How to "pulse" orals


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I am thinking of pulsing Epistane.I train four times a week,so the initial idea is to take Epi on traning days only.So starting monday,the weekly schedule will be like this:
So I will have 3 off days ONLY and four ON.Will thi smatter?Or its prety much same as two on two off?
On trainign days I plan on taking 10mg upon waking,then 20mg prior to traing and then 10mg after training.On ON days,should I take anything else?I usually take BCAAs and sometimess creatine.
On off days I was thing of taking one serving of CEL Cycle Assist split in two.Half a dose morning,and half at night.

At the end of cycle I was thing on Nolva for two weeks at 20mg each day,and then CEL PCT Assist for another two weeks.

Please comment on this.Thansk for your input in adnance.


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Has anyone done what you might call a reverse pulse? Meaning that you'd dose on off days in order to have your blood levels up when you're recovering/growing outside the gym. I was talking about pulsing to a guy recently and he brought it up. Seems like it could be an interesting protocol.


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I am thinking of pulsing Epistane.I train four times a week,so the initial idea is to take Epi on traning days only.So starting monday,the weekly schedule will be like this:
So I will have 3 off days ONLY and four ON.Will thi smatter?Or its prety much same as two on two off?
On trainign days I plan on taking 10mg upon waking,then 20mg prior to traing and then 10mg after training.On ON days,should I take anything else?I usually take BCAAs and sometimess creatine.
On off days I was thing of taking one serving of CEL Cycle Assist split in two.Half a dose morning,and half at night.

At the end of cycle I was thing on Nolva for two weeks at 20mg each day,and then CEL PCT Assist for another two weeks.

Please comment on this.Thansk for your input in adnance.
Looks good but I would ease into 40mgs unless you are already familiar with the compound. Also, I would probably skipp the 10mgs upon waking and dose it 1-2 hours pre workoutthen 10mgs post. You have to try what works best but this is the way I am pulsing now. At first I ran it the way you described. Now I
to increase the blood serum levels to the max during the workout an minimize it when not.


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Has anyone tried to use Sustain alpha during a pulse? There are some threads about it being the 'legal alternative to hcg' (well, legal Gaba-B agonist is more correct). In these threads it is described as if used 2 consecutive days weekly ON cycle it should signifficantly reduce hpta suppression. This would fit in the principles of pulse cycling very well. I only don't know if one should follow the dosing protocol designed for straight cycles (e.g. on Sun and Sat when doing a M/W/F pulse) or do it every off day?


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Has anyone done what you might call a reverse pulse? Meaning that you'd dose on off days in order to have your blood levels up when you're recovering/growing outside the gym. I was talking about pulsing to a guy recently and he brought it up. Seems like it could be an interesting protocol.
a few people have, results aren't much different in terms of mass gain. Strength gains i'm not sure will be as great, but also shouldn't be that much different. Its why I try and recommend to people with 4 + 5 day splits to just pulse on MWF anyhow, and don't worry about when your workouts are


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Easy: Maybe you can help with my question...Or anybody else for that matter lol...

Had a smooth h-drol cycle, but just thinking does Pulsing Epi generally lower the risk of any potential on cycle gyno/flare-ups and/or even post cycle flare-ups?

In particular, for the Monday/Wed/Fri pulsing protocol with the rest of the days off...

Thanks :)


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its hard to say whether it reduces gyno risk. I'd think it reduces risk of new gyno, but it might be worse than a straight cycle for existing gyno (as there would be more hormone fluctuation). Not really sure though


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Looks good but I would ease into 40mgs unless you are already familiar with the compound. Also, I would probably skipp the 10mgs upon waking and dose it 1-2 hours pre workoutthen 10mgs post. You have to try what works best but this is the way I am pulsing now. At first I ran it the way you described. Now I
to increase the blood serum levels to the max during the workout an minimize it when not.
I have done an Epi cycle before.Im good at 40mg a day.Hm so I will do it 20mg two hours before working oute,then 20mgs after workout.My main concern is how much of Cycle Assist to take on off days to protect myself from any kind of liver damage but not to take too much to avoid loss of effect due to milk thirstle in it.Thanks for the help.


