SamBoz19's Epic Daily Journal! Enter At Your Own Risk!



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1. that Draven pic rocks.

2. Poe is amazing.

3. You are f*$%cking strong man...
Thanks Team Deuce. Poe is one of my all time favorites for sure. I am a big fan of the movie the Crow as well too...obviously. LOL. Thanks for the support and kind words as usual bud.

Cheers to ya!:cheers:


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Next update is planned for tomorrow. Quick preview...the workout will be my 10x3 of deadlifts, abs, and cardio. Also, I am going to share my thoughts on the stack so far. I will also shed some light on some goals, etc. Stay tuned...



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Mini-Review of the Stack Thus Far!

Ok first off, let me explain some of my goals and then I will get into a mini-review of each of the Muscle Pharm products.

First...some quick lifting stats...

Bench PR: 405lbs

Squat PR: 550lbs

Deadlift PR: 550lbs

Other stats...I have not done measurements in a while so I will not be posting any specifics during this log.

My goals during this trial run of the Muscle Pharm stack is to possibly get back to my power numbers and possibly increase them. I am not too far away so it is feasible. Currently, I would say comfortably I am at 385-390lbs on the bench, 535 on the deadlift and squats respectively. Beyond the lifting goals...I am also using this stack as a spring board to get my ass dialed into getting me back on top of things and getting me back to my comfort zone of 10-12% BF.

Ultimately...I aiming at 600lbs+ on both the squat and deadlift within 4 months and 450+ on the bench. Is it going to be a tough challenge? Sure. Can I do it? I have no doubts because I don't set myself up for failure...I always set realistic goals and I am relentless in my pursuit of achieving them.

The first step in getting there is confidence and belief in yourself and I am never lacking there. Next, knowledge is power and I strive to arm myself with as much knowledge on training, dieting, and supplementation as I always say...limitations are just mental hurdles I have to jump over and clear.

Now that I am done is a quick overview of my thoughts on the products so far.

Assault: Plain and simply put, I think this is the best tasting stuff I have tried...after having it a few times now it has officially knocked Green Mag off its my pedestal in my book. As for effects...this stuff definitely does not give you a kick in the pants to get you going like a tripped out of your mind stim effect, but holy hell does it hit when you get into your sessions. The endurance boost is phenomenal and the pumps I am achieving are rock hard like granite. Honestly, I have heard its gets stronger the longer you take it, well here's my spin...its kicks in stronger the deeper you get into your workouts. I will explain this portion later in my official workout update for my 10x3 of deadlifts (I actually did 11 sets though).

Battle Fuel: Well this one has been hard to judge. However, after my last session I have come to the takes a couple days for it to really hit. The one particular thing I have noticed by taking this in unison with Assault is that mental clarity and focus is top notch. I am literally dialed into my workouts and nothing can break my concentration. Another interesting aspect...this stuff makes my libido jump way up after workouts are over...something different for sure. Also, I notice I get some pretty sick vascularity in my forearms during workouts when adding this in with Assault, but I believe that is part due to the diuretic effect that battle fuel has. Another nice thing to note about this product so far is that aggression is kicked up a few notches during training sessions, but the feelings of well-being post workout are even more noticeable. I am aggressive as hell during a very sick, sadistic, and twisted way...the way I like to be during my workouts, but after the session is over...I am as calm, cool, and collected as if I lacked intensity...go figure.

Bullet Proof: Well I got the grape fusion flavor, hence the selection of purple. The flavor is livable for sure...a bit different, but I've had worse and it does grow on you after a few times similar to how purple wraath does. As for effects...this stuff knocks my ass out for the count and my sleep is very deep and peaceful. I love it. I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. The drowsiness effect upon waking usually wears off pretty fast for me long as I roll my ass out of The sleep is great, but what I am noticing I like the best is the lack of DOMS from the night before and if you pay attention to my obviously know I lift heavy and hard so that effect alone has me sold on Bullet Proof. From what I am experiencing from this product so far...this might be something I add into my supplement regimen frequently.

Ok so thats it for the mini-review. I will obviously be doing a final review as well when all is said and done with the stack. Continue to follow along and stay tuned for my in-depth final review.



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Ok at least I got my mini-review in. I'll post my workout from last night tomorrow night and then possibly do my update for tomorrow nights workout as well in addition.



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Tuesday Night's Workout (10x3 Deadlifts)!

