Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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if thats a recomp I'd love to see what a bulk is.your killing this **** man fo real
Maybe I'll be hitting that up in the fall. Bulking is crazy for me. I feel like I'm eating 24/7.


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on a side note HC take some dianabol 50mgs- i promise you you will blow the fock up

tren is 5x test- it makes test OBSOLETE it makes every other roid I have done OBSOLETE


i just figured out my next stack

tren ace



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Oh lord.....

Day 54

weight 207 (+1) but down two from yesterday....I think

Legs / Arms

Workout went well for the most part except I was squatting 350 at the end of my sets and was only able to get about 4 of them. I hate that my legs are my lagging part. They are so hard to get to grow. On the plus side though, I was able to secure buying 255 lb more of weight, so I think even if I'm just loading the weight up to 400 and going as deep as I can then dropping the weight way down and frying them....that has to make them grow more. Don't get me wrong, my legs have grown quite a bit on this cycle and the definition is at a place I haven't seen before, but in my big 3, squats are my kryptonite.
I was curling 115 in sets then drop set it from there. My bis were aching so freaking bad. I'm hoping those are growing too and with how sore I've been able to get them recently, I'll be surprised if I don't see some growth there. I used Versa Grips for pull ups and am still very much in love with those things.
When I got finished workout I out, I hit up some BCAAs and went for a 2 mile run. I wasn't going to, but I just wasn't tired even after 34 sets of legs and arms in super sets or circuits. I'm still getting stronger in most lifts too (squat being an exception this time) so I'm not worried about the running breaking down too much muscle. I can say though that I have done this off cycle before and the running after my workout killed all my gains. Not so much right now :)

Tomorrow is Chest/Abs, but Sat I work outside for the first time since last summer. I'll be laying some concrete. This is perfect timing bc it falls on back day and honestly I can tell my back needs a break from DL 380 every week. I'll still get a great workout though bc we will be out there for 4 or 5 hours working the whole time. This will give my back some rest but will still let me exercise my body overall. Plus I'll have enough weight to be DL 425 on my next back day. Yup, I think I'll give it a try considering my max is calculated out around 500 or so. If I had worked back out that day, I'd pin suspension, but since I'm going to be outside, I'm thinking I will pin some suspesion to keep levels up, but prob only 25 to 50 mg instead of 75. Whatever is left that I don't pin that day, I'll pin the last little bit on Sunday and go running. I'm a little curious to see how it effects just a cardio day. I'm thinking I'll have to stop myself so I don't kill my legs. We'll see.

Pinned 1ml suspension today. It isn't hitting me nearly as hard as it did the first time but I can def still tell I pinned it. Bilateral in the biceps and I was careful this bruise. Makes the biceps ache so good. A real deep tissue ache that you only feel when that muscles is bursting with blood. Good sh1t....

Pin 1ml test e in the morning, left quad.

Acne is still clearing up and continuing to remain a challenge. I am being very mindful of it, but this is def something that if I ignored I would have a problem. No other sides besides just feeling really good all the time as I have been.

My back was a little tight, but didn't hurt. Knees haven't hurt. I think if I remain being careful and paying attention I shouldn't have to worry about injury unless I'm being dumb (which I am enormously good at being).

Weight, pics, BF all on Moday (the 8 week mark). Stay tuned.

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good to see there was no unfortunate blood vessels pierced


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im going to mainline some tren ace tomorrow


