Onlychevy6 - Will free up some testosterone with BPS - Endosurge (Sponsored)



Ok tonight's workout was interesting, for some reason I wasn't full focused.


Machine Squats (Instead of doing it like my video I turned around as suggested)

5 reps 450 lbs
5 reps 450 lbs
5 reps 450 lbs
5 reps 450 lbs
5 reps 450 lbs
12 reps 360 lbs
10 reps 270 lbs

Can we say my quads were on fire. When I do them turned around I feel it more in the hamstrings and the arse area.

Dumbbell Incline Bench

5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
12 reps 50 lbs
10 reps 40 lbs

Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

5 reps 95 lbs
5 reps 95 lbs
5 reps 95 lbs
5 reps 95 lbs
5 reps 95 lbs
10 reps 75 lbs
10 reps 55 lbs

Standing Arnold Press

5 reps 70 lbs
5 reps 70 lbs
5 reps 70 lbs
5 reps 70 lbs
5 reps 70 lbs
12 reps 60 lbs
8 reps 50 lbs


7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs
7 reps 50 lbs

Pin Wheel Curls

5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
5 reps 65 lbs
10 reps 55 lbs
10 reps 45 lbs

Also did 20 minutes of cardio.


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Nope eggs and oatmeal a banana and whey protein. Yummmm


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That sounds like it could be all tossed in a blender and made into one nice pancake ;)
That does doesn't it, would make one damn filling, high protein and healthy carb pancake... that is for sure!!!


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hmmm just might have to try that. Strawberry flavored pancake.


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I love you but HUSH WOMAN! ;)
Love you Hun!
You will get some elk meat. Lol sitting in my freezer. If ya'll dont want it I will do up some steaks
Jeff bring the meat on playa, Bambi's mom, sister cousin, uncle hell Bambi himself, his son and anyone who looks like him! She doesn't have to eat it. We have a deep freeze and I have to eat something at work. I will grill it up and take to work for food if she doesn't want to eat it. Not like you haven't fed her venison before. I guess she didn't realize that was Bambi sausage we had out there last time that she was enjoying so much...
Hmm. Chocolate blubbery protein pancake?
I do chocolate blueberry smoothies all the time. Tastes great even though it doesn't sound like it would.


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I will take it down and get processed. Do you want them in steak form? Or tell you what when I get there I will see what can be made out of it. And just do it.


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I know I will be going against everything I have been doing lately. Meaning a modified 5x5 training. But the time has come for change again. I try to change things up every 6-8 weeks. I have a routine that I will use and over the next few workouts I would like to see everyone's input.

Now as far as the supplement is concerned. I don't know what it was today but talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One minute I was having some aggression the next minute I was completely starving then I was just relaxed as can be all in a matter of a few hours at the office. I never broke my fast even though I was just starving. Lately I have been really hungry around 10am and I don't break my fast until 12-1. I am guessing the supplement has part to do with this since I am boosting my free test. Who knows.


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I know I will be going against everything I have been doing lately. Meaning a modified 5x5 training. But the time has come for change again. I try to change things up every 6-8 weeks. I have a routine that I will use and over the next few workouts I would like to see everyone's input.

Now as far as the supplement is concerned. I don't know what it was today but talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One minute I was having some aggression the next minute I was completely starving then I was just relaxed as can be all in a matter of a few hours at the office. I never broke my fast even though I was just starving. Lately I have been really hungry around 10am and I don't break my fast until 12-1. I am guessing the supplement has part to do with this since I am boosting my free test. Who knows.[/QUOTE

I have that problem with the epi-v / transasderm combo. I am ravenous about an hr and a half before fast break...I have a class during that time and I get a grizzly bear LOL


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I have that problem with the epi-v / transasderm combo. I am ravenous about an hr and a half before fast break...I have a class during that time and I get a grizzly bear LOL

Just don't put your hand through glass again. LOL... How is your back and hand (or should I say finger) doing now any how?


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Just don't put your hand through glass again. LOL... How is your back and hand (or should I say finger) doing now any how?
Finger is all healed up. I took the stitches out last weekend. As for the back It feels pretty good, but im sticking to 2 a day cardio session until this coming monday. I cant wait to hit the weights again...I need it!!


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Lay-off due to injuries always suck. I'm in the middle of one myself...
Not in the middle of a lay-off, but have been through my fair share and I agree 100%, that it SUX BIG-TIME!!!


