SamBoz19's Epic Daily Journal! Enter At Your Own Risk!



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Wow long update! And I thought I was long winded. I'm off to do my fasted cardio (been on AM for 30 mins already lol) and will read that when I get back :thumbsup:
LOL...Yeah when I get going I really get into my work. I have always been a writer, but now this is my way of getting my fix in more or less and I get to have ultimate expression...its great. Thanks for dropping by.

Cheers as well to you my fellow comrade!

Great to hear that you're feeling like your old self, sean. I really enjoyed the saw pallmetto info as well. Kick azz job, buddy!!! :cheers:
Yeah it has taken some time for me to get back on track man...I mean I really felt good again. It seems like things have started to swing in a positive and optimistic direction for me...maybe its because good weather is finally starting to come around in Wisconsin...yeah rub it in...I should move to

The Saw Palmetto info really blew me away because having a double blind study put behind it, it makes the results carry that much more weight. All this time people have been thinking Saw Palmetto is like a miracle substance, when in truth...there is no point in using it if your healthy.

Cheers to ya Brutha man!:cheers:

Baller as hell Sean, love me some morning, pre-exam Meghan Fox. I'll read the entire update when I get back.
I thought you might like the pics in particular bud. :)

Good luck!!

Thanks for dropping by man. I have dropped in a few times of some of your recent logs so I thought I would let you know I am still around.
Thanks for dropping by man. I have dropped in a few times of some of your recent logs so I thought I would let you know I am still around.

I think everyone enjoys a little Meghan :)
Indeed...she is sexy. Now if she does a Wonder Woman movie actually...that would be hot! :)

I noticed your dosing IGf-2 three times a day. At the moment i'm doing 4 on waking and 4 before bed. Would you recommend dosing pre workout too for my next run?
To best utilize, IGF-2 should be taken 3 times daily and your bigger doses should be pre-workout and pre-bed. The reason why is that you want to stimulate the most LH production prior to working out to get that extra bump in testosterone which means added strength and power, aggression, etc and as well as having in increase in GH stimulation...the noticeable effect from this comes by way of a real endurance boost, and less lactic acid buildup (your not as sore in between sets), and obviously pre-bed is when you want an extra boost in GH production as well so you get solid deep sleep to recover. You know if you have any other questions about IGF-2 in particular I am here bud...that's still my favorite supplement overall and the one product I have used countless times anymore since AN's inception.

Outside Backer

Outside Backer

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Ok so in on 17

your taking 6 caps a day? holy ****


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Ok so in on 17

your taking 6 caps a day? holy ****
Yes sir...6 caps, but only because I am pulsing. I started out with 4 caps for the first 3 weeks. In total I will have run the ONE for 6 weeks. The best part real side effects even at 6 caps, but for one I do take care of myself and its a pulse so I get a break every other day and I take the weekends off of the compound. While running DRIVE, IGF-2 concurrently...doing 6 caps of the ONE on a pulse is a breeze. Note: I do not recommend anyone attempt to run 6 caps as a straight through cycle. This is my trial run of the ONE anyway so I am doing my experimenting now the safe way (which is during a pulse) and finding out what elicits the best effects and response for me in regards to the know I'll be running this stuff again later on as it is...Your results are what got me hooked in the first place Joe. :)

Cheers to ya fellow AN brother!:cheers:


MST Reppin Hard!
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Great update Bozwick...and awesome vid's. I was dying laughing...and it's been a sh1t day, so I needed it!


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To best utilize, IGF-2 should be taken 3 times daily and your bigger doses should be pre-workout and pre-bed. The reason why is that you want to stimulate the most LH production prior to working out to get that extra bump in testosterone which means added strength and power, aggression, etc and as well as having in increase in GH stimulation...the noticeable effect from this comes by way of a real endurance boost, and less lactic acid buildup (your not as sore in between sets), and obviously pre-bed is when you want an extra boost in GH production as well so you get solid deep sleep to recover. You know if you have any other questions about IGF-2 in particular I am here bud...that's still my favorite supplement overall and the one product I have used countless times anymore since AN's inception.

alright cheers :) on my 2nd day of Drive now :dance2:


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Some eye candy for the fellas...

