Anavar for the first time


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Bro your quote says var is more anabolic... The androgens is what slaps size on. Anabolic is good for cutting and hardening. Its not more androgenic than test and will NOT put on more size than testosterone
Androgenic is what produces undesirable effects, like acne, hair loss, aggression, night sweats, etc.

Anabolic is what produces tissue growth. This is the *definition* of anabolic. And you can believe what you want, but you're still completely ignorant.


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You're still here? I thought you left this site to pursue loftier goals since no here listens to or is deserving of your "enlightened" advice.

As an aside, I do agree that anavar is one the most efficacious steroids, oral or otherwise, and that people who need to dose above 40mg probably don't have formulary oxandralone.
I just felt like a fight and I got an email notification tagging me in a post about oxandrolone.

I'll be leaving again when this thread dies.


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Well, not scammed -but mislead I recon.
Its the "best" anavar you can get around here. And thank you for keeping it civilized.
I just hate seeing people bash oxandrolone. It's literally *the* safest AS there is, and when used correctly (empty stomach) is the most anabolic compound there is. It's the only known androgen that increases the number of androgen receptors in bone and muscle AND promotes the synthesis of new muscle cells. That's why "var gainzz stick" and that's why it's used with such tremendous success in burn victims. It also increases type I collagen synthesis by 100-300% and type 3 collagen synthesis by up to 1100%. There is NO anabolic steroid that even comes close to the power of oxandrolone and NO anabolic steroid with fewer side effects. It's not even liver toxic.

It's not a mass builder because it causes ZERO water retention and causes ZERO intramuscular fat deposition. What it does is increase strength -- massively, and muscle density and hardness -- massively. It increases peak power output, blocks the negative effects of cortisol on muscle, and burns visceral adipose tissue.

These are facts.
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^great post. Thats the type of info that made me reconsider var and look more closely into it.


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Fact vs fiction. Paper vs real world. If your claims on Anavar is true, no Mr Olympia competitor would use anything but Anavar.

We've told you before, come back down to earth. Many extremely intelligent people on this board, you are not above anyone.
Oxandrolone reaches peak effectiveness at 80 mg per day. At this dosages all receptors are saturated. Tolerance also develops in 6 weeks, so use beyond this is pointless. This makes it unsuitable for the fragile ego freaks of pro-bodybuilding, but superb for people without massive psychological problems who are looking for aesthetics instead of absurd mass.

I'm sorry your understanding of pharmacology is so limited. Maybe one day you'll get it, but today is not that day.


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Dude how Is it that only you have tried the real var? The studies you're showing are from where? There are thousand of studies that proves differently


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Dude how Is it that only you have tried the real var? The studies you're showing are from where? There are thousand of studies that proves differently
You're literally an idiot


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The "empty stomach" thing was new for me... Damn.


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Oxandrolone reaches peak effectiveness at 80 mg per day. At this dosages all receptors are saturated. Tolerance also develops in 6 weeks, so use beyond this is pointless. This makes it unsuitable for the fragile ego freaks of pro-bodybuilding, but superb for people without massive psychological problems who are looking for aesthetics instead of absurd mass.

I'm sorry your understanding of pharmacology is so limited. Maybe one day you'll get it, but today is not that day.
You told HG that he will add "lbs of muscle a week" which is simply not true. Again paper vs real world.

You also said you don't need that much Var, now it's 80mg a day?

I'm sorry your understanding of reasoning is so limited. Maybe one day you'll get it, but today is not that day.


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You're just trying to be condescending. Do I have a degree in Pharmacology? No. I do however have a masters in law and I am currently in the pursuit of my doctorate. See? No one here (excluding an obvious few) is stupid. Now that I have my personal issue with you out of the way.

I don't disagree that Anavar is one hell of a drug and clearly you DO know alot about it and most of what you stated is pure fact. I love Var, I would run it in every cycle. You however have contradicted yourself in this thread as to what you said in a different thread.

I remember a thread where you stated that Anavar is more powerful in terms of muscle building than tren. It's simply not true. Is it safer? Yes. Is it stronger? No.

You've also contradicted yourself in this thread, by claiming pounds of muscle a week and now claiming small, but keep able gains.

You've also said you don't need to run Var at a high dose, not it's 80mg.
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What a great "taking a dump" thread.



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What a great "taking a dump" thread.

