Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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Good thinking bro. This is my first cycle and I'm 27. I can def say that my strong foundation in fitness and nutrition has helped me kill this cycle. Without this knowledge and experience I don't think I'd been able to get the results I have now :)
When you get ready, I'd suggest going into a hard, hard cut for 4-6 weeks and then hit it up. You will grow like a freaking weed.
Your numbers are already impressive, I can only imagine with gear...

Much appreciated bro! And thank you for following along.

Bustin my ass paid off. Still have more time to go. 4 more week :woohoo:

You've been here the whole time brother and helped push me along and gave me advice. Thank you for sticking with this and helping me out.

I'll make the most out of my last weeks. I'm loving this cycle.

How is the tren suspension treating you? Sides? Acne? Aggresion? Lifts?

I'll get some decent back pics up tonight. I was just by myself taking them. you know I got that EVO.....better not need a new one. Lol.

Yo, you've been a tremendous help and you are very responsive, knowledgable and freaking ripped. Thank you for all your contributions to my log (all the studies and other info) and our chit chats from time to time. I needed the advice and help along the way.
No homo.

You've become a good friend.

So where is my tub of White Flood? I'll "log" it in a heart beat. I do like the stuff Jak3d is crap. NoExplode is crap. Blah blah blah. These are my opinions though and everybody is a little different so if Jak3d is your favorite, good for you. :p

I think I've seen some anavar only logs on here, but why not add test? I think the cycle would give you a ton more benefits.

I did add Anavar as Ed said. I upped the dose to 90mg and will have it there for 5-7 days, then up to 100 for the las 20-22 days. I'm doing this to make sure I don't end up with a 30mg dose at the end. I figure if I have a little extra that is better than having not enough.

Ronnie was a cop, I'm pretty sure he went and competed and they fired him for reasons surrounding it or something like that.


A huge thank to everybody on AM that has continued to follow along and moreover those I have come to know and commnicate with even outside AM.
I'm hoping by the end of this when people see Morry's Log, they'll know there isn't bullsh1t but good, solid, accurate info in there that I'm hoping will help others in thier journey.
Pardon my ignorance, I am somewhat of a suppz novice if you will. The truth is I really just want to get some quality gains of 5-10lbs LBM while dropping 4-5% BF. Do you think the Test will still be the best to stack with the Var? What are your thoughts about a D Bol jumpstart for the first 2 weeks of the Var cycle?


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Pardon my ignorance, I am somewhat of a suppz novice if you will. The truth is I really just want to get some quality gains of 5-10lbs LBM while dropping 4-5% BF. Do you think the Test will still be the best to stack with the Var? What are your thoughts about a D Bol jumpstart for the first 2 weeks of the Var cycle?
Lol, ignorance? We are all learning here bro. That isn't what I'd classify as a stupid question or I wouldn't have even taken the time to write this.

Those goals looks pretty good, but honestly, it'd be better if I knew more about your current stats, diet, training and anything else that would be important to know (pre-existing injuries, hated exercises, weak spots in your physique, etc ...)

I can't speak for Dbol bc I've never taken it, but I think schwell or ed can chim in on that one and help out.

I had such good results from my kick start, I'll prob use it again. I just used Prop with Ethanate (both test) and started feeling a difference pretty quick. Go back and check the first couple pages of this log. It shows each workout and how I felt doing the test prop kick start. I did this bc I wanted to avoid orals for a while due to some personal reasons.
At week 5 I added in Anavar and dropped the prop, but if you do this, I'd do what ThunderGod suggested and have extra test on hand (prop or suspension) just in case your gains satart to slow down.
I dropped 6 points in BF and gained 13 lbs of muscle in a mere 8 weeks with this combo.
And it is all recorded right here in this log. Enjoy and good luck!


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just posted a new pic morry. PEEP DAT BIA
Looking good bro. I def check it out. Keep it up. I'm still going to try and give you a run for your money...

What we betting this on again?

20 ml tren suspension? Yes please. :)


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This is why I love that you are here. You answer stuff like I do. Detailed and fully.

Sides: Your libido is up? Is Tren Suspension nuetral and the anadrol doing it? I though tren killed libido. Shine some light on this bc I am very much thinking I will incorporate some of this in my next cut cycle.

Acne: I experienced some of this as well, but with careful attention and washing my face 2 to 3 times a days I was able to get rid of it. I also use a scrubber on my back and make sure I get that mofo good (helps when I'm sunburned too).
Do you think some of the acne is just unavoidable?

Aggression: This is what worries me bc I can be a reall ass as it is. Test, however, has given me such a feeling of calm and well being that I have found I'm not as aggressive on Test although I think if I got upset I could really have a problem.


Are you FOCKING serious???????? 455 x 10 THEN incline presses at 275. I knew you were an animal but my god man. You ARE the god of Thunder.