A double dip of Megan Fox...

Thats it for this edtion!

Cheers my fellow followers!:cheers:
I'd like to double dip on Megan Fox !!



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Update to come later on tonight everyone. Stay tuned...;)



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Great update Bozwick...and awesome vid's. I was dying laughing...and it's been a sh1t day, so I needed it!
Glad I could uplift your spirits my friend. You know that is how I like to do my log...its not just a log, but rather an entertainment piece...a little bit for everyone to enjoy. :)

Cheers to ya Papa Deuce!:cheers:


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If the bar ain't bending your just pretending! :)


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If the bar ain't bending your just pretending! :)
LOL. I am definitely not a pretender. Didn't get a chance to make my update, but plan on doing it tonight. Got busy with some things and then passed out shortly after my workout so hence why no update yet.

Everyone can look forward to the actual update tonight. :)



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LOL. I am definitely not a pretender. Didn't get a chance to make my update, but plan on doing it tonight. Got busy with some things and then passed out shortly after my workout so hence why no update yet.

Everyone can look forward to the actual update tonight. :)

haha i dunno why i dropped that quote in! i think it'll be a good couple years before any bar starts bending for me!


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Week 5 Update 2!

Ok so I got business with some things and then ended up passing out so that is why I did not get to my update any sooner. However, lets get going here shall we?....

Quotes of the Day:

Dead Man on Campus quotes...

"Cooper Frederickson: Young man! Where have you been? I was up all night worried sick. Do you know what time it is?
Josh Miller: I LOVE college. I love everything about it. The people, the freedom. This room. This chair. Look at this chair!
Cooper Frederickson: You had sex last night didn't you?
Josh Miller: That's a nice shirt.
Cooper Frederickson: I can hear my heartbeat through my penis! "

"Cliff: I live in a Frat House, right? And these ****ers wanna kick me out for not observing quiet hour!
Cliff: Well, they can SUCK my QUIET COCK!"

Pics of the day:

Some eye candy for the fellas...

Supplement Usage:

The ONE: 6 caps (3 caps prior to pre-workout meal, 3 caps an hour after my workout prior to my post-workout meal)

DRIVE: 4 caps upon waking, 6 caps pre-workout

IGF-2: 4 caps upon waking, 4 caps pre-workout, 2 caps pre-bed

Osteobolin-C: 4 caps upon waking, 2 caps pre-workout with TT's, and 2 caps post-workout

NeoVar Recomped: 4 caps pre-breakfast with the ONE, 4 caps before pre-workout meal with the ONE, and 4 caps prior to my post-workout meal with the ONE.

Thermogenic Thyrotabs: 1 tab upon waking, 1 an hour pre-workout, and 1 tab pre-bed

Funny Video to get things rolling:

This video is so wrong...LMAO! :toofunny:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

15 minutes of cardio (wall to wall running...similar to the basketball workout suicides)

Warmups of all exercises

5 sets of 5 of power cleans

5 sets of 5 Squats

5 sets of 5 Bench Press

5 sets of 5 Deadlifts

Thoughts on Workouts: This workout was F*cking phenomenal as well. I really pushed myself this time out. I went pretty heavy this time and man did it feel good. However, the best part of the workout was bench presses. I got through my progression of 5x5 sets of 300 and I felt great and plenty left in the tank so I decided to see how close I was to getting back to pressing 400. Well needless to say I loaded up the bar with 375 and put up 2 solid reps without too much of a struggle. Ok that was pretty damn good all by itself, but I still wasn't done. So I then dropped down to 275 to finish it off and to my surprise...I was able to squeeze out 10 reps. The first 6 were rather easy, but after that well it was a bit of a challenge...I got to 8 and was really feeling the burn, but pressed out 2 more reps. Honestly, that was probably one of the more overall brutal bench pressing sessions I've ever done. I really noticed a major increase in strength and endurance during this workout...I would have to attribute the increases to ONE. So needless to say I was very pleased with this of the best ones I have had in a long time.