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Day 55

weight 207 (+1) same from yesterday

Chest / Abs

I went real light and added reverse grip back in focusing on the negative for all chest workouts. I'm trying to hit the muscle a couple different ways without just loading up as much weight as I can handle and reps to failure. It's hard on my body going about 305-315 at my size right now. Despite the bar having only 225 on it, I got my chest and especially my upper chest torched pretty good. I was having to wait to go into abs bc I couldn't hold my arms up. If I'm not sore by next tues I'll prob attempt 360. That's should be enough time for recovery, but we'll see.
Tomorrow's back workout it being replaced by manual labor. Thought is was going to be 3 or 4 hours mixing and moving concrete, looks more like double that now. I carbed up tonght. First complex carbs I've eaten in a while. I'm stuffed, doesn't sound like much but 65 grams of comple carbs after not having them in a while made me fill full as a mofo. If this works as planned, I will be able to avoid some of the light headed ness I get if I'm this lean and staying out in the sun for long periods of time. Gatorade, bannana tons of water, and whey protein will be there all day with me. It sort of sucks bc I do my BF, weight and pics monday and due to the gatorade and carbs I'll prob be holding onto some extra water weight. If I drop 3 or 4 pounds by tues and I know it's prob water, I'll redo the calculations to reflect an unbloated morry.

Pinned 1ml test e right quad this morning. Took .5ml of Letro. I'm raising the letro back up till the end of the cycle. The suspension is causing a little bloat and my nip is a little sensitive on and off. Not bad, but if I don't increase the dose, it will get worse. I'm only taking suspension for another 3 weeks or so thus I'm not all that concerned about the little increase in estro I'm getting bc all the extra pure test I'm putting in me. Overall it will prob do wonders for my gains.

My back is a little sore from the heavy squats but good sore, not bad. No pain anywhere else.

I think my shoulders might fall off, in a good way, I guess.:aargh:c



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im guna post my prgoress pics in ur log


ok cool


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i feel you about those carbs, coming off a keto diet cut a while back, starting to eat "normal" was challenging.

nice to see those squats are doing their job. :fing02:


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i feel you about those carbs, coming off a keto diet cut a while back, starting to eat "normal" was challenging.

nice to see those squats are doing their job. :fing02:
Gotta get my squats up in weight .

I feel too full to sleep. Fock.


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Smart move,

You don't want to push your bench to hard as your bf% gets down many an amateur professional BB has injured themselves when cutting for a competition and going to heavy


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Smart move,

You don't want to push your bench to hard as your bf% gets down many an amateur professional BB has injured themselves when cutting for a competition and going to heavy

I have good influences that have kept me out of harms way thus far.


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Morry, what's your opinion on taurine and back pumps? I'm getting ready to do some running and card and I get bad back and leg pumps. How well does this stuff work?
Very, very well. I had to get the dose up to 8 or 9 grams a day, but the crap is amazing. Considering even if you buy it retail is it 5 bucks for 100 500mg tablets, it is a small price to pay. Taking 18 pills a day of taurine sucks, but it is better than cutting your workout and/or cardio short. YOu could also look at getting bulk powder. I need to do this so I can stop taking the capsules. It is annoying honestly.

Plus, if you drink the Blue Monsters, they have 3 grams of taurine in them per big can. Might not be the best way to get taurine, but I do treat myself to one of these every once in a while.

Grab some up. There is no real danger as far as toxicity goes.

Good luck and let us know how it pans out for you.


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Day 56

weight, unknown

Supposed to be Back and Shoulders, but instead I laid concrete from sun up to sun down. We had some snags but that isn't really important to this log. I pinned 25mg of test suspension an hour before the first job and 25mg before the second to keep my suspension days the same and hormonal levels as steady as I could. I planned on pinning 25 more for a run tomorrow, but I'll be working outside again so I'll just pin it before the job. This will complete the second week of suspension and I'm still pretty happy with the stuff.
I didn't lag a bit throughout the day and ended up shoveling around 7 tons of concrete all day. I think I got my workout in. This job focuses makes you focus on your back and core more than anything. You get a full body workout and most everything will be sore tomorrow, but the back both lower and upper and your core gets rocked doing this. It doesn't matter how good of shape you are in, but I will say my fitness level let me complete the day with ease. My diet was just BCAAs, WPI, Bananas, gatorade and a protein bar. For dinner I did eat some fish and a little more carbs for tomorrow. I'll slam a shake before bed to keep my macros up. I should have had more whole food today, but I just didn't have time. I kept my gatorade to a min to keep bloat down and watched my sodium intake. We'll see how the scale says I did tomorrow.

No sides. Acne is gone. If I was going to experience aggression with a person, it would have happened today. I obviously did not. If anything I remained calmed when things got focked up. Good money, but hard work. I love the work and it gives me a reason to workout all day in the sun.

