How to "pulse" orals



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Someone mentioned tren clones stacked w/ epi last page. I had never really considered tren clones for a pulse before but recently got a hold of some. How would it best be dosed in a tren/epi pulse?


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thanks for the help mark, but im still a little confused. you are taking 6 br for your pct and on your off days? and what did you say you were taking for the 6br instead of hyperdrol x2?

Also what were the thoughts about recycle? for either on cycle or pct? good product or not exactly what i should be looking for for this pulse?


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6br everyday of the pulse but for pct its going to be creatine and PCS

aPCT might be marginally better in terms of a pulse's needs for boosting test but HDX2 will be fine im sure


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thanks for the help mark, but im still a little confused. you are taking 6 br for your pct and on your off days? and what did you say you were taking for the 6br instead of hyperdrol x2?

Also what were the thoughts about recycle? for either on cycle or pct? good product or not exactly what i should be looking for for this pulse?
I'm using ATD 25mg on ON nights (because I work out early), though most people would take ATD or 6br on OFF nights. I also take Blue Up (Trib.) on OFF mornings. It probably isn't necessary, but in my simple mind it makes sense.

For PCT I'm just gonna go with Recycle and ATD since it's a test booster and estrogen regulator. I have Sustain Alpha and Toco-8 on hand if I start feeling anything out of the ordinary. SERM on hand too, but no need in my mind.

It's been a mild pulse, so I don't think anything too overboard is necessary. I don't know about AX products, but I believe Dr. D may recommend them because he designs products for AX, right? Not saying they're bad, but just to take it with a grain of salt.


So with pulsing i could take D-BOL at lets say 20mg on an arms day twice a week and not need a pct ? and do this for one month ?

or could i do the same above but take a test booster and liver protection inbetween the arm days ?

I'm very new so please reply to me in basic terms.

Thank you in advanced.


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the basic answer is "probably". The longer answer is that without blood tests its hard to be sure where your test levels are, but dosed like that with a test booster/ai combo it would probably work out nicely with no PCT


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Well it was two weeks but finally read this entire thread, has anyone noticed D has been gone since AX got into some trouble, is he still around, his posts were extremely informative!


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whats interesting with the prodienelone "tren" products is that they seem to have a higher incidence of gyno as a side than actual tren, which is funny to me


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I've read throughout this tread that Epistaine is very mild on the liver. I don't understand, why wouldn't all methyls have the same level of toxicity as far as the liver is concerned?


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yeah, mdien, well I dunno, mdien run at 20+mg a day wasn't too bad.


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What is different about Epistane then other AI's like formestane. Why couldn't you obtain the same results from some other strong AI?


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Epistane dosing times

I was just wondering what the benefits of splitting the dose pre/post workout on a pulse. If I'm taking 50mg three times a week, this thread seems to say split it between pre and post workout 30/20 (unless late at night).

What I'm wondering is why wouldn't I take 40/10 or all 50 pre? With a pulse I thought it was to get the compound in your system right around workout time, so why not get as much of the effect before/during your workout rather than after?

Would you want to take it later to keep it in your system longer? That seems counter-intuitive.

Would you take it after to help improve recovery? With Epistane being androgenic and not very anabolic, does that matter?

Sorry for the noobish question, just trying to figure it out. Thanks!


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I was just wondering what the benefits of splitting the dose pre/post workout on a pulse. If I'm taking 50mg three times a week, this thread seems to say split it between pre and post workout 30/20 (unless late at night).

What I'm wondering is why wouldn't I take 40/10 or all 50 pre? With a pulse I thought it was to get the compound in your system right around workout time, so why not get as much of the effect before/during your workout rather than after?

Would you want to take it later to keep it in your system longer? That seems counter-intuitive.

Would you take it after to help improve recovery? With Epistane being androgenic and not very anabolic, does that matter?

Sorry for the noobish question, just trying to figure it out. Thanks!
Nothing "noobish" about your thought process at all and I agree with you 100%. On my Epi pulse I took 30 mg about 4 or so hours prior to lifting and the other 30mg immediately pre workout. I liked that best for effect and for some of the reasons you stated above, bottom line is I don't think your wrong either way you go but I like it all pre-workout.


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Hi guys, I am running my first PH cycle in a while and have a few questions.

I have been weight lifting for about 8 years consistantly. I havent taken a PH (OTC or other) in a long time. I still workout but I think age and the amount of exercise i do is catching up to me. In addition to lifting religously i am also in jiu-jitsu and grappling 2-3 days a week. I am 31 years old and weight is around body is around 10% and had been as low as 6% - i would say currently my strength is a little below average and my physique above average. I am looking to really feel better, get some solid strenght and size gains.

