Phera and Epi log by nycste



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whats ur dosage on all the products ur using post cycle therapy. Did u get any libido shut down during ur cycle?
he didn't have a libido to start with.....he's a rare breed...:lol:


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whats ur dosage on all the products ur using post cycle therapy. Did u get any libido shut down during ur cycle?

edit nevermind. U taking 5 dth and 2 restore a day?
taking DTHC 3-4 days at 3pills then bumping to 5. aka
1-1-1 then going to 2-2-1

he didn't have a libido to start with.....he's a rare breed...:lol:
sure is funny but i honestly dont understand this feel soo stupid

nycste have you ever done a cycle before and what did you use post cycle therapy if so?
first semi hardcore cycle. i did a jungle warfare BAm restore stack in the winter this year. PCT for that was restore and pct wasnt needed for that cycle at the time thats what i understood.

thanks for your questions and concerns ill answer anything i can to the best of my ability


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Day DONE post cycle therapy STARTED

Weight in morning WHO GIVES A SH IT

Wk 6 Toremifene 120mg(2ml) first 4days then down to 90 / Diesel Test Hardcore /restore
Wk 7 Toremifene 90mg(1.5ml) / Diesel Test Hardcore /restore
Wk 8 Toremifene 60mg(1ml) / Diesel Test Hardcore /restore
Wk 9 Toremifene 30mg(.5ml) / Diesel Test Hardcore /restore

08/16 TODAY
Day 2 post cycle therapy

Weight in morning WHO GIVES A SH IT will weight soon.

-took first serving of SERM last night.
-5 pills into diesel test hardcore one more left tonight.
-two pills in on restore
-and had a good workout tonight and was able to makeup for the 2 exercises i did not do other night

post cycle therapy


Measurement LOG SECTION

Measurements taken on 07/06

Neck 17.5 relaxed
Around Shoulders 48 relaxed (2 less then ALRI log)
Chest 45.75 flexed 47.5
waist at bellie button 38
forearms 12.25 flexed 13.10
Bi/Tri 14.5 flexed 16 (.5 bigger flexed)
Low Thigh 21.25
High Thigh 25
Calve 16 (+.5 from start)

measurements taken on 7/18

Day 15 Phera 30mg
Day 02 Epi 10mg
Weight= 209 (+7)
Neck 18 (+.5) relaxed
Around Shoulders 48 relaxed (nochange)
Chest 46 (+.25) flexed 47.9 (+.4)
waist at bellie button 37.6 (-.4)
forearms 12.25 (nochange) flexed 13.25 (+.15)
Bi/Tri 14.5 (nochange) flexed 16 (nochange)
mid thigh 24
High Thigh 25 (nochange)
Calve 16 (nochange)

Measurements taken on 8/16

Weight= 212/213
Neck 17.75 relaxed
Around Shoulders 49 relaxed
Chest 46.5 flexed 48
waist at bellie button 38
forearms 13 flexed 13.25
Bi/Tri 14.5 flexed 16.5
mid thigh 24
High Thigh 25.2
Calve 16

-gained about 10lbs total with most if it by week 2.5, weight didnt change for the following 3.5 weeks.
-i dont think i leaned out at all waist stayed about the same the entire cycle.
-i am happy with my results from the pheraplex gaining 10lbs while on that and nothing changeing in reguards to weight after that
-i started the cycle with a new workout routine. throughtout the cycle i made great progress. not to PR after PR. but progresss to closing in on my older PRs. tonights workout is making me really close !!!
-i dont want to say im dissapointed with epistane but all i did was make continunal progress which is great but that should happen with proper diet and training anyway. i know phera gave me 10lbs.
-side effects started off horrible. they must be from the pheraplex or the fact that i wasnt spreading out my support supplements when i took phera and epistane dosages.
-side effects went away towards the middle of my cycle i think and i really spreadout any support supplements away from dosages of phera and or epistane.
-just started my rehab or PCT which will last about 4 weeks unless i spread it out to 6 but that might not be recommened we shall see i will ask you guys what you think. that would requre lowering the dosages and just extending it a week or two
-hope this summary was decent. not sure what else to mention. o yea
-acne. nothing really changed for the most part. my back has actually cleared up alittle. while my chest maybe got alittle worse. nothing out of the norm.
-headaches happened on and off mostly only during certain workouts they were pretty painfull but never lasted long and dont recall having them away from my workouts
-libido talk actually confuses me because i dont know much about it or how to explain it properly and im sure ill be made fun of on one of these forums for this following post.
-im pretty sure my pecker has gotten smaller. or at least while not hard it is smaller. my balls i think got alittle smaller too. i want to say that i was really horny all cycle but im always really horny anyway.
-and actually having a hard time staying hard sometimes during umm whackoff
-well this is as honest as i can make this log. i look foward to PCT. and look foward to any advice anyone wants to share

