How to "pulse" orals



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I pulsed Epi for 6 weeks 20/30/40/50/60/60 3x/week (M-W-F) and although I did not have blood work done anecdotally I had no signs of suppression. I have been off now for 4 weeks and no rebound at all, again based solely on anecdotal evidence only. I found it to be very mild and wasn't terribly impressed with gains until I got to 60mg then strength definitely increased.
Nice dose at 60 mg :)

Will try to bump my dosage up to 50 next week, the see what happens.

My pulse is doing just fine, no blood work but I don't "feel" suppressed. I am a bit worried about rebound though...:happysad:

But hope that my stack of Activate Extreme and Formex at least 4 weeks after Epi will control that.


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You do pulse with M-Drol and S-Drol. Both those compounds are pretty heavy stuff, heavy on the liver, real sides and so on. Epi is a steroid for girls if you compare.

Why wont you pulse real gear? Dbol @ 50-60 mg for 6-8 weeks? Wouldn't that be just perfect?

Instead of doing DS

I am really tempted, and will probably do a pulse with Dbol this late fall/winter


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That's because FA products are bunk. I took 5mg S-Drol daily for 2 weeks and noticed nothing what so ever. I don't care if it's only 5mg, even at that low of a dose with SD, you'd notice at least 1 thing out of the ordinary. Strength, weight, vascularity, etc. Yea Epi isn't that great IMO, but CEL m-drol worked well for me :) Gained 8lbs in 5 weeks pulsing it :head:
At what dose bro?


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at 40mg on Epi I wasn't making any gains either, but getting better pumps and vascularity.

after that i figured it's just not worth it for me to use, i'd have to run like 40-60mg, screw that

I saw that most people think an M1T pulse won't work because the shutdown is too fast, I am not sure on this. I didn't see any actual results from it. I still find the idea intriguing.
I remember reading in some AAS reference book once that M1T has the potential to shut you down after a mere two days! :jaw:


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Nice dose at 60 mg :)

Will try to bump my dosage up to 50 next week, the see what happens.

My pulse is doing just fine, no blood work but I don't "feel" suppressed. I am a bit worried about rebound though...:happysad:

But hope that my stack of Activate Extreme and Formex at least 4 weeks after Epi will control that.
I suspect you will be fine I did no pct and I'm fine, everyone is different I know but I can't believe you will have an issue with rebound running Activate and Formex as pct. I am going to be running Bold in a bit 800-1000 x 8 weeks and I plan to pulse M-drol in the same fashion as I did Epi (M-W-F), the only question I have is how long can I run run the M-drol pulsed like that? The whole 8 weeks? 6 weeks?


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I suspect you will be fine I did no pct and I'm fine, everyone is different I know but I can't believe you will have an issue with rebound running Activate and Formex as pct. I am going to be running Bold in a bit 800-1000 x 8 weeks and I plan to pulse M-drol in the same fashion as I did Epi (M-W-F), the only question I have is how long can I run run the M-drol pulsed like that? The whole 8 weeks? 6 weeks?
please can you tell me what doses/weeks you ran

and did you take anyhting on the off days?


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I'd stick with 6 weeks.
Thanks for the response. I want to do the whole 8 weeks but your probably right 6 weeks is long enough. The Bold takes a bit to kick in so I'll most likely pulse the M-drol the first 6 weeks.


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please can you tell me what doses/weeks you ran

and did you take anyhting on the off days?
I took Epi for 6 weeks 20/30/40/50/60/60 3 times a week on the days I lift which are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was taking Formex 50mg everyday with it but my shoulder joints started to kill so I dropped the Formex. I took Activate 2 caps morning and early evening on off days. I experimented with the dosing of the Epi a bit, I took 1/2 pre then 1/2 post and a few other protocols but I ended up taking 30mg 4 hours prior to lifting and the other 30mg right before lifting and that's what I liked best and if I pulse again and I will, that's how I will do it again. Again though everyone is different and reacts differently to various compounds. The thing I like most about pulsing is it's pretty flexible. DR.D says in the early portions of this thread that you should start low and go slow see what works for you and what will work for your body.


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can you alternate days say like Mon,Wen,Fri and then Tue,Thu,Sat or would it even matter?
also has any one here done the 2wk0n 2wkoff pulse for an extended time what were your gains like?
and has any one here pulsed two compounds at the same time?


