SamBoz19's Epic Daily Journal! Enter At Your Own Risk!



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Update Delayed!

Man I swear when try to actually get to my updates I have always have something come up. Its crazy. Well needless to say I will be making a dual update tomorrow for sure. When I sat down to make my update I had a club member come ask me for some tips and help. Well long story short...I designed him a diet, training, and supplement plan. So even though I am not on the boards much right now I am still promoting AN and helping people with diet, training, and supplement :D.

Anyway, a preview for tomorrow...I did chest today and it was a pretty solid workout...I've had better, but I can't really complain because the pump was pretty sweet.

The scientific talk section will be based on paraxanthine. For those of you that have no idea what it is...its the important derivative and metabolite of caffeine that is responsible for caffeine's most beneficial in a nutshell caffeine is a stimulant, but paraxanthine is a CNS stimulant and then More on that on the lookout.

Also, I give an overview what has been going on with me and posting some pics and videos...the pics will not be of the ladies this time though...doing something different and will be more random. I will also be posting my random quote of the day as well.

Stay tuned everyone...

Cheers all!:cheers:


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Chest Day!

Ok I'm going to get straight down to business here...

Quote of the day: "If you don't live life, you'll never make it out alive" - Ryan Reynolds

Pics of the day:

Something a little special for you Rosie Babe...

Music Video to get things rolling:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

5 minutes of moderate intensity cardio on elliptical

Guillotine presses:
15 reps@135lbs
15 reps@185lbs
3 sets of 12@225lbs

Flat Bench DB Presses using 85lb DB's:
3 sets of 15

Cable Crosses:
4 sets of 15

Incline Cable Pec Flyes:
4 sets of 15


End of workout...

Thoughts on Workout: Well the workout was pretty fast paced and intense as I went on very short more than 30 seconds to 1 minute. I can't really complain with the workout because I had a great pump going and my chest looked like an inflated balloon...always a good sign the workout was worth my time.

Workout Rating: was a solid workout, but I have had much better. Nonetheless, still a good solid workout.

Workout Music Video:


Thoughts of the day: Well I am only making this update as I did not get a chance to workout tonight. Besides, my back was really stiff and I figured it was the smart thing to take a night off and get some rest.

Now, to explain just how crazy things are right now. My new position working with Anytime Fitness keeps me pretty busy as I am the assistant to the director of operations in Madison, WI (Dane County more or less). Right now we are working presales on memberships for a new club opening up in late October. On top of that I am still maintaining a regular training regimen for the most part. However, the big change for me is that I am now living in Monona, WI with 2 roomates (the club mgr of the Monona Club (she's a pretty cool person and cool to have as a roomate), and my boss the Director of Operations...we knew each other previously so we're pretty good buds). So as of right now the only internet access I have is using the company internet access at the Monona Club late at night when the club is pretty dead as we are a 24/7 style club. I go back home on the weekends to visit my mother and check up on things and then use my actual computer so obviously things are a bit crazy right now. We should be getting internet access at our house in Monona within the next couple of weeks so then maybe I can get back to being a regular on the forums again when I get home from work.

Scientific Talk: paraxanthine is a dimethyl derivative of xanthine, structurally related to caffeine. Like caffeine, paraxanthine is a psychoactive central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It possesses a potency roughly equal to that of caffeine and is likely involved in the mediation of the effects of caffeine itself.

In a nutshell, paraxanthine is responsible for the lipolytic properties of caffeine, and its presence in the blood causes an increase in serum free fatty acid concentration. Paraxanthine, unlike caffeine, acts as an enzymatic effector of Na+/K+ ATPase. As a result, it is responsible for increased transport of potassium ions into skeletal muscle tissue. Similarly, the compound also stimulates increases in calcium ion concentration in muscle.

Now the nice thing about paraxanthine itself is that it is less toxic than caffeine. While it still works as a CNS stimulant it does not bring along with it the withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and the addictive properties that caffeine has. Also, paraxanthine while it may raise your blood pressure, it is due to the fact that paraxanthine produces an increase in plasma epinephrine levels so therefore it does increase your blood pressure levels as potent as caffeine in a negative manner.

Now an interesting study to check out on paraxanthine...

This article explains that paraxanthine may prove useful in the fight against the devastating Parkinson's Disease.

Well everyone thats all I got for now. I will make an update tomorrow if I get a chance.

Stay tuned.

Cheers to you all!:cheers:


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Update Later tonight and then some...

