Getting Primed for the stage CEO Style with some other nice goodies



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FYI - Final Pink Magic review posted in my log DW since you are taking it, thought you and the others might want to read.

As for the pie filling, that has to be all sugar and high GI carbs... it is sickly sweet so it will surely do what you want it to.
Cool, have read a lot of your feedback already pretty exciting...

Yah or fruity and tangy for when you get sick of sweet...

Yeah baby! Cherry, and blueberry seemed the highest sugar out fo the 4 I looked into at Wally World. I am thinking what if I take 2 table spoons of of Waximaize and stir it into the filling. Talk about carb dense!!!!!!!!!! However I hear that WMS actually clumps and stays in your gut a while too so not sure if it will be a great addition or not.

Oh yeah all of the fruit pie filling I looked at were fat free DW.
Strawberry Rhubarb!! Peach!!

there's always room for pie!!!!
Oh we'll make room, I get it's dynamite on low fat yogurt too!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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actually filling covering a hefty scoop of low fat FROZEN yogurt sounds even better!!!


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actually filling covering a hefty scoop of low fat FROZEN yogurt sounds even better!!!
That's how the carb up will start, 4 cups of spaghetti and for desert 2 cups frozen yogurt smothered in Strawberry Rhubarb pie filling... :tongue2:


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Or when you are tired of syrup on your pancakes just dump a half can of pie filling on your flapjacks!


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I so wish I had a good quality waffle iron that made those thick waffles. MMMMMMM that would be awesome


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Or when you are tired of syrup on your pancakes just dump a half can of pie filling on your flapjacks!
Ohh yah... great idea...or on french toast or waffles.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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you 2 are KILLING ME hahahaha
Army Guy

Army Guy

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ohhhh sweet justice is served!!!!


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Damn...a french toast with pie filling sandwich. Throw some powdered sugar around just for sh!ts and giggles.


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And much sooner too DW. What day is your show going to be? Do you plan to adjust your carb ups to to peak for a specific day? I am thinkin for a Saturday show stopping refeed Tuesday night and then flushing water wed-fri on normal carbs should put us ready for a Saturday show.


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Yeah I hadn't been eyeballing supposedly "empty calorie" products like that at all. HaHa that stuff justpopped in my head of things I would want to eat but never get too. Checked and they fit the bill perfectly Yeah BABY!


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agreed my friend!!! and don't forget to be willing to wear a yak hair thong... or was that just what met wears when posing for Irish Cannon???
If he does that I am reporting the thread LOL.


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And much sooner too DW. What day is your show going to be? Do you plan to adjust your carb ups to to peak for a specific day? I am thinkin for a Saturday show stopping refeed Tuesday night and then flushing water wed-fri on normal carbs should put us ready for a Saturday show.
That's my plan, I should start to peak on Friday night and it's easy to hold from there, just keep the carbs up cut the water on Saturday morning. It's a cake walk... well a low fat cake walk... hey there's 0 fat muffin mix, you could make that into a cake and use chocolate syrup for icing... all 0 fat!!


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That's my plan, I should start to peak on Friday night and it's easy to hold from there, just keep the carbs up cut the water on Saturday morning. It's a cake walk... well a low fat cake walk... hey there's 0 fat muffin mix, you could make that into a cake and use chocolate syrup for icing... all 0 fat!!
Hmnn sounds like a new AI product LOL.


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Last night had it's up's and downs and before I get into it, I just wanted to say what the fug am I doing!! 5.5 weeks out of contest trying to lift 5's for as heavy as I can, what's wrong with this picture lol I will finish but going to tone it down and do good reps to finish off. Time I took my head out of my azz. We really do some stupid things sometimes...

That being said I hit 290 on front squats for 2 sets of 5, crushed them but my knees took a pounding.
90 lbs db's for chest press db touching, hey I did it! This was definitely the way to go for my shoulder
Lat Pulldown 185 X 5 X 2
Bent over rows 210 X 5 X 2 getting a little jerky now
Push press 155 X 3 2 on the second hit the wall!!
Decline tri ext 130 X 5 X 2 rough but got it done
O bar curl 145 X 5 X 2 had to cheat them up and fight the negatives, good isolation on the biceps though.
Seated Calf Raise 180 X 5 X 2 if I remember correctly...