Not bad son. :clap2:


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Chuck i'll take you up on that DTH offer if you are willing. I got 5 weeks left of my test cycle. Just let me know. I wasn't trying to bash your product before, just trying to get some facts straight. Just let me know, i'd be happy to log. I've run post cycle therapy with a test booster, and without a test booster (alongside serms), so I have a pretty good idea.
awww gixxer's cute......hahahahaha fukcer


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is there an actual log in here aside form all the homo blowjobs and such? :toofunny:


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Seriously @$$holes, how about you stop sh!tting in Nycste's log?

Sigh, Noobs! I tell you, you guys wouldn't be doing all this bs in my thread! pffffffff grrrrrrrrr :rant:

Much pissed off ness,



  • Legend!
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Seriously @$$holes, how about you stop sh!tting in Nycste's log?

Sigh, Noobs! I tell you, you guys wouldn't be doing all this bs in my thread! pffffffff grrrrrrrrr :rant:

Much pissed off ness,



  • Established
Chuck i'll take you up on that DTH offer if you are willing. I got 5 weeks left of my test cycle. Just let me know. I wasn't trying to bash your product before, just trying to get some facts straight. Just let me know, i'd be happy to log. I've run post cycle therapy with a test booster, and without a test booster (alongside serms), so I have a pretty good idea.
(oh oh wait me too me too... hes giving stuff away now??? i better compliment him.... lol)

Gixxer you crack me up bro.:toofunny:


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08/17 TODAY
Day 3 post cycle therapy

weight 211 middle of day.

donno if its possible already but i notice some change in the downtown department. nuts might be waking up alittle too.

going running wanna lose this extra fat
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Chuck i'll take you up on that DTH offer if you are willing. I got 5 weeks left of my test cycle. Just let me know. I wasn't trying to bash your product before, just trying to get some facts straight. Just let me know, i'd be happy to log. I've run post cycle therapy with a test booster, and without a test booster (alongside serms), so I have a pretty good idea.
Oh contraire mon frere, you were bashing DT, you and Tripdog. But that’s ok, DT Hardcore doesn’t mind, when you at the top people don’t like that. He understands. I cant give away DT to everyone, how Im going to even afford to make more to people sell to people who want to actually pay for it?

Everyone is always like, "hey send me ur DTH to try, Ive heard nothing but good things." Then if I don’t send it they go out and buy some other $30 product + $30 = $60 BS herbal test booster stack.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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I wasn't bashing the product. I was simply saying its insufficient for post cycle therapy. And anyone with a brain would agree with me....

but in the end....
this goes out to you DTH....
fukc natural herbal test booster bullsh*t false advertising promising gains piece of sh*t.
DTH reply: Read it btch:

read this log: h ttp:// forum. bodybuilding. com/showthread.php?t=800994

My Background Information:

Back last september I messed up and took superdrol for 2 weeks at 20mg a day and was only 17. After the 2 weeks my face had broke out so bad to the point that my mom had me go to a doctor about it and none of the medications for it worked. I dropped the superdrol after exactly 2 weeks and started clomid with a protocol I found on this site. After that time I didn't think much of not recovering having not had any experience with this type of stuff. I had gained substantial fat on the cycle and went straight to cutting my calories from around 3500-4000 down to about 2000 for months with HIIT cardio 5 days a week in the morning. I lost a ton of muscle and got down to about 160 from 180. I am now 18 and still have not recovered. I realize that my first cycle of nolvadex combined with a messed up diet messed me up in the beginning after the cycle. I took 6-oxo at 500/300/200/100 as well as fenugreek and maca 3 months ago to have another go at it, my balls deatrophied to a point and my testosterone went from 22 to 111 on a scale of 240 - 820, and my free test from .5 to 1.5 on a scale of 3 - 24. I have been seeing an endo that admitted to knowing nothing about my situation and has tested my testosterone twice over the past 3 months with the same results given above. He wants to do stuff like a pituiary MRI, after I have explained to him my history with superdrol and attempting a post cycle therapy.