Sorry man, didn't mean to come off as a douche, just needed to make a statement for his highness.


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You're literally an idiot
Maybe but I don't need to insult you to know youre wrong. Why are you so mad when people dont listen to you? When people think differently. People say a pill Is not as effective as another and you go and attack their personality. You're a joke, it's so important for you to be right that you say whatever it takes to get there. You're willing to hurt people for them to listen to you when you can't answer any questions. You're basically copying a page of something you've believed to be true and since you're a narcissist you have to stay with that idea.

I got an amazing question for you, what is the brand that creates real var? You're not gonna answer this question and if you can't then your obviously lying.


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Maybe but I don't need to insult you to know youre wrong. Why are you so mad when people dont listen to you? When people think differently. People say a pill Is not as effective as another and you go and attack their personality.
Did you used to be a woman?

I got an amazing question for you, what is the brand that creates real var? You're not gonna answer this question and if you can't then your obviously lying.
Moron, I posted the APIs for oxandrolone previously in this thread. Go find it.


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You're just trying to be condescending. Do I have a degree in Pharmacology? No. I do however have a masters in law and I am currently in the pursuit of my doctorate. See? No one here (excluding an obvious few) is stupid. Now that I have my personal issue with you out of the way.

I don't disagree that Anavar is one hell of a drug and clearly you DO know alot about it and most of what you stated is pure fact. I love Var, I would run it in every cycle. You however have contradicted yourself in this thread as to what you said in a different thread.

I remember a thread where you stated that Anavar is more powerful in terms of muscle building than tren. It's simply not true. Is it safer? Yes. Is it stronger? No.

You've also contradicted yourself in this thread, by claiming pounds of muscle a week and now claiming small, but keep able gains.

You've also said you don't need to run Var at a high dose, not it's 80mg.
1. I would hate to have you as my attorney -- your reading comprehension skills are terrible.

2. What in the world do you think qualifies you to understand, let alone argue, pharmacology, especially at this level?

Every bodybuilding jackoff thinks he's an armchair pharmacology expert. Yeah, pharmacology is so easy, you read a drug article by a misinformed moron who learned everything from other misinformed morons and the cycle of ignorance flourishes.

And this "real world vs. paper" garbage? What a bunch of idiotic, narcissistic, condescending BS. You don't get to throw away science just because a) you disagree with it and b) because your anecdotal observations conflict.

I have posted numerous studies on oxandrolone in previous threads, and I posted one in this one. "Wah wah studies aren't the real world!" is what I get the moment you see how wrong you are.

Bunch of idiots. Not all, but certainly many.
Juicedeez utz

Juicedeez utz

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Spurrfy - master of the anavar. He hasss theeeee pharmaaaaaa grrraaddddeeeeeee!!


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Did you used to be a woman?

Moron, I posted the APIs for oxandrolone previously in this thread. Go find it.
You're not a scientist, or a chemical expert. You're basing your facts on studies made on rats. There are way more studies saying othervise. I can say my car is the fastest car in the world because I read online that's supposedly it has 1 million horsepower. You're telling the whole world you're right they're wrong, if you know something we don't know, like what brand creates real anavar that noboy ever tried please enlighten, but like I said before you know this is not true so you can't do it. If someone tries that brand and they realise it's fake then all you've said will be known as a lie. You're telling jakz he's narcissistic yet you're lying to outshine people. I swear to god of you tell me where to find real anavar I will try it.

Here's some real info for you

And then you're questioning if I am a female?


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I've used var with test and it felt just like superdrol to me.

Epistane isn't bad but nowhere near var or sd. Although I have never used Epistane with test sd and var is just too good to **** with epistane imo


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I've used var with test and it felt just like superdrol to me.

Epistane isn't bad but nowhere near var or sd. Although I have never used Epistane with test sd and var is just too good to **** with epistane imo
Well with test its a whole different ballgame and now we're talking prohormones, yes some might be considered real aas but there's a reason people choose the real stuff before things that goes under the name ph. Var can definitely compete with epistane


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1. I would hate to have you as my attorney -- your reading comprehension skills are terrible.

2. What in the world do you think qualifies you to understand, let alone argue, pharmacology, especially at this level?

Every bodybuilding jackoff thinks he's an armchair pharmacology expert. Yeah, pharmacology is so easy, you read a drug article by a misinformed moron who learned everything from other misinformed morons and the cycle of ignorance flourishes.