You weren't even maxing but this puts your theoretical at 591......OMFG

I'm not worthy!! :box:
Tren and Libido:
The things you have read are part myth and part placebo sides posted by people who don't even have a clue what is happening with their bodies. There are cases where Tren have given some guys ED issues and lack of libido or desire. This could be caused by high blood pressure or simply an individual response to the chemical actives in the compounds.
Others rave about Tren making them sexual monsters. High levels of androgens (DHT) causes most men to have insane libido increases. Libido is raging in my own experience here. That much I know for sure. I'm hornier than a 4-balled tom-cat on Ecstasy!! :boobies::hump::naughty:
I'm also using Test Cyp @750 mgs. per week. Tren plus Test usually keeps these issues at bay. Make sure to run some Test with it.

Yes, I believe that some of this might be unavoidable altogether. If you're very concerned with this, you might want to look into some ProActive.
My skin is greasy as fukk. I've got zits on my shoulders and upper back. And I couldn't be happier!! :stooges:

I can see where some guys would have a problem running Tren when it comes to this aspect. I think if you have the propensity to be an asshole, then Tren will make you a stronger bigger asshole. :laughing:This will be dependant upon the person, as we all respond and react differently when using these compounds. But I have a very aggressive nature and this just puts it over the top. I focus all this rage and fury against the iron foe. All-Father does not will for me to harm weak mortals,
Test also puts me in a good mood. Tren is a very different creature. Test is like kind Dr. Jekyll, whereas Tren is most definitely like mean ol' Mr. Hyde. :twisted:

You need to keep in mind that the Flat Bench numbers were on a machine (HS), not free-weights. I can't do 455 lbs for 10 reps on free-weight flat bench presses. I can hit a single at that with free weights, but no more.
Those Hammer Strength machines are ego boosters for sure. :laughing:
Last week on Incline DB Presses I hit up the 130's for 15 reps. And I've done 140's for 11 reps. So that's not too bad.......for an old guy. :lmao:

And yes, I AM the god of thunder. Donner-Gott!!!:hammer:



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Tren and Libido:
The things you have read are part myth and part placebo sides posted by people who don't even have a clue what is happening with their bodies. There are cases where Tren have given some guys ED issues and lack of libido or desire. This could be caused by high blood pressure or simply an individual response to the chemical actives in the compounds.
Others rave about Tren making them sexual monsters. High levels of androgens (DHT) causes most men to have insane libido increases. Libido is raging in my own experience here. That much I know for sure. I'm hornier than a 4-balled tom-cat on Ecstasy!! :boobies::hump::naughty:
I'm also using Test Cyp @750 mgs. per week. Tren plus Test usually keeps these issues at bay. Make sure to run some Test with it.

Yes, I believe that some of this might be unavoidable altogether. If you're very concerned with this, you might want to look into some ProActive.
My skin is greasy as fukk. I've got zits on my shoulders and upper back. And I couldn't be happier!! :stooges:

I can see where some guys would have a problem running Tren when it comes to this aspect. I think if you have the propensity to be an asshole, then Tren will make you a stronger bigger asshole. :laughing:This will be dependant upon the person, as we all respond and react differently when using these compounds. But I have a very aggressive nature and this just puts it over the top. I focus all this rage and fury against the iron foe. All-Father does not will for me to harm weak mortals,
Test also puts me in a good mood. Tren is a very different creature. Test is like kind Dr. Jekyll, whereas Tren is most definitely like mean ol' Mr. Hyde. :twisted:

You need to keep in mind that the Flat Bench numbers were on a machine (HS), not free-weights. I can't do 455 lbs for 10 reps on free-weight flat bench presses. I can hit a single at that with free weights, but no more.
Those Hammer Strength machines are ego boosters for sure. :laughing:
Last week on Incline DB Presses I hit up the 130's for 15 reps. And I've done 140's for 11 reps. So that's not too bad.......for an old guy. :lmao:

And yes, I AM the god of thunder. Donner-Gott!!!:hammer:

Sweet man, just the info I was looking for.

Im about convinced that I'll get my hands on some suspension for the next cut. I may go into a hard cut in May or June, I'm not sure. I'm so low in BF now and I will be lower still, but in PCT I may put some weight back on in order to keep muscle, then go into short cut. Maybe a little 8 weeker?

I'll be looking in it. :)

Thanks again bro!


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Day 61

weight 200 (-6) but same as yesterday, I'm eating more and more.

Legs / Arms

I worked out with a friend of mine at a gym today so I was able to do dips and use a few machines I normally wouldn't have access to. I imagine I'll be a bit sore in some places due to this, but switching it up always feels good.
Squats 135 x 15, 225 x 15, 315x6, 315x5, x315xdead(or four) I almost had to use the safety rack on that last one.
Dips burnt my tris up and I haven't done dips in forever bc I don't own anything I can do dips off of (proper formed dips not imitation hanging off a bench which is what I normally do with a 45lb weight on my knees). I think I'm going to try and max out at 365 flat bench again on monday this time instead of tues. I'll move the other days around to make up for this. Burning my tris is about perfecting timing for max out.

