OUFINNY is cutting up with USP Labs, RPN and LG Sciences



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Get better bro! Doing good on the weigh in though!


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get better bro!!
We shall see about that, all efforts to get better are in effect. Still can't believe I got in as good a cardio session as I did yesterday... I paid later though, felt like crap! AS-GT with Pink Magic is quite the deadly combo, you are 100% the moment you start anything.


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Alright guys somehow today ended up being ridiculous; the sickness lost out to the extra day off from HST. It was a crushfest yet again and there were PRs... yet again. I thought Pink Magic had given me at it had to give OH HOW I WAS WRONG!

PWO Supps:
1 Scoop AS-GT

Leg Extensions - 10x175, 6x250, 6x260 PR
Leg Curls - 10x115, 5x155, 5x160 PR
DB Bench Press - 10x75, 7x100,PR for reps 6x105 PR 110s ARE going up on Saturday. I seriously felt unstoppable on these.
Tri Rope extensions - 10x70, 5x80, 5x80
Close grip BB row (between legs with squat bar, close grip handle) - 10x135, 6x150, 6x160 PR... THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! My back and chest are blowing up... on a cut!
Incline DB bicep curls - 10x30, 5x45, 5x45
Side/Front lateral SS - 5x30 -> 5x25, repeat!

Did some abs after and was damn happy I made it at all. About 3:30 I thought there was no way I would make it, my head was throbbing and my energy was non-existent. All changed once I dosed AS-GT; the stim complex in this just flat out agrees with me. Pink Magic seems to have new legs in combination with AS-GT. This is a flat out deadly combo that will lead to insane gains. For those of you that are running PM and have AS-GT, enjoy this because I don't see it getting any better (unless you threw in some Prime and TNA!)

I literally felt 1000 times better after taking my AS-GT and my hat is off to LG with this one; you hit a freaking grand slam. To my USP peeps, none of this strength would even be possible had it not been for the Pink Magic, it flat out rocks. This is the most fun I have had since I was high dosing Prime, and I was no where NEAR this strong or lean.:AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing::AR15firing:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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way to hit the DBs FIn!!!!! looking forward to the 110s!!!!


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way to hit the DBs FIn!!!!! looking forward to the 110s!!!!
As am I big guy. This week should be a lot of fun since I am taking off the AM cardio sessions; though I might do one Friday if I am 100% by then. I would like to go into the weekend free some this sinus issue so on Saturday I can do some serious damage in the gym being the last day of 5s on HST. Also, I should run out of PM in the next 5-7 days, I need to count to be sure.

On the weight loss front things have somewhat stalled a bit, though the mirror is not telling me that at all. As long as I stay right at 190 and continue to cut up I am happy with what's going on. There may need to be some changes to the diet to bring cals down further; right now I am a bit loose with them and need to re-asses where I am at. The PM has me hungry and it is taking everything OEP and Recreate can throw at it to keep me from eating everything in sight.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Recomp at its finest my brother!!!!


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Recomp at its finest my brother!!!!
Truer words have not been said. Actually, I am going to have to force myself to watch out for my cals when I switch over to Natadrol and Formadrol Extreme; I foresee that being rough on the desire to eat constantly. Big question is am I going to keep cals low and try to maintain or maybe up cals to about 200 below maintenance and add back some carbs to really start tearing things up with the Natadrol. Decisions decisions... :irked:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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with the Nata you should be fine with option B. Most guys report that even 500 cals above maint they were shedding fat. I will test this theory myself in about 2 months... Muahahahaha


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with the Nata you should be fine with option B. Most guys report that even 500 cals above maint they were shedding fat. I will test this theory myself in about 2 months... Muahahahaha
Yeah that is what I thought. Need to run this by IrishCannon and Metroba, if they are not too busy spooning, and see what those two degenerates think. I am chomping at the bit to get some more carbs in my diet. 1 major meal with carbs is just not fun long term, I want me some whole grain pasta and brown rice!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Need to run this by IrishCannon and Metroba, if they are not too busy spooning, and see what those two degenerates think.
:toofunny: I wish the whole world could read that!!!