Workout Rating: 9.9 The fact I did my 5 sets of 5 on power cleans and squats and then was able to get through my 5x5 of bench and 2 reps of 375 and 10 of 275 at the end of my bench session was phenomenal...and I still went through my 5x5 of dead lifts after that. A session doesn't get much better than that...Heavy, intense, and brutal.

Workout Motivation Music Video:

This was the song that really got me going for this workout and of my favorite workout songs in general.


Thoughts of the day: Well I wanted to make this update a lot sooner, but had some things come up and then just got too tired. Anyway, the good news is I had my interview and I think it went pretty well. I would be working as a security officer for a rehabilitation and outpatient center for parolees and helping people out of prison re-acclimate to the environment. I would enjoy it because it would help me get my foot in the door in the criminal justice field. My education is based upon criminal justice, criminal psychology, and I am specialized in interrogation. I have many other interests and I have tried to follow them to see where they would take me, but to be honest I just don't see getting a fair chance in anything else other than sticking to what I am good at. Basically the conclusion I have come to is that in order for me to succeed...I'll end up being a High School teacher (Juniors and Seniors only) for psychology/criminal justice, a Football Coach (I enjoy strategy and picking apart my opponent to destroy surprise though...interrogation is my specialty and a lot of the psychological tricks and games used in interrogation are used in coaching), or end up being involved in a federal law enforcement role. Those are where my talents would most likely be utilized the best. I guess I just needed to vent a little bit. Everything is still up in the air and I have to focus on getting my Bachelor's Degree and going from there (just a little under a year away now).

Scientific Talk: Pumpkin Seed Extract...yes I have talked about it before, but with the new studies done on Saw Palmetto extract, it may be a smart idea to look elsewhere for prostate support and Pumpkin Seed Extract looks to be the best healthy and safe alternative, regardless of whether your healthy, or already suffering from BPH, or other related ailments.

Some interesting info...

nhibition of testosterone-induced hyperplasia of the prostate of sprague-dawley rats by pumpkin seed oil.
J Med Food. 2006 Summer. Gossell-Williams M, Davis A, O'Connor N. Pharmacology Section, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Jamaica.
The oil from the pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed is claimed to be useful in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This investigation seeks to examine the effect of pumpkin seed oil on testosterone-induced hyperplasia of the prostate of rats. Hyperplasia was induced by subcutaneous administration of testosterone (0.3 mg/100 g of body weight) for 20 days. Simultaneous oral administration of either pumpkin seed oil (2.0 and 4.0 mg/100 g of body weight) or corn oil (vehicle) was also given for 20 days. On day 21, rats were sacrificed, and the prostate was removed, cleaned, and weighed. The prostate size ratio (prostate weight/rat body weight) was then calculated. Neither testosterone nor pumpkin seed oil had any significant influence on the weight gain of the rats. Testosterone significantly increased prostate size ratio, and this induced increase was inhibited in rats fed with pumpkin seed oil at 2.0 mg/100 g of body weight. The protective effect of pumpkin seed oil was significant at the higher pumpkin seed oil dose. We conclude pumpkin seed oil can inhibit testosterone-induced hyperplasia of the prostate and therefore may be beneficial in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Some information regarding the benefits for women...

Water-soluble pumpkin seed extract exerts an anabolic (tissue-building) effect on the pelvic floor muscles via several mechanisms. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, it may make more testosterone available to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Secondly, this water-soluble pumpkin seed fraction binds to the androgen receptor on pelvic muscle cells, thus inducing a strengthening effect. This is important because androgen receptors are expressed in the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract in humans.6 By promoting androgenic activity, water-soluble pumpkin seed extract may play an important role in female pelvic floor structural integrity and lower urinary tract disorders.

