OUFINNY is cutting up with USP Labs, RPN and LG Sciences



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the vascularity is getting rave reviews by fin and AE... how about you DW???
Oh yah I actually have some now, not very vascular by nature but it has definitely peaked...


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Switching gears - On dat der Natadrol and T-911

Alright as I mentioned above, it is on and Natadrol has been going down the hatch the last two days. Here is the breakdown of what I am taking and how much. Thanks to Met and IC for some guidance.

Natadrol - 3/3/2 with last dose at PWO meal
T-911 - 1AM/1 pre-workout
LG Receptor - 3 per day
Glycobol - 2 before midday meal with carbs
OEP - 2 AM
Recreate - 2 PM
AS-GT - 1 scoop pre-workout
Ghenerate - 8 sprays pre-workout / 7 sprays pre-bed
TNA - 3 pre-workout until I run out

Umm there are some staples as well like NOW Adam, fish oil and MCTs but those are the boring stuff. This stack is pretty crazy and I will be stopping the OEP once I am done with the Recreate because I have been running it a while now and don't want to burn out my adrenals. I will add it back in during my PCT with Prime, fear not. I should have plenty since I am only taking 2 per day.

Workout wise, I am going to repeat another 6 weeks of HST since I respond so well to this routine along with the obvious fat burning aspects of it. Cardio will continue as it was before and I will shoot for 2 AM runs a week as well. Here is a list of new exercises that I will be adding, some I will need guidance on, others you will recognize.

Dips - new for tris, need to get a weight belt for these I am sure
Push Press - new one, all advice welcome
Seated Row - I miss this one and will play with some different grips, I want to activate some rear lats so if you have suggestions, pass them on ASAP!
SLDL - Hamstrings need a new one so why not just fry them SLDL style!

The rest are all the same and I don't picture that changing unless there is an unforeseen injury. I will also start to incorporate a drop set when doing the weeks of 10 and 5 to prepare for the warrior workout I want to run during the PCT phase.

That's it for now, I am chomping at the bit to get to the gym and burn some of these cals from yesterday and the weekend, its time to sweat and burn!!!!! :AR15firing:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that's a great stack Fin!!!! this will be a fun one to watch. Are you keeping it on this log or moving it over to a new one???


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That's switching into overdrive right there. Time to drop the hammer down Fin!


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that's a great stack Fin!!!! this will be a fun one to watch. Are you keeping it on this log or moving it over to a new one???
Probably going to keep it here so people can see the comparison between the Pink Magic and Natadrol. Since this is all part of my cut I don't see a reason to change it and these aren't sponsored logs on AM, though the Pink Magic was but I kept that one on the USP Forum per their request. I did it here for all of you guys!


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That's switching into overdrive right there. Time to drop the hammer down Fin!
I hear that, this weekend my carb up got sloppy and I was less than pleased with my eating and drinking the last two days... time to buckle down and lets these weeks of 15 reps kick my proverbial a**!


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Drink two gallons of water and take pics in the morning. You should be full as all get out with your cheat sessions this weekend. Increase water cut out carbs the rest of the day and if you can just before bed take as hot of a bath as possible. Get out dry off and go straight to bed no drinking more ater or anything. You will be a different you in the morning.


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Oh yeah Great review.... Isn'tthat why i came over here anyway... Like the new stack too. I am curious what if you love Natadrol as much as PM? Oh wouldn't that be nice....
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Drink two gallons of water and take pics in the morning. You should be full as all get out with your cheat sessions this weekend. Increase water cut out carbs the rest of the day and if you can just before bed take as hot of a bath as possible. Get out dry off and go straight to bed no drinking more ater or anything. You will be a different you in the morning.
:think: I actually might give that one a try this Sunday/ Monday
if I understand correctly it is
Day 1 - supercarb up
Day 2 - flush with tons of fluids, cut carbs, take hot bath before bed
Day 3 - I look like Kleen????


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Drink two gallons of water and take pics in the morning. You should be full as all get out with your cheat sessions this weekend. Increase water cut out carbs the rest of the day and if you can just before bed take as hot of a bath as possible. Get out dry off and go straight to bed no drinking more ater or anything. You will be a different you in the morning.
I have been slamming the water to try and undo the damage as much as I can, will be doing this today and see about snapping some pics tomorrow AM. I think that the Natadrol is helping some as well, frequent urination seems to be the norm with it and I am in there every 45 minutes it seems. I will be at least 2 gallons today... had 6 Nalgene bottles already and they are 32 ounces. About time to get out of here and do some killing it at the gym, I am ready!!!!! AS-GT is going to be poured in a few seconds.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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hit it hard my fish like friend!!


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Tuesday First Natadrol Workout - HST A

Wow today was a rough one, going from 5s to 15s is flat out brutal, all that needs to be said. Top that off with a bad diet for 2 days and *sigh* too much beer (out of character for me lately), I struggled but made it through.

