Kleen BLASTS OFF DC Style w/ Asteroid Stack at his back!



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Good news kind of. We were working kicking combinations tonight and it held up fine yet my other hammy pulled a little then almost cramped. I drank this weekend so I am wondering if my muscles are low on electrolytes. Either way I am opting out of tomorrows hamstring work for some stretching and to give a little recovery time as I know now that my hammies are just beat up. I finished my old workout on deadlifts last saturday, then the way I set my blast up deads were in my first DC workout on Tuesday and hams were toasty. Then I did the romanian deads with Garrett on Thanksgiving. So basically I killed my hamstrings over the course of last week so tomorrow we stretch them out while the wife works hers out. I will just do squats for quads that will hit them as well and shouldn't push me over the edge.

As IC said I will also Ice it, Heat it, repeat, and recover.
That's another thing hamstrings are always the first thing to dry out.


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Great log Kleen!

It is great to see someone of your caliber switching routines up.

Hey, how would you rate the stimulant effect of OEP?
Thank you Sir! Honestly and this is not because they sponsor me. I would have to give it a 10/10. It is the best stimulant I have had to date. Same amount of energy as ephedrine, but smooth and does not tighten up your stomach, eating is not a problem when it is time for a meal. I do not get edgy or want to attack like on a lot of stims. On top of that it makes you feel good, like a positive well being type of feel. I can not speak for the fat loss capabilities yet though, just how it is as a stimulant.

It's a real load on the hams and glutes when your doing say squats and sldl's. You get some ham and glute work from the quad exercise then turn around and hammer yourself with a tough compound exercise like sldl.. I find that my hamstrings are really taking a pounding. Then your cardio is very hamstring intensive at times. That's why I spend so much time stretching lately had my hamstring pop last summer... It didn't hurt much but it was kind of scary.

Oh and aren't you doing some deads to... if your doing sumo that will hammer the crap out of your hamstrings.
I see you responded before seeing the second post I put up last night detailing my stupidity at doing dead lift Sat, Tuesday and then Romanian Dead on Thursday. I pretty much toasted them. Like you said the cardio is hammy intensive when walking up hill on treadmill and I never hold on that takes the point out of being on an incline. Thank goodness mine has not popped but it has the feeling like I need to take care of it, and rest it a bit. I made further changes to my workout this morning upon testing out the hammies. I will post that up with my workout.


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That's another thing hamstrings are always the first thing to dry out.
Interesting, you know you are right about that now that I think about it.


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Day 11. Modified the workout due to hamstring tightness.

Okay so I had to modify my workout quite a bit today. Left the gym with swole arms and beat quads. I forgot my log at home so I will put what I think the numbers were then correct them later if wrong. I am pretty sure this is correct though.

Preacher Curls 105x9-5-2 =16 +60 second stretch, got a great stretch this time.

Pin Wheel Curls 60x14, stretch forearms with Mantis stretch 60 seconds.

Seated Calf raise (bent knee) 3 plates x10 DC Style, I really hate this exercise at my gym. The pads suck and cut into my thighs. Weight was relatively light on calves but hell on the top of my knees. Thank Goodness I was blessed with BULLS where others have calfs.

Seated Leg Curl, just to warm up a bit for stretching. 60x15, was extremely light however at full extension I could feel more tightness than I was comfortable pushing them with anything at all including squats. I did 3 unweighted hamstring stretches with feet about 18 inches apart. On second and third stretch I also used my abdominals to pull my chest closer to my knees. By the third stretch I also used my hands hooked around my ankles and pulled my chest to my thighs to really get a good stretch.

Quads, well since I became aware of how sensitive both of my hamstrings were I decided I should not do Squats simply because it would involve the hamstrings quite a bit and I am not about to push it right now. My hamstrings are pretty developed so a week break wont kill them and will probably make them better in this instance. SO I decided to isolate the quads with some Leg Extensions.

Leg Extensions - 190x12-8-3 =23 +60 second stretch. Man I have to thank Garrett, he showed me how to do this stretch correctly and it made all the difference today. Nice burn from knee to hip, loved it.

I would say a great workout for my biceps and forearms. Honestly the leg extensions tore my azz up. I did a little slower negatives than normal DC, maybe a 1.5-2 second count. I was walking all kinds of knockknee'd over to the smith machine to do my quad stretches. However I still left the gym feelin incomplete due to the lack of any major compound lifts.


