Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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great info here,thanks morry
No prob dude, always down to help.

I'm thinking I will take pics two days back to back this week for the following reason. I noticed my vascularty was a bit up on the days I pin suspension. No pin of suspension today, but my weekly pic is today. Tuesday I'll take another one and if I see the difference I'll post it so you get a good idea of the visual effects suspension has overall. It will also demonstrate if these effects wear off pretty quick bc when I take the pic tonight, I haven't pinned suspension since sat, so two days without. Then I'll take one about 2 hours after pinning on tues and that should show either way how I respond to suspension.


haha that was kinda impressive how he could just list all that consecutively.

LOL I'm a detail freak dude. Not anything I'm really proud of and it def annoys ppl, but eff it. I don't like guessing and hoping for the best, ya know?


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LOL I'm a detail freak dude. Not anything I'm really proud of and it def annoys ppl, but eff it. I don't like guessing and hoping for the best, ya know?

yeah i can tell your a detail freak.


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I've noticed that after pinning suspension 3-4 days straight I'm definitely carrying some extra weight in the form of bloat which will go down immediately on day of rest so scales r all over the place. That being said I am not using an AI so it will be interesting to see if your picture results differ


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I love penis!

and Rochabp is way cooler than me and i can only dream to be like him cuz i live with my mom and i dont have friends.

wow morry thats disguising and pathetic. but im glad you admire me.


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why would you post that???
Same reason you posted a fake reason, just effin with ya.....

Day 48

weight 208 (+2) up 2 from yesterday
Legs / Arms

Widow maker day. I grabbed a couple more reps on most exercises and stayed moving the entire workout. I used Versa Grips for pull ups and freaking A i love those things. They are hard to get setup on pull ups bc my bar is in rafters, but other than that, no issues. No back pumps, no hurt knee. Nothing at all. I murdered the weights and went on to a 2 mile run. The second mile was sluggish, but I was able to complete it without stopping. I could tell I didn't pin suspension today, but I didn't miss it all that much. Working out with out will keep me humble.

Acne is going away. I've been paying more attention to it, but not that much and I was able to get rid of most of it (it was really only two or three, but that is still more that usual for me). Mood is good. Aggression is fine. Still haven't snapped on anybody and my aggression is used in the gym. If anything, I'd say I'm more calm bc my overall sense of well being that I get from test.

I will be eating even more. This looks like it is going to be a battle for me to keep weight on, but I'm still getting stronger so I'm not too terribly worried about it. I'd like to put on some more weight, but I'm not complaining so far. I don't think I'm burning much muscle with all the gear I'm on.

Pinned 1ml test e right quad this morning. No pain, no issues. It is sore as normal, but not much at all. No other pin today.

Took .5 ml of letro (1.25 mg) today and will continue to taper it down until I get back to E3D. The letro really dried me out, but my joints are okay and dont' hurt. Just no water bloat. I do eat plenty of healthy fats so thats probably why the joints don't ache.

Still eating 9 grams of taurine a day and it is working beautiful (I also added some more potassium in my diet via yogurt or a bannana).

Now for the pics...I'll post today's next to tomorrow's next time I log a workout to look at how suspension effects daily aesthetics.

Effing camera....a little blury, but you get the idea
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^^^ you photoshop'ed those pics!


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^^^ you photoshop'ed those pics! caught me......I'm really a drunk:friday:that photoshops pics of myself so I can imagine what it'd look like to be in good shape......


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  • Established caught me......I'm really a drunk:friday:that photoshops pics of myself so I can imagine what it'd look like to be in good shape......

epic bro epic


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  • Established caught me......I'm really a drunk:friday:that photoshops pics of myself so I can imagine what it'd look like to be in good shape......

you got talent, did you work for MuscleTech?


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  • Established caught me......I'm really a drunk:friday:that photoshops pics of myself so I can imagine what it'd look like to be in good shape......



you got talent, did you work for MuscleTech?

Ur intuitiveness continues to impress me.

Where r ur PhotoShop pics bish.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


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  • Established caught me......I'm really a drunk:friday:that photoshops pics of myself so I can imagine what it'd look like to be in good shape......


epic bro epic
Thx bro!

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Ur intuitiveness continues to impress me.