And this "real world vs. paper" garbage? What a bunch of idiotic, narcissistic, condescending BS. You don't get to throw away science just because a) you disagree with it and b) because your anecdotal observations conflict.

I have posted numerous studies on oxandrolone in previous threads, and I posted one in this one. "Wah wah studies aren't the real world!" is what I get the moment you see how wrong you are.

Bunch of idiots. Not all, but certainly many.
You know what, if the paper vs reality thing is BS prove it. Run a log with pictures and use 70mg of legit Var each day and prove it. Simple as that. When people disagree with you, you just freak out :lol: relax yourself. So there it is, either prove it with a log or please take your infinite knowledge over to another forum. Good day to you.


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You know what, if the paper vs reality thing is BS prove it. Run a log with pictures and use 70mg of legit Var each day and prove it. Simple as that. When people disagree with you, you just freak out :lol: relax yourself. So there it is, either prove it with a log or please take your infinite knowledge over to another forum. Good day to you.
He's not gonna run anavar to prove you wrong. That's like me taking my Volvo to prove you I can beat your ferarri in speed. Of course he knows hes wrong. Better if he would name the brand so you could try it yourself but he won't do that cause it doesn't exist.


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The question is, did you use spurfy approved real Anavar or some fake, junkie bs?
It was unapproved street junkie var and legit juice, that makes it at least 50% authentic, right?


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It was unapproved street junkie var and legit juice, that makes it at least 50% authentic, right?

I bet if you take all the pills you have it'll be somewhat authentic. It's not the pill itself but the amount, the more you take the more real it gets, 65% true


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I've missed a lot of fun stuff in this thread.
I'm using anavar in my contest prep. Adding it in about 2 weeks.


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I've missed a lot of fun stuff in this thread.
I'm using anavar in my contest prep. Adding it in about 2 weeks.
How many mgs and for how long brother?


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How many mgs and for how long brother?
Not sure yet. If I do use it and not just winny and proviron, it'll probably be all the way up till the show, which is 10 weeks from now. And another show 2 weeks after that.


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Not sure yet. If I do use it and not just winny and proviron, it'll probably be all the way up till the show, which is 10 weeks from now. And another show 2 weeks after that.
If its UGL junk you will need at least a pound per day, deal with it.



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If its UGL junk you will need at least a pound per day, deal with it.

Lol. I trust my guy with my life. If he can't get me the good stuff no one can.


Not sure yet. If I do use it and not just winny and proviron, it'll probably be all the way up till the show, which is 10 weeks from now. And another show 2 weeks after that.
the guys i know that use it for shows bump it up to 100mg of legit var 3 weeks prior.


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the guys i know that use it for shows bump it up to 100mg of legit var 3 weeks prior.
Yeah not surprised. I plan on just doing what my coach tells me. Almost positive I'm doing 50mg winstrol


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You're not a scientist, or a chemical expert. You're basing your facts on studies made on rats. There are way more studies saying othervise. I can say my car is the fastest car in the world because I read online that's supposedly it has 1 million horsepower. You're telling the whole world you're right they're wrong, if you know something we don't know, like what brand creates real anavar that noboy ever tried please enlighten, but like I said before you know this is not true so you can't do it. If someone tries that brand and they realise it's fake then all you've said will be known as a lie. You're telling jakz he's narcissistic yet you're lying to outshine people. I swear to god of you tell me where to find real anavar I will try it.

Here's some real info for you

And then you're questioning if I am a female?
Are you still here?

Cite me a single published study. Just one. is not a source, but if they have cited a scientific source I'll look at it.

You're a child. In over your head.


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I've used var with test and it felt just like superdrol to me.

Epistane isn't bad but nowhere near var or sd. Although I have never used Epistane with test sd and var is just too good to **** with epistane imo
And here we have someone who has taken at least somewhat-legit Var...

When you get the real stuff, it's unmistakable. The first time I ran it I could not stop myself from repeatedly exiting the gym to yell out, "Holy fu(k! Var is fu(king strong!"

This was after more than 15 years of lifting with intermittent cycling of various compounds. I never tried var BECAUSE I HEARD IT WAS WEAK! After reading studies and having a discussion with a colleague, we acquired it and both ran it. Neither of us have ever looked back.
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Much of the VAR out there is made with Dianabol powder.