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Have you used X-Force before, Kleen?
No, I havent had the chance but I just went out and read up on it. Looks like a pretty good product from the write up. What are your thoughts on it?

Irish Cannon

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No, I havent had the chance but I just went out and read up on it. Looks like a pretty good product from the write up. What are your thoughts on it?
I definitely enjoyed it. I tend to use different stims at different times of the day. E-911 pre-training during BBing routines, X-Force mid-day for pickup and mood boost, and if I have any on hand, RPM for performance boost on powerlifting days, although I'm moving away from RPM. Just doesn't do what it used to.


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I definitely enjoyed it. I tend to use different stims at different times of the day. E-911 pre-training during BBing routines, X-Force mid-day for pickup and mood boost, and if I have any on hand, RPM for performance boost on powerlifting days, although I'm moving away from RPM. Just doesn't do what it used to.
Maybe you just need a break from the RPM. It is cool you know exactly which thing you want to take for what type of activity.

Irish Cannon

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Maybe you just need a break from the RPM. It is cool you know exactly which thing you want to take for what type of activity.
Nah, it's the "new" (been around for a while now) formula. Just doesn't do what the old stuff did. Less potent icariin extract now.


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I hope it gets better soon bro.
Thanks, I have every confidence in the world that it is going to get better before my next leg day. I am definitely a little dehydrated so I am going to really hit up the water and I bet it helps. I must have way to much salt in me and not enough potassium as i do have water retention under my skin, but all muscles are starting to feel dry. My forearms are trying to knot up too. Hey i guess that is what I get for my madness this past week. I increased sweet potatoe intake to help with potassium, as well as some extra broccoli. More water on top of that with some rest and I feel I will be good to go. I only noticed the forearms after killing them with pinwheels today but they have knotted up once or twice.


Leg Extensions - 190x12-8-3 =23 +60 second stretch. Man I have to thank Garrett, he showed me how to do this stretch correctly and it made all the difference today. Nice burn from knee to hip, loved it.
Which stretch was this? I'm always looking for new ones in that area. Thanks!


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Thanks, I have every confidence in the world that it is going to get better before my next leg day. I am definitely a little dehydrated so I am going to really hit up the water and I bet it helps. I must have way to much salt in me and not enough potassium as i do have water retention under my skin, but all muscles are starting to feel dry. My forearms are trying to knot up too. Hey i guess that is what I get for my madness this past week. I increased sweet potatoe intake to help with potassium, as well as some extra broccoli. More water on top of that with some rest and I feel I will be good to go. I only noticed the forearms after killing them with pinwheels today but they have knotted up once or twice.
Damn you must have been a party animal over the weekend LOL!!!


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This amount of stretch scares me... bad


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Which stretch was this? I'm always looking for new ones in that area. Thanks!
It is called the DC Quad stretch. You basically put an oly bar in a rack or smith machine about soloplex height hold on to the bar, put your feet out about 18 inches in front of the bar, swoop down from that position lowering your knees as close to the floor as you can get them while sticking your chest high in the air and rolling your hips forward. If not getting a great stretch move your feet back a little closer to the bar and sink down further into it. You should be arching your back and trying to let as much of your weight go down and forward. If done right your body should be at almost a 45 degree angle from knees all the way up to your hands as the weight of your body will pull you down and forward when done correctly. You can also search the web for DC Stretches and probably find pics or look on Youtube.


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Damn you must have been a party animal over the weekend LOL!!!
Well considering I drink only occasion and I got drunk twice because I didn't know my limits then had beers with family and buds each day following. Normally everything is about moderation but I didn't feel like moderating. Now I am remebering why I keep everything about moderation. LOL I don't think I actually drank water or sugarfree coolaid from Wednesday on. Yes Shameful I know. I also think a lot of it is extra cissus you really need to be on your water game when taking high doses of Cissus.

This amount of stretch scares me... bad
The amount of tightness I am experiencing or the stretching itself? The tightness is something I get in my hammies every once in a while. Not sure if it is muscular or if I have a pinch nerve that makes my hamstring stay just the tiniest bit contracted at all times, causing the feeling of tightness.


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Well considering I drink only occasion and I got drunk twice because I didn't know my limits then had beers with family and buds each day following. Normally everything is about moderation but I didn't feel like moderating. Now I am remebering why I keep everything about moderation. LOL I don't think I actually drank water or sugarfree coolaid from Wednesday on. Yes Shameful I know. I also think a lot of it is extra cissus you really need to be on your water game when taking high doses of Cissus.