Now the reason why Pumpkin seed extract may prove to be a better option overall compared to Saw Palmetto is that Saw Palmetto can be detrimental to a male who is already in good health (see last update for explanation), but Pumpkin Seed Extract has the ability to inhibit the aromatase enyzme, which in effect can indirectly make more testosterone available in the blood stream, but to utilize that increase in testosterone you would want to accompany Pumpkin seed extract with something like Divanil to make sure the increase in testosterone does not become binded to SHBG, an increase in testosterone is useless unless it is unbound and free in the bloodstream. Now another aspect of Pumpkin Seed extract that is a nice perk is that it increases nitric oxide synthesis. So in theory, Pumpkin seed extract could be used as a nice addition to help increase libido...increase in both testosterone and nitric oxide synthesis = the likelihood of a more potent and active libido.

One last note not take Pumpkin Seed Extract while on cycle whilst using the ONE. The reason why...these seeds contain chemical substances called cucurbitacins that can prevent the body from converting testosterone into a much more potent form of this hormone called dihydrotestosterone. As I mentioned in my last update...PSE inhibits the 5 Alpha Reductase enzyme, therefore making it a no go if you want the ONE to work correctly. However, what I would suggest is that you use Pumpkin Seed Extract in PCT...since it has anti-aromatase abilities, nitric oxide synthesis increasing abilities, and the ability to restore your prostate it would accompany any PCT program very well.

Thats it for this edtion!

Cheers my fellow followers!:cheers:


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Those ladies are so nice to look at first thing in the morning :D

lol just stoppin by Sean ! Take care :thumbsup:


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Those ladies are so nice to look at first thing in the morning :D

lol just stoppin by Sean ! Take care :thumbsup:
Thanks for dropping by bud! Its always appreciated. :)



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Great update! :)


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It's quite epic lol, sort of like daily story time. I try and read up every few days and I like the scientific talks. I used to do those in my logs.
Yes there is always a lot going on in my updates and for good reason...its provides entertainment value. There is a little bit of interest for everyone to enjoy. :). Instead of doing writing anymore, this is my form of expression. Hence, the Epic part of the title. LOL. :D

Cheers bud!:cheers:


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I enjoy the scientific part of the log, the ladies, well not so much..

Hope things are going well for you other than the job hunt.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I enjoy the scientific part of the log, the ladies, well not so much..

Hope things are going well for you other than the job hunt.
^^^ x 2 :28:


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I like the ladies :arms:

not like i need a libido check though, down boy!


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No update until Monday. I have felt like absolute sh*t over the weekend. I tried to workout Friday night, but it wasn't happening...I had to quit after power cleans because I felt like throwing up. So look forward to an update on Monday.



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No update until Monday. I have felt like absolute sh*t over the weekend. I tried to workout Friday night, but it wasn't happening...I had to quit after power cleans because I felt like throwing up. So look forward to an update on Monday.

It's all good Sean.. we all have those days. Just hit it hard on Monday ! :thumbsup:


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Ok after a sh*tty weekend I felt pretty damn good on Monday and man was it ever busy. Needless to say, I got in one of the most brutal workouts I have ever done...I honestly was trashed after the workout, but after my post workout dose of the ONE and a nice big meal...its like I didn't even workout. Anyway, just keeping everyone updated...I'll make my actual update later today. I was just too busy yesterday between school work, setting up job interviews, and working on a company assignment for Applied Nutriceuticals. Look forward to the update later on. For those of you who enjoy my scientific talk'll be pleased this time around for sure.



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It's all good Sean.. we all have those days. Just hit it hard on Monday ! :thumbsup:
Hope you get better soon man :cheers:
Thanks guys...I really appreciate the support. Its little things like that, that really make a difference sometimes. ;)

Cheers to ya fellas!:cheers:


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Glad you are feeling better!
Thanks C! ;). I honestly think it was the weather over the was depressing as it was cold and raining. Regardless...not only am I feeling better...I feel positive and optimistic again. Good things are headed my way. :)



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Yeah it was cold and rainy here the last two days. I have been so tired and unmotivated. We have a natural bodybuilding show to work this weekend and I just don't want to go. But I will..