Ok finally I can make an actual workout update :lol: I do not have enough time to post both workout updates so this is just from Tuesday night. Anyway, lets get down to business shall we?

Quotes of the Day:

“Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense” - Robert Frost.

"When my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down so my critics can kiss my ass!" - Bob Knight.

Supplement Usage:

Caffeine Nutratabs, Assault, and Battle Fuel 30 mins prior to workout.

Bullet Proof right before bed.

Anabolic Pump...20 mins before carb containing meals.

Gynemna Sylvestre along with anabolic pump.

Osteobolin-C...Upon waking, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed

Rhodiola Rosea Caps: Upon Waking, Pre-workout, and post workout.

Pics of the day:

Ok, this sh*t is just F*cking hilarious...enjoy!

Music Video to get things rolling:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching



15 reps@225lbs
10 reps@325lbs
11 sets of 3@405lbs

30 minutes of HIIT cardio

End of Workout...

Thoughts on Workouts: This workout was phenomenal. The first half was kinda slow, but once I got done with set 5 it felt like a nuclear explosion went off inside me as I was just pissed at the weights and 405lbs felt like 205lbs. I got stronger as I moved along into my was crazy. Maybe it was an extra testosterone boost that was unleashed or something, but damn I loved it. I really think I should've been doing sets of 6 as doing 3 reps from set 6 through 11 felt effortless.

Workout Ratings:This gets a 9.7 ...I really felt like I was in peak form as my power, strength, and endurance were clicking on all cylinders.

Workout Music Video:


Thoughts of the day: Well to be honest...I am getting pretty pissed off because of not having any time to myself currently. However, I am doing what it takes to take care of business and when challenged I may get frustrated, but it brings the best out in quote a line from Killswitch "Through Adversity there is redemption"- Yes this is in my signature and for good serves as a very good motivational tool.

Scientific Talk: Pau d' a natural herb retrieved from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa, known as taheebo. The taheebo tree is grown predominantly in Central and South America, but may also be cultivated in southern Florida. Pau d'Arco, also known as ipe roxo or sometimes lapacho (its derivative), has been used for centuries by the Indio tribes of South America, as well as the ancient Incas and Aztecs.

Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. An article published by Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey on Pau d'Arco stated that "who Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects." This taheebo tea has been helpful to many.

Pau d'Arco is also confirmed as being an antiparisitic against various parasites, including: malaria, schistosoma, and trypanosoma. Additionally, the herb has even demonstrated usefulness as an anti-inflammatory.

Pau d'Arco bark has active principles, mainly lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids. Once the Pau d'Arco inner bark is dried and shredded it can be made into a tea which has a slight bitter or sour taste, and is brownish-colored. This herbal tea is used by many during the cold and flu season, and is a remedy for smoker's cough.

My personal main interest in this special substance is that it has the potential to aid in the battle against the plague we know as cancer. Actually, according to some reports and studies...this substance can possibly help cure (if there truly is such a thing?) cancer.

Check out some interesting studies here...

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers my fellow Followers!:cheers:


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Woah, what's this madness I stumbled into? I've got some reading to do this evening.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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"So," said the tiger to the goose, "did you want some sauce with that?" :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

Yes, I know, just fcuking with ya, babe (since you love it so much :D)...And yes, I saw that comment you made...


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Woah, what's this madness I stumbled into? I've got some reading to do this evening.
Thanks for stopping by there SB. Your presence is more than welcome.

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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Updates to come tonight!

For those of you that are following along...I will be making some updates tonight. Stay tuned...



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For those of you that are following along...I will be making some updates tonight. Stay tuned...

I'm at the edge of my seat with anticipation.


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For those of you that are following along...I will be making some updates tonight. Stay tuned...

Good deal, brother!



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Wednesday and Thursday Night's Workouts!

Ok finally have time to make an update. I plan on getting caught up tonight so my fellow followers you will have some reading ahead of you. :)

Lets get down to business...

Quotes of the Day:

"It would be like a palmaranian F*cking a Mastiff." -Rosie "My Babe" Chee. :)

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

"I have a punishing workout regimen. Every day I do 3 minutes on a treadmill, then I lie down, drink a glass of vodka and smoke a cigarette." - Anthony Hopkins

Supplement Usage:

Caffeine Nutratabs, Assault, and Battle Fuel 30 mins prior to workout.

Bullet Proof right before bed.