The amount of tightness I am experiencing or the stretching itself? The tightness is something I get in my hammies every once in a while. Not sure if it is muscular or if I have a pinch nerve that makes my hamstring stay just the tiniest bit contracted at all times, causing the feeling of tightness.
Not shameful at all you should be able to enjoy your self a few times a year.


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It's alright to go out and have some fun every once in a while! I'm actually planning on going out this weekend to have a few drinks just to blow off some steam and have a bit of a change of pace.


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It's alright to go out and have some fun every once in a while! I'm actually planning on going out this weekend to have a few drinks just to blow off some steam and have a bit of a change of pace.
Good for you bro have a great time.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Back on Kleen, sorry for the absence. Trying to get things ready to leave this tropical paradise this month. Things look great. Can't wait to give OEP a shot with the rest of the line up. since I am around 10% I am real interested in the fat loss effects and how they compliment the recomp effects of Prime.
Hey IC, pics look great bro!!!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I did this last night drank 4-5 glasses of red wine. I did not go past my limit. Felt good. I felt pretty euphoric after a few drinks. I usually do this after I take a break from intense training..not during training.

numbers are strong Kleen


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Back on Kleen, sorry for the absence. Trying to get things ready to leave this tropical paradise this month. Things look great. Can't wait to give OEP a shot with the rest of the line up. since I am around 10% I am real interested in the fat loss effects and how they compliment the recomp effects of Prime.
Hey IC, pics look great bro!!!
Wow how long b4 your home, I'm happy for you ..


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I did this last night drank 4-5 glasses of red wine. I did not go past my limit. Felt good. I felt pretty euphoric after a few drinks. I usually do this after I take a break from intense training..not during training.

numbers are strong Kleen
My drinking quota was used up by the time I turned 32, did a whole lifes worth in about 18 years. :ponder:


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The tightness is something I get in my hammies every once in a while. Not sure if it is muscular or if I have a pinch nerve that makes my hamstring stay just the tiniest bit contracted at all times, causing the feeling of tightness.
I've often wondered about this same thing. My right hammie stays tight no matter how much I stretch or change up my routine. I think it is a semi-pinched nerve or something. My right hip hurts sometimes too when I drive for an extended amount of time. And that hamstring stays a bit contracted like you described.
I'm very sure that dehydration can worsen this scenario. I force-drink water all day long. I make sure to get about 1 and 1/2 to 2 gallons a day. Gotta have that H20 bro. :trink26:


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My drinking quota was used up by the time I turned 32, did a whole lifes worth in about 18 years. :ponder:
I know what you're talking about here DW!!!! I drank way too much for way too many years. I haven't tasted a drop of alcohol in 2 and 1/2 years now. I don't miss it either. :rasp:
But I try not to "preach" too much to others. It has cost me some friends in the past. To each their own. Let love reign supreme!!!:kiss:


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I know what you're talking about here DW!!!! I drank way too much for way too many years. I haven't tasted a drop of alcohol in 2 and 1/2 years now. I don't miss it either. :rasp:
But I try not to "preach" too much to others. It has cost me some friends in the past. To each their own. Let love reign supreme!!!:kiss:
Hell yah just cuz I have a problem doesn't mean everybody does. Even when I see someone that has a problem I keep my trap shut :ziplip:. If somebody wants help they'll ask me... Yah I don't miss it one bit either.


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Back on Kleen, sorry for the absence. Trying to get things ready to leave this tropical paradise this month. Things look great. Can't wait to give OEP a shot with the rest of the line up. since I am around 10% I am real interested in the fat loss effects and how they compliment the recomp effects of Prime.
Hey IC, pics look great bro!!!
Hell Yes! I love to hear that, they move your date up I thought you weren't coming home until February? How long of a leave are you going to have once state side?

I did this last night drank 4-5 glasses of red wine. I did not go past my limit. Felt good. I felt pretty euphoric after a few drinks. I usually do this after I take a break from intense training..not during training.

numbers are strong Kleen
Thanks! I am having fun with this so far. Yeah I normally don't drink too much. The time I actually got pretty drunk this past weekend I had mixed drinks that were apparently pretty strong, and it didn't take much to make me goofy, and one past goofy made me downright silly! Had fun that night though so I can't complain. What I can complain about is not drinking enough water. DUH!!! I know better.