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thanks for the info bucknuts

were you tempted to run a pct/?


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thanks for the info bucknuts

were you tempted to run a pct/?


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thanks for the info bucknuts

were you tempted to run a pct/?
I really wasn't. I have a bunch of stuff on hand that I could have run but I had no signs of suppression what so ever so I opted not to. It's been a month now since the pulse cycle ended and I've had no rebound issues to speak of. The whole point of DR.D's pulsing protocol is to reap some of the benefits of these compounds while avoiding negative sides and suppression making a pct unneccesary, or minimal if done correctly.
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ok guys, what do you think of this plan:

Ok, revised plan guys...

Epi pulse - 4 week

M,W,F, 30mg for each dose
off days 25mg of Advance PCT (6bromo)
2 weeks of Advance PCT at 50mg a day (2 capsules 1 at morning and 1 at night)
1 month of Activate Xtreme and Cortisol Blocker

That way if it works, then a month off, and try again maybe? so the pulse is like a taster but the PCT should help just in case


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ok guys, what do you think of this plan:

Ok, revised plan guys...

Epi pulse - 4 week

M,W,F, 30mg for each dose
off days 25mg of Advance PCT (6bromo)
2 weeks of Advance PCT at 50mg a day (2 capsules 1 at morning and 1 at night)
1 month of Activate Xtreme and Cortisol Blocker

That way if it works, then a month off, and try again maybe? so the pulse is like a taster but the PCT should help just in case
Looks okay to me...only thing I might do is bump the epi up to 40mg...on a pulse, 30mg isn't going to do much imo


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Looks okay to me...only thing I might do is bump the epi up to 40mg...on a pulse, 30mg isn't going to do much imo
cool - do you think 25mg of 6br on off days is a good idea? because I was hoping, as mentioned else where this wud lessen shut down... making PCT a breeze after 4 weeks (assuming you like my PCT)

I will take note of your 40mg, and add that to my plan


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cool - do you think 25mg of 6br on off days is a good idea? because I was hoping, as mentioned else where this wud lessen shut down... making PCT a breeze after 4 weeks (assuming you like my PCT)

I will take note of your 40mg, and add that to my plan
Yup, 25mg of 6-bromo on off days should be fine...on my last pulse, I used E-Form (i.e. topical formestane) on my off days similar to how you are planning to use the aPCT and it worked great. Your PCT looks okay too for a pulse; just be sure to taper the aPCT at the end (i.e. if you're using 6-bromo at 50mg/day, transition to 25mg for at least 4 days before stopping completely)


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Yup, 25mg of 6-bromo on off days should be fine...on my last pulse, I used E-Form (i.e. topical formestane) on my off days similar to how you are planning to use the aPCT and it worked great. Your PCT looks okay too for a pulse; just be sure to taper the aPCT at the end (i.e. if you're using 6-bromo at 50mg/day, transition to 25mg for at least 4 days before stopping completely)
ok, I said I'd use it at that because 2nd gear is 1 cap/day (50mg/day) of 6br and the Anabolic Xtreme site said to use the caps at 2/day (50mg/day) too...

I understand the logic of lowering the dose... but I asked a rep about this for AN, and he said keeping it at 50mg/day is the right thing whereas Reversitol is tapered which has 6br in it...

in that case... how about for PCT: 1 month of test booster and cortisol blocker, BUT 1st week = 50mg of 6br, then 1 week of 25mg of 6br

Should I see that my gains are being lost in PCT then rise the dose back to 50mg a day?


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ok, I said I'd use it at that because 2nd gear is 1 cap/day (50mg/day) of 6br and the Anabolic Xtreme site said to use the caps at 2/day (50mg/day) too...

I understand the logic of lowering the dose... but I asked a rep about this for AN, and he said keeping it at 50mg/day is the right thing whereas Reversitol is tapered which has 6br in it...

in that case... how about for PCT: 1 month of test booster and cortisol blocker, BUT 1st week = 50mg of 6br, then 1 week of 25mg of 6br

Should I see that my gains are being lost in PCT then rise the dose back to 50mg a day?
Sounds good to me. I agree with ninjo you probably won't see much from 30mg of epi but you could start there and see how it goes then up the dose week 2. What you outlined for pct for a 4 week epi pulse should be more than sufficient imo.


