I'm on Phosphatidic acid Ya'll



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Best time to take is pre workout as exercise stress increases the effectivness of PA and in turn enhances mTOR activation. While lower doses are effective, most are at 4 tbsp on average, going up to 5. Starting lower if so desired is up to you.

The popular study done on PA split the doses, so I usually do 2-3 tbs pre and 2 post.

Personally if you are going to split the doses the way you mentioned, I'd take the largest dose pre-workout.
thanks for the assistance. ill just start at 3g split into 2 doses ill do 3scoops pre workout 2 post workout with my meal 3 hours after I lift


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thanks for the assistance. ill just start at 3g split into 2 doses ill do 3scoops pre workout 2 post workout with my meal 3 hours after I lift
I wouldn't start less than 3 tbsp per day. Remember, you're getting a ence of PA from 4-8%, or 0.9-1.8g PA from 3 tbsp of the granules. At the bottom end of the range, 2 tbsp may not get you to the 750mg that's really the minimum amount of PA you want, and I like to be sure that I'm getting this amount, even if I calculate my PA intake at 7-8% normally, not 4%. So while 3 tbsp is likely getting you around 1.8g or a little less, it can be as low as 900mg according to the many sources I've found. I'm not sure if anyone's gone over 5 tbsp per day, I wouldn't recommend it, but 5 tbsp per day seems to be a good total to shoot for. I suppose some people may take all 5 tbsp at once, but, like others have said, I'd prefer to split the dose into 3 and 2 tbsp.


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I wouldn't start less than 3 tbsp per day. Remember, you're getting a ence of PA from 4-8%, or 0.9-1.8g PA from 3 tbsp of the granules. At the bottom end of the range, 2 tbsp may not get you to the 750mg that's really the minimum amount of PA you want, and I like to be sure that I'm getting this amount, even if I calculate my PA intake at 7-8% normally, not 4%. So while 3 tbsp is likely getting you around 1.8g or a little less, it can be as low as 900mg according to the many sources I've found. I'm not sure if anyone's gone over 5 tbsp per day, I wouldn't recommend it, but 5 tbsp per day seems to be a good total to shoot for. I suppose some people may take all 5 tbsp at once, but, like others have said, I'd prefer to split the dose into 3 and 2 tbsp.
I agree. Despite what the labels say, its always a range of 4-8% PA.

You'd hate to waste money thinking you were getting a solid dose of PA, get little benefit and decide PA doesn't work for you without giving it a fair shot.


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Well originally a few pages back I had said I was going to start at an estimated 3g/day split into 2 doses (so 5tbs) but another poster told me to "build up to it" which is why I had said I would start at 3. Otherwise I always had intentions on starting at 5tbs a day and working possibly up to 6 from there


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Well originally a few pages back I had said I was going to start at an estimated 3g/day split into 2 doses (so 5tbs) but another poster told me to "build up to it" which is why I had said I would start at 3. Otherwise I always had intentions on starting at 5tbs a day and working possibly up to 6 from there
They may have said that so you could assess your tolerance to it. Some have had gastro issues with high doses taken all at once. Other than that I don't see any real reason to build up other than personal preference.

Either way, hope it treats you well. Keep an eye out for a 0.08 - 2lb increase in weight from the nitrogen retention during the first week or so.

BTW, love me some BPS!


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I have rarely ever had GI issues from anything, from forskoliin to eating mass quantities of hot sauce, I have an iron stomach :D

thanks for the love bud be on the lookout for some promos in the near future!


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Got all 6 tubs of PA today and started by taking 45g (3 tbs but 3 tbs doesnt =45g) of Fearn Soy Lecithin with 2 tbs of peanut butter! Took a scoop and tried to eat it plain... wasnt working

ill take my other two post workout.
SO currently in the midst of running x-Gels, Alphamax,Viron, and now PA :D cannot wait to see the gains roll in!! ill be heading to lift in about 15 :)


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When yall say take preworkout...do yall mean take with preworkout meal(about 90mins away from training) or take actually preworkout about 20-30mins prior to training! Yesterday i started PA(fearn) and i took 2TB with my preworkout meal(about 90mins prior to training) and then about 20-30 mins prior to my workout, i took 1 TB!