PWO Supps:
1 scoop AS-GT
1 T-911

Leg Press - 15x270, 15x410, 15x410 I had to do some very short pauses in these sets, I was huffing and puffing at the end of these!
SLDL - 10x95, 15x135, 15x135... good lord these were hard!
DB Incline Press - 55x10, 75x15, 75x11 Man I was just wrecked from the legs and out of gas. Short rest and the increase in weight had me struggling on the last set. Stopped when the form got bad to avoid injury. :smite:
Skull Crushers - 45x10, 65x15, 65x15 Focus on form here hence the lighter weight than I would normally do.
Free motion lat pulldown - 100x10, 120x15, 120x15 My grip was shot so I had to strap for this after the SLDLs. The weights on this are so off compared to the normal hammer strength machine I have at the other gym. I have to get a pic for you guys to see what I am using so you get a better idea.
Preacher Curls - 45x10, 65x15, 65x15 These were flat out brutal, I thought I would die on the last set but I finished. My forearms and grip were on fire by the end.
Overhead BB Shoulder Press - 95x10, 120x15, 120x12 Pretty much running on adrenaline to finish and that is why I failed on set two. That and having no spotter really hurt me because the cage I was using had the bar back far and my leverage sucked, took a ton just to get the bar up. Next time I will get this come hell or high water!!!!

I will say I got a pump today thanks to the carbs and rep amounts, that was a really nice change. Natadrol had the vascularity off the charts as well already. Not my best workout but I figured coming off the pink would be tough considering I felt near invincible on it and that is far from the case right now.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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be interesting to see where you are on week 3-4...


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Pics for after Pink Magic

I totally just woke up and I have to say Kleens little bath tub soak worked wonders, I was down 6 pounds after my morning weigh in yesterday, WOW! Tightened up a ton and my abs were showing much more clearly though the pics don't show it well. My brain was hazy, I overslept so getting up was tough, darn Ghenerate puts you down for the count!!!!! :yawn:



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Beginning of the cut comparison... lots of changes!

These are from week one. Wow, I am so much leaner and muscular.



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:eek: :jaw: wow bro :clap2:


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:eek: :jaw: wow bro :clap2:
Thanks Met... if I was not half asleep and flat you would see how much better I actually look. Going to get some of the wheels here later today, that will be a bit of a challenge! They are seriously growing.


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nice man...
when is this pink magic coming out?


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nice man...
when is this pink magic coming out?
That no one knows but sometime this year I imagine; thinking fall time once they ramp up production. I still don't even know what is in it of the MOA for the supplement. I am going to request that the ingredients be given to me so I can at least know what I took and research it, even though I won't be able to share. Overall it is the best supp I have ever taken hands down. I had it in a stack but nothing was in there to add to the strength/growth aspect, that was all Pink Magic.


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That no one knows but sometime this year I imagine; thinking fall time once they ramp up production. I still don't even know what is in it of the MOA for the supplement. I am going to request that the ingredients be given to me so I can at least know what I took and research it, even though I won't be able to share. Overall it is the best supp I have ever taken hands down. I had it in a stack but nothing was in there to add to the strength/growth aspect, that was all Pink Magic.
man I hate waiting... :censored:

also how would you compare this to natadrol?


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man I hate waiting... :censored:

also how would you compare this to natadrol?
That is the whole goal of this log my friend but since I am on day 3 of Natadrol on a 45 day run... we shall have to wait a few weeks and see. 8 caps a day the whole time should be a fair fight don't you think? Oh yeah, I am throwing T-911 in there as well with some LG Receptor for maximum azz kicking.


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That is the whole goal of this log my friend but since I am on day 3 of Natadrol on a 45 day run... we shall have to wait a few weeks and see. 8 caps a day the whole time should be a fair fight don't you think? Oh yeah, I am throwing T-911 in there as well with some LG Receptor for maximum azz kicking.
Nice! be sure to report back! What's in store for pct? Form d?
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I agree with Met fin, you look amazingly better and more cut up! after this next nata run you should look like Kleen!!! I will run almost identical stacks that you just did with Pink followed by the nata stack. I can't let you 1 up me!!!! LOL My PCT will be Formadrol and possibly Prime with some other goodies thrown in. For now my whole Nata stack is TS, only Kleen knows the whole thing... muahahahahahahahaha


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Big difference!!


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Thanks a lot guys, been a hard road to this point but there is more work to be done still. I need to do a lot to catch up with Kleen AG, that will take more than Natadrol to do.


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Hey Fin, I am truly impressed with the changes in your physique. You look like I guy who works out all the time compared to the before pics where you looked like a guy who might work out or might just be athletic and holding on to high school muscle.. You have really impressive shoulder caps too. Very rounded. Kind of goes along with the strong back you get both from swimming. Your waist is a lot thinner. Over all I am excited for you and the progress you are making Bro! You keep this up and you will be six packed out by summer man. You are so close it is ridiculous.