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I have done an Epi cycle before.Im good at 40mg a day.Hm so I will do it 20mg two hours before working oute,then 20mgs after workout.My main concern is how much of Cycle Assist to take on off days to protect myself from any kind of liver damage but not to take too much to avoid loss of effect due to milk thirstle in it.Thanks for the help.
I'm currently using cycle assist powder form. I follow instructions. I'd increase or decrease based blood pressure. I believe Epi is mild on liver, especially on a pulse, I wouln't worry too much. If your workouts are 4 consecutive days, 3 off, then I'd consider pulsing the same on workout days only and off on off days. I want it in my system on workout days. I'd also consider 30 mgs 2 hours pre and 10 post. I really don't know which is better. Trial and error. I feel I want the compounds for the workouts more than for repairing post.


Has anyone done what you might call a reverse pulse? Meaning that you'd dose on off days in order to have your blood levels up when you're recovering/growing outside the gym. I was talking about pulsing to a guy recently and he brought it up. Seems like it could be an interesting protocol.
i'm gonna do this with superdrol next time i pulse it because it stimulates my appetite and makes me lethargic. I also do strength training, low reps, so something so non-androgenic isn't much help during a workout.


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Has any every thought of running a straight cycle of one compound such as Phera and then doing a pulse of Superdrol on just workout days?
So something like : PP 15/20/25/30 - SD 3weeks Dosed M/W/F at 20mg

Btw 15 and 25mg of are possible because I have 15mg caps. Thoughts on this? Not sure if this has been brought up or not?


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Thanks for the responses, guys. Good points made. I'll relay it to the guy I was talking to about it.


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hey guys,
so i was thinking about pulsing epi. my lifting schedule will be
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: Chest/tris
Thursday: off
Friday: Back/Bi
Saturday: Shoulders
Sunday: off
So i will take epi on all my workout days.

my questions are:

1. As far as cycle length and proper pct is concerned. I will be just using a non serm pct and was wondering if i should just stick to a 4 wk cycle or if its still safe to go the 8 wks without a serm? Im sure a lot of it i will have to go by feel and listen to my body. but any advice would be great

2. I have a lot more research to do as far as my pct, so i will be doing that but if people want to list some ideas that would be helpful. (like i said i will still be doing my own research but i figure research + advice from more experience people would be good)

3. i have read of several people taking AI's on off days or different cycle supports and was just wondering for an epi pulse cycle what people's thoughts were.

Thanks guys for all the info. this thread has been exciting and helpful


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"GREAT THREAD" tottaly new way of doing things for me, like it, espesially on the "Side issues"
Thanks DR.D!!!


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hey guys,
so i was thinking about pulsing epi. my lifting schedule will be
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: Chest/tris
Thursday: off
Friday: Back/Bi
Saturday: Shoulders
Sunday: off
So i will take epi on all my workout days.

my questions are:

1. As far as cycle length and proper pct is concerned. I will be just using a non serm pct and was wondering if i should just stick to a 4 wk cycle or if its still safe to go the 8 wks without a serm? Im sure a lot of it i will have to go by feel and listen to my body. but any advice would be great

2. I have a lot more research to do as far as my pct, so i will be doing that but if people want to list some ideas that would be helpful. (like i said i will still be doing my own research but i figure research + advice from more experience people would be good)

3. i have read of several people taking AI's on off days or different cycle supports and was just wondering for an epi pulse cycle what people's thoughts were.

Thanks guys for all the info. this thread has been exciting and helpful
Epi acts partly as an AI, so u won't need one while ON. Only if u experience estro post cycle.


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awesome, thanks for the help. so i was thinking of just running post cycle support by anabolic innovations for my pct, should i throw in an AI as well?

sorry if this is a noobish question, i have been doing a lot of reading the last couple days and while i have found out some good information i seem to get a little more confused as well


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Epi acts partly as an AI, so u won't need one while ON. Only if u experience estro post cycle.
i thought though you take an AI eg 6br on off days to encourage the test boost, and to a much lesser extent to ease any oestrogen rebound on days when you arent on


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You are correct. Epi only has AI properties at lower dosages(10-20mg). Also, it will be out of your system on your off days, so you will still need something to prevent an estrogen increase and natural test decrease on those days.
ok cool :)

gotta love that 6br


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Starting Epi Pulse

Been lurking around, great info in here. I just want to make sure I've got my cycle down with the smart people here. This is my first cycle.

Goal is to gain and keep strength, lose fat/recomp. Stats: 6', 195lbs, ~12% bf, ~6 yrs lifting, 29 y/o, starting DC training routine. Cardio/yoga on off days.

