Supplements to get you laid



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If you can think of a supplement that had you suddenly getting more attention from whatever sex you are attracted to, write it down.

I personally believe that ADAM cleared me up a little, and melatonin helped me get some beaty sleep.


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Renegade balm. :)


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Losing a bunch of weight helped me with the wife. I did it with the help of mainly whey protein and bcaa. So yeah....

No more aspirin after a crazy screw session.


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No before sex to entice her....


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Perform, walk around with a huge(person dependant) erection buldging in your pants.


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Anyone experience possitive results from pheromones??


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alcohol? lol jp


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stuff that got me horny as **** and pleased the ladies was IGF-2, sustain alpha LV. Renegade balm was great fun too :)

currently experiencing a nice libido boost from Alphaburn :)


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stuff that got me horny as **** and pleased the ladies was IGF-2, sustain alpha LV. Renegade balm was great fun too :)

currently experiencing a nice libido boost from Alphaburn :)
Alphaburn has always jacked my libido.


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I would be happy if NP simply started to once again carry HGW.


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Go to the Nutraplanet area and suggest it.
Oh, I have - several times.

If need be, I'll have to go and buy it from BAC - but I wish Sam would consider stocking this again. It was inexpensive and effective.


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Anyone experience possitive results from pheromones??
No they never seemed to work. It is all about how you take care of yourself and your personality. I doubt there is a supp that are going to make woman who are not interested all of a sudden become ready to attack you.


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yea how about putting on a clean shirt,shaving,get a haircut,shower and tighten up your stomach so she doesn't have a nasty belly to look at while she is blowing you. that usually works for me!!!!


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Suprised no one has mentioned a date rape drug.


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No they never seemed to work. It is all about how you take care of yourself and your personality. I doubt there is a supp that are going to make woman who are not interested all of a sudden become ready to attack you.
HIGHLY disagree with this in bold, and in all repsect. Reason being that I have seen chicks all over me while sweating and nappy hair.... Personality is important indeed as well as swagger/body language. Anyone that thinks clothes and certain externals matter, is WRONG! It's the bitter truth...


AI Sports Nutrition
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HIGHLY disagree with this in bold, and in all repsect. Reason being that I have seen chicks all over me while sweating and nappy hair.... Personality is important indeed as well as swagger/body language. Anyone that thinks clothes and certain externals matter, is WRONG! It's the bitter truth...
You not hearing what I said. I am not saying you need to dress a certain way or have your hair a certain way. If you come off like a person who cares less how he presents himself or carries himself expect a bad reaction from the ladies.


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You not hearing what I said. I am not saying you need to dress a certain way or have your hair a certain way. If you come off like a person who cares less how he presents himself or carries himself expect a bad reaction from the ladies.
STILL DISAGREE HIGHLY, girls see that I walk around with A CAREFREE attitude and they still are attracted to me. I recommend you read The Game.


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STILL DISAGREE HIGHLY, girls see that I walk around with A CAREFREE attitude and they still are attracted to me. I recommend you read The Game.
HAHA that book is ****ing epic and will give you the most confidence


Rock a hard-on wearing some sweatpants in a public location such as Wal-Mart. Instant success. It will be a poon tsunami.


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STILL DISAGREE HIGHLY, girls see that I walk around with A CAREFREE attitude and they still are attracted to me. I recommend you read The Game.
Have to agree.
Whenever I could not care less, the women seem to be way more drawn by some weird allure.
That is the strangest thing, inattentiveness seems to draw them in, but to keep them one needs to balance it and affection.


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Hey andrew is the Game about men who are are the downlow. then that would explain alot. by the way what kind of woman are you attracting if your nappy?


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GHRP 6 makes you feel alpha running it now trust me lol


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Hey andrew is the Game about men who are are the downlow. then that would explain alot. by the way what kind of woman are you attracting if your nappy?
I know right such a SIN, well to answer your question, women that men usually give a rating of 8-10.....


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Do these 8-10's love to run their hands through your chest fro, and all the way down to your ball fro?


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I wouldn't usually have posted to a tread like this, but something happened around 5 weeks ago to peak my deep interest in females once again. I have a potent feeling this is going to be a major focus for a long time in my life.

To answer the original question: Any supplement that incereases libido, and there are many that can do that. I'm quite sure that some pheromones do work and would be worth testing by anyone interested.

Several days ago I did some local library searchs for "The Game" and I didn't find anything. I went to the nearby Borders and found a copy of "Rules of the Game." I sat in an easy chair and read the two small booklets entirely before I left. I wanted to find out just what Neil and Mystery know and more importantly what they don't know.


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I wouldn't usually have posted to a tread like this, but something happened around 5 weeks ago to peak my deep interest in females once again. I have a potent feeling this is going to be a major focus for a long time in my life.
I was going to question you on this until i realized you're 61. I guess it makes sense.