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You are doing work on this cut man! Congrats!!:hammer:


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Hey Fin, I am truly impressed with the changes in your physique. You look like I guy who works out all the time compared to the before pics where you looked like a guy who might work out or might just be athletic and holding on to high school muscle.. You have really impressive shoulder caps too. Very rounded. Kind of goes along with the strong back you get both from swimming. Your waist is a lot thinner. Over all I am excited for you and the progress you are making Bro! You keep this up and you will be six packed out by summer man. You are so close it is ridiculous.
You are doing work on this cut man! Congrats!!:hammer:
Thanks a lot guys!!! It is this kind of motivation that gets me going on a Saturday when I want to be lazy and instead go to the gym and hit PRs like last week. :AR15firing:

Wednesday PM Workout: HIIT Swimming

Man today was great, so happy to be back in the water even though it was a bit brisk (unheated pool and cool TX nights, you do the math!). Brought back the HIIT schematic with 12 intervals, loved it.

PWO Supps:
1 T-911
1 scoop AS-GT

Warm Up - 200 swim/pull/kick
HIIT - 12 intervals 25 sprint/50 moderate, alternate all 4 strokes for a total of 3 of each. I rest about 2-3 secs after sprint, 5-10 after moderates though I try to rest as little as my asthma will allow. Some times I can go no rest but the water has to be warmer, that way my lungs aren't as taxed.
Warm down - 100 yards

Anyone who wants to drop some water see Kleen's post above that he told me to try, I was 194 on Tuesday AM weigh in, 188.9 today AM. Yeah, it worked like a charm and I looked so much tighter everywhere.


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Thusday PM Workout - HST B

Good things happening in the gym this week, even if Tuesday was a bit lackluster by my standards. Decided to have my pwo meal about a good 2 hours before to see what a more empty stomach would do for AS-GT, very nice changes this brought. Had more pronounced energy and felt like I had endurance more so than normal on my last two exercises.

PWO Supps:
1 scoop AS-GT

Leg Extensions - 150x10, 200x15, 200x15 HOLY CRAP these burned on the last five reps and my hamstrings are destroyed from SLDLs, so just having the weight push down on them was doubly painful. Good times ;)
Seated calf raises - 70x15, 90x15, 90x15
DB Bench Press - 50x10, 75x10, 75x10 Strict form, crazy burn, intense pump, flat out awesome is all I have to say. :AR15firing:
Dips - 15xBW, 15xBW I am going to need to get a belt for the 10s and 5s but doing these after bench is tough!
Seated Rows - 90x10, 110x15, 110x15 I was using an intermediate grip they had, not sure I like it or not... going to play with this a bit on the 15s and decide on a grip width next time. Suggestions anyone has to activate the rear delts in this movement????
Push Press - 45(bar)x10, 75x15, 75x12 First time ever with this, feeling out the form as best I can. Timing is still a bit off but I am going to work at it. Much harder than I thought it would be!!!!
Incline DB Curls - 20x10, 30x15, 30x12 Bis were shot after rows and push press, struggled the whole way on set 2 but I am still happy that I got as much as I did. Took it to failure, that's all we can do sometimes!
Various ab work after...

Something that I have never had an issue with that I need help on oh wise ones, why are my hamstrings not getting any better in the DOMS department? I drink tons of water, upped my BCAA intake to over 30 grams a day, nothing is helping. Lost here, after PM I am used to instant recovery and Natadrol/T-911 haven't really kicked in hard yet. HELP!!!!


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Good things happening in the gym this week, even if Tuesday was a bit lackluster by my standards. Decided to have my pwo meal about a good 2 hours before to see what a more empty stomach would do for AS-GT, very nice changes this brought. Had more pronounced energy and felt like I had endurance more so than normal on my last two exercises.

PWO Supps:
1 scoop AS-GT

Leg Extensions - 150x10, 200x15, 200x15 HOLY CRAP these burned on the last five reps and my hamstrings are destroyed from SLDLs, so just having the weight push down on them was doubly painful. Good times ;)
Seated calf raises - 70x15, 90x15, 90x15
DB Bench Press - 50x10, 75x10, 75x10 Strict form, crazy burn, intense pump, flat out awesome is all I have to say. :AR15firing:
Dips - 15xBW, 15xBW I am going to need to get a belt for the 10s and 5s but doing these after bench is tough!
Seated Rows - 90x10, 110x15, 110x15 I was using an intermediate grip they had, not sure I like it or not... going to play with this a bit on the 15s and decide on a grip width next time. Suggestions anyone has to activate the rear delts in this movement????
Push Press - 45(bar)x10, 75x15, 75x12 First time ever with this, feeling out the form as best I can. Timing is still a bit off but I am going to work at it. Much harder than I thought it would be!!!!
Incline DB Curls - 20x10, 30x15, 30x12 Bis were shot after rows and push press, struggled the whole way on set 2 but I am still happy that I got as much as I did. Took it to failure, that's all we can do sometimes!
Various ab work after...