My drinking quota was used up by the time I turned 32, did a whole lifes worth in about 18 years. :ponder:
I've often wondered about this same thing. My right hammie stays tight no matter how much I stretch or change up my routine. I think it is a semi-pinched nerve or something. My right hip hurts sometimes too when I drive for an extended amount of time. And that hamstring stays a bit contracted like you described.
I'm very sure that dehydration can worsen this scenario. I force-drink water all day long. I make sure to get about 1 and 1/2 to 2 gallons a day. Gotta have that H20 bro. :trink26:
Yeah most of it was the water, not so much alchohal, but the alchohal did not help. Yeah I am pretty sure I have a slight pinch and it only happens when there is a lotof inflammation present.

I know what you're talking about here DW!!!! I drank way too much for way too many years. I haven't tasted a drop of alcohol in 2 and 1/2 years now. I don't miss it either. :rasp:
But I try not to "preach" too much to others. It has cost me some friends in the past. To each their own. Let love reign supreme!!!:kiss:
Hell yah just cuz I have a problem doesn't mean everybody does. Even when I see someone that has a problem I keep my trap shut :ziplip:. If somebody wants help they'll ask me... Yah I don't miss it one bit either.
Amen to that. Unless someone is a close relative or endangering themselves or others pretty badly I stay out of it. That is one volatile situation. I spent a good amount of time in 12 steps with my Dad, used to speak at junior highs and high schools for Alanon to get kids aware. My Dad never could understand how I would just throw out a beer because it was warm or that I just didn't want to finish it, or dump out a drink. Never made sense to him. He has 23 years now I think. Very proud of it too.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Wow how long b4 your home, I'm happy for you ..
Thanks Kleen, DW, IC, and Thunder for the support!!! I am supposed to be home early Jan to the states, but not with the family until mid Jan. Unfortunately, the army being the way it is, I have to move to Utah right away, but at least I get a break from these deployments by teaching ROTC at BYU for a few years. :veryhappy: Good news is they have a fantastic gym the football team uses that I will have unrestricted access to. Hopefully they won't turn off our internet here again. They do that when we lose someone until Next of Kin are notified. It has been happening too much of late.

Irish Cannon

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Thanks Kleen, DW, IC, and Thunder for the support!!! I am supposed to be home early Jan to the states, but not with the family until mid Jan. Unfortunately, the army being the way it is, I have to move to Utah right away, but at least I get a break from these deployments by teaching ROTC at BYU for a few years. :veryhappy: Good news is they have a fantastic gym the football team uses that I will have unrestricted access to. Hopefully they won't turn off our internet here again. They do that when we lose someone until Next of Kin are notified. It has been happening too much of late.
Stay safe, bud.


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Day 13 Made DC My BIATCH!!!

Man today was such a great friggin work out. I felt great in the gym, tore it UP!!! I had fun doing it too! I made the planned change to alternate between push and pull movements a little so I changed up the order and it was awesome!

By the way, as the higher test from the SWOLE Stack started to wear down my Alpha Male feeling was gradually starting to subside, now the PRIME is kicking in and I am getting the heightened Alpha Maleness feeling again. :bigok:

I feel some of the fluff of Thanksgiving has come off. Not all of it but a good amount, I am as thick as a house right now though. Loving that feeling.

A quick reminder of morning supps.

3 PRIME, 3 PowerFULL, 1 Anabolic Pump, 2g Bulk SuperCissus Rx, Jacked 3 scoops today, wanted to really feel the power, and I was a little drag assy this morning... 2 scoop AI Essentials + JC, My intra drink had 2 scoops AI Essentials as well.

BB Flat Bench - 225x13-3-2 = 18 DC CHest stretch 65s for 60 seconds Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Neutral Grip Pull Ups - BW+20 x8-5-3 = 16 stretch done after back thickness exercise. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Push Press - 165x8-5 pins were a tad to high in rack, and I couldn't get back on them so had to floor it. I walked to a smith machine with a bench at it already loaded with 140 not including bar and got 8 on shoulder press. DC Shoulder stretch 60 seconds. I will stay at this weight I had 2-3 reps in me for next set I am sure of it.

