SamBoz19's Epic Daily Journal! Enter At Your Own Risk!

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Yes both pretty fiery so in a nutshell its you growling at me and me roaring back...hahahaha. :toofunny:.

Vegas...definitely...Sin city...let loose of your inhibitions and have fun. You'll just have to help me behave myself, or better yet I may have to help you behave yourself :icon_lol:. J/K. :p

Cheers Babe!:cheers:
Trust me, honey, it won't be ME that has a HARD time behaving themselves :toofunny:


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Trust me, honey, it won't be ME that has a HARD time behaving themselves :toofunny:
Now who is misbehaving?...hahahah. J/K babe. :p


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Brutal Back Workout!

Ok I am a bit pissed off that I did not get in the full workout I wanted to or had planned to do. However, responsibilities come first so I made the most of the time I had (still plenty of time to get a full workout in really) and had a brutal back workout.

Without further ado lets get down to business here...

Pics of the day:

DeeAnn Donovan...

Carmen Ortega...

Music Video to get this thing going:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

5 minutes of moderate intensity cardio on elliptical (warmup)

15 reps@225lbs (warmup)
10 reps@315lbs (warmup)
5 sets of 5@425lbs

Reverse Wide Grip Pullups:
3 sets of 12

Hammer Strength Iso-lateral Reverse Rows:
3 sets of 12@225lbs

Lat Pulldowns:
3 sets of 12@200lbs

Seated Cable Rows:
3 sets of 12@260lbs

End of workout...

Thoughts on Workout: Well this workout was straight brutal because of my sheer intensity and aggression. I was pretty pissed because I was limited on time, but needless to say I had a hell of a back workout. I had planned on going full out with Back, Biceps, Abs, and Cardio, but hey life happens and responsibility takes precedence. The best part of this workout that I liked was the fact when I hit my 5 sets of 5 for 425lbs on the deadlifts I could have easily turned the sets into 8's as opposed to 5's...the weight felt pretty light to me actually once I got through the first set...definitely a sign my strength and power is coming back to full strength and at this rate I could very well be on my way to getting back to my PR levels and maybe even surpassing them. F*ck Yeah!!!

Surprisingly I am leaning out decently and thanks to NeoVar: Recomped mostly (adding in ALA and Yellow Gold will certainly help), the muscle fullness effects are in full swing. My arms are looking very nice and thick...especially my triceps. Overall my upper body is pretty solid...just gotta dry out and tone it up...when I have the necessary funds to run a cutting/recomp cycle my style it won't take me, but roughly 6-8 weeks or so to really get my body back at my comfort zone. From there its all about pushing it to the limit. Eventually at some point in time I am aiming at 290-300lbs and around 6-8% BF (its a very realistic and obtainable long term-goal..I have the genetics for it and the passion and knowledge to go along with it). A long hard road ahead of me, but I will not rest until I get exactly what I want...period!!!

Workout Rating: 9.5...Simply because I know had the endurance and power to go harder...I felt F*cking great on the deadlifts! It was a solid workout overall as it is.

Workout Music Video:

This is a pretty sweet video...Clips from Spawn (yes I'm a huge Spawn fan because of the dark, twisted, complex nature of the character and he is just a badass!) The song used is Step up from Drowning Pool...Enjoy!


Thoughts of the day: Surprisingly I am leaning out decently and thanks to NeoVar: Recomped mostly (adding in ALA and Yellow Gold will certainly help), the muscle fullness effects are in full swing. My arms are looking very nice and thick...especially my triceps. Overall my upper body is pretty solid...just gotta dry out and tone it up...when I have the necessary funds to run a cutting/recomp cycle my style it won't take me, but roughly 6-8 weeks or so to really get my body back at my comfort zone. From there its all about pushing it to the limit. Eventually at some point in time I am aiming at 290-300lbs and around 6-8% BF (its a very realistic and obtainable long term-goal..I have the genetics for it and the passion and knowledge to go along with it). A long hard road ahead of me, but I will not rest until I get exactly what I want...period!!!


