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15 min. of H.I.I.T. Cardio in the am

Incline Barbell Press

1 set 15 200 lbs
1 set of 8 200 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 200 lbs 8 times

Dumbbell Bench Press

1 set of 15 70 lbs
1 set of 8 70 lbs
1 set absolute failure 70 lbs 8 times

Dumbbell Flys

1 set of 15 80lbs
1 set of absolute failure 80 lbs 12 times


1 set of absolute failure 120lbs 15 times

45 minutes of Moderate Pace Cardio after workout

This trend will continue for the next 5 days to see how far i can push my self.


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Dumbbell Flys

1 set of 15 80lbs
1 set of absolute failure 80 lbs 12 times


1 set of absolute failure 120lbs 15 times

45 minutes of Moderate Pace Cardio after workout

This trend will continue for the next 5 days to see how far i can push my self.
80 lbs on DB Flies???? Like 80 each arm??? Going to find a rock to crawl under...

Keep kicking ass Jeff!


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80 lbs on DB Flies???? Like 80 each arm??? Going to find a rock to crawl under...

Keep kicking ass Jeff!
yes sir. but i will be the first to say i don't think i will ever do it again. Feels like my arms and chest have been ripped apart. It took everything i had to do it.


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I don't think I have ever gone over 60, but I go pretty deep. Haven't done them in a long time though.


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lol i was feeling strong. i drank some of our BCAA mix 2 scoops and 2 scoops of my whey protein about 40 minutes before the workout. And since it was just me in the gym for the first time since i started back up. I was like hmm how much can i do. Stupid move i know. But i had to try. Was super nervous on lifting the 200 on incline without a spotter but it all worked out.


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80 lbs on DB Flies???? Like 80 each arm??? Going to find a rock to crawl under...

Keep kicking ass Jeff!
Wow if he is doing 80 lb flyes, then there will be one heck of a beast under there when this fat comes off. I'm doing like 55 lbs right now...


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Wow if he is doing 80 lb flyes, then there will be one heck of a beast under there when this fat comes off. I'm doing like 55 lbs right now...
Lol rick let me say this now that I have had a nights rest. Never any time soon will I be this dumb. I am not sore I fricken hurt. This will be a lesson when I feel strong dont let the ego get in the way of smart training.


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Yeah, especially trying to do flies with more than you DB Benched... Try not to ruin those shoulders before you get to see the body you want to have.


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Ok my head is down in shame as I walk away pouting... Lol.. Yeah it wont happen again.


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Wide Grip Pull Downs

3 sets of 10 120 lbs

Nautilus Mid Row Machine

1 set of 12 175 lbs
1 set of 8 175 lbs
1 set absolute failure 175 lbs

Precor Seated Cable Row FT332 Machine

1 set of 15 60 lbs each arm
1 set of absolute failure 60 lbs each arm

40 minutes of medium pace cardio


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I will post some soon. I am not completely happy with my results over the last 3 weeks. I dont know if it is because of diet since I added about 600 calories, the fat burners not working or if I am puting on muscle under neither all this chub. I will be doing a body measurement either this weekend or next.


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It's all about nutrition.


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Meal 1
10 egg whites
1 cup oatmeal with teaspoon of cinnamon
1 banana
2 oep
1 alpha t2
1 need2slin
16 oz of water

Meal 2
Meal replacement drink (labrada lean body carb watchers)
1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 cups of raisins
2 efa lean gold with tonalin cla
16 oz of water

Meal 3
8 oz of lean sirloin steak, Venison or Chicken
1 cup of brown rice
1 large serving of romane lettuce
2 alpha t2
1 oep
1 need2slin
16 oz of water

Meal 4

Meal replacement drink
4oz Chicken, Mahi Mahi, or orange roughy
1/2 sweet potato
2 efa lean gold with tonalin cla
16 oz of water

Meal 5
4oz of orange roughy, mahi mahi or chicken
Some times 1 cup of green beans
2 scoops of whey protein
2 scoops of bcaa
2 efa lean gold with tonalin cla
1 need2slin
1 pack of ISS vitamins
16 oz of water


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Too many carbs early in the day IMO. Also, curious about calories vs. your BMR? As you lose weight, your BMR should decrease, have you made those adjustments to keep losing?

I'd look to trim back on the honey, raisins/fruit, rice and oatmeal. You could also probably cut back on protein, seems like you're getting more than enough. I'd drop a shake or 2.

Ever consider LeanGains? I'm sure Chris has talked your ear off on that one...

Just some thoughts...


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Yes for my current weight I need about 2500 calories to lose weight and fees my lean mass. My bmr I will have to re look at. As far as the carbs I do more carbs in the morning since I do not eat any if possible 4 hours before bed.

And yes we have gone round and round about the lean gains diet. As of right now it just doesnt fit in my daily grind. Down the road I may try it after this next 90 days are up.


