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Do you guys cycle off formeron or stay on most of the time? Does this product lose effectiveness if you don't cycle it?
I know personally a handful of guys who have been on it for 3-4 years plus with no stopping.
Doesnt lose potency.

Also this depends on the use. Solo for test boosting 1-2 pumps is pretty safe and sane.
Even 4+ pumps is relatively safe when compared to pretty much every other anabolic substance.
I think higher doses should be cycles. Low dose is ok long term.


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I haven't since I started almost 2 months ago. I found that it takes some time to get dialed in right because it is a td and the pump isn't going to be accurate, so you go by looks. 1 fast pump isn't noticed, 2 fast pumps is ideal for me for dryness, mood, and strength. 3 fast pumps makes me lethargic and unmotivated.

No question it works, just have to know how much/little.
The lethargic and unmotivated = estro is too low.


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Here is the thing....Formeron will elevate test levels but we are not talking anything like a 500mg test cycle which is a low level cycle.
And..unless hes using 4-6+ pumps daily its not androgenic enough to be an issue. Might be your friend already has the symptoms of male pattern balding and even a slight DHT increase makes it worse.....the bad news is this means his hair is gonna fall out either way so...,why fight it.
Guys go bald every day...most not on anything at all.

Secondly...I have more than one friend who uses the Formeron to prevent androgenic sides and it seems to work well for them.
At any least you now have a second bottle of Formeron ;)
Yeah he may be very DHT sensitive. The thing is I think he's being used propecia for the last few years so even more of a reason why I think it's all in his head. It may have changed the texture or something, anything androgens kills his hair.
Surely if he's on propecia would prevent it anyways but I did read it can be counterproductive with arimidex (a different anti aromatase)

Haha some people like to hold onto their hair.

One bottle lasts forever as well! Bonus for me! ;)


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For all you possible propecia users and using anti aromatase. This study is done on dogs though haha still interesting to see, considering it can actually help increase DHT and test. This is only measured in da balls as well ;)

Prostate. 1998 Oct 1;37(2):70-6.
Effect of dual inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase on spontaneously developed canine prostatic hypertrophy.
Suzuki K, Okazaki H, Ono Y, Kurokawa K, Suzuki T, Onuma E, Takanashi H, Mamiya Y, Yamanaka H.
Department of Urology, Gunma University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan. [email protected]

BACKGROUND: Our aim was to assess the effect of dual inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase on prostate glands. METHODS: We investigated the morphological changes in the prostate gland and the changes in the hormonal environment after administration of finasteride and arimidex to intact canine specimens. The study consisted of four groups: a 5-alpha-reductase only group (5RI only, n = 5); a 5RI plus aromatase-inhibitor combination group (5RI + ARI combination, n = 5); a BPH control group (n = 3); and a castration control group (n = 3). Finasteride (1 mg/kg/day) and the same dose of arimidex were orally administered for 80 days. RESULTS: In the 5RI group, a significant decrease in the serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level was found, and prostatic volume was significantly decreased. However, significant increases in serum testosterone (T) and DHT levels were observed, with a concomitant increase in prostatic volume in the 5RI + ARI combination group. Morphometric analysis showed that histopathological findings in the 5RI + ARI combination group were similar to those in the BPH control group. CONCLUSIONS: Dual inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase and aromatase resulted in a significant increase in prostate volume, accompanied by a 3-10-fold increase in serum testosterone levels and a significant increase in testicular volume.


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So I've been off of formeron for about a day and a half and I noticed my testicles are pulled tight against my scrotum. On the formeron they were always hanging very low. Is this something I need to worry about? I'm using some other natty test boosters as well right now. (Tongkat Ali, massularia, bulbine natalensis, horny goat weed, IGF 2, fenugreek, DIM bioresponse 150)


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So I've been off of formeron for about a day and a half and I noticed my testicles are pulled tight against my scrotum. On the formeron they were always hanging very low. Is this something I need to worry about? I'm using some other natty test boosters as well right now. (Tongkat Ali, massularia, bulbine natalensis, horny goat weed, IGF 2, fenugreek, DIM bioresponse 150)
Im not sure this has anything to do with or without Formeron.
From experience running a million steroid cycles I can tell you your balls go through so serious changes when androgens are introduces and when they are withdrawn. Mine would often ache alot when I started a cycle and when I stopped the cycle. Eventually this stopped and Im on lifetime HRT lol.