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Ok can someone tell me this. When you are boosting your test. Do you normally get an appetite increase? Man I feel like I could devour a freaking large meal with no problem right now and I already ate just an hour ago.


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Ok can someone tell me this. When you are boosting your test. Do you normally get an appetite increase? Man I feel like I could devour a freaking large meal with no problem right now and I already ate just an hour ago.
Yea, I noticed on 3,4 divinil I was a little hungrier than usual. But I had 1,3 dime in me to keep it under a little more control.


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I do too but with EndoSurge it was more pronounced. I felt my blood sugar get lower too. I think this was due more to higher levels of IGF being produced in the muscle with the GH production side of it. IGF or Insulin-Like Growth Factor can suck what ever blood sugar is available into the muscle to use for growth. Hence the name Insulin-Like. When Growth Hormone is released one of the anabolic reactions is the signalling of IGF production in the muscle. Considering growth hormone is released in a higher quantity than normal after taking the L-Dopa contained in EndoSurge not in the presence of carbs or fat. It may help to take a 1/3-1/2 scoop of protein powder with it or about 15-20 minutes after taking the product during the fast.. Also you can nibble on some broccoli or celery during the fast without worrying about really breaking it since mostly fiber and water.


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Thanks. That makes total sense. I had candy excepy for reeses pieces or peanut butter cups. Lol other than that not a candy person. But the last week or so I have been craving sweets and have been real hungry. As far as broccoli not for me. High in oxalate and bad for my kidney stones. Believe this I know.


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Thanks. That makes total sense. I had candy excepy for reeses pieces or peanut butter cups. Lol other than that not a candy person. But the last week or so I have been craving sweets and have been real hungry. As far as broccoli not for me. High in oxalate and bad for my kidney stones. Believe this I know.
Ya know what is funny, I am not going to lie to you and say it tastes like a Reeses Peanut Butter cup, not by a long shot, but it sure tastes good and smells just like a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Buy a 16oz container of Fat-Free Cottage Cheeze and mix in a bowl with 2 scoops of your favorite Chocolate Protein powder, mix very well, also add 1 Protein scooper scoop of Splenda to it while mixing. Then purchase some Chocolate Rice Cakes and put a thin layer of all natural peanut butter on it, then a good quarter inch thick spread of your chocolate cottage cheese on top and enjoy my friend, I LOVE it!!! Let me know what you think, I eat that at least once a day, usually for breakfast or post workout, I'll eat 4 rice cakes worth and I have it guestimated at around 60g of protein, don't have all the containers in front of me to give an exact macro breakdown, but low in carbs, low in fat (healthy fat) and very high in protein, low in calories, and high in flavor (good meal replacement)


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Cant do cottage cheese. Infact only dairy I can use is vitamin d milk and mild cheddar cheese. Every thing else I literally get sick. Weird I know. I can't do yogurts or nothing.


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Cant do cottage cheese. Infact only dairy I can use is vitamin d milk and mild cheddar cheese. Every thing else I literally get sick. Weird I know. I can't do yogurts or nothing.
Wait a tic... I got some dairy for ya right here...:nutkick:


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Tell me about it. Plus I have to watch what I eat because I get calcium oxalate kidney stones. And I am not talking about little grains of sand. I am taking the size of dollar coins and a long as a rifle bullet with the case. I pass them easily. Some times they have to put a stint in and use laser to break them up for me to pass them.


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Tell me about it. Plus I have to watch what I eat because I get calcium oxalate kidney stones. And I am not talking about little grains of sand. I am taking the size of dollar coins and a long as a rifle bullet with the case. I pass them easily. Some times they have to put a stint in and use laser to break them up for me to pass them.
What is it about your metabolism that does not seem to break down calcium properly, seems like there is something they can put you on, or at least something to give to you to take when you are consuming certain foods, like some sort of digestive aid or something???


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No they tried to say out was weight related. I told them then explain why I got them when I was am athlete dating back to 1996., then they said out was dehydration. When I told them how much fluid I drank they changed there time again. Then out was take calcium pills., that didn't help as it caused more to form.

I can't eat anything high in oxalate. And I forget it is either my body absorbs to much calcium or not enough I forget.

Out can only be controlled by diet. In my case.