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When yall say take preworkout...do yall mean take with preworkout meal(about 90mins away from training) or take actually preworkout about 20-30mins prior to training! Yesterday i started PA(fearn) and i took 2TB with my preworkout meal(about 90mins prior to training) and then about 20-30 mins prior to my workout, i took 1 TB!
Either one works. I normally take it with my pre-workout supplement, but 3 tbsp then doesn't upset my stomach or make me feel bloated at all. Taking them with the pre-workout meal is a good way to minimize potential stomach discomfort, and should still be effective based on the absorption studies I've seen on soy PA. I suppose it's more personal preference than anything really.


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how do you manage to take 45g pre workout? in a drink? man on man it was tough for me to do that even with peanut butter or a food. now the 30g I took post workout in my shake was much easier obviously :D


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Hey folks.

I'm totally new to this site and forum -- been on here a week.

I keep seeing the raves about PA, so I figured I give it a try.

I bought the Fearn product at Vitamin Shoppe, got 3 of them.

I had 4 tablespoons last night and 4 this morning.

I felt good. I felt like I had a decent pump -- nothing crazy, though.

I'm 35. I weigh 195. I only do full body workouts.

I got 1 all barbell workout and 1 all dumbell workout (with the exception of my 1st lift -- dead lifts), which I alternate on a 1 day on and 1 day off basis. I also throw in a 30 minute circuit workout here and there.

Let's see what happens. I'm pretty excited about starting with the PA.

Thanks to everyone dropping knowledge on here.


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Hey folks.

I'm totally new to this site and forum -- been on here a week.

I keep seeing the raves about PA, so I figured I give it a try.

I bought the Fearn product at Vitamin Shoppe, got 3 of them.

I had 4 tablespoons last night and 4 this morning.

I felt good. I felt like I had a decent pump -- nothing crazy, though.

I'm 35. I weigh 195. I only do full body workouts.

I got 1 all barbell workout and 1 all dumbell workout (with the exception of my 1st lift -- dead lifts), which I alternate on a 1 day and 1 day off basis. I also through in a 30 minute circuit workout here and there.

Let's see what happens. I'm pretty excited about starting with the PA.

Thanks to everyone dropping knowledge on here.
Pumps, a slight increase in endurance, and nitrogen retention should be what you'll notice first. These will get better within a couple weeks and then stay flat lined at an elevated level. The nitrogen retention will manifest itself as a 0.08-2lb increase in weight despite no change in diet. Also, I gained a measurable size in my upper arms from this as well.

After that, gains will come slow but sure from increased mTOR activation. I've also noticed a decent reduction in bf (possibly attributed to the choline content of SL since I take anywhere between 4 -7 tbsp per day.


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Thanks for the knowledge.

2 quick questions:

Should I keep staying at the 4 tablespoons daily before my workout?

And my understanding is that I can use this as a staple without cycling off. Am I correct in saying that?

By the way, it's now a little past 1 pm EST and I'm feeling hungry as f#*k!

Don't know if it's placebo or it's real.

But I'm gonna keep eating!


New member
Pumps, a slight increase in endurance, and nitrogen retention should be what you'll notice first. These will get better within a couple weeks and then stay flat lined at an elevated level. The nitrogen retention will manifest itself as a 0.08-2lb increase in weight despite no change in diet. Also, I gained a measurable size in my upper arms from this as well.

After that, gains will come slow but sure from increased mTOR activation. I've also noticed a decent reduction in bf (possibly attributed to the choline content of SL since I take anywhere between 4 -7 tbsp per day.
Sorry. ....still learning how to use this forum.

See previous post.

Thanks, bro.


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Thanks for the knowledge.

2 quick questions:

Should I keep staying at the 4 tablespoons daily before my workout?

And my understanding is that I can use this as a staple without cycling off. Am I correct in saying that?

By the way, it's now a little past 1 pm EST and I'm feeling hungry as f#*k!

Don't know if it's placebo or it's real.

But I'm gonna keep eating!

1. Taking your largest dose pre-workout is best due to exercise stressors enhancing PA's effect on mTOR activation. If you go any higher than 4 tbsp I'd say 3 pre and 2 post. You could also try 2 tbsp pre and 2 post. Each will work well.