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once i sort out my cortisol blocker - NOW foods do one, but not sure if its good or just a waste of money, then I'll order the Advance PCT and extra Act Xtreme

On a side note guys, how do you rate Act Xtreme as a testbooster in PCT? (especially in regards to The One which is a non aromatising PH)


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once i sort out my cortisol blocker - NOW foods do one, but not sure if its good or just a waste of money, then I'll order the Advance PCT and extra Act Xtreme

On a side note guys, how do you rate Act Xtreme as a testbooster in PCT? (especially in regards to The One which is a non aromatising PH)
Never used it but i have seen alot of people say its pretty good.


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once i sort out my cortisol blocker - NOW foods do one, but not sure if its good or just a waste of money, then I'll order the Advance PCT and extra Act Xtreme

On a side note guys, how do you rate Act Xtreme as a testbooster in PCT? (especially in regards to The One which is a non aromatising PH)
I don't know anything about Now's cortisol supplement, but I do like the company good products, good prices. I have used and liked Lean FX and Lean Xtreme for cortisol control in pct. You could also look at Reduce XT from SNS and Suppress C from CEL.


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Ok cool, thanks for the input guys

will put the order in for Advance PCT later this week most likely


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Is Spawn a good candidate for a pulse. I hear the shutdown from Tren is bad, bad, bad,! Does the pulse work to prevent suppression? I also planned obn running a low dose of Cel's Formestane while ON. Been recommendes by CEL reps for running their TREN clone!


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The shutdown from TRENBOLONE IS BAD. However the shutdown from all these "tren" pro hormones is not bad at all. Why do people continue to call them tren? They have NOWHERE NEAR the strength increasing capabilities of trenbolone. Nor the fat burning or muscle building capabilities. Trenbolone is the nectar of the gods. All these damn so called "tren" PH's SHOULD be called Anavar, if they really want to compare the compounds to real AAS. The "tren" PH is dienolone, it has it's own name. It is it's own compound. It is NOT tren. Anyway, lol, sure Spawn would be a good pulsing choice. Yes the pulsing method helps to minimize suppression. You have a lot more research to do before using the pulse method.
I have pulsed Epi as well as run straight cycles of it as well as several other compounds. I understand the pulsing method alot more than 99% of the others on these threads that post all sorts of hypothetical garbage or only reporting what they see wrong with the pulsing techinqe naive as to the pluses!

I have never run what everyone refers to as theTren clones...that's is why I am asking if anyone has actually pulsed it or something like SPAWN? I like to hear from those that have actually done a pulse with Spawn since some are saying just run it straight.

Have you pulsed Spawn? I already know 1st hand that pulsing helps minimize suppression!


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Nope, never pulsed it, but I have used it everyday with epistane taken 3x per week. Did that for 4 weeks. Had decent results. Nothing too impressive though. I'm not a big fan of the "tren" compound as it's very weak. I'd compare it to h-drol, but it doesn't take as long to "kick in."
WOW, Tren PH are weak? This is the first I heard this, comparable to H-drol? Most of the posts I am reading day inredible strength gains, insane pumps, strong shutdown, many say it's serious stuff! I have to admit, now I am confused!


WOW, Tren PH are weak? This is the first I heard this, comparable to H-drol? Most of the posts I am reading day inredible strength gains, insane pumps, strong shutdown, many say it's serious stuff! I have to admit, now I am confused!
Everyone is different. Its not crazy strong like pp or sd but its ok. I ran it twice and didnt think i was shut down badly. ran clomid for a week and felt great.


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Pffft. Were those sponsored logs? All that the tren compound is, is Dienolone. That's the target steroid. Google dienolone or search it and you will see what effects it has. The only OTC anabolic that exhibits the effects you mentioned is Superdrol.

I did the search you mentioned and did see some references to Dienolone. I also searched here on AM again uinder double check and there dozens and dozens of threads. A few are sponsored logs. I take those with a grain of salt for obvious reasons. The majority of threads do report the strength gains, huge pumps etc. like I said. A couple also broke down the compound to be 2 steps away from the illegal Trenbolone. You have over 2800 post here on AM so I am sure you've seen these threads here on AM many with posts from reputable members. None of those posts report that it is WEAK. So I am a little confused as to your comment. Is it just that you are saying it is weak compared to the original?


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The effects vary from person to person, for me "tren" was relatively strong. 120mg was a solid dose with it, gained strength and vascularity nicely.

