Body Transformation Contest

Im in. I started i think 2 dats ago with the thread my quest for a sixpack, in the pics section. we can either do it in two months from that day or from today,. My goal is to have a sixpack
peterson24 said:
I would be interested in this. I don't think I could win because of my weekends but its worth a try.
Do it because you will improve your whole life. The weekends can be better? Set yourself some objectives, and give your 100% !

Good luck achieving your goals ;)
jjohn said:
Do it because you will improve your whole life. The weekends can be better? Set yourself some objectives, and give your 100% !

Good luck achieving your goals ;)

Just being realistic. I'm not bad now at 185 lbs and around 12.5%. My goal is to get down to under 10% but is proving pretty hard to do since I have a shore house for the summer and can't keep away from the booze and parties down there. But I have to have some fun in life, I'm in anyway. It will be a good experiment to see if you can wreck yourself weekends but make the rest of the week make up for it. I have already started my cut but will go by the picture from July 1st.
This sounds like a great idea, I'll definately give it a go.
So I need to post a pic of me w/ a newspaper on July 1st... it aint going to be pretty
McBurly said:
This sounds like a great idea, I'll definately give it a go.
So I need to post a pic of me w/ a newspaper on July 1st... it aint going to be pretty

LOL.....then your transformation will be even more dramatic.
ooooh thats why everyone uses news papers... and i thought they just all really have something in common... a love for information.. ok ignore this..
MaynardMeek said:
ooooh thats why everyone uses news papers... and i thought they just all really have something in common... a love for information.. ok ignore this..
I should eat 25 donuts, 3 pizzas and 4 liters of chocolate milk before the pic, stop tanning, and look like a white, out of shape bloated guy, and then for the final pic, dehydrate and post it up :bb2: Haha.. Just joking :)
jjohn said:
I should eat 25 donuts, 3 pizzas and 4 liters of chocolate milk before the pic, stop tanning, and look like a white, out of shape bloated guy, and then for the final pic, dehydrate and post it up :bb2: Haha.. Just joking :)

Ya do it! Just remember there are some of us that look worse than that w/o eating all the junk. My point is you can do something like this but it will still not be as dramatic as the changes like...umm...I will present.
If there's a large enouggh entry(which looks like quite a few so far) then additional prizes may be entered. I'll know bby the deadline.
jjohn said:
I should eat 25 donuts, 3 pizzas and 4 liters of chocolate milk before the pic, stop tanning, and look like a white, out of shape bloated guy, and then for the final pic, dehydrate and post it up :bb2: Haha.. Just joking :)

DAMN it jjohn!! Now I am going to have to go get a couple dozen donuts, about six pizzas, 4 liters of beer, about 50 hot wings, 2 cases of beer, some mickey d's, some hardees, some Taco bell, some I missing anything:blink: ? LOL, J/K! Of course, but that would be tempting:food: ! Nah, I wont do all that as I am doing pretty damn good allready. Hope to see some pretty good things from everyone joining the competition! Best of luck to all of you, and give it 110% and see what you can do.
You guys would still be ~6 weeks behind my regime of bad diet and zero working out ;) (I like how that's suddenly a good thing :icon_lol: ) At the very least I'm going to look a hell of a lot better than I do atm.
couple dozen donuts, about six pizzas, 4 liters of beer, about 50 hot wings, 2 cases of beer, some mickey d's, some hardees, some Taco bell, some KFC

Gonna have to change the first prize to a bypass surgery.
jjohn said:
I should eat 25 donuts, 3 pizzas and 4 liters of chocolate milk before the pic, stop tanning, and look like a white, out of shape bloated guy, and then for the final pic, dehydrate and post it up :bb2: Haha.. Just joking :)