The main study typically quoted split the doses pre/post but I don't feel it makes too much difference. If I remember correctly the enhancement of mTOR from PA lasts 3-4 hours (gotta double check the research on this), hence why splitting the doses maybe 2 hours apart might extend mTOR activation for a longer period of time.

2. Yes, no need to cycle off.

3. lol, hunger is a reported side effect. It seemed to hit me more early on but then began to fade a bit as I continued with SL.



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1. Taking your largest dose pre-workout is best due to exercise stressors enhancing PA's effect on mTOR activation. If you go any higher than 4 tbsp I'd say 3 pre and 2 post. You could also try 2 tbsp pre and 2 post. Each will work well.

The main study typically quoted split the doses pre/post but I don't feel it makes too much difference. If I remember correctly the enhancement of mTOR from PA lasts 3-4 hours (gotta double check the research on this), hence why splitting the doses maybe 2 hours apart might extend mTOR activation for a longer period of time.

2. Yes, no need to cycle off.

3. lol, hunger is a reported side effect. It seemed to hit me more early on but then began to fade a bit as I continued with SL.

Awesome stuff, bro.

Thanks...really appreciate it!


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so through these 48 pages has anyone stated any recipes they use ti with pre workout? Rather than using an actual "tablespoon" I will be using 45g on my food scale, and it seems like a TON. maybe my tablespoon was off but it says one serving is 2lvl tbs and that came out to like 12g. I took about 3 heaping and alittle more pre workout for it to equal 45g...

Anyhow, like I stated I had to mix it with peanut butter and just work my way around with it. Is this something that melts in a preworkout cocktail? how do you guys do it for pre workout?

Post is not an issue. mix up 2tbs in a blender ith some protein water and fruit boom cant taste it.

Also are you guys dosing Everyday? or just workout days like ARA. Ive read mixed things on dosing.


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so through these 48 pages has anyone stated any recipes they use ti with pre workout? Rather than using an actual "tablespoon" I will be using 45g on my food scale, and it seems like a TON. maybe my tablespoon was off but it says one serving is 2lvl tbs and that came out to like 12g. I took about 3 heaping and alittle more pre workout for it to equal 45g...

Anyhow, like I stated I had to mix it with peanut butter and just work my way around with it. Is this something that melts in a preworkout cocktail? how do you guys do it for pre workout?

Post is not an issue. mix up 2tbs in a blender ith some protein water and fruit boom cant taste it.

Also are you guys dosing Everyday? or just workout days like ARA. Ive read mixed things on dosing.
1 tablespoon is 7.5 grams so obviously 2 tablespoon is 15 grams. So if you're doing 3 tablespoons pre-workout, you should only be doing 22.5 grams. 45 grams would be 6 tablespoons.

I just throw it in my mouth and chase with water. Some are letting it sit in water or even their actual pre-workout supplement for a bit and it will soften up.

Dose everyday.


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1 tablespoon is 7.5 grams so obviously 2 tablespoon is 15 grams. So if you're doing 3 tablespoons pre-workout, you should only be doing 22.5 grams. 45 grams would be 6 tablespoons.

I just throw it in my mouth and chase with water. Some are letting it sit in water or even their actual pre-workout supplement for a bit and it will soften up.

Dose everyday.
Looks like math confused me yesterday.. I thought I did it right
however I may have mistaken servings for tbs... could have been an issue. ANYWAY nothing like8 scoops to start off the PA run!!

When I take it today ill see if that was my problem :D what an idiot right?! ok so I need to break it down into 22.5 and 15g servings. gotcha, I owe ya kbayne, id have went through that first tub hella quick


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I just chew it up as if it were food! It kind of reminds me of coffee creamer! It also has a slight nutty flavor!


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I just chew it up as if it were food! It kind of reminds me of coffee creamer! It also has a slight nutty flavor!
I think my problem was doing about 25g at once and it just being way too much. probably because I was getting mixed up. I understood the 5 tbs/day but then when I went to go take it instead of 3tbs pre I did 3 servings..

we will get this figured out yet today :D


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so through these 48 pages has anyone stated any recipes they use ti with pre workout? Rather than using an actual "tablespoon" I will be using 45g on my food scale, and it seems like a TON. maybe my tablespoon was off but it says one serving is 2lvl tbs and that came out to like 12g. I took about 3 heaping and alittle more pre workout for it to equal 45g...