I am going to concentrate on a 5 day cycle - im not sure how it will shake out with BJJ and weightlifting but will always be 5 days -

Here is what i am running:
Spawn (90 tabs)
week 1: 1 tab pre WO/1 tab post WO 2 tabs x 5 days = 10
week 2: 2 tabs pre WO/ 1 tabs post WO 3 tabs x 5 days = 15
week 3: 2 tabs pre WO/ 2 tabs post WO 4 tabs x 5 days = 20
week 4: 2 tabs pre WO/ 2 tabs post WO 4 tabs x 5 days = 20
week 5: 2 tabs pre WO/ 1 tab post WO 3 tabs x 5 days = 15
week 6: 1 tab pre WO/ 1 tab post WO 2 tabs x 5 days = 10

In addition i will also be running:
NO explode (smaller dose) - 1.5 scoops weightlifting days/1 scoop BJJ days
Vanadryl Sulfate - 1 per day
Vitamin C - 1 per day
Gluatamine - 1 dose per day
l-lysine - 1 per day
Protein - 2 or 3 shakes per day (with olive oil TSP)
Reload - post-workout recovery drink from UFC fighter nate quarry (after every workout)
ZMA - 3 caps at night
Fish-oil and Omega 3s
Multi - Anima Pak
Hawthorner Berry
Celery Seed Extract

what do i need to take on off days, i really am trying to maximize this run and want to make sure i am doing the right thing - i already have a PCT as an FYI


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If you're on 5 days, just run a straight cycle. You're not going to be able to avoid shutdown and other sides with such little recovery, especially with an epi/tren stack. If you already have a SERM, why not run it straight, it's better gains anyway?

If you want to pulse, you can do it 3x a week on workout days. I find that Epi doesn't help aerobic endurance, so you could easily just take it on lifting days and skip BJJ days. I'd take a majority of the pills pre-WO especially if you're working out in the evening.


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good points - i think ill take your advice and skip the BJJ days and adjust for a 5 week cycle with a pulse of :
3 days onweek 1
4 days on week 2
3 days on week 3
4 days on week 4
3 days on week 5

and ill just commit to lifting either 3 or 4 days a week regardless of BJJ.

Looking at what i am taking, is there anything I am missing - with this pulse should i supp on the off days with something specific.


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For the dosing, I don't think you have to taper with a pulse. Ramp up and you should be able to keep it at 4/day. The idea is that you give your body time to recover between doses, so you're not shutdown. In fact, with most straight cycles on epi/tren I don't think you taper. That sounds like a throw back to old days or some other compound?

You can add an AI like 6-bromo on off days to help any estrogen rebound. You can also add tribulus on off days. Both are optional taken preferably at night, probably better on the weeks where it's 4 days. This theoretically helps test recover and keep estrogen down.

On your workouts, you probably want to spread them out during the week, not consecutive days to let your body recover.

I would consider a bit more cycle support just to be safe. Something like AI Cycle Support or CEL Cycle Assist, or Liv52. Take these on off days.

You may want taurine if you get back pumps. Other than that, it should be fine.

What's your PCT?


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I def will spread out my days

I was leary of some cycle supports because of the milk thistle affecting absorption (i think)

Thats why i decided to go with a stronger multi (animal pak) along with other seperate supports - I will look at other liver supports though and i def am going to get 6-bromo

PCT is nolva - is that good?


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Yeah, some folks say not to take milk thistle because of absorbtion. Actually, I just take Liv52 which doesn't have milk thistle. I'd take Cycle Support during PCT when absorbtion doesn't matter, but it's your call. You want to get everything out of the cycle, then I guess you're fine without it. Load the hawthorne berry before, it raises BP before reducing it.

Nolva is a strong PCT for a pulse, but good to have on hand in case. For my pulse I'm planning an OTC like Recycle with ATD for PCT since I shouldn't be shutdown. Natty test booster and an AI is all you really should need.


Pulse dosing time question!?

I am looking at using Havoc (personally used both this and Epi a while ago and prefferred the RPN product) on a pulse cycle to minimise isdes and hopefully allow better maintained gains.

BUT it seems the advice is to take as arly in the day and far away from bed as possible as not to intefere with your body's main nat test producing spell at night - makes sense. Only trouble is I cannot with work and kids get to workout till 7.30 - 8pm in the evening. Does this mean I cannot take doses pre or post workout and say take 10mg cap upon waking and 20mg about 4pm or should I not be thinking to pulse at all with these restrictions?