Upon waking: 2 DRIVE, 2 caps of Osteobolin-C

15 mins after: 2 caps of RK-125 (250mg of Raspberry Ketones)

15 mins later: 4 NeoVar: Recomped, 1 cap of ALA, and a 1/8 tsp of YG.

Pre-workout: 4 DRIVE

15 mins after: 2 caps of RK-125

15 mins later: 4 NeoVar: Recomped, 1/8 tsp of YG, 1 cap of ALA

30 mins after eating: 1 caffeine tab, 1 gram of bulk L-Tyrosine, 1 gram of Chocomine, 500mg of rhodiola rosea (the tyrosine, Choco, and RR I have had for a while and I have just never used them up so I am doing so now), and 2 Osteobolin-C.

Two Servings of Purple Wraath during training session

Post-workout: 2 NeoVar: Recomped, 2 Osteobolin-C, two scoops of whey in water.

30 mins later: 2 caps of RK-125, 2 caps of NeoVar: Recomped, 1 cap of ALA, and a tsp of Yellow Gold.

15 mins after supps...Blender mixed Carb loaded protein shake (Mixed two scoops of my pina colada protein, a heaping TBSP of Egg White Powder (I've had this forever), 1 TBSP of Natty PB, a cup of fat free Ice Cream, and a banana...damn this was refreshing and tasted awesome...YUM :D

Pre-Bed: 2 Osteobolin-C

Scientific Talk: D-Pinitol is a form of the Vitamin B Inositol. D-Pinitol in research has shown to have have profound insulin-like properties, which may explain its long use in traditional healing medicine for numerous diabetic-associated conditions. D-Pinitol has now become one of the better studied insulin mimickers in the supplement industry and is proving to be an excellent aid in improving glucose metabolism. Also noteworthy, it's been shown to help enhance the uptake of creatine without the use of high-calorie simple carbohydrates. D-pinitol is a form of pinitol, a naturally-occurring compound found in certain plants, trees and foods, such as soy. D-pinitol is a natural methyl-inositol extracted from natural sources. It promotes glucose transport and glycogen synthesis, making it a very attractive supplement for the serious athlete or weekend warrior looking for increased energy and endurance.

D-pinitol has been clinically studied and shown to possess dual actions in promoting glucose use in the body. The first is a stimmulation of glucose uptake in L6 muscle cells and the second is a stimulation of glycogen synthesis by L6 muscle cells. Since glucose is converted into energy within the muscle cell, and creatine is also needed for converting useless ADP into ATP energy within the muscle cell, the transport of glucose and creatine is a major rate-limiting step in the reaction. D-Pinitol aids the transport system for glucose and creatine in AVERA Super Load, driving these components into the muscle cell where it is most needed and resulting in increased penetration.

Ok so supplementing with D-Pinitol is definitely something any serious athlete should look into. As far as what to expect when supplementing with it...D-Pinitol can help Promote stamina, Increase prolonged energy output by improving glucose metabolism, Increase fat metabolism, Aid in weight management by mimicking insulin, Assist energy storage, Improve glucose metabolism and help increase cellular energy, and Prolong your lifespan by potentially helping to lower triglycerides in patients with elevated insulin resistance.

Some other interesting tidbits which really makes me even more curious about this substance...

In preclinical studies at doses higher than those currently approved for human use, it interferes with the accumulation of beta amyloid, an important step in the development of Alzheimer's pathology. These data suggest that d-pinitol may be a reasonable therapeutic agent for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. However, critical safety and human efficacy studies must be conducted. This application proposes to conduct these early critical human studies, using the facilities and resources of the Mount Sinai General Clinical Research Center. The goal of the studies contained in the proposal is to establish safety and efficacy of d-pinitol for the treatment of AD. The specific aims are to 1) conduct a multiple dose safety study of d-pinitol to establish safety in the doses that appear to block amyloid accumulation; and 2) conduct a double blind placebo controlled pilot efficacy study of d-pinitol in patients with AD. These studies will characterize the safety profile, pharmacokinetics, and examine the effect upon potential peripheral biomarkers (plasma and CSF A-beta; CSF Tau). In addition, in a subset of subjects, we propose to examine the effects of d-pinitol upon glucose metabolic rate as reflected by FDG PET scanning. While resources will not permit power to establish efficacy, this study will be used to demonstrate feasibility for a multi-site trial and will be used to guide the design of a future larger effort. Demonstration of feasibility will include insuring ability to recruit and maintain subjects on the regimen, lack of short term toxicity, potential early preliminary evidence of efficacy in terms of cognitive function and secondary outcomes of activities of daily living, caregiver burden and biomarkers.