Even More Recent:

I talked to my general practioner about the situation because I went back to them for a referral. I took my blood tests results that I had got from my Endo. She looked at them and said I can treat this myself and I asked her how, she hesitated walked out for a second came back and told me that she could give me injections, patches, gels, etc. I told her that I wanted to be treated with something to restore my natural testosterone production. She said she wanted to go ahead and take her own blood work and have me come back in 3 weeks to go over them and pursue TRT. The problem is I dont want TRT unless absolutely neccessary and in my case I dont think I've exhausted all possibilities. Diesel Test 2010 will be my last try to reach a *normal*, I have confidence in the product and the reviews that I have read, so I'm hoping for the best.

My Current Bloodwork as of 5/18/06:

Total Testosterone - 176 ng/dl (normal range 240 - 820) (<=1000)
Free Test - 3.5 (normal range 8.7 - 25)
Estradiol - 19 pg/ml (normal range 5 - 53)

Fsh - 1.8 ( 1.4 - 18.1) - Barely in range nurse tried to tell me it was normal.
Lh - 1.2 ( 1.5 - 9.3 )

I can also get some thyroid bloodwork from my doctor i'll have to have him fax it over and I can post it later. I'll start my dosing 5/26 using label directions.

*Current Supplements im Taking*

-Vitamin C
-Creatine ( Was using but doctor told me to stop because my creatinine levels were elevated, so to humor him I will for now until I get my bloodwork done again and see how my testosterone is looking.)


Total Testosterone - from 176 ng/dl to 457 ng/dl (normal range 240 - 820)
Free Test - from 3.5 to 13.4 (normal range 8.7 - 25)
Lh UP from 1.2 to 4.1


Total test increased 260% or 2.6 fold almost 3X increase
free test increased 383% 3.83 fold almost 4X increase
LH increased 342% 3.42 fold almost 3.5X

estodiol went up a little from 19 to 22 about 20%
DTH: "you can hate me now......but I wont stop can hate me im gonna hate you 2.....its as simple as that.......weak jealous MF's."

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

You think I'm gone come this far and let you stop me? I hate you 2!

The comments expressed in this post are from DIESEL TEST Hardocore and doesnt nec. represent Chuck Diesel.


  • Established
I wasn't bashing the product. I was simply saying its insufficient for post cycle therapy. And anyone with a brain would agree with me....

but in the end....
this goes out to you DTH....
fukc natural herbal test booster bullsh*t false advertising promising gains piece of sh*t.
LMAO gixxer you frickin bipolar ass mofo you crack me up..... :head:

aight guys lets leave chuck be and just let NYC do his thang.


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worked for me. Blood work and vids of lift to boot.

PR'd on every single lift (squat 755, Bench 630, and raw dead of 660) during the 3rd and 4th week of my PCT. Admitedly i ran it along side Torem. But the Torem and DTH rocked!

A friend of mine ran a suppressive cycle this spring with a 3 week Torem PCT and never fully recovered. I suggested the DTH. He PM'd me this week stating the boys were coming back in the first week at 3/day it was working for him better than the Torem alone.

Dunno...but it sure is in my PCT plan from here on out.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
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This kid doesn't count, hes just some dumb noob who doesn't know sh*t about anything that hes taking.
ur right:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

he doesnt know anything about his blood work either right? Oh wait he made that up......thats right. Can nycste get back to his log.

Have a nice weekend.


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so much love. now stfu you whinney little *****ezz :).
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
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Are you really that ignorant???---He knows something about his bloodwork cause it was explained to him by his doctor.

Have a nice weekend.
who needs a doctor to explain:

Total Testosterone - from 176 ng/dl to 457 ng/dl (normal range 240 - 820)
Free Test - from 3.5 to 13.4 (normal range 8.7 - 25)
Lh UP from 1.2 to 4.1

Maybe you would need a doctor to explain what that means, but most people dont. cya oh, quick summary for those of you new to this whats going on here:

Chuck i'll take you up on that DTH offer if you are willing. I got 5 weeks left of my test cycle. Just let me know. I wasn't trying to bash your product before, just trying to get some facts straight. Just let me know, i'd be happy to log. I've run post cycle therapy with a test booster, and without a test booster (alongside serms), so I have a pretty good idea.

but in the end....
this goes out to you DTH....
fukc natural herbal test booster bullsh*t false advertising promising gains piece of sh*t.


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LMAO This thread is killing me! :toofunny:

Pure comedy gold.. :toofunny:


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This kid doesn't count, hes just some dumb noob who doesn't know sh*t about anything that hes taking.

Gixxer, how about you take it down a few levels of "here let my d!ck speak" and let your brain / mouth combo perform some thinking and then replying.

This forum is really not the place for these outlandish attacks and name calling, if you can't handle it, take it to, they'll love you for it.

The above is me asking you to please keep it civilized and to at least attempt calm rational thinking / logic / replies.

Thanks man,

Much Love,



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You guys like this thread? Perhaps let's start treating each other with respect, even if you can't treat yourself that way :(


  • Legend!
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Gixxer, how about you take it down a few levels of "here let my d!ck speak" and let your brain / mouth combo perform some thinking and then replying.

This forum is really not the place for these outlandish attacks and name calling, if you can't handle it, take it to, they'll love you for it.

The above is me asking you to please keep it civilized and to at least attempt calm rational thinking / logic / replies.

Thanks man,

Much Love,

uhhhhhhhhhh,yea bro relax.....we've been breaking eachothers balls for quite some time....gixxer's my boy and he means well....don't bash things you don't think are up to your standard....maybe this thread isn't for you bro!..........and chads thread makes this thread look very intelligent!!!!!

Much Banananess,



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Sorry my mistake.......I apologize. Have fun guys :)

Oh and your well e-tough Gixxer :toofunny:

How old are you Gixxer?

Much Love,



Never enough
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I will say in chucks defense tho that before the SERMs there still were steroids, and those guys seemed to do ok... Although a SERM is the best guarantee of everything turning out good at the end, and i'd recommend it too, it is possible that other substances do a good enough job in x% of people. Theres not enough clinical data on any of this to be able to tell what that x number is tho. Heck, from what it looks like Resveratrol alone in high enough dose may be all you'd need for PCT.... its all just about restoring function.

And the one plus to taking something besides existing serms is that the SERMS are meant to treat breast cancer, and other womens issues, not restart balls. read the side effects on the serms. Do you want hot flashes, multiple pregnancies, ovarian enlargement or vaginal bleeding? I know I don't, but those are all side effects of serms :D


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I'm not going to type a whole lot here, I'm sure you understand from my rep.

1. I agree with you on DTH etc would not be enough for PCT.

2. I agree you're all entitled to your fun and I apologize if I barged in.

3. It seem to me from your responses that you were reducing your lil debate with chuck to a name calling sissy fight. Most prefer to actually read some kind of decent debate with each side stating there's, I got the impression of "well you're a poopyhead" from your replies basically, I'm sure you're capable of better replies than that no?

4. I disagree that I told anyone to shut up at all, I simply asked that you talk to Chuck / anyone else on these forums with respect, that's all.

Have fun


P.s I have no problem with calling anyone out but to enter a thread and tell someone to shut up would not be something I would do. So the whole thing with Chad etc doesn't really apply. I didn't do it here, and I wouldn't there.



  • Established
3. It seem to me from your responses that you were reducing your lil debate with chuck to a name calling sissy fight. Most prefer to actually read some kind of decent debate with each side stating there's, I got the impression of "well you're a poopyhead" from your replies basically, I'm sure you're capable of better replies than that no?
hey, i represent that remark :D :dump:


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08/18 TODAY
Day 4 post cycle therapy

Diesel Test Hardcore 3 pills daily. bumping to 5 sunday tomm
Alri Restore 3 pills daily

weight 209 just now 713pm gahh cant wait to eat after run

jog sprint work again


  • Established
Wow nycste your log really has the boyz fighting over you. Didnt realize it was so entertaining.

Really though I thought this stack would be pretty good (epi+phera).


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Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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EDIT: just read your reply via rep. Listen, the deal with chuck was that I was simply saying that his claims of it being sufficient for post cycle therapy is false. I spoke up for the fate of whatever noobs read that and then think it would be ok. Its bad enough people already don't follow proper protocol, i've been there and done that, and its something I regret. So we don't need a company rep saying that. The way that some of these products are marketed make them appear to be miracle drugs and safe to use for PCT alone. I am now a firm believer in, if you're going to cycle, cycle properly. I will be a man and apologize for being harsh towards you, I shouldn't take my personal sh*t that I am going through out on here. We are all entitled to our opinions, yes, but there is a place and a time for our opinions. My place and time unfolded earlier in the week and I called chuck out on it, and I got much support in doing so. The time and place for your opinion of all of us did not come yet, and it was unnecessary to say what you did. If you think we're being immature and disrespectful to ourselves and others, read over your statements. You lash out on not only me but everyone else involved in having fun on this thread and others.