E-stane M/W/F, half pre and half post. 5AM workout.
Week 1: 20/30/40
Week 2: 40/40/40
Week 3: 50/50/50
Week 4: off
Week 5: 40/40/40
Week 6: 50/50/50
Week 7: 50/50/50
Week 8-12: PCT?

ON days: Fish Oil 12g, Orange Triad multi, CLA, Green Tea extract, weight gainer/protein, Xtend, Anabolic Pump, NO Shotgun (need morning stim), IntrAbolic, ATD at night (2 caps Novedex XT)

OFF days: Liv52 (2 caps), CL Blue Up, Fish Oil, Orange Triad, CLA, Green Tea extract, weight gainer/protein, Xtend, Anabolic Pump

PCT: Got the Primordial Performance TRS, but not sure if I want to use it for the pulse or save for a real cycle. Thoughts on just running Novedex XT and Blue Up?

Thanks again, I've read a lot of the posts, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss something obvious. Ideas and comments are very welcome. I'll be running a log on this.


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Milas - I would go for an AI on off days personally

Dr D recommded 6br ideally, if not ATD, and then as a last resort 6oxo

Then in PCT is when you'd use a quality test booster like PCS


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Milas - I would go for an AI on off days personally

Dr D recommded 6br ideally, if not ATD, and then as a last resort 6oxo

Then in PCT is when you'd use a quality test booster like PCS

I was figuring since I work out at 5AM, taking ATD on my Off night would be 8 hours from my ON cycle Epi doses. It would be more evenly spaced if I took the ATD the evening of my ON day, wouldn't it?

Thanks for the feedback!


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Thanks, started my Epi Pulse DC Training Log. Appreciate the comments.


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sub. . Is 2nd gear a suitable AI for an epi pulse? I understand 6br is suggested but 2nd gear has extra ingredients and was not sure.. What im really wanting to do is pulse epi at 30mg on m,w,f for 6 wks, along with DieselTPC. I recently purchased a bottle of HGHup and will most likely throw that in the mix. Any thoughts? Im thinking the HGHup will be interesting.


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I'm considering a 4-6 MDrol pulse, M,W,F. Got a selection of Test Boosters for Off days. Get Diesel, DTHC, Sustain Alpha, or Get Diesel DTP. WHat to take during and what to save for PCT addition. I have experience with DTh and love the stuff but not during a pulse. And I have never tried Sustain Alpha at all.

Any sugestions or real world feedback similair to my scenario?


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I'm considering a 4-6 MDrol pulse, M,W,F. Got a selection of Test Boosters for Off days. Get Diesel, DTHC, Sustain Alpha, or Get Diesel DTP. WHat to take during and what to save for PCT addition. I have experience with DTh and love the stuff but not during a pulse. And I have never tried Sustain Alpha at all.

Any sugestions or real world feedback similair to my scenario?
I would just run a lower dose dthc on off days and the run whatever is left from that stack for pct, but honestly you probably won't need that much stuff for that pct it will be light. I hardly even run a test booster on off days when pulsing so it isn't even necessary unless you just want to make pct that much easier.imho


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Yeah I was leaning toward DTH on Off days, in case it was required for libido reasons and giving my natural test that extra rebound. Then I was consdiering saving the Sustain for PCT based on it's positive feedback.


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Yeah I was leaning toward DTH on Off days, in case it was required for libido reasons and giving my natural test that extra rebound. Then I was consdiering saving the Sustain for PCT based on it's positive feedback.
Sounds good!:cheers:


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Sounds good!:cheers:
Sustain Alpha and TOCO-8 actually. Oh and Nolva on hand in case things get out of wake but I feel it won't. Plan to gauge the effectiveness of 10mg for a week then to a max of 20mg if desired, all M,W,F.


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sub. . Is 2nd gear a suitable AI for an epi pulse? I understand 6br is suggested but 2nd gear has extra ingredients and was not sure.. What im really wanting to do is pulse epi at 30mg on m,w,f for 6 wks, along with DieselTPC. I recently purchased a bottle of HGHup and will most likely throw that in the mix. Any thoughts? Im thinking the HGHup will be interesting.
i am unaware of what isomers of 6br 2nd Gear uses - after much research I went for aPCT because of this issue

and its also much more cost effective


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Sustain Alpha and TOCO-8 actually. Oh and Nolva on hand in case things get out of wake but I feel it won't. Plan to gauge the effectiveness of 10mg for a week then to a max of 20mg if desired, all M,W,F.
Don't be afraid to up it to 30 in the later weeks if gains stop. imo But always try to get the most out of the least!


