Phera and Epi log by nycste



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Good idea. How long does one have to cook a whole chicken?
bout 1 1/2 hrs. What I do is buy 6 or 8 of em when they are that cheap, I have a big freezer in the garage. Generally I cook them on a sunday afternoon, throw em in around 1-2 in the afternoon. I can cook 4 at a time in the over, you do the beer can in the chicken's ass thing so they stand up, and just squeeze 4 into a large roaster pan that way. cook all 4, figuring 4-5 lb chickens you end up with probably 12lbs of meat, so you get 24 8oz servings, about 45g protein per serving. the cool thing is that after stripping from the bone, you can use it all sorts of ways. sandwich, just heated, throw em into a soup or ramen noodles, pasta salad, etc


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that chicken looks good. what did you put on it?

yeah travis, boiling is the easiest way to cook chicken. I usually boil a few pieces and cut it up and put it in a tupperware for whenever.
alittle olive oil, alittle marsala cooking wine, steak seasoning and peppers and garlic seasoning. then just cooked in pan on stove

never tried baking or boiling chicken yet

goddamit i hit 1000 posts and didnt even knw it 5 posts ago boo


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hhaha i thought i was the only one. Sh1t, everything i make to eat im looking to see if chicken can go with it lol.
Its definitely the cheapest protein source that way, and versatile enough. I try to roast at least 2 chickens a month that way. sometimes on the rotissierie on the grill :)


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My entire argument is that DTH is effective at getting ur HTPA back on track as any single product u can take post cycle therapy besides GH.
I presume you mean HCG (Pregnyl) Chuck? As GH won't do thing.


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just got the digits from a hottie in my building YESSS !!!

08/19 TODAY
Day 5 post cycle therapy

SERMS been 2ml daily, bumping down to 1.5ml
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily
Alri Restore 1-1-1- for 3 pills daily

weight 209 in morning GAHHHH... better be fat going away.

WORKOUT still finishing update in a few mins

LEG PRESS more like 3-1-2-2/3 seconds pause 75s rest
540x10 high narrow
540x10 high narrow
540x07 low wide
540x10 high wide

FRONT PULLDOWNS 3-0-2-0 75s rest
112.5x6r4 (r= regrip)

ISO DB CURLS 1arm at time 3-0-2-0 75s rest

-big headache after leg press but went away. legs were really spent felt great they were burning while doing lat pulldowns
-nothing else i can think of that i wanna say other then SERM torem tastes great. sure hope mines legit :).


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just got the digits from a hottie in my building YESSS !!!
by hottie do you mean 65 year old skank grandmother,or a dude???............


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08/20 TODAY
Day 6 post cycle therapy

SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily
Alri Restore 1-1-1- for 3 pills daily

OFFDAY doing some yard work at grandparents in queens. hopefully go running later too and get some decent food in me at grandparents...

so like ive lost 2-3 lbs this past week since cycle ended and PCT started. i had the idea to remeasure my belly and im down from 38 to 36.5 so i lost 1.5inches around my belly already interesting. i really wanna see my abs !!! and of coures maintain all strength and size

yesturday forgot to mention it but my throat felt alittle weird almost similar to what i was feeling while on phera. i still dont know what it is but im feeling ok today. just wanted to share that.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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08/20 TODAY
Day 6 post cycle therapy

SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily
Alri Restore 1-1-1- for 3 pills daily
So you decided to go Serms/DTH/Restore versuls SERMS/DTH then restore?


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08/21 TODAY
Day 7 post cycle therapy

SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily
Alri Restore 1-1-1- for 3 pills daily

OFFDAY doing some yard work at grandparents in queens. hopefully go running later too and get some decent food in me at grandparents...


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08/22 TODAY
Day 8 post cycle therapy

SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily
Alri Restore 1-1-1- for 3 pills daily


Fill in more info at a later time but ill just post my workout tonight

ALL Negatives were 2/3 seconds

Incline Smith press
185x10 to failure (totally dont recall but might be a PR dont know)
15 breaths
185x5 to failture
15 breaths

25lb chest DC stretch for like 20seconds

Smith Mil Press
135x6 to max (totally dont recall but might be a PR dont know)
135x5 to max

underhand shoulder stretch 30-35seconds

Skullcrushers sorta w dbs
35x11 max
35x5 max
35x3 max

tricep dc stretch w 20lbs for 30-40s

Rack Chinups not sure if i did right gotta recheck
bwx11 max
+25x6 max
+25x4 max

Rack Deads used conv stance
315x12 (totally dont recall but might be a PR dont know)
405x4 (totally dont recall but might be a PR dont know)
-from bottom of kneecap