I heard that Rosie is coming over in July! Thats got to be exciting. I might put up another log to keep myself accountable. Sometimes though , you just need a break!

Its good to hear that you are feeling positive, sometimes thats the only push you need!


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Yeah it was cold and rainy here the last two days. I have been so tired and unmotivated. We have a natural bodybuilding show to work this weekend and I just don't want to go. But I will..

I heard that Rosie is coming over in July! Thats got to be exciting. I might put up another log to keep myself accountable. Sometimes though , you just need a break!

Its good to hear that you are feeling positive, sometimes thats the only push you need!
Yes she is indeed coming over in July. That is the one main thing that has me happy and optimistic. :). Her and I plan on keeping each other motivated and pushing each other to work harder. Honestly can't wait to have her over'll be great! Anyway, if you put another log up...I will definitely follow along and I would say its a safe bet Rosie would too ;)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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now that is a nice lengthy trip! I have a sail race this summer again like last summer. I dock in Milwaukee for 1-2 days. yall should come over and we can go out to lunch


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now that is a nice lengthy trip! I have a sail race this summer again like last summer. I dock in Milwaukee for 1-2 days. yall should come over and we can go out to lunch
Milwaukee is an easy drive...we might just have to do lunch sometime. Keep us posted on when you come by Milwaukee. Hell who knows...maybe we'll do a Brewers game. :)

Cheers Austin!:cheers:


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Week 6 Update!

Ok this is my update for my workout on Monday night. As I mentioned...this was one of the most brutal workouts I have ever put myself through and it felt great. As a matter of fact...I am still feeling some after Anyway, onward with my update.

Quotes of the Day:

“The term ideal, herein is not used in the sense of an abstract, unattainable perfection; but rather it means a worthy goal that has promise of attainment through appropriate efforts. The gap between where you are and where you desire to be creates a mental and emotional conflict, 'a holy discontent' — often called stress in today's world. Normally the first response to stress is to mentally and emotionally run over the outward indications of the conflict — anger, fear, disappointment, resentment, embarrassment, or other such negative feelings. In doing this one's mind is trying to fill the gap between his expectation of what he desires and what actually exists.”

-Lloyd J. Ericson-

“Perhaps the efforts of the true poets, founders, religions, literatures, all ages, have been, and ever will be, our time and times to come, essentially the same – to bring people back from their present strayings and sickly abstractions, to the costless, average, divine, original concrete.”

-Walt Whitman-

Pics of the day:

A true wonder of the world here...the Mayan Pyramid structures...the big Pyramid is the known as the Pyramid of the Sun. As you might guess...the Mayans and their civilization is a great interest of mine.

Supplement Usage:

The ONE: 6 caps (3 caps prior to pre-workout meal, 3 caps an hour after my workout prior to my post-workout meal)

DRIVE: 4 caps upon waking, 4 caps pre-workout, 2 caps pre-bed

IGF-2: 4 caps upon waking, 4 caps pre-workout, 2 caps pre-bed

Osteobolin-C: 4 caps upon waking, 2 caps pre-workout with TT's, and 2 caps post-workout

NeoVar Recomped: 4 caps pre-breakfast with the ONE, 4 caps before pre-workout meal with the ONE, and 4 caps prior to my post-workout meal with the ONE.

