Come one, come ALL and vote! Body Transformation Contest!!!

Who made the Best Change according to their goals?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


First of all I would like to thank everyone who has helped out with this contest. With it being the first one i've had it started off pretty small with Crowler from adding to the prizes. Then Admin tossed in some extra prizes. This has motivated me to really break out a big contest after this one.

I would like to thank the members who decided to give this a try when the prizes were next to nothing but a smal motivation to help with their own goals. It takes a lot to put yourself out there for criticism and I really admire that. Regardless if you met your goal or if you take first place or not you have made the first step to making those changes we all strive for. Congratulations!

Remember to vote honestly and everyone here deserves a pat on the back. Good luck guys!


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What I wanna know it why aren't everyone's before and after conditions tha same? At least pose tha same way... TATTOO ;)

LOL.. in all seriousness, I completly forgot how I posed in the before pic, and we just snapped a quick pic in the gym.
I thought I was pretty close, I flexed in both but after I posted it I realized it was definitely different. (That's why it's not Basso=35, everyone else=0)lol. I think if this gets done again there should be 2 or 3 mandatory shots it would make it easier to judge!
Joey has this wrapped up for sure, and he deserves it.
Personally I think its between Basso and Mass69, hard to tell with Mass69's pictures though. It looks like he might be hunching somewhat on the before picture and pushing his elbows back for the after picture.

And for Peterson and Tattoo, no offense guys but its hard to tell when one picture your relaxed and the other your flexed.
Regardless of who the winner is. they will all be getting rewarded for helping me with my first contest and doing their best.
Without seeing pics from a long time ago for all the contestants, it's impossible to know where someone is on their own particular journey.
Tattoo has a much older picture posted elsewhere on this board, and it shows that he's come a very great distance already, and looks, and must feel, far better now than he did then.
I have a client who is 5'8" and 364# - a very obese 364#. This sounds terrible until you find out that a year ago he was 411#. He's working so hard and is making very great improvement one day at a time.
This contest is just a snapshot - an 8 week period in the middle of what is hopefully a continuing quest for self-improvement. It just happens to catch me at a time when I'm dieting down for competition - my first - so I'm motivated as hell. I don't want to be standing up there in 1.5 oz of nylon and all. And I still have my work cut out for me. The contest is 6 weeks away now, and I have another 8 or so pounds of fat to shed.
Just trying to put it all in perspective. From where I sit, we're all winning.
Second that Joey, I started around March at 256lbs and about 25% BF this helped me stay focused for the past 8 weeks but I'm still in search of 10% or lower BF without losing any muscle! To really make advances w/o muscle loss you can't rush it and I lost 4% in 2 months! So I consider myself successful regardless of 1st or last place. This was a great motivation tool and I hope we'll see more comps like this!
yeah, i realize my pictures were not that great. the afters were actually first thing in the morning after a friend came in the night before that I haven't seen for a while. It doesn't really matter to me anyway, I'm getting stronger and thats what I really care about. This contest was good that it just added another goal for me. The way I see it, there is no point in going to the gym unless you set some goals for yourself. incentive wins all
McBurly said:
Joey has this wrapped up for sure, and he deserves it.
Personally I think its between Basso and Mass69, hard to tell with Mass69's pictures though. It looks like he might be hunching somewhat on the before picture and pushing his elbows back for the after picture.

And for Peterson and Tattoo, no offense guys but its hard to tell when one picture your relaxed and the other your flexed.

as stated earlier, i just completly forgot how I was in the before pic, and just had a buddy snap a pic in the gym. I probably had an unfair advantage going into this though, as I've been down due to a broken arm, but I busted my ass harder than anyone because of it to try and get back to what is normal to me. There was definatly no lack of push as I had to work 120% because of my arm.

Never thought I'd get "e-dissed" because of this.

Peterson, I think you did a terrific job, for me, it really was a toss up between you and basso, although EVERYONE did a great job.
tattoopierced1 said:
as stated earlier, i just completly forgot how I was in the before pic, and just had a buddy snap a pic in the gym. I probably had an unfair advantage going into this though, as I've been down due to a broken arm, but I busted my ass harder than anyone because of it to try and get back to what is normal to me. There was definatly no lack of push as I had to work 120% because of my arm.

Never thought I'd get "e-dissed" because of this.

Peterson, I think you did a terrific job, for me, it really was a toss up between you and basso, although EVERYONE did a great job.