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I was going to question you on this until i realized you're 61. I guess it makes sense.

I've spent a good part of my life with a monkish attitude, with long, long hours in prayer and meditation, but three times in my life I've been happily motivated to connect with women. This will be the forth time, and these occasions have lasted for years in the past. This one figures to last the rest of my life. BTW, no, it's not frustration that brings me back, there's nothing needy in my wants or desires.


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In the second small booklet in "Rules of the Game," Neil brings to the front that although his material works it can lead to destructive results. Often this is due to the different needs of men and women. But in the last few pages he hints at something more profound. Just possibly, if one really knows what one is doing as a man, you can work with one woman as a partner and reach far greater heights of pleasure and ecstasy.

Opps, that sounds like the marriage trap. Boring , merely affectionate sex after the initial romanic glow wears away. OMG. No freedom, endless duties, childern and morgage payments. Ha ha ha ha.

So, my question is: Can a single one-on-one relationship actually go a lot further toward reaching fantastic heights of ecstasy, and if so how?


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I've spent a good part of my life with a monkish attitude, with long, long hours in prayer and meditation, but three times in my life I've been happily motivated to connect with women. This will be the forth time, and these occasions have lasted for years in the past. This one figures to last the rest of my life. BTW, no, it's not frustration that brings me back, there's nothing needy in my wants or desires.
Understandable my man. When i read your post, i was reading it as if a 21 year old guy wrote it.


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im a believer after trying it
girls are so attracted to me and it makes it easy for me to keep a conversation with women and lure them in


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Work place hookups:

Work place connections are a mixed bag. One has to be careful in corporate settings, yet a large plus is the ability to relax while observing the one you might want. And you can test the waters to see if you're right.

I have a story from my recent life to tell:

Although I work in a department toward the front of the building, I pass through all of the various departments a couple of times during an eight hour period every day. Toward the back of the building there is a small department that has six women in it. All of these women are pretty nice, and they also have fairly high energy levels ( nice + low energy = no interest from me). Of these six, there are two that really stand out. By shear looks, one of these, I'll call her D, is the most beatiful girl in the company. Her face is an absolute 10 as she has an exotic look that comes from an interesting mix of asian/hispanic or something similar. She has a very good body too. She's just missing the long legs and couple if other minor attributes to push her fully into what most men would concider a 10. I'd give her a 9+. Her best friend, I'll call her M, is a 7 to a 7+, pretty, but not beautiful by narcissistic standards of today.

Both these women are way above my league by typical standards. I say whatever.

I'd been aware for a long time that I'm very attracted to M. Toward the end of my 40's, after being mildly burnt a couple of times, I began learning to look for qualities in women that I can and cannnot connect with if I want to spend a lot of time with them. Women should be attracted to me or "open," but that's only the start. I watch for traits that I desire. This woman, M, has those traits in spades. She is nice, but fiercely nice. She exudes deep sensual energy, with an amazing playfullness. I've also tried to observe if she has any sexual trauma from negative episodes with past loves. I couldn't intuit any of that. Spiritually she gets a 10+ from me. And she was open to me.

I started lightly, very lightly, flirting with M. I'd wave to the whole group, but single her out for special attention and a few seconds of talk once each day for a week. I also started to project something that could be called essence or perhaps more accurately be called, "being present to her." This is kind of a psychic projection of confidence, backed up with a powerfully focused intent, direction, and attention sent to her, and even into her, all of this while remaining relaxed and composed. If there's hidden masculine sides in her this is meant to uncover it, but if not, this usually serves notice that I'm much more than my boyish side that resides on the surface, and I expect openness and surrender from my woman.

- more later-


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The earlier part of this story was a setup for my next move/test. I had about three ideas in mind to test the territory, but it turned out I needed only this first one, and I discovered I was being less subtle than I figured. LOL. I wanted to find out two things.
A)The level of gossip in my company,and B) the interest my "light flirting" had created.

There is another woman/girl, I'll call her R, in another part of the company. She is the second most striking woman that our company has. She's a latino knockout. She has outstanding silken red/brownlong hair, reputed to be her own, not an assessory. I've seen her dressed up to go out with her hair flowing. Definitely a 9 on those occasions. Beautiful face and a tight body too. R is married and has had a couple of affairs with some very young guys of around 18-19. I like this woman a lot, but she's never been a potential long-term girlfriend. She has always seemed partly open to me, but I think she's merely curious and nothing more. She's a low-level manager for the company.