I'll pin HCG late tomorrow. Suspension very early in the day.



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I hate days like these where you just don't have the time to eat like you want but they do happen.nice work pushing through it.


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I hate days like these where you just don't have the time to eat like you want but they do happen.nice work pushing through it.
Yup, I need to put more thought and pay more attention to my caloric intakes on the days I'm working like this.

Day 57

weight 203 (-3) this is what i get for not eating enough whole foods. Next time I'll eat more while I work. I wasn't expecting to go down in weight but I guess I undershot my cals badly. Some of this is undoubtedly water weight, but I'm sure not all of it is. I can physically see a difference.


I worked outside again laying concrete and what not for about 5 hours. About 6 hours later I ran 4 miles. When I ran I consumed around 15 grams of BCAAs and ~20 grams WPI. I pinned suspension in the delt just to give the delt a try and is was painless the first time. I only pinned 25mg (yesterday I was short by this amount), then for my run I pinned 25mg about and hour before the run in the other delt and that hurt. Dunno why and it is a little tender to touch on that side. No biggie tho.
Because of my weight Im going to be increasing the test by pinning 25 mg on the days I don't pin 75 (heavy to light days), but no pin on Sunday (cardio day) as I didn't see the benefit of pinning for cardio bc I think I could have killed that run without it. I could have ran further, but with all the stress I put my knees on already I figured I would be inviting injury.
I'll also continue to increase calories. I added some today and everything was clean. I won't add in any empty calories.

Pinned HCG today.

Tomorrow is 1 ml test e. 25mg test suspension, bilateral biceps.

No acne but I did manage to burn the crap outta my shoulders while I was baking this weekend. I like it.
I was in a decently crappy mood tonight, but it is mainly due to some last minute change of plans causing me to shift things in my life around. I'm a guy that likes and lives by a routine. Changing sh1t focking sux. So I don't deal with it well. I don't think the gear contributed to this bc I would have been super stressed regardless. Cardio is good on these kind of days and I def got the benefits of pounding out some asphalt. :) The suspension made the cardio easier, but honestly it is not worth the gear to use suspension this way.

Tomorrow is the the beginning of week 9, end of week 8, weigh in, BF and pics from day 1 till then. Stay tuned bishes



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No acne but I did manage to burn the crap outta my shoulders while I was baking this weekend. I like it.
how did you burn your shoulder?


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The focking sun .

i thought you were playing some dangerous sex games with the misses, involving flamethrowers.


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i thought you were playing some dangerous sex games with the misses, involving flamethrowers.
Well that too.....

Day 58

weight 206 (+,- 0) but up 3 from yesterday. I'm convinced this was water weight and whole foods as I was able to get a normal diet last night and today.

Legs / Arms

Easy day for the most part. My lower back was a little sore from this weekend but it didn't keep me from hitting some rep PRs on widow makes. I was def drained b/t sets and needed more rest, but after that short period I was gtg to the next set. Still completed 33 sets.
I pinned 25mg of test suspension in the left delt. I hoping the extra test and cals will keep me from going down much further in weight. I am still getting stronger, but it is def getting much, much more challenging.
I had it timed about perfect where white flood and suspension where hitting me about the same time. This helped me just cruise through from pretty tough sets.
I didn't run after today's workout for two reasons, weight and my legs need more rest from this weekend. I'll adjust running as I see, but I'm still planning on getting 3 runs in after workouts this week, I'm just shifting days around for recovery and weight.
I increased weight on leg entensions, added reps to pull-ups. No pain in my knee but my legs were sore in spots they normally are not. I think having volume leg day today is perfect to remove a lot of that acid build up from this weekend.

I pinned 1ml test e this AM. It's not even sore.