For you, running natty test boosters I dont think there is an issue. I would, however, make sure your using test boosers and not phytoandrogens.
Some boost test,...some mimic it which will reduce test.


Im not sure this has anything to do with or without Formeron.
From experience running a million steroid cycles I can tell you your balls go through so serious changes when androgens are introduces and when they are withdrawn. Mine would often ache alot when I started a cycle and when I stopped the cycle. Eventually this stopped and Im on lifetime HRT lol.

For you, running natty test boosters I dont think there is an issue. I would, however, make sure your using test boosers and not phytoandrogens.
Some boost test,...some mimic it which will reduce test.
Oh ok I understand. I'm just trying to cycle some of these products ya know? I dont want to be irresponsible. Its definitely a head game though. The first day without formeron made me kind of pissed. I liked the aggression and the feeling of being on something that's helping. Good news is my joints aren't cracking as much lol


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Running a formeron, dermacrine and epi cycle soon. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate the Formeron in both the cycle and post cycle.

I'm going to run epi 60mg for 6 weeks and I will go higher if derma can hold off lethargy. Preload derma two weeks and run along epi for 6 weeks. Pct will be toremifene and d-pol. How would I properly dose formeron through out. Cycle goal is to recomp/cut after a bulk cycle. My thoughts are 2 pumps a day throughout cycle and 1 pump every other day during pct. Please advise

Fyi-ordered two bottle of derma and two bottle of Formeron


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Transdermal application is very common for medications.
Particularly for hormones. Think Androgel. Transdermal is more efficient that oral administration for many compounds as it bypasses the stomach and GI tract and allows for better uptake of the active ingredients.

As for sweating. Apply to the upper chest, neck and shoulders. As you sweat your pores will open and youll absorb more than a normal person.
This is why we recommend applying after a shower because your pores are open and accept the supplement better.
Try not to use your hands to apply as they are TERRIBLE for absorption and you waste everything on your hand. Instead use your forearm to run the gel in.
From my understanding, the biggest benefit transdermals offer vs. orals when it comes to, well pretty much any hormone is transdermals do not undergo first-pass metabolism at the liver. there is a reason oral synthetic hormones (steroids) are alkylated at the C-17 position, to allow it the hormone molecule to make it through first pass metabolism. correct me if i'm wrong, however that basic understanding comes from years of studying drug metabolism.


How long do I have to wait before I can go tanning after applying formeron?


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Running a formeron, dermacrine and epi cycle soon. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate the Formeron in both the cycle and post cycle.

I'm going to run epi 60mg for 6 weeks and I will go higher if derma can hold off lethargy. Preload derma two weeks and run along epi for 6 weeks. Pct will be toremifene and d-pol. How would I properly dose formeron through out. Cycle goal is to recomp/cut after a bulk cycle. My thoughts are 2 pumps a day throughout cycle and 1 pump every other day during pct. Please advise

Fyi-ordered two bottle of derma and two bottle of Formeron


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From my understanding, the biggest benefit transdermals offer vs. orals when it comes to, well pretty much any hormone is transdermals do not undergo first-pass metabolism at the liver. there is a reason oral synthetic hormones (steroids) are alkylated at the C-17 position, to allow it the hormone molecule to make it through first pass metabolism. correct me if i'm wrong, however that basic understanding comes from years of studying drug metabolism.
If say you made an anadrol transdermal. (Im not sure this is possible just an example) you would still experience liver strain fro the methylation.
THis is the same if you inject winny or anadrol. No matter how it gets in it still causes liver stress.