Pinned 100mg test suspension 1 hr prior to workout. I was drenched in sweat, killing sets and to my surprise was probably one of the most cut up guys this Gym. TRhat's not me saying I'm super cut bc I could def cut down more. It was pretty sad. There were guys a bit bigger but loaded up with fat slinging weights around like retards. I walked up to the pull up bars that were on cable pulling machine. These two douschers walk up right after me and grab one of the cables and start changing the attachment on it while he is running his focking mouth to the other dousch nozzel. Now his ass is fukking sticking out and I really cant get to the chin up part of the machine without being in his personal space and me feeling like Elton John. These idiots stand there talking while I'm standing there with my headphones on, I reach up and pause my ****, look at the one chaning the attachment and I said, "you mind if I do a set" and I kind of shrugged my shoulders and the guys just said "yeah bro no problem" or some such crap I really wasn't paying attention as my focus had continuely been on the pull up bars, I jumped and grabbed the handles and start my set and I can see in the mirrors these motherfukkers standing behind me and I really can't tell if I've pissed em off or not nor did I care, but they glanced up at me but after I hit over 20 they were pretty much staring bc they were surprised my scrawny ass was ripping thru a set of 20 I guess (didn't think that was all that high). That shows you the kind of people in this gym. 30 is a good number to tier down from which I have before, but I only did 23 or 24 that time and I got a double takes out of some douschers. I wanted to walk around and pin everybody in the kneck with some test so they would grow some balls and toss around some real weight.
The old guy doing box squats. The chic shadow boxing or something like that, the dad showing the kid how weak he is, the hopeless fat dude that will never give up working out or double cheese burgers, the hot chic that is only hot bc she wears a sports bra and is in really good shape but her face....well is more like her butt, the token black trainer that that looks more like a pimp than a trainer, the two douschers previously described, and the naked hairy chinese man in the dressing room.
I hate gyms.....:soapbox:

Moving on.....

I was really drained when I got finished. I think I still could have ran, but I didn't. I'll probably run tomorrow. I'm just still watching my weight and trying to keep it up not down.

I did up the dose of Var to 90mg which I'll run for 4 more days then take it to 100mg.

I have plenty of suspension so I think I'll keep it at 100 on heavy days and 25 mg on light days with Sunday pinn 25 mg just to keep things more level hormonally due to the half life of suspension.. As long as I don't break out in zits I think this will help me hold onto so more of my musle while I'm low in BF. It will al depends on sides whether I keep it at this level or not.

Took letro at .5ml today.

No sides at this point but with the increase in Var and test for these last couple weeks I'm hoping will not be enough to create any serious sides. Time will tell.



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Lol, ignorance? We are all learning here bro. That isn't what I'd classify as a stupid question or I wouldn't have even taken the time to write this.

Those goals looks pretty good, but honestly, it'd be better if I knew more about your current stats, diet, training and anything else that would be important to know (pre-existing injuries, hated exercises, weak spots in your physique, etc ...)

I can't speak for Dbol bc I've never taken it, but I think schwell or ed can chim in on that one and help out.

I had such good results from my kick start, I'll prob use it again. I just used Prop with Ethanate (both test) and started feeling a difference pretty quick. Go back and check the first couple pages of this log. It shows each workout and how I felt doing the test prop kick start. I did this bc I wanted to avoid orals for a while due to some personal reasons.
At week 5 I added in Anavar and dropped the prop, but if you do this, I'd do what ThunderGod suggested and have extra test on hand (prop or suspension) just in case your gains satart to slow down.
I dropped 6 points in BF and gained 13 lbs of muscle in a mere 8 weeks with this combo.
And it is all recorded right here in this log. Enjoy and good luck!

Currently 6'2" 220lbs give or take each day. BF around 12%. I train 1 major body part a day 5 days a week w/aux exercises thrown in between (abs, calves, light legs etc). Currently on a basic set/rep for my main lifts at 6,8,10,12 with 6 reps being 80% of my 1 rep max and then dropping about 5% each set down. Then I hit auxillary lifts at 10,10,12,15 usually. Bench around 365, squat 450 and DL around 500 all for 1. I squat and bench every week and just started adding DL every week about a month ago. Diet is pretty clean but hard to stay consistent working as a paramedic. Limited carbs, protein is around 250g a day. Not on any suppz at all right now (besides protein powder). I have taken 2 cycles of PH before. 1 about 1.5 years ago and the latest about 6 months ago. Saw good results with both but lost alot afterwards and took me a while to get back that strength. I am where i was when i finished my cycle with that latest PH in my upper body and my legs are even stronger. I have had no lifting injuries (knock). My weak areas as far as development are my chest, shoulders and back. My shoulders are very strong but not very big, same with my back. I also have a thick torso and lordosis (makes my abs stick out). Thats about it off the top of my head. Let me know what you think. BTW im 26. Any help would be great.