Got worse sides than i've ever gotten from anything else... mostly being the immediate gyno flareup and flatlined libido, also had a few night sweats.


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The highest I went was 90, so that could be why it wasn't as harsh for me. I forgot to mention the vascularity. It did bring out the veins in my forearms quite well when they were 100% un-pumped.
DId you keep the vascularity that you got in your forearms after you off cycle then?

I think genetically ive got good vascularity, will be interesting to see what my H-drol will bring out in me. Really looking forward to it


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Has anyone pulsed SPAWN or TREN and avoided the HARD shutdown associated with it?


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Is Dr D still around?

I PMd him about my pulse plan (from a few pages back) about 2-3 weeks ago.

Would love to get some fresh input from him


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He's still around. He just repped me a couple days ago :) He has a crap load of pm's everyday. He'll get back to you, just be patient. You can ask it here in the thread as well, I can almost guarantee you'll get answers to any questions you may have.
I was trying to find out, in regards to an epi pulse whether pct and on off days 6br (25 or 50mg and dosing for PCT im unsure of) would be better than ATD (10mg off days and a 3,2,2,1 PCT)

I've received a lot of mixed info on the subject that i was hoping he could chip in on the subject


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10/20/20/30/30 but i was bulking as well. eating 3500-4000cals per day and 250-275g protein. It worked very well :) I would've went longer but I started to get irritable and my libido decreased, so I stopped it.
Did you run any sort of PCT (i am thinking about doing the exact pulse you did) also what kind of str increases did you see? and when did you start seeing/feeling gains? what kind of BF did you put on if any?
Thank you


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what i might do... in theory i should be getting a serm for xmas, but only 1 box

might try and run the epi pulse, with the 6br and if it goes well then keep it pct but if not then use up my serm


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what i might do... in theory i should be getting a serm for xmas, but only 1 box

might try and run the epi pulse, with the 6br and if it goes well then keep it pct but if not then use up my serm
I pulsed Epi, was pretty good. I also used 6-bromo PCT on off days. Was pretty good cycle. Shouldn't be too much to worry about for you. It's very mild. With a pulse will take a couple weeks to really kick in.

Just started my SPAWN pulse. (Epi & Tren) So far I am amazed. I dosed 90 mgs 2 days very first day and I can without a doubt it worked the very first day and tons more on the second. This stuff is awesome. The strength increase, pumps and muscle definition is noticeable within 24 hours. Way more powerfull than EPI. WOW!


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I pulsed Epi, was pretty good. I also used 6-bromo PCT on off days. Was pretty good cycle. Shouldn't be too much to worry about for you. It's very mild. With a pulse will take a couple weeks to really kick in.

Just started my SPAWN pulse. (Epi & Tren) So far I am amazed. I dosed 90 mgs 2 days very first day and I can without a doubt it worked the very first day and tons more on the second. This stuff is awesome. The strength increase, pumps and muscle definition is noticeable within 24 hours. Way more powerfull than EPI. WOW!
how long did you run the epi for (and dosing?)

and any pct?

thanks for the info!!


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how long did you run the epi for (and dosing?)

and any pct?

thanks for the info!!

I pulsed it M/W/F, 10/20/30/30/30/40, till the bottle ran out. 6-bromo on off days, PCT ran, Mass FX, Drive, Lean X-treme, & finished off the 6-bromo. I am not convinced any of those supps did a damn thing to be honest but made me feel good doing it. In hindsight, probably better off with a mild AI to controld estorgen if needed post cycle and attack with test boosters. Nowadays I am loving Transdermal Formestane and Maca/Fenugreek to handle both.

Lovin the SPAWN pulse so far. Feels like a total body transformation, awsome feeling.


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I pulsed it M/W/F, 10/20/30/30/30/40, till the bottle ran out. 6-bromo on off days, PCT ran, Mass FX, Drive, Lean X-treme, & finished off the 6-bromo. I am not convinced any of those supps did a damn thing to be honest but made me feel good doing it. In hindsight, probably better off with a mild AI to controld estorgen if needed post cycle and attack with test boosters. Nowadays I am loving Transdermal Formestane and Maca/Fenugreek to handle both.