Where r ur PhotoShop pics bish.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

im not very technology friendly: i dont have a TV, radio, cell phone, camera, etc.

the most advanced thing i have is my computer, so yeah there is really no way of me taking pics, unless you send me your camera?


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hey morry your wanna read this. quote taken from needto

OK OK OK The news everyone has been waiting for. Hcgenerate is on its way to us now. We have tracking and now we can place the product on pre sale. Hcgenerate is selling once again and all orders of HCGenerate will ship out this Friday!!!!!!!!!

My friends we have orders tons of hcgenerate however because of the increasing demand for this product is is likely that we will still sell out before we even get the product in on friday.. I am truly sorry for this . The good new is We did anticipate this and we may only have about a 1-2 week gap with Hcgenerate being out of stock and then a even bigger order is already on its way behind this one. We expect to have the hcgenerate stock problem completely under control by Mid March and after that we should never run out of this product again.

Thank you so much for your continued support my friends. You all make NTBM such a great place to be.


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hey morry your wanna read this. quote taken from needto

OK OK OK The news everyone has been waiting for. Hcgenerate is on its way to us now. We have tracking and now we can place the product on pre sale. Hcgenerate is selling once again and all orders of HCGenerate will ship out this Friday!!!!!!!!!

My friends we have orders tons of hcgenerate however because of the increasing demand for this product is is likely that we will still sell out before we even get the product in on friday.. I am truly sorry for this . The good new is We did anticipate this and we may only have about a 1-2 week gap with Hcgenerate being out of stock and then a even bigger order is already on its way behind this one. We expect to have the hcgenerate stock problem completely under control by Mid March and after that we should never run out of this product again.

Thank you so much for your continued support my friends. You all make NTBM such a great place to be.

Thank bro I appreciate it. Bottle of Phyto and HcGen should be here middle of next week. I already put my order in.

One or two more things for PCT and I'm set......


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Human Menopausal Gonadotrophins



btw morry you punk bish- im up 4 lbs



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Human Menopausal Gonadotrophins



btw morry you punk bish- im up 4 lbs

HMG, I'll look into this....

Up four lbs? Really??? Must be all those cookies....


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Day 49

208 (+2)

Chest / Abs

Workout took me longer than normal. I didn't do reverse grip bench as my flat bench was heavy today and it puts too much stress on the right shoulder. I will be adding them back in on friday. I wouldn't say I was tired, but I was moving a bit slower. Reps and weight didn't suffer tho so I'm not complaining. I also loaded 365 and did a couple 1/4 reps staying up top. I could feel my chest screaming when I did this....felt nice. Cruised through everything else. Clap-pushups still very powerful and unassited.

Pinned 1ml suspension 1.5 hours before workout. I still am very much in love with this stuff.......very nice. Very, very nice. Pinned bilateral in my chest. No pain, no issues

Acne is almost completely gone. No other sides. I did sleep like a baby last night, not sure why bc normally I wake up at least once.

I'm still on letro but at .5ml ed, tomorrow will be the same then the following day it will be .25 ml for 3 days, the .25 eod for 6 days, the e3d till probably the fourth week after PCT (HcGenerate has been reported to aromatize heavily and I have that in my PCT for the first 30 days)
I order HCGenerate and PhytoSerm. Pct is approaching in about 31 days or so.....

Yo, TG, you pin tren suspension tomorrow, I hope you stop by my thread and drop a line.

I have chosen to move HCG to wed and sun bc I don't pin anything else those days. So no HCG today, tomorrow I'll pin the normal 18 clicks.

Here are the pics I promised. First is from yesterday, no suspension for two days, the second is from today about 2.5 hours after pinning it. Difference? Dunno, you tell me....
Chest looks a little more full IMO but it is chest day today and yesterday wasn't and the camera is in better focus today......



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i love those muscletech pics!


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Bro, I haven't posted in a while. I am keeping up with your log religiously. Keep up the work. Can't wait to see the results of the var!!
Hey bro! Wondered where you worries I know things can get busy but I'm glad you are still here.

How is the cycle going, you are in week 8 or 9, right?