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Sounds like PM may be adding more muscle u intended it to. If the mirror is telling you ur losing fat but the scale says ur the same, then like AG said ur probably recomping without trying. Interesting....adding muscle and caloric deficit...


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Sounds like PM may be adding more muscle u intended it to. If the mirror is telling you ur losing fat but the scale says ur the same, then like AG said ur probably recomping without trying. Interesting....adding muscle and caloric deficit...
Something is definitely going on, especially these last 2-3 weeks with the higher weights on HST. After I swam today I was looking FREAKING SWOLE in the mirror, my chest/traps/shoulders were blown up like balloons and I didn't lift weight one. Unintended muscle is 100% acceptable!!!! :silly:


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Wednesday PM - HIIT Swimming

Great workout today and I got to swim outside again; man I love being able to do that! Lungs are still slightly inflammed from the illness but I am 90% today and improving by the hour it seems... Levaquin is some good stuff let me tell you.

PWO Supps:
2 Pink Magic - forgot to take at lunch, more on that later
1 scoop AS-GT

600 warm-up
12 intervals - 25 sprint/50 swim with strokes in IM order: Fly/Back/Breast/Free, repeat 3 times
150 warm down

After the workout I was FREAKING hard and pumped. I seriously looked a good 10 pounds more full and the Pink Magic had to be what did that. Swimming will get me slightly pumped in the upper body but my legs were shredded today and veiny as hell. PWO Pink Magic = Awesome Sauce!


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Sounds like ASGT may be adding more muscle u intended it to. If the mirror is telling you ur losing fat but the scale says ur the same, then like AG said ur probably recomping without trying. Interesting....adding muscle and caloric deficit...
true that man :sly:
Great workout today and I got to swim outside again; man I love being able to do that! Lungs are still slightly inflammed from the illness but I am 90% today and improving by the hour it seems... Levaquin is some good stuff let me tell you.

PWO Supps:
2 Pink Magic - forgot to take at lunch, more on that later
1 scoop AS-GT

600 warm-up
12 intervals - 25 sprint/50 swim with strokes in IM order: Fly/Back/Breast/Free, repeat 3 times
150 warm down

After the workout I was FREAKING hard and pumped. I seriously looked a good 10 pounds more full and the Pink Magic had to be what did that. Swimming will get me slightly pumped in the upper body but my legs were shredded today and veiny as hell. PWO Pink Magic = Awesome Sauce!
go on


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true that man :sly:

go on
You don't want to know, it involved a judges daughter and me being chased through a field in my boxers with the sound of a shotgun aimed my way in the distance. All in all completely worth it! LOL!!!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ok, let's have the full story now !!! LOL


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You don't want to know, it involved a judges daughter and me being chased through a field in my boxers with the sound of a shotgun aimed my way in the distance. All in all completely worth it! LOL!!!!
and den?


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Why do I feel like the guy in the drive through... and den? and den? Man I forgot the movie but that was so freaking hilarious!

Weight update - 190.2 after the morning pee. Looking dry and hard, Met keep it in your pants big guy!


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Why do I feel like the guy in the drive through... and den? and den? Man I forgot the movie but that was so freaking hilarious!

Weight update - 190.2 after the morning pee. Looking dry and hard, Met keep it in your pants big guy!
I was just hanging brain! what is the big deal?!


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Future plans - Advice required and requested by all smarter than I

Alright everyone, prior to me starting a new log and/or continuing this one, I am going to line out my new plan for you all to tear apart. As for the workout portion, that is very TBD but I am leaning towards a DC format (never done before, guidance will be needed big time), rinse and repeat HST since it works so well for me, or the Warrior Workout courtesy of MrKleen (details of which I cannot divulge without his permission). I am going to continue to run this as a cut/recomp most likely due to the fact I have plenty of OEP/Recreate and want to run those for 4-5 more weeks and I am not as lean as I want to be yet.