Where transdermal is preferred is in the case of a NON methylated hormone. Often these get destroyed in the stomach and intestines and are poorly absorbed.
Testosterone is a great example. Eat some test.....nothing happens. Apply it transdermally, however, and it works well.
This is because we bypass the GI tract and get right into the bloodstream. actually VERY good orally. I dont know where the myth started but its actually better orally than TD. I think the myth started because the companies selling it were dosing it at 25mg which is stupid.
100mg is the lowest dose I would use orally. 250+ is AMAZING. 500 feels like winstrol....of course this gets pricey.


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Running a formeron, dermacrine and epi cycle soon. I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate the Formeron in both the cycle and post cycle.

I'm going to run epi 60mg for 6 weeks and I will go higher if derma can hold off lethargy. Preload derma two weeks and run along epi for 6 weeks. Pct will be toremifene and d-pol. How would I properly dose formeron through out. Cycle goal is to recomp/cut after a bulk cycle. My thoughts are 2 pumps a day throughout cycle and 1 pump every other day during pct. Please advise

Fyi-ordered two bottle of derma and two bottle of Formeron
EPI was originally used as an AI correct? I would not combine Formeron and EPI. Joint pain and severe lethargy and depression and depressed libido will likely arise.

I have read conflicting things in this regard. If its not an AI then run it like you had outlined. 2 pumps on and 1 off.


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EPI was originally used as an AI correct? I would not combine Formeron and EPI. Joint pain and severe lethargy and depression and depressed libido will likely arise.

I have read conflicting things in this regard. If its not an AI then run it like you had outlined. 2 pumps on and 1 off.
Epi is very dry and does have an anti estrogen effect but I've never read or heard of it used as an ai.


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Epi solo I didn't need an ai and was very dry. However on test and epi, I blew up like a balloon.


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Good luck with derma and lethargy. Derma has never done anything to help my lethargy on cycle or off. Oral DHEA really helps though. I personally like to use Diesel Test Hardcore while on cycle and off. I has both DHEA and pregnenalone plus a bunch of other goodies. I really helps with recovery and lethargy.


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Epi solo I didn't need an ai and was very dry. However on test and epi, I blew up like a balloon.
I'm not using test but I am using dermacrine which is nothing like test but derma has caused gyno symptoms for a few of the people I know personally


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Ok my first application was applied today. High quality bottle and it was very easy to apply and it dried in seconds.

I won't say a con but I thought it was funny that it mildly smells like my grandmothers perfume and it left hardly noticeable glitter on my forarms.


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I'm not using test but I am using dermacrine which is nothing like test but derma has caused gyno symptoms for a few of the people I know personally
I know that. But I'm saying don't rule out the formeron just in case.


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Ok my first application was applied today. High quality bottle and it was very easy to apply and it dried in seconds.

I won't say a con but I thought it was funny that it mildly smells like my grandmothers perfume and it left hardly noticeable glitter on my forarms.
Yeah some of my favorite stuff. I rub until I feel it go smooth, dries and no residue.


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Epi is very dry and does have an anti estrogen effect but I've never read or heard of it used as an ai.
Then you should be good to go.
2+ pumps on cycle and 1+ during pct is good.
The higher the dose the more anabolic it is.


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Dear Brundel,

A month ago felt pain in my left nipple and decided to use 40 mg of tamoxifen for a month. It worked! but now I have vision problems as a side effect of tamoxifen. Then, I did a blood test to measure my total estrogen levels and the results were "261 pg/mL" that according to the range expected shown by the laboratory this should be betweet "40 - 115 pg/mL". Now I have Formeron, DAA, Mucuna Pruriens (Standarized to 98% L-DOPA), Vitamin D and Zinc Picolinate in my NP cart to use them all to try to low my extremely high estrogen levels... this also is seriously affecting me in my libido and sexual performance.