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you should add dianabol if your looking for strength and size gains

morry fock you- i may be getting hella strong but u look way better than i do for real

1 day i will reach that bf lvl- im working on it

and yes bish ive gained 3.8 lbs on a CLEAN diet its been 14 days almost since i cheated which is a record for me

14 more to go then i might indulge i dunno dropped my cals to 3100 today

i have to shred this lard


morry your transformation has been epic thus far. I will have to pick up that ANABOLIC HALO by muscletech to get good gains like this. I hear guys BLOW UP on Luekic




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Trust me, I'm still here. You've got me fired up!! I check this log several times a day. Yeah, im 2/3 done with this cycle. Overall, I am disappointed. I just don't think I respond well to test. Strength has barely gone up and I am only a little bit bigger. I eat and eat and eat and have been following your workout program. Maybe I need to add something to the mix next time.?? I don't know what's recommended for guys who don't respond to test well.
Huh....not sure what to tell ya. I'm curious, could you quickly outline your cycle, routine, macros (including where you are getting the carbs from[sucrose, dextrose, fructose, hfcs, oats.....], and where is the fat coming from [essential vs nonessential and in what ratio) and anything else that might be important.
I'm not doubting you, I just curious. I feel lucky that I respond decently well to test

...over my dead body
That can be arranged. :nutkick:
and yes bish ive gained 3.8 lbs on a CLEAN diet its been 14 days almost since i cheated which is a record for me
I wasn't talking about those cookies focker, you get one too :nutkick:
I was talking about the tren flavored muthafockin cookies
morry your transformation has been epic thus far. I will have to pick up that ANABOLIC HALO by muscletech to get good gains like this. I hear guys BLOW UP on Luekic
I actually stopped taking MuscleTech products bc I became aware that there was more "supplement" in a shaker of salt than any bottle with a MuscleTech label on it.

eat , train, sleep, muscletech. all my sheot is off brand except white flood. Protein, bcaas, taurine, vitamins, almost everything


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Huh....not sure what to tell ya. I'm curious, could you quickly outline your cycle, routine, macros (including where you are getting the carbs from[sucrose, dextrose, fructose, hfcs, oats.....], and where is the fat coming from [essential vs nonessential and in what ratio) and anything else that might be important.
I'm not doubting you, I just curious. I feel lucky that I respond decently well to test

That can be arranged. :nutkick:

I wasn't talking about those cookies focker, you get one too :nutkick:
I was talking about the tren flavored muthafockin cookies

I actually stopped taking MuscleTech products bc I became aware that there was more "supplement" in a shaker of salt than any bottle with a MuscleTech label on it.

eat , train, sleep, muscletech. all my sheot is off brand except white flood. Protein, bcaas, taurine, vitamins, almost everything

you always make me laugh focker.

if you develop gyno, from this making you my wife. lol


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you always make me laugh focker.

if you develop gyno, from this making you my wife. lol
you didn't say no homo....:gay:

and I'm not getting gyno muthafocka, don't even think that sh1t:afro:


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you didn't say no homo....:gay:

and I'm not getting gyno muthafocka, don't even think that sh1t:afro:
oh my bad... no homo.


i wonder if anyone has ever gotten, buut-o or vagyno from running a cycle?


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Trust me, I'm still here. You've got me fired up!! I check this log several times a day. Yeah, im 2/3 done with this cycle. Overall, I am disappointed. I just don't think I respond well to test. Strength has barely gone up and I am only a little bit bigger. I eat and eat and eat and have been following your workout program. Maybe I need to add something to the mix next time.?? I don't know what's recommended for guys who don't respond to test well.
Maybe the gear? how confident r u in your source? Not really sure i buy into the non responder theory its often an excuse for bad gear bad diet or bad training and sounds like u have the last 2 covered. Have u gotten some decent strength gains? Did you notice libido shoot through the roof ?

Some guys def respond better than others but non responder? Makes me suspicious


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Maybe the gear? how confident r u in your source? Not really sure i buy into the non responder theory its often an excuse for bad gear bad diet or bad training and sounds like u have the last 2 covered. Have u gotten some decent strength gains? Did you notice libido shoot through the roof ?

Some guys def respond better than others but non responder? Makes me suspicious
I was gonna chime in and say the very same thing. I think the legitimacy of the gear may be the factor here. Test treats me VERY well. :mischievous:

If I were him, I would try another source next time just to see.


