Douchebags at the gym...



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My legs suck as well as my squat weight but injuries have kept me from proper leg work then that lead to damn near neglect out of habit from injuries. Viscous cycle. I'm now able to work on it but its hard to hold a bar once I get over 250lbs so I'm using squat variations to hopefully make up for it and build them up. So far I've had progress but my legs look skinny to me but theyre getting bigger slooowly and more toned....and I don't give a shlt I still wear shorts when I ride my bike to the gym.


Yea, I feel y'all on the calves. To me, my calves look too skinny. A few years back, when I started to get serious about lifting, my legs were lagging. I didn't wanna be one of those guys that walk around like they're all bad cuz they bench big but have to wear sweatpants cuz they got chicken legs. Man, I started hittin legs hard! And they started growing like crazy! But my calves still look small compared to my quads and hams... I just keep on truckin though, I train calves at least four times a week. They're starting to look cut, but my outside gastrocnemius doesn't flare out enough compared to the inside one...


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I have these dbag school kids at my gym, they all have no towels and go use the equipment. Then don't whipe their sweat off!

Not only that but there are 5 of them it more, so they all talk during "sets" as they call them, I call them 8 year old weights, anyway they sit there on the smith machine and talk for a good 5 mins before another set. Then they see you busting your arse, look at you and call you a try hard.


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Calf discussion /end I'm a dbag for snapping this picture


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I have these dbag school kids at my gym, they all have no towels and go use the equipment. Then don't whipe their sweat off!

Not only that but there are 5 of them it more, so they all talk during "sets" as they call them, I call them 8 year old weights, anyway they sit there on the smith machine and talk for a good 5 mins before another set. Then they see you busting your arse, look at you and call you a try hard.
Aren't you supposed to try hard in the gym? Otherwise, if it's just a group of gyms in shorts and tank tops just talking and occasionally lifting a weight, that sounds like the start of a video for men who like men. haha


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Aren't you supposed to try hard in the gym? Otherwise, if it's just a group of gyms in shorts and tank tops just talking and occasionally lifting a weight, that sounds like the start of a video for men who like men. haha
Yeah man, their like 12/13 probs don't know what poobes are or have any, just think they run the place, you get people like that?

That think they run the place...


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Yeah man, their like 12/13 probs don't know what poobes are or have any, just think they run the place, you get people like that?

That think they run the place...
Eh, not really at my gym. It has a long history. Actually, more douchebaggery comes from the grown-ups than the teens. We still have the ones that don't know what the hell they are doing or lack gym etiquette, but they don't walk around like they are bad *ss because they always see someone much bigger and stronger than them. More like acting Alpha in their own group versus over the gym.


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I guess I am a DB because I rarely train my calves :/ haha.


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Saw a guy (haven't seen him around before) at the gym yesterday using the seated calf raise. Had 2 35lb plates and a 10lb plate on it. The funny thing to me was that while doing his reps, he was holding on to the top of the rack and pulling it with his arms too! I guess he was trying to do rows at the same time?????


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Not really a "douchebag" per se, but I freaking HATE seeing people (mostly older women) smoking a cigarette either prior to walking in or when they get to their car after leaving. Like, you're basically being counterproductive here. I really just wanna ask them what the hell they're thinking but some people just deserve to find things out the hard way..


This is how I found the decline bench press at 630am this morning.


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This is how I found the decline bench press at 630am this morning.
<img src=""/>
I see dem high black socks. You got small calves?


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Not really a "douchebag" per se, but I freaking HATE seeing people (mostly older women) smoking a cigarette either prior to walking in or when they get to their car after leaving. Like, you're basically being counterproductive here. I really just wanna ask them what the hell they're thinking but some people just deserve to find things out the hard way..
I've had this 25 yr old step out and smoke a cig in the middle of his workout. haha


I see dem high black socks. You got small calves?
You found me out, I actually put the weights like this while I was lifting.

My father has chicken legs. thankfully I dont. Having hockey legs makes finding pants really difficult though.




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Here I was thinking I was giving you a hard time, damn this internet.
It's difficult to convey sarcasm through text, but luckily I'm sarcastic so I pick up on it. I actually have calves too, but more like veal calves that have been locked up with no light. Small and tender.


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Calf discussion /end I'm a dbag for snapping this picture
**** compared to those calves mine look like Arnold's lol. I feel better.


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This is how I found the decline bench press at 630am this morning.
<img src=""/>
Somebody was doing douche bag math.


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I missed an epic photo op today. I walk into the gym and there he was in all his 160lb glory sitting on the chair he rolled into the squat rack and he was doing wrist curls with the bb. I went back to my bag to grab my phone for a shot of it but I was too late. It was perfect.


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Not so much a dbag move but when females wear TIGHT pants and are surprised you are looking.

Girl who usually works the front desk was out training someone. Did not realize how thick her ass was until today. Put my work out on pause haha.

Maybe I was the douche bag today haha.