This will be the first pic.
weight : 206
BF: 13%
Pure Fat: 26.78lbs
LBM 179.22

End of week 8 today
This is the second pic
weight :206
BF: 7%
Pure Fat: 14.42
LBM: 191.58

12.36 lbs gained of pure muscle
12.36 lbs lost of pure fat
Bench ~ 360
DL ~ 500
Squat ~ 415 (shhh)

I'm pretty happy with the result but I don't want to lose much more weight and will be keeping a closer eye on how much I eat and the scale. I would like to continue to get stronger bc I plan on eating just slightly at or above maint in PCT. I haven't decided quite yet and will prob adjust as need be during PCT. I have S1 so I'm thinking with Maint I shouldn't lose too much musle.

I'll also post some misc pics I took today so I had some other comparisons for down the road. I'll put them in the next post. See below. I'm starting to see veins in my abs and obliques.......crazy. Never seen those before. :147:

Finally pics.



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Misc Pics from EOW 8

Do you guys think I could compete as an amatuer? I know my legs need a ton of work and I'd be a year maybe 2 out from being able to compete, but HC has me thinking and I'd like some other opinions.......

pics homos.....and if you are going to flame any go jump in one of these:gore:

BTW- taking back pics by yourself makes for a sh1tty pic and a tight neck afterwards.
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Morry you are a beast. Makes me wanna be in cycle right now. You look hella good, 30 more lbs, you could totally compete, I cane imagine what tren would do to you.


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now thats what I call puttin in some serious serious work.looking good homo


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Morry you are a beast. Makes me wanna be in cycle right now. You look hella good, 30 more lbs, you could totally compete, I cane imagine what tren would do to you.
Thx man, it's been a tough road, but fun at the same time. I still got 4 more weeks then glorious PCT. Thank you for following along and contributing.

30lbs sounds about right to be freaking huge. I need to start eating NOW!!!! :lol:

Shoulder veins!

Yes sir, they are both like that too. I've been vascular in my sholders, but I think it is getting a little crazy looking. I like it :147:

now thats what I call puttin in some serious serious work.looking good homo

Preciate that. No homo taken. Lol.

Tons of hard work. 13 lbs of pure fat ~ 45500 calories. HOLY SH1T!!!

Yes, you are a potential competitor. For sure. Freaking awesome dude. I'm glad it worked out so well for you. You bulked while losing body fat. How many people can say they can do that? Think about it.

You and I both.

I remember commenting on my orignal "morry has pretty much decided on going injectables" that I have a gift for recomping. I have gotten good at this since I was about 24. I just found the groove that works for me and I look at everything as a process focusing on getting to the next step while preparing for many steps down the road.

Your last comment got me thinking about competing and I've asked some guys that know me pretty well thinking somebody would talk me out of it, but EVERYBODY I have talked to said they think I'd kill it. I guess its my own confidence that I need to work on at this point.

I think me and my best friend are going to go to some shows so i can get a good idea of what I'm up against. I think competing would be freaking awesome.

I wonder if any reps could recommend me for a sponsered log that would be worth while. I'm not really interested in most products, but I have seen a couple I might try out.

I'm not a big fan of PH products any more, but would be willing to learn about new stuff coming out.

I've got a couple ideas floating around for what is going to be next for me after this cycle. I'll take some time off (from pinning not the gym), but I'm not sure what I want to do after about 8 more weeks. I think going to a show will help me decide.

Keep in mind bros, I still have 4 weeks of being on cycle :)

The fun is only 2/3 of the way done.



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dude your bulk cycle if you wanted to compete

tren ace(keep bf down)
dianabol (OMG LOVE IT)
NPP(Nandrolone phynelpropinate)- fast acting form of deca(nandrolone) in and out!

10 weeker- but you could net a solid 25lbs muscle from that stack


thats gunna be my next bulker!

and going to pct normally not stay on for 7 months :/


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dude your bulk cycle if you wanted to compete

tren ace(keep bf down)
dianabol (OMG LOVE IT)
NPP(Nandrolone phynelpropinate)- fast acting form of deca(nandrolone) in and out!

10 weeker- but you could net a solid 25lbs muscle from that stack


thats gunna be my next bulker!

and going to pct normally not stay on for 7 months :/
Save the tren for the cut.......but something like that for a bulk.

Then a cut with masteron, tren suspension, test p or e or a combo of both.