Hey everyone I will be making my update for my awesome arm workout last night. Also, over this weekend I will be posting up my review of Muscle Pharm's Assault and Bullet Proof samples so stay tuned for that. I will have some other reviews of samples of to add as well from some other companies.

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


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Wassup sam? Damn i havent visited this log in a bit. Still running strong, good sh1t. Will keep my eye out on the Assault and Bulletproof reviews. Enjoy!


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Wassup sam? Damn i havent visited this log in a bit. Still running strong, good sh1t. Will keep my eye out on the Assault and Bulletproof reviews. Enjoy!
Yeah I am still running it. Things are a bit crazy right now so it is hard to find time to get to it. However, I am keeping this thing going. Honestly it should be back in full swing by around the beginning to the middle of October...I'll have my computer up at my other home where I live through the week.

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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Ok so I have been busy with homework lately...not fun. I haven't had a chance to get a good workout in during the past couple of days and its been quite annoying, but eh sh*t happens. I'll be getting back on track starting tomorrow night. I'll make an update then. Also, my reviews are my primary focus for my next update. So my reviews of Muscle Pharm's products and a few other samples I have used will be style so if I do not have enough time to post my typical workout update the reviews will be a sure thing.

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


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Sean's Review of the Athlete's Arsenal- Samples!

My Review of Assault...

[size=+2]What is it?[/size]

[size=+2]Formula: 8.0/10[/size]

The formula of Assault is quite solid. The real superstar ingredient in Assault is Suma Root...that was my main draw to the product. For those of you that do not know much about Suma your homework as it is quite the remarkable substance. Now my reasoning for the 8 is that I am not a fan of CEE or Kre-Alkalyn and there is just a tad bit much creatine in the formula for my taste. Beyond that though this is a solid formula and puts a lot of others to shame.

[size=+2]Taste: 10/10[/size] Blue Raz flavor done perfectly. MP gets a giant pat on the back and a high five on the flavoring system for this powder. This stuff was simply F*cking Delicious... Nuff Said!

[size=+2]Pumps: 8.5/10[/size] I had some nice pumps going through the workout, but the pump tapered off just shortly after my workout...still pretty damn solid here.

[size=+2]Energy: 7.0/10[/size] Well there was definitely no hype up kick in the pants type of energy felt from this powder. However, I definitely had a nice subtle, clean energy through my workout, just not the intense I want to bust some skulls and rip sh*t up intensity I like from a pre-workout powder (IMO...nothing F*cks with stacking SP250 and RPM in this department).

[size=+2]Endurance: 9.5/10[/size] Besides the taste this where Assault truly shines (say thank you to MP for including Suma Root as that is the real kicker here). I honestly never felt fatigued throughout the entirety of my workout. I can't give it a 10 because on a good day nothing touches DRIVE/IGF-2/RPM with some Purple Wraath for a Needless to say the endurance boost was awesome.

[size=+2]Strength/Power: 8.0/10[/size] This was one was tough to gage. I definitely felt a subtle increase as when I used the sample it was during a back and bi day for favorite workout day and it was brutal.

[size=+2]Mixability: 9.0/10[/size] Mixed quite smoothly except for some minor sediment of the powder being left over. After a couple of shakes it was pretty well mixed up.

[size=+2]Texture: 9.0/10[/size] It was pretty smooth going down, but there was some minor little sediment left over even with how ridiculous I shake up my shakes and it was a bit sour, but it still tasted great!

[size=+2]Overall: 8.7/10[/size]

Overall, this is definitely a solid product that is going to make some noise on the open market. As far appealing to the common public this is a headline superstar in the making simply because of the phenomenal taste alone.

[size=+2]Will I try a full tub?[/size] It is possible. However, it does have a bit much creatine for my taste in a pre-workout powder. The saving grace that piques my interest to run a full tub is the inclusion of the Suma Root though as I am a huge fan of the substance.

[size=+2]Would I recommend?[/size] Based on the solid scientific backing and the phenomenal taste yes I would recommend the product. For those that are taking another creatine supplement already though please be aware that in order to properly use Assault you should either use the creatine you are already using or use Assault as your main creatine source...choose one or the other. However, if you want to have a nice refreshing drink to look forward to pre-workout, definitely get yourself a tub of Assault as it is some delicious stuff! :thumbsup:

Cheers Everyone! :)


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Bullet Proof Review Will be done tomorrow!

I am limited on time here so I will post up my review of Bullet Proof tomorrow.

Note to MP reps....I will be posting my reviews on the MP forum as well as I promised I would do so.

Enjoy the Assault review for now my fellow followers.