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Not so much a dbag move but when females wear TIGHT pants and are surprised you are looking.

Girl who usually works the front desk was out training someone. Did not realize how thick her ass was until today. Put my work out on pause haha.

Maybe I was the douche bag today haha.
No, I say fuk that! If a chicks gonna flaunt what she has by wearing revealing and/or form fitting clothes then she's gonna get looked at. It's a compliment that sometimes feels creepy, get used to it ladies! I get hit on by fat chicks and dirty old ladies ALLLLL.the time working at the bar. Never the hot chicks and if a hot chick does its either shes a slut or has herpes or both( which is whatever cus thats what condoms and false phone numbers are for) At least somebody is noticing your hard work! If I get checked out at the gym it's a double compliment in my book.


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No, I say fuk that! If a chicks gonna flaunt what she has by wearing revealing and/or form fitting clothes then she's gonna get looked at. It's a compliment that sometimes feels creepy, get used to it ladies! I get hit on by fat chicks and dirty old ladies ALLLLL.the time working at the bar. Never the hot chicks and if a hot chick does its either shes a slut or has herpes or both( which is whatever cus thats what condoms and false phone numbers are for) At least somebody is noticing your hard work! If I get checked out at the gym it's a double compliment in my book.
Dude, the worst is when they WON'T GO AWAY. When I was younger I had to deal with that stuff. I would blatantly ignore them and they would STILL try and hound me. I would be talking to a girl and they would creep to the other side of me and start trying to talk to me. I would ignore them and the girl I would be talking to would ask if I knew her. Total c*ck block.


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Not so much a dbag move but when females wear TIGHT pants and are surprised you are looking.

Girl who usually works the front desk was out training someone. Did not realize how thick her ass was until today. Put my work out on pause haha.

Maybe I was the douche bag today haha.
It does not make you a douche. It makes you a man. haha I always found it funny when girls would wear clothes like that and get mad at a guy for looking. "Why are you talking to my boobs?" "Why are they trying to jump out of your shirt at me?" Should be a duh moment for a woman, but it's not. haha
Kilo G

Kilo G

Not so much a dbag move but when females wear TIGHT pants and are surprised you are looking.

Girl who usually works the front desk was out training someone. Did not realize how thick her ass was until today. Put my work out on pause haha.

Maybe I was the douche bag today haha.
Especially those super fine chicks that wear tight pants that got a word on the ass of the pants. I was on the elliptical machine yesterday and there was a chick on a treadmill in front of me. She had spandex like pants on (fiiiiiiiiiiiine ass) that had "Fitness" written on the ass. All I could think and look at was her fit ass... Lol good thing our gym doesn't have mirrors in the cardio room.


Especially those super fine chicks that wear tight pants that got a word on the ass of the pants. I was on the elliptical machine yesterday and there was a chick on a treadmill in front of me. She had spandex like pants on (fiiiiiiiiiiiine ass) that had "Fitness" written on the ass. All I could think and look at was her fit ass... Lol good thing our gym doesn't have mirrors in the cardio room.
Yeah I know those pants(so tight and wrapped around the ass) from my experience most of the times they combine it with a thong. Yesterday there was a fineee girl around early 18s and she was wearing those pants with a thong popping out and separating the ass while she was doing cable crunches .It was the ultimate doggy style. What a whore!! She saw me checking her ass and by that time she started going even deeper while executing the crunches!


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Especially those super fine chicks that wear tight pants that got a word on the ass of the pants. I was on the elliptical machine yesterday and there was a chick on a treadmill in front of me. She had spandex like pants on (fiiiiiiiiiiiine ass) that had "Fitness" written on the ass. All I could think and look at was her fit ass... Lol good thing our gym doesn't have mirrors in the cardio room.
" My names Daniel Lugo, and I believe in fitness!"


When I see young skinny kids doing stupid stuff, it really doesn't bug me. I just think they don't know any better and let them get on about their business. They're usually the only ones I see curling in the squat rack. It's annoying, but I give them newbie slack.

I've only seen 4 d-bags that really stand out since re-acquainting myself with the gym this past several months:

1. Guy who puts 275lbs on bench and has little buddy spot him. Looking at the guy I honestly thought he'd be able to handle it, so didn't think much of it. 275 isn't that much. He then struggles on the eccentric only to get the weight stuck on his chest, requiring his little buddy to put his back into getting it up. Just when I think the comedy has let up, he proceeds to go for rep #2! At this point, my wife and I are LOL'ing and have completely paused our squat routine. A few minutes later, he proceeds to drop down to 245lbs. He, again, couldn't get it up once by himself and this time put his buddy through three massively assisted reps that probably gave the guy a herniated disk. WTF is a guy who can't do 245 x 1 doing putting 275 on the bench, let alone making his 150lb friend SLDL the weight off of his chest? He deserved some kind of award IMO.