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Yo, TG, you pin tren suspension tomorrow, I hope you stop by my thread and drop a line.


That tren-suspension is the fuckin' BOMB!! No shit. I hit up 1.5 CC's (112 mgs) 1 hour before working out...........DAMN!!! It hit like an F-5 tornado. Rocked my fucking world brosef. No exaggeration. Best stuff I've ever used.....PERIOD!!

I got Incline DB Presses with 130's for 15 reps!! 2 reps more than ever before. Smoked it like a blunt. And on lying EZ-Bar Skull Crushers I hit up 165 lbs for 20 friggin' reps. That's 6 or 7 more reps than ever before. Now that is fucking incredible. I had to look at the bar again just to make sure I put the right amount of weight on it. 2 of the 35 lb. plates on both sides of a 25 lb. olympic ez curl bar=165 lbs. total......yeah, it was right!!

This is a power lover's compound!!
It's like finding the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and some Ambrosia all at once!!

I LOVE THIS SHIT!!! :aargh:

Can you tell? :147:


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Maybe the gear? how confident r u in your source? Not really sure i buy into the non responder theory its often an excuse for bad gear bad diet or bad training and sounds like u have the last 2 covered. Have u gotten some decent strength gains? Did you notice libido shoot through the roof ?

Some guys def respond better than others but non responder? Makes me suspicious
I'm not doubting HC but I'm with TG and Ed. That's why I asked about everything else in your routine. If it is on point......gotta be the gear man.

This is a power lover's compound!!
It's like finding the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and some Ambrosia all at once!!

I LOVE THIS ****!!!
TG, Thanks bro. I may be looking into this for this next winter. I respond very well to test so I'd be interested to see what happens with a compound that is 5 times of test and doesn't aromatize and as a suspension, it is in and out. So it make more sense to pusle that on heavy days to get the agression but not use it on other days to keep sides down.....maybe, maybe.

How was the pin site? What did you pin with? Slin? Did you pin bilateral or all in one spot? IM i assume....
With tren ability to bind to the AR receptor and the avoiding of tren cough, would pinning sub q in the abdominal region ease the pain of a pin site, eliminate tren cough, and shed fat like a mofo? I would think you would pin it 2 hours or so before workout bc the slower absorption due to fat not having the same blood availability and what not.....what do you think?

I'm working on getting a bit more suspension bc I only bought a little to see how I reacted to it. I react well so I will buy enough now to last this cycle and maybe have some for next cycle :)


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With tren ability to bind to the AR receptor and the avoiding of tren cough, would pinning sub q in the abdominal region ease the pain of a pin site, eliminate tren cough, and shed fat like a mofo? I would think you would pin it 2 hours or so before workout bc the slower absorption due to fat not having the same blood availability and what not.....what do you think?
Def IM bro and you could go with the bi lateral approach on smaller muscles for site enhancement if it works with the Test susp it will work with the Tren but my bet is TG goes with one pin one site

Forget this Sub Q nonsense, Tren cough is definitely a side that you will not know the answer to until you try.... I do not get tren cough and it would seem with this side you have about 50/50 chance of being lucky from what ive read....

Although i did manage to pin 1 1/2cc Test Suspension IV yesterday, gotta say that wasnt much fun :(


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TG, Thanks bro. I may be looking into this for this next winter. I respond very well to test so I'd be interested to see what happens with a compound that is 5 times of test and doesn't aromatize and as a suspension, it is in and out. So it make more sense to pusle that on heavy days to get the agression but not use it on other days to keep sides down.....maybe, maybe.

How was the pin site? What did you pin with? Slin? Did you pin bilateral or all in one spot? IM i assume....
With tren ability to bind to the AR receptor and the avoiding of tren cough, would pinning sub q in the abdominal region ease the pain of a pin site, eliminate tren cough, and shed fat like a mofo? I would think you would pin it 2 hours or so before workout bc the slower absorption due to fat not having the same blood availability and what not.....what do you think?
Pin site was right deltoid. I used a 25g. by 5/8 inch needle. IM. Pinned a little over an hour pre-workout. I did actually cough just a little while the goddess was pinning me. Not bad at all. May have not even been the Tren. ha ha And I don't care if it was. If that is all there is to it, fukk it. No problem at all brosef.