Cheers to you all!:cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Nice :thumbsup:

Be even nicer talking to you tomorrow night ;)


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Sean's Review of Bullet Proof!

My Review of Bullet Proof!

[size=+2]What is it?[/size]

Introducing BULLET PROOF, a scientifically engineered, synergistic matrix of specifically blended compounds that will allow you to enter into the most restful state of sleep, while at the same optimizing recovery and repair through proper hormonal modulation and precision nutrient infusion. BULLET PROOF will help you to literally grow overnight by inducing total relaxation, feeding muscle cells, and cranking up levels of the most powerful hypertrophy-producing hormones known to man…testosterone and HGH! BULLET PROOF represents a true breakthrough in current muscle-building technology.

The scientists at Muscle Pharm understand that quality sleep is absolutely essential to any bodybuilder wishing to max out his/her genetic potential. This is precisely why they have left no stone unturned in the pursuit of excellence and created a groundbreaking formula geared specifically toward not only initiating the sleep process, but actually maximizing it!
If you are serious, then you will get on Muscle Pharm’s BULLET PROOF, so you can not only dream BIG but get BIG!!

Maximizes Recovery and Repair
Stimulation of Growth Hormone (HGH)
Dream Big Grow Big
Increase in Lean Muscle Tissue
Enhanced Libido in Both Sexes
Relief from Many Forms of Pain


[size=+2]Formula: 9.5/10[/size]

The formula of Bullet Proof is well damn near bullet proof to be honest. It is a very solid formulation. In a nutshell, it has all the necessary ingredients to provide your body with restful deep sleep helping to create an anabolic environment in your body for muscle repair and new growth. I can't give this a full 10 because value wise, having only 25 servings as opposed to 30 is a tad bit of a nuisance. I may be grasping at straws here, but nothing is perfect in this world.

[size=+2]Taste: 5/10[/size] To be honest...I was rather disappointed with the was a bit rough and a bit sour tasting as opposed to being smooth. I give it a 5 simply because Muscle Pharm tried something different and created an outside of the box type of flavor in Orange Raspberry. I think it has potential to be quite refreshing and tasty, but there still needs to be some tweaks made to the flavoring system to make it be enjoyable.

[size=+2]Mixability: 9/10[/size] I had no real trouble mixing it, but there was some sediment left over...a bit more than Assault, but still it mixed rather easily.

[size=+2]Texture: 8/10[/size] Well it mixed fine, but the texture was a bit different. If you have ever had flavored Waxy Maize you might understand where I am coming from. It just wasn't as smooth as Assault, but still wasn't bad either.

[size=+2]Quality of Sleep: 9.5/10[/size] I had great sleep with Bullet Proof. I passed out within 15 minutes of ingesting it and then slept straight through the night for a solid 8 hours and had some pretty vivid dreams too...all good of course. :D

[size=+2]Recovery: 9.7/10[/size] The recovery from this was simply awesome. I put myself through a hellish workout that night and honestly the next day I could barely feel any DOMS at made me feel like I didn't workout hard enough so needless to say I was quite pleased here.

[size=+2]Overall: 8.45/10[/size]

Overall, this is definitely a solid product for sleep and recovery. I could see this becoming a staple in many people's supplement arsenals. The sleep and recovery benefits are phenomenal...damn near on point with AN's IGF-2...still my favorite product for sleep, among many other benefits. If the flavoring gets reworked or tweaked I would like to give the orange Raspberry another go. Regardless of taste though this is a great product and because of the benefits you suck it up and enjoy what it does for you as opposed to having a refreshing drink.

[size=+2]Will I try a full tub?[/size] I will definitely be running a full tub of Bullet Proof in the future. I think this is going to be one of the best products out on the market in general.

[size=+2]Would I recommend?[/size] Based on the solid scientific backing and the great formula among the claims being backed up by effectiveness...I most certainly recommend everyone to at least give Bullet Proof a shot.

A quick shout out goes to my buddy Paul (pmiller383)...thanks for getting me these samples to test out bud, I greatly appreciate it. As a note...I have my review posted here on AM and also on Over the weekend I will post my reviews on the MP forum as well.

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


  • Legend!
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thanks for the indepth reviews SamBoz19! :clap2: Honest and detailed. :thumbsup:

The bulletproof flavor grows on you, trust me.