Anyhow, like I stated I had to mix it with peanut butter and just work my way around with it. Is this something that melts in a preworkout cocktail? how do you guys do it for pre workout?

Post is not an issue. mix up 2tbs in a blender ith some protein water and fruit boom cant taste it.

Also are you guys dosing Everyday? or just workout days like ARA. Ive read mixed things on dosing.
kbayne is right on dosing.

As for what to mix it with, I've seen people mix with yogurt. Personally I throw the tbsp into a cup, splash with enough water to cover the granuals, and chug n chew. You get used to it, and if you use Fearn they don't taste bad at all.


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When I was using SL, I started by chewing them up but got sick of it sticking in my teeth. So I just throw it in and swallow.


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kbayne is right on dosing.

As for what to mix it with, I've seen people mix with yogurt. Personally I throw the tbsp into a cup, splash with enough water to cover the granuals, and chug n chew. You get used to it, and if you use Fearn they don't taste bad at all.
When I was using SL, I started by chewing them up but got sick of it sticking in my teeth. So I just throw it in and swallow.
yeah sorry guys I went full potato with the measuring, 4hrs of sleep does that sometimes. anyhow ill try the water trick today, when I took my tbs and dug it was kinda powdery at the bottom which made it more of a dough in my mouth, which was kinda tough to deal with, hence why I was just looking for a bit of a solution


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so through these 48 pages has anyone stated any recipes they use ti with pre workout? Rather than using an actual "tablespoon" I will be using 45g on my food scale, and it seems like a TON. maybe my tablespoon was off but it says one serving is 2lvl tbs and that came out to like 12g. I took about 3 heaping and alittle more pre workout for it to equal 45g...

Anyhow, like I stated I had to mix it with peanut butter and just work my way around with it. Is this something that melts in a preworkout cocktail? how do you guys do it for pre workout?

Post is not an issue. mix up 2tbs in a blender ith some protein water and fruit boom cant taste it.

Also are you guys dosing Everyday? or just workout days like ARA. Ive read mixed things on dosing.
I threw it in plain Greek yogurt.


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I use SL as it's meant to be used these days — as an emulsifier. Makes things creamier, thicker, and tastier.


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Pretty good in cold ceareal with milk!

Usually just dump a tablespoon or two in my mouth and wash it down. Tried chewing it up solo, but even though the taste is ok the sticking to my teeth part and coating my mouth kinda grossed me out.


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It's 9:03 pm EST, and I cannot stop f#*$ing eating!

I've been complaining about my appetite lately.

Well, there you have it!


Now let's hope I can start making stop progress in the weight room and in the mirror.


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just threw it in my mouth and swallowed with two meals today, no lift... totally forgot how much SL affects your.. um... load volume


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so through these 48 pages has anyone stated any recipes they use ti with pre workout? Rather than using an actual "tablespoon" I will be using 45g on my food scale, and it seems like a TON. maybe my tablespoon was off but it says one serving is 2lvl tbs and that came out to like 12g. I took about 3 heaping and alittle more pre workout for it to equal 45g...

Anyhow, like I stated I had to mix it with peanut butter and just work my way around with it. Is this something that melts in a preworkout cocktail? how do you guys do it for pre workout?

Post is not an issue. mix up 2tbs in a blender ith some protein water and fruit boom cant taste it.

Also are you guys dosing Everyday? or just workout days like ARA. Ive read mixed things on dosing.
I take 3tbsp pre-workout, and 2 tbsp off days. When I take it, I always put them in a container, put them in my mouth, then wash them down in a 'shot' with water. Takes about 2-3 times to get them all down.


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The best way I've found, is to put it in a cup of almond milk and..wait. The pods will almost dissolve and will cause less digestive issues/bloating. Pooring, then instantly chugging or trying to eat them, doesn't seem to work out so well.


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I put it in my pre-workout and swallow everything with no problem!


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Soon your off days do you guys still prefer two doses or split up a tbs with every meal? (assuming you take 5 tbs/day)


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Soon your off days do you guys still prefer two doses or split up a tbs with every meal? (assuming you take 5 tbs/day)
I'd still split in two doses.


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Soon your off days do you guys still prefer two doses or split up a tbs with every meal? (assuming you take 5 tbs/day)
OFF Days? What are those lol...

On the occasion I take a day to repair, I split the doses into 2 (AM/PM).