Anabolic Pump...20 mins before carb containing meals.

Gynemna Sylvestre along with anabolic pump.

Osteobolin-C...Upon waking, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed

Rhodiola Rosea Caps: Upon Waking, Pre-workout, and post workout.

Pics of the day:

This one actually reminds me of my father and me. Me being the lion and my father being the mother always said it looked like a kodiak bear hugging a lion when my dad would give me a bear hug...lmao. :toofunny:

Music Video to get things rolling:


The Workouts:

Wednesday Night

10 minutes of stretching

Lat Pulldowns:
2 sets of 15@150lbs (warmups)
3 sets of 10@200lbs

Close Grip Lat Pulldowns:
3 sets of 8@200lbs

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Reverse Rows:
3 sets of 12@225lbs

Seated Wide Grip Cable Rows:
3 sets of 10@300lbs

Seated Close Grip Cable Rows:
3 sets of 10@300lbs

Seated Cable Rear Deltoid Flyes (using single hand grips):
3 sets of 12@150lbs

End of Workout...

Thursday Night

10 minutes of stretching


Bench Press:
1 set of 25@135lbs
1 set of 15@225lbs
10 sets of 3@315lbs

HIIT cardio for 30 mins...

End of Workout...

Thoughts on Workouts: Both workouts were stellar. My back workout was pretty intense and I really just felt jacked...great feeling. My bench press workout was awesome too, but honestly I am pissed...I should've went heavier because it felt like I could've been doing sets of 6. Still can't complain though I guess.

Workout Ratings:This gets a 9.7 and 9.5 Honestly, I am loving this stack...the endurance factor, focus, and recovery are what I enjoying the most. Both workouts were kickass and really now I can say...this stack really does give you that boost where it feels like you can go longer and harder effortlessly.

Workout Music Videos:



Thoughts of the day: Well I have been strapped for time lately because of having way too much on my plate. More or less I have just doing the best I can to keep up with everything. Moving all my stuff out of my home in beloit into my home in Monona, WI has taken its toll on me in addition to helping my brother move his stuff into my now former home in Beloit so my mother can quit working and just stay home and watch my nephews for my brother. Finally his messy divorce is over and done with and it is time to move on with things. Obviously I have not had much time to keep up with things on the forums, but I am doing my best right now.

Anyway, the good news is...I am going to aim at getting my personal training certification soon and then I will be fully reimbursed for it by my main boss. On top of that, it looks I will be placed into a club of my choosing or used as a pre-sale specialist to help expand the business even further in the area...either way my job rocks!

Scientific Talk: a trace amine naturally found in the body and also found in multiple dietary sources. The highest concentrations of tyramine are found in aged cheeses and aged meat, but there are a multitude of dietary sources, including alcoholic beverages, some fruits and vegetables, chocolate, and many others. In insects, tyramine plays a similar role as a neurotransmitter to the role that epinephrine (adrenaline) plays in humans, while octopamine is seen as the insect equivalent of norepinephrine. Because it was only recognized as a neurotransmitter about a decade ago, comparatively little is known about tyramine [1]. In humans, tyramine either comes from dietary sources or is derived from the amino acid tyrosine. It is further metabolized into octopamine and ultimately synephrine. Like other trace amines, the biological actions of tyramine are generally attributed to its action as a "false neurotransmitter," and the relevance of its action at the trace amine receptor is not yet well known. This article discusses the biological actions of tyramine, possible supplemental uses, and possible side effects from both dietary and supplemental tyramine.

The primary established action of tyramine is increased release of norepinephrine (NE). Tyramine is actively transported into neurons and displaces NE, leading to intraneuronal release of NE [2]. After tyramine infusion in humans, blood levels of NE dose-dependently increase. Blood levels of epinephrine also increase, but the effect is very small [3]. The present experimental evidence indicates that tyramine is not a direct agonist or antagonist at any adrenoceptor subtype [4]. Because it increases NE, it is possible that tyramine increases fat loss, but no studies have yet examined this directly. An antidepressant effect could also be hypothesized.

Acai berry...Acai is a Brazilian berry original from the Amazon Region that is considered to be one of nature's most complete and healthy foods. The acai berry is loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, essential omegas, fibers and protein. Some of the health benefits associated with the acai berry are: increase in sustained energy, help with healthy cholesterol management, improvement of digestive system, strengthening immune system, among others.