Dunno, lots of ideas and possiblities. :woohoo:

holy **** nj buddy
Fo shizzle :afro: Welcome back. What's NJ stand for? No joke?

Morry, when you're rich and famous, just remember who put that spark in your soul. Bling. Jk.
That's one big effing WHEN isn't it? Lol. IF and a really big IF, of course I will compensate you for your original idea. However, if I do not become famous, you are required to pay me for the use of space in my brain including all interest that accrues during the time where I'm not being famous.

Day 59

weight 204 (-2) wtf

Chest / Abs.

My next set of light days I'm going to reaarange them and do flat bench first instead of after legs and arms day. I was able to lift with decent volume today, but not really, really heavy. I'm surprised. If I don't get back on track with my flat bench I'm going to miss 375. I'm doing what I can to come up with a plan that won't let me tear my shoulder apart, but also doesn't let me miss my goal. I did DB on incline again and didn't do reverse grip as my shoulder was already aching after just a couple sets.
Workout went well, no issues. I did pin a little extra suspension today bc I thought I'd be maxing on bench, but honestly I didn't feel a huge difference b/t 75mg and 100mg so who knows.
When I finished killing the weights, I went for a 2 mile run. My legs were still drained from this week but I was able to push through the run pretty easy.

If I can't keep the weight on even after I increase the cals, cardio is going bye bye.

I have to eat more I guess. I'll continue to increase cals.

Pin HCG tomorrow and 25mg suspension. I think for syspension I'll keep it at 75 for heavy days and 25 on light, with no pinniing of it on Sunday.

No sides, but I have noticed I'm irritable in the afternoons. Not sure why, but it isn't all that bad. I just try not to talk. Lol.



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Nice work man

I must say the more I hang out on AM the stronger the temptation is to juice... Wanna wait till I'm about 25 or 26 tho. Once again good work brother!


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Nice work man

I must say the more I hang out on AM the stronger the temptation is to juice... Wanna wait till I'm about 25 or 26 tho. Once again good work brother!
if your a cop you SHOULD juice- give you the extra edge on criminals- ronnie coleman was a cop:dance:


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Herr Morry,

Outstanding progress made on this cycle, brother!! :clap2:
Nothing short of amazing bro. For real. Your transformation in such a short time frame, is incredible. :yikes:

Those back shots in the mirror (even though they're blurry) are a true testament to just how lean you are right now.

Keep up the good work. You have 4 weeks of advanced anabolism ahead of you yet. Make the most of it. You're in the home-stretch now...........race like the wind!!! :woohoo:


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NJ = Nice Job

NFJ should be substituted in. very impressive bud :)


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:clap2: ENCORE :clap2:

Nice separation going on there

Need to buy a new phone tho !!!!!!!!


New member
Save the tren for the cut.......but something like that for a bulk.

Then a cut with masteron, tren suspension, test p or e or a combo of both.

Dunno, lots of ideas and possiblities. :woohoo:

Fo shizzle :afro: Welcome back. What's NJ stand for? No joke?

That's one big effing WHEN isn't it? Lol. IF and a really big IF, of course I will compensate you for your original idea. However, if I do not become famous, you are required to pay me for the use of space in my brain including all interest that accrues during the time where I'm not being famous.

Day 59

weight 204 (-2) wtf

Chest / Abs.

My next set of light days I'm going to reaarange them and do flat bench first instead of after legs and arms day. I was able to lift with decent volume today, but not really, really heavy. I'm surprised. If I don't get back on track with my flat bench I'm going to miss 375. I'm doing what I can to come up with a plan that won't let me tear my shoulder apart, but also doesn't let me miss my goal. I did DB on incline again and didn't do reverse grip as my shoulder was already aching after just a couple sets.
Workout went well, no issues. I did pin a little extra suspension today bc I thought I'd be maxing on bench, but honestly I didn't feel a huge difference b/t 75mg and 100mg so who knows.
When I finished killing the weights, I went for a 2 mile run. My legs were still drained from this week but I was able to push through the run pretty easy.