I'm actually not ready to run a real cycle of it yet, but will still run a trial 2week cycle (75 mgs. EOD) of it right now just to see how it affects fat loss, strength, sleep, thermogenisis, etc...
This should be long enough for me to draw some early conclusions.

As far as strength, aggression, power, etc. is's win!!!! :mischievous:


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Def IM bro and you could go with the bi lateral approach on smaller muscles for site enhancement if it works with the Test susp it will work with the Tren but my bet is TG goes with one pin one site

Forget this Sub Q nonsense, Tren cough is definitely a side that you will not know the answer to until you try.... I do not get tren cough and it would seem with this side you have about 50/50 chance of being lucky from what ive read....

Although i did manage to pin 1 1/2cc Test Suspension IV yesterday, gotta say that wasnt much fun :(
Yeah, yeah, I keep asking about SubQ thinking I'll get a better answer. LMAO. I'll steer clear of it. IM isn't bad anyhow.

I'm not too worried about the tren cough with a suspension bc it will come and go regardless how bad it is. If I do try tren, it will prob be suspension and with a good test base.....time will tell :147:

1.5cc IV? Didn't your heart about race out of your chest????
How in the hell did you do that? Accidently hit a vein?

Pin site was right deltoid. I used a 25g. by 5/8 inch needle. IM. Pinned a little over an hour pre-workout. I did actually cough just a little while the goddess was pinning me. Not bad at all. May have not even been the Tren. ha ha And I don't care if it was. If that is all there is to it, fukk it. No problem at all brosef.

I'm actually not ready to run a real cycle of it yet, but will still run a trial 2week cycle (75 mgs. EOD) of it right now just to see how it affects fat loss, strength, sleep, thermogenisis, etc...
This should be long enough for me to draw some early conclusions.

As far as strength, aggression, power, etc. is's win!!!!
Sounds good and funny Eddie had the pin site right on. Somehow that doesn't suprise me. He's as bad about details as I am.

Def keep posting your finds over the next 2 weeks. I'll be very interested.


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I've read tren cough only occours when you nick a vein


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I totally agree and understand what you are saying but I'm not saying I DON'T respond, I just don't think I respond well. I too had questions about my gear. It is doctor prescribe dand comes from a pharmacy but I still wondered. I had blood work done and it said my test was 1500+ which means it was off their scale. I have gotten bigger and slightly stronger but not all that much. I am around 4000 calories a day with about 300g of protein. As well as morry responded to test, I think I am just on the opposite spectrum. Libido has increased and I do have a calmer/happier mood. Right now I am sitting at 600mg/wk.
Guess you must be running either Watson Pharma or Sandoz Test Cypy then ? ? Those are the two HG FDA approved that i have used as prescribed from my doctor and purchased at the pharmacy and youve got the blood-work to prove it

Definitely no question of the legitimacy of that gear, using Watson myself right now

Also you want to be careful getting blood-work tested via your doctor when on cycle if he knows his stuff (which most do not) he is gonna know you are taking way more than the 100-150mg EW prescribed and there is always the chance that this information could get back to your insurance company.... I always get my blood taken about 2-3 months after completing a cycle cruising at my HRT prescribed dose when levels are somewhat back to normal


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Thank bro I appreciate it. Bottle of Phyto and HcGen should be here middle of next week. I already put my order in.

One or two more things for PCT and I'm set......
good stuff here bro.I'll be bugging you for your thoughts on these as well ;)

pics are on point def looking swole and cut up at the same time


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Test levels off the charts and still no luck? I'm with ya HC, WTF???

Tren is 5 times what test is.......aa ratio and all.
I bet Ed could give you some advice on some stuff you could take that you'd have to blow up You're probably right, you prob just haven't found a compound that jives well with you.