-finished with bodyweight hang for 20-40s

-my chest and throat still feeling weird. chest is really annoying me. i am diff then most i guess and can feel my heartbeats when i lean on my back and sometimes from sitting due to my old back injury i think. this chest issue feels just like that feel a slight compression of my chest and just feels like my heart is working alittle too hard and getting some nice big thumps
-huge headache when i wokeup today. working was only after one meal. usually have more.
-enjoyed the new routine. i know ill be hurting


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due to advice from original chuck D and someone else just recently i will stop taking ALRI RESTORE. and maybe save it for later or just another time.

so PCT will be

Serm + DTHC 5pills daily


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does it have some kind of cortisol control in it? If so, i would continue to take it.
some peeps say keep restore others say dont. i know kabuki dropped it and no one went out of their way to tell him to put it back in. so i dont honestly know what to do


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Here is the DC Routine Outline. I have not fully gone over it yet to figure out if I can do all the the mentioned exercises but i did 1a and really enjoyed it.

Day 1a
Incline Smith
Smith Millitary Press
Rack Chins
Rack Deads

Day 1b
Hammer Incline (dont have hammer machines)
Hammer Behind the Neck Press (dont have this)
Close Grip Bench in Smith
Front Lat Pulldown
T-Bar Row

Incline BB
DB Shoulder Press
Reverse(close) bench in smith
Hammer Underhand Pulldown
BB Rows

Day 2a
BB Curl
Hammer Curl
Calf raise
Lying Leg Curl
Smith Squat Widowmaker

Incline DB Curl
Reverse EZ Curl
Standing Calf Raise
Seated Leg Curl
Hack Squat (unless i do this with barbell dont got hack squats)

Hammer preacher curl
1 arm reverse cable curl
Seated Calf raise
Stiff Leg Dead
Leg Press

on review i have to lookup or change these exercises
Smith Squat Widowmaker
Hammer Incline (dont have hammer machines)
Hammer Behind the Neck Press (dont have this)
Hack Squat (unless i do this with barbell dont got hack squats)
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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does it have some kind of cortisol control in it? If so, i would continue to take it.
DTH is good for reducing controlling prolactin, cortisol, estrodiol, and increasing LH, total and free test. It doesnt stack well with restore anyway.


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that DTH should work even better for you now after dropping the Restore Nycyst


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So....what doesn't DTH do?
gonna ask you nicely to not argue and ask civilized questions from here on out about me and my PCt and products :p

feel free to keep bashing me all you want i like that

that DTH should work even better for you now after dropping the Restore Nycyst
thanks big guy

DTH is good for reducing controlling prolactin, cortisol, estrodiol, and increasing LH, total and free test. It doesnt stack well with restore anyway.
hope soo ive been feeling crappy i know kabuki stopped restore and felt better while taking DTHC and SERM


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one time when i was 12 i was beating my meat and when i busted it hit the cealing!!!!!! i was so proud of myself


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one time when i was 12 i was beating my meat and when i busted it hit the cealing!!!!!! i was so proud of myself
oh yea........the first time i watched golden girls i couldn't stop violently masterbating for 6 straight hours...........i got you beat!!


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Chuck. im really supposed to wait like 15-30mins on taking DTHC around a meal right. i made my food and its just sitting there waiting for the time to run out haha. then hit da gym
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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Chuck. im really supposed to wait like 15-30mins on taking DTHC around a meal right. i made my food and its just sitting there waiting for the time to run out haha. then hit da gym
just eat it, hahahaha, just try to not take it with food in the future, its enteric coated.


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just eat it, hahahaha, just try to not take it with food in the future, its enteric coated.
Enteric-coated: Coated with a material that permits transit through the stomach to the small intestine before the medication is released.

The term "enteric" means "of or relating to the small intestine."

o. soo taking it with food slows it down or what?


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Who says I need 3" on my d*ck?? I can tell you've researched adding some length to yours. We all arn't as unfortunate as you, as ignorant either.