If I can't keep the weight on even after I increase the cals, cardio is going bye bye.

I have to eat more I guess. I'll continue to increase cals.

Pin HCG tomorrow and 25mg suspension. I think for syspension I'll keep it at 75 for heavy days and 25 on light, with no pinniing of it on Sunday.

No sides, but I have noticed I'm irritable in the afternoons. Not sure why, but it isn't all that bad. I just try not to talk. Lol.


First off I concur NFJ!! Your hard work is obviously paying off! I do have a question, and sorry if this has already been covered but I jumped in in the middle of your posts but, did you ever start taking the Anavar?


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First off I concur NFJ!! Your hard work is obviously paying off! I do have a question, and sorry if this has already been covered but I jumped in in the middle of your posts but, did you ever start taking the Anavar?
I believe the answer is YES

I also have a question......

Did you ever see any noticeable difference from 3 straight days of suspension ? i know you said you were going to take a picture to see if there was any discernible difference as you were unlike me using your AI and keeping the bloat at bay


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New member
I believe the answer is YES

I also have a question......

Did you ever see any noticeable difference from 3 straight days of suspension ? i know you said you were going to take a picture to see if there was any discernible difference as you were unlike me using your AI and keeping the bloat at bay
Has anyone taken Anavar as a stand alone?


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protestor- not a criminal lol- if YOU CAN CONTROL YOURSELF

if not the last thing you need on roids is a badge and a gun :/
Lmao I just did a search for police roid rage

One day my friend... I'm still growing at a good pace ;)


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I believe the answer is YES

I also have a question......

Did you ever see any noticeable difference from 3 straight days of suspension ? i know you said you were going to take a picture to see if there was any discernible difference as you were unlike me using your AI and keeping the bloat at bay
I did take a pic a couple weeks back. There was a difference in muscle fullnes and vascularity b/t the two pics.

I'm on suspension 6 days a week right now. 25mg on my light days. 75 on my heavy days. I experimented with 100 yesterday and I didn't get much more noticeable benefit.

I also pinned some before cardio to see and it did help but not in a good way. I felt like I could run forever which isn't a good thing. I'll tear my knees up doing that as I only run on concrete/asphalt.


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Nice work man

I must say the more I hang out on AM the stronger the temptation is to juice... Wanna wait till I'm about 25 or 26 tho. Once again good work brother!
Good thinking bro. This is my first cycle and I'm 27. I can def say that my strong foundation in fitness and nutrition has helped me kill this cycle. Without this knowledge and experience I don't think I'd been able to get the results I have now :)
When you get ready, I'd suggest going into a hard, hard cut for 4-6 weeks and then hit it up. You will grow like a freaking weed.
Your numbers are already impressive, I can only imagine with gear...
NJ = Nice Job

NFJ should be substituted in. very impressive bud
Much appreciated bro! And thank you for following along.

Bustin my ass paid off. Still have more time to go. 4 more week :woohoo:

Herr Morry,

Outstanding progress made on this cycle, brother!!
Nothing short of amazing bro. For real. Your transformation in such a short time frame, is incredible.

Those back shots in the mirror (even though they're blurry) are a true testament to just how lean you are right now.

Keep up the good work. You have 4 weeks of advanced anabolism ahead of you yet. Make the most of it. You're in the home-stretch now...........race like the wind!!!
You've been here the whole time brother and helped push me along and gave me advice. Thank you for sticking with this and helping me out.

I'll make the most out of my last weeks. I'm loving this cycle.

How is the tren suspension treating you? Sides? Acne? Aggresion? Lifts?

Need to buy a new phone tho !!!!!!!!
I'll get some decent back pics up tonight. I was just by myself taking them. you know I got that EVO.....better not need a new one. Lol.

Yo, you've been a tremendous help and you are very responsive, knowledgable and freaking ripped. Thank you for all your contributions to my log (all the studies and other info) and our chit chats from time to time. I needed the advice and help along the way.
No homo.

You've become a good friend.