Thanks all.

p.s. My cycle would be:
W1/ M20mg W20mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W2/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W3-4 off
W5/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W6/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)

Taurine and CEE throughout

Reversitol/Activate Xtreme/Lean Xtreme/Glycobol


Pulse dosing time question!?

I am looking at using Havoc (personally used both this and Epi a while ago and prefferred the RPN product) on a pulse cycle to minimise isdes and hopefully allow better maintained gains.

BUT it seems the advice is to take as arly in the day and far away from bed as possible as not to intefere with your body's main nat test producing spell at night - makes sense. Only trouble is I cannot with work and kids get to workout till 7.30 - 8pm in the evening. Does this mean I cannot take doses pre or post workout and say take 10mg cap upon waking and 20mg about 4pm or should I not be thinking to pulse at all with these restrictions?

Thanks all.

p.s. My cycle would be:
W1/ M20mg W20mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W2/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W3-4 off
W5/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)
W6/ M30mg W30mg F30mg (Cycle Cupport Supp like AX'S)

Taurine and CEE throughout

Reversitol/Activate Xtreme/Lean Xtreme/Glycobol


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I think you could do the entire dose pre-work out, like around 5PM. With the half life at 6 hours, you'd still benefit during/post work out and it won't be as close to bed. If you start to feel yourself getting shut down, you may have to adjust.

I'd add in a ZMA or test booster on off days to help natural test rebound.

I'm no expert in this, just experimenting myself. I do 40/10mg pre/post and it's working well so far. I might actually switch to all 50mg Epi pre and add in Prostanzonol 100mg post since my workout is 5AM...


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I just started a 24mg SD puls M/th for 6 weeks I hope it goes good


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any expereice running glycocal during epi/tren pulse cycle - thoughts?


I have been using Glycobol for 3 straight months now – initially it had a great cleansing effect and has always really helped with my body’s utilization of carbs.

However, all PH’S do this also so I am thinking it is an opportunity for me to drop it for a month or so while on cycle.

For others though I should think it would be interesting what effect could be achieved with it on a cycle, possibly more from a cutting view than bulking – anyone …………?


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I use Anabolic Pump on off days to help keep glycogen stores up during my pulse. Necessary? Probably not.

I also think it's a waste for on days since the PH should be helping increase uptake without it. I'm guessing it's not necessary and is a good time to take a break. Just a guess, but I don't see many cycles out there with Glycobol/Anabolic Pump included...


I use Anabolic Pump on off days to help keep glycogen stores up during my pulse. Necessary? Probably not.

I also think it's a waste for on days since the PH should be helping increase uptake without it. I'm guessing it's not necessary and is a good time to take a break. Just a guess, but I don't see many cycles out there with Glycobol/Anabolic Pump included...
Agreed, hence dropping Glycobol till after cycle when I can see a benefit in increasing uptake of glycogen once more after the PH is out the system, should I think help with preventing fat and maintaining lean gains when starting out PCT too - strikes me a good addition to a PCT but pointless during a cycle (or at least wasted value).


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yeah, mdien, well I dunno, mdien run at 20+mg a day wasn't too bad.
It's kinda funny that they were suggesting dosages of like 3 to 6 mg. per day when M-Dien first came out. WAY too low!!!
Same scenario with MDHT. It was advised to be used at 12.5 to 25 mg. per day. Again....too low. I've used 75 mg. per day. That was decent.
Even though I used and enjoyed both compounds, I feel that M-Dien and MDHT were weaker than they were hyped to most products.:laugh2:


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I've read through the whole thread as posts have popped up but have probably forgotton some of it by now. Quick question as to if anyone has pulsed the tren clones w/ any success. I recently picked up a couple bottles of BCS's tren and thought I'd maybe pulse it w/ epi.

From what I read it's fast acting, but am not aware of the half life. Haven't used it before. Also curious what might be best to stack w/ in both pulse and straight cycles. I have access to the original H-50, original 4AF and original 1T. Suggestions welcome.


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I don't recall seeing much pulsing with tren. I think in part that it already has a high incidence of gyno sides and that some people think that pulsing may make it even worse. Plus more often than not I think people are looking for added mass rather than strength with pulsing.


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I don't recall seeing much pulsing with tren. I think in part that it already has a high incidence of gyno sides and that some people think that pulsing may make it even worse. Plus more often than not I think people are looking for added mass rather than strength with pulsing.
Good points. I would say strength is part of what I look for with pulsing since it adds a boost as far as getting past previous sticking points regarding weights used. With enough calories that can translate into mass.