Lovin the SPAWN pulse so far. Feels like a total body transformation, awsome feeling.
thats why i was hoping to use 6bromo for a few weeks in PCT to control ostrogen whilst i boost my test with act xtreme

did you lose any of your gains?

thanks for the info


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thats why i was hoping to use 6bromo for a few weeks in PCT to control ostrogen whilst i boost my test with act xtreme

did you lose any of your gains?

thanks for the info
I was thinking about this very same question today? No I don't believe I lost any of my weight gains but I did lose my pumps, stregth and hardness. These are some of what I consider to be called gains. I believe all of us lose those eventually.
Trek Killer

Trek Killer

New member
That was one of the most informative posts I've read... I wish the doctors had thought of that when they had my father on so much Cortisone that they wanted to study him like a rat.
Trek Killer

Trek Killer

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[/QUOTE]Lovin the SPAWN pulse so far. Feels like a total body transformation, awsome feeling.[/QUOTE]

Have you noticed any sides with the Spawn?


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Lovin the SPAWN pulse so far. Feels like a total body transformation, awsome feeling.[/QUOTE]

Have you noticed any sides with the Spawn?[/QUOTE]

So far no real sides. It's only day 3 of my dosing. Today I am experimenting by taking 30 mg the night before(hereby spreading the doses apart 6- 8 hours. Awesome pumps and a little extra soreness from the added intensity I am putting in knowing I am ON.

Ax big d

Hi, I am looking to run a superdrol clone pulse cycle. The recomendation for pulsing however looks to be MWF for example however this would not fit in very well with my training.

Changing gym soon to fit with my new schedule and this is how il be doing things:

Monday: Chest+bis
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Shoulders+tris
Friday: Back and calves
Sat+sunday off

How can I work a SD pulse around this? Is it possible to run 20mg on all training days 10mg pre and then 10mg post-workout?

Or should I just change to dosing 3x a week... for example M,T,F?


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Hi, I am looking to run a superdrol clone pulse cycle. The recomendation for pulsing however looks to be MWF for example however this would not fit in very well with my training.

Changing gym soon to fit with my new schedule and this is how il be doing things:

Monday: Chest+bis
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Shoulders+tris
Friday: Back and calves
Sat+sunday off

How can I work a SD pulse around this? Is it possible to run 20mg on all training days 10mg pre and then 10mg post-workout?

Or should I just change to dosing 3x a week... for example M,T,F?
I ran the same split on one of my sd pulses. It worked out great, but some might get more shut down so just look out for that.


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sorry if this has been brought up somewhere in the 120 pages that've been accumulated, but how would something like SD pulsed with low dose clomid or nolva on the off days? i could see you recovering very well but i could also see the point of view that if u blocked the estrogen receptors SD might not be as potent, kinda like running nolva with test.


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sorry if this has been brought up somewhere in the 120 pages that've been accumulated, but how would something like SD pulsed with low dose clomid or nolva on the off days? i could see you recovering very well but i could also see the point of view that if u blocked the estrogen receptors SD might not be as potent, kinda like running nolva with test.
That takes the point of pulsing out, less sides and harm to your body. Nolva and clomid are toxic just like sd so that is why most people dose testboosters on off days not nolva. just my 2 cents


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If your lifting schedule has 5+ days a week of lifting you're kinda screwed with pulsing because some days get the steroids and some don't.

I REALLY think that pulsing + DC training are made for each other. They're both 3x a week, and the extra strength and recovery from the pulse is perfect for DC training. I'm going to do this sometime in the future... in the meantime i recommend anyone pulsing 3x a week to try DC training.

The test booster on off days is so optional IMO. When i did a pulse i did nothing on off days. Your body rebounds its test production naturally. A test booster won't hurt but I felt like its unnecessary. I felt like the shutdown from my 8 week Epi pulse was like, negligible.


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I REALLY think that pulsing + DC training are made for each other. They're both 3x a week, and the extra strength and recovery from the pulse is perfect for DC training. I'm going to do this sometime in the future... in the meantime i recommend anyone pulsing 3x a week to try DC training.
So you think just sticking with 3 x a week tops on the pulse with DC is enough? No training more than 3 days? I havent read up too much on DC training but is it similar to the ol 5x5ish?

The test booster on off days is so optional IMO. When i did a pulse i did nothing on off days. Your body rebounds its test production naturally. A test booster won't hurt but I felt like its unnecessary. I felt like the shutdown from my 8 week Epi pulse was like, negligible.
Yeah, but your a machine.. an unreal one at that! Carrying more mass than most so prob wasnt as strong for you.

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