Close Grip Bench - 205x13-3-1 = 17 DC Tricep Stretch 45 lbs 60 seconds will go to 50s next time. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Hammer Iso Low Row - 115 per side x 13-5-3 - 21 Used Hammer Strength High Row to stretch with 90 ps 45 seconds and grip failed will have to use wraps fro stretches from now on.
Sticking here on weight need more reps. Probably only 1 more at this weight though.


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Man have I been hungry today, thank goodness it is a higher calorie day. That and I have my OEP, hard to believe as powerful of a stim as this is that when you are supposed to eat the food goes down easy, no stomach tightness or anything.


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Man have I been hungry today, thank goodness it is a higher calorie day. That and I have my OEP, hard to believe as powerful of a stim as this is that when you are supposed to eat the food goes down easy, no stomach tightness or anything.
Prime does help couteract a lot of OEP's appetite supression or so I assume.


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Man today was such a great friggin work out. I felt great in the gym, tore it UP!!! I had fun doing it too! I made the planned change to alternate between push and pull movements a little so I changed up the order and it was awesome!

By the way, as the higher test from the SWOLE Stack started to wear down my Alpha Male feeling was gradually starting to subside, now the PRIME is kicking in and I am getting the heightened Alpha Maleness feeling again. :bigok:

I feel some of the fluff of Thanksgiving has come off. Not all of it but a good amount, I am as thick as a house right now though. Loving that feeling.

A quick reminder of morning supps.

3 PRIME, 3 PowerFULL, 1 Anabolic Pump, 2g Bulk SuperCissus Rx, Jacked 3 scoops today, wanted to really feel the power, and I was a little drag assy this morning... 2 scoop AI Essentials + JC, My intra drink had 2 scoops AI Essentials as well.

BB Flat Bench - 225x13-3-2 = 18 DC CHest stretch 65s for 60 seconds Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Neutral Grip Pull Ups - BW+20 x8-5-3 = 16 stretch done after back thickness exercise. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Push Press - 165x8-5 pins were a tad to high in rack, and I couldn't get back on them so had to floor it. I walked to a smith machine with a bench at it already loaded with 140 not including bar and got 8 on shoulder press. DC Shoulder stretch 60 seconds. I will stay at this weight I had 2-3 reps in me for next set I am sure of it.

Close Grip Bench - 205x13-3-1 = 17 DC Tricep Stretch 45 lbs 60 seconds will go to 50s next time. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Hammer Iso Low Row - 115 per side x 13-5-3 - 21 Used Hammer Strength High Row to stretch with 90 ps 45 seconds and grip failed will have to use wraps fro stretches from now on.
Sticking here on weight need more reps. Probably only 1 more at this weight though.
Nice w/o bro. Nice to go from the SWOLE Stack to the Prime and keep the good feeling.


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Nice w/o bro. Nice to go from the SWOLE Stack to the Prime and keep the good feeling.
Yeah, I like the feeling. I am also loving that the Thanksgiving fluff is coming down and I feel I am getting better on the hamstrings I don't feel it every step now. I should be able to hit them pretty good Saturday. Still twingy when stretching them but not too bad. I have doubled my water intake, and am begining to flush fluids have been urinating all day.


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Yeah, I like the feeling. I am also loving that the Thanksgiving fluff is coming down and I feel I am getting better on the hamstrings I don't feel it every step now. I should be able to hit them pretty good Saturday. Still twingy when stretching them but not too bad. I have doubled my water intake, and am begining to flush fluids have been urinating all day.
I am off to Westpoint NY I will check in on Moday. After some moving work there I plan to enjoy the weekend there.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Yeah, I like the feeling. I am also loving that the Thanksgiving fluff is coming down and I feel I am getting better on the hamstrings I don't feel it every step now. I should be able to hit them pretty good Saturday. Still twingy when stretching them but not too bad. I have doubled my water intake, and am begining to flush fluids have been urinating all day.
after drinking alcohol do you notice joints are sorer?

I drank 4-5 drinks two days ago,and this is a light weight training week and my joints have been sorer than when I was lifting with full intensity

good job making that logbook your b*tch


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after drinking alcohol do you notice joints are sorer?

I drank 4-5 drinks two days ago,and this is a light weight training week and my joints have been sorer than when I was lifting with full intensity

good job making that logbook your b*tch
Definitely if I don't compensate with a lot of extra water. Typically I will drink an alchoholic beverege or two then have a big glass of water before drinking again. Just to keep a water balance. Then before bed have a sugar free rehydration drink before bed. I didn't take any f those precautions this time for some reason.