Please tell me something! Will Formeron and the other things help me? --- Thanks in advance


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Dear Brundel,

A month ago felt pain in my left nipple and decided to use 40 mg of tamoxifen for a month. It worked! but now I have vision problems as a side effect of tamoxifen. Then, I did a blood test to measure my total estrogen levels and the results were "261 pg/mL" that according to the range expected shown by the laboratory this should be betweet "40 - 115 pg/mL". Now I have Formeron, DAA, Mucuna Pruriens (Standarized to 98% L-DOPA), Vitamin D and Zinc Picolinate in my NP cart to use them all to try to low my extremely high estrogen levels... this also is seriously affecting me in my libido and sexual performance.

Please tell me something! Will Formeron and the other things help me? --- Thanks in advance
Hey bud,

Sorry to hear about your negative experience. 40mg tamox is about 4 times the normal dose I would recommend!!!!

At any rate, I think I would start with the Formeron only. DAA can significantly elevate estrogen levels and we dont want anything working against us!
Ldopa, D, and zinc will also elevate test levels significantly which could lead to even more estrogen. While I would recommend these for increasing test levels I would not recommend them under the current circumstances.

Start an aggressive dose of Formeron 3-4 pumps daily for a week then back off to 1 pump am 1 pump pm.
The Formeron will reduce the estrogen and will increase test levels with no need for other products. I saw bloodwork from one customer whos test level was 81ng/dl. After 6 days at 2 pumps Formeron it went to 700! and his Free test was double the range!

Get the rest of the stuff if you want but wait till you feel better before starting it.
I think in 2 weeks or so you should be good as new using the Formeron only. I know how you feel. I got lazy recently and kept putting off grabbing a new bottle of Formeron from work. My libido crashed and I felt terrible. My estro was 200% of the ref range lol. 1 week on FOrmeron and I feel 100% better.

Please check back in and let me know how your doing.
If you have any other questions or anything is unclear feel free to ask :)


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Ok my first application was applied today. High quality bottle and it was very easy to apply and it dried in seconds.

I won't say a con but I thought it was funny that it mildly smells like my grandmothers perfume and it left hardly noticeable glitter on my forarms.
The "glitter" is just formestane that didnt make it through the skin.
I like to apply some alcohol based hand sanitizer about 15 min after the Formeron. It helps force more through. Make sure its the kind with aloe or vit E so skin doesnt get dry. The scent is called eau de Granny and its made primarily from tiny pieces of doilies and old knitting yarn from my grandmothers house.


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The "glitter" is just formestane that didnt make it through the skin.
I like to apply some alcohol based hand sanitizer about 15 min after the Formeron. It helps force more through. Make sure its the kind with aloe or vit E so skin doesnt get dry. The scent is called eau de Granny and its made primarily from tiny pieces of doilies and old knitting yarn from my grandmothers house.
I like eau de Granny.
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Itll come in these.



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Itll come in these. <img src=""/>
Nice.... In to be the first to log this Lol


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Hey bud,

Sorry to hear about your negative experience. 40mg tamox is about 4 times the normal dose I would recommend!!!!

At any rate, I think I would start with the Formeron only. DAA can significantly elevate estrogen levels and we dont want anything working against us!
Ldopa, D, and zinc will also elevate test levels significantly which could lead to even more estrogen. While I would recommend these for increasing test levels I would not recommend them under the current circumstances.

Start an aggressive dose of Formeron 3-4 pumps daily for a week then back off to 1 pump am 1 pump pm.
The Formeron will reduce the estrogen and will increase test levels with no need for other products. I saw bloodwork from one customer whos test level was 81ng/dl. After 6 days at 2 pumps Formeron it went to 700! and his Free test was double the range!

Get the rest of the stuff if you want but wait till you feel better before starting it.
I think in 2 weeks or so you should be good as new using the Formeron only. I know how you feel. I got lazy recently and kept putting off grabbing a new bottle of Formeron from work. My libido crashed and I felt terrible. My estro was 200% of the ref range lol. 1 week on FOrmeron and I feel 100% better.