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Morry you've made some amazing progress dude!!!!! Great job!


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Currently 6'2" 220lbs give or take each day. BF around 12%. I train 1 major body part a day 5 days a week w/aux exercises thrown in between (abs, calves, light legs etc). Currently on a basic set/rep for my main lifts at 6,8,10,12 with 6 reps being 80% of my 1 rep max and then dropping about 5% each set down. Then I hit auxillary lifts at 10,10,12,15 usually. Bench around 365, squat 450 and DL around 500 all for 1. I squat and bench every week and just started adding DL every week about a month ago. Diet is pretty clean but hard to stay consistent working as a paramedic. Limited carbs, protein is around 250g a day. Not on any suppz at all right now (besides protein powder). I have taken 2 cycles of PH before. 1 about 1.5 years ago and the latest about 6 months ago. Saw good results with both but lost alot afterwards and took me a while to get back that strength. I am where i was when i finished my cycle with that latest PH in my upper body and my legs are even stronger. I have had no lifting injuries (knock). My weak areas as far as development are my chest, shoulders and back. My shoulders are very strong but not very big, same with my back. I also have a thick torso and lordosis (makes my abs stick out). Thats about it off the top of my head. Let me know what you think. BTW im 26. Any help would be great.
Sounds to me like you are in a perfect condition to do a cycle with Var and Test and get some really great results. If you are prone to hold water (what PHs did you take and did you bloat at all?) you might want to keep and AI on hand as I have (and I've had to use mine the whole cycle but I'm real, real sensitive).
If you are hitting the muscles 5 times a week with two weak spots, that mean you should be hitting chest and back twice a week and legs once till everything catches up with one another. Or something like that.
Diet is going to be challenging bc your work, but I wonder what kind of stuff you could keep with you in a lunch box or something. Boiled eggs can be jewels. yogurt stays cold for at least a couple hours. There are lots of creative things to hit your macros and shape your diet around your workout and lifestyle at the same time.
I like your tier down method too. I do a lot of my execise in a similar way.

We have a lot of the stats that are pretty close. I think a cycle like this could help you get to your goals and then some if you worked hard enough.

:hammer:kill it!


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Couldn't agree more with you about the gym. My pet peeve is that everyone seems to treat it as a social event instead of a gym. They stand around talking getting in the way of those who really want to train. I don't like the crowd. Except they make me feel like a hard ass. Lol.


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Sounds to me like you are in a perfect condition to do a cycle with Var and Test and get some really great results. If you are prone to hold water (what PHs did you take and did you bloat at all?) you might want to keep and AI on hand as I have (and I've had to use mine the whole cycle but I'm real, real sensitive).
If you are hitting the muscles 5 times a week with two weak spots, that mean you should be hitting chest and back twice a week and legs once till everything catches up with one another. Or something like that.
Diet is going to be challenging bc your work, but I wonder what kind of stuff you could keep with you in a lunch box or something. Boiled eggs can be jewels. yogurt stays cold for at least a couple hours. There are lots of creative things to hit your macros and shape your diet around your workout and lifestyle at the same time.
I like your tier down method too. I do a lot of my execise in a similar way.

We have a lot of the stats that are pretty close. I think a cycle like this could help you get to your goals and then some if you worked hard enough.

:hammer:kill it!
I took SUS 500 before it is a GET product, and like i said got pretty good results with it and no I did retain much water at all. I kept about 8 lbs with each cycle and kept/got back most of my gains. I know what you mean about the diet, and i do similar things to what you said. I always have food with me (eggs much of the time) but I like the yogurt idea as well I will start doing that. Yes I like the tier set up too, have been doing it for about 4 weeks and feel like Im getting good results, but again ready to add something else. I heard people talk about different doses of the Var, some say that 30-40mg a day is plenty while others say at least 100mg. Your thoughts, and what is AI?


New member
Sounds to me like you are in a perfect condition to do a cycle with Var and Test and get some really great results. If you are prone to hold water (what PHs did you take and did you bloat at all?) you might want to keep and AI on hand as I have (and I've had to use mine the whole cycle but I'm real, real sensitive).
If you are hitting the muscles 5 times a week with two weak spots, that mean you should be hitting chest and back twice a week and legs once till everything catches up with one another. Or something like that.
Diet is going to be challenging bc your work, but I wonder what kind of stuff you could keep with you in a lunch box or something. Boiled eggs can be jewels. yogurt stays cold for at least a couple hours. There are lots of creative things to hit your macros and shape your diet around your workout and lifestyle at the same time.
I like your tier down method too. I do a lot of my execise in a similar way.

We have a lot of the stats that are pretty close. I think a cycle like this could help you get to your goals and then some if you worked hard enough.

:hammer:kill it!
Another question, what kind of test would you recommend with the Var, sustanon, deca? And what kind of doses for the whole cycle? Thanks


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Another question, what kind of test would you recommend with the Var, sustanon, deca? And what kind of doses for the whole cycle? Thanks
I think if you're trying to stay lean, you would want the Test to be Propionate. Less water bloating, from my experiences with it.