On the following Tuesday after I began my flirting with M, she (R) came in with her hair down and it looked spectacular. I waited for a few minutes and went searching for her. I found her some distance from her own department talking with a guy that's very nice , and very boyish (just her type right now). I walked up to her and told her with relaxed intensity, Your hair is
strikingly beautiful, I love it'!" Then I turned to the kid who was flirting with her, and said, "You realize that R is very special." I turned back to R and stated without cracking a smile, " That was just a compliment which you justfully deserve. I'm not hitting on you." I then walked away.

The very next day or Wednesday during her lunch break, M, my favorite, walks close to my desk, and she has her hair down. Then she starts flipping her hair at me in a sensual, sexy manner. I gazed into her eyes to see if there was anger or anything negative. Playfullness and strong sexiness was all I could see in those eyes. She keeps flipping that hair at me at least 9-10 times gazing back fearlessly and not caring who else noticed.

M is my girlfriend now and has been for over a month. Me -- I'm still over the moon and amazed.


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In the second small booklet in "Rules of the Game," Neil brings to the front that although his material works it can lead to destructive results. Often this is due to the different needs of men and women. But in the last few pages he hints at something more profound. Just possibly, if one really knows what one is doing as a man, you can work with one woman as a partner and reach far greater heights of pleasure and ecstasy.

Opps, that sounds like the marriage trap. Boring , merely affectionate sex after the initial romanic glow wears away. OMG. No freedom, endless duties, childern and morgage payments. Ha ha ha ha.

So, my question is: Can a single one-on-one relationship actually go a lot further toward reaching fantastic heights of ecstasy, and if so how?
Of course.
Depends on choices and perspective.

Adding responsibilities such as children and certain material things does make it more difficult, one just has to work harder at keeping the spark alive.

But if one decides not to bear children and lives a bit under their material means .. ie both of you have nice salaries but live at a level of half that, then pressures decrease and allows for less actual effort in maintaining flow.

One recommendation, to any readers not posting. If you are going to have children, try to make sure the other parent and you are compatible enough to be together.


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Of course.
Depends on choices and perspective.

Adding responsibilities such as children and certain material things does make it more difficult, one just has to work harder at keeping the spark alive.

But if one decides not to bear children and lives a bit under their material means .. ie both of you have nice salaries but live at a level of half that, then pressures decrease and allows for less actual effort in maintaining flow.

One recommendation, to any readers not posting. If you are going to have children, try to make sure the other parent and you are compatible enough to be together.
Yeah, the main things I was trying to hint at with my posts;
1) "The Game" changes when looking for a single long-term partner.
2) Yet you should be learning when playing the field. What is vitally important is knowing what you want, and how to test women to make sure you find what you're really looking for in life. Scoring with 8's, 9's and 10's is child's play compared to this.


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Yeah, the main things I was trying to hint at with my posts;
1) "The Game" changes when looking for a single long-term partner.
2) Yet you should be learning when playing the field. What is vitally important is knowing what you want, and how to test women to make sure you find what you're really looking for in life. Scoring with 8's, 9's and 10's is child's play compared to this.
Great points.
But that all depends on if your goal is finding what you are looking for, or actually enjoying a variety of 8s,9s, and 10s continuously.
Because the whole 'single person for a lifetime being the best path for all' is a myth.


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Great points.
But that all depends on if your goal is finding what you are looking for, or actually enjoying a variety of 8s,9s, and 10s continuously.
Because the whole 'single person for a lifetime being the best path for all' is a myth.


Yep, Usually it is a myth, especially in the whole lifetime thingy that young women dream about, and males often get trapped into.
But...., just maybe, there are some long-term relationships that have extra dimentions in them that show up. And these "mythical" extra dimentions show up in the love play. They are far more than a "spark" closer to a raging fire. Some of these energy flows can put three minute vaginals orgazisms to shame. Not to mention the uncanny "connectedness" between the two lovers. I'm just tilting at windmills here, or hinting at possiblities.

I assure you that I'm not coming from a particularly moral viewpoint -- more like there is quality and there is QUALITY.


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Great points.
But that all depends on if your goal is finding what you are looking for, or actually enjoying a variety of 8s,9s, and 10s continuously.
Because the whole 'single person for a lifetime being the best path for all' is a myth.
Bold is key, indeed the single life is not for everyone. I however am one that can be single for the rest of my life. Reason being that I do NOT depend off of others to be motivated, I do not get reward response from relationships, and I am more free spirit goal orientated person than your caregiver kind of male. Let's put it like this, I won't even lie to a girl about wanting a relationship, I tell her FROM THE START, this just for fling or one night, nothing else, either she takes it or leaves it, either way I could care less. I won't go on dates, and I won't spend money on the woman, I also won't talk for a long time. Either way it does not have a positve nor negative effect on my self esteem or reward response. I obtain my reward response through competition and goal accomplishments. Are you getting me bro?

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