Please check back in and let me know how your doing.
If you have any other questions or anything is unclear feel free to ask :)

Well, I finally got my NP order with Formeron in it (took awhile since I live in Dominican Republic). Today I started with 6 pumps and I'm gonna stick to that protocol for 7 days and then drop the dosage at 4 pumps until I finish the bottle. I'm also including since Day 1 the following: Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Omega-3, CoQ10 and some Alpha Lipoic Acid before meals. Next week I'm gonna start training and I'll be running a PH named Stano (3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one) at 600mg a day + BCAA and Myofusion.

I'll keep you posted ;-)


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Well, I finally got my NP order with Formeron in it (took awhile since I live in Dominican Republic). Today I started with 6 pumps and I'm gonna stick to that protocol for 7 days and then drop the dosage at 4 pumps until I finish the bottle. I'm also including since Day 1 the following: Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Omega-3, CoQ10 and some Alpha Lipoic Acid before meals. Next week I'm gonna start training and I'll be running a PH named Stano (3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one) at 600mg a day + BCAA and Myofusion.

I'll keep you posted ;-)
I hope you got a few bottles. Itll go super fast at that dose.
I can tell you for certain though that at that dose its incredible.


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I am planning on using Formeron a few times a week for aesthetic purposes. I am not on exogenous testosterone or other AAS, nor have I ever been. I believe I have above average levels of estrogen, and this gives me a watery, bloated face. I hope Formeron will help rid me of this. However, I am concerned about potential acceleration of MPB. I know that this is dependent on DHT levels. The FAQ says that Formeron is an 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, but it will also raise levels of testosterone. Do you suppose that Formeron will make my DHT levels higher or lower than they were to begin with? My current level of serum testosterone is 650 ng/dl in case that's relevant.


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I am planning on using Formeron a few times a week for aesthetic purposes. I am not on exogenous testosterone or other AAS, nor have I ever been. I believe I have above average levels of estrogen, and this gives me a watery, bloated face. I hope Formeron will help rid me of this. However, I am concerned about potential acceleration of MPB. I know that this is dependent on DHT levels. The FAQ says that Formeron is an 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, but it will also raise levels of testosterone. Do you suppose that Formeron will make my DHT levels higher or lower than they were to begin with? My current level of serum testosterone is 650 ng/dl in case that's relevant.
If you read previous posts, formeron destroyed my friends hair and it actually ended up ruining my hair as well! This was only 2 pumps a day. I didn't get bloods but my aggression and temper was so high, I was getting mad at the smallest things and that tells me my DHT was high plus test.

The only difference was my friend was on propecia so I am thinking it made the propecia useless while on formeron. I think he went to get bloods and told me DHT was skyrocketed so I highly doubt formeron has a strong affinity to DHT inhibiting. But as I said there was a study I posted that shows propecia & AI actually increases DHT ten fold, so I really think it renders propecia useless so it makes the hair have no medication for how long you are on formeron.

In saying all this it definitely increases test. So therefore you're going to get a DHT increase while also dropping estrogen so you look and feel awesome ;)

Fantastic AI


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If you read previous posts, formeron destroyed my friends hair and it actually ended up ruining my hair as well! This was only 2 pumps a day. I didn't get bloods but my aggression and temper was so high, I was getting mad at the smallest things and that tells me my DHT was high plus test.

The only difference was my friend was on propecia so I am thinking it made the propecia useless while on formeron. I think he went to get bloods and told me DHT was skyrocketed so I highly doubt formeron has a strong affinity to DHT inhibiting. But as I said there was a study I posted that shows propecia & AI actually increases DHT ten fold, so I really think it renders propecia useless so it makes the hair have no medication for how long you are on formeron.

In saying all this it definitely increases test. So therefore you're going to get a DHT increase while also dropping estrogen so you look and feel awesome ;)

Fantastic AI
Its just formestane..nothing new and its abilities have already been well documented


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If you read previous posts, formeron destroyed my friends hair and it actually ended up ruining my hair as well! This was only 2 pumps a day. I didn't get bloods but my aggression and temper was so high, I was getting mad at the smallest things and that tells me my DHT was high plus test.

