How to "pulse" orals



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With DC training you really don't need to train more than 3x a week. It's very heavy failure based lifting, the last time i hit everything DC style i got much more sore than usual. No it's not like 5x5... It's rest paused based in order to hit repeated failure, and also emphasizes deep stretching. DC training is hard because it stresses your recovery time, because you've got about 20 seconds rest before you have to rep out the weight again. This is perfect for a pulse because one of the most noticable effects of having your androgens spiked for a workout is getting much better muscle recovery and a better pump too.

Its true most orals aren't very strong for me but my point is when pulsing 3x a week you would be surprised how little the shutdown is. By spacing it out so much, i really felt like you keep the body from being progressively shut down harder, because you give it time to recover after every dose. Obviously this will vary by user and compound...


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With DC training you really don't need to train more than 3x a week. It's very heavy failure based lifting, the last time i hit everything DC style i got much more sore than usual. No it's not like 5x5... It's rest paused based in order to hit repeated failure, and also emphasizes deep stretching. DC training is hard because it stresses your recovery time, because you've got about 20 seconds rest before you have to rep out the weight again. This is perfect for a pulse because one of the most noticable effects of having your androgens spiked for a workout is getting much better muscle recovery and a better pump too.

Its true most orals aren't very strong for me but my point is when pulsing 3x a week you would be surprised how little the shutdown is. By spacing it out so much, i really felt like you keep the body from being progressively shut down harder, because you give it time to recover after every dose. Obviously this will vary by user and compound...
Hey Unreal, just curious, have u ever tried or pulsed SPAWN. I am running it now & I can't believe the size explosion I am experiencing in 2nd week, unreal.


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With DC training you really don't need to train more than 3x a week. It's very heavy failure based lifting, the last time i hit everything DC style i got much more sore than usual. No it's not like 5x5... It's rest paused based in order to hit repeated failure, and also emphasizes deep stretching. DC training is hard because it stresses your recovery time, because you've got about 20 seconds rest before you have to rep out the weight again. This is perfect for a pulse because one of the most noticable effects of having your androgens spiked for a workout is getting much better muscle recovery and a better pump too.

Its true most orals aren't very strong for me but my point is when pulsing 3x a week you would be surprised how little the shutdown is. By spacing it out so much, i really felt like you keep the body from being progressively shut down harder, because you give it time to recover after every dose. Obviously this will vary by user and compound...
Hey Unreal, just curious, have u ever tried or pulsed SPAWN. I am running it now & I can't believe the size explosion I am experiencing in 2nd week, unreal.


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Hey Unreal, just curious, have u ever tried or pulsed SPAWN. I am running it now & I can't believe the size explosion I am experiencing in 2nd week, unreal.
It is just tren(not trenbolone) and epi. what are your doses and how many days a week are you dosing?


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Hey Unreal, just curious, have u ever tried or pulsed SPAWN. I am running it now & I can't believe the size explosion I am experiencing in 2nd week, unreal.
No, i've pulsed Epi and SD only. I have theorized that tren would work well for a pulse because it seems to me that it's pretty quick acting. Only if tren doesn't give you many sides though.

I think Tomahawk spoke of trying a tren pulse in the future. If the compound works for you it should work well in a pulse.

Sounds like its treating you pretty well.


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I always wonder if you can use a pulse after a straight cycle to help keep the gains and mybe gain some lbm. Maybe a low dose pulse with an ai run every day and than full pct with a serm.During the pulse your natural test production perhaps will strat to raise your own test levels and the pct than should be easy.


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I always wonder if you can use a pulse after a straight cycle to help keep the gains and mybe gain some lbm. Maybe a low dose pulse with an ai run every day and than full pct with a serm.During the pulse your natural test production perhaps will strat to raise your own test levels and the pct than should be easy.
Probably wouldn't work because by the time you start the pulse you are going to be pretty shut down. The pulse might just make you more shut down. imo Never heard of anybody doing that so i don't know for sure, but theoretically it sounds off to me. Just my 2 cents


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I don't know if a pulse at the end of a cycle would make you more or less shutdown, I'd tend to think if pulsing 3x a week that you could actually start to make some recovery of natural test if you took supps on the off days, but it'll really depend on the individual, compound and doses.

We really won't know until people try and get bloodwork done.


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I ran the same split on one of my sd pulses. It worked out great, but some might get more shut down so just look out for that.
you could run it M W F you produce alot more natty test on a good leg day..or so ive read, so if you make the leg day an off day and take a booster i think the pulse dosing might work for you..


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I'm sure you've heard of using a light Dbol only cycle (the "dianabol as a supplement" article), which calls for 15mg every morning M-F for ten weeks.

