ATTN: Users of PES AnaBeta and those interested in AnaBeta

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I've been using creatine for a while and I've been wondering if it's still a good idea to take it while on a stack. Any suggestions?
Like Josh, creatine is a STAPLE product that should be used ALL the time, IMO.

I figured the added water retention might work against some of the supplements that dry/lean you out. I've been hearing mixed views in general about using creatine for body-recomp/cut so it's nice to have some input.

Appreciate it.
Definitely NOT. Creatine holds water INSIDE the muscle, which is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. I've used creatine consistently with "supplements that dry/lean you out" - even natural diuretics and never have an issue losing the water I want to lose, whilst being able to maintain a pump and hard muscles.


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I figured the added water retention might work against some of the supplements that dry/lean you out. I've been hearing mixed views in general about using creatine for body-recomp/cut so it's nice to have some input.

Appreciate it.
5000mg creatine per day if water retention is not a concern, 2500mg per day if you dont want any water retention


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God damn hype...

I buckled... Just placed an order for 2 bottles of AnaBeta, 1 of Erase (already have one sitting at home...) and 1 of Alpha T2 (also already have one at home). Too much good feedback, gonna have to see for myself, probably run a 6 week run here, perhaps stretch it to 8, lean bulk keeping calories just barely over (probably 100 - 200 over maintenance level) and utilizing a Topical + Clen for my abs. Mesomorph for pre-workout. Running on a Metabolic Diet. Will log and taking recommendations if I should look into adding anything aside from staples, I believe I will be good with this though.

Will access next step at the end of this run. Let's see what the hype is all about!


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Thanks for the input guys. I've been taking around 5g a day, might knock it back a bit as per suggestion. Glad I don't have to give it up though.

Started my Erase stack yesterday and I could swear I'm feelin' some mood lifts already, haha. Can't wait for my AnaBeta to get in. I'll probably end up ordering another shortly as I'm leaning towards a 8 week run.

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Thanks for the input guys. I've been taking around 5g a day, might knock it back a bit as per suggestion. Glad I don't have to give it up though.

Started my Erase stack yesterday and I could swear I'm feelin' some mood lifts already, haha. Can't wait for my AnaBeta to get in. I'll probably end up ordering another shortly as I'm leaning towards a 8 week run.

No worries :)

5g a day is the absolute most to use, IMO - you actually only need 2-3g a day of creatine to maintain your muscle creatine stores once you've reached your muscle creatine threshold.

You're going to have fun with Erase and AnaBeta!



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Well, I caved in and bought some Anabeta. Loved Erase and PES is a standup company so why not?!

I have a bottle of Erase,Natadrol,ECDY, and maybe some Turkesterone...any stacking suggestions???


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AnaBeta stacked with BCAA and LCLT.


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Stack them all. You won't gain much but you may lean out a little, if your lucky. I have used them all and Natradrol, ECDY and Turkstone are all worthless IMO. ECDY amy help you lean out if you are one of the fortunate responders.


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Stack them all. You won't gain much but you may lean out a little, if your lucky. I have used them all and Natradrol, ECDY and Turkstone are all worthless IMO. ECDY amy help you lean out if you are one of the fortunate responders.
I'm not a believer in Ecdy, based on personal experience, but others seems to like it for some reason. I haven't seen any dramatic improvements in anyone taking Ecdy products. I just think there are more effective alternatives available.


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Im currently running activate xtreme, but am really interested in anabeta, wondering it i could run them side by side, would i see increased effects? any ideas? or should i just run them separately?


Thanks in Advance
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Im currently running activate xtreme, but am really interested in anabeta, wondering it i could run them side by side, would i see increased effects? any ideas? or should i just run them separately?


Thanks in Advance
You can stack Activate Xtreme and AnaBeta. If you've been using Activate Xtreme and know how it affects you, then you can add in AnaBeta. I do recommend running AnaBeta standalone first, to see how it goes, and you can always finish off your Activate Xtreme and then run AnaBeta, stacking them later on.

Although stacking products can help enhance results (usually because stacks are created to compliment each other and fill in any gaps that a certain product may not have), stacking them does not mean and is no guarantee that your progress is going to be faster or that you will get better results.



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Just got notified that my order of AnaBeta shipped out, so it should be here shortly. Can't wait to try it out.