So essentially D-Pinitol could prove useful in Psychology and health research in general for helping to treat Alzheimer's disease in addition to its myriad of other benefits...definitely a substance worth studying more about.

An interesting study to check out BTW... Special note here...RB Kreider is one of my favorite sources for research so anytime I see that name involved with a study I pay attention. :thumbsup:

Now officially that is it for this edition...:)



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awesome deads man, your a strong lil fcuk arent ya? ;)


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awesome deads man, your a strong lil fcuk arent ya? ;)
Strong...yes (combination of good genetics and training in some way shape, or form since I was in my young teens)...lil....hahahah....yeah I'm just a little Atom Ant...Strong and I really can't stop laughing from saying that. :toofunny:. I'm far from being little thats for :lol:. I'll say this much though...I don't look that big until you stand next to me because I am quite tall at 6'4" and my body is very proportional...nothing small about me.

Thanks for dropping in bud and providing some fun commentary...definitely my kind of sarcasm to roll times. :)



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lol @ the rock trying to be cool

Kudos to Spawn!! I love the movies and the comic books.
Todd McFarlane is the man.


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lol @ the rock trying to be cool

Kudos to Spawn!! I love the movies and the comic books.
Todd McFarlane is the man.
Yeah I've always liked that song because its some funny sh* have to laugh. :toofunny:

Spawn is tha shiznit. I actually really liked the movie too...They picked the best person to fit the role IMO...Michael Jai White nailed that roll.

The reason why Spawn has always intrigued me so is the complex nature of his creation...very dark and twisted. Not to mention the Red cape and the chains are pretty F*cking kickass!!! :D

Thanks for stopping by :)

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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lol Sad to see that the ladies of the day aren't working for me though.

I've seen all of the animated movies and the live action one. I own the first volume of the comics. The next two are like 30 each. Maybe some day...


  • Legend!
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i loved spawn too, back in the day. Still like the look of the art and the cape and chains but you just dont see Spawn around much anymore.

:cheers: Sam!


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lol Sad to see that the ladies of the day aren't working for me though.

I've seen all of the animated movies and the live action one. I own the first volume of the comics. The next two are like 30 each. Maybe some day...
The HBO series of Spawn was kickass...the voice of Spawn couldn't be topped...I believe it was Keith that chilling voice and just the kickass style of the Spawn character truly went together like PB& :toofunny:

Cheers bud!:cheers:


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i loved spawn too, back in the day. Still like the look of the art and the cape and chains but you just dont see Spawn around much anymore.

:cheers: Sam!
Yeah it does suck Spawn has pretty much been thrown to the wayside. I would like to see another Spawn movie...something along the lines of how they brought back Batman (The Dark Knight is F*cking awesome, but still hard for me to choose between the original with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson and this new one with Christian Bale and the late Heath Ledger).



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forget all these new marvel movies! We want a spawn movies ASAP!


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yeah i used to watch that all the time on HBO. pretty sweet. loved the darkness and gore.


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I did not get a chance to workout last night...time constraints and responsibilities...GRRRR, but eh I will make up for it tonight...its the weekend and I love the weekends because I always have the gym to myself.

Also...Please see last workout section, Post #209, for the Scientific Talk for those interested in that section of my log. It is now updated...