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I was also thinking that if I take my dose of Mdrol on workout days prior to noon and considering it's half-life, that it shouldn't be too much of a waste to take one DTH prior to bed around 11pm, then 2 more the next day on my Off day, 1 morning and 1 night. Make sense?


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Another question.

Would taking herbal liver support around the time of dosing Mdrol mitigate it's effects? or should I wait till later in the day?


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Cant recall where But i read you should dose Liver support 4 hours or so apart from the PH you take. Im sure its the best way to go about it anyway :)


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guys, having never run a pulse or epi, what kind of time of effects would you notice in an epi pulse?

I've tried a single pre+post dose and, obviously, felt nothing like that of SD, and so do the principles of a regular cycle apply? ie 3-4 weeks because the serious gains kick in?


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I think the whole concept of "kick in" on these orals is just fiction :) I think you get the incremental changes earlier but they just dont become noticeable outside of normal fluctuations till they've built up more.


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Been lurking around, great info in here. I just want to make sure I've got my cycle down with the smart people here. This is my first cycle.

Goal is to gain and keep strength, lose fat/recomp. Stats: 6', 195lbs, ~12% bf, ~6 yrs lifting, 29 y/o, starting DC training routine. Cardio/yoga on off days.

E-stane M/W/F, half pre and half post. 5AM workout.
Week 1: 20/30/40
Week 2: 40/40/40
Week 3: 50/50/50
Week 4: off
Week 5: 40/40/40
Week 6: 50/50/50
Week 7: 50/50/50
Week 8-12: PCT?

ON days: Fish Oil 12g, Orange Triad multi, CLA, Green Tea extract, weight gainer/protein, Xtend, Anabolic Pump, NO Shotgun (need morning stim), IntrAbolic, ATD at night (2 caps Novedex XT)

OFF days: Liv52 (2 caps), CL Blue Up, Fish Oil, Orange Triad, CLA, Green Tea extract, weight gainer/protein, Xtend, Anabolic Pump

PCT: Got the Primordial Performance TRS, but not sure if I want to use it for the pulse or save for a real cycle. Thoughts on just running Novedex XT and Blue Up?

Thanks again, I've read a lot of the posts, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss something obvious. Ideas and comments are very welcome. I'll be running a log on this.
IMO since you are running epi, which doesnt aromatise, then you are better off clomid or sustain alpha/toco 8 on non training days only(morning application-half dose) then run it for 7 to 10 days full dose after you finish

other than that, its looking great.

p.s. if you want a little more recomp and leanness, cut 10mg epi and replace with 5mg winstrol pre and 5 post. it sound like too little but its very synergestic with anavar and epi for cuts.



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guys, having never run a pulse or epi, what kind of time of effects would you notice in an epi pulse?

I've tried a single pre+post dose and, obviously, felt nothing like that of SD, and so do the principles of a regular cycle apply? ie 3-4 weeks because the serious gains kick in?
I'm just starting to get some good strength gains on my Epi pulse at day 11. I'm not so sure about the weight gain, but that's not really my goal. I am getting a pretty decent recomp effect going on, nothing too "insane" yet, but more gradual. I'm enjoying it and have a log running.


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IMO since you are running epi, which doesnt aromatise, then you are better off clomid or sustain alpha/toco 8 on non training days only(morning application-half dose) then run it for 7 to 10 days full dose after you finish

other than that, its looking great.

p.s. if you want a little more recomp and leanness, cut 10mg epi and replace with 5mg winstrol pre and 5 post. it sound like too little but its very synergestic with anavar and epi for cuts.

Thanks, great ideas on the sustain alpha / toco 8. I was throwing in Trib for test boost on off days, the ATD was for any potential rebound. I'm not sure if that would be an issue, so I'm just gonna throw in a little ATD on the weekend when I have 2 days off in a row. Appreciate the idea!

For the recomp, I did a quick look for Winstrol but man it's expensive! Would a Winabol or other similar-sounding compound work, or does it have to be Anavar? I'm guessing Anavar, but just to make sure.


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Thanks, great ideas on the sustain alpha / toco 8. I was throwing in Trib for test boost on off days, the ATD was for any potential rebound. I'm not sure if that would be an issue, so I'm just gonna throw in a little ATD on the weekend when I have 2 days off in a row. Appreciate the idea!