If I only work out 3x a week, do you think pulsing would work better?


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I'm sure you've heard of using a light Dbol only cycle (the "dianabol as a supplement" article), which calls for 15mg every morning M-F for ten weeks.

If I only work out 3x a week, do you think pulsing would work better?
it also calls to run it with injectables, in which case you would be pretty shut down from a 10 week test cycle. i think dbol would be a good canidate tho. it kicks in real quick and has a short half life


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The article I'm referring to prescribed 15mg a day, mon-fri (dbol only).

Just wondering which would be more effective for a dbol only cycle: 15mg mon-fri every morning or the pulse method.


Has anyone tried or heard of someone running Epi for 90 days / 10mg ed?
SD at 5mg or 10 mg ed for 90 days?


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Has anyone tried or heard of someone running Epi for 90 days / 10mg ed?
SD at 5mg or 10 mg ed for 90 days?
Eh, that's a lot of stress on the body, especially with the superdrol


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I've heard of somebody who chugged a bottle of bacardi 151, that doesn't mean it wont kill you. And i heard of a guy who jumped out of an airplane without a parachute and lived too


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Im wondering how do people who are gyno prone or have gotten gyno from a past cycle for the first time in their life, got on with a pulse?

Very curious to know how frequently or infrequently gyno would occur from a pulse cycle or within 2 months or so of completing the pulse.

Any info on this guys? Im on a h-drol cycle at the moment, thinking to plan ahead and hopefully run an Epi pulse 6months or so after my PCT on this.

Thanks :)


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Hi guys, im planning a MWF style split of Sdrol with 2 caps of HDX2 on off days but I have a question

I like to train 4 times a week (sat,sun,weds,thurs) with a 4 way split.

I was thinking of dosing Saturday, Monday, Weds.

do you think I should move my Thurs session to Monday (training 3 days in a row) or keep training on the Thurs but have a pulse day with no training on it?


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Hi guys, im planning a MWF style split of Sdrol with 2 caps of HDX2 on off days but I have a question

I like to train 4 times a week (sat,sun,weds,thurs) with a 4 way split.

I was thinking of dosing Saturday, Monday, Weds.

do you think I should move my Thurs session to Monday (training 3 days in a row) or keep training on the Thurs but have a pulse day with no training on it?
i would break up that last training day and put it in to three training days, so you get SD on all training days. on a pulse, i wouldnt take the oral on an off day. that, or take the SD on those 4 days, i think you will be fine either route.


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i would break up that last training day and put it in to three training days, so you get SD on all training days. on a pulse, i wouldnt take the oral on an off day. that, or take the SD on those 4 days, i think you will be fine either route.
as its my 1st pulse, i will try it 3x pulses a week and rearrange my training, and do a push pull legs, with a dedicated cardio day that isnt a pulse day

got a while yet but like to plan as much as possible


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Ive finally decided my pulse plan

I will be pulsing SD (Mdrol most likely) for 4 weeks, 3x/week (1st dose at 10mg, and then the 2nd at 20mg total (10mg pre and 10mg post), and assuming that works nicely I might try at 30mg (worried this might be too high though) and 2 caps of Hyperdrol X2 on off days (each cap is 50mg of 6br so, as suggested by Dr D, I will be having 100mg/night)

After my 4 weeks, I will run my Act Xtreme test booster (for either 2-4 weeks)

(I will also be ordering some havoc too for a future pulse to compare the two)

I also plan to log my pulse.


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Disregard my recommendations in the PM. Activate Extreme is a great natty T booster. Stick with that.
oops, i read the pm 1st lol

so, under your advice (via PM)

I have now altered my off days to 25mg of 6br (1 cap of Advance PCT by AX) and not the 1-2 of HDX2

PCT, (Act Xtreme) am now considering 25mg/day of ATD for eg 2 weeks?



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If someone, like me, is working out 5 times per week. Could I take 10mg every training day or would this ruin the idea of pulsing?


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If someone, like me, is working out 5 times per week. Could I take 10mg every training day or would this ruin the idea of pulsing?
based on my reading, 4x a week pulse is the MAX and then you have to do run the pulse shorter and at lower doses

however, i will be doing a pulse 3x/week and probably training 4x a week but my strongest body part (chest) will be trained on a non pulse day OR might look into DC training

Im just trying to find out whether I should run ATD for PCT, or 6br, or just stick with act xtreme for my SD cycle


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oops, i read the pm 1st lol

so, under your advice (via PM)

I have now altered my off days to 25mg of 6br (1 cap of Advance PCT by AX) and not the 1-2 of HDX2

PCT, (Act Xtreme) am now considering 25mg/day of ATD for eg 2 weeks?