08/23 TODAY
Day 9 post cycle therapy
Weight around 209

Stopped Taking Restore only 1 pill today and then no more
SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily

08/24 TODAY
Day 10 post cycle therapy
Weight around 209

SERMS 1.5ml prebed
Diesel Test Hardcore 2-2-1 for 5 daily

Workout 2a. DC
ALL negative reps were 2-4 seconds with strong positives

BB Curl
-first time doing these in long time

Hammer Curl
30x12 ALT reps

-about 40s bicep stretch

Calf raise
-first time in long time
-90lbsx8 very slow i think 8 lost count
-doing 5-10second negatives and positives

Lying Leg Curl
-first time doing these in months

-hamstring stretch with 95lbs for 40ish seconds

-not happy with that

Squat Widowmakers
-not happy. couldnt get 20

-PCT notes. headache for last 3 days. esp when waking up. stopped taking restore hoping it goes away due to some kind of conflict with DTHC and or SERM.
-horniness not really sure hasnt changed much.
-looking alittle bigger in mirror


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08/25 TODAY
Day 11 post cycle therapy
Weight around 209- was 212 last night


-wakeup everyday with a headache.
-my glasses are also bothering me cuz i got them adjusted and i think the frames just dont fit me that great to begin with.
-now my right eye has twitched alittle but only for short time ( ive had this before not related to supplementation at all)
-however they say some SERMS can do this. so i wont say its not possbile


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what serm are you runnin again?
everything im on is listed on first page but yea im taking Toremifene

i aint blaming the SERM. i am just describing how i feel.

i dont enjoy waking up with headaches everynight and have been doing my best to take last pill of DTHC bfeore 8pm considering i dont go to bed till 12-3am


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everything im on is listed on first page but yea im taking Toremifene

i aint blaming the SERM. i am just describing how i feel.

i dont enjoy waking up with headaches everynight and have been doing my best to take last pill of DTHC bfeore 8pm considering i dont go to bed till 12-3am
hmm i never had headaches from torem before... i did feel as though it might be blurrin my vision a little at times BUT that was always late at night after id been starin at a computer monitor for hours and my contacts were dry as hell... so im not so sure it was the torem...
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
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08/25 TODAY
Day 11 post cycle therapy
Weight around 209- was 212 last night


-wakeup everyday with a headache.
-my glasses are also bothering me cuz i got them adjusted and i think the frames just dont fit me that great to begin with.
-now my right eye has twitched alittle but only for short time ( ive had this before not related to supplementation at all)
-however they say some SERMS can do this. so i wont say its not possbile
I would go 2 days w/o serm, then 2 days on serm and no DT and see if you can penpoint if its a supplement in ur pct. Well with the headaches, Im pretty sure DTH doesnt cause eye twitching but I cant say what its (the cause of the headaches and other problems/sides) not.


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I would go 2 days w/o serm, then 2 days on serm and no DT and see if you can penpoint if its a supplement in ur post cycle therapy. Well with the headaches, Im pretty sure DTH doesnt cause eye twitching but I cant say what its (the cause of the headaches and other problems/sides) not.
only if the other dudes recommend turning the SERM off is an ok thing to do for 2 days deal.

if i wakeup tomm with the same headache cuz it usually goes away after breakfast then ill stop taking dieseltesthardcore for 2 days and see what happens

then ill start it again and as long as the other dudes say its ok stop SERM For 2 days and see what happens. cool?


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only if the other dudes recommend turning the SERM off is an ok thing to do for 2 days deal.

if i wakeup tomm with the same headache cuz it usually goes away after breakfast then ill stop taking dieseltesthardcore for 2 days and see what happens

then ill start it again and as long as the other dudes say its ok stop SERM For 2 days and see what happens. cool?
it sounds like your lacking glycogen... when is you last meal containing carbs??? if you stop eating early like 7 then it could very well be that.... make sure to drink plenty of water before bed also... you may pee more but not so likely.. serms can dry you out with all the est blocking....

as for stopping the serm... well they have a VERY long halflife... so stopping it a minimum of 2 days would be necessary to access if its the culprit BUT i would honestly stop the DTH FIRST then if its not that THEN try the serm..... but try the water first and let me know bout your meals...


  • RockStar
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it sounds like your lacking glycogen... when is you last meal containing carbs??? if you stop eating early like 7 then it could very well be that.... make sure to drink plenty of water before bed also... you may pee more but not so likely.. serms can dry you out with all the est blocking....

as for stopping the serm... well they have a VERY long halflife... so stopping it a minimum of 2 days would be necessary to access if its the culprit BUT i would honestly stop the DTH FIRST then if its not that THEN try the serm..... but try the water first and let me know bout your meals...
Poops is right on......headache is usually one of the first indicators to dehydration. Make sure that you are very well hydrated throughout the day. Hydrate up bro and i think it will solve your problem.