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Can someone please explain how something that mimics Testosterone wont cause suppression of natural test? I'm not tryin to be an @$$hole here, I jsut need someone to shed a little light. I've got a bottle on the way


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Can someone please explain how something that mimics Testosterone wont cause suppression of natural test? I'm not tryin to be an @$$hole here, I jsut need someone to shed a little light. I've got a bottle on the way
From what I understand of it AnaBeta doesn't directly mimic testosterone in any way. It's a compound similar to test in that it displays anabolic properties in the body, however, AnaBeta does so through its own independent anabolic effects and not by way of any testosterone interactions (working on analogous receptors) so it shouldn't affect your test levels at all.

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Can someone please explain how something that mimics Testosterone wont cause suppression of natural test? I'm not tryin to be an @$$hole here, I jsut need someone to shed a little light. I've got a bottle on the way
From what I understand of it AnaBeta doesn't directly mimic testosterone in any way. It's a compound similar to test in that it displays anabolic properties in the body, however, AnaBeta does so through its own independent anabolic effects and not by way of any testosterone interactions (working on analogous receptors) so it shouldn't affect your test levels at all.
Yup exactly. AnaBeta is not going to compete on the androgen receptor with testosterone. That is what causes suppression. It will elicit its own anabolic properties through non-AR mediated pathways


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Look what just came in the mail :)



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Just about ran out of my Primaforce ZMA caps. Some of the strangest dreams I've had taking these babies I'm tellin' yah.


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real f'n nice. :squintfinger:
:lol: the funny thing is if you asked if you could stack creatine with protein, or asked people to rate your purchase, your thread would still be around. However, you decided to seek knowledge on a new and innovative product not carried in their store, and what happens?


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:lol: the funny thing is if you asked if you could stack creatine with protein, or asked people to rate your purchase, your thread would still be around. However, you decided to seek knowledge on a new and innovative product not carried in their store, and what happens?
yeah, i know, man. there was no reason to delete that thread.

or you could go with the ever popular jacked vs (insert stimmed product here)

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:lol: the funny thing is if you asked if you could stack creatine with protein, or asked people to rate your purchase, your thread would still be around. However, you decided to seek knowledge on a new and innovative product not carried in their store, and what happens?
That is one thing I have noticed...they seem to be anti-innovation. Ah well


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sweet, mang. I ordered 2 tubs of protocol to go with my anabeta. how do you flavor your leucine?
Nice protocol is good ****. And idk man. I drank it straight up today and it didn't taste too great and it didn't mix AT ALL lol. Literally was just floating on top no matter how much I mixed it. I'm not sure if flavoring will even work since it doesn't mix at all. I guess I'll figure it out as I go along. You got any advice though?


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Nice protocol is good ****. And idk man. I drank it straight up today and it didn't taste too great and it didn't mix AT ALL lol. Literally was just floating on top no matter how much I mixed it. I'm not sure if flavoring will even work since it doesn't mix at all. I guess I'll figure it out as I go along. You got any advice though?
I've never tried it, but perhaps pre-mixing it with water 24hrs in advance and then adding whatever else before dosing? If this works, you could do larger batches?

This is why I tend to shy away from certain bulks tbh, it's a pain in the butt sometimes.

Zero Tolerance

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This is why I set up my home gym. The hours are great and there is no wait.
Same here. But now I use a Bowflex Revolution with dumbells mixed in. What can ya do?

Zero's gym:

I think those couches might smell like swotty oss...

On another note, I received my two bottles of AnaBeta today.. I'm feeling pumped already. :p My first day training on this stuff comes in 20 minutes.. I'm going to rip the F out of my skin and be a little bigger after every set. :p


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Good luck Zero. Looking forward to some feedback


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Getting mine today!!


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I see everyone saying about using Anabeta by itself and whatnot, just wondering applications of it though.

I was planning on running along with Erase and T2. I am on a recomp, perhaps more even on the cutting side of recomp, and seems as Anabeta by itself would be more of a bulker, correct? So what would the thoughts be on running it more recomp like, by itself? Or I guess even cutter?

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Diet dependent. It could be done. bdcc and AndrewNico both used it in a recomp/cut.

We suggest using it solo first to see how everyone reacts to it. Solo first...assess...stack later if you want. You can use AT2 with it for an increased focus on fat loss and Erase for an increased focus on estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol


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Here, and yes josh is correct. I used it for my recomp/cut very nicely


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Seems the introductory price is over, dang I wish I ordered some more of this stuff on sale. :D

So far I've been definitely noticing my appetite growing, which exaggerates my hypoglycemia a bit if I don't make sure to eat quite frequently.

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Seems the introductory price is over, dang I wish I ordered some more of this stuff on sale. :D

So far I've been definitely noticing my appetite growing, which exaggerates my hypoglycemia a bit if I don't make sure to eat quite frequently.
Great to start getting some initial feedback in!


