack felt smooth. 305 for a triple was no problem with sling shot. So I'm pretty sure it's practice / mental.

All Out Notes: really did not want to stop today, felt fire and energy enough to push more volume if I had time. great session.
That 300 was a crazy miss, I'm like 90% sure that's a mental thing I have to just get over.

I was the same with 315. It was awhile before I actually hit 315 due to mental. I've lost some strength since then and typically stay at 225 for working sets now.
I was the same with 315. It was awhile before I actually hit 315 due to mental. I've lost some strength since then and typically stay at 225 for working sets now.

yeah I was telling my buddy I'm pretty sure once I break 305, that the mental block will be gone and I'll see a few PR's come in play. I mean 285 was so fast and easy, I really sat there for a minute to decide:

do I hit 295, then make a 10lb jump
or do I just go to 300 since I haven't hit 300 in a while.

I really didn't think 15lbs was going to cause a fail by how fast 285 went, but maybe I just got a bit greedy. I have a plan though...
Today's session was actually on the Ultra Edition rather than Sweat. I could definitely see the difference too. Somehow less tingles even though I think the beta a is the same, but definitely nowhere near the sweating.

15 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205, 235
1 x 265, 285, 295

2 x 315
1 x 320

Paused - 3 seconds
3 x 3 x 250

No pause
9 x 225

Incline press
10 x 135, 150, 160

Reverse seated dips
3 x 12

DB laterals
12 x 30s, 35s, 40s

Rope tricep pushdowns
3 sets

SS w/ ez bar curls
3 sets

Pec deck
3 sets

295 was clean. Sticking to my plan. Just incremental progress.

320 went faster and smoother than 315, need a session with my boy tho cause rando spotters do make the handoff awkward.

Very sodium filled meals this week, tipped the scale at 204 this morning.

Also dosed up one more day of epi cause I didn't see a reason to stop with barely 1.5days worth in the bottle.

Up about 6lbs since I started cutting.

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Back on the Sweat version today. Walked in not expecting a huge day, but did at 10lbs to my top rep. Now that I have sampled both the Ultra, and the Sweat, I feel like the sweat hits harder!

Warm up
Bicep BB curls
All with empty bb, in the squat rack nonetheless.

10 x 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205
1 x 235, 265, 285, 305, 315
10 x 235
15 x 185

Walk outs - 15 count
375, 405

Front squats
5 x 135
1 x 155, 175, 195, 215
10 x 95

Leg ext
3 sets

Leg curls
3 sets

Adductor machine
2 sets

Did it again. Found my lifting belt in the lost and found...wtf. the part that made me most nervous was breaking in a new one.
I did not give myself enough credit on that 315 attempt. That was smooth
235 x 10 was a grind for real though.
My legs were legit shaking on that 405 lol.

Back on the Sweat version today. Walked in not expecting a huge day, but did at 10lbs to my top rep. Now that I have sampled both the Ultra, and the Sweat, I feel like the sweat hits harder!

Warm up
Bicep BB curls
All with empty bb, in the squat rack nonetheless.

10 x 95
5 x 135, 175
3 x 205
1 x 235, 265, 285, 305, 315
10 x 235
15 x 185

Walk outs - 15 count
375, 405

Front squats
5 x 135
1 x 155, 175, 195, 215
10 x 95

Leg ext
3 sets

Leg curls
3 sets

Adductor machine
2 sets

Did it again. Found my lifting belt in the lost and found...wtf. the part that made me most nervous was breaking in a new one.
I did not give myself enough credit on that 315 attempt. That was smooth
235 x 10 was a grind for real though.
My legs were legit shaking on that 405 lol.