UPDATE: For PCT, it will purely a test booster (Act Xtreme)

I have been told that using an AI as PCT to SD leads to the rebound gyno... which is something I dont want to risk

Otherwise, its as above but just trying to choose the make of SD left


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UPDATE: For PCT, it will purely a test booster (Act Xtreme)

I have been told that using an AI as PCT to SD leads to the rebound gyno... which is something I dont want to risk

Otherwise, its as above but just trying to choose the make of SD left
What about 6-Bromo after an epi pulse?


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Thats quite an interesting point

No AI after SD, but a nice low dose of 6br after epi is well placed

Good thing Advance PCT comes in 90 cap bottles - should last me a long long time!


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That'd be fine, but just take 25mg per day. 50mg is too much IMO. I've taken 50mg daily and my libido actually DECREASED. I dropped it back to 25mg and it went back up and I felt better. Everyone is different though.
I was thinking the same thing. I've been holding onto a bottle of Hyperdrol X2 to run in a future PCT but am a bit weary cause each cap has 50mg of 6-bromo. Guess I could always split the contents of each cap in 2.


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Im sorry to butt in here and Im also sorry if this has been beatn to death but I cant read this whole thread. Its too much. Has anyone gone ahead and used this pulse method for OXYGUNO? Any advise on it? I did see someone ask if they should try it for the forum at least it seemed. Please and Thankyou


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Im sorry to butt in here and Im also sorry if this has been beatn to death but I cant read this whole thread. Its too much. Has anyone gone ahead and used this pulse method for OXYGUNO? Any advise on it? I did see someone ask if they should try it for the forum at least it seemed. Please and Thankyou
Originally Posted by skinnyJ
Dr D,
What about an Oxyguno Pulse Cycle. Ea is 7.5mg, recommended to take 3 a day = 22.5mg and for no more than 4 weeks. I train on a four day split.

Originally Posted by DR.D
Oh man, that product is a total rip IMO. I can't recommend it for anything. Even at it's highest recommended dose of 22.5mg (3 tabs/day) 4-chloro-17-etioallochol-4-ene-17-ol-3,11-dione is not going to do much of anything I don't think. This pulsing method is really better suited for methyls.


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Out curiousity... what do you guys think to pulsing just twice per week but staying with 25mg of 6br on off days?

eg training 4 times a week, on a 3 way split but pulsing twice a week so that there is a continual rotation as to which bodyparts get 'pulsed'

I ask because I wonder if i twice could be run for longer, and have less suppression (or is it a weak idea because pulsing is ideally 3x/week)


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Out curiousity... what do you guys think to pulsing just twice per week but staying with 25mg of 6br on off days?

eg training 4 times a week, on a 3 way split but pulsing twice a week so that there is a continual rotation as to which bodyparts get 'pulsed'

I ask because I wonder if i twice could be run for longer, and have less suppression (or is it a weak idea because pulsing is ideally 3x/week)
Honestly you don't need anything on off days for a 2 day pulse. you could dose some bromo the day after you pulsed but that is it. imo you will not really get shutdown off of 2 a week.


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Hey guys. i recently tore my acl playing college ball. I was wondering if there was any way to pulse a prohormone to help with recovery and getting my leg back. Testing will not be a problem. Do you guys have any ideas....length...timing...supplement...dosage.....possible PCT? Thanks guys, im doing whatever it takes to get back to the game and this thread is great.


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Hey guys. i recently tore my acl playing college ball. I was wondering if there was any way to pulse a prohormone to help with recovery and getting my leg back. Testing will not be a problem. Do you guys have any ideas....length...timing...supplement...dosage.....possible PCT? Thanks guys, im doing whatever it takes to get back to the game and this thread is great.
Steroids are not going to heal tendons. This could make it worse. Is your muscle the only thing that needs to be brought up? Pulsing might work for that but i would say that you might get ahead of your tendons and it could be counterproductive. i would run some igf or cissus.


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Guys, i have a question regarding epi.

I have opened a bottle of methadrol, and tried it dosed at 20mg preworkout and it rocked!! ie i could definitely tell it worked for me

however, would epi have the same effect? chaparall labs have released a 120cap bottle for the cost of 90 caps but having never used their make before, would i be able to notice it on a 1 off basis?

this way i can work out whether id want to pulse it, and also whether to buy 1-2 more bottles whilst its this cheap


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its not a tendon its the acl ligament. They say if the muscles around the knee are strong it will take stress off the joint which i wana do. I was just wondering how to set up a pulse for recovery...