I'd suggest a 10 to 12 weeker, considering your desire to run some Deca. Deca has a very long ester and takes a long time to really kick in. I've been dosing Deca @350 mgs. per week for 5 weeks now, and I can just tell it's starting to kick in.
I would suggest you get some NPP instead. It's Deca with a shorter ester. It's Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate. It only takes a couple of weeks to kick in. And you could pin it EOD with your Test-Prop.

I picked up some NPP on my last order to run when I run out of Deca-Durabolin. I will probably just buy NPP in the future. Less water bloat from it, I hear.

You would love a 10 weeker of the following:

Test-Prop @150 mgs. EOD
NPP @100 mgs. EOD
Anavar @ 75 mgs. daily.
Arimidex @.5 mgs. EOD

This would do the trick. :22:


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I took SUS 500 before it is a GET product, and like i said got pretty good results with it and no I did retain much water at all. I kept about 8 lbs with each cycle and kept/got back most of my gains. I know what you mean about the diet, and i do similar things to what you said. I always have food with me (eggs much of the time) but I like the yogurt idea as well I will start doing that. Yes I like the tier set up too, have been doing it for about 4 weeks and feel like Im getting good results, but again ready to add something else. I heard people talk about different doses of the Var, some say that 30-40mg a day is plenty while others say at least 100mg. Your thoughts, and what is AI?
Never heard of anyone using VAR @ 30-40mg except chicks

Most commonly dose used is the 75-80mg and i honestly believe that is the number at which u will get good results but the higher you go the better they will be... Quite honestly the 75-80mg number is just a question of price stuff is expensive as im sure you know and those that have run 120-150mg rage about the results.....

Ive personally always run it at 100mg ED and been very happy its such a versatile drug an excelelnt choice for a beginner who doesnt want to go the injsectable route as it can be safely stacked with say Dbol 30 days VAR 8-10 week allowing u to solidify and harden those gains... It can be bridged stacked run for long periods u name it and is prob the pros oral drug of choice as a finisher in competition prep

Cons: Price :(


New member
Never heard of anyone using VAR @ 30-40mg except chicks

Most commonly dose used is the 75-80mg and i honestly believe that is the number at which u will get good results but the higher you go the better they will be... Quite honestly the 75-80mg number is just a question of price stuff is expensive as im sure you know and those that have run 120-150mg rage about the results.....

Ive personally always run it at 100mg ED and been very happy its such a versatile drug an excelelnt choice for a beginner who doesnt want to go the injsectable route as it can be safely stacked with say Dbol 30 days VAR 8-10 week allowing u to solidify and harden those gains... It can be bridged stacked run for long periods u name it and is prob the pros oral drug of choice as a finisher in competition prep

Cons: Price :(
You said it, the Var is quite expensive, so if I got that I may want to go the cheapest route on the other stuff. I saw you mentioned Dbol for 30 days with the Var do you think that would give me similar results say, compared to the cycle that Thunder mentioned above? Asking this just because I can get Dbol pretty cheap.


New member
I think if you're trying to stay lean, you would want the Test to be Propionate. Less water bloating, from my experiences with it.

I'd suggest a 10 to 12 weeker, considering your desire to run some Deca. Deca has a very long ester and takes a long time to really kick in. I've been dosing Deca @350 mgs. per week for 5 weeks now, and I can just tell it's starting to kick in.
I would suggest you get some NPP instead. It's Deca with a shorter ester. It's Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate. It only takes a couple of weeks to kick in. And you could pin it EOD with your Test-Prop.

I picked up some NPP on my last order to run when I run out of Deca-Durabolin. I will probably just buy NPP in the future. Less water bloat from it, I hear.

You would love a 10 weeker of the following:

Test-Prop @150 mgs. EOD
NPP @100 mgs. EOD
Anavar @ 75 mgs. daily.
Arimidex @.5 mgs. EOD

This would do the trick. :22:
Asked this below too, but what do think about a Dbol for 30 with the Var, how would this stack up to the cycle you have mentioned here. Just asking mainly for cost effectiveness. Dont want to stay on Dbol too long, for bloating reasons and not wanting to bulk up too fast. But would love to have the kick start.


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Asked this below too, but what do think about a Dbol for 30 with the Var, how would this stack up to the cycle you have mentioned here. Just asking mainly for cost effectiveness. Dont want to stay on Dbol too long, for bloating reasons and not wanting to bulk up too fast. But would love to have the kick start.
Honestly, it (D-Bol/Var stack) wouldn't come close to the effect of the stack I mentioned.
It would work, even though I don't recommend oral-only cycles.

If you could scrape up enough money for the cycle I laid out, you would make fantastic lean gains with it.