MST Reppin Hard!
  • Established
1. spawn is sweet
2. dark knight was amazing
3. we need either a Gambit movie, or an Xmen movie where they actually have Gambit in it. It's BS already...


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1. spawn is sweet
2. dark knight was amazing
3. we need either a Gambit movie, or an Xmen movie where they actually have Gambit in it. It's BS already...
Spawn is tha shiznit for sure....yes Dark Knight was amazing...some of the best acting I have ever seen in a movie to be honest. Now as far as X-Men go....they already completely f*cked up the story of X-Men.

Beast and Colossus were original X-Men...they should have played a part of the first movie. (Yes Colossus was in the first movie, but he was one of professor Xavier's students and had no lines really...that really pissed me off.)

Now for Gambit...Gambit and Rogue always had the relationship thing going on...not Iceman and Rogue. Oh and BTW...Iceman is an original X-man yet again Hollywood f*cked up again.

Furthermore, They have screwed Spiderman up just as bad...if they make another Spiderman and Carnage is not the villain it is pointless to even watch then.

Basically my point is....lets everyone give a big round of applause to Hollywood for F*cking up some of our beloved comic book characters and stories. :FUfinger:. Yes I watch movies for entertainment value, but I get very entrenched into story lines and when the story lines get screwed with it really takes away from the experience for me.



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they need to get more bodybuilders in these superhero flix as actors. if you say they cant act then let them practice id like to see a big ripped colossus and a bulky beast instead of some normal looking dudes.


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they need to get more bodybuilders in these superhero flix as actors. if you say they cant act then let them practice id like to see a big ripped colossus and a bulky beast instead of some normal looking dudes.

Check into Beowolf then. Joe the IDS rep works out at our gym and they used his body to design the Beowolf character. He said they were going to do a real life movie coming out soon of Beowolf and he would be in that movie. He is a huge guy and ripped as hell. Super sweet guy. He is in all the muscular Development mags.


  • Legend!
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Check into Beowolf then. Joe the IDS rep works out at our gym and they used his body to design the Beowolf character. He said they were going to do a real life movie coming out soon of Beowolf and he would be in that movie. He is a huge guy and ripped as hell. Super sweet guy. He is in all the muscular Development mags.
oh really?! ahhhh so a real, non animated Beowolf is coming out? Im not sure i understand what movie did they use his body for the design? the old one? and now he is acting in the new one? im confused lol.


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oh really?! ahhhh so a real, non animated Beowolf is coming out? Im not sure i understand what movie did they use his body for the design? the old one? and now he is acting in the new one? im confused lol.
They used his body to design the animated 3-d character. He said a real version was already done..I guess we will wait and see. He has been in several movies but he looks like a mafia guy so thats what his roles have been up to now. We are working with him to do a desert cookbook for bodybuilders. He is getting ready for a show now.


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They used his body to design the animated 3-d character. He said a real version was already done..I guess we will wait and see. He has been in several movies but he looks like a mafia guy so thats what his roles have been up to now. We are working with him to do a desert cookbook for bodybuilders. He is getting ready for a show now.
Thats intriguing! Thanks for stopping by dear. :thumbsup:



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:wave: been enjoying your log man.. :D
Glad to hear bud. Thanks for checking in! I appreciate the continued support. :)

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Hope you enjoyed that movie...

...I appreciate the continued support. :)
I know you do (not directed at me, but thought to say it anyway :p) I'm always going to be here, that thorn in your side :toofunny:


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Bicep, Forearms, Cardio!

Ok so since last week biceps got neglected I decided to all out on biceps and forearms this time out. Needless to say lets get down to business here...