I said DTH is effective during PCT for HTPA rebound, I didnt use the word "sufficient" I actually told him to use the DTH then stack the serm with the other product or vise versa. I dont know what is "sufficient" for every pct because there are so many hormonal compounds that nothing is "sufficient" for pct just because, not even nolva, serm this or that. Ur PCT should be designed around what u used on cycle. IF you used a hormone that has a high estrogen conv. rate, yeah u will need an anti-estogen. That has nothing to do with getting ur HTPA back on track. My entire argument is that DTH is effective at getting ur HTPA back on track as any single product u can take PCT besides GH.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
  • Established
08/18 TODAY
Day 4 post cycle therapy

Diesel Test Hardcore 3 pills daily. bumping to 5 sunday tomm
Alri Restore 3 pills daily

weight 209 just now 713pm gahh cant wait to eat after run

jog sprint work again
Oh sh*t an update in the middle of all this BS and its only 3 sentences..... :(

They are fcking up ur log pretty good.


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damn guys why dont you too start a love thread since you two like eachother so much... make sure to send me an invitation to the wed. reception... lol.


  • Legend!
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damn guys why dont you too start a love thread since you two like eachother so much... make sure to send me an invitation to the wed. reception... lol.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to poopypants again.


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i am soo freaking bored right now. still got one restore to take and should take that with a meal. really not feeling the making of a meal.

so freaking bored. but seriuosllys lets stop fighting gixxer and chuck. clearly you both and everyone else stated their opinions. maybe a few things were misstyped or something but in general we all get the point.

so bored. tried watching tv and was just like bahhh


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do you have any protein powder? eating meals gets old, i'm pretty bored right now too. I just had to force down a chicken breast blahhhh.
i really dont mind cooking itself. its the prepping of chicken that drives me crazy i hate that shhiittt... its soo gross. i trim everything off that doesnt look like protein. im soo picky. yea i guess i could just do my thicker nighttime shake max milk.

or make chicken or look for something else to eat. gixxer u got AIM??? PM me ur name so we can chat. cuz i hate talking to peeps on this forum in a responsive way


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i really dont mind cooking itself. its the prepping of chicken that drives me crazy i hate that shhiittt... its soo gross. i trim everything off that doesnt look like protein. im soo picky. yea i guess i could just do my thicker nighttime shake max milk.

or make chicken or look for something else to eat. gixxer u got AIM??? PM me ur name so we can chat. cuz i hate talking to peeps on this forum in a responsive way
IMO you havent cooked enough chicken.. I use to be the same way....eventually I was just like **** it. And I cook the whole ****in breast and bite off da fat when I eat it like a cavemane.

Ayo technology 50 cent style....


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IMO you havent cooked enough chicken.. I use to be the same way....eventually I was just like **** it. And I cook the whole ****in breast and bite off da fat when I eat it like a cavemane.

Ayo technology 50 cent style....
if you are serious please reply again and say so. if u were just kidding well then i understand your humor.

bed time snack, really bored so sharing my foodz. 4g fish oil my last restore and last meal of day



  • Established
if you are serious please reply again and say so. if u were just kidding well then i understand your humor.

bed time snack, really bored so sharing my foodz. 4g fish oil my last restore and last meal of day

Oh Im serious bro. I still wash it in cold water and cut off the obvious **** but I dont spend much time preparing it. I have pretty much tried preparing chicken every which way and I think the easiest is boiling it. 15 minutes in boiling water and its pretty much perfect. I can eat anything though. Taste means nothing to me. IMO if it tastes good then it aint doin **** for my body. Im so vain...


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that chicken looks good. what did you put on it?

yeah travis, boiling is the easiest way to cook chicken. I usually boil a few pieces and cut it up and put it in a tupperware for whenever.


Never enough
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IMO you havent cooked enough chicken.. I use to be the same way....eventually I was just like **** it. And I cook the whole ****in breast and bite off da fat when I eat it like a cavemane.

Ayo technology 50 cent style....
buying whole chickens and roasting them in the oven, then stripping all the meat off is a nice way to go too. can pack that up in ziplocks, even freeze some. can get whole chickens sometimes as low as 60 cents a pound.


  • Established
buying whole chickens and roasting them in the oven, then stripping all the meat off is a nice way to go too. can pack that up in ziplocks, even freeze some. can get whole chickens sometimes as low as 60 cents a pound.
Good idea. How long does one have to cook a whole chicken?
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