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Poops is right on......headache is usually one of the first indicators to dehydration. Make sure that you are very well hydrated throughout the day. Hydrate up bro and i think it will solve your problem.
it sounds like your lacking glycogen... when is you last meal containing carbs??? if you stop eating early like 7 then it could very well be that.... make sure to drink plenty of water before bed also... you may pee more but not so likely.. serms can dry you out with all the est blocking....

as for stopping the serm... well they have a VERY long halflife... so stopping it a minimum of 2 days would be necessary to access if its the culprit BUT i would honestly stop the DTH FIRST then if its not that THEN try the serm..... but try the water first and let me know bout your meals...

thanks guys. i eat some carbs straight up to bed. meals always around every 4 hours or so the best i can do. and i almost always have a meal prebed or a 12oz milk 32g protein slow release shake right before bed and take serm after that.

i pee 1-2 times during the night. i really dont think dehydration is the issue but hey you never know. ill drink water all night tonight and see if it helps.

i hate always being the guy always complaining about something. i really wish i could enjoy feeling good on these products when in fact from day 1 i havent feel special or good or anything not normal since. bah. anyways not giving up now almost back to normal and still 7-10lbs heavier


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thanks guys. i eat some carbs straight up to bed. meals always around every 4 hours or so the best i can do. and i almost always have a meal prebed or a 12oz milk 32g protein slow release shake right before bed and take serm after that.

i pee 1-2 times during the night. i really dont think dehydration is the issue but hey you never know. ill drink water all night tonight and see if it helps.

i hate always being the guy always complaining about something. i really wish i could enjoy feeling good on these products when in fact from day 1 i havent feel special or good or anything not normal since. bah. anyways not giving up now almost back to normal and still 7-10lbs heavier
Congrats on your success bro.....remember though a rule of thumb is if your urine isn't clear, than your not adequately hydrated......your first urine of the day should ALWAYS be clear if your hydration status is sufficient.


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Congrats on your success bro.....remember though a rule of thumb is if your urine isn't clear, than your not adequately hydrated......your first urine of the day should ALWAYS be clear if your hydration status is sufficient.
first pee clear hummm. cant remmeber but ill be sure to let you know tomm when i wakeup.

what about the 1-4 night pees i gotta do lol


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first pee clear hummm. cant remmeber but ill be sure to let you know tomm when i wakeup.

what about the 1-4 night pees i gotta do lol
I don't know if you're using any stims such as caffeine or not, but if you are, chronic use can cause either dehydration(through diuretic effects), or stim withdrawl(that causes vasodilation in cerebral vasculature)causing migraine like headaches.....thus if you are then there is even more reason to stay well hydrated.


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it sounds like your lacking glycogen... when is you last meal containing carbs??? if you stop eating early like 7 then it could very well be that.... make sure to drink plenty of water before bed also... you may pee more but not so likely.. serms can dry you out with all the est blocking....

as for stopping the serm... well they have a VERY long halflife... so stopping it a minimum of 2 days would be necessary to access if its the culprit BUT i would honestly stop the DTH FIRST then if its not that THEN try the serm..... but try the water first and let me know bout your meals...
:goodpost: Agreed, stop the DTH first. If thats the culprit it will be a much quicker resolution to the headaches.


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:goodpost: Agreed, stop the DTH first. If thats the culprit it will be a much quicker resolution to the headaches.
will do boys thanks for helping.

just peed again 2nd time within 2hours for sure. it wasnt super clear but i took a DTHC pill around 2something. so maybe thats why.

making some oats before bed. we shall see if its lack of carbs or hydration or just silly supplements and my stupid body


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so i peed 3/4 times i think 3 before i was actually fully awake.

my pee wasnt ever clear. it was always discolored. started off cleaner looking then third pee was darkest.

i dont understnad how i could be dehydrated if im peeing ****ing 3x before i even wakeup.

and i still got slight headache.

and not really taking much caffeine drinks or supplements or additions to food.


Never enough
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I'd start trying to drink a measured 8oz glass of water every 1/2 hr on the dot, on top of whatever you take in mealtimes.


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so i peed 3/4 times i think 3 before i was actually fully awake.

my pee wasnt ever clear. it was always discolored. started off cleaner looking then third pee was darkest.

i dont understnad how i could be dehydrated if im peeing ****ing 3x before i even wakeup.

and i still got slight headache.

and not really taking much caffeine drinks or supplements or additions to food.
if your waking up and peeing you should get a drink of water again as well... obviously your losing fluid and you ned to replace it... i keep a liter bottle next to my bed and before the nights over its almost always gone.... but hows the headaches still there last night?


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so i peed 3/4 times i think 3 before i was actually fully awake.

my pee wasnt ever clear. it was always discolored. started off cleaner looking then third pee was darkest.

i dont understnad how i could be dehydrated if im peeing ****ing 3x before i even wakeup.

and i still got slight headache.

and not really taking much caffeine drinks or supplements or additions to food.
If your urine is getting progressively darker with each urination then you're definately not taking in enough water. What's your water intake like throughout the day?
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