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thanks for the indepth reviews SamBoz19! :clap2: Honest and detailed. :thumbsup:

The bulletproof flavor grows on you, trust me.
Thanks there bud. Honest and detailed...thats just how I do the :D. Well even though I did not like the taste it wasn't god awful, just not pleasant, but thats no big deal to me because I really think if I run a full tub of Bullet Proof I'll become numb to the taste anyway like I do most flavored supplements. It just becomes a process ya know? ;)

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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Hey Everyone...I still have a few reviews I will be posting up. As for workout updates...well I'll start those back up on Monday most likely, however I will make an overall update sometime this weekend so stay tuned.

Cheers! :)


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Nice reviews sean! Hope all is well buddy, and the log is kick azz as always! :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Great reviews, babe. Hope your training session tonight went awesome (without any distractions in your mind of Rosie running around the gym in er, um, well, yes... :D)


  • RockStar
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Great reviews, babe. Hope your training session tonight went awesome (without any distractions in your mind of Rosie running around the gym in er, um, well, yes... :D)
My can the poor guy think!!!! :lol: ;)




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My can the poor guy think!!!! :lol: ;)


Well she certainly makes thinking about anything other than extracurricular activities pretty :p.

Then can't corrupt the willing...hahahahahaha.:toofunny:.

Cheers Brutha Man!:cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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My can the poor guy think!!!! :lol: ;)


If he wanted to think he WOULD think. Besides, it's always good to stimulate the mind...

Well she certainly makes thinking about anything other than extracurricular activities pretty :p.

Then can't corrupt the willing...hahahahahaha.:toofunny:.

Cheers Brutha Man!:cheers:
Do I just? Well, I LIKE taking your mind down different paths :D


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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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So, um, hello...Black and blue lace and ice? Definitely. :smite: Fun times indeed...Oh yes, put THAT look away :fool2: before you HURT yourself...Ok, so, um, hope you sleep well tonight, Scottie :p


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So, um, hello...Black and blue lace and ice? Definitely. :smite: Fun times indeed...Oh yes, put THAT look away :fool2: before you HURT yourself...Ok, so, um, hope you sleep well tonight, Scottie :p
Now how the hell can I fall asleep? See I am not the bad one here...your the wild one...hahahaha. (laughs that oh so wicked sarcastic laugh) :toofunny:.

Fun times...most definitely. :)

Cheers babe!:cheers:


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VPX NO Shotgun V3 Review!

Contains REDLINE & MELTDOWN’S powerful fat burning and energy technology for mind blowing intensity!

GBB and MTB Pump (Magnesium Tanshinoate B) for Nitric Oxide induced skin splitting pumps.

40,000 milligrams of anabolic PROTEIN FRACTIONS in just one serving! No cheap dextrose or waxy maize fillers.

With BCAA’s & Fractionated Protein Peptides for maximal muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention - to important markers of muscle growth!

Fueled by Research proven PeptoPro and BPOV for maximum insulin secretion and insulin receptor site sensitivity. Insulin is the most anabolic of all hormones! No carbs, waxy maize starch or sugars needed.

With COP™ (Creatinol-O-Phosphate) to enhance anaerobic glycolysis and CPT (di-Na Creatine PhosphateTetrahydrate) --two designer creatines proven in VPX labs to be resistant to conversion to creatinine. This eliminates bloating and allows transport of intact COP and CPT into muscle tissue!

Beta-Alanine is a hyper-performance ingredient patented to increase whole body creatine retention to crank out more sets and more muscle-blasting reps for increased lean mass!

Satellite Cell Activators for maximal new Muscle Cell Division Hyperplasia! This means larger existing muscle fibers and spliting of these fibers to create totally new muscle.

Arnold himself referred to “The Pump” as something “Better Then Sex!” It is “The Pump” that signals us hard training athletes lifting for size and definition that we are maximizing our efforts in the gym.

NO-SHOTGUN® fuels episodes of physical intensity to induce insane muscle pumps that can lead to muscle growth. The biochemical and physiological response to NO-SHOTGUN® when combined with intense resistance training causes extra trauma to occur to trained muscle. Greater resistance to muscle results in significantly increased internal pressure (the pump)…And as you know, the better the pump the greater the trauma caused to muscle-tissue. The end result: increased ability to build larger muscle!