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He's not gonna run anavar to prove you wrong. That's like me taking my Volvo to prove you I can beat your ferarri in speed. Of course he knows hes wrong. Better if he would name the brand so you could try it yourself but he won't do that cause it doesn't exist.
I can't figure out if you're genuinely stupid or just really, really lazy. I posted the APIs. Again I'm telling you this...

You cannot get legit var without a script or if you are able to order bulk through Sigma-Aldrich with the proper DEA licenses for legitimate IRB-approved studies.

I'm not here to prove anything. I'm merely here to let you know you're wrong. Anyone who has run legit var knows how powerful it is, and they know by the 5th day when the "strength surge" hits. It's like no other AS -- none.


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This. Exactly this.
Then it's dbol. You have one study , one.. I told you to name the brand but you can't. It's funny how you call me stupid since it's obvious you're incredible delusional and that you can't answer questions, there are many studies that says otherwise but since everyone here apparently don't have any legit source of anything I better let you Google it alone so you can decide which study that's correct.

You don't have to prove anything you say, well when you start calling people idiots it would be fair of you to do that.


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I swear to god of you tell me where to find real anavar I will try it.
And you would apologize. And you'd see how wrong you were. And you'd be a var fan for life.

Guess what? I don't care! I don't care if you ever see the light. I don't care if you ever change your mind. I don't care if your liver rots out. I don't care if you die tomorrow. I don't care if you try real var and you write me an entire novel of apology.

I'm just telling you that you're wrong. Because you are. Because you have sh1tty sources and read/believe AS "pharmacology" articles written by people who have likely never even taken college-level cell and molecular biology.

You want Var? Try Walgreens.

And then you're questioning if I am a female?
You certainly mammer on and on like one. Here's a life lesson: Men are succinct, only women drone on and on.


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And you would apologize. And you'd see how wrong you were. And you'd be a var fan for life.

Guess what? I don't care! I don't care if you ever see the light. I don't care if you ever change your mind. I don't care if your liver rots out. I don't care if you die tomorrow. I don't care if you try real var and you write me an entire novel of apology.

I'm just telling you that you're wrong. Because you are. Because you have sh1tty sources and read/believe AS "pharmacology" articles written by people who have likely never even taken college-level cell and molecular biology.

You want Var? Try Walgreens.

You certainly mammer on and on like one. Here's a life lesson: Men are succinct, only women drone on and on.
And your a liar, nobody has ever tried wahlgreens anavar?. If this was true someone must have said how powerful it is? I'm gonna let you feed on someone else, it's like talking to a lizzard.

You sound like you're talking about Jesus.


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And your a liar, nobody has ever tried wahlgreens anavar?. If this was true someone must have said how powerful it is? I'm gonna let you feed on someone else, it's like talking to a lizzard.

You sound like you're talking about Jesus.
Nice job in not mammering so much.


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The reason for my comment was to demonstrate how one may think they have VAR but in fact it's D-Bol.
This reminds me of joke. I once went to a fight and a hockey game broke out. As for the joke, I can't recall.


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Okay, kids. I'm going to do you a favor...

Alpha Pharma oxandrolone and Eminence Labs oxandrolone are both about 50% pure. Make sure you get from a reputable source and check the codes on their websites. These UGL brands are faked very frequently.

Take on an empty stomach with caffeine, once per day and always 90 minutes before lifting -- no caffeine if taking in the evening, you're an idiot if you use caffeine after 2:00 PM -- this sabotages gains.

This dosing regimen produces the mystical 0.25:600-1300 androgenic:anabolic ratio that blows away even Tren. Also, take 30 g of creatine in a single dose every day while on cycle. Take no more than 80 mg/day of this var which will be around the sweet spot of 40-50 mg actual drug. Use a SERM to maintain production, 12.5 mg/day clomid or 30 mg/day of torem -- do not use a test base and do not EVER use tamoxifen. For reasons that will be ***way*** over your heads and so I'm not going to explain unless Nac asks (even then I may not), maximizing gains on var require a functioning HPG-axis.

And no, these aren't my Var, but I can vouch for them.

Real var causes PROFOUND lethargy for the first few weeks 60-90 minutes after taking it. I mean PROFOUND LETHARGY -- like Benadryl + Xanax + weed lethargy. This has to do with how it blocks cortisol signaling and it is borderline debilitating. If you've taken "var" and have not experienced this, 99% chance it was not oxandrolone.
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