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I actually saw a study recently showing carbs in the evening result in more weight loss. Chris posted it in the LeanGains thread. I'll see if I can find it and repost here for you. Pretty interesting, and goes against that conventional wisdom (I used to do the same thing!).


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Greater Weight Loss and Hormonal Changes After 6 Months Diet With Carbohydrates Eaten Mostly at Dinner.Sofer S, Eliraz A, Kaplan S, Voet H, Fink G, Kima T, Madar Z.
Source1] The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Institute of Biochemistry and Food Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel [2] Meuhedet Medical Services, Diet and Nutrition Department, Israel.

This study was designed to investigate the effect of a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner on anthropometric, hunger/satiety, biochemical, and inflammatory parameters. Hormonal secretions were also evaluated. Seventy-eight police officers (BMI >30) were randomly assigned to experimental (carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner) or control weight loss diets for 6 months. On day 0, 7, 90, and 180 blood samples and hunger scores were collected every 4 h from 0800 to 2000 hours. Anthropometric measurements were collected throughout the study. Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the experimental diet in comparison to controls. Hunger scores were lower and greater improvements in fasting glucose, average daily insulin concentrations, and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA(IR)), T-cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels were observed in comparison to controls. The experimental diet modified daily leptin and adiponectin concentrations compared to those observed at baseline and to a control diet. A simple dietary manipulation of carbohydrate distribution appears to have additional benefits when compared to a conventional weight loss diet in individuals suffering from obesity. It might also be beneficial for individuals suffering from insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Further research is required to confirm and clarify the mechanisms by which this relatively simple diet approach enhances satiety, leads to better anthropometric outcomes, and achieves improved metabolic response, compared to a more conventional dietary approach.


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Interesting study. I can say this every since I started this diet my energy and strength have gone way up. Most likely because of the added calories. I was only eating 1800 calories during the contest and only doing p90x. Now I am in the gym as you already know. I will also be done with the alpha t2 and oep as of next week. And my need2slin well I have maybe enough for 2 more weeks. I will either back off the fat burners or take forged burner. I have also considered taking nagadrol to possibly help with keeping my lean mass and losing fat? Any input on this?


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Nagadrol = Natadrol? I thought I saw you asking in the LG forum. Yeah, that's fine, though I wouldn't expect anything too significant. But smoke 'em if you got 'em. People seem to get more leaning out effect, and that would be appropriate for androgenic types of products (which Natadrol is supposed to be). If it works right, it should be like a slight boost in DHT, or a weak AndroHard/Stanodrol/MMv2.

I like fat burners that help control appetite, because to me nutrition is the most important part of losing weight. I like Dexaprine personally, but Forged Burner seems to get great reviews as well for appetite control. I llike to track my calories, and it's great when I NEED to eat more at night to get the right number of calories. It's the 24hr window that matters most in gaining/losing weight, so skimping early in the day is how I like to go to make sure that I have enough room for anything that might happen in the evening.

Hope that helps...


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I was looking at dexaprine. But since I have a coupke of bottles left of forged I am going to use them up. I have some other things also for a later date.

Oh and yeah natadrol. I am typing via what I call stupid phone cause it is not that smart. Lol


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45 minutes of cardio followed by ab workout.

Tested my body fat. Of course it was done right after my work out so might not be completely accurate. I am now at 27.5% and my scale weight after the workout was 264.2 so that means after i should be in the morning around 260-262. Once I dry out over night.


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As of tonight i am no longer taking the alpha t2 or the OEP. I only have a couple days worth of pills so i might as well stop now. I only have about 4 days worth of Need2slin left soon as it comes back in stock i will be ordering up a bottle or two. I have plenty of the EFA with CLA so no need to worry about that. Over this last 3 weeks since i started taking the T2 and OEP i expected good results. Needless to say it is disappointing, I only dropped a total of 5 lbs and i busted my ass :shock:.


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5lbs ain't too shabby, don't let it discourage you and definitely not derail you! Just take it as a lesson, and try some new things to keep the progress moving. Hitting the weights will definitely help, so you'll have more muscle coming in to increase your metabolism.

Yeah, can't test bodyfat after working out. Best time is first thing in the morning after you piss.

Don't give up, you're still heading the right direction!


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5 more lbs dropped is great Chevy!! Keep killing it bro!


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Used all machines today and workout was in fasted state.