NO-SHOTGUN® is the first product of its kind to use a superior synergistic blend of effective compounds combined with a cutting-edge pharmaceutical delivery system that yields mind blowing, skin bursting effects, while additionally enhancing recovery and protein synthesis. Compounds such as Creatine (CEX™), Arginine (AEX™), Glutamine (GEX™), Beta-Alanine (BAEX™) and Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAEX™) that are each combined with Ethyl Ester (EX™) technology to insure maximum absorption and uptake! The Ethyl Ester Compounds used in NO-SHOTGUN® help these potent muscle building ingredients enter the bloodstream nearly 100% intact, as opposed to the same ingredients without EX™ technology that might only be absorbed at 15% to 40%. This highly advanced EX™ technology shuttles these NO-SHOTGUN® compounds across the muscle cell membrane where they can cause explosive muscle growth!

NO-SHOTGUN® is the most advanced product of its kind…Bar none! VPX is so confident in the effectiveness of NO-SHOTGUN® that we have a $100,000 offer on the table to ANY supplement company that can conclusively prove – in a double-blind University Study – that their product is better at producing lean muscle, generating greater ATP production for more explosive workouts and initiating NO induced, blood engorged pumps.

However, be your own Scientist: call VPX direct (Ph: 800-954-7904), purchase one jug of NO-SHOTGUN® and receive a free T-Shirt…Not to mention mind blowing workouts, skin bursting muscle pumps and massive increases in lean muscle tissue!

[size=+2]Formula: 5/10[/size] Well I am not going to sugarcoat this one at all. I am pretty pissed about this new formula. The original NO Shotgun by far and away was one of the best pre-workout powders in general, albeit it tasted like absolute sh*t! This new V3 formula is loaded with way too damn much creatine. As I explained in my review of Assault...I am not a fan of too much creatine in my pre-workout powder and this formula is loaded with it. On top of that, why the hell is beta-alanine attached to an ethyl ester...that still makes no damn sense to me. If you want to understand my qualms with the ethyl ester attachment to BA do some research, you'll dig up a few key points of interest. Ok now that I got my ranting out of the way. I do like the idea that this pre-workout powder is loaded with protein (20g to be exact) and plenty of BCAA's and EAA's...that is the only reason the formula is getting a 5. I may be being harsh here, but if its not broke, don't fix it. All VPX had to do was work on the flavoring system and the NO Shotgun formula would have been golden.

[size=+2]Taste: 8, 9/10[/size] First to explain...I got to try both flavors...the black cherry and the exotic fruit punch. I liked the exotic fruit punch pretty well and the black cherry wasn't bad by any means, but just didn't have a wow factor. So the 8 goes to the BC flavor, and the 9 goes to the EFP flavor.

[size=+2]Pumps: 9/10[/size] I can't complain about the pumps...pretty damn rock solid. I was quite vascular after using the samples.

[size=+2]Energy: 8/10[/size] Well the energy wasn't mind blowing by any means, but I was awake and alert after taking it.

[size=+2]Endurance: 8/10[/size] Well the endurance on this pretty solid, but was nowhere near that of a DRIVE+RPM combo, or Assault for that matter.

[size=+2]Strength/Power: 9.5/10[/size] While the endurance wasn't mindblowing...the strength and power increase from taking NO Shotgun was definitely noticeable. Pushing out a few extra reps with heavy weight for sets was nice.

[size=+2]Mixability: 8.5/10[/size]

The mixing was pretty smooth. A few shakes and it was ready to go, however, there is way too much of a foam head with this stuff hence I give it a 8.5

[size=+2]Texture: 9/10[/size] The texture was different. While the flavors would indicate that the water would change color it does have white powder and basically your gunning down a white foggy looking bottle of water with some fruity, kinda chemical taste. Can't really complain too much here though.

[size=+2]Overall: 8.1/10[/size] This is just an overall for the new formula and flavors. However, based on my previous experience with VPX No Shotgun (the original) this new formula doesn't have jack sh*t on the original formula other than it tastes considerably better. My overall rating for the original would be around a 9.2 or so for reference.

[size=+2]Will I try a full tub?[/size] To be honest, no I will not...I have too many qualms with the formulation and well VPX should have left well enough alone...they F*cked up a great thing just to make it taste better...honestly the original formula's flavor was like trying to choke down dirt, but it worked phenomenally well and thats what matters. More or less, I guess the satisfied customers of the original can say a big thank you to the whiny guys out there acting like little schoolgirls for persuading VPX to completely scrap the formula to make it taste better. So officially I give those the famous thank you salute...:FUfinger:

[size=+2]Would I recommend?[/size] The original formula of NO Shotgun...definitely without hesitation. This new each their own is all I can say. While the formulation is not terrible and the product is still effective it still fails to be on the same level as the original.