Because of its rich content of anthocyanin pigments that give it the characteristic deep purple color, açaí likely imparts important health benefits associated with consumption of antioxidant pigments, such as reduced risk or prevention of cancer, diabetes, chronic inflammation, heart and vascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and other types of neurodegeneration, high blood cholesterol, stroke, bacterial infections, urinary tract infections, age-related visual deterioration and premature aging. Acai is constantly used topically as a strong antibacterial mix in Brazil.

On a study performed at the University of Florida in 2006, it was showed that acai antioxidants could induce faster death, also known as apoptosis, of leukemia cells in vitro.

Yes I know recently there has been all this craziness over the acai berry, but research truly does show the hype isn't hype...its true. The acai berry is truly a special gift that mother nature has blessed us with.

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers my fellow Followers!:cheers:


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Just found this, I really like your log specially the scientific talk, I will keep on eye on this. Work outs look good, also love your stack.


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Spawn, right on.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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You actually put that phrase in! :toofunny: Fcuking hilarious! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


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You actually put that phrase in! :toofunny: Fcuking hilarious! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well I told you I was going to babe. You had me laughing my ass off when you said that one. :rofl::toofunny:

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Well I told you I was going to babe. You had me laughing my ass off when you said that one. :rofl::toofunny:

Yes, well that was the analogy that came to mind at the time :D


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Saturday Night's Workout!

Ok, I am going to make my Saturday update now and my update for last night tomorrow night. Lets get rocking and rolling and down to business shall we?

Quotes of the Day:

A healthy dose of Arnold today...lmao. :toofunny:

"The best activities for your health are pumping and humping."

"The c**k isn't a muscle so it doesn't grow in relation to the shoulders, say, or the pectorals. You can't make it bigger through exercise, that's for sure."

"Having a pump is like having sex. I train two, sometimes three times a day. Each time I get a pump. It's great. I feel like I'm coming all day."

Supplement Usage:

Caffeine Nutratabs, Assault, and Battle Fuel 30 mins prior to workout.

Bullet Proof right before bed.

Anabolic Pump...20 mins before carb containing meals.

Gynemna Sylvestre along with anabolic pump.

Osteobolin-C...Upon waking, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed

Rhodiola Rosea Caps: Upon Waking, Pre-workout, and post workout.

Pics of the day:

Double dip of the Incredible Hulk...

Music Video to get things rolling:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

5 minutes of warmup cardio on elliptical

Guillotine Presses:
1 set of 20@135lbs
1 set of 10@225lbs
3 sets of 8@250lbs

Reverse Bench Press:
3 sets of 25@155lbs

Barbell Shoulder Shrugs:
1 set of 20@225lbs
1 set of 12@315lbs
3 sets of 8@405lbs

DB Shoulder Shrugs using 100lb DB's:
4 sets of 15

Behind the back Cable Shoulder Shrugs:
4 sets of 15@200lbs

Tricep Pressdowns:
3 sets of 15@120lbs

Hammer Strength Seated Pressdowns (modified Dips):
4 sets of 12@285lbs (max machine weight)

Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions:
3 sets of 12@75lbs

Hammer Grip Shoulder Front Raises:
4 sets of 12 using 40lb DB's

HIIT cardio for 30 mins...

End of Workout...

Thoughts on Workout: Well the workout wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either...I felt a little off and even so I still had a pretty bad ass session. Still nothing to write home about for me though. The nice thing to point out is that Assault and Battle Fuel are really doing their job...weights are light and its like I really have no fatigue point. Also, my aggression is way up as well as vascularity and pumps...definitely loving this stack. Added along with Bullet Proof and I am feeling just that...F*cking Bullet Proof and unstoppable.

Workout Rating: 9.0 While it wasn't a great session by my standards it was still a solid overall performance so I can't complain.

Workout Music Video:


Thoughts of the day: Well I am finally all moved into my new place and got things back on track. Now maybe I can finally get settled in and get things rolling like I normally do. On top of that, I am starting to really enjoy my placement at the club I have been placed at as I have been able to draw quite a bit of attention towards Applied Nutriceuticals products...some of the guys are like well hell if thats what your using and your that big...the stuff must work (note...I am not making any comments about Muscle Pharm. Also, I had one guy disbelieve I could pull 500lbs on the deadlift...very stupid challenge on his part...I pulled 500lbs warmups...just F*cking got it done. Of course I couldn't back down from that :lol:. What made it better...the guy was like ok I think I'll be giving a bottle of that IGF-2, DRIVE, and RPM a shot...I just said you won't be disappointed. :thumbsup:. So while I may not be around the forums as much as I used to be I am still doing work in the outside world to help make Applied Nutriceuticals a household name.