Day 53 (no, I didn't skip days but due to my chronic closet eating of paint chips as a child, I lost count of the days and started mislabeling. I knew today was 53 bc I had to measure out more Var so the math was easy at that point. I thought my days were off yesterday, but I got sick of filtering through the pages to make the corrections)

weight 209 (+3) and up one from yesterday. I'm thinking the letro being lowered is helping the scaled climb but I haven't noticed any more fat

Back / Shoulders

I was really lethargic when I got off work today. I laid down and before I knew it I had slept and hour. I woke up, hit up a couple scoops of White Flood and I was ready to kill some weights. Light DL day, 135x15, 250x15, 250x15, 250x15, 250x15.5 failure). I used the Versa Grips again. No complaints and the def let me add a set of close grip pull-ups. With these things on I did shrugs with 350 (deadlifting first, not off a rack), then wide grip pull ups, then close grip pullups, resting about 45 sec b/t sets and doing 3 circuits like that. Normally my grip would have been lagging on the pullups, I wouldn't have been able to do any close grip (althought I was only able to do 7, 5, 5), and my wrist would have hurt from the straps bc I DL so heavy. None of this was an issue with these grips.
When I got finished torturing my back I went for a 2 mile run. 25 min, stretching, BCAAs, blah blah blah. I could have ran longer easily, but I didn't think pounding out 2 or 4 more miles would give me the benefit of fat loss over the risk of injury to one of my knees for pounding on them for a couple more miles.

Pinned HCG today. No issues. No suspension today.

Acne is flaring up here and there but it isn't bad, I'm just having to keep a close eye on it. This is def the suspension bc this is the first issue I have had. No other sides.

Tomorrow I take the dose of letro to .25ml ED and continuing to taper down. Depening on how the dose I am on responds with the Suspension will determine if I get the taper down to .25ml E3D.

I'm sore all over. In a good way, but def one of my most sore weeks. I'm thinking hypertropy due to the increased intensity on days I'm using suspension? I can only hope...I still have 20lbs to go on my bench to hit my goal. I've also ran 12.5 miles last week and I'm scheduled to do the same this week. I'm demanding a lot out of my body right now, but I am also eating more and eating perfectly clean. Toss in the fact I'm on a good dose of Anavar and test and my body is meeting these demands pretty easily, painfully, but easily. I'm interested to see what the BF numbers say at the end of this week. I plan on doing weight and BF comparison with pics from day 1 and the end of week 8.

Over the next couple days, I'll start outlining what my final decisions have been for PCT. I have a really good idea of what and how I want to run it, but I could always use advice.



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hey im not really sure so im just gonna ask it.

are you cutting or recomping or what?


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I'm making this cycle my b1tch, which category does that fall into?

hahahahhahahahaha lmao thats one of the funniest isht ive seen in a while.


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so this cycle is gonna turn into Schwell?


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so this cycle is gonna turn into Schwell?
Schwells my bish, you are my bitch


But to really answer you, I have been asked the opposite as well earlier in this log and this is how I answered it.

Would you say that so far this has been a bulk or a recomp?
Depends on your definition of either since it seems to a debatable topic.

IMO I would say that the way I workout has always gotten me to recomp more than what substance I'm might be taking. I think I could be putting on more muscle giving my body a little more rest, but I'd be keeping the fat if I did that as well. So I sacrifice some muscle gain in order to slim down at the same time. Maybe I'm lucky bc I only workout around 55 min 6 times a week. NO CARDIO. I only do cardio on the 7th day. I do mix things up as needed. I'll add cals in if need be, add weight lower volume, lower weight add volume, take more day off and whatever I need to do in order to get in as many intense workouts as possible. I do keep an eye on my numbers and as long as I'm leaning out, getting stronger, and don't have a reason to slow down, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. If strength gains slow down enough, I'll obviously give my body a little more rest and concentrate on lifting heavier but less often.
Me personally when I bulk I eat way more carbs with each portion of protein. Not so much right now, but I'm not trying to weigh 250 so I'm not pushing it with carbs. I'm worried about strength over size right now. I know they are correlated and not seperated but thier correlation is hardly linear.

Short answer: Recomp

So to answer for a cut, I'd say that I'm not really cutting IMO bc of my caloric intake right now. I'm above maint and am adding meals in, not taking them away. I have added cardio in since this last post, but again I'm still eating a ton in a day. I don't really go hungry....ever. I just eat very clean. And it suck bc I like brownies, but then again I like a naked chic making me brownies and givin me head while we wait for them to bake too....
Now to stay around 7% off cycle? I'll prob have to increase cardio AND decrease cals.

Again, Short answer= recompin like a mofo


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if thats a recomp I'd love to see what a bulk is.your killing this **** man fo real
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