I’ve been using the same lifting belt for like the past 10 years. Once you find a good one you don’t let go!
I’ve been using the same lifting belt for like the past 10 years. Once you find a good one you don’t let go!

for real. I bought my inzer off a guy at my old gym for $40 because he wanted to move to lever style and I preferred the single buckle. this was like 2016 or 2017. it was still new so I had to break it in. The prices have gone up now quite a bit but even more than the cost of buying a new one, the idea of having to break in a thick ass inzer all over again was a devastating thought! lol
Vanity / back day

BB rows
20 x bar
15 x 95, 135, 155
10 x 175

Snatch grip
10 x 135
20 x 95

EZ bar curls
15 x 50, 70, 70, 80, 70

Kroc Rows
10 x 50, 55, 60

Superset with incline seated DB curls
3 x 10 x 25s
(So hard Invalid Link Removed)

Rear delt swings
15 x 22.5s, 25s, 27.5s

Superset with DB hammer curls
10 x 37.5s, 42.5s, 45s

Cybex T-bar rows
3 x 12

Lat pull downs
4 sets basically to failure.

1 set, 50lb straight bar

Was not feeling it, but the preWO hit, the tunes popped, the weights started moving. Feeling pumpy.

Pretty much kept pushing it till I felt the pump fading.

On a note of hygienic fails, I should have swapped out my shoes and shorts from yesterday. I had the pleasure of starting today's workout with pre sweated clothes lol. Even my shoes .... This Sweat version preWO is solid Invalid Link Removed
I'm really enjoying the Sweat product. Could be placebo effect but today I went into the gym HOPING to hit about 290. I did not think my linear work was going to continue as it's been a bit of a long week and I was not feeling strong. but, alas, PR Tie. Back at work afterwards, and I do feel like I have some improved mental clarity vs this morning.

15 x bar, 95
5 x 135, 135
3 x 175
1 x 205, 235, 255, 275, 290, 300 (PR tie)
11 x 230 (reps PR)
14 x 205 - wide grip
25 x 135

Lying ez bar skullies
5 x 12 x 60lbs

SS with DB laterals
3 x 12 x 25s

Cable tricep extensions
3 x 12

Pec deck
3 sets

Played with my warm up and progression a bit today.

300 was butter! Invalid Link Removed

That 230 PR caught me off guard. Might have had 12+ in me with a spotter.

Easily had 15+ on the 205 but again didn't wanna get pinned while that hot chick across from me was leg pressing. Plus that set honestly made me light headed. My body is still trembling a bit from the 230lb set.

Today's dinosaur is the Peckasaurus Rex. It's diet is thought to have been Phosphatidic acid xt, anabolic effect, xpg alpha gel, dhea, and when the Epiandro trees are in blossom, a healthy dose.
Today's dinosaur is the Peckasaurus Rex. It's diet is thought to have been Phosphatidic acid xt, anabolic effect, xpg alpha gel, dhea, and when the Epiandro trees are in blossom, a healthy dose.

It definitely wouldn't have trouble packing on muscle with that line up!
It definitely wouldn't have trouble packing on muscle with that line up!

man something is working. My wife is making more comments, and I feel like I'm leaning up even though the scale is STUCK at about 198/200. which is super heavy for me after ten years keeping at about 180-183. Last night I honestly felt like my arms looked big (for me) which is huge because among body dysmorphia folks like myself, I have always always felt like my arms were by far my weakest point and super hard to grow.
Yesterday; 6/9/2024.
lol, 6/9.

So after reading Hyde's post about weighing out preWO I did the same thing yesterday. I'm guessing it came out to roughly a scoop and 1/3. I also used All Out Ultra, rather than Sweat for this session. I wanted to see if the All Out Ultra hit harder on a serving measured by weight.

5 x 135, 185, 225

Front squats
5 x 65, 95, 135,

Leg press
5 x 10

Adductor machine
1 set to failure.

this wasn't really much of a training session because it was the first time my boy took an interest in squats so we skipped our normal sunday bro bench sesh and started the teaching of the squats. He's crazy strong. I will say that measuring out the All Out preWO by weight instead of scoop definitely lead to a better experience.
I really was not sure what I was going to have in me today. I took a little over one full scoop of All Out SWEAT today, and I have decided that is not necessary. My body is very warm still, 2 hours later, but I do feel like I had sweat a little less during my workout. SWEAT is a potent product and 1 scoop is fine.