I was in no way trying to rag on you, merely just trying to point out that next go around with the contest we should be more specific with how pictures should be taken. Everyone is looking great in their after photos. Perhaps we could turn this into an ongoing thing where we continue to post our photos every couple months? Or even a constinuous competition.
McBurly said:
Joey has this wrapped up for sure, and he deserves it.
Personally I think its between Basso and Mass69, hard to tell with Mass69's pictures though. It looks like he might be hunching somewhat on the before picture and pushing his elbows back for the after picture.

And for Peterson and Tattoo, no offense guys but its hard to tell when one picture your relaxed and the other your flexed.
I actually tried to make the before and after positions the same, no hunching, superficial posing in the after, etc. Both before & after shots were taken cold.

I will admit that I was disappointed in my overall effort. The tape measure did move in a positive way, but I did fall off the wagon a bit during the contest. The main reason I entered was for motivation, as I am gunning for a certain "shape" to be in for my wedding in Oct. I will be seeing friends & family from out of state, and the last time I saw them, I was a bloated 230 lbs (I'm under 210, now).

I agree with the picture "poses" being the same in the before & after. I have also thought the same about posting a post-contest pic. Funny thing is, I've probably made as much difference in my appearance in the last week+ since taking my after pictures as I did during the contest. :bb2:
Mass_69 said:
I actually tried to make the before and after positions the same, no hunching, superficial posing in the after, etc. Both before & after shots were taken cold.

I will admit that I was disappointed in my overall effort. The tape measure did move in a positive way, but I did fall off the wagon a bit during the contest. The main reason I entered was for motivation, as I am gunning for a certain "shape" to be in for my wedding in Oct. I will be seeing friends & family from out of state, and the last time I saw them, I was a bloated 230 lbs (I'm under 210, now).

I agree with the picture "poses" being the same in the before & after. I have also thought the same about posting a post-contest pic. Funny thing is, I've probably made as much difference in my appearance in the last week+ since taking my after pictures as I did during the contest. :bb2:

You definitely lost some fat and Oct is still not here so keep it up man. It's amazing how long 8 weeks can be eh? I definitely had my cheats but sometimes it's better to stay sane then lose that extra lb. Good job on the contest you're my 2nd place pick right under that Amazing Basso guy, lol
Progress Pics

peterson24 said:
I think I'll post pictures every three months for kicks. It would be interesting to see the progression.

I hope you do post them, Peterson. It's very hard to be objective about your own progress when you see yourself in the mirror daily. I'm taking shots every 2 - 3 weeks from 15 weeks out to the contest Oct 28th - on the days when I feel like I'm spinning my wheels it helps to be able to see the changes over time in photos.
BF numbers would be a good start.
Total mass and lean mass before...
Total mass and lean mass after...

1. When does the contest end?
2. You say we are supposed to vote according to how each individual performed toward their individual goals, where can we find these goals at?
3. When is the deadline for voting?

Great job guys, it takes ballz to post your pics and take the heat (hopefully no meatheads will take any cheap shots). Keep up the great work, you're all winners!!! :cheers:
BF numbers would be a good start.
Total mass and lean mass before...
Total mass and lean mass after...

It's a nice thought, TT, but since we're spread all over the place and body fat measurement is so variable (calipers? electronic calipers? Tanita scale? BioAnalogics? BodPod? Hydrostatic weighing?) it doesn't seem practical.

I use BioAnalogics, but more for trending than an absolute number. When I use it to calculate BMR, it's just a starting value and the caloric intake still needs tweaking.

Those all sound like perfectly valid ways to measure bodyfat, except for the Tanita scales, which can give grossly inaccurate readings for people with athletic builds.

Yes, the absolute numbers could be shifted, depending upon the method used, but in general, if the measurements are taken carefully, the numbers will be meaningful.


P.S. Would it be a valid point to say that since the photographs were all taken by different cameras, and under different lighting conditions, that they are meaningless?

PSBigJoey said:
It's a nice thought, TT, but since we're spread all over the place and body fat measurement is so variable (calipers? electronic calipers? Tanita scale? BioAnalogics? BodPod? Hydrostatic weighing?) it doesn't seem practical.

I use BioAnalogics, but more for trending than an absolute number. When I use it to calculate BMR, it's just a starting value and the caloric intake still needs tweaking.
According to the polls.