On to the fun part, supplementation:
3 bottles of Natadrol at hand - 8/ed for 45 days
2 bottles of LG Receptor - ran per bottle the whole time
1 bottle of Glycobol - ran per bottle
1/2 bottle of AP - fasted cardio use, large carb meals
P-Slin - VERY large carb feedings on weekends
AS-GT - 2.75 tubs of bombness
1 bottle of Formadrol Extreme - Ran on cycle, may need another bottle for 45 days worth
OEP/Recreate - 2 OEP AM/2 Recreate PM until I am out

1 bottle of LG T-911
3 bottles of 150 count Prime - 6/9 dosing the whole time
1 bottle of TestoPro
1/3 bottle of TNA - This may get thrown in pwo after my Pink Magic is done just for shiz and giggles, but only 3 per day instead of 6.
Some nutrient partitioner, depends on what I like more, AP or Glycobol

Ideally I want to run Natadrol in a cut and then do my PCT as the recomp portion. I don't know if this is going to work or not but it is my plan. Discuss amongst yourselves, I'm going verclempt!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that looks like a sick run!!! you are bringing out all the stops on this one!
As for the lifting, I thought you had been running Kleen's House of Pain....


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that looks like a sick run!!! you are bringing out all the stops on this one!
As for the lifting, I thought you had been running Kleen's House of Pain....
It is not for lack of desire that I want to run it, just that my life is about to get WAY turned around in the next few weeks with my gf moving to Houston so I need to be realistic about what I can do in terms of workouts. Kleens schematic is nasty and it may be easier for me to run it in my PCT with all that nasty test going through me. HST has been so insanely effective for me I am really wanting to run it again with some more weight and possibly up the volume a little as well. Maybe throw in a drop set or two for each exercise... have my own madness in my head that might be a lot of fun. All suggestions are welcome, please be honest if you see overlaps or have dosing recommendations.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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sounds like you have the HST in the head, so run that and then throw in Kleen's part 2 (i'm sure you got that part as well) during PCT. that wold compliment the HST nicely and be a great bridge into a DC later in the summer.
I'm sure others will want to tweak your dosages a bit, but the foundation looks solid. Looks like something I want to run later myself!


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Looks like a pretty good run to me. I will go back over it later just to see but at first glance it looks pretty stout.

Irish Cannon

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Everything looks pretty awesome in that stack, except I'd swap the Formadrol and T911. Run the T911 on cycle, and use the Formadrol for PCT.

I could write a book on Formadrol usage. :eek:

...hmm, maybe I should.


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Thursday night destruction - HST A workout

Pink Magic update: I am down to two days worth and Saturday will be my last day in the land of Pink... tears abound at the thought. I kind dropped a pill on the water today as well so I had to down it, so 7 today due to my uncoordinated sorry self. Anyways, workout was, wait for it... full of PRs! :fest30:

2 Recreate
1 Scoop AS-GT

Leg Press - 10x360, 5x610 PR, 5x610 PR These were quite possibly the HARDEST reps I have ever had to fight for, I was lightheaded after set two. As DW so eloquently says, "True pain is an acquired taste" and today it was that!
Calf Raises - 8x520, 8x520
DB Incline Press - 10x75, 7x100 PR for CLEAN reps, 6x105 PR for weight/reps This was awesome to say the least but I will comment on my thoughts below.
Skull Crushers - 10x75, 5x95, 6x95 Not a PR but focused on tighter form and had a MUCH better burn and tris were popping out big time.
Lat Pulldown - 10x140?, 5x170, 5x170 This is a different machine, no idea what the weights are really. It pretty much sucked and was a close grip and the weights were making no sense. My bodyweight could not pull down 170... I weigh 190, answer me that.
Preacher Curls - 10x75, 5x115 sloppy form!, 5x105 and form was MUCH better.
BB Shoulder Press - 10x115, 6x165, 5x165 Finally decided that this is the limit, better form and time for the support muscles to develop is in order.
Ab work at the end.

OK, I am going for pure strength to give Pink its fair chance and it has produced beyond my WILDEST expectations; it is flat out the best strength supp I have ever taken. I would put it up against a cycle of some serious PHs like Superdrol or HDrol and I bet if dosed 69 like Prime, you would be right in line or DARN CLOSE. Yeah, its that good.