Seated Shoulder Press

1 set of 15 185 lbs
1 set of 8 185 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 185 lbs 6 times

Side Laterals

1 set of 15 110 lbs
1 set of 8 110 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 85 lbs

Seated Rear Delts

1 set of 15 80lbs
1 set of 8 80 lbs
1 set absolute failure 80 lbs 8 times

Shrugs machine

1 set of 15 270 lbs
1 set of 8 270 lbs
1 set absolute failure 270 lbs

30 minutes of cardio


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Man it is only love but here comes the ass kickin. Look 5 lb's is perfect to lose fat and not any muscle in 3 weeks. I told you 1-2 lbs per week that is about 1 2/3 so suck it up biznatch! Quit making these excellent results seem less than they are. REMEMBER... It is hard to do leg press with my foot up your ass! EXCELLENT RESULTS!

For your diet, I agree that you should not have so many carbs in the morning since not training. I don't know that you need to remove them just save them for your post workout meal. Your protein doesn't look too high to me. Also Jeff jumping 600 cals at once is going to make a huge difference in how much weight you are losing. That is over a pound in calories added per week. You said it yourself you have gotten much stronger since adding calories that is because you are no longer starving the muscles. They are growing, also they are probably rebounding from the muscle lost during the first part of the diet. Quit over analyzing and just keep doing. You are 260+ lbs you do not need to adjust your cals for probably another 3 months. If you end up wanting to drop 5 lbs a week again then just go back to what you were doing before but you will lose muscle in the process. 6 months from now you could be 30 lbs lighter with more muscle this way or you can blast down for another 6 months and be skinny fat when you are done.

Man when you want to start enjoying your diet and more than likely improving your results give Lean Gains a try. There is a thread in the nutrition section with everything you need to know to get started in it and then some. If you haven't go read up on DreamWeavers experience, or look at RickRocks results, or my now damn near hulking 205.5 lbs with abs...


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Man it is only love but here comes the ass kickin. Look 5 lb's is perfect to lose fat and not any muscle in 3 weeks. I told you 1-2 lbs per week that is about 1 2/3 so suck it up biznatch! Quit making these excellent results seem less than they are. REMEMBER... It is hard to do leg press with my foot up your ass! EXCELLENT RESULTS! For your diet, I agree that you should not have so many carbs in the morning since not training. I don't know that you need to remove them just save them for your post workout meal. Your protein doesn't look too high to me. Also Jeff jumping 600 cals at once is going to make a huge difference in how much weight you are losing. That is over a pound in calories added per week. You said it yourself you have gotten much stronger since adding calories that is because you are no longer starving the muscles. They are growing, also they are probably rebounding from the muscle lost during the first part of the diet. Quit over analyzing and just keep doing. You are 260+ lbs you do not need to adjust your cals for probably another 3 months. If you end up wanting to drop 5 lbs a week again then just go back to what you were doing before but you will lose muscle in the process. 6 months from now you could be 30 lbs lighter with more muscle this way or you can blast down for another 6 months and be skinny fat when you are done. Man when you want to start enjoying your diet and more than likely improving your results give Lean Gains a try. There is a thread in the nutrition section with everything you need to know to get started in it and then some. If you haven't go read up on DreamWeavers experience, or look at RickRocks results, or my now damn near hulking 205.5 lbs with abs...


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Man it is only love but here comes the ass kickin. Look 5 lb's is perfect to lose fat and not any muscle in 3 weeks. I told you 1-2 lbs per week that is about 1 2/3 so suck it up biznatch! Quit making these excellent results seem less than they are. REMEMBER... It is hard to do leg press with my foot up your ass! EXCELLENT RESULTS!

For your diet, I agree that you should not have so many carbs in the morning since not training. I don't know that you need to remove them just save them for your post workout meal. Your protein doesn't look too high to me. Also Jeff jumping 600 cals at once is going to make a huge difference in how much weight you are losing. That is over a pound in calories added per week. You said it yourself you have gotten much stronger since adding calories that is because you are no longer starving the muscles. They are growing, also they are probably rebounding from the muscle lost during the first part of the diet. Quit over analyzing and just keep doing. You are 260+ lbs you do not need to adjust your cals for probably another 3 months. If you end up wanting to drop 5 lbs a week again then just go back to what you were doing before but you will lose muscle in the process. 6 months from now you could be 30 lbs lighter with more muscle this way or you can blast down for another 6 months and be skinny fat when you are done.

Man when you want to start enjoying your diet and more than likely improving your results give Lean Gains a try. There is a thread in the nutrition section with everything you need to know to get started in it and then some. If you haven't go read up on DreamWeavers experience, or look at RickRocks results, or my now damn near hulking 205.5 lbs with abs...
Great advice as always..