2. 60 yr old fat guy who puts 14 plates on each side of the leg press and proceeds to do 1.5" reps like a boss. I was hoping to get in on the leg press soon, so I kept an eye on him. But, I eventually had to give up as he proceeded to drop set down to 3 plates per side, never getting more than 2" of depth on his rep. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those guys who believes you need to drop the leg press to bottom, rounding out your lumbar spine and giving yourself a herniation. This guy was literally just moving 1-2" at best.

3. 50 year old fat and haggard lady who lifts with some same-aged guy (actually in pretty good shape) who screams with all of his reps,a nd with all of his training partners reps. He cracks me up, but she defintely is a d-bag. A few sessions back, my wife and I were doing DB curls next to her as she "counseled" this dude on how to lift. Her cottage-cheesy ass and huge gut sitting atop stick legs were all that I could see as her leathery-flapping head proceeded to tell this guy how she does about 15 pull-ups and how he needs to man-up and do them. o_0 wut?

4. Pretty big guy in my gym, in good shape, was super-setting between like three machines. Random nice guy doesn't notice and sits on one of his pieces of equipment. Then big guy runs over there like someone is about to steal his little sisters virginity like, "hey, hey, I'm still using that, bro!".


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#3 put me in the mood for cottage cheese


A week ago I was doing my curls for the girls in the preacher curl when I big fat guy with his fat gfriend asked me to use the machine for a set.By the time he gets on it he pins all the weight down and he did a shoulder hip bicep curl shaking like a little bitch pause at the end for 30seconds and then repeat for 9reps/sets..


A week ago I was doing my curls for the girls in the preacher curl when I big fat guy with his fat gfriend asked me to use the machine for a set.By the time he gets on it he pins all the weight down and he did a shoulder hip bicep curl shaking like a little bitch pause at the end for 30seconds and then repeat for 9reps/sets..
Wait, so fat guy trolled you out of your station and you had to wait around for him to finish? XD I'm sorry, but this is too funny.


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Sooooo my wife bless her heart comes home from the supp shop after picking up some GCBE and organic honey and say "hey babe I know you're out of you PWO stuff and they gave me all their free samples of this cus I'm friends with the girls there!" I come in from outside and find 20+ packs of these on the counter. So ill be the douche painting the toilets in the gym for the next month cus I'm too broke for something else and if its there ill use it regardless.


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Sooooo my wife bless her heart comes home from the supp shop after picking up some GCBE and organic honey and say "hey babe I know you're out of you PWO stuff and they gave me all their free samples of this cus I'm friends with the girls there!" I come in from outside and find 20+ packs of these on the counter. So ill be the douche painting the toilets in the gym for the next month cus I'm too broke for something else and if its there ill use it regardless.
BSN should stand for "Big Sh!tz Now!"


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Blasting shlts nonstop! .... I actually got the squirts looking at those. True story


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BIG STINK NUGGETS!!!!! I think I just assploded seeing that pic!


Wait, so fat guy trolled you out of your station and you had to wait around for him to finish? XD I'm sorry, but this is too funny.
He counts that as a set so yeah he trolled me I guess !!haha


The other day I asked two guys that ONLY DO SQUATS, and ONLY SQUATS, why the hell did they follow that "program". One of them did not know, and told me to ask the "expert" guy, how told me that they squated because "squating is the most important exercise because it burned fat".
He is on winnie, on top of things, and only squats. Thats why he is a skinny moderfaker..I felt like punching both of them right on their faces with a db.


The other day I asked two guys that ONLY DO SQUATS, and ONLY SQUATS, why the hell did they follow that "program". One of them did not know, and told me to ask the "expert" guy, how told me that they squated because "squating is the most important exercise because it burned fat".
He is on winnie, on top of things, and only squats. Thats why he is a skinny moderfaker..I felt like punching both of them right on their faces with a db.
Barbell works better in your case!


The other day I asked two guys that ONLY DO SQUATS, and ONLY SQUATS, why the hell did they follow that "program". One of them did not know, and told me to ask the "expert" guy, how told me that they squated because "squating is the most important exercise because it burned fat".
He is on winnie, on top of things, and only squats. Thats why he is a skinny moderfaker..I felt like punching both of them right on their faces with a db.
Tell them that you have figured out what they're training goals are, and you'd recommend they implement a strict regimen of daily kegels to their squatting routine. Their performance henceforth will be greatly improved.


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The other day I asked two guys that ONLY DO SQUATS, and ONLY SQUATS, why the hell did they follow that "program". One of them did not know, and told me to ask the "expert" guy, how told me that they squated because "squating is the most important exercise because it burned fat".
He is on winnie, on top of things, and only squats. Thats why he is a skinny moderfaker..I felt like punching both of them right on their faces with a db.
Maybe they're trying to get that Brazilian booty look so they can be a big hit in the twinky scene.


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Anyone else get distracted in a good & bad way by women that moan in the gym? Granted it's a good sound to hear, but there's a time & place... I'm wondering if they realise that they sound like they're having sex, & in some cases sounds like they're about to orgasm...
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