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maybe you were too blitzed to remember :lol:


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maybe you were too blitzed to remember :lol:
I think that may be correct at least at one point. LOL I was so buzzed I went to bed at 10PM on Friday. LOL Just passed smooth out snoring all night from what the wife said. LOL


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I think that may be correct at least at one point. LOL I was so buzzed I went to bed at 10PM on Friday. LOL Just passed smooth out snoring all night from what the wife said. LOL
lol two weeks ago I went out to the bar at 9:30 and was home asleep at 11:30... crazy night. Had waayyyy too much to drink wayyy to fast.


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I think that may be correct at least at one point. LOL I was so buzzed I went to bed at 10PM on Friday. LOL Just passed smooth out snoring all night from what the wife said. LOL
man I miss those days


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me too :(...I'm still young tho :rasp:


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man I miss those days
I do too, lol the ones where if that happened I woke up and felt fine. Got caught off gaurd that day not knowing my limits from it having been a while. :trink26:

me too :(...I'm still young tho :rasp:
Yeah but I'M DEAD SEXY!!!!! lol

Irish Cannon

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I don't miss those nights. I freakin' hate getting hammered and trying to sleep. I wake up every hour in a heavy sweat, throbbing head, room spinning...blech! - I'll take teh greenz over teh booze any day. :D


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I don't miss those nights. I freakin' hate getting hammered and trying to sleep. I wake up every hour in a heavy sweat, throbbing head, room spinning...blech! - I'll take teh greenz over teh booze any day. :D
Yah the thing I used to hate the most was when I had to phone friends the next day to make sure I didn't get too out of hand cuz I couldn't remember the night before... answer wasn't always what I wanted to hear. Then I'd have t live with the shame untill I got drunk the next time... and the whole thing started over... Good times!! :stooges:


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Man today was such a great friggin work out. I felt great in the gym, tore it UP!!! I had fun doing it too! I made the planned change to alternate between push and pull movements a little so I changed up the order and it was awesome!

By the way, as the higher test from the SWOLE Stack started to wear down my Alpha Male feeling was gradually starting to subside, now the PRIME is kicking in and I am getting the heightened Alpha Maleness feeling again. :bigok:

I feel some of the fluff of Thanksgiving has come off. Not all of it but a good amount, I am as thick as a house right now though. Loving that feeling.

A quick reminder of morning supps.

3 PRIME, 3 PowerFULL, 1 Anabolic Pump, 2g Bulk SuperCissus Rx, Jacked 3 scoops today, wanted to really feel the power, and I was a little drag assy this morning... 2 scoop AI Essentials + JC, My intra drink had 2 scoops AI Essentials as well.

BB Flat Bench - 225x13-3-2 = 18 DC CHest stretch 65s for 60 seconds Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Neutral Grip Pull Ups - BW+20 x8-5-3 = 16 stretch done after back thickness exercise. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Push Press - 165x8-5 pins were a tad to high in rack, and I couldn't get back on them so had to floor it. I walked to a smith machine with a bench at it already loaded with 140 not including bar and got 8 on shoulder press. DC Shoulder stretch 60 seconds. I will stay at this weight I had 2-3 reps in me for next set I am sure of it.

Close Grip Bench - 205x13-3-1 = 17 DC Tricep Stretch 45 lbs 60 seconds will go to 50s next time. Sticking here on weight need more reps.

Hammer Iso Low Row - 115 per side x 13-5-3 - 21 Used Hammer Strength High Row to stretch with 90 ps 45 seconds and grip failed will have to use wraps fro stretches from now on.
Sticking here on weight need more reps. Probably only 1 more at this weight though.

haha someone was having a weekend party....its ok pimpin sexy people need to have fun too

With OEP....something about the longer your one it the more u seem to notice the fat loss effects. For me its more of a .....hey my pants are pretty loose when did that happen?

Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
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Alright, Kleen, I'm taking 9 PRIME/day now. :D - This morning's workout was sick. Fasted and dosed:

8 sprays GHenerate
2x I-GH-1
1000 IU Vitamin D-3
1x E-911

Pumps were disgustingly huge.


Board Sponsor
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IC the stack looks ridic!

Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
  • Established
IC the stack looks ridic!
Dude, it's incredible. I was loving it. Felt like such a monster in the gym this morning. I thought my workout was going to suck because I just wasn't in the mood at all, but right after my first set of Leg Curls I knew it was going to be awesome.

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