Warm up (waiting for bench)
DB curls
DB bench

10 x 95
5 x 140, 180
1 x 210, 235, 260, 280, 295
10 x 235 (reps PR I'm sure)
12 x 205
20 x 135 - wide grip

5 x 155, 175, 185

Lying ez bar skullies
3 x 10-12 x 60lbs

BW x 13, 10, 10
(I need to remember my belt for weighed dips)

So I kinda got into my own way here today, again playing with my progression, then gym math got confusing on the fly, lol. I should have left well enough alone and stuck to my normal progression Invalid Link Removed
Pounded my one full scoop of Sweat today preWO then got in the car and headed 5 minutes down the road to the gym at lunch. it was hitting me FAST, by the time I was in the locker room. I was not feeling PR strong today after a week off from bench, but could tell my energy level was there and I was going to put up OK numbers for our rushed session.

Very warm body through out, still warm 2hrs later. No tingles, but I think that's because I got under the barbell just in time.

Bench day with my little brother
20 x bar
15 x 95
5 x 135, 185
1 x 205, 225, 245, 265, 280, 290

3 x 300
2 x 315

10 x 225

Tri rope extensions
3 sets to failure

Kettlebell armbars
2 sets

I would have gladly gone another 30-60 minutes but we were rushed on a lunch break so I was happy to put up my 315 double and the 10 rep back off set.
I was happy to put up my 315 double and the 10 rep back off set.

Pretty impressive! My flat bench has gone way down from a few years ago unfortunately :(
Pretty impressive! My flat bench has gone way down from a few years ago unfortunately :(

I feel like I'm just a 2x per week kinda guy for basically most of my lifts. maybe 1x per week for deads if I go heavy, but definitely 2x for bench. So to have a 7-8 day span and come back feeling about where I left off felt like a solid victory for me 🤘
Pounded my All Out Sweat, then headed to the gym with my brother and a co-worker. the tingles hit in the car on the way there. We moved very fast since my brother hasn't deadlifted in nearly 4 years so we kept him maxed around 255lbs while we kept swapping weights up. My buddy went for a single at 445 while I opted instead for a triple at 405.

I wanted more work, definitely more weight and volume at RDL's, but with 3 guys swapping weights and sharing a barbell this was more about economy of time.

10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275
1 x 315, 365, 385
3 x 405
10 x 315

2 x 10+ x 135

Hammer strength lat pull downs
3 x 10

Con junto supre
Ez bar curls
3 x 12 x 70

Seated incline DB curls
2 sets

Deadlift session with my brother again, this time my normal lifting buddy joined us so it was a lot of plate swapping lol

Was very rushed but felt like an accomplished lunch session with the boys.
I feel like I'm just a 2x per week kinda guy for basically most of my lifts. maybe 1x per week for deads if I go heavy, but definitely 2x for bench. So to have a 7-8 day span and come back feeling about where I left off felt like a solid victory for me 🤘

Yep I use to be a 2x per week as well but cut it back to one due to my schedule and try to up the cardio.
and try to up the cardio.

that is the hard part! finding time for cardio. My best life hack at the moment is fasting on rest days and walking when I can get a round of golf in (as well as trying to walk the dogs a bit more instead of just their normal evening round of fetch)
that is the hard part! finding time for cardio. My best life hack at the moment is fasting on rest days and walking when I can get a round of golf in (as well as trying to walk the dogs a bit more instead of just their normal evening round of fetch)

Always good when you can kill two birds with one stone!
Wasn't really feeling it today. A bit hungry so I actually raided my lunch prewWO. Pounded my All Out Sweat, and headed down to the gym. The tingles hit me way faster than usual but faded as soon as I started moving. Body temp stayed very warm, energy level, pump, sweat, and lifts were much better than I expected. Zero doubt, this is a solid preWO choice. About the time I was pulling into the gym the tingles started, Du Hast came on the radio and my brain shifted into go-time.


Laterals, forwards, snatch
All with ten lb plate.

