Body Transformation Contest


8 Weeks to start and end a body transformation contest. It can either be muscle gained or weight loss. The one with the most impressive transformation will get the following:

1. non Gold member will get a year Gold status membership paid by me.

2. Gold member will get the equivilant in supplements from a board sponsor, also paid by me.

Start date will be July 1st 2006 and submissions must be made with a start picture with holding a newspaper of that days date. Sept 1st Will be the end date with pictures submitted by that date using the same newspaper scenario. It can be a couple days short if that day conflicts with personal business.

Once all the submissions are made a poll will be posted with the before and after shots of each contestant.

If you're interested then reply to this thread or PM me and if we can get enough contestants (at least 3) then the contest will go live.

Crowler at is helping out with prizes and will do the following...

For anyone who puts the Anabolic Innovations banner in their sig and has it there for the duration of the contest will be eligible for extra prizes as follows.

1st Place $100 worth of products at Anabolic Innovations EXCEPT for the Whey protein Blend as the markup is tiny.

2nd Place $50 same as above

3rd Place $25 same as above.

So say that the first place winner of your contest did NOT have an Anabolic Innovations Banner in their sig BUT the second place person did the second place person will get the $100 gift certificate.

:bb2: :bb:
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Anything not illegal but honestly, I wouldn't be able to tell who used what. I would like them to be done using only board sponsors but i'm going to place the poll and let the board members decide based off the pics and that's all I can ask.
You may be able to but I wouldn't be able to make that call on a picture alone :) Just trying to give some extra incentive to those who are wanting to make those changes...The guys juicing making huge gains aren't going to be worried about a few dollars in supps. Ya know?
I will definitely give this a shot. A free gold membership for trimming down...where is the donwside??
I would definitely be up for this. A little added incentive never hurt anybody. :thumbsup: Keep us updated Jayhawkk, or just send me a PM when things are more certain.
This is a great idea man! I'm very excited to see what happens. Stuff like this is awsome because it provides the little extra incentive needed. Thank you for doing this.:thumbsup:
Who cares if they use illegal stuff... a transformation is a transformation. There's going to be work involved. If you go out and spend a boatload, work hard, well damnit, you deserve it! Dedication can be measured in many forms, sweat, perserverence, monetarily, you name it!

First off Jayhawkk, reps to you, for doing something like this on your own, and helping others get motivated, and take initiative to try and get them selfves in better condition. I myself would have done this, but I am allready 1 month into my transformation from fat to cut, and have gotten great results allready. But anyhow, I will definately be watching this, and see what some people can do with some hard work and initiative. Again, big props to you, I thik this is an awesome thing you are doing:thumbsup: :clap2: :clap2: :cheers:
Pitbull954 said:
SWEEET i'm eating everythinggg in site.... Big fat potbelly here I come!! :donut:

LOL!! Yeah I would do the same, but love the results I am allready seeing in my self, and I am not willing to let myself go at this time. But that is funny:toofunny: :pizza: :hot: :donut: :burg: =:bb:
Thanks man, this place has done so much for me that I figured it couldn't hurt to give back to the community that was there for me :)
yeahright said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jayhawkk again.

Yeah, i still can't give you any YR, apperently I havent been loving:( enough lately. I guess I'm gonna have to get out and spread some of this lovin around:chick: LOL!!
yeahright said:
I'm a slut apparently.

:rofl: :chick: :toofunny: ! Thats long as I can take some pictures:pose: LOL!! Yeah, I'll try and not be such a prude from now on. Look out everyone, here I come:twisted: !
Nah, but in all honesty, it is guys like you YR, with all your informative posts, and knowledge, and guys like Jayhawkk(and soooooo many others, too many to list, and gals too!!)that make this board what it is.....GREAT!! Thankyou to all of you!!
Awesome idea man. I love contests, I always do contests at the forum I moderate (sitepoint). Really brings the community together.