I was a little bummed about the push press but I have lost 27.5 lbs in less than 3 and a half months and I was down to 205.5 at last nights weigh in, that's almost 7 lbs in 2.5 weeks. I'm ok for some lifts but push press is the toughest part of this routine. It's not so much strength but endurance that maybe causing this.

Looks like I will hit my goal of 205 a couple weeks early. I will shoot for 202 in the next 2 weeks and then it's cruisin time. I have reduced my cardio and will continue to do so if weight continues to drop too fast. So the blitz is coming to an end, it's not as crazy from here on but will have to monitor it very closely. Not quite cruising yet but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now.


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Good stuff DW, nice not to be trying to race to meet the dead line. Strong Front squats man!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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agreed, way to kill it DW!!!


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Good stuff DW, nice not to be trying to race to meet the dead line. Strong Front squats man!
agreed, way to kill it DW!!!
Thanks guys, and on that subject I was just admiring some separation I am show in my quads .. whoo hoo!! Going to finish the job with some super set leg press/extensions. Nice and slow... that's the way to do it nice and slow... drop sets included.

Oh and if I show up big time at the show, my prize could be a free trip to Las Vegas to compete at the worlds!! As if I needed any more motivation... Really have to hit the nail on the head though. Good reason for remaining in my own category though.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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when does the vegas one take place
Army Guy

Army Guy

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sweet, that's plenty of time to revamp and hit that one hard


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That would be very cool. 2.5 years and i can move into masters category. ;)


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sweet, that's plenty of time to revamp and hit that one hard
Yah won't get into too bad of shape then maybe prep only about 10 weeks... oops chickens being counted ... not yet .. hatched!!

That would be very cool. 2.5 years and i can move into masters category. ;)
It doesn't necessarly get any easier the Masters division is often the toughest nowadays. Grandmasters not so much... but the worlds had some real freaks last year...

Great work DW!!!
Thanks Don...


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Oh my first few into the masters will be doubles. I will be in masters and open or advance or the pro, where-ever I am in 2.5 years... If I gain 6 lbs a year of pure muscle that will have me really around 14-15 lbs heavier, on my frame that would easily make me competitive with anyone on stage. Yeah in BB most of us are just settling down enough to really dedicate some time to perfecting things at that age. Most of them have built muscle for years and years. With todays supps 40 is not older anymore when it comes to putting on mass gains.


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Oh my first few into the masters will be doubles. I will be in masters and open or advance or the pro, where-ever I am in 2.5 years... If I gain 6 lbs a year of pure muscle that will have me really around 14-15 lbs heavier, on my frame that would easily make me competitive with anyone on stage. Yeah in BB most of us are just settling down enough to really dedicate some time to perfecting things at that age. Most of them have built muscle for years and years. With todays supps 40 is not older anymore when it comes to putting on mass gains.
Though I am not a competitor and don't see that changing in the future (who knows though), I have to agree with what you are saying about those competitors in your age range that are bringing their best to the stage. I am just now learning to listen to my body and recognize what I respond to well and how to get the changes I want. I really don't see me reaching my long term goals for a few years because of that and until I get some years of training with different routines and diet combos, I won't know what works best. As for the supp portion, we all know that the game has changed over the last few years, ahem, all we need to do is look at DW. The guy is a freaking beast, is 51 and trains as a natural athlete. Truly the game has changed completely.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Last night had it's up's and downs and before I get into it, I just wanted to say what the fug am I doing!! 5.5 weeks out of contest trying to lift 5's for as heavy as I can, what's wrong with this picture lol I will finish but going to tone it down and do good reps to finish off. Time I took my head out of my azz. We really do some stupid things sometimes...

That being said I hit 290 on front squats for 2 sets of 5, crushed them but my knees took a pounding.
90 lbs db's for chest press db touching, hey I did it! This was definitely the way to go for my shoulder
Lat Pulldown 185 X 5 X 2
Bent over rows 210 X 5 X 2 getting a little jerky now
Push press 155 X 3 2 on the second hit the wall!!
Decline tri ext 130 X 5 X 2 rough but got it done
O bar curl 145 X 5 X 2 had to cheat them up and fight the negatives, good isolation on the biceps though.
Seated Calf Raise 180 X 5 X 2 if I remember correctly...