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nice review. looking forward to your logging of the "Hardcore Stack" of BattleFuel, Assault, and BulletProof. will you open a new log for that?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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nice review. looking forward to your logging of the "Hardcore Stack" of BattleFuel, Assault, and BulletProof. will you open a new log for that?
No, Sean will be using THIS log, starting to post again on a daily basis.


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nice review. looking forward to your logging of the "Hardcore Stack" of BattleFuel, Assault, and BulletProof. will you open a new log for that?
As Rosie explained...I will continue using my workout log here. However, what I plan on doing is starting a new thread in the supplement review/log section to post up a link to my log and then when I am finished with the log I will post my final review both in my log in addition to being a separate final review with its own thread. Sound good bud? The log will be run on all three forums as, here at, and also on the MP forums.



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Keeping you posted my fellow followers. I have some other reviews of samples which I will post over the weekend. Beyond that, stay tuned for when my log heats up again when I start up the Muscle Pharm Hardcore stack of Assault, Battle Fuel, and Bullet Proof...I am looking forward to it for sure. Even though I will be running a tester sponsored log I will continue with my style of things...that means scientific talk, random quotes of the day, pics, music videos, etc. I am excited to get my log back running full steam ahead. Stay tuned my fellow followers...

Cheers to you all!:cheers:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Just welcoming you back with open arms, babe, in having your log back on track :)


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The MuthaF*ckin Pimp Cat is back in the house!

Guess who's back? LOL. :D

That's right...its time to get this thing rocking and rolling once again.

I received my Muscle Pharm products on Monday and I had my first workout last night...the workout was pretty damn awesome.

As a preview...I will be making my official update tomorrow when I have some more time to do my normal run down here on my log. What does that mean? Pics (random...maybe some pretty ladies, or maybe art, who knows? ;)), Music videos, scientific talk, random quote of the day, rundown on the workout, and I will also add in some thoughts of each Muscle Pharm product. There is more to look forward to tomorrow for sure. Keep your eyes peeled. For the newcomers that start following along...if your not into depth...this log is not for you. To the rest of my loyal followers...I'll be glad to entertain you once again.



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Welcome back, brother sean! :)


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Hes been too busy managing the fantasy teams, that's the real reason why hes not here.

I say alternating uploads of the day (girl/science talk [all science areas, hopefully phsycis :D], and media entertainment).

Also T, that is the greatest avatar I've seen. I got a giant 40x55 poster of her (name is escaping me at the second) up in my dorm room. So hot.


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Well managing fantasy football teams does become a bit of distraction at The real reason I have been away has been that I have been in the process of moving and then working and doing way too much homework...not fun! :D.


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"Sorry", she says, in a small voice...

...And then she pounces...
Awww...thanks baby. Great Picture choice. :)



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Official Start of My Muscle Pharm Hardcore Stack log!

Ok everyone, time to make this log official....

[size=+2]The Muscle Pharm Hardcore Stack[/size]

Quote of the Day:

"I never once F*cked a 10, but I once F*cked 5 2's." -George Carlin...may he RIP...a tribute to one of the funniest comedians to ever live.

Supplement Usage:

I am running Assault, Bullet Proof, and Battle Fuel obviously. In addition to the stack I am also running Anabolic Pump, Osteobolin-C, some extra caffeine nutratabs, rhodiola rosea caps, and thats pretty much it for supps at the moment. I may be adding in some other accessory supplements, but nothing that will distort my judgment of the Muscle Pharm products.

Pics of the day:

Music Video to get things rolling:

A double dip of Five Finger Death Punch to kick things off...the first one...Stranger Than Fiction. This song F*cking Rocks!


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

Rotator cuff exercises

DB Flat Bench Presses using 100lb DB's:

3 sets of 10 (warmups)

Flat Bench Barbell:
1 set of 20@135lbs
1 set of 15@225lbs
11 sets of 3@300lbs


30 mins of HIIT cardio

End of workout...

Thoughts on Workout: Well as you will notice I have once again started up my 10x3 training regimen, but I did one extra set for good measure :). However, this time around I am running in recomp mode with my diet and not bulking. I am only taking in around 3800-4000 cals a day. (when bulking I go up to 5000-6000+ calories). Anyway, this workout was kickass. I really have to say the assault really does kick ass when it comes to endurance. Since I have tried Assault by itself before I can say that having the addition of Battle Fuel taken pre-workout with it made the effects of Assault more intense. Nothing earth-shattering, but I did notice a subtle difference as the pumps and aggression were certainly at a high level.

Workout Rating: 9.5...Great F*cking workout. I had a massive pump going and I ballooned to my customary incredible hulk look...nothing beats achieving an awesome pump like that.