Pics of the day:

Well since I have the special privilege and permission...a special treat this time around...a future stunning fitness model...My Dearest Rosie babe. Yes babe your certainly looking sexy! :)

Music Video to get things rolling:

Ok a perfect fitting music video to explain the libido and besides the song and video is some funny sh*t...hahahah. :toofunny:


The Workout:

10 minutes of stretching

5 minutes of warmup cardio on elliptical

Wide Grip Barbell Curls:
20 reps@75lbs
15 reps@100lbs
10 reps@135lbs
5 sets of 5@185lbs

Reverse Barbell Curls:
3 sets of 12@135lbs

Close Grip Preacher Curls:
3 sets of 10@100lbs

Hammer Curls using 35lb DB's
3 sets of 25

Concentration Curls Using 35lb DB:
3 sets of 15

Reverse Plate Curls (45lbs Plate):
3 sets of 20

Wrist Curls using Straight Bar (Olympic 45lb):
3 sets of 25

Reverse Wrist Curls using Straight Bar (Olympic 45lb):
3 sets of 25

45 minutes of cardio on elliptical (30 mins of HIIT)

End of workout...

Thoughts on Workout: This workout was done at home in my basement. The aggression and everything was there, but I was a bit perturbed because I had to end up doing my workout later than I wanted to. Even though I had a major adrenaline rush and was aggressive as all hell I still felt like I was missing something. Needless to say...I was quite happy at how much of a pump I had in my bi's, not to mention the vascularity on my forearms was looking pretty sweet...veins were very thick and pulsing, and to top it off...the wide grip barbell curls@185lbs felt effortless really (probably should've went for sets of 8) all in all I was happy with the session I guess.

Workout Rating: 8.8...It was a solid workout and I had awesome pumps and vascularity going in my biceps and forearms, but I've still had much better workouts...still a good session though.

Workout Music Video:

A special double dip here because I was listening to these two particular songs a few times during the training session...those of you who followed my previous logs, or have paid any attention to my taste in music shouldn't be surprised here...Five Finger Death Punch and Killswitch Engage.



Thoughts of the day: Well I am feeling pretty happy and optimistic despite the stress and negativity that has been surrounding me lately. It always helps having you to talk to babe ;). Beyond that, I have another interview on Monday with Anytime Fitness...I'm feeling pretty good into this interview because I know the guy interviewing me...he used to be the club manager at the Anytime Fitness Center I train at and we were always trading tips and shooting the sh*t so needless to say I think I'm finally going to catch a break and get things to go my way.

Scientific Talk: a nonessential amino acid (protein building block) that the body synthesizes from phenylalanine, another amino acid. Tyrosine is important to the structure of almost all proteins in the body. It is also the precursor of several neurotransmitters, including L-dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.

L-tyrosine, through its effect on neurotransmitters, may affect several health conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, depression, and other mood disorders. Studies have suggested that tyrosine may help people with depression.1 Preliminary findings indicate a beneficial effect of tyrosine, along with other amino acids, in people affected by dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.2 Due to its role as a precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine (two of the body’s main stress-related hormones) tyrosine may also ease the adverse effects of environmental, psychosocial, and physical stress.

L-tyrosine is converted by skin cells into melanin, the dark pigment that protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Thyroid hormones, which have a role in almost every process in the body, also contain tyrosine as part of their structure.

People attempting to lose weight may benefit from supplemental L-tyrosine. The thyroid is responsible for the manufacture of T-cells. L-tyrosine influences the manufacture of thyroxin [T-cells], which influences basal metabolic rate. Because of this, L-tyrosine may prove effective for weight loss.*

So in a nutshell, the reason why you should supplement with L-Tyrosine is that it can help stimulate your metabolism thus helping aid in fat loss as it works a thermogenic. L-Tyrosine has the propensity to offset mental and physical fatigue thus it gives athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike a nice boost in performance. Beyond that I would say it is safe to say that everyone wants to have great skin and would like to be able to get a natural looking tan easier...well look no further...L-Tyrosine helps in this department as well. L-Tyrosine in my opinion is not one of those optional supplements, I believe everyone should be supplementing with it because by doing so you are most likely going to be living a happier, healthier, and fuller life. Even if you are not into fitness...supplementing with L-Tyrosine can help keep your moods balanced thus helping to balance out your emotions and your hormones, which in effect means stress is less likely to be an issue for you.