I was a little bummed about the push press but I have lost 27.5 lbs in less than 3 and a half months and I was down to 205.5 at last nights weigh in, that's almost 7 lbs in 2.5 weeks. I'm ok for some lifts but push press is the toughest part of this routine. It's not so much strength but endurance that maybe causing this.

Looks like I will hit my goal of 205 a couple weeks early. I will shoot for 202 in the next 2 weeks and then it's cruisin time. I have reduced my cardio and will continue to do so if weight continues to drop too fast. So the blitz is coming to an end, it's not as crazy from here on but will have to monitor it very closely. Not quite cruising yet but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
Great workout and great body fat loss Doug. You have lost a lot in those 3.5 months. I am impressed.


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Though I am not a competitor and don't see that changing in the future (who knows though), I have to agree with what you are saying about those competitors in your age range that are bringing their best to the stage. I am just now learning to listen to my body and recognize what I respond to well and how to get the changes I want. I really don't see me reaching my long term goals for a few years because of that and until I get some years of training with different routines and diet combos, I won't know what works best. As for the supp portion, we all know that the game has changed over the last few years, ahem, all we need to do is look at DW. The guy is a freaking beast, is 51 and trains as a natural athlete. Truly the game has changed completely.
Thanks ... Beat, yah that appeals to me... :smirk:

Great workout and great body fat loss Doug. You have lost a lot in those 3.5 months. I am impressed.
Yah more than I figured, I've been away for a while had my body fat estimations about 2-3% too low. All good now that I am on track..


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Just posing practice last night, it went very well, I altered one pose to enhance theatrical effect... nothing major. I continue to be able to pose very hard on PM.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Just posing practice last night, it went very well, I altered one pose to enhance theatrical effect... nothing major. I continue to be able to pose very hard on PM.
Things are rounding into shape. Bro you have done a ton of work and are reaping the benefits.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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almost to the home stretch my friend!!!


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Things are rounding into shape. Bro you have done a ton of work and are reaping the benefits.
almost to the home stretch my friend!!!
Yah, I'm at the point where I'm wracking my brains to come up with additional improvements but coming up empty. I will just spend a lot more timer perfecting my routine and on posing.


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Yah, I'm at the point where I'm wracking my brains to come up with additional improvements but coming up empty. I will just spend a lot more timer perfecting my routine and on posing.
What a horrible place to be, being so lined out that your only worries are posing improvement. It doesn't get much better than that during a prep.


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What a horrible place to be, being so lined out that your only worries are posing improvement. It doesn't get much better than that during a prep.
Yah you're right, I still have worries but I am currently doing all I can so now to keep looking for ways to improve.


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SOOBED!!!!!!!!!!!!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:
Thanks... a lot gone down here, but the carb loading process, may be of particular interest, I will be doing another "SkipLoad" this weekend with pics and will break the whole thing down as well.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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DW you could write this all up, and between you and Kleen sell it as a book. I would gladly be your manager!!! LOL


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DW you could write this all up, and between you and Kleen sell it as a book. I would gladly be your manager!!! LOL
The guy who invented it may take offence... :tongue2:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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The guy who invented it may take offence... :tongue2:
true, but the two of you perfected it... besides... I want to make a few random phone calls and send a few random emails as your manager and make millions!!! :drive:


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true, but the two of you perfected it... besides... I want to make a few random phone calls and send a few random emails as your manager and make millions!!! :drive:
The guy trains pros, so he helps design it for each individual. He actually charges to do this so it's hard to find a lot of really specific information about it. I got a good idea of the concept though and turns out it's pretty simple to do once you get it worked out. Yah there's money to be made here but the best way would be to design it towards normal dieters. Come up with your own version for the layman. Then rename it, that's basically what he did, except he designs it for bodybuilders. There's a lot of dieting concepts I've learned recently that would go a long way to fatten one's wallet. You just have to get the right spin on it. Some of it's been touched on by others but the whole package should be put together. More research would have to be done to come up with the propper parameters based on things like body type. Calculations could be made based on a basic set of criteria... That's the thing cookie cutter doesn't work but a correctly designed generic solution that considers all the criteria thus being very flexible. That's a program that might work. I would have to start with a data model of all the pertinent criteria...