Workout Music Video:

The second of the double dip...yes I have used this one before, but I love this damn song...nothing gets me more pumped. "Salvation". The video is of the game Assassin's Creed (Kicks ass BTW). :thumbsup:


Thoughts of the day: Well things have been crazy for me lately with work, school, and moving so hence my absence from my log and the forums in general. I have been still checking in from time to time, but just haven't had time to say much. Now I am back full force though.

Scientific Talk: Damiana...AKA Turnera diffusa and T. aphrodisiaca is a small shrub that grows in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies, as well as in parts of South America.

Damiana was recorded to be used as an aphrodisiac in the ancient Mayan civilization, as well as for "giddiness and loss of balance."

Damiana has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine throughout the world. It is thought to act as an aphrodisiac, antidepressant, tonic, diuretic, cough-suppressant, and mild laxative. It has been used for such conditions as depression, anxiety, sexual inadequacy, debilitation, bed-wetting, menstrual irregularities, gastric ulcers, and constipation. In Mexico, the plant also is used for asthma, bronchitis, neurosis, diabetes, dysentery, dyspepsia, headaches, paralysis, nephrosis, spermatorrhea, stomachache, and syphilis. Damiana first was recorded with aphrodisiac effects in scientific literature over 100 years ago.

For more than a century damiana's use has been associated with improving sexual function in both males and females. Dr. James Balch reports in his book Prescription for Nutritional Healing that damiana "relieves headaches, controls bed-wetting, and stimulates muscular contractions of the intestinal tract. . . ." The leaves are used in Germany to relieve excess mental activity and nervous debility, and as a tonic for the hormonal and central nervous systems.

Now from my personal experience...damiana does work quite effectively as far as being an aphrodisiac. From my studies in psychology...Damiana looks to be a promising substance that can help with a myriad of psychological disorders, in particular, chronic depression, ADD, ADHD, and chronic anxiety.

Through all of the research this is another one of those herbs that has many beneficial uses and one I would recommend that everyone look into as reading up on its beneficial effects and mechanisms of action are quite interesting and engaging.

Thats it for this edition...



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Next Update tomorrow...

I had another great workout last night and will post that update tomorrow night. Be on the lookout my fellow followers.



  • Legend!
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nice seeing a good start to the stack and to see you back of course.

honestly ive only tried one dose of Assault and the thing i noticed the most was endurance and second was the focus/mind muscle connection. From what i hear is the effects get better over time and dont diminish like other prewo powders usually do.
i never got around to it but people smoke damiana leaves too.


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Flat Bench Barbell:
1 set of 20@135lbs
1 set of 15@225lbs
11 sets of 3@300lbs

Really? 11 sets at 300? or typo? Either way impressive.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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"Fate is what you make it." As Sarah Connor says. But, seriously, babe, I know things have been shite for you lately. And yes, I wish I was there to make things seem a little less stressful...And I WILL be. You know that...In the meantime, just let loose all that aggression and frustration in the gym (and on the phone, if need be)...It won't be long 'til you can smile and roll over and then, just, well, um, er, yes...Anyways, just to get a small smile from you (hopefully)


Well-known member
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"Fate is what you make it." As Sarah Connor says. But, seriously, babe, I know things have been shite for you lately. And yes, I wish I was there to make things seem a little less stressful...And I WILL be. You know that...In the meantime, just let loose all that aggression and frustration in the gym (and on the phone, if need be)...It won't be long 'til you can smile and roll over and then, just, well, um, er, yes...Anyways, just to get a small smile from you (hopefully)
Ok that truly makes all negative thoughts disappear like poof and makes some thoughts pop into my mind! LOL. :toofunny:.

I never get tired of that pic babe. Stunning as usual....:pose:

Thanks for the pick me up!



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Double Update Tomorrow!

Ok Everyone since I am short on time tonight I will make a double update tomorrow. I will post both my Wednesday night workout as well as my Thursday night workout. As a preview...My Thursday workout featured my 10x3 of Squats. Wednesday was Shoulders and Triceps. With the update I will post two substances of interest in my scientific talk section along with a double dip of pics and music videos. Tune into tomorrow for my official double update.

Cheers my fellow followers!:cheers:


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Ok my update is going to have to wait yet again...not happy. I have limited internet access for the time being. Sorry my fellow followers. Look forward to the update tomorrow (Saturday some time).

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
  • RockStar
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Smile, please. If you can think of something to make your mind wander enough to enter a 'happy' place. Anyways, not being able to talk today is all good. Just get done what you need to get done. And perhaps talk tomorrow, if you have availability.