New member
Bravo Zulu on this log bro...

i just spent almost my work day reading this and i learned so much that is gonna help with my first injection cycle that i am starting on sunday which looks alot like yours



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You said it, the Var is quite expensive, so if I got that I may want to go the cheapest route on the other stuff. I saw you mentioned Dbol for 30 days with the Var do you think that would give me similar results say, compared to the cycle that Thunder mentioned above? Asking this just because I can get Dbol pretty cheap.
Well u can stack it with almost anything so if ur looking for a.lean bulk or recomp prob better of with tbol as a kick start but u have lots of options other than tbol

X Tren/epi

Those r some that I have used for such a purpose if your on a budget you could sub the VAR for winny also

But ultimately I agree with TG there is no real replacement for test base as he says so personally I would plan the cycle out exactly as you want it and rather than cut corners wait a little extra time and save up the money to do it right this will also give you more time to research the pros and cons


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morry whurr u at


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bump for mor ay


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Day 62-64




I wouldn't say that I HAD to have these days off physically, but mentally I needed to take them.
Friday my lower back had been bothering me anyhow and I was planning on hitting it again on Sat, but I have too much going on right now. I'm moving and my job is changing quickly. Things suck. No worries though, I'm not deviating, I just needed to take some time this weekend. I will be maxing out on bench today, then light dl and back day after.

Pics still today.

My diet during these days wasn't horrible, but did include the extra calories I would need (and some that I wouldn't). I made sure to eat a good amount of carbs each day and I'm not going to lie I did cheat some.

I'll be back at it today, though, no worries.

This is the longest break I've taken in 9 weeks. We'll see how well I do at maxing out and I'll decide whether this break was worth it or just laziness.



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Day 65

weight 210 (+4) and up 10 from 4 days ago. Told you I cheated.......wish I could hold on to this weight, but it is just water and very little muscle most likely.

Chest / Abs

Went for 365 on flat and missed the damn thing. FOCK. 345 was pretty easy after that and then I drop set from there and tossed DB flat in that circuit as well. If I didn't hit 365 this week, I'm not sure 375 is within my grasp by the end of this cycle. I don't think risking injury pushing myself while on gear is a good idea, but I'm disappointed I think I missed this goal.
So I shift to another goal and considering the water weight I put on this weekend, I'm thinking I'll try to cut a little more BF this cycle so when i go into PCT I can still gain a bit of weight with out looking like I put on a ton of weight. Strength is still going up in my other lifts, but in my chest I have hit a plateau. I have already redesigned my split and my exercise therein to break through this plautea. I'll keep adjusting things until I am able to move up in weight again. I imagine once off cycle I'll have to fight to hold onto strength, but what I do hold on to, i'll push back to 365 naturally and then decide how I want to push things further. I'll get to 375 but in time.
Everything else on this workout went very well. I was able to get my chest aching pretty bad. I did mess up and forget to take taurine which I didn't notice during my workout, but during my run I wanted it like a fat kid wants cake. That was one of the most difficult 2 miles I have ever ran. My lower back and shins were locked in blood and just throbbing and I pushed through it, but Jesus it focking hurt. My fault, no taurine. I won't be making that mistacke again.

Pinned 1.5ml test bilateral in chest. No issues althought I've didn't notice the susp;ension as much as I had in the past. Then again, though, I didn't feel the White Flood kick in either, so I don't know.

No other sides.

Pics as promised.

Day 1 of a 12 week cycle



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Back Pics

This is a couple pics for the 8 week update that I wanted to add.

I know the first back pics looked like crap. I said I'd take some more so here they are fockers......


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dude your back is AMAZING


This is a couple pics for the 8 week update that I wanted to add.

I know the first back pics looked like crap. I said I'd take some more so here they are fockers......
Uh morry, ur back looks like quatto from total recall has moved from that dudes abdomen and taken up residence on your upper back.

Quatto Lives!


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lotta definition in the shoulders and back bro. Good ****ing job :clap2:

Also veins everywhere!!!!!!!!!


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Awesome progress. Great definition and vascularity, huge difference from the first pic. Congrats


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:notworthy: We're not worthy, Herr morry. :notworthy:

Damn. That back looks str8 nasty, bruddah. Like competition ready. So much definition and detail.

If I were you, I'd be highly tempted to make that bottom pic my new avatar. That's an awesome pic.

Outstanding work morry!!! :clap2:

Keep poundin' dat cold hard steel. :twisted:


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This is a couple pics for the 8 week update that I wanted to add.

I know the first back pics looked like crap. I said I'd take some more so here they are fockers......
Lol i tihnk i have seen those same pics on the bottles of Creakic or Nitro Tech. lol


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:notworthy: We're not worthy, Herr morry. :notworthy:

Damn. That back looks str8 nasty, bruddah. Like competition ready. So much definition and detail.

If I were you, I'd be highly tempted to make that bottom pic my new avatar. That's an awesome pic.