Even how often you eat is based on body type, how much cardio you should do.. etc... You'd use the criteria to calculate the daily intake (would be a macro cycle of course) and your refeeds would be in ratio to that intake...cuz refeeding is a big selling point... Morning fasted cardio, nutrient partitioning. Everything all rolled into one program. Would take a year to design then to test and figure out the calculations.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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well DW you have my complete support. While you smart guys work on it, I'll buy the snacks.
Seriously though, it would be great to incorporate this into the MyAM Space portion. They already have a lot of that built. Then they could have a few experts on there monitoring things for those willing to pay a small fee, like the Gold Membership and such. I think the science is there both for the dieters as well as the science for the site...
some good thoughts DW


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well DW you have my complete support. While you smart guys work on it, I'll buy the snacks.
Seriously though, it would be great to incorporate this into the MyAM Space portion. They already have a lot of that built. Then they could have a few experts on there monitoring things for those willing to pay a small fee, like the Gold Membership and such. I think the science is there both for the dieters as well as the science for the site...
some good thoughts DW
Yah to do it right, would have to incorporate a lot of different areas of expertise. I will be discussing such things with my mentor when he comes down.


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The guy trains pros, so he helps design it for each individual. He actually charges to do this so it's hard to find a lot of really specific information about it. I got a good idea of the concept though and turns out it's pretty simple to do once you get it worked out. Yah there's money to be made here but the best way would be to design it towards normal dieters. Come up with your own version for the layman. Then rename it, that's basically what he did, except he designs it for bodybuilders. There's a lot of dieting concepts I've learned recently that would go a long way to fatten one's wallet. You just have to get the right spin on it. Some of it's been touched on by others but the whole package should be put together. More research would have to be done to come up with the propper parameters based on things like body type. Calculations could be made based on a basic set of criteria... That's the thing cookie cutter doesn't work but a correctly designed generic solution that considers all the criteria thus being very flexible. That's a program that might work. I would have to start with a data model of all the pertinent criteria...

Even how often you eat is based on body type, how much cardio you should do.. etc... You'd use the criteria to calculate the daily intake (would be a macro cycle of course) and your refeeds would be in ratio to that intake...cuz refeeding is a big selling point... Morning fasted cardio, nutrient partitioning. Everything all rolled into one program. Would take a year to design then to test and figure out the calculations.
Retirement plan right there DW. Could make you one wealthy Canuck!


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Retirement plan right there DW. Could make you one wealthy Canuck!
Yah and one of my Trainees just opened a holisitic treatment center, she has some good connections.


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Last night I backed off a bit on some exercises Front squat went back down to 250 as my knees took a pretty bad beating as the weight went up...

I was able to increase on the incline db press to 95 lb db's as I am using the method where the db's touch it puts less stess on my shoulder.

Lat pulldown went up to 185

Bent over rows up to 215

Push press I did not go up from 155 but got one more rep on the first set for 4 reps bombed on the second set got 2 and 3/4...

Went back down to 125 on decline tri extension for good reps

O curl I just had to go for 155 which may be a PR for 5 reps, it was pretty jerky but I worked the negatives and believe me my arms were fuggin huge!! I love this method for heavy weight .. cheat it up and fight the negative, will have your arms growing like crazy!!

Want up on calf raise 155

I was looking vascular and big in the gym, I weighed in 208!! wow that is freaky up 2.5 lbs since Tuesday? I have been easing the carbs up so by the size I was seeing I know I was holding more glycogen, so that's part of it. Plus I ate an extra half cup of rice before the workout as PM seems to be using up carbs more.

In the interest of caution I am taking my cardio back up to 4 hours, I don't think I've gained fat but I probably didn't lose any either, which is ok provided I make he right adjustments.

As far as diet is concerned I will only eat Chicken, Fish and Veal leg from here on in and the Chicken for only 2 more weeks after that it's 400 grams Fish and 400 veal every day for 3 weeks. It does not seem to be necessary to get rid of any more carbs but I will go back to where I had them 100-120 on low days and 200 on moderate. I will keep the refeed day but some times it may not be the full load.

Carb up starts tonight after I take some pics...

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