The only difference was my friend was on propecia so I am thinking it made the propecia useless while on formeron. I think he went to get bloods and told me DHT was skyrocketed so I highly doubt formeron has a strong affinity to DHT inhibiting. But as I said there was a study I posted that shows propecia & AI actually increases DHT ten fold, so I really think it renders propecia useless so it makes the hair have no medication for how long you are on formeron.

In saying all this it definitely increases test. So therefore you're going to get a DHT increase while also dropping estrogen so you look and feel awesome ;)

Fantastic AI
I found your post. I have read through most of the thread, but not the last 5 pages or so.

When you say it "destroyed" your friend's hair, are you now certain it's not in his head? And you said two pumps a day? No other cycling? I only plan on two pumps per week, just to dry out a bit. I guess if that kills my hair, time will do it on its own. But ****, you unnerve me with that proposed interaction between finasteride and formestane. My backup is gone.

I'll monitor my hairline with extreme caution from the day when I apply it for the first time. If I see shedding, I'll stop immediately, wait for the aromatase to return, and then start dutasteride and get a transplant. For anyone interested, here's a link to an album with pictures of my hairline.
I will update it regularly after I start formeron.


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I have NEVER heard of Formeron causing hairloss.
For certain it is a mild 5 ar inhibitor so it reduces conversion of test to DHT. I have two friends who use it on cycle to reduce prostate enlargement and it works.
In addition its unlikely that an increase in test within normal range will cause excessive hairloss.

Also...if a guys hair is already falling out before hand and hes using Propecia to combat MPB you cant really say Formeron caused it. HIS HAIR WAS ALREADY FALLING OUT LOL.


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I have NEVER heard of Formeron causing hairloss.
For certain it is a mild 5 ar inhibitor so it reduces conversion of test to DHT. I have two friends who use it on cycle to reduce prostate enlargement and it works.
In addition its unlikely that an increase in test within normal range will cause excessive hairloss.

Also...if a guys hair is already falling out before hand and hes using Propecia to combat MPB you cant really say Formeron caused it. HIS HAIR WAS ALREADY FALLING OUT LOL.
Reading this post of yours feels like heaven. Seriously. You relieve me of more stress than any drug ever could.


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I have NEVER heard of Formeron causing hairloss.
For certain it is a mild 5 ar inhibitor so it reduces conversion of test to DHT. I have two friends who use it on cycle to reduce prostate enlargement and it works.
In addition its unlikely that an increase in test within normal range will cause excessive hairloss.

Also...if a guys hair is already falling out before hand and hes using Propecia to combat MPB you cant really say Formeron caused it. HIS HAIR WAS ALREADY FALLING OUT LOL.
I think all AI can cause hair loss.

I don't think it was formerons fault but I did think it make his propecia render less on formeron which was like him taking nothing for over a month for his hair = hair loss

I honestly believe formeron increases DHT rather than inhibits it and I believe it's more androgenic than anyone would think. I would love to see some bloods to prove that it inhibits DHT. In saying this though, high DHT is sooooo enjoyable though ;) plus something that deceases estrogen and increase test sometimes in dramatic measures is going to cause androgenic/anabolic effects.

Vascularity, aggression, libido though.... So good


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I'm still confused about products containing Formestane. I read a lot of positive reviews, so it must be a good product. I think it's fair to say that it's a legit aromatase inhibitor, which leads me to think it's used as in PCT. However it's also noted for its androgenic properties, which would make it suppressive...a definite no-no when putting together a legit PCT.

I've heard it compared to Aromasin, however Aromasin is always taken with Clomid / Nolvadex in PCT. I don't think anyone would recommend taking Aromasin as a stand-alone PCT, nor as a stand-alone anabolic.

Which leaves me wondering, where is the need of Formestane?