Outstanding work morry!!! :clap2:

Keep poundin' dat cold hard steel. :twisted:
Nothing really to add :clap2:


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:afro: Fo sho


dude your back is AMAZING

Uh morry, ur back looks like quatto from total recall has moved from that dudes abdomen and taken up residence on your upper back.

Quatto Lives!

He has much better striations........

lotta definition in the shoulders and back bro. Good ****ing job

Also veins everywhere!!!!!!!!!
Preciate it Beast. You saw my split, I murder my back pretty regularly.

Awesome progress. Great definition and vascularity, huge difference from the first pic. Congrats
Thanks man, keep checkin in, I still have over 2 weeks of this cycle then an EPIC PCT.

We're not worthy, Herr morry.

Damn. That back looks str8 nasty, bruddah. Like competition ready. So much definition and detail.

If I were you, I'd be highly tempted to make that bottom pic my new avatar. That's an awesome pic.

Outstanding work morry!!!

Keep poundin' dat cold hard steel.
Yeah Yeah, ThunderGod thanks for that, I appreciate it.

Back has never been my "weak" point. Probably my chest or arms :( I got a lot of work to do :147: but with encouragement and guidance from guys like you, I think I'll continue to be successful.

Lol i tihnk i have seen those same pics on the bottles of Creakic or Nitro Tech. lol
:rant2: still hate you......

Nothing really to add
Told ya I'd take some better back pics. My first ones sucked a fat one. Thanks for the encourgement bro.

Now if I can just figure how to get to about 225 at 7 or 8%......


20 days or so left.......let's see how I finish it off.

Var is up to 100mg a day now. Everything else is constant.

I have my LAST ethanate pin this Friday. Then HCG on Sat for the last time. I'll be continueing suspension to the week before the last. When I start that week I'll start my S1 so it is in full effect by the the first real day of PCT.

More to come......stay tuned and THANKS FOR FOLLOWING


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Morry, man thanks for the invite. I had to do some jumping through reading first few pages then hopping forward and read a few more pages just to get to get a quick synopsis. Great run so far. Looking amazing, lean, vascular, all around bad ass! This has been one hell of a run for you.


Your back is like godzilla :bow28:


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Your back is like godzilla :bow28:

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. Dude, you need to compete. Period.
Morry, I have really enjoyed this thread. I'm gonna miss it when it's over. I commend you on your hard work and effort. It was inspiring. Can't wait to see your next cycle!
:thinking: I've enjoyed everybody sticking around for the ride. I still got a little ways to go, but I need to start thinking about PCT and planning the last bit of those details.

I appreciate your encouragement and I will be looking into competing although I'm pretty skeptical about it.

Morry, man thanks for the invite. I had to do some jumping through reading first few pages then hopping forward and read a few more pages just to get to get a quick synopsis. Great run so far. Looking amazing, lean, vascular, all around bad ass! This has been one hell of a run for you.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look. This has been a hell of a run and I'm going to murder the end of this sh1t.
I think I'll sacrifice some weight to do it, but wtf not? I can put some back on in PCT.

Straight KILLIN THAT SH1T bro

Yes sir, no other muthafukkin way bro.


Day 66

weight 207 (+1) but down 3 from yesterday and will prob continue to fall till around 200 or so

Legs / Arms

I could def tell that I carbed up this weekend. I was able to do 15 or so more widow makers in the 4 sets I did. My joints were aching a bit today, I'll be taking more fish oil in the afternoon and if that doesn't work, I'll look at the letro dose again. I pinned 37.5 mg suspension and it made a difference in my endurance and the entire workout was pretty intense. 34 sets and I was done is just over an hour. The pump in my biceps was painful but not enough to stop the reps, it just felt like they might burst open and a little alien pop out. I burned my biceps up today and went a little lighter on my tris bc I hit chest so heavy yesterday.
I ran 2 miles which aerobically was pretty easy, but my legs were killing me during the last mile. That I can deal with if it is just a couple miles.

I'm eating more but the weight that is coming off is just sodium and complex carbs holding onto water. It will continue to fall for a couple more days at least.

I'm moving the split around some more to accomodate my changing schedule. I think tomorrow instead of light DLs I'll do heavy DLs, then chest, then heavy squats, then I'll work outside for a good part of the day and sub that for a light back workout day. If I still have any lingering weight from this last weekend, I'll get rid of the rest of it on Sat. It is almost impossible to eat enough to not lose some weight when you are working like that.

Mood is great. No zits, I still have my hair, my balls still work and my libido is fine. Roids haven't/won't/never will cause all the BS they claim it will.

Side note, I sent an ex of mine a pic of me the other day just to rub it in her face bc she is married with a million kids now. She ask me what I'm on and I'm honest about it. She starts saying that she is worried I might be doing harm to myself and all this other garbage. People are very, VERY uneducated about AAS in general.


Pinned .5ml test suspension, left delt.


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: I think tomorrow instead of light DLs I'll do heavy DLs, then chest, then heavy squats.
Chest will probably suffer just a little after hitting up heavy deads. Just ask edwitt. :poke:

Just me, but I'd do chest, squats, and then hit the deads last and pour all remaining strength, power, and energy into them.