Video to get things rolling:

One of my favorites scenes of The Matrix: Reloaded


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

15 minutes of cardio (wall to wall running...similar to the basketball workout suicides)

Warmups of all exercises

6 sets of 6 of power cleans

6 sets of 6 Squats

6 sets of 6 Bench Press

6 sets of 6 Deadlifts

6 sets of 6 Barbell Bicep Curls

6 sets of 6 Barbell Heel Raises

Thoughts on Workouts: This quite honestly was a workout that is not meant for the faint of heart, or casual fitness enthusiasts. I went fairly heavy on each exercise, but not too heavy because did not want to wear myself out before progressing onto the next exercise. Needless to say...I was feeling great going into bench presses, but then after were the pumps ever the point where it was hard to move. I fought through it and continued on and got through dead lifts. Going through Bicep curls and heel raises at the end was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I really pushed myself to the limit this time out. I rested no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds in between sets, but averaged about a minute. I rested 2 minutes when transitioning to a new exercise. Needless to say...this workout was downright brutal. I literally almost collapsed at the end and had one hell of a time walking up the stairs. LOL. However, once I took a shower, take my post workout dose of the ONE and eat a nice big meal...I felt ready to go again...if that isn't a sign of the ONE being something special I don't know what is.

Workout Rating: 9.9 The sheer brutality that I put my body through during this workout makes it one of the best workouts I have ever put myself through. I went hard and heavy, and I was incredibly intense during the workout...I was beyond aggressive.

Workout Motivation Music Video:

A perfect fitting song for this workout...Inspiration on Demand by Shadows Fall


Thoughts of the day: Well as I had mentioned Monday was a very busy day for me all around. I setup two job interviews, one on Wednesday of this week to be a Drug Test technician and administrator (pay is so so, but it gets me in the door in my field as I would be working at a correctional services rehab facility) and one next week to be a sanitation specialist (a very good paying job). Both jobs are part-time, but that is fine because of how the schedules will work out I can work both. So I just have to nail down both jobs and then I can get right back on top of everything. :). Now besides that, I had my final team project and my final paper due for my PSY 390 course...needless to say it was a lot of work, but as usual I'll finish the course with a strong A (I don't accept anything less from myself). Also, I have been busy working on a writeup for Applied Nutriceuticals, and while I am not completely done with it I have put together a decent setup to follow for running the ONE. When it is a complete finished will be made available to the public and I will post it here in my log.

Scientific Talk: 5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors...Yes I have been talking about them a lot lately, but this time around it is something quite different. While I have been elaborating on staying away from 5 Alpha Reductase Enzyme inhibitors if running the ONE because of their ability to render the ONE useless, there appears to be a new purpose for using 5 AR's.

Recent evidence indicates that neuroactive steroids may participate in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, yet the mechanisms of this involvement are elusive. As 5-α-reductase (5AR) is the rate-limiting enzyme of one of the two major metabolic pathways in brain steroidogenesis, we investigated the effects of its blockade in several rat models of psychotic-like behavior. The 5AR inhibitor finasteride (FIN, 60 or 100 mg/kg, intraperitoneal, i.p.) dose- and time-dependently antagonized prepulse inhibition (PPI) deficits induced by apomorphine (APO, 0.25 mg/kg, subcutaneous, s.c.) and d-amphetamine (AMPH, 5 mg/kg, s.c.), in a manner analogous to haloperidol (HAL, 0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) and clozapine (CLO, 5 mg/kg, i.p.). Similar results were observed with the other 5AR inhibitors dutasteride (DUT, 40 or 80 mg/kg, i.p.) and SKF 10511 (30 mg/kg, i.p.). FIN (60 or 100 mg/kg, i.p.) also reduced hyperlocomotion induced by AMPH (I or 3 mg/kg, s.c.) and attenuated stereotyped behaviors induced by APO (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.). Nevertheless, FIN (100 mg/kg, i.p.) did not reverse the PPI disruption induced by the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist dizocilpine (0.1 mg/kg, s.c.). FIN (60-300 mg/kg, i.p.) induced no catalepsy in either the bar test or the paw test. Our results suggest that 5AR inhibitors elicit antipsychotic-like effects in animals and may be proposed as a putative novel target in the management of psychotic disorders.