White flood. You are always ranting and raving about. Youve made me look for it. You can promote it with a clean conscience. There's your first sponsor.
So where is my tub of White Flood? I'll "log" it in a heart beat. I do like the stuff Jak3d is crap. NoExplode is crap. Blah blah blah. These are my opinions though and everybody is a little different so if Jak3d is your favorite, good for you. :p

Has anyone taken Anavar as a stand alone?
I think I've seen some anavar only logs on here, but why not add test? I think the cycle would give you a ton more benefits.

I did add Anavar as Ed said. I upped the dose to 90mg and will have it there for 5-7 days, then up to 100 for the las 20-22 days. I'm doing this to make sure I don't end up with a 30mg dose at the end. I figure if I have a little extra that is better than having not enough.

Lmao I just did a search for police roid rage

One day my friend... I'm still growing at a good pace
Ronnie was a cop, I'm pretty sure he went and competed and they fired him for reasons surrounding it or something like that.


A huge thank to everybody on AM that has continued to follow along and moreover those I have come to know and commnicate with even outside AM.
I'm hoping by the end of this when people see Morry's Log, they'll know there isn't bullsh1t but good, solid, accurate info in there that I'm hoping will help others in thier journey.


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How is the tren suspension treating you? Sides? Acne? Aggresion? Lifts?
Tren-Suspension has lived up to the hype and exceeded my early expectations. I'm only a little over a week into the trial doing 75 mgs. EOD, but it's kicking!! Boy oh boy, is it ever!! :dance:

Sweating. A lot. ha ha
Sleep is still okay. Losing a little but not bad.
Libido is increasing. My androgen level is high which affects my libido in a very postive manner. I love DHT!!

Yeah. No doubt. Shoulders, upper back. I don't really mind. I'm 47 years old so it doesn't matter so much to me. You younger guys might not like it so much.

Sky high!! Hel Yeah.......I'm liking this aspect most of all. I feel very primal. The term alpha-male gets tossed around a lot so I like to describe the feeling as "warrior dominant". I'm battle-ready like a mother-fukker right now!! When I touch the weights, I'm instantly in a killing mood. Poor weights.....:laughing:

Weights are moving. For sure. I'm also 4 weeks into dosing Anadrol @100 mgs. per day. So the weights are increasing.
This morning after hitting up Flat Machine Presses @455 lbs for 10 reps, I immediately jumped on an Incline Bench and pressed 275 lbs. free weights for 12 easy and smooth reps just to finish my pecs off.
Then I hit up Incline DB Flyes with 90 pounders for 14 reps.
Very strong workout.

Loving the Tren-Suspension. Fo's da shizzle. :439:


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Amazing progress Morry. Been lurking for a while and the changes you have made are impressive as hell!

Thunder...As always, you are da mutha fukkin man!


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Tren-Suspension has lived up to the hype and exceeded my early expectations. I'm only a little over a week into the trial doing 75 mgs. EOD, but it's kicking!! Boy oh boy, is it ever!! :dance:

Sweating. A lot. ha ha
Sleep is still okay. Losing a little but not bad.
Libido is increasing. My androgen level is high which affects my libido in a very postive manner. I love DHT!!

Yeah. No doubt. Shoulders, upper back. I don't really mind. I'm 47 years old so it doesn't matter so much to me. You younger guys might not like it so much.

Sky high!! Hel Yeah.......I'm liking this aspect most of all. I feel very primal. The term alpha-male gets tossed around a lot so I like to describe the feeling as "warrior dominant". I'm battle-ready like a mother-fukker right now!! When I touch the weights, I'm instantly in a killing mood. Poor weights.....:laughing: [he he he, I know this feeling a but not like that with Tren.:aargh:]

Weights are moving. For sure. I'm also 4 weeks into dosing Anadrol @100 mgs. per day. So the weights are increasing.
This morning after hitting up Flat Machine Presses @455 lbs for 10 reps, I immediately jumped on an Incline Bench and pressed 275 lbs. free weights for 12 easy and smooth reps just to finish my pecs off.
Then I hit up Incline DB Flyes with 90 pounders for 14 reps.
Very strong workout.