Scientific Talk: a dihydrochalcone occurring in many parts of the apple tree; used experimentally to produce glycosuria in animals. In essence, when you see apple extract and there is that 5% or whatever percent after it is referring to the potency of the isolated extract of Phloridzin.

Phloridzin has antioxidant activity allowing a cardiovascular protection similar to that of estrogens. Moreover, phloridzin is capable of acting on melanogenesis by activating a cascade of enzymes including tyrosinase, thus allowing increased protection against ultraviolet radiation. Phloridzin also has antidiabetic action by competitive inhibition of the sodium-dependent blood transport of metabolites such as glucose, galactose and the like. Phloridzin is also involved in inhibiting the growth of tumor cells by blocking the activity of protein kinase C.

Recently, we established that hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and counterregulatory responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia were impaired in uncontrolled streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic (65 mg/kg) rats and insulin treatment restored most of these responses. In the current study, we used phloridzin to determine whether the restoration of blood glucose alone was sufficient to normalize HPA function in diabetes. Normal, diabetic, insulin-treated, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats were either killed after 8 days or subjected to a hypoglycemic (40 mg/dl) glucose clamp. Basal: Elevated basal ACTH and corticosterone in STZ rats were normalized with insulin but not phloridzin. Increases in hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) and inhibitory hippocampal mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) mRNA with STZ diabetes were not restored with either insulin or phloridzin treatments. Hypoglycemia: In response to hypoglycemia, rises in plasma ACTH and corticosterone were significantly lower in diabetic rats compared with controls. Insulin and phloridzin restored both ACTH and corticosterone responses in diabetic animals. Hypothalamic CRH mRNA and pituitary pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA expression increased following 2 h of hypoglycemia in normal, insulin-treated, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats but not in untreated diabetic rats. Arginine vasopressin mRNA was unaltered by hypoglycemia in all groups. Interestingly, hypoglycemia decreased hippocampal MR mRNA in control, insulin-, and phloridzin-treated diabetic rats but not uncontrolled diabetic rats, whereas glucocorticoid receptor mRNA was not altered by hypoglycemia. In conclusion, despite elevated basal HPA activity, HPA responses to hypoglycemia were markedly reduced in uncontrolled diabetes. We speculate that defects in the CRH response may be related to a defective MR response. It is intriguing that phloridzin did not restore basal HPA activity but it restored the HPA response to hypoglycemia, suggesting that defects in basal HPA function in diabetes are due to insulin deficiency, but impaired responsiveness to hypoglycemia appears to stem from chronic hyperglycemia.

Reference: Hyperglycemia does not increase basal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity in diabetes but it does impair the HPA response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia -- Chan et al. 289 (1): R235 -- AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

Now if your asking why use apple extract...the answer is simple...there are many benefits and negligible side effects. The main reasons to use Apple extract...may aid in blood sugar and glucose control, it is a very strong and potent anti-oxidant and a free radical crusher (the healthier your bloodstream the more muscle growth potential you have). There is much more to elaborate on, but I'll leave it at that for now...

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers my fellow Followers!:cheers:


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I'll make some updates here over the weekend. Right now is a tough time for me. Halloween is the day my father passed away 4 years ago and for that reason I truly dread the day and will hate the day forever...its not a memory I am fond of. Besides that, not been the best of weeks for me.

Just keeping everyone posted!



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I lost my dad during my sons b-day in June while I was on vacation. So I feel your pain!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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For those are following, Sean will be making an update later tonight.


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In for the support, sean. Hope all is well buddy, and keep your head up. :)

Your AM buddies are here to cheer you on! :head:


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just remember who you are going to be going to the arnold with :D. i got my big bros back if need be!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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just remember who you are going to be going to the arnold with :D. i got my big bros back if need be!
Whaaat? I'm not going to attack him or anything, Austin :p


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Geez is everyone going to be at the Arnold? Maybe I need to swing a trip out there too!


MST Reppin Hard!
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I'll make some updates here over the weekend. Right now is a tough time for me. Halloween is the day my father passed away 4 years ago and for that reason I truly dread the day and will hate the day forever...its not a memory I am fond of. Besides that, not been the best of weeks for me.