As far as stacking, would you say "tren" stacks well w/ any of the compounds I mentioned whether pulsed or w/ a straight cycle? W/ regard to the gyno issue, I wonder if stackign w/ epi would lessen the chance of that. Also, I wonder if 4AD would increse the chnce. As I understand it, the gyno ppl. report from |tren" isn't estrogen related, so maybe it's fine w/ 4AD.


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yeah, with 4ad its probably no less safe than it is by itself. depending on dosage, its one where if strength is what you are looking for, then probably its good all by itself


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I'm on an epi pulse and I'm getting good strength improvements. IMO, I would rather do a straight cycle for mass and pulse for strength. I feel as if I have more time to let my body adjust to gradual strength increases over time with the pulse.

So far I'm about 4 weeks in and I've gone up in lifts pretty consistently though nothing crazy. With a good natty test booster I think I can maintain through PCT.

Try the Tren as a pulse and log it, or it would be interesting to see an epi/tren pulse! Have tren support and proper PCT handy just in case though...


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How long could one safely run a MWF 10mg Pulse of M-Drol? Could you go 12 weeks?


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How long could one safely run a MWF 10mg Pulse of M-Drol? Could you go 12 weeks?
Theoretically yeah that should be fine you would be taking about the same amount as a straight cycle 10, 20, 30 of three weeks. My thought is that after a while your gains will slow or stop from not upping the dose. Maybe try a 6 week cycle and up your doses alittle once gains stop. You need more than a straight cycle most of the time because you are not dosing every day. 30mgs is the magical dose for pulsing super in my book.


Has anyone considered running an SD pulse (10pre/10post) along with a straight hdrol cycle? This is something I've been thinking of doing. The hdrol would be 50/75/75/75/75/75 with SD pulsed on training days. I thought the SD would give a nice kick to an otherwise fairly mild cycle. SERM based PCT also.

I'm really curious what you guys think about this idea.


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Has anyone considered running an SD pulse (10pre/10post) along with a straight hdrol cycle? This is something I've been thinking of doing. The hdrol would be 50/75/75/75/75/75 with SD pulsed on training days. I thought the SD would give a nice kick to an otherwise fairly mild cycle. SERM based PCT also.

I'm really curious what you guys think about this idea.
Should be nice, as you said would def require a full legit PCT. I'm starting week 8 of a Bold with SD pulsed cycle and I have loved it. I have 3 different SD clones so I decided to do a little unscientific experimentation by pulsing all 3 for 2 weeks. I started with M-Drol and that was good, then I did Methadrol and was not as impressed and finally I did Superbolan 20 and that was the best of the 3 and I could tell it was with the first dose, damn pumps were almost painful and lasted for a long time . BTW I dosed SD at 20mg pre and 10mg post on M-W-F.


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Has anyone considered running an SD pulse (10pre/10post) along with a straight hdrol cycle? This is something I've been thinking of doing. The hdrol would be 50/75/75/75/75/75 with SD pulsed on training days. I thought the SD would give a nice kick to an otherwise fairly mild cycle. SERM based PCT also.

I'm really curious what you guys think about this idea.
i suggested this idea over at and the idea got slammed down with the usual 'pulsing is rubbish' and 'just run a straight cycle'

but i was suggesting on days of SD, drop the Hdrol to just 25 or 50 to lessen the toxicity


i suggested this idea over at and the idea got slammed down with the usual 'pulsing is rubbish' and 'just run a straight cycle'

but i was suggesting on days of SD, drop the Hdrol to just 25 or 50 to lessen the toxicity
If they said it was a bad idea @, then I'm definitely doing it!


Should be nice, as you said would def require a full legit PCT. I'm starting week 8 of a Bold with SD pulsed cycle and I have loved it. I have 3 different SD clones so I decided to do a little unscientific experimentation by pulsing all 3 for 2 weeks. I started with M-Drol and that was good, then I did Methadrol and was not as impressed and finally I did Superbolan 20 and that was the best of the 3 and I could tell it was with the first dose, damn pumps were almost painful and lasted for a long time . BTW I dosed SD at 20mg pre and 10mg post on M-W-F.
I'll be using Mdrol. If results are good and sides are okay, I may jump to 20/10 towards the end. I think I'll be starting it this week.


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I'll be using Mdrol. If results are good and sides are okay, I may jump to 20/10 towards the end. I think I'll be starting it this week.
The doses of H-drol you stated in conjunction with pulsed M-drol should be fine, I know everyone says don't do 2 methyls and if it were a straight cycle I might feel differently but with support supps I think you should be fine and should make some nice gains provided diet and training are right.