I'll enter this one, too. I'm on a cut right now. Already seeing results, but I'll enter for giggles (and some ****s :p)
I'm definitely in, I've been cutting for 4 weeks so this will catch me about 6 weeks in, but what the heck I'm doing it anyway. I don't know if I can get a newspaper though, any other options? (at least not in english) I'll see what I can do, what if I date stamp the photo?
I'm in - it's right before I start my contest cut. The timing is perfect.

One request, can we make the cutoff Sept 2nd? That's a Saturday, like the start date - easier to get pics done then....

so do we send the before pictures to you on July 1st or do we just hold onto them until the end?
Do we really need a newspaper? I dont have any of those.. Can I post with a store flyer and send it to you the date of the beginning?

Oh!, and I am in for sure, even if I dont win, I will have something that will drive me all summer! Thanks for the idea :)
jjohn said:
Do we really need a newspaper? I dont have any of those.

You don't have a newspaper? Go right now to your local grocery store and buy one for a few cents. Read the articles, look at the pictures. This is how civilized people learn about the world. :blink:
yeahright said:
You don't have a newspaper? Go right now to your local grocery store and buy one for a few cents. Read the articles, look at the pictures. This is how civilized people learn about the world. :blink:
That's how brainwashed people learn about the world :)
kwyckemynd00 said:
That's how brainwashed people learn about the world :)

LOL, I actually like to read the same story from many different newspapers to get a kind of synthesis of the event. It's really interesting to see how differently a given fact pattern can be treated. There's even a magazine called the World Press Review which does this translating newspapers from around the world.
yeahright said:
You don't have a newspaper? Go right now to your local grocery store and buy one for a few cents. Read the articles, look at the pictures. This is how civilized people learn about the world. :blink:

I use the internet to read news. What the heck, I will buy one...
toughchick401 said:
when is this starting?
1st of July I do believe.
I think I've lost my digital camera so it looks like I'm already out of the running :frustrate I might do a non-pictured version just for the heck of it though.
yeahright said:
You don't have a newspaper? Go right now to your local grocery store and buy one for a few cents. Read the articles, look at the pictures. This is how civilized people learn about the world. :blink:

I can get you a Korean newspaper, but I don't think you'll be able to read it! We have a weekly paper that will come out on 30 June, so that should work (forgot about that). I'd hate to spoil my prize with such a small thing! :icon_lol:

I'm on this like a fat kid on a sandwich
July 1st but submissions can be anywhere near that date within a week. This gives people with lives and other things to get it done who want to participate. Doing this to get people motivated and not to completely make it hard to run the comp. jjohn, you'll need something that can verify the date. You have to have access to some type of daily printed paper.
Jayhawkk said:
July 1st but submissions can be anywhere near that date within a week. This gives people with lives and other things to get it done who want to participate. Doing this to get people motivated and not to completely make it hard to run the comp. jjohn, you'll need something that can verify the date. You have to have access to some type of daily printed paper.
Thanks, I will get one I appreciate it :)

Best of luck to everyone who is preparing for the challenge ;)
So is it a still negative on contests who are taking 'special' supps?? I know you wouldnt actually know, but just curious.
Considering the list of grey market sups that can be used for weight loss and PH's that mimic powerful illegal AAS I would have to say it's open to any of it. I'm doing this as a lil incentive and some fun and giving a lil back to the community. I don't want to have to get a panel of photoshop specialists and 20 page arguements on if the results were from illegal or legal supps.

I think we can all agree that with a user poll and a couple mods looking over the pics that majority will rule. If someone loses 60 pounds but retained zero muscle and another lost 20 pounds but was able to keep or even gain some muscle, we would know who the winner is.

I'm hoping to do more throughout the year with various contests and hope this stays peacful and all in good nature and fun. The way I meant it to be.
I know some will cheat, but I aint in for the prize, I am there fo fun, and the challenge is very motivating as a lot of people are on this board. Really happy to be here :)