Just keeping everyone posted!

My grandfather passed away over Thanksgiving. It was the first time that anyone in my family other than him was cooking thanksgiving that was a sad day all around. I haven't looked at Thanksgiving the same since.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Also, quickly, for those of you who want to get in touch with Sean, the fastest way to get an answer is to PM me.


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I've no idea how i've managed to miss this.. I'm going to start from page one and reeeaaadd! The music along the way should be nice too!

subbed! better really late than never :duel:


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Good news everyone...I am back. I will post some updates tonight for sure. Getting ready to go hit up a workout in a bit here and then will make updates when I get back home.

BTW...thank you for the support my fellow followers. I truly appreciate it. Much respect to all of you.



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Holy crap your updates are very thorough!! Nice job mang.


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Chest Workout (Tuesday Night-last night)!

Ok yes this past weekend was actually pretty hard on me. I pretty much did what I could to not think about my dad. I took my mom out for the best pizza and then to the movie Eagle Eye- Pretty kick ass movie by the way. Besides that, kicked with my best friend and watched some movies...namely You Don't Mess with the was totally my type of crazy off the wall humor so I was laughing hysterically. :D. I did not get to work out over the weekend as I ended up also straining my right ankle and the on top of my heavy thoughts I just said F*ck it.

I will not be making any past updates, just last night's instead. However, what I would like to point out is when I worked my legs last Thursday I did easily put up 2 solid reps of 500lbs (I was pretty damn stoked about that)...That was all the room on the bar as well so I could not go any higher.

Anyway, lets get onto my update shall we?

Quotes of the Day:

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', '****', and 'Colon'."- Chris Rock

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."- Plato.

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."

Supplement Usage:

Caffeine Nutratabs, Assault, and Battle Fuel 30 mins prior to workout.

Bullet Proof right before bed.

Anabolic Pump...20 mins before carb containing meals.

Gynemna Sylvestre along with anabolic pump.

Osteobolin-C...Upon waking, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed

Rhodiola Rosea Caps: Upon Waking, Pre-workout, and post workout.

Pics of the day:

Kind of a tribute to my father...he was known as Bear (95% of the people my father knew didn't even know his real first name) and truly was a bear of a man...honestly the only man I will ever fear...when he roared at me I swear the Earth shook. LOL.

Music Video to get things rolling:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

Wide Grip Guillotine Presses:
3 sets of 15@135lbs

Flat Bench Press:
1 set of 15@225lbs
1 set of 10@275lbs
1 set of 5@325lbs
1 set of 3@365lbs
1 rep of 405lbs....F*ck Yeah...King Kong don't got Sh*t on me!!!
1 set of 10@300lbs
2 sets of 12@250lbs

Cable Pec Flyes:
4 sets of 12

Cable Crossovers:
4 sets of 12


20 mins of HIIT cardio on AMT (Adaptive Motion Technology) machine

End of Workout...

Thoughts on Workout: Um lets do I put this? This workout was F*cking raw power is right back where I had it at the pinnacle of my bulk last winter so I am quite pleased. The best part of the workout though was after putting up the 405lbs for a rep it felt like something was unlocked within me...I felt like my muscles engaged after that...kind of weird and hard to explain, but needless to say I really woke the F*ck up and kicked some serious A$$!!!!

Workout Rating: 9.9 I put up 405lbs and pulled off a set of 10@300lbs with relative ease after putting up that need to question this rating!!!

Workout Music Video:

Now this music track selection may offend some and I ask that if you have political opinions...I respect everyone's opinions, but I refuse to engage in political discussions...brings out the worst in people so please refrain from political related discussions. With that out of the way...I chose this song simply because it gets me pumped to F*ck some sh*t up.


Thoughts of the day: Well this past weekend was definitely kind of rough on me...haunting memories and I will always miss my father. I am fortunate to have had a great father and for that matter having a great set of parents. Beyond that, I enjoyed taking my mother out for dinner and a movie and hanging out with my best friend.

Scientific Talk: a synthetic analogue of coenzyme Q10. Co Q10 is an important antioxidant component of the lipid (fatty) membranes that surround all cells, as well as the lipid membranes surrounding the various organelles ("little organs"), such as mitochondria and microsomes, inside cells.