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


MST Reppin Hard!
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haha the foreshadowing for pictures of that nature coming was pages upon pages ago ;)


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haha the foreshadowing for pictures of that nature coming was pages upon pages ago ;)
LOL...smartass! :toofunny:

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


MST Reppin Hard!
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if I didn't have to spread some rep'd be getting some this instant mister!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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if I didn't have to spread some rep'd be getting some this instant mister!
LOL....I get that message a lot...I have my select few I give the rep to...hahaha. :). Thanks though bud.



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I gave your rep to Guejsn lol
Its all good...I'll look at it as though I received vicarious reps then....lmao. :toofunny:

Cheers Team Deuce!:cheers:


MST Reppin Hard!
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No one quite enjoyed the "Team Deuce" as much as you...


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No one quite enjoyed the "Team Deuce" as much as you...
It was the context in which you used it and it just got me going pretty good. I was sipping a diet sierra mist at the time and damn near spit it out laughing because I was like "oh hell no he did not just say that." It's original so thats another reason why I liked it. Humor and creativity...thats what I enjoy. :thumbsup:



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dude, there is no way you are doing 5x5 with 185 on bb curls!!!



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dude, there is no way you are doing 5x5 with 185 on bb curls!!!

HAHAHAHA...skepticism...nice. There is no way huh? Doubt me if you like...thats your prerogative to do so. I welcome skepticism. At the same time...I have nothing to prove to anyone so honestly I only worry about what I can do and leave it at that. I do appreciate the healthy criticism and skepticism though. :)

What you must understand is that genetically strength and raw power come easy for me. I'm 6'4" 270 lbs currently (just weighed myself recently) and I am the son of a man who was 6'2" 315lbs on naturally I am going to be rather strong. Beyond that I have always trained heavy and hard...I'm not the type to bullshit.

Also...when doing heavy curls I use the Olympic straight bar barbell for curls and I use a wide grip because it hits the biceps harder for me, in I do not use perfect or strict form when doing heavy curls like that, but I still keep my form solid (none of that pathetic wimp sh*t of damn near falling backwards struggling to get the weight up) and then I take 2-3 minutes in between sets (always a practice I follow on 5x5 or 10x3). I never go heavy on EZ bar curls because it is more of a concentrated movement when using it and not really for power (plus I just don't like the feel of the bar and it tends to irritate my wrists more). Just my two cents and opinion there...not fact, or a proven science.

Now moving onward...

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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Thats intriguing! Thanks for stopping by dear. :thumbsup:

LOL I read daily , but I don't post quite as much. ;) I enjoy learning and finding different approaches to my programs.


MST Reppin Hard!
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I totally agree about the EZ bar! I completely stopped using it over a year ago because my wrists were decimated!


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Update most likely tomorrow!

Due to be being busy as all hell over the weekend and today (my sleep has sucked balls) I have not had a chance to train (yes I am quite irritated with it and suppressed aggression from not being able to train is definitely evident in my mood right now....GRRRRR....RRRROOOOOOAAAAARRRR!!!!!! :frustrate: :aargh:). However, I plan on getting in a ridiculous session tomorrow and then I will share the good news I have as well at that time. Till then stay tuned my fellow followers...

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Just dropping to to say a quick "HI", since I haven't been able to talk to you PROPERLY yet, today...Hope you are getting that sleep you need (I know I am, and then I'm not, LOL)...Anyways, hugs and stuff ;)


  • Legend!
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Sam, not that i was doubting you, its just amazing....i could not even imagine curling that. you do have a good point on the genetic strength and size. Dont ever want to compete do you?


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Sam, not that i was doubting you, its just amazing....i could not even imagine curling that. you do have a good point on the genetic strength and size. Dont ever want to compete do you?
Its all good bud. :)

Competing is a thought for the future for sure. However, in order for me to compete I would have to really add on some ridiculous size to my frame. For me to have a legitimate chance to win (anything less is unacceptable to me) I would most likely have to be around the 300lb mark and at least around 6% BF considering my tall stature works against me. Can it be done....considering how hard I work and how dedicated I am?...yes. Will it be done?....remains to be seen. Will take a long time?...Well given my good genetics, supplement knowledge, and dieting techniques...1-2 years (I put on 30lbs in a year before as I went from 225-230 to 255-260) and I would still be young at 26-27 years old.