Loving the Tren-Suspension. Fo's da shizzle. :439:
This is why I love that you are here. You answer stuff like I do. Detailed and fully.

Sides: Your libido is up? Is Tren Suspension nuetral and the anadrol doing it? I though tren killed libido. Shine some light on this bc I am very much thinking I will incorporate some of this in my next cut cycle.

Acne: I experienced some of this as well, but with careful attention and washing my face 2 to 3 times a days I was able to get rid of it. I also use a scrubber on my back and make sure I get that mofo good (helps when I'm sunburned too).
Do you think some of the acne is just unavoidable?

Aggression: This is what worries me bc I can be a reall ass as it is. Test, however, has given me such a feeling of calm and well being that I have found I'm not as aggressive on Test although I think if I got upset I could really have a problem.

after hitting up Flat Machine Presses @455 lbs for 10 reps, I immediately jumped on an Incline Bench and pressed 275 lbs
Are you FOCKING serious???????? 455 x 10 THEN incline presses at 275. I knew you were an animal but my god man. You ARE the god of Thunder.

You weren't even maxing but this puts your theoretical at 591......OMFG

I'm not worthy!! :box:


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Tren suspension- im going to use it for 6 weeks as the last part of my blast instead of anavar :)

i think if funds allow it that is


just posted a new pic morry. PEEP DAT BIA


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Day 60

Weight 200 (-6) da fock? I'm eating more and increased test. WTF!?!? If this continues for a couple more days, I'll cut out the running for now. This is a load of GARBAGE. I weighed myself 3 freaking times thinking something was wrong. I ate well today, stayed pretty hydrated. Da fock :)lol: cartman voice)

Back / Shoulders

Light DL day and it was too easy of a day IMO. The tail end of the workout I was able to wear myself out b/t sets, but the beginning was just too easy. I was super setting 255 DL x 15 with military press (with back support) 210. One of the exercises is upstairs the other downstairs and normally I limp up the stairs after a DLing regardless of the weight and today I damn near jogged up the stairs. I really feel sorry for those freaking weights. The Versa Gripps really put my grip to a test and my forearms were burning like a mofo after I my shrug, wide grip, narrow grip pullup circuit. :hammer:
Maybe it is because my back finially got some rest from ultra heavy lifting for a week. It still got tore up this weekend tho I assure you, just not weight, but volume. My lower back has been a little sore from it since Sat. Good sore, not bad.
I was shrugging 305 in sets and my traps felt like they might hop off and go find another owner. It's been a while since I've gotten my traps to burn like that. :) Felt really good.
I got done doing one armed, bent over rows and the 45's were looking at me going:crying::crying::crying: so I was like :bryce:
When I got done, I slammed me some BCAAs and headed out to run. My run was more powerful than it had been too. I ran a faster pace and finished right under 20 min for 2 miles AFTER 33 sets of back/shoulders. All in all a very successful workout, but my weight is focking getting to me. I'm still getting stronger, but effing A, this can't continue just due to pure physiology. Like I said, if I continue to drop weight, I'll stop running, although I'll miss it.

I pinned 25mg of Test Suspension an hour and a half prior to workout. This may have something to do with how easy the day was too. I just pinned in the delt. On my light days where I am only pinning 25mg of suspension, I'm alternating delts. I'm also running out of slins. I'll go get some more in the next couple of days.
Pinned HCG too. Same ole spot, same ole story.

Acne is completely gone. No other sides. Mood is still really good.

No problems with joints, knee, back, nothing. This weekend, however, I wasn't able to get to my fish oil for a day and muthafocka my elbows hurt all day sunday.

I'm am still taking Letro, but the dose I have found that minimizes bloat and any soreness in the nips is .5ml EOD. I'll stick to this for now. This is a little higher than what I was taking, but it keeps the sides where they need to be. This could possibly be one of the reasons my weight is dropping but strength is still there. No bloat, but I'm not sure if this is the only culprit.


PS- Schwell, you are a crazy mofo, but look at the progress you are making! Everybody pays the piper, you sure you got enough currency to cover it?

:soapbox: K, I'll shut it :)
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