Co Q10 is also an important member of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) within mitochondria, which are the ‘power plants’ of the cell. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used inside the electron transport chain to produce much of the ATP bioenergy that powers virtually every activity of our cells and bodies.

When blood flow is seriously reduced to any part of the body - as in a heart attack, stroke, trauma, shock or chronic poor blood circulation - cellular/ mitochondrial oxygen (O2) levels quickly drop in the affected region. Free radicals quickly damage cell/organelle structure and function, as well as rapidly halt ATP energy generation by the electron transport chain. Brain and spinal cord cells are especially prone to such damage, and may be irreparably damaged or even destroyed within minutes.

Studies have shown that in such circumstances Idebenone prevents the free radical damage and maintains relatively normal cell ATP levels. In short, while Idebenone can effectively substitute for Co Q10's positive and life essential functions, it doesn't have Co Q10's free radical producing feature which occurs under hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions.

Idebenone's potential benefits fall into five categories:

1. Anti-aging
2. Energy enhancement
3. Cognition enhancement
4. Organ protector
5. Protector against excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity

The mitochondrial power plants produce over 90% of all cellular ATP bioenergy. They are also generally the richest sites in Co Q10 (or Idebenone). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) allows mitochondria to reproduce themselves.

Over the course of a lifetime our mtDNA becomes ever more damaged, and the mitochondria produced become ever more ineffective in their energy generation.

Studies comparing heart tissue from young people with that from elderly people have shown almost no significant mitochondrial dysfunction in young hearts, with significant, often severe mitochondrial dysfunction in elderly hearts. The cells that are most susceptible to mitochondrial energy depletion with advancing age are the brain, skeletal muscle and heart muscle cells.

Idebenone, therefore, provides an anti-aging effect here in several ways. Unlike Co Q10, even under the low oxygen conditions that may occur periodically over a lifetime, Idebenone will serve as a powerful mitochondrial free radical quencher, lessening the ever-increasing mtDNA damage that occurs with age. Idebenone will work even better than Co Q10 within the electron transport chain to keep energy production high, even under hypoxic conditions. This is especially critical to brain and heart cells that may be rapidly damaged during low ATP production episodes that occur due to poor tissue oxygenation.

A variety of studies using brain cells (animal and human) have shown Idebenone's ability to enhance brain structure and function. These tests have demonstrated that Idebenone can enhance serotonin production, even under far less than optimal conditions, such as in patients with cerebrovascular dementia.


Yes I got lazy this time out...I have plenty more to say about Idebenone as I have done a lot of research on it, but this reference covers a great amount and enlightens those that have no clue about it so I digress...

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers my fellow Followers!:cheers:


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Holy crap your updates are very thorough!! Nice job mang.
Thanks for stopping by TripDiesel! Your presence is always welcome bud. Cheers to ya broski!:cheers:

I've no idea how i've managed to miss this.. I'm going to start from page one and reeeaaadd! The music along the way should be nice too!

subbed! better really late than never :duel:
Glad to have you along bud...enjoy...this is a long ongoing ride. ;)

My grandfather passed away over Thanksgiving. It was the first time that anyone in my family other than him was cooking thanksgiving that was a sad day all around. I haven't looked at Thanksgiving the same since.
Thanks for sharing Team have my condolences back in return. Things are definitely not the same without my father around so I certainly understand where your coming from. Hey the best thing in my father's case though is that he passed away in his sleep watching football highlights on Sportscenter...what better way to go out? He passed away peacefully and its the way he would've wanted to go. LOL. :)

I live to close to the Arnold to skip it;)
Well I hope to see you there then'll be a pleasure to meet you if Rosie and I happen to bump into ya.

In for the support, sean. Hope all is well buddy, and keep your head up. :)

Your AM buddies are here to cheer you on! :head:
Thanks Bro. I appreciate it. I'm doing ok...its just the day of that is hard...honestly I hate Halloween because thats all I can think about. True sad dog had to be put to sleep only a few short months before my father passed away and he was the one who took my dog in because I couldn't do it. On top of that...what makes me truly dread the day is that the haunting image of finding my father lifeless will never leave my mind. However, I am glad I did find my father as it has given me closure.

just remember who you are going to be going to the arnold with :D. i got my big bros back if need be!
Thanks lil bro. I'll make sure to give you a noogie if I get a chance to see you at the Arnold.

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


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I'll be making another update tonight. Stay tuned...



