Hi I had done a cycle of your x-tren, and m-drol about 3 months ago and was very happy with the results. I saw that your ananbolics were being discontinued so I stocked up. I bought 2 bottles of eq-plex, m-drol, h-drol, D-zine, D-plex, 11 sterone, suppress-c, formestane, and 3 bottles of Stano-drol, 1 bottle of Furuza A. I am six three 238 pounds 18 percent bodyfat and 27 years old I am looking to put on lean muscle and drop bodyfat wondering if you could suggest some stacks, cycle lengths, and dosage. Oh and I have purchased many bottles of PCT and your Cycle Assit to help maxamize my gains and retain them Thank you in advance for your help