*** kbayne stealing my thunder on this one haha


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OFF Days? What are those lol...

On the occasion I take a day to repair, I split the doses into 2 (AM/PM).
Clever. I guess im more injury prone. im on a 4 day split but I know what you mean. 2 years of squatting 6 days a week gets you some stupid recovery speed compared to what it used to be


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Clever. I guess im more injury prone. im on a 4 day split but I know what you mean. 2 years of squatting 6 days a week gets you some stupid recovery speed compared to what it used to be
I hear you. Just bustin your chops a bit...

4 day split here as well. Usually end up with 1-2 rest days a week due to "life" for the most part, or sore joints. The 'ol body has been a bit beat up over the years.


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I hear you. Just bustin your chops a bit...

4 day split here as well. Usually end up with 1-2 rest days a week due to "life" for the most part, or sore joints. The 'ol body has been a bit beat up over the years.
As basic and silly as it may sound, I found walking a mile on my "off days" really alleviates issues. upper and lower body. even back pain. idk, guess the saying "get the blood flowin" has some merit


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As basic and silly as it may sound, I found walking a mile on my "off days" really alleviates issues. upper and lower body. even back pain. idk, guess the saying "get the blood flowin" has some merit
Active recovery at its finest. Let us know how SL treats you.

I just cycled off of it for 8 days and I am noticing a reduction in stamina and possible less muscle fullness (need to take some measurements this week and compare to my other data sets to confirm).

Placing my order for 8-10 more tubs before weeks end.


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Active recovery at its finest. Let us know how SL treats you.

I just cycled off of it for 8 days and I am noticing a reduction in stamina and possible less muscle fullness (need to take some measurements this week and compare to my other data sets to confirm).

Placing my order for 8-10 more tubs before weeks end.
ill be running through 6 full tubs before i make the decision on whether or not it is worth it :D should last me about 2 months


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Anyone taken 6TB a day instead of the 5TB?
Yeah I did for about 1.5 months. But not all pre/post workout. When I took 6 tbsp I split it up 2tbsp AM, 2-3pre/2 post workout (I workout in the PM).

My thought was to crank up mTOR with the AM dose to spur recovery from the last night's PM workout. Then dosing pre/post as usual after that.


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Sometimes i don´t use a scoop or a spoon and i drop more than i want to the water. Then i remove the excess and put it again on the bottle. It takes some humidity with it and i notice the consistency changes a little bit. The granules get stuck and they stay "rigid", but i guess they still good to take, right?


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Sometimes i don´t use a scoop or a spoon and i drop more than i want to the water. Then i remove the excess and put it again on the bottle. It takes some humidity with it and i notice the consistency changes a little bit. The granules get stuck and they stay "rigid", but i guess they still good to take, right?
Why not just use a spoon?


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Sometimes i don´t use a scoop or a spoon and i drop more than i want to the water. Then i remove the excess and put it again on the bottle. It takes some humidity with it and i notice the consistency changes a little bit. The granules get stuck and they stay "rigid", but i guess they still good to take, right?
Get a spoon bud. I typically leave one inside the container so its never an issue of having to grab one. That said, I guess it prob wouldn't affect the content of the granuals. Just make sure not too much moisture is stuck in the can so as to not promote mold etc.


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I stopped PA 2 days ago and I'm peeing like crazy. I think I was retaining a lot of water while on it.


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I stopped PA 2 days ago and I'm peeing like crazy. I think I was retaining a lot of water while on it.
Interesting. This is the second reported case of extra urination after stopping.

I was on a pretty hefty dose and when I stopped I didn't notice much different in that department. My endurance however, and some muscle fullness is down. I just wanted to hop off to see if it REALLY made a difference or not (and also to try another supp solo to see how that worked out). I now have my answer.


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Interesting. This is the second reported case of extra urination after stopping.

I was on a pretty hefty dose and when I stopped I didn't notice much different in that department. My endurance however, and some muscle fullness is down. I just wanted to hop off to see if it REALLY made a difference or not (and also to try another supp solo to see how that worked out). I now have my answer.
Well coincidentally I just finished a cycle of 5/3/1 and I'm waiting to go for my next 5's week. I'll see how my performance is now that I'm going to be off PA for about a week by the time I get to the next workout.

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