20 x bar
8 x 95, 95, 135
1 x 185, 215, 235, 255, 275
1 x 280, 290

7 x 275 (reps PR)

Raw - varied grips
10 x 225 (ring finger)
15 x 185 (middle finger)
20 x 135 (pointer finger)

3 x 15

Maching dips
3 x 12

Rear delt swings
3 x 15

Weight 197
275 felt a little hard so I changed grip and kept it low at 280 which moved better. Was able to snag a spot at 290 and a hand off made the whole lift easier than 275 was. Stayed there because no more spotter..
Got to the gym today and was shocked by how packed it was for a lunch hour. All four benches in use, all of them at 135lbs so it was tempting to ask if I could work in. But made use of a solid warm up then jumped in. About the time I finally got to the bench the All Out Sweat was really hitting nicely.

Warm up - waiting for bench
DB laterals
DB forwards
DB curls

DB flat bench
15 x 47.5s, 60s,
10 x 80s

10 x 135
3 x 185, 225, 245, 265

3 x 5 x 225

18 x 185

Reverse grip
20 x 135

Cable tri push downs
3 x sets to failure

20min liss
(Looking for cardio that wouldn't abuse the foot)

I damaged my foot a bit walking golf last week, my golf shoes appear to not have enough arch support to walk 18holes so I went with bench today instead of squats and finished with the bike instead of the treadmill. If it's this sore again tomorrow I'll probably rotate through machines for a lower day. Feels pretty good in my sauconys though.

The All Out Sweat is living up to its name. 20 min of LISS with a couple short sprints thrown in left me in a puddle of sweat.
The All Out Sweat seems to consistently hit me fast, in under 20 minutes and get me wanting to move like crazy. Again pounded mine at work and drove the 5 minutes to the gym. by the time I was in the locker room I could feel it.

Hammer strength high row
3 x 12-15

Ez bar curls
3 x 12 x 70lbs

Pull ups - wide grip
BW x 8, 8, 8

Seated incline DB curls
4 x 12

Hammer strength front lat pulldowns
3 x 12

DB hammer curls
3 x 10-12

Lat pull downs
3 x 12

Barbell rows
3 x 12 x 95lbs
(Got a bar at the end Invalid Link Removed)

10minute rowing HIIT = 2100 meters
10minute incline walk to stretch the foot

Weight: 200.00

Wanted to squat today. Foot is about 90%. All racks were taken and I was rushed so I figured give the foot another day and be effective with some back and bicep work. With this workout I was still absolutely drenched in sweat. Glad I packed extra boxer briefs lol. The pump today was insane. biceps were getting in the way of the pull-ups and i do not have large arms, lol.
I'm about to the bottom of my All Out Sweat, and finishing my 4th week on the product so I've sorta summarized my experience Invalid Link Removed. This has been a fantastic product. I love that it has everything wrapped into one dose whereas so many of the large retailers like RedCon and Ghost are trying to get you to buy two or more preWO products at a time now.
I almost went with a different brand preWO today to see how it compared to the past 4 weeks of All Out Sweat. Now I wish I did! I did NOT pack extra socks, nor did I pack extra boxer briefs for a mid day session. Yesterdays session was incredibly effective working on just back and biceps (usually I go deadlift/back/biceps, or bench/chest/tris) so today I tried the same approach with legs, albeit gingerly since I'm still nursing what I think is a muscle sprain in the arch of my foot. By the time I finished lifting I was sweaty. After rowing 2k meters, I was drenched. really wishing I had a change of clothes right now, lol.

Leg ext
5 x 12

Leg curls
4 x 12

Adductor machine
4 x 20 - ascending weight

Back squats
5 x 135, 185, 225
10 x 135

Front squats
3 x 10 x 95

Row - 2000m
Bike - 12 min

Weight 196.5
Heck of a time getting a barbell again today. But I wanted to go easy on that left foot anyways, it still a bit tender. Getting sweaty as hell towards the tail end of this all out sweat run. All Out Sweat really lives up to its name and I think the longer the product is in my system, the more it hits. A person would likely benefit from keeping a small dose in them daily, even on rest days, as Hyde did in his log.