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Chest will probably suffer just a little after hitting up heavy deads. Just ask edwitt. :poke:

Just me, but I'd do chest, squats, and then hit the deads last and pour all remaining strength, power, and energy into them.
I completely agree. I'm finishing day 3 of a repeated 3 day split, first day was chest, second was squats, today will be deads.

A really heavy dead day would require that I take a rest day on each side of it, or at least in front of it. I'm constantly struggling with this concept bc I can DL a crap load in reps but I don't want to limit growth everywhere else. This is a part of working out heavy that I'm still trying to find my sweet spot. I want to dead lift heavy enough to grow and be able to dead more but not so much that my supporting muscles are just too worn out and can't recover for thier own growth.

The repeated split right after is the same except I'm subbing a day from light back to manual labor (I'll get a better workout moving a bunch of concrete around).

I also alternate light to heavy each time to mix it up.

Good eye TG :)


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I completely agree. I'm finishing day 3 of a repeated 3 day split, first day was chest, second was squats, today will be deads.

A really heavy dead day would require that I take a rest day on each side of it, or at least in front of it. I'm constantly struggling with this concept bc I can DL a crap load in reps but I don't want to limit growth everywhere else. This is a part of working out heavy that I'm still trying to find my sweet spot. I want to dead lift heavy enough to grow and be able to dead more but not so much that my supporting muscles are just too worn out and can't recover for thier own growth.

The repeated split right after is the same except I'm subbing a day from light back to manual labor (I'll get a better workout moving a bunch of concrete around).

I also alternate light to heavy each time to mix it up.

Good eye TG :)
I pay attention. :22:ha ha
You know that you and I have an eye for detail. It probably helps that we're slightly OCD. Not overly, but just enough to be beneficial.

I've done my share of slinging concrete too dude. Great workout. Arnold and Franco used to be brick-layers when they first got to the States. They did that to earn extra money that bodybuilding just didn't pay back in those days.
That shit will burn up some calories, fo sho!!!


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you have very good detail and vascularity.
i would be interested on some measurements like arms, chest, legs etc.


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I think you'll like this :D

Love it. I bet that kid is on so much freakin gear.....

you have very good detail and vascularity.
i would be interested on some measurements like arms, chest, legs etc.
Good idea. I've been meaning to put up some measurements bc I'm curious as well. My older brother has a good tape. I just need him to bring it to me. IF YOU ARE READING THIS, BRING ME THE TAPE OR I CHOKE SLAM YOU!!!


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Love it. I bet that kid is on so much freakin gear.....

Good idea. I've been meaning to put up some measurements bc I'm curious as well. My older brother has a good tape. I just need him to bring it to me. IF YOU ARE READING THIS, BRING ME THE TAPE OR I CHOKE SLAM YOU!!!
I bet he takes tons of "gear"



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Day 67

weight 207 (+1) and same as yesterday. Maybe I did put on some more muscle than I thought while I rested up this past weekend. Or maybe I'm just fatter.

Back / Shoulders

DLs 135x15, 225x15, 365x8, 415x4, 365x3 supersetted with military press 100x15, 210x14, 210x12, 210x11. I thought the last two sets were going to kill me but I decided I'd kill them first. That is the most I've DLed in sets. I'm pretty sure I fried a bunch of muscle groups but tomorrow is light chest / abs day so I will get time to rest before I try to squat heavy on friday. I pinned 100mg test suspension. The intense sensation I got the first week I was on suspension I don't really get anymore, but I am moving through the workouts dripping sweat with great recovery still so I'm not complaining. I also am not getting any zits and my skin isn't oily anymore.
When I completed the workout I went for a 2 mile run. I consumed about 10 grams of taurine today. The back pumps and calf pumps when i was running since I've upp Var have been terrible. This dose got me through a intense back workout and a 2 mile run and no pumps anywhere. This is a pretty high dose, but if you look up the toxicity of taurine and you'd see you are more likely to die from consuming 3lbs McDonald's food than 3lbs of Taurine.......really.

Suspension is staying at 1.5ml on heavy days and .5ml on light days. Don't think I'll pin it on my cardio only day. This should leave me a little suspension to start off another cycle down the road with. I've got some ideas in my head for what's going to be down the road, but I think I'll get into PCT before I start figuring every detail out.

No sides. Extremely high energy levels around workout time. I could have ran further but once again, I don't think running anymore than 25 minutes after a workout like that is beneficial considering the risk of injury and the potential for muscle loss.

I am eating a little more and I'll see if I can keep the weight up a little. I think this weekend is going to be rough on my weight, but I'll do what I can now to make sure I don't drop too low.

Pinned 2nd to last dose of HCG today. SubQ, same spot, same dose. No issues.



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bish pack a lunchbox!


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210 pounds military press x14???
is that standing or on a bench and where do you lower the weight to?

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