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15 Minutes of H.I.I.T Cardio after workout

Standing Barbell Curl

1 set of 15 60 lbs
1 set of 8 60 lbs
1 set absolute failure 60 lbs 8 times

Preacher Curl

1 set of 15 70 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 70 lbs 12 times

Standing Cable Curl

1 set of absolute failure 40 lbs 20 times each arm

Tricep extension machine

1 set of 20 90 lbs
1 set of 12 90 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 90 lbs 12 times

Tricep Pushdowns with Straight Bar

1 set of 15 80 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 80 lbs 15 times

Tricep Overhead extensions

1 set of absolute failure 120 lbs 15 times


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15 Minutes of H.I.I.T Cardio after workout

Standing Barbell Curl

1 set of 15 60 lbs
1 set of 8 60 lbs
1 set absolute failure 60 lbs 8 times

Preacher Curl

1 set of 15 70 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 70 lbs 12 times

Standing Cable Curl

1 set of absolute failure 40 lbs 20 times each arm

Tricep extension machine

1 set of 20 90 lbs
1 set of 12 90 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 90 lbs 12 times

Tricep Pushdowns with Straight Bar

1 set of 15 80 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 80 lbs 15 times

Tricep Overhead extensions

1 set of absolute failure 120 lbs 15 times
Hey Jeff, is there a compound movement for triceps you can use as your main exercise? All you have here are isolation moves but you could grow bigger triceps and burn more energy with say Close Grip Bench, or Assisted Dips or a seated Dip Machine. You can also get away with doing one less biceps move than you do triceps. You have more heads to the triceps and it is much bigger than biceps, which a hammer grip curl and any supinated curl is all you need to fully work the biceps. So if your biceps start to lag or not add weight as fast try cutting an exercise out.

If you don't replace any of the triceps moves then at least think about rearanging them so that the overhead extension is first. Out of all of those triceps moves this is the only one that works all three heads well. So you would want your heaviest load on this exercise not the last set just for reps. If I changed the order without changing excercises I would do OH Extension, Triceps Pushdowns, and then the tricep extension machine. If I set it up myself I would do Dips, Close Grip Bench and Overhead Extensions, or Close Grip Bench, Seated Dip Machine, OH Extensions.

By the way damn good workout!


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Normally when I do tricep I do laying down tricep extensions. Or as some say skull crushers. I just changed it up to do something different. I also do seated dips on my chest days.

Oh an milas nice one. Lmao


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Tonight is leg day. Yeah time to puke. Lol been off fat burners since friday.


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Oh and on the arm days for the last two times I have been super setting no rest just switch from one straight to the next.


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You go boy! I know those supersets burn. My biceps and my quads (only during extensions) are probably the only muscles I have that burn when worked hard and the biceps burn easily for me. Sounds like you got a lock on it. Millions of ways to lift, and many of them are right.


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Machine squats

1 set of 20 540 lbs
1 set of 8 540 lbs
1 set absolute failure 540 lbs 8 times

Leg Press

1 set of 15 720 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 20 125 lbs

Lying Leg Curls

1 set of absolute failure 90 lbs 20 times

Seated Calf Raises

1 set of 20 120 lbs
1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set absolute failure 120 lbs 15 times


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Machine squats

1 set of 20 540 lbs
1 set of 8 540 lbs
1 set absolute failure 540 lbs 8 times

Leg Press

1 set of 15 720 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 20 125 lbs

Lying Leg Curls

1 set of absolute failure 90 lbs 20 times

Seated Calf Raises

1 set of 20 120 lbs
1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set absolute failure 120 lbs 15 times
keep adding more weight, keep up with cardio. You ll be seeing results in the mirror big time.

Stay on track man. GL


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Nice work Jeff, really kicking some ass in here. So happy you are getting healthy, and you have to feel so much better. Last time I saw you, you were a lot thinner looking. Can't wait to see where you are in another 8 weeks or so. Have you done any measurements lately? I am curious to see if some things are getting bigger while everything else is going down. If not you may be surprised what the tape measure has to say compared to the scale. (In a good way that is)


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Nice work Jeff, really kicking some ass in here. So happy you are getting healthy, and you have to feel so much better. Last time I saw you, you were a lot thinner looking. Can't wait to see where you are in another 8 weeks or so. Have you done any measurements lately? I am curious to see if some things are getting bigger while everything else is going down. If not you may be surprised what the tape measure has to say compared to the scale. (In a good way that is)
No i have not done any measurements that will be done this weekend now that Cathie is back from Arizona pics will be taken also. I feel so damn bloated it is not even funny. But we shall see.

Thanks gymrat.


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Incline Barbell Press

1 set of 12 200 lbs
1 set of 8 200 lbs

Dumbbell Bench Press

1 set of 15 65 lbs
1 set of 8 65 lbs

Dumbbell Fly

1 set of 15 30 lbs


1 set of absolute failure 130 lbs 20 times

30 minutes of moderate pace cardio.

Ok so I didn't do any failure with the other workouts mainly because i was one feeling real weak. It took everything i had just to lift my normal workout weight. And it actually was very difficult to lift during tonight's chest exercise. I am starting wonder if i tore something after the last time i did chest. Strange thing is i seem to be ok when doing all other exercises.


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Pretty strong on that incline press bud!

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