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Quick Note!

Since I completely PTFO'ed early last night I did not get a workout in...matter of fact I just woke up not too long ago and plan on going to back to sleep here. Evidently my body is telling me it needs some serious rest because I literally crashed last night.

Anyway, a quick hint to my good news I was going to share...I got myself a new job and it is actually the job I really wanted all along...I am getting myself into the fitness industry...more details to come later.

I will be making two updates today...first one will be a non-workout update and the other will be the update for after my workout tonight.

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:


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looking forward to the update! congrats!


MST Reppin Hard!
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congrats on the new job. As soon as I can build a steady client base...I will be working full time in the fitness industry myself ;)


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congrats on the new job. As soon as I can build a steady client base...I will be working full time in the fitness industry myself ;)
must be nice to be living the dream...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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must be nice to be leaving the dream...
Don't you mean LIVING'? (LOL) And yeah, it is, if that's YOUR dream and not someone else's!


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My Non-Workout Update!

Ok as promised here is my non-workout update...

So I never got around to working out last night...I went and kicked it with my buddy Brandon and all of a sudden I was slapped with the tired stick. I came back from Brandon's and totally PTFO'ed. I was dead to the world. Anyway, lets get down to business and make this an official update my style...

A new section I am adding to my log just add more variety and entertainment...I will be using random quotes from movies, books, poems, etc. Some quotes will be funny, others motivational, and then some will just be thought provoking...

We'll start off a with a funny one to get it going though...

Quote of the Day:

"Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on?" (Tom Hanks- A league of Their Own).

Pics of the day:

Annette Milbers...

Lisa Marie Varon...

Music Video of the day:

Earshot- Someone, with a Final Fantasy Advent Children video (yes another one...there are so many of them


Thoughts of the Day: Well Obviously my weekend was pretty nuts and the beginning of this week has been as well so I have not worked out since my biceps workout. My sleep patterns have been all sorts of F*cked up so it was better to just stay away from training. I am not to happy about missing training, but eh life happens so I guess you just roll with the punches and keep moving forward.

The good news is that I have a new job and it is with Anytime Fitness. I'm getting my foot in the door in the fitness industry and plan on making my career in this industry. I will be working as an assistant to the director of Club/Sales Operations. In a nutshell, my title is more or less as a club manager and sales manager. This is a perfect fit for me considering physical fitness and bodybuilding is pretty much life and I have extensive experience in customer service and sales. The best part out of the deal is that with my position it allows me to set up programs for club members as well in addition to my other duties so with the money I will be making I can earn my certification as a personal trainer as well. In a nutshell, my money making potential has no ceiling really (I get a guaranteed base+commission for membership signups...I get commission in two ways...I get commission off money that is put down on the membership the first day if the customer decides to do so and I also get commission in general off the membership value as a whole)...tons of opportunity and growth. The coolest part of the experience was that my first interview was with the former club manager of the Beloit Gym so it was an easy interview and it was just like shooting the sh*t and kicking it with a buddy catching up on old times. After that I went had my second interview with the big guy who runs the show more or less and I impressed him quite a bit. We hit off...he offered to help me out quite a great deal by offering to pay half of my gas for 3 months to give me help to get on my feet financially and allowing me time to find a place closer to where I'll be working which is in the Monona and Fitchburg area Madison. The interview was really cool because we started shooting the sh*t about different training programs and talking about going to the Arnold Expo (he's been to it a couple of times and been to some of the other big events as well so I was like damn I have to go sometime for sure as he said its an experience not be missed for people who have the passion for bodybuilding)...this was a guy I was like I could hang out with him sometime as he is a pretty cool dude. He was built very similar to me in size, but just about 2 inches shorter than me and that in itself gave me the idea the guy knows his stuff. He did mention the famous reply I hear quite a bit when I meet people though..."Damn your big" I lmao...The other guy I interviewed with told him I was big, but he wasn't expecting me to be that big evidently...needless to say it was good times :lol: So needless to say I have found a potential career as I will be involved with something I am passionate about and will be working for a company that I believe in and selling something I believe in...can't ask for much better than that.