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Do to some unforeseen personal issues I will not be making an update tonight...There will be an update tomorrow night though however. Just to keep everyone in the loop...I've only managed to get 2 workouts in this week so far...the chest day, and then I did a deadlift workout (I pulled 525lbs)...look forward to that update. Also I will be making my final review of Battle Fuel available as well sometime this weekend as I only have one packet left to use, which I am savoring for a badass workout tomorrow night. Stay tuned my fellow followers...



  • RockStar
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It's good to see you back logging again my man! I'm stopping by to say hi, bud. Nothing can keep a good man like yourself down. Together, we all stand strong! :)


  • Legend!
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havent checked in for awhile things look great tho. You are the masterlogger!!! haha whatever that means. Good job :thumbsup:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Yes, soooo, as if 9 hours is NOT enough (which it isn't really), just popping in to say hi (just finished my log, and hoping that the Panadol Rapid will kick in soon, so I can make SOME attempt to study) and laugh (man, so tired that if I start it's hard to stop)... And yeah, well, hope your next couple of days are all good...If I had the energy I would do a dance for you ;)


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woah! so thats me just caught up! What a Journal!

Going back to your #356 post.. I saw Seether in Germany at the Rock AM Ring festival. Had never heard of them before but loved every song they played! Just finished linstening to there album "Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces" real good :)

Also going to your #362 post. How long do you rest between your sets when you’re doing 11 sets of 3?

Great journal overall! I'll defiantly be popping in again!:dance:


Well-known member
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woah! so thats me just caught up! What a Journal!

Going back to your #356 post.. I saw Seether in Germany at the Rock AM Ring festival. Had never heard of them before but loved every song they played! Just finished linstening to there album "Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces" real good :)

Also going to your #362 post. How long do you rest between your sets when you’re doing 11 sets of 3?

Great journal overall! I'll defiantly be popping in again!:dance:
Yes...Seether does indeed kick ass!

As for my rest time...the recommended time is 3 minutes in between sets...I take only 2 minutes...The 2 minute rest time is the happy medium, perfect timing ratio for hypertrophy/strength and power.



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Oh yeah BTW...I finally am back to continue on with this thing. Tonight is my last night of Battle Fuel...I mentioned I was savoring it...well tonight is the night to let loose. I will do a final review on that probably tomorrow night. I still have time left with both Bullet Proof and Assault though. To be honest...I really have noticed quite a bit of difference with each product. I have played around a bit to test each product's effectiveness. In other words...I have used just battle fuel alone by itself a couple of times, then Assault, and then even Bullet Proof.

Anyway, I am hoping to make an official update tonight. Stay tuned...



Well-known member
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It's good to see you back logging again my man! I'm stopping by to say hi, bud. Nothing can keep a good man like yourself down. Together, we all stand strong! :)
Thank you for the support and continued faith my man. Your truly one of those people I hope to have around as a friend for quite some time. Together, we all stand strong yes and through adversity there is sweet redemption!

Cheers to ya bro!:cheers:

Yes, soooo, as if 9 hours is NOT enough (which it isn't really), just popping in to say hi (just finished my log, and hoping that the Panadol Rapid will kick in soon, so I can make SOME attempt to study) and laugh (man, so tired that if I start it's hard to stop)... And yeah, well, hope your next couple of days are all good...If I had the energy I would do a dance for you ;)
You can do a dance for me anytime baby...there will be many nights we do some innovative dances for :toofunny:

havent checked in for awhile things look great tho. You are the masterlogger!!! haha whatever that means. Good job :thumbsup:
Thanks for stopping by Piston. I have done the best I can to keep things rolling...I have run into some roadblocks along the way, but I will make up for it with some killer final reviews. Unfortunately I am pissed I haven't been able to continue my updates over on the MP forums...damn server won't let me do my updates. Oh well...I'm still going out with a bang and delivering some great feedback for MP.

Cheers to ya bud! :cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Oh yeah BTW...I finally am back to continue on with this thing...

Anyway, I am hoping to make an official update tonight. Stay tuned...

Too many distractions, obviously (seriously, put the fluffy ducks down and put your game face on for a minute :D)...Yes, NOT wanting to study...Instead, to add a little spice and sweetness (yeah, right; the only thing that's sweet is the 250g of chocolate I am nearly finished scoffing :lol:)...So, um, yeah, she stands in the doorway, in not a lot more than midnight-blue lace, and gives that shy smile, laughter in her eyes...

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