Thats what Lee Preist did for his muscletech ad a few years back. No Joke. He purposely eat a bunch of junk before the photoshoot and purposely stuck his stomach out as far as it would go.
I am in for sure... I am probally the worst off in the bunch here, but what they hey, that little extra push to rep out one more set or go 10 more minutes never hurts at all.
I guess a lot of companies can emphasize on the "before" You dont smile, look white as snow, and the "before" is the guy who is just out of the gym, pumped, with veins sticking out, and dehydrated totally. I guess that companies have the chance to put all the sales on their side. I could do it, but it would minimize my gains, and could have a yo-yo effect.
It's gonna be judged by your peers and not by a company pushing a product so making something obviously cheesy is up to you. No need to lower your standards for a few bucks in prizes.
Maybe all gold members could donate 100 points, the non-gold members donate 5$, put it all together, and do a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. This could be fun!
jjohn said:
Maybe all gold members could donate 100 points, the non-gold members donate 5$, put it all together, and do a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. This could be fun!

Thats also not a bad idea:cool:
This way, everybody could put some for the prize. Hey Jayhawk, could you ask for sponsors for the event? LOL
moklepaul said:
I got shot in the hand, so I may be out of the running here...

Monkie was pleasuring himself to LMD's greased up pic here:Invalid Link Removed and ended up pulling his forearm and going to the ER. Anything else he says is a lie.
Don't really wanna talk about it. :numbered:

No bones or ligaments were hit thank god, I'll be able to lift again in a week or two.

JB's just jealous :p
This is a great idea. Win or lose you still come out on top. I'm in, just tell me where you want the befor and afters.
yeahright said:
No you freakin don't. Spill it. We need the story.

Well he is from Canada so it has to be one of two things. Either a hunting accident or he got caught trying to illegally enter the US.

Hey Moklepaul in all seriousness I hope you are going to be alright physically and mentally buddy.

moklepaul said:
Don't really wanna talk about it. :numbered:

No bones or ligaments were hit thank god, I'll be able to lift again in a week or two.

JB's just jealous :p

I told you not to play with Fisher price toys!!!! :D
Crowler of Anabolic Innovations has offered to help with supplement(s). I'll have more details as I speak with him more about it.

You keep amazing me Crowler.
Jayhawkk said:
Crowler of Anabolic Innovations has offered to help with supplement(s). I'll have more details as I speak with him more about it.

You keep amazing me Crowler.

Another reason to support the fine products put out by Anabolic Innovations.
Jayhawkk said:
Crowler of Anabolic Innovations has offered to help with supplement(s). I'll have more details as I speak with him more about it.

You keep amazing me Crowler.

Wow thats awesome, he really is a great guy
Jayhawkk said:
Crowler of Anabolic Innovations has offered to help with supplement(s). I'll have more details as I speak with him more about it.

You keep amazing me Crowler.

That is awsome. Crowler is really a great bro! :thumbsup:
I hope it will be cookies!! mmmm cookies! Crap, I should have never bought those things, now I'm addicted.
Added additional contest prizes from to the original post but posting it here for those who only check for new posts.

For anyone who puts the Anabolic Innovations banner in their sig and has it there for the duration of the contest will be eligible for extra prizes as follows.

1st Place $100 worth of products at Anabolic Innovations EXCEPT for the Whey protein Blend as the markup is tiny.

2nd Place $50 same as above

3rd Place $25 same as above.

So say that the first place winner of your contest did NOT have an Anabolic Innovations Banner in their sig BUT the second place person did the second place person will get the $100 gift certificate
Jayhawkk said:
Added additional contest prizes from to the original post but posting it here for those who only check for new posts.

nevermind, they changed it so signatures only show if you are a gold member....
So where will we put the before and after pictures? Can we make our own thread, and link it into this one? What poses should we do for the pics?
Jayhawkk said:
Pics need to be pm'd me so I can get a thread started and know who's all in. Keeps it a bit more simple.
Ok, pretty cool. I am going to be in for sure!
I think you need to post more to be able to PM.. Not sure.. If you go gold, you will be able to PM instantly..
jjohn said:
I think you need to post more to be able to PM.. Not sure.. If you go gold, you will be able to PM instantly..

Not true. You have to be gold or a former board supporter to have PM priv.