Supplement Usage:

Yes I did take my supplements during my days off, but there was no particular setup due to screwed up sleeping patterns. So not much to add here...

Scientific Talk: L-Histidine is an essential amino acid that cannot be formed by other nutrients, and must be in the diet to be available to the body. Most often recognized as a precursor to the allergy symptom producing hormone histamine, both histidine and histamine have essential roles in the body beyond tormenting allergy sufferers.

Histamine is well known for its role in stimulating the inflammatory response of skin and mucous membranes such as those found in the nose - this action is essential in the protection of these barriers during infection. Histamine also stimulates the secretion of the digestive enzyme gastrin. Without adequate histamine production healthy digestion can become impaired. Without adequate L-histidine stores, the body cannot maintain adequate histamine levels.

Less well known is that L-histidine is required by the body to regulate and utilize essential trace minerals such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese and molybdenum. L-histidine is essential in forming many metal bearing enzymes and compounds, examples being the antioxidant super oxide dismutase, the iron storage protein ferritin, the iron uptake regulation protein -FUR, the copper storage and iron metabolism cofactor cerulplasmin, red blood cell hemoglobin, the toxic metal storage protein metallothionein, and the cysteine regulating enzyme cysteine dioxygenase - to name but a few important enzymes dependent on L-histidine being available for formation and function.

Metals such as zinc, copper and nickel are transported by binding with L-histidine, and such binding appears essential for rapid excretion of excess metal. Toxic metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and threatening excesses of essential minerals zinc and copper stimulate the rapid formation of metallothionein inside cells of the brain, liver, and kidneys. Metallothionein is a molecule designed to store metals in such a way as to prevent uncontrolled oxidation reactions - protecting the normal workings of the cell. Metallothionein requires both L-cysteine (usually derived from available glutathione stores) and L-histidine to be formed.

Persons contaminated with heavy metals, suffering from chronic seasonal allergies, or following a low histidine diet are most susceptible to body depletion of adequate histidine stores - creating the possibility of mineral-enzyme deficiencies and dysregulation. Depletion of body stores of L-histidine might be best recognized by dysfunction of L-histidine dependent compounds, and low blood plasma concentrations of the amino acid. High blood serum levels of iron have been experimentally caused in humans by a diet low in L-Histidine. Intolerance of sulfur bearing foods like garlic and broccoli along with elevated blood plasma L-cysteine levels indicate inactivation of the L-Histidine and iron dependent enzyme cysteine dioxygenase.

As with most free form amino acids, L-histidine absorption is best when taken between meals without food and without accompanying minerals.

L-Histidine is something everyone should be taking regardless if you are into fitness or not as supplementing with it keeps you healthy and will provide with a better quality of life. Those suffering from arthritis in particular should be supplementing with L-Histidine as it works to help as a dilator to enhance the increase of blood circulation and helps keep histamine in check which is what causes the inflammatory response, which is what leads to the excruciating pain involved with arthritis.

Reference: L-Histidine

Some other interesting reads for those who care to research L-Histidine further...

Lipids in Health and Disease | Full text | L-histidine inhibits production of lysophosphatidic acid by the tumor-associated cytokine, autotaxin

L-histidine.hcl: Carcinogenic Potency Database

Characterization of the metal ion binding site in the anti-terminator protein, HutP, of Bacillus subtilis -- Kumarevel et al. 33 (17): 5494 -- Nucleic Acids Research

I do plan on getting in a workout later on tonight so I will be making another update so stay tuned...

Thats it for this edition...

Cheers Everyone!:cheers:

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