That being said, my form is not perfect due to the crazy strength gains and my joints/support muscles need to play catch up or I am going to hurt myself. This is not going to happen so this next round of HST will have the weights start higher but form will be extremely strict or weights will not go up. I am going to adopt GHGH's philosophy where if the form is not perfect, its not a rep that you can count. One more weight workout to wrap up what is surely one of the most fun 6 weeks I have ever had lifting. I will give a final review of Pink Magic and take some pics for everyone to see the results. Also, I will do my best to count up the PRs, it should be a pretty large number with a 2 in front of it... yeah, that just happened! :AR15firing:


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Everything looks pretty awesome in that stack, except I'd swap the Formadrol and T911. Run the T911 on cycle, and use the Formadrol for PCT.

I could write a book on Formadrol usage. :eek:

...hmm, maybe I should.
Actually IC that works for me because I will have enough T-911 to run it for the whole time most likely if I dose 2/ed on workout days (5 days a week) and 1 on weekends/non-workout days. Thanks for the heads up on Formadrol, I knew there was a chance I could make this work better. Keep in mind I am still going to run this as a cutting type cycle, I am so close to my goal I can't just stop and go to recomp. :smite:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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congrats on the 105s bro... way to set the bar higher for the rest of us... jerk


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congrats on the 105s bro... way to set the bar higher for the rest of us... jerk
Yeah its tough when the guy who is 3" shorter and 40 pounds lighter raises the bar, LOL! Seriously big guy, you throw some weight around that I can't even touch; we all have our strengths and apparently my chest is mine lately. Who knew?


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Pink Magic update: I am down to two days worth and Saturday will be my last day in the land of Pink... tears abound at the thought. I kind dropped a pill on the water today as well so I had to down it, so 7 today due to my uncoordinated sorry self. Anyways, workout was, wait for it... full of PRs! :fest30:

2 Recreate
1 Scoop AS-GT

Leg Press - 10x360, 5x610 PR, 5x610 PR These were quite possibly the HARDEST reps I have ever had to fight for, I was lightheaded after set two. As DW so eloquently says, "True pain is an acquired taste" and today it was that!
Calf Raises - 8x520, 8x520
DB Incline Press - 10x75, 7x100 PR for CLEAN reps, 6x105 PR for weight/reps This was awesome to say the least but I will comment on my thoughts below.
Skull Crushers - 10x75, 5x95, 6x95 Not a PR but focused on tighter form and had a MUCH better burn and tris were popping out big time.
Lat Pulldown - 10x140?, 5x170, 5x170 This is a different machine, no idea what the weights are really. It pretty much sucked and was a close grip and the weights were making no sense. My bodyweight could not pull down 170... I weigh 190, answer me that.
Preacher Curls - 10x75, 5x115 sloppy form!, 5x105 and form was MUCH better.
BB Shoulder Press - 10x115, 6x165, 5x165 Finally decided that this is the limit, better form and time for the support muscles to develop is in order.
Ab work at the end.

OK, I am going for pure strength to give Pink its fair chance and it has produced beyond my WILDEST expectations; it is flat out the best strength supp I have ever taken. I would put it up against a cycle of some serious PHs like Superdrol or HDrol and I bet if dosed 69 like Prime, you would be right in line or DARN CLOSE. Yeah, its that good.

That being said, my form is not perfect due to the crazy strength gains and my joints/support muscles need to play catch up or I am going to hurt myself. This is not going to happen so this next round of HST will have the weights start higher but form will be extremely strict or weights will not go up. I am going to adopt GHGH's philosophy where if the form is not perfect, its not a rep that you can count. One more weight workout to wrap up what is surely one of the most fun 6 weeks I have ever had lifting. I will give a final review of Pink Magic and take some pics for everyone to see the results. Also, I will do my best to count up the PRs, it should be a pretty large number with a 2 in front of it... yeah, that just happened! :AR15firing:
Holy fug! I have noticed strength start to kick in but that is wild!!