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Double Update!

Ok now that I can finally get to a computer lets get my double update out of the way. Unfortunately I have been held away from working out since Thursday and I am none to pleased with that, but nonetheless lets get on with the show shall we?

Quotes of the Day:

"That pleasure which is at once the most pure, the most elevating and the most intense, is derived, I maintain, from the contemplation of the beautiful."

"The true genius shudders at incompleteness - and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be."

Compliments of Edgar Allen Poe.

Supplement Usage:

Assault and Battle Fuel 30 mins prior to workout.

Bullet Proof right before bed.

Anabolic Pump...20 mins before carb containing meals.

Osteobolin-C...Upon waking, pre-workout, post-workout, before bed

Rhodiola Rosea Caps: Upon Waking, Pre-workout, and post workout.

Pics of the day:

Music Video to get things rolling:


and because the song kicks ass...the acoustic version...


The Workouts:

Wednesday Night Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

rotator cuff exercises

Seated Military Presses:
1 set of 20@135lbs
3 sets of 12@185lbs

Barbell Shoulder Shrugs:
4 sets of 12@325lbs

Dumb Bell Shoulder Shrugs using 100lb DB's(as high as the DB's go)

4 sets of 15

Alternating Hammer Grip Front Raises using 40lb DB's:

4 sets of 12

Tricep Pressdowns:

4 sets of 15@100lbs

Overhead Tricep Extensions:

4 sets of 10@80lbs

Seated Behind the Neck Cable Tricep Presses:

4 sets of 10@120lbs

Incline Wide Grip Dips:

5 sets of 15

Thursday Night Workout:

10 minutes of stretching



1 set of 25@135lbs
1 set of 15@225lbs
1 set of 10@300lbs
11 sets of 3@405lbs

End of workouts...

Thoughts on Workouts: Both Workouts were pretty badass. My endurance was at top level and I felt like I could keep going. My recovery has also been pretty solid so far...minor soreness, but livable for sure. Also I was straight explosive during both sessions and my aggression was at peak levels...I was really looking to rip someone's head off. Granted, a few events through the week were pissing me off, but still I believe Battle Fuel may have helped a little bit in that

Workout Ratings: Wednesday night...9.2 and Thursday night...9.6...heavy squats and I still wanted to do more.

Workout Music Video:


Thoughts of the day: Well this past week was a royal pain in the ass. Lets just say this is some Bullsh*t drama going on at work and really just don't like one of my co-workers. Its all good though...problems will come to an end soon enough. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and smarter.

Scientific Talk: pumpkin seed extract...This is one of those substances that many people overlook when in truth it is a diamond in the rough. Pumpkin seeds have long had a reputation as a beneficial dietary supplement to promote healthful urinary function. This property, of course, makes the pumpkin seed especially well suited to support prostate function. Pumpkin seed oil extract contains the essential fatty acids, which are useful for optimal prostate health. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study, a combined application of pumpkin seed oil extract with saw palmetto berry extract showed enhanced effectiveness in supporting healthy prostate function, even though the saw palmetto berry dosage was reduced.

Pumpkin Seeds are known to be a powerful and effective anthelmintic that will kill and expel worm infestations in children and adults. The unusual amino acid, cucurbitin, in Pumpkin Seeds is said to make the herb one of the most efficient remedies for killing intestinal parasites, including tapeworms and roundworms.

Another rare amino acid in Pumpkin Seeds is called myosin, and it is the primary protein constituent of nearly all muscles in the body and important in the chemistry of muscular contraction.

Pumpkin seed extract also has an inhibitory effect on aromatase, preventing androgens like testosterone from converting to estrogen because the extract contains phytosterols, curcubitin and selenium. The extract inhibits 5-alpha-reductase, preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydroxytestosterone.

In addition, to the benefits I have already listed...An interesting potential for pumpkin seeds is in the treatment of arthritis. Pumpkin seeds have a similar effect as indomethacin, a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in the treatment of arthritis. Indomethacin, however, unlike pumpkin seeds, has the side effect of increasing the level of damaged fats (lipid peroxides) in the linings of the joints which can, in fact, increase the symptoms of arthritis.

I was going to add another herb, but eh I think that would make the post a bit too I'll save it for my next update.

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers my fellow Followers!:cheers:


MST Reppin Hard!
  • Established
1. that Draven pic rocks.

2. Poe is amazing.

3. You are f*$%cking strong man...

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