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Has anyone considered running an SD pulse (10pre/10post) along with a straight hdrol cycle? This is something I've been thinking of doing. The hdrol would be 50/75/75/75/75/75 with SD pulsed on training days. I thought the SD would give a nice kick to an otherwise fairly mild cycle. SERM based PCT also.

I'm really curious what you guys think about this idea.
Sounds like a sweet cycle. The hdrol is mild so it shouldn't be to harsh. Also the increase in appetite from the hdrol and added anabolic benefits from the super will pack on the mass!


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I've got everything in place, I think. In Febuary I'm Gonna start an SD Pulse(MWF 10/10/20/20). Then move straight to an Diendrone UTT pulse of (25/25/25/25) then into an epi pulse (30/40/40). I'll take hyperdrol every day. How long should I take off before I do this again? What do you guys think about this? I'm Reppin.


So after reading a pretty big chunk of this thread ive become real interested in pulsing my next cycle... Just wanted to clear some things up with you guys:

First off, the positives to pulsing (besides being less toxic on liver via lower dosages per time) would be that one can stay on cycle longer and can gain little by little, increasing likelihood of keeping gains?... as far as strength and size goes, would yall say pulsing or straight cycle gives you a better increase in each ?

I ended my 5 wk h-drol cycle Nov. 8th- so how soon would i be ok to start an m-drol cycle/m-drol pulse? I read where Dr. D said "time on= time off" so i would already be good by now since its been over 5 weeks since my last hdrol dosage?

Anyways, i was thinking of doing a an "every other day" pulse of Mdrol- what dosage do yall recommend and for how many weeks...something like mdrol pulse 6wks @ 20/20/30/30/30/30 ? (every other day of course) ...This may be way off so dont hammer me, just looking for some advice/critique and some past experiences with this ph as i continue browsing back through the millions of pages to this great thread.

Thanks in advance


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So after reading a pretty big chunk of this thread ive become real interested in pulsing my next cycle... Just wanted to clear some things up with you guys:

First off, the positives to pulsing (besides being less toxic on liver via lower dosages per time) would be that one can stay on cycle longer and can gain little by little, increasing likelihood of keeping gains?... as far as strength and size goes, would yall say pulsing or straight cycle gives you a better increase in each ?

I ended my 5 wk h-drol cycle Nov. 8th- so how soon would i be ok to start an m-drol cycle/m-drol pulse? I read where Dr. D said "time on= time off" so i would already be good by now since its been over 5 weeks since my last hdrol dosage?

Anyways, i was thinking of doing a an "every other day" pulse of Mdrol- what dosage do yall recommend and for how many weeks...something like mdrol pulse 6wks @ 20/20/30/30/30/30 ? (every other day of course) ...This may be way off so dont hammer me, just looking for some advice/critique and some past experiences with this ph as i continue browsing back through the millions of pages to this great thread.

Thanks in advance
I'd wait until mid to late Feb to do a pulse or any other cycle. The general rule for time off is a month of PCT plus double the length of time you were on for. So that would total 14 weeks off, including the 4 week PCT.

Strength and size is probably more in a straight cycle because you're squeezing more doses into a shorter time period. Those gains tend to be harder to keep though. As you correctly assumed, pulsing allows you to make slower, steady gaines that end up being easier to keep. it requires more patience but the sustainable results are worth it.


I'd wait until mid to late Feb to do a pulse or any other cycle. The general rule for time off is a month of PCT plus double the length of time you were on for. So that would total 14 weeks off, including the 4 week PCT.

Strength and size is probably more in a straight cycle because you're squeezing more doses into a shorter time period. Those gains tend to be harder to keep though. As you correctly assumed, pulsing allows you to make slower, steady gaines that end up being easier to keep. it requires more patience but the sustainable results are worth it.
Alright man sweet thanks. What about dosages and number of weeks for this pulse?


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Alright man sweet thanks. What about dosages and number of weeks for this pulse?
Number of weeks just depends. I've seen ppl. talk about pulsing from anywhere between like 4 to 12 or 16 weeks. I'd say if it's you're first pulse, keep it shorter, but I'm not sure there's a lot of benefit to anything less than probably 6.

Dosage is also relative, but generally ppl. dose a bit higher than normal and split the dosage up to pre and post workout. the idea is to have it active in your system right before and for a couple hrs after your workout to maximize effectiveness. After that you want it to clear out of your system ASAP so that the "bounceback" can begin and suppression is avoided.

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