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Holy fug! I have noticed strength start to kick in but that is wild!!
About week 2 you start to just kill it in the gym and you wake up FINE. Prime did that for me but I felt like I had to dig really deep to get the gains out of it, where as with Pink Magic its an open door, just walk through. The obvious recomp benefits are insane as well, I have never been this cut through the midsection and this sped up a lot after incorporating PM into my stack.


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Nice job 'Fin. Can't argue the numbers right?? Look forward to the pics. Pink is definitely the real deal. I just hit day 10 and it is like someone put shrink wrap on me. Everything just tightened up.


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Nice job 'Fin. Can't argue the numbers right?? Look forward to the pics. Pink is definitely the real deal. I just hit day 10 and it is like someone put shrink wrap on me. Everything just tightened up.
It continues to get better in the tightening up department AZ; just wait. If you can run it in a deficit like I am, watch out for fat loss ;).


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you both got me HUNGRY
You're always hungry AG, I'd be scared to have a limb within reach of your hands for fear it would be taken off and devoured, LOL! :saw:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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You're always hungry AG, I'd be scared to have a limb within reach of your hands for fear it would be taken off and devoured, LOL! :saw:
that's what happens when you are into this sport, AND have 6 sons!!! Survival of the fittest baby!!!


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that's what happens when you are into this sport, AND have 6 sons!!! Survival of the fittest baby!!!
Good lord man, I thought our dinner table got bad with my brother and I both swimming at the same time. My mother would take all hers first then it was truly survival of the fittest... aka who could stuff more in faster got more food. I don't miss that though on some nights it was downright comical.


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Libido Check



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About week 2 you start to just kill it in the gym and you wake up FINE. Prime did that for me but I felt like I had to dig really deep to get the gains out of it, where as with Pink Magic its an open door, just walk through. The obvious recomp benefits are insane as well, I have never been this cut through the midsection and this sped up a lot after incorporating PM into my stack.
Yah I keep forgetting about he recomp... that will come in handy as well. Man when I go on slow rep giant sets my pumps are really gonna hurt! :08:


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Friday Afternoon / Saturday Afternoon workout updates

Friday I swam and it went well though I did not do HIIT laps, just wasn't feeling it at all. I did get in about 1800 yards so I was happy with the distance and intensity.

On to more fun stuff, ah yes the LAST workout with Pink in my corner. It was one to remember that is for sure. There was an impromptu outing yesterday night that had me feeling less than perfect this morning, fill in the blanks on what you know I am referring to. Anyways, after a good meal, advil and water I was 100% and it was time for some destruction.

PWO Supps:
3 Pink Magic
1 Recreate
1 Scoop AS-GT

Here lies the tale of Matt and his Pink Magic... it is full of PRs and pure insanity. He came out the other side alive, sweaty and beaten but victorious.

Leg Extensions: 10x175, 7x265 PR, 7x270 PR
Leg Curls: 10x120, 5x160, 5x165 PR By this point my legs were destroyed... utterly wrecked!
DB Bench Press: 5x70, 5x90 these were warm up... 7x105 PR, 6x110 PR Oh I was SO freaking amped when I got these!!!!!!! :AR15firing::AR15firing: Armyguy, you would have been proud, there was no heavier DB in the gym!
Tri Rope Extensions: 10x60, 5x90, 5x90 These flat out hurt after bench.
CG BB Row - 10x90, 5x165, 6x170 PR Holy crap these were hard but felt awesome, intense burn! :smite:
Incline DB Curls: 10x30, 5x50, 5x50 ->5x40 PR These were just to see if I could do the weight and I was successful, the drop was so I could get 5 clean reps and burn it out.
S/F Lateral Raises: 5x35-5x25, rinse and repeat PR on the fronts. These HURTTTTT!!!!!! Shoulders were boulders when I was done, nice!

Man I was happy with this, the weights went up as I planned though it was no walk in the park. Loved this Pink Magic run as you can tell and I will post a full final review tomorrow.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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HA!!!! GreaT WORK Fin!!!!!!!! You are a DB BEAST!!!!! Glad to see the Pink had you crushing skulls and taking names! Great review bro!!!! My similar run starts in about 10 days.


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Way to finish strong with the Pink 'Fin!!


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Belated update guys and sorry for the delay. I was busy at a work golf outing yesterday, needless to say I pretty much blew the diet out of the water but am back on track today. Started my new stack yesterday and will get my first workout in today. Time permitting I am going to get my Pink Magic review up here and on the USP forum today.

Quick note, I stopped pink on Saturday and on Sunday I was SO SORE!!!! I cannot believe it literally wore off that fast, crazy! The plan is to start over with another 6 weeks of HST and continue to cut/recomp. I will outline the plan here later, now I have to play catch up at work.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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look forward to the final review, and I hear you on the blown diet... last night we had an Army formal and I must admit that I had a massive piece of cheesecake!! So tasty!!!!


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Curious to see how this goes post cycle. Looking forward to more Finput. :D


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Pink Magic Review

Alright it is time for the pink magic review portion so my log can switch gears. I did not get time to take pics this weekend to my dismay, sorry but I will see what I can do either this week or the upcoming weekend.

Summation of Pink Magic: Best supplement I have ever taken to date.


Body Composition changes - 9/10 Works amazingly well with a thermogenic/fat burner like the OEP/Recreate stack I had going and really aids in full body leaning out. Where as I see OEP/Recreate focusing on trouble areas, the PM seemed to really work all over. I could have probably seen more had I been in a larger caloric deficit.

Muscle fullness/hardness/vascularity - 8.5/10 This is probably due to my lower carb situation but nonetheless I still looked full, hard and vascular at every workout and for a long duration after. It did not take but a little physical activity to give me a full body pump even if my muscles were not rock hard. Definitely noticed a major vascularity increase in my arms/shoulders and legs, something that is rare with me.

Endurace - 10/10 Stamina both mental and physical is through the roof with this stuff. You can work yourself to death with it I am sure and still want to do more. Also, this gives you the mental focus and drive to take yourself to heavier places ;)... with more reps as well. Reference my log!

Strength - 11/10 Prime just met its new better younger brother. I am scared to know what dosing this 69 style would do for you and if you are eating more than maintenance cals. I can see people blowing up like balloons with this and not gaining and ounce of fat. I am stronger now than I have ever been and my body is playing catch up because it happened so fast. I just home to maintain what I have gained! If PRs are in your list of goals, this is #1 on your list of supps.

Mood/well-being - 8.5/10 Definitely some aggression issues to contend with at first but that seems to get well under control after week 1. I was rarely not in a good mood and once I knew I was going to work out, it was like a switch was flipped and I was ready for battle. Not a negative aggression either, very positive to say the least. Once you get started it kept growing and lead to some flat out amazing workouts.

Sides - 7/10 I did notice a significant increase in acne all over my body (face, chest, back, thighs). By this I mean I got some and it didn't go away until I stopped the PM. Also, I had some oily skin to deal with all the time and some slightly negative aggression in week 1. Also, my temper was short the whole time I was on it but knowing this after a short time it was not a liability just something to keep in check. No issues with the boys downstairs at all, actually I would say libido is up and so was the enjoyment of sex :). My gf even said she could tell I was having a better time, kudos USP!

Overall rating - 9/10 I don't think there will ever be a 10/10 with me because there is always something that prevents it because no product is perfect for 1 single user.

Recommend to buy - 100/10 Get on this the moment it is released if I don't force Jacob to sell me a box full of bottles first.

Stackability - Can you say Prime/Pink Magic/AP/TNA for the ultimate domination stack??? Yes, I will do this and even if there is no TNA yet I would throw in PF for the ultimate Asteroid Stack on Crack!


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Nice job Fin. Jacob will be selling out of Pink in a hurry.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great review fin!!!! The future looks bright bro!!


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Nice job Fin. Jacob will be selling out of Pink in a hurry.
Yah limited supply I hear... For me it's an important contest supp as the muscle fullness and hardness are awesome, posing on this stuff is nuts!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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the vascularity is getting rave reviews by fin and AE... how about you DW???