For the recomp, I did a quick look for Winstrol but man it's expensive! Would a Winabol or other similar-sounding compound work, or does it have to be Anavar? I'm guessing Anavar, but just to make sure.
I'm thinking AX's Prostanozol (or any of its clones) would do if you couldn't get genuine Winstrol. After all, it was just unmethylated winny to begin with. You'd probably be good dosing 50mg pre- and 50mg post- along with the Epi. Prostanozol has long been discontinued but you can still find some for sale every now and again.


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I'm thinking AX's Prostanozol (or any of its clones) would do if you couldn't get genuine Winstrol. After all, it was just unmethylated winny to begin with. You'd probably be good dosing 50mg pre- and 50mg post- along with the Epi. Prostanozol has long been discontinued but you can still find some for sale every now and again.
Great, thanks! CEL P-Stanz is pretty easy to find and much more affordable. So, it's good to stack with any Epi cut cycle? What about stacking it with Epi/Tren or Epi/M1,4ADD? If it's not methylated, it shouldn't be too bad.


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Great, thanks! CEL P-Stanz is pretty easy to find and much more affordable. So, it's good to stack with any Epi cut cycle? What about stacking it with Epi/Tren or Epi/M1,4ADD? If it's not methylated, it shouldn't be too bad.
Exactly, the fact that it's not methylated allows you to stack it with just about anything with no additional liver stress. Typical doses on a straight cycle are usually in the neighborhood of 200 - 300mg per day so you should be more than fine taking 50-100mg pre and post on a pulse protocol.


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im going to be running an epi pulse cycle and was curious about what to take on the off days...i have read of some people taking just like 1-2 caps of hyperdrol x2, i think this is what Dr. D suggests, but would sustain alpha work just as well? i can get it for cheaper than hyperdrol. Also should i throw in an atd with either the sustain alpha or hyperdrol? thanks in advance. Hopefully i'll be starting the cycle in a week or two and am getting pretty pumped reading all the logs


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also i was thinking of running PCS for my pct but since nutra is having the sale on recycle could i use that instead of PCS? is one better than the other?

and one more question. Since i will have 3 bottles of recycle could i use that in place of either the hyperdrol or sustain as part of my cycle support off days supps and then just continue it into pct? Thanks a ton guys, just trying to figure out what will be the most lucrative and effective, i dont have a problem spending the money if health is a concern but im also a poor college kid wanting to get the most bang for my buck.


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im going to be running an epi pulse cycle and was curious about what to take on the off days...i have read of some people taking just like 1-2 caps of hyperdrol x2, i think this is what Dr. D suggests, but would sustain alpha work just as well? i can get it for cheaper than hyperdrol. Also should i throw in an atd with either the sustain alpha or hyperdrol? thanks in advance. Hopefully i'll be starting the cycle in a week or two and am getting pretty pumped reading all the logs
i've got a plan of 2xaPCT which = 50mg 6br everyday at night

according to Dr D, he preffered 6br over ATD hence my choice of aPCT


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i've got a plan of 2xaPCT which = 50mg 6br everyday at night

according to Dr D, he preffered 6br over ATD hence my choice of aPCT
I believe Hyperdrol X2 has 50mg of 6-bromo per cap so that could be used as well.


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I believe Hyperdrol X2 has 50mg of 6-bromo per cap so that could be used as well.
the problem with those 2 is that they have a different ratio of alpha and beta isomers of 6br which have slightly different properties

if you look at my threads here and at AX forums, i think the general consensus was that aPCT might be slightly better..... but practically, i dont think it makes any difference


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Dr. D. When I first read the thread about pulsing epistane, I read it wrong. I thought you were saying something along these lines. You can take it 4 times a week for two weeks, then take two weeks off, then two on...

So I came up with this... Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri of week 1 10/20/30/40. Then Week 2 40/40/40/40. Take off week 3 and 4. Start back on Week 5 Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 10/20/30/40. Week 6 40/40/40/40. Take off Week 7 and 8. Then repeat the Week 1 and 2 and Week 5 and 6.

Now that i've read the threads several times I see this is not what you were saying, but.. Do you think this would still work well?? I'm planning to start dieting down in while on this stuff and I'm just hoping to keep my strength while I lose body fat.


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that still can work. Pulsing and its optimization and best results really come from you trying it and seeing how well it works for you. between different sleeping, eating, workout schedules, there isn't a single rule for all.

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