To be clear, I've read the comments here and elsewhere and users of Formestane products have great things to say...I'm just asking when / why are they using it (PCT, stand alone, other)?


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I donated blood and my RBC was a sweet 44, which is a great range to be in. Still getting killler results and workouts frome my Formeron,OG AB, and High Volume. I actually had the painful pumps Ive heard about, but never experienced. Awesome Stack, alongside HRT...... :)

I just started the Formeron two days ago and am wondering if Brundel had any thoughts on me using this along side TRT. The reason I ask, I have to keep an eye on my RBCs and Hemoglobin. I donate as often as possible and it seems to be working at not letting those #s get too high. Do U think adding the Formeron will increase these #s any greater while using said product ????


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Prone to hairloss and formeron has never given me any problems.


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I think all AI can cause hair loss.

I don't think it was formerons fault but I did think it make his propecia render less on formeron which was like him taking nothing for over a month for his hair = hair loss

I honestly believe formeron increases DHT rather than inhibits it and I believe it's more androgenic than anyone would think. I would love to see some bloods to prove that it inhibits DHT. In saying this though, high DHT is sooooo enjoyable though ;) plus something that deceases estrogen and increase test sometimes in dramatic measures is going to cause androgenic/anabolic effects.

Vascularity, aggression, libido though.... So good
I take supplements to intentionally raise my DHT.....I love it. ;)


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I'm still confused about products containing Formestane. I read a lot of positive reviews, so it must be a good product. I think it's fair to say that it's a legit aromatase inhibitor, which leads me to think it's used as in PCT. However it's also noted for its androgenic properties, which would make it suppressive...a definite no-no when putting together a legit PCT.

I've heard it compared to Aromasin, however Aromasin is always taken with Clomid / Nolvadex in PCT. I don't think anyone would recommend taking Aromasin as a stand-alone PCT, nor as a stand-alone anabolic.

Which leaves me wondering, where is the need of Formestane?

To be clear, I've read the comments here and elsewhere and users of Formestane products have great things to say...I'm just asking when / why are they using it (PCT, stand alone, other)?
Formestane was used for years as a prescription medication. Its not just some herb or something. Its a real pharmaceutical AI that was replaced by next gen AI's like aromasin. Formeron= formestane Aromasin = exemestane. Notice the similarity? Its not coincidence.
Formestane needed to be injected though and is considerable anabolic at high doses which is bad for primarily female breast cancer patients it was intended for so it was replaced by AI's like aromasin that have greater bioavailibility and no anabolic/androgenic effect.

At lower doses....75-175mg or so it not significantly suppressive. I know this because I have seen dozens of blood results indicating huge increase in Total and free T using Formeron. So...its great for on cycle AI and also works well for PCT.

At higher doses it will become more and more anabolic and more and more suppressive but most people dont go this high with the dose so....
Formeron is a great AI for on cycle and PCT and at higher doses is a great standalone.

Now..........why not take an AI solo for PCT?

In men estrogen is made primarily via an enzymatic conversion...


So...when estro is low the brain sends the signal to the testes (leutinizing hormone) to make more testosterone so that in turn more estrogen can be made and homeostasis is achieved, however, since we are blocking this conversion with Formestane or your AI of choice estro does not go up and test levels continue to rise.

In fact...clomid and tamox merely trick the brain into thinking estro is low by binding to selective receptors and having no effect so the brain thinks estro is low.
The down side to this is once you stop the SERM estro may still actually be elevated and test levels will plummet again.

So...for PCT AI alone is better than SERM alone but ideal is both. SERM to get things started and AI to keep estro down so when the SERM is stopped test and estro can equalize into normal ranges.


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I donated blood and my RBC was a sweet 44, which is a great range to be in. Still getting killler results and workouts frome my Formeron,OG AB, and High Volume. I actually had the painful pumps Ive heard about, but never experienced. Awesome Stack, alongside HRT...... :)
Glad to hear it!
Formeron really gives you more horsepower while on HRT....I love it :)

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