Something that I have never had an issue with that I need help on oh wise ones, why are my hamstrings not getting any better in the DOMS department? I drink tons of water, upped my BCAA intake to over 30 grams a day, nothing is helping. Lost here, after PM I am used to instant recovery and Natadrol/T-911 haven't really kicked in hard yet. HELP!!!!
For the rear delts are you using a thumbless grip, improves range of motion allowing you to pull your elbows back further...

Yah once the Hamstrings start to get tight is a bit of a bitch to get them back. Lots of stretching maybe some potassium...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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agree with DW. Give that a shot and let us know what happens.
Great lift Fin!


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For the rear delts are you using a thumbless grip, improves range of motion allowing you to pull your elbows back further...

Yah once the Hamstrings start to get tight is a bit of a bitch to get them back. Lots of stretching maybe some potassium...
I think I will have to pick up a generic potassium supp at CVS during lunch today to see if that works; this is getting ridiculous, makes me scared to do SLDLs tomorrow and I don't like that at all. :censored:


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I think I will have to pick up a generic potassium supp at CVS during lunch today to see if that works; this is getting ridiculous, makes me scared to do SLDLs tomorrow and I don't like that at all. :censored:
Yah went through that last summer, just warm up then stretch...


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Looks like PM treated ur amazingly. Gonna start my run after HGH Pro which is going amazingly.

Dont know what to tell you about the increase in DOMS but stretching and warming up helps a lot, DW always knows some good Words Of Wisdom(WOW). Im also walking a lot now so that seems to help with recovery a bit.

Say the progress pics and yes you are cutting up very nicely. Keep up the good work. How much longer you looking to continue on this cut?


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Looks like PM treated ur amazingly. Gonna start my run after HGH Pro which is going amazingly.

Dont know what to tell you about the increase in DOMS but stretching and warming up helps a lot, DW always knows some good Words Of Wisdom(WOW). Im also walking a lot now so that seems to help with recovery a bit.

Say the progress pics and yes you are cutting up very nicely. Keep up the good work. How much longer you looking to continue on this cut?
I am going to ride out what I have left of the Recreate, should be late next week maybe, then I will take off of all oep/recreate until I get into PCT from Natadrol. By that time I will have enough OEP for another 30 days along with AlphaT2 most likely. After that I should be where I want to be. Who knows, I may get crazy and throw in some HGHPro during PCT for shiz and giggles.


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Week 1 pics on the Natadrol

Updated abdominal pic, definitely leaning out more and more.

Decent leg shot

Better leg shot

Man leg pics are HARD to take on your own but hope these give you an idea. Surely if I mowed the grass they would be better but not in the cards at the moment. Comments are always welcome.


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nice side leg


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Will be interesting to compare Natadrol to PM...


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I need to add my workout from Saturday, I think the Natadrol is kicking in, especially after it. I noticed some serious alpha male metality and recovery is speeding up big time! Updates coming shortly.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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hey Fin let us know what day you are on as well my friend!!


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hey Fin let us know what day you are on as well my friend!!
Today is day 8 on Natadrol so I would have to say about day 6 at 8 caps a day it started to kick in.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that is a great result. In the first week huh??!!!! Wow. can't wait to get back on the stuff myself


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Saturday workout - HST A

Alright, better late then never on the update. My buddy is planning on joining me more consistently now, sucks to be him though, he nearly puked twice on Saturday. Apparently the intensity of my workout is a bit much for him... this is the guy who USED to put me to shame but no longer.

PWO Supps:
1 T-911
2 scoops AS-GT :smite:

Leg Press: 270x10, 410x15, 410x15
SLDL: 95x10, 135x15, 135x15
DB Incline Press: 55x10, 75x15, 75x15
Skull Crushers: 55x10, 65x10, 65x10
Lat Pulldown: 140x10, 180x15, 180x15
Overhead Press: 95x10, 120x15, 120x15
Preacher Curls: 45x10, 65x15, 65x15

I was happy with this, got all my weights and pretty much wrecked my friend for the rest of the weekend. :AR15firing:
Army Guy

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ahhh the thrills of making a buddy puke... wipe tear from eye... the memories


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Been on both sides of that fence myself. Good to hear the NattyD is kicking in Fin.


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Been on both sides of that fence myself. Good to hear the NattyD is kicking in Fin.
It is a good thing because after my Tuesday workout last week my hamstrings were DESTROYED, worst they have ever been. Not a minute too soon to get that ultra fast recovery kicking it!