(1) Department of Neuroscience 'Bernard B. Brodie', University of Cagliari, Monserrato, Cagliari, ITALIE
(2) Department of Cardiovascular and Neurological Science, University of Cagliari, Monserrato, Caglian, ITALIE
(3) Tourette Syndrome Center, University of Caglian, Monserrato, Cagliari, ITALIE
(4) Deportment of Experimental Biology, University of Caglian, Monserrato, Caglian, ITALIE.

Now the reason why this is so significant from my point of view is that if 5 AR's can work as anti-psychotics, there may be a way to treat people who have extreme issues with anger management, Bipolarism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia. For those of you who may not know...these are serious disorders that can actually cause a cascading effect in the brain. There is a theory among psychologists that those who are diagnosed as ADHD, not ADD, are likely to progress to bipolarism to schizophrenia...sounds crazy, but the theory is...with the current drugs used as treatment for these disorders...a large chunk of them do more harm then good because they cause a significant chemical imbalance. Which is why I enjoy getting involved with debates surrounding psychology...we try to treat patients who have these chemical imbalance disorders so what do we do? We feed them drugs that cause a chemical imbalance by their lonesome in hopes of restoring chemical and hormonal balance. In other words...two wrongs never make a right.

The use of 5 AR's propose the idea of hormonal balance and chemical balance without resorting to directly affecting brain neurotransmitter activity. In other words, the drugs out on the market today used to treat psychological disorders have a direct impact on the chemistry of the brain such as causing a disruption with the neurotransmitter serotonin. Messing with serotonin, which by doing so leads to problems with sleep, extreme mood imbalance, and can impact a person's ability to learn due creating attention deficit (ADD happens, but with treatment of drugs it makes matters worse) and decreased neurological function.

Thats it for this edtion!

Cheers my fellow followers! :cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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now that is a nice lengthy trip! I have a sail race this summer again like last summer. I dock in Milwaukee for 1-2 days. yall should come over and we can go out to lunch
Yes, it's longish (although not as long as I would have liked it to be, but being only my first trip over is ok)...Yeah, we shall. Let us know; you have our numbers.

...maybe we'll do a Brewers game. :)

Cheers Austin!:cheers:
Looking forward to going to a sports event that I'm not a part of :D

Quotes of the Day:

“The term ideal, herein is not used in the sense of an abstract, unattainable perfection; but rather it means a worthy goal that has promise of attainment through appropriate efforts. The gap between where you are and where you desire to be creates a mental and emotional conflict, 'a holy discontent' — often called stress in today's world. Normally the first response to stress is to mentally and emotionally run over the outward indications of the conflict — anger, fear, disappointment, resentment, embarrassment, or other such negative feelings. In doing this one's mind is trying to fill the gap between his expectation of what he desires and what actually exists.”

-Lloyd J. Ericson-


Workout Rating: 9.9 The sheer brutality that I put my body through during this workout makes it one of the best workouts I have ever put myself through. I went hard and heavy, and I was incredibly intense during the workout...I was beyond aggressive.

A fitting quote for what it is that we are doing...And yeah, training sessions like that are what makes them all worthwhile (as well as seeing results!)


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Yes, it's longish (although not as long as I would have liked it to be, but being only my first trip over is ok)...Yeah, we shall. Let us know; you have our numbers.

Looking forward to going to a sports event that I'm not a part of :D

A fitting quote for what it is that we are doing...And yeah, training sessions like that are what makes them all worthwhile (as well as seeing results!)
You would be going to the event with me. That is like a forgone conclusion. :silly:



Wow, sick workout log man. That last workout was insane! I just noticed that you are from WI!! I am going to UW Madison, but I live in Sheboygan Falls....familiar with the place?