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Ya know what is funny, I am not going to lie to you and say it tastes like a Reeses Peanut Butter cup, not by a long shot, but it sure tastes good and smells just like a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Buy a 16oz container of Fat-Free Cottage Cheeze and mix in a bowl with 2 scoops of your favorite Chocolate Protein powder, mix very well, also add 1 Protein scooper scoop of Splenda to it while mixing. Then purchase some Chocolate Rice Cakes and put a thin layer of all natural peanut butter on it, then a good quarter inch thick spread of your chocolate cottage cheese on top and enjoy my friend, I LOVE it!!! Let me know what you think, I eat that at least once a day, usually for breakfast or post workout, I'll eat 4 rice cakes worth and I have it guestimated at around 60g of protein, don't have all the containers in front of me to give an exact macro breakdown, but low in carbs, low in fat (healthy fat) and very high in protein, low in calories, and high in flavor (good meal replacement)
This sounds freaking amazing.


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The new workout kicked in tonight. I actually felt really good during this session. Had a lot more focused and did not feel rushed.


Bent Over Barbell Rows

10 reps 140 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 220 lbs
10 reps 220 lbs
8 reps 220 lbs

Wide Grip Pull Downs

10 reps 80 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 140 lbs
10 reps 120 lbs
8 reps 120 lbs

V-Bar Cable Pull Downs

10 reps 80 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 120 lbs
10 reps 120 lbs
8 reps 120 lbs

Machine Hyper Extensions

10 reps 240 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 300 lbs
10 reps 300 lbs
8 reps 300 lbs

Standing Dumbbell Curls

10 reps 20 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 40 lbs
10 reps 40 lbs
8 reps 40 lbs

Preacher Curl Machine

10 reps 50 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 110 lbs
10 reps 110 lbs
8 reps 110 lbs

So as you can see it was a Back and Bicep workout. I have broken it down like this

The workouts will be different every 4 weeks. I put together a 12 week workout that I will stick to the entire time.
Soon as I get to the 2nd phase of training I will put up what those exercises will be.

Day 1: Chest & Tricep & Cardio
Day 2: Back & Bicep
Day 3: Cardio & Abs
Day 4: Shoulders & Calves
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Cardio & abs
Day 7: Rest


On my grind
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The new workout kicked in tonight. I actually felt really good during this session. Had a lot more focused and did not feel rushed.


Bent Over Barbell Rows

10 reps 140 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 220 lbs
10 reps 220 lbs
8 reps 220 lbs

Wide Grip Pull Downs

10 reps 80 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 140 lbs
10 reps 120 lbs
8 reps 120 lbs

V-Bar Cable Pull Downs

10 reps 80 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 120 lbs
10 reps 120 lbs
8 reps 120 lbs

Machine Hyper Extensions

10 reps 240 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 300 lbs
10 reps 300 lbs
8 reps 300 lbs

Standing Dumbbell Curls

10 reps 20 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 40 lbs
10 reps 40 lbs
8 reps 40 lbs

Preacher Curl Machine

10 reps 50 lbs (Warm Up)
12 reps 110 lbs
10 reps 110 lbs
8 reps 110 lbs

So as you can see it was a Back and Bicep workout. I have broken it down like this

The workouts will be different every 4 weeks. I put together a 12 week workout that I will stick to the entire time.
Soon as I get to the 2nd phase of training I will put up what those exercises will be.

Day 1: Chest & Tricep & Cardio
Day 2: Back & Bicep
Day 3: Cardio & Abs
Day 4: Shoulders & Calves
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Cardio & abs
Day 7: Rest
Workouts lookin good man! Keep at it, hows body composition coming along? Dreams?


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The dreams that you have while on EndoSurge are un real. Most of my dreams are not pg rated. Lol. My sleep is very peaceful.

As far as body comp. It is hard to say. I have actually gained a few lbs. Which I kinda expected being on pct. I am going to take some pics to see where I am at compared to what I was at the start of this run.


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OK, I sure like it, but after doing the Macro profile, I will limit myself to 2 for breakfast and 2 for my post workout meal as they are way higher in calories than I initially thought...