1st Joey
2nd Tattoo
3rd Basso

I'm waiting on the judge feedback before announcing prizes and winners!! Thank guys for voting and special thanks for those who participated in my first contest. Top notch guys, thank you!

Remember the prizes would not be here is it wasn't for

Crowler at SeriousNutritionSolutions and the SeriousNutritionSolutions
yeahright and his point donation of 500 points
Idunk42 of SeriousNutritionSolutions and his point donation of 300 points
Mulletsoldier and his point donation of 700 points
Pictures, Fairness, Support, Gratitude....and stuff.

P.S. Would it be a valid point to say that since the photographs were all taken by different cameras, and under different lighting conditions, that they are meaningless?

There are a couple of trainers at our gym whose ad pics are amazing looking - but the men themselves are not quite so amazing... :blink:

I saw a study recently on body composition measurement by different methods and by trained and untrained operators - the values were all over the map.

When it comes right down to it, it's damn difficult to compare physiques remotely. It's sometimes a struggle in prejudging at contests when people are side by side under the lights.

In the case of this mini-contest, I do wish we'd all had photos of equal quality, it would have been fairer, and I suspect the polling would have been spread a lot more evenly. Maybe the practiced eyes of the judges (whom I do not know) will be able to filter out the confusion of the photos -- and maybe a future contest will give sample photos and suggest that the contestants match them to the best of their ability.

But however it comes out, it gave us all an added measure of focus for the 8 weeks, and everyone in the thing seemed to profit by it to some extent. The comments posted were pretty positive and encouraging for everyone, and that kind of thing is really helpful.

Competitive bodybuilding is a pretty ruthless sport. The judges and the audience don't care if you tore your rotator, lost your dog or had your truck stolen. They only care about how you look onstage. And don't look to your fellow competitors for support and encouragement, either (in many cases, at least). So boards like these and the helpful guys that lead them and support them are really invaluable - especially to those of us who are planning on putting our heads on the chopping block for the first time real soon.

OK - so I drifted off the topic a bit...:type:

I'm thankful there are boards like this and guys like Jayhawk who take the trouble to pump us up and help us stay motivated. And while the process can probably be improved, as most can be, you have to start with something.

Now it seems like I've said probably about 500 words too much - so I'll be REAL QUIET for a while. Thanks for reading.

Wow did you see the way Tattoo stretched his neck out and nipped me at the line, dang I should have seen that coming! Good job all and good luck, my only hope now, is that the judges will see the "Truth" :rolleyes:
you did a fantastic job Basso, but I had to stretch at the end, seeing as I made a comeback from my now bionic arm...
In the most heterosexual way, you guys all look great, I was really impressed. I didnt get to vote, but it was too close to call anyway.
Body Transformation Contest Results!!!!!!

Guys this was really hard and i'm glad I wasn't a judge. However, due to the close call and advice from the judges i've decide to reward everyone with a prize.


1st: Tatoopierced one ---1st Basso
1st: PSBigJoey ---1st McBurly
1st: Mass69 ---1st:Peterson24
Honorable Mention: All of ya!

Here's the deal guys. Everyone had their own opinion including the polls. Several were really close and a simple pose could of been the difference. In my eyes, I wanted this to be motivation to make a change and I think that goal was met.

I have a buttload of prizes so here we go...

Crowler's Gifts from Invalid Link Removed
Please make sure you guys stop by his forum and just give thanks. He did this without being asked.

PSBigJoey $100 worth of products at Anabolic Innovations EXCEPT for the Whey protein Blend as the markup is tiny.

Basso $50 same as above

Tattoopierced1 $25 same as above.

next on to gifts brought to you by the Invalid Link Removed

Basso 2lb ATW Chocolate whey protein
McBurly 2lb ATW Chocolate whey protein
Peterson24 2lb ATW Chocolate whey protein

Tattoopierced1 50 Dollar Gift Certificate for Invalid Link Removed

Mass69 50 Dollar Gift Certificate for Invalid Link Removed

Peterson24: CVM Extreme - Pink Lemonade
McBurly: Scivation Sesamin
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I'm providing gold membership for a year for...PSBigJoey. This was my personal selection.

Please email using my profile to look up my email addy with your shipping information. All of the winners need to do this please.

Thanks again ya'll for helping with this...If anyone notices any screw ups let me know. I'm half drugged right now from my broken wisdom tooth and it's late so please bare with me :P
Geat results Jay! Everyone deserved to win and we all did! I have no idea how to read those results though:think: