Douchebags at the gym...



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No F'n way! That's awesome.
gods honnest truth. I went up there today to catch some sun and there it was I laughed my ass off. I didnt get in the pool but I was laughing


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Must be going around, saw a guy at my gym doing that yesterday morning. With 5's on each side....
Just tell em to get the f*** out, I do!

I'm trying to talk my gym into an 80's dress up day where everyone has to wear stripped spandex hot pants, high tops and ripped golds gym singlets!! Moustache and mullets optional!!!
Kilo G

Kilo G

The response from my complex after the pool poo it made me laugh so hard
Awwww ****. That means I ain't swimming until this bottle of xplode****s is finished


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Awwww ****. That means I ain't swimming until this bottle of xplode****s is finished
Its all on the honor system. I dont think they do butt checks before you put your toe in.


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Quarter squats are catching on in my gym. There are 2 guys now that I see in the morning, both now doing quarter squats. they dont workout together so I can only guess that one learned from watching the other. and it's not like they aren't working hard in the gym, their form just sucks. one of them was doing preacher curls yesterday, put 35's on each side of an ez curl bar and then was doing quarter reps of those too. I was doing shoulders yesterday but I wanted to ask if I could work in for a set or two just to show real form to him.
I get a kick out of a kid I know from back in school. He's home now from his last year of college. Telling me how he hw preacher curls 35s and squats 405 for a couple. So I haven't even see him squat yet... In 3 weeks. Just dumb bell work. He does the preachers like you said, 35s, arms down half way the. Back up. With elbows stuck into the pad instead of arms flat on it. So he can use body leverage to help pull the weight up. Ahhhh. If only they knew.


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^ for real man. When are people going to learn curls are not a power movement. If you want to prove you're a man, deadlift or squat (parallel) something heavy. I could care less what I curl.


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^ for real man. When are people going to learn curls are not a power movement. If you want to prove you're a man, deadlift or squat (parallel) something heavy. I could care less what I curl.
I tell all my buddies "curls are for girl" because they spend too much time on arms. I say hammer the bigs, do your accessory moves faithfully, and the rest will come. I hit bits and tris with 2-3 exercises as accessory once a week each.

They wonder why they can't pull over 225 and I do double that. Kids these days.

That picture is so sad lol!


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WTF is that thing!!!! Is it a hot Asian girl???
Hey! Don't insult hot Asian chicks. I've been a lifelong fan of the Asian vagina and sweet brown asses. Smooth shiney golden tits with lil milk chocolate nipples. Mmmmmmm think its time to give wifey an afternoon delight


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Hey! Don't insult hot Asian chicks. I've been a lifelong fan of the Asian vagina and sweet brown asses. Smooth shiney golden tits with lil milk chocolate nipples. Mmmmmmm think its time to give wifey an afternoon delight
TRUTH!!!! My wife is Japanese.....****s great!!!


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I get a kick out of a kid I know from back in school. He's home now from his last year of college. Telling me how he hw preacher curls 35s and squats 405 for a couple. So I haven't even see him squat yet... In 3 weeks. Just dumb bell work. He does the preachers like you said, 35s, arms down half way the. Back up. With elbows stuck into the pad instead of arms flat on it. So he can use body leverage to help pull the weight up. Ahhhh. If only they knew.

Curling a 35lb DB is supposed to be a lot to him?? Does he weigh 140 lbs?


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Curling a 35lb DB is supposed to be a lot to him?? Does he weigh 140 lbs?
35s on a preacher bench/bar. Sorry If I was unclear. Which still isn't huge but with good form for reps that's decent for a guy lighter weight guy. He's around 200... lol. I'm low 180s and outlift him by a mile. He means no harm, he's an accidental douche LOL.


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Hey! Don't insult hot Asian chicks. I've been a lifelong fan of the Asian vagina and sweet brown asses. Smooth shiney golden tits with lil milk chocolate nipples. Mmmmmmm think its time to give wifey an afternoon delight
Damn is this the cheat meal thread cuz im feelin the need. Nice description mike!
Kilo G

Kilo G



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Hey! Don't insult hot Asian chicks. I've been a lifelong fan of the Asian vagina and sweet brown asses. Smooth shiney golden tits with lil milk chocolate nipples. Mmmmmmm think its time to give wifey an afternoon delight
all of a sudden im hungry for rice!! lmao


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So... yeah. Read this. Kid I used to go to school with, I think he is a senior now not sure... He is a cheer leader now, me and some of my buddies were lifting today and talking about all the BS because the one has a little brother in HS still. So I am making fun of this kid, see his one pic talking to one of his "bros" and come across this gem of a comment. I'll leave you guys to wonder wtf he's talking about:

Kilo G

Kilo G

So... yeah. Read this. Kid I used to go to school with, I think he is a senior now not sure... He is a cheer leader now, me and some of my buddies were lifting today and talking about all the BS because the one has a little brother in HS still. So I am making fun of this kid, see his one pic talking to one of his "bros" and come across this gem of a comment. I'll leave you guys to wonder wtf he's talking about:

<img src=""/>
There are male cheer leaders in America? What has the world come too...


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So... yeah. Read this. Kid I used to go to school with, I think he is a senior now not sure... He is a cheer leader now, me and some of my buddies were lifting today and talking about all the BS because the one has a little brother in HS still. So I am making fun of this kid, see his one pic talking to one of his "bros" and come across this gem of a comment. I'll leave you guys to wonder wtf he's talking about:

View attachment 81480
Wow someone is a little special. That pic looks very odd.
There are male cheer leaders in America? What has the world come too...
For college yes. I know of 2 guys who bodybuild who "cheered" in college. They get scholarships for it.


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Kid is a little weird. I remember some scrawny lurker. Nice enough. Oh well.

Kid I knew is a college cheerleader now and got fat as heck.


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Kid is a little weird. I remember some scrawny lurker. Nice enough. Oh well.

Kid I knew is a college cheerleader now and got fat as heck.
Does he still blow other dudes though?
...... Lmao, wake n bake humor


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Some dude spilled his drink all over the floor this morning, some sticky pink shat. Then instead of grabbing the paper towels and spray bottle that were stationed no more than 10ft from where he was standing he goes to the front desk and makes one of them grab a mop and clean up his mess. I would hate to see what that guys house looks like I bet his Mom only comes by once a month to pick up after that douche
Kilo G

Kilo G

Does he still blow other dudes though?
...... Lmao, wake n bake humor
Mother ****er!! I miss those grand wake n bakes...
Mother Russia has no good bud, and the legal status is highly illegal here. Can't wait to return to Colorado in August imma get so ****ing baked.
Kilo G

Kilo G

Does he still blow other dudes though?
...... Lmao, wake n bake humor
Lucky Mother ****er!! I miss those grand wake n bakes...
Mother Russia has no good bud, and the legal status is highly illegal here. Can't wait to return to Colorado in August imma get so ****ing baked.


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Not sure if this pic is clear enough:

He has 2 bars for curling, the bar from that squat rack and the one right next to it... Those are 5s and 2.5s on the one bar with weight.


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Not sure if this pic is clear enough:
He has 2 bars for curling, the bar from that squat rack and the one right next to it... Those are 5s and 2.5s on the one bar with weight.
Must be... hercules hercules hercules.jpg
Kilo G

Kilo G

Not sure if this pic is clear enough:

He has 2 bars for curling, the bar from that squat rack and the one right next to it... Those are 5s and 2.5s on the one bar with weight.
I'm gonna go to my gym tomorrow night when no ones around to take some pics. Ill show you ultimate douchbaggery here in Russia. We have a gym that's 24 hours, that's owned by a local oligarch, he hires anybody that asks for work. The trainers there are a disgrace to the world of athletes. Yet this gym is 10000 square meters (fing huge!) and not one piece of equipment is in the right place. I can't even explain, I don't even know where to start in order to explain lol. Let me just put it like this, you find a dumbbell that you need...(just one for now)....then you have to walk around for ten ****ing minutes looking for the other dumbbell. Ill definitely take pics tomorrow y'all will be extremely outraged and mind ****ed... As a Soviet I can say without hesitance that, that mother ****ing piece of **** Hitler was correct when he described the Russian people as swinist pigs.


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Not sure if this pic is clear enough:

He has 2 bars for curling, the bar from that squat rack and the one right next to it... Those are 5s and 2.5s on the one bar with weight.
That was me... I was goin for a new PR on rack pulls.


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Haha I should have gotten the pic with him in it but I felt like too much of a dick. Me and a couple friends were just laughing watching him curl. There's straight and bent bars about 10 feet away that have set weights that go up by 5 or 10 that he could have used but no, had to use the squat rack for safety


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Well, you always see the pics of guys that don't work legs or work them VERY LITTLE but today, I saw one in person! The guy's arms were bigger than his legs! I did see him do the seated calf raise but he was curling more with one arm when I walked in than what he was doing for calves. Lmao!


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Well, you always see the pics of guys that don't work legs or work them VERY LITTLE but today, I saw one in person! The guy's arms were bigger than his legs! I did see him do the seated calf raise but he was curling more with one arm when I walked in than what he was doing for calves. Lmao!
This dude, he's got to change his life around before it's too late.

I use the POWER RACK for a lot of exercises, because my gyms don't have dedicated squat racks. You must use the same rack for bench, deads, squats, OHP, etc at the one. The other gym does have benches thank the Lord, but I deadlift in the rack because there is no floor space at all outside to do them without getting in the way of everyone else in the gym.


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Well I was going to keep this to myself but unfortunately the Douche at the gym was me!
I was errrr distracted ( why do women insist on doing stiff legged deadlifts!!!) and managed to drop a 25 kg plate on my big toe! My first reaction was to see if anybody noticed, luckily they didn't, then I proceeded to hobble/walk to the toilet where I discovered that my toe had deffinately come off second best! Broken toe and lost the nail! Had to heat up a sharp knife to dig a couple of small holes in the nail to let the pressure of the bleeding under the nail out!!

Squatted 2 days later!!!


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Just joined a new gym, great place but no one has gym educate, they are all a bunch of territorial equipment hoarder.


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Saw a guy today do curls the entire time I was at the gym. Started off with some good old fashioned cheat hammer curls throwing his back into it the entire time. Then I saw him do some preacher curls using his opposite hand to force the rep. Then he moved on to straight bar curls throwing his back into it again. I just don't get some people


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Saw a guy today do curls the entire time I was at the gym. Started off with some good old fashioned cheat hammer curls throwing his back into it the entire time. Then I saw him do some preacher curls using his opposite hand to force the rep. Then he moved on to straight bar curls throwing his back into it again. I just don't get some people
It was back day.
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