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Hey guys! I've ran havoc before, and it was a good pulse. I'll be running epistane as a pulse this year and have one question. Would it be wise to use an ai on my off days, or is it not needed? I was thinking formex.


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Hey guys! I've ran havoc before, and it was a good pulse. I'll be running epistane as a pulse this year and have one question. Would it be wise to use an ai on my off days, or is it not needed? I was thinking formex.
My advice is to not run an AI on off days. Epi has some serm like properties of it's own and pushing estrogen levels too low is not a good thing. I pulsed E-Stane for 6 weeks and was running Formex on off days and my joints were killing me, I dropped the Formex on advice from the originator of this thread and a week later the pain was back to normal.


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My advice is to not run an AI on off days. Epi has some serm like properties of it's own and pushing estrogen levels too low is not a good thing. I pulsed E-Stane for 6 weeks and was running Formex on off days and my joints were killing me, I dropped the Formex on advice from the originator of this thread and a week later the pain was back to normal.
I agree 100%. Especially with epi. If you take anything on off days just stick with a testbooster.


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its not a tendon its the acl ligament. They say if the muscles around the knee are strong it will take stress off the joint which i wana do. I was just wondering how to set up a pulse for recovery...
Try epi 20mgs first week, 30 and so on. you should run it at 30 until you know you need to up it. It is very mild and I had to high dose it to get effects but always start low. I would add some cissus in there anyways it can't hurt!


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My advice is to not run an AI on off days. Epi has some serm like properties of it's own and pushing estrogen levels too low is not a good thing. I pulsed E-Stane for 6 weeks and was running Formex on off days and my joints were killing me, I dropped the Formex on advice from the originator of this thread and a week later the pain was back to normal.
So there is no need to worry about estrogen levels rising on off days when pulsing epi. Cool. And the formex caused joint pain? That means it was working. Nice to hear. Do you feel that something was needed to help prevent hpta shutdown though?


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So there is no need to worry about estrogen levels rising on off days when pulsing epi. Cool. And the formex caused joint pain? That means it was working. Nice to hear. Do you feel that something was needed to help prevent hpta shutdown though?
i would just run it by feel. I personally could probably run epi and have a 2 weeks pct and be fine(not going to just saying) It hardly shuts me down at all, to each his own though. You should bounce back fine. some even get a boost in test production from pulsing.


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So there is no need to worry about estrogen levels rising on off days when pulsing epi. Cool. And the formex caused joint pain? That means it was working. Nice to hear. Do you feel that something was needed to help prevent hpta shutdown though?
I think it was working, a little to well in conjunction with the high epi dose on opposite days. I did take Activate on off days after I stopped the Formex and I never "felt" suppressed at all.


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Try epi 20mgs first week, 30 and so on. you should run it at 30 until you know you need to up it. It is very mild and I had to high dose it to get effects but always start low. I would add some cissus in there anyways it can't hurt!
I didn't have any joint pain with the havoc pulse. I did have to use some cissus with novedex xt though. Gotta love that cissus!


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I didn't have any joint pain with the havoc pulse. I did have to use some cissus with novedex xt though. Gotta love that cissus!
Sorry the cissus thing was directed to the other guy that tore his acl.:think:


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For the ACL rehab i was thinking of starting 1-T for six weeks on like week five with some trib and maybe mass fx to keep the libido up. I bought the two tubes and TRS a while back. I may hold off on the epi pulse til like week 22 when my girlfriend is abroad so shutdown wouldnt be as much of a problem. Does that sound good? A lot of other guys said to add in fish oil and you say cissus?


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For the ACL rehab i was thinking of starting 1-T for six weeks on like week five with some trib and maybe mass fx to keep the libido up. I bought the two tubes and TRS a while back. I may hold off on the epi pulse til like week 22 when my girlfriend is abroad so shutdown wouldnt be as much of a problem. Does that sound good? A lot of other guys said to add in fish oil and you say cissus?
Fish oil would be good as well. That is a staple of mine always. I have just seen cissus help alot of people including myself. Even some that had major injuries and it healed many times faster.What are you running for 22 weeks? The 1-t? Is it the trans dermal one by primordial?


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Fish oil would be good as well. That is a staple of mine always. I have just seen cissus help alot of people including myself. Even some that had major injuries and it healed many times faster.What are you running for 22 weeks? The 1-t? Is it the trans dermal one by primordial?
I'm guessing (and hoping) that he meant week 2. :icon_lol:


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oh lol nah i meant take the 1-t, take a break and then start the Havoc on week 22. Yeah the 1-t is by PP..transdermal. I took cissus by usp labs and felt absolutly nothing, but i took osteo sport by AP and within about 10 days the tendonitous in my left shoulder was gone...until i stopped taking it.

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