8 Weeks to start and end a body transformation contest. It can either be muscle gained or weight loss. The one with the most impressive transformation will get the following:
1. non Gold member will get a year Gold status membership paid by me.
2. Gold member will get the equivilant in supplements from a board sponsor, also paid by me.
Start date will be July 1st 2006 and submissions must be made with a start picture with holding a newspaper of that days date. Sept 1st Will be the end date with pictures submitted by that date using the same newspaper scenario. It can be a couple days short if that day conflicts with personal business.
Once all the submissions are made a poll will be posted with the before and after shots of each contestant.
If you're interested then reply to this thread or PM me and if we can get enough contestants (at least 3) then the contest will go live.
Crowler at Anabolicinnovations.com is helping out with prizes and will do the following...
For anyone who puts the Anabolic Innovations banner in their sig and has it there for the duration of the contest will be eligible for extra prizes as follows.
1st Place $100 worth of products at Anabolic Innovations EXCEPT for the Whey protein Blend as the markup is tiny.
2nd Place $50 same as above
3rd Place $25 same as above.
So say that the first place winner of your contest did NOT have an Anabolic Innovations Banner in their sig BUT the second place person did the second place person will get the $100 gift certificate.
:bb2: :bb:
1. non Gold member will get a year Gold status membership paid by me.
2. Gold member will get the equivilant in supplements from a board sponsor, also paid by me.
Start date will be July 1st 2006 and submissions must be made with a start picture with holding a newspaper of that days date. Sept 1st Will be the end date with pictures submitted by that date using the same newspaper scenario. It can be a couple days short if that day conflicts with personal business.
Once all the submissions are made a poll will be posted with the before and after shots of each contestant.
If you're interested then reply to this thread or PM me and if we can get enough contestants (at least 3) then the contest will go live.
Crowler at Anabolicinnovations.com is helping out with prizes and will do the following...
For anyone who puts the Anabolic Innovations banner in their sig and has it there for the duration of the contest will be eligible for extra prizes as follows.
1st Place $100 worth of products at Anabolic Innovations EXCEPT for the Whey protein Blend as the markup is tiny.
2nd Place $50 same as above
3rd Place $25 same as above.
So say that the first place winner of your contest did NOT have an Anabolic Innovations Banner in their sig BUT the second place person did the second place person will get the $100 gift certificate.
:bb2: :bb:
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