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Wow, sick workout log man. That last workout was insane! I just noticed that you are from WI!! I am going to UW Madison, but I live in Sheboygan Falls....familiar with the place?
LOL. Hello fellow Wisconsinite. :wave2:. I have heard of it and may have even passed through it at some time in the past. I have pretty much been all over Wisconsin through my years. Most of my traveling was done when I was 13 and 14 though as that is when I played for a traveling AAU basketball team...I played for the Janesville Bulls. So odds are...I might have traveled that way...I just can't remember anymore. :D. BTW...UW-Madison is awesome on so many levels. You are truly going to one of the best schools not just in the nation, but in the world.

Cheers and welcome!:cheers:


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I will try to make an update maybe tonight or tomorrow. I have not had a chance to workout the past two nights though. I'll elaborate more when I make an update. Just keeping everyone posted. :)



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I will try to make an update maybe tonight or tomorrow. I have not had a chance to workout the past two nights though. I'll elaborate more when I make an update. Just keeping everyone posted. :)


That last workout looks it has you covered for as long as you need son, ahah. Seriously though that's some impressive recovery after such a intense workout (specifically on the nervous system, damn)... I know you have put yourself through these types of workouts before, is the recovery that much more significant? Also did you notice any increased recovery benefits further away from the post workout time?


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That last workout looks it has you covered for as long as you need son, ahah. Seriously though that's some impressive recovery after such a intense workout (specifically on the nervous system, damn)... I know you have put yourself through these types of workouts before, is the recovery that much more significant? Also did you notice any increased recovery benefits further away from the post workout time?
Just getting back to the forums now...I guess a transformer short-circuited or something so I have been without power since early this morning.

Anyway, to answer your question bud...the recovery is really that much more significant. However, I should point out that in order to feel the difference in the recovery...good solid deep sleep regularly is a requirement. I know that may sound like common sense, but it does make a big difference. As for increased recovery benefits further away from post-workout time...there is a considerable difference, but to notice that difference...your post-workout meal needs to be loaded with a mixture of simple and complex carbs, at least from what I have experienced.

Hopefully that answers your questions bud.



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Ok followers, not sure when I am going to get a chance to make another update here. It all depends on if my IC actually consistently works instead of going in and out. I wish I could get a better provider and modem, but in my current situation I am SOL. Also, my sleep has been all sorts of crazy training has been non-existent. The good news is that at least I should be able to go running and do some activity over the weekend. I'll pop back in and make some sort of an update if my IC permits me to do so.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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For those who are following, Sean is having both IC and family issues; he will update when he can. Any questions that you may have can be directed to me.



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Unfortunately I have disappeared, but by own accord. Unfortunately my internet connection has been hit or miss, but it looks like the problems have subsided now. Also, recently I have been dealing with a family related issue, but that also seems to now be done and everything is calming down. I'll get an update up by tomorrow at the latest.




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Just a quick note....I did not get a workout in last night because I had a softball game instead...that was my workout for the night. I felt like sh*t for the most of the day so after the game I just decided to relax and chill out. The game was just sucked the wind was blowing in too strong...I hit two moon shots that seemed like they would never come back down to planet earth. On one of them...I actually made it to rounding second base before it was was nuts. I had a decent game the team rolling with a single, scored a run and had an rbi of my own. We ended pounding the other team...10 run ruled them so I was happy with that. I'll try to make an actual update of my normal style as you all have come to know it later on tonight.



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Does that mean we get softball pics of you instead of the ladies!!

I mean, we need to stay in log themes, and the theme is softball. I know Rosie would rather look at pics of you..;)


MST Reppin Hard!
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they must have been going after one of those moonball pop-up's ;)


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Does that mean we get softball pics of you instead of the ladies!!

I mean, we need to stay in log themes, and the theme is softball. I know Rosie would rather look at pics of you..;)
LOL. Stay in theme...not something I do...I'll surprise you when you least expect it. I'm random like that. ;).

Yes of course Rosie would rather look at me and besides she knows the pics I post up are not for me...its for the guys. And honestly, the women that are in those pictures don't have sh*t on my woman. Rosie is my babe and all that I could ask for. I'll be especially happy when she is here keeping me in line in July. :spank: LOL.



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