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I took my first dose before lifting, with no food except some BCAAs (can only consume free aminos with my pre-wo atm, and this is what I have), and felt pretty warm 20 minutes later (while changing into gym clothes). Besides that, took it after my post-workout and then with my post-workout meal (30-60 minutes apart), but I didn't really notice anything with these 2 doses, like in terms of a warm feeling or in terms of appetite.

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Thermogenic effect definitely normal...many testers noticed that.

Remember the hunger thing was seen in most of our testers, but not all. But by the end of the 4 week run all testers experienced the positive anabolic effects. It will take a bit to feel full effects, but effects last for a little bit after ending supplementation so it all works out in the end.

Everyone is different. Some feel certain effects within a few Reply With Quotedays, but full effects may take 7-10 days.

This makes sense though, and is fine, because studies show that the effects of anacyclus last for 7-12 days after stopping its use.

Effects of petroleum ether extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. on sexual behavior in male rats. Sharma V, Thakur M, Chauhan NS, Dixit VK.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar 470003, India.

Abstract:The roots of Anacyclus pyrethrum DC. (Compositae) are employed in Ayurvedic system of medicine as "Vajikaran Rasayana"--a category of drugs for vitality and virility. They are believed to have aphrodisiac action. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate their effects on sexual behavior in male rats.

RESULTS:After 28 days of treatment, PEE and testosterone had a marked influence on body and accessory sexual organ weights as compared with arachis oil. The treated male rats were more receptive and oriented towards female rats and increased precopulatory activities like licking and sniffing of female anogenitals were observed. The penile erection index was significantly increased with reduction in mount latency and intromission latency period. There were four-fold increase in mount and three-fold increase in intromission frequency in treated rats reflecting improved sexual performance. The behavioral and sexual parameters were also observed after a lapse of 7 and 15 days of discontinuance of drug treatment.

CONCLUSION:Unlike testosterone, the PEE of Anacyclus pyrethrum shows efficacy in rats tested after the lapse of 7 and 15 days of discontinuation of treatment. This suggests that the drug has prolonged effect and capacitate the treated rats for improved sexual potential.


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Nice protocol is good ****. And idk man. I drank it straight up today and it didn't taste too great and it didn't mix AT ALL lol. Literally was just floating on top no matter how much I mixed it. I'm not sure if flavoring will even work since it doesn't mix at all. I guess I'll figure it out as I go along. You got any advice though?
leucine is notorious for not mixing and tasting bitter/bad. that's why i was really curious how you were taking your doses. :) I would probably buy some xtend and mix it with that. if you're running anabeta, this would help you to get the leucine ratio recommended by natty.

tried some protocol after tonight's workout. i mixed 1 scoop in about 16 oz. of water. i must say i was a bit disappointed in the flavor. seemed too light and unsweet for my taste. i will try 2 scoops in 16 oz. next time.


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We are waiting for your ( honest ) feedback bro's !
Do not let us down ..!


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I see everyone saying about using Anabeta by itself and whatnot, just wondering applications of it though.

I was planning on running along with Erase and T2. I am on a recomp, perhaps more even on the cutting side of recomp, and seems as Anabeta by itself would be more of a bulker, correct? So what would the thoughts be on running it more recomp like, by itself? Or I guess even cutter?
I tried to keep my diet the same while on it and had to change it to match my appetite.

Despite being on 4.4lbs (way beyond normal weight for me) I lost body fat. I think even if you are taking it on a bulk it is quite probable you will lean up as well, unless your idea of bulking is fast food five times per day.

I think many people who try and bulk on this will notice body fat decreases as well despite the scales going up, that is my prediction. :)


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I tried to keep my diet the same while on it and had to change it to match my appetite.

Despite being on 4.4lbs (way beyond normal weight for me) I lost body fat. I think even if you are taking it on a bulk it is quite probable you will lean up as well, unless your idea of bulking is fast food five times per day.

I think many people who try and bulk on this will notice body fat decreases as well despite the scales going up, that is my prediction. :)
Agreed...much of this is diet dependent and as long as the diet is in line, you should lean out considerably.


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Do not ever try this mistrous supp. until you got solid feedback from many users through trusted formus !
We got really sick of over hyping ..!

And by the way, I strongly believe that Rosie Chee Scott is a member of PES hyping ( advertising ) dept.


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Do not ever try this mistrous supp. until you got solid feedback from many users through trusted formus !
We got really sick of over hyping ..!

And by the way, I strongly believe that Rosie Chee Scott is a member of PES hyping ( advertising ) dept.
Go back to BB forums child.

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