Choc. or Caramel Rice Cakes: (per serving = 1 cake)
Calories = 45
Fat = 0g
Carbs = 10g (3g sugar)
Protein = 1g

Peanut Butter (all natural) (1 serving = 2 tbsn)
Calories = 190
Fat = 16g
Carbs = 7g (3g sugar, 3g fiber)
Protein = 6g

Gaspari Myofusion Whey Protein (1 serving = 1 scoop)
Calories = 150
Fat = 3g
Carbs = 5g (2g sugar, 1g fiber)
Protein = 25g

Fat Free Cottage Cheese (1 serving) (I use 2 scoops of whey protein in 16oz tub = 4 servings)
Calories = 80
Fat = 0g
Carbs = 5g (3g sugar)
Protein = 15g

* So per rice cake (completely made) it consists of 1 rice cake, 1/2 serving of peanut butter, 1/2 serving of the whey protein, & 1 serving of cottage cheese:
Calories = 295
Fat = 9.5g
Carbs = 21g (8.5g sugar, 2g fiber)
Protein = 31.5g


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Wow that looks good to bad I can't do the cottage cheese.


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I'm really glad I did that Macro breakdown, I had been eating like 4 of those before and after each workout and that is just too much, I mean I'm not really trying to cut right now, but I'm sure not trying to bulk either, so I think 2 cakes before and 2 cakes after my workout is just perfect! I'm getting carbs, healthy fat and 63g of protein from the two cakes, Oh and tastes great!!!

Right now, until the first of the year, I'm just trying to get through the holidays without gaining any fat or losing any muscle, but at the same time give myself the lea-way to eat what I want for Thanksgiving, giving myself 1 day per week (Sundays - my day with my daughter) to eat what I want or should I say what she wants, pizza, Golden Coral, Chinese Food, etc. And then of course the big one for me, definitely gonna be putting on some serious water-weight for Christmas, going home (New Orleans, LA) for 5 days and that will be 5 days of drinking & eating my mom's home-cooking, seafood, hell you name it and I probably won't set foot in a gym, we'll see though... I am leaving for N.O.L.A. Wednesday night after work, so if I make that a 5 Day Gym Week, I will still owe my body a good Chest workout & an Arms (Bi's & Tri's) workout and you guys know how I hate to mess up a week, I mean I hate it, feels like I did something wrong, so I'll probably go for those days and then feel better about all the bad eating and drinking I will be doing, LoL. Oh and the following week, I'll only miss Monday, so another 5 day workout week, then more eating and drinking for New Years and then Monday... Jan. 2nd 2012, I'm starting the year off right, will be my normal hard-core style dieting, but with carbs pre & post workout (always in the morning) and a cheat day on Sunday until April 1st which is when I will start a new LOG and get totally and completely SHREDDEDED for Summer!


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You will be swinging through houston on your way back home to Ga. Right. Lol


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Scotty, do you have a Central Market near you? If so, they sell these great cakes that are ~15 cals each. Yeah, like 3g carbs. They're called Kim's Magic POP.

A great substitute for rice cakes if you want a lower calorie option. :)


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Scotty, do you have a Central Market near you? If so, they sell these great cakes that are ~15 cals each. Yeah, like 3g carbs. They're called Kim's Magic POP.

A great substitute for rice cakes if you want a lower calorie option. :)
No "Central Market" but quite a few Farmer's Markets and an H-Mart (Korean style Farmer's Market), how big are these cakes, roughly the same size as rice cakes? Also, do they have the flavors like Chocolate or Carmel, I only ask because I think if I get the plain/low sodium rice cakes they are only like 15-20 cals per cake as well?


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Ok so last night I teated something out and was pleased with the results. I have noticed that if I take endosurge approx 30 minutes before bed it takes about an hour and a half to get tired. I normally go to bed around 9-9:30 since I get up around 4:15-4:30 in most cases. Well since I started endosurge it has been more like 10-10:30 before I can go to sleep.

Last night I took my 2 capsules around 7pm and kid you not by 9 pm it was lights out. What I have been doing is take my supps around 8:30ish. Not any longer. Since I workout in the evenings and get home around 7-7:30 from that I will take it right when I get home instead of right before bed.


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Ok so last night I teated something out and was pleased with the results. I have noticed that if I take endosurge approx 30 minutes before bed it takes about an hour and a half to get tired. I normally go to bed around 9-9:30 since I get up around 4:15-4:30 in most cases. Well since I started endosurge it has been more like 10-10:30 before I can go to sleep.

Last night I took my 2 capsules around 7pm and kid you not by 9 pm it was lights out. What I have been doing is take my supps around 8:30ish. Not any longer. Since I workout in the evenings and get home around 7-7:30 from that I will take it right when I get home instead of right before bed.
Sounds like you found a better way to dose it!


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Yeah it is just like anything else. Trial and error. Everyone will get different effects from anything they take.


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Users have been finding all kinds of ways to optimize Endosurge for their personal use - some guys take 4 caps before bed, some only take it before bed. It's cool to see how different people respond and adjust.
Yes sir. I actually take 2 in the morning, 2 around lunch and now 2 around 7-7:30


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Sounds like you found a better way to dose it!
It works well for him.
Yeah it is just like anything else. Trial and error. Everyone will get different effects from anything they take.
Yeah, I think the delay in you getting tired may have to do with slower absorption from you having some of your intestines removed.

Yes sir. I actually take 2 in the morning, 2 around lunch and now 2 around 7-7:30
You should try taking it to the gym with you and taking it directly after you workout that will work synergistically with your body's natural GH pulse that you would have post workout. Then by the time you got home and ate 30-45 minutes later you should have ample amounts of IGF ready to put that food to use.


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It works well for him.
Yeah, I think the delay in you getting tired may have to do with slower absorption from you having some of your intestines removed.

You should try taking it to the gym with you and taking it directly after you workout that will work synergistically with your body's natural GH pulse that you would have post workout. Then by the time you got home and ate 30-45 minutes later you should have ample amounts of IGF ready to put that food to use.
Good thinkin lincoln. I always have my supps with me so yeah I can do that.


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First I want to say Thank you to all you men and women whom are currently serving as well as those whom are no longer serving.

Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press

10 reps 40 lbs
12 reps 50 lbs
10 reps 50 lbs
8 reps 50 lbs

Machine Side Lateral Raises

10 reps 45 lbs
12 reps 65 lbs
10 reps 65 lbs
8 reps 65 lbs

Standing Dumbbell Rear Delt Lateral Raises

10 reps 35 lbs
12 reps 45 lbs
10 reps 40 lbs
8 reps 40 lbs

Machine Standing Calf Raises (Toes In)

10 reps 60 lbs
12 reps 100 lbs
10 reps 100 lbs
8 reps 100 lbs

Seated Calf Raises

10 reps 90 lbs
12 reps 90 lbs
10 reps 90 lbs
8 reps 90 lbs

Donkey Calf Raises

10 reps
12 reps
10 reps
8 reps

My shoulders were pumping for a long time after I was done with them and my calves well they felt like they were on fire and my feet felt like they were stretched from one side of the gym to the other. lol. I also took my last two pills for the night right after my workout as suggested and yeah it is now a little after 9 pm central time and I am almost ready for bed. I took it at 7:30 pm
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

11/11/11 First I want to say Thank you to all you men and women whom are currently serving as well as those whom are no longer serving. Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press 10 reps 40 lbs 12 reps 50 lbs 10 reps 50 lbs 8 reps 50 lbs Machine Side Lateral Raises 10 reps 45 lbs 12 reps 65 lbs 10 reps 65 lbs 8 reps 65 lbs Standing Dumbbell Rear Delt Lateral Raises 10 reps 35 lbs 12 reps 45 lbs 10 reps 40 lbs 8 reps 40 lbs Machine Standing Calf Raises (Toes In) 10 reps 60 lbs 12 reps 100 lbs 10 reps 100 lbs 8 reps 100 lbs Seated Calf Raises 10 reps 90 lbs 12 reps 90 lbs 10 reps 90 lbs 8 reps 90 lbs Donkey Calf Raises 10 reps 12 reps 10 reps 8 reps My shoulders were pumping for a long time after I was done with them and my calves well they felt like they were on fire and my feet felt like they were stretched from one side of the gym to the other. lol I also took my last two pills for the night right after my workout as suggested and yeah it is now a little after 9 pm central time and I am almost ready for bed. I took it at 7:30 pm
You go with your bad self!


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If a older woman going after younger men is called a Cougar, then is an older man going after younger men called a Nittany Lion? LOL sorry I know it is wrong but you know it is funny.


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I can see why so many people like endosurge. The recovery you get is awesome and the sleep well that is just plain awesome.


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I'm always so late!!! In :) Good reading so far.

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