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Good workout. You may want to think about a weight belt for some support for that hernia don't want make it worse.Also get Cathy to help you with the lift off on decline bench.
I was looking at the kono knee sleeves like you had mentioned and saw he also has some sort of belt. I may look into that. The hernia started to give me issues when i started to do the dead lifts but was manageable. And for Cathie helping with getting the bar off she is a tad short, so when she did assist she basically had her crotch over my nose. Which normally may not be a problem but not in the gym after being all sweaty. LMFAO....

Also on the Knee sleeves. He showed a medium and a large or maybe it was large and extra large based on weight. My current weight is literally on the border for both sizes. Of course once i hit my goal weight i will be in the smaller of the two sizes so not sure which one i should get. What is your thought on that.


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Lets start this off with the over all workout. Prior to my workout I used a sample packet of FinaFlex N.O. Ignite Pre-Workout packet. I took it about 20 minutes prior to hitting the gym. The product itself tasted pretty good. At first it was a tad powdery taste, I wasn't sure how much water to use so i used 4 oz of water. It finally kicked in about 45 minutes after i took it which was almost half way through my workout. I would have to give this a thumbs up. Just would need to take it about an 45 minute to an hour prior to working out. The product reads take 15-30 minutes prior.
Good workout Brotha, glad you liked the N.O. IGNITE, 4oz. of water, did it taste like tropical sweet-tart syrup (powdery huh, surprised you didn't eat it with a spoon @ only 4oz, LoL)? I use between 16-20oz because it is so sweet and tart, but it is recommended at 12oz. As far as when to take it... different people react quicker or slower, depends on the person, but 90% of the users begin to feel it between 15-30mins, but hey with supplements and different human bodies, anything is possible, I'm just glad you liked it, LoL!


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Oh yeah it was sweet at first. But then I just drank it up quick. Lol loved the fruit punch taste to it.

Today I used the Pro Xanthine 500-XT. Took it at 7 am and it is a nice fat burner. Doesn't give you the jitters and it actually has a nice warming effect periodically. It is now almost lunch time and energy level is still as it was this morning. And so far have been able to focus on all my tasks at hand with no problems. So far a thumbs up on this fat burner.


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Had solid energy all day never needed to take a second fat burner pill. Had periodic warming almost like it was on a timer of some sort. Never had the jitters and here it is now almost 7 pm and still feel good. The only other fat burners that made me feel like this was when i was taking adderllin and forged burner in combination. Only now i am taking one pill of the Finaflex Pro Xanthine 500-XT. So as of day one taking this I must say very impressed with the overall energy level and being able to focus on all tasks at hand at the office. I have about 5 pills left in the sample pack I got. I will continue to post up the what it is like while taking the product.

On a side note came home from the office and got on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Today was a day off from the gym.


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Good stuff Jeff. I have a sample of the Pro Xanthine 500 XT at the house now. I will be comparing it to the effects of dexaprine for appetite suppression and energy. However I expect mental focus to be off the chain with this due to the shizandra. It also helps the body cope with any other stress inducing events, including the stress from working out.


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I cant really say how it is for the appetite suppression as I dont really have that problem. And yesterday was an off day so calories were low. We shall see how today goes since I will need to eat more since it is a workout day.


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JEFF... So your Bro-n-Law really Loves you, he has convinced me into letting you have the EPI-V and to do a LOG for us with it! It is hard to argue with Chris when he presents his arguments so well, I mean I really didn't have a retort for him, so I just caved, LoL! Anyway, you are gonna LOVE EPI-V, you might not pack on much muscle mass in the way of Lbs, but you will definitely watch the fat melt away as your strength increases steadily, and you surely will not sacrifice any of that hard earned fat-burning lean muscle you already have, that is for sure!!!


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That is freaking awesone. Thank you so much for even considering me to run it. That with the Pro Xanthine 500 should be a nice combo.


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Well I started the day taking the fat burner at 7am again and all day long the energy level was consistent. Appetite suppressant kicked in. I haven't had a problem with over eating during my training since the beginning. However today was my 2400 calorie day or better known as my workout day. After my first meal I felt stuffed and had to force myself to eat the second meal. Had plenty of energy all the way through the workout which started about 7pm. So here we go here was the workout.

Arnold Dumbbell Press

1 set of 8 55 lbs
1 set of 6 55 lbs
1 set of 4 50 lbs
1 set of 2 45 lbs

Dumbbell Pull Overs

1 set of 8 70 lbs
1 set of 7 70 lbs
1 set of 6 65 lbs
1 set of 5 60 lbs

Hammer Strength Super Inclines

1 set of 8 115 lbs each arm
1 set of 6 115 lbs
1 set of 4 100 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs

Reverse Grip Bench Press (Very awkward exercise)

1 set of 8 140 lbs (probably could have done more once i got the hang of the exercise)
1 set of 8 140 lbs
1 set of 8 100 lbs
1 set of 6 80 lbs

Dead Lifts (This exercise will change from now on. Started to have pain in my Hernia in the belly)

1 set of 8 270 lbs
1 set of 6 270 lbs
1 set of 5 180 lbs
1 set of 5 90 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 8 180 lbs
1 set of 6 180 lbs
1 set of 5 170 lbs
1 set of 5 160 lbs


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Putting in some great work Jeff!


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So today I started the new regimen today. Started the day off with Pro Xanthine 500-XT this morning at 7am. Got home and a little surprise my EPI-V was here. So I changed and popped two pills and went to go workout. Now let me say this. When I was finished, the whole way home i felt like i needed to pull over and vomit all the water i drank. LMAO... Now that i have felt what this will do with just two pills I think i will take only 4 pills for the first couple of weeks and bump it up to 6 then. I had plenty of energy and felt nice and strong. Now for the workout.

Flat Dumbbell Bench

1 set of 8 80 lbs (Personal Best on weight to date)
1 set of 8 80 lbs
1 set of 6 75 lbs
1 set of 6 70 lbs

Dumbbell Rows

1 set of 8 90 lbs (Personal Best on weight to date)
1 set of 10 90 lbs
1 set of 8 85 lbs
1 set of 5 80 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine

1 set of 8 220 lbs (Personal Best on weight to date)
1 set of 10 220 lbs
1 set of 6 200 lbs
1 set of 3 180 lbs

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Drag Curls

1 set of 6 50 lbs (Personal Best on weight to date)
1 set of 6 50 lbs
1 set of 3 40 lbs
1 set of 3 35 lbs

Leg Press

1 set of 8 630 lbs
1 set of 10 630 lbs
1 set of 8 540 lbs
1 set of 6 480 lbs

Lying Leg Curls

1 set of 8 140 lbs (Personal best on weight to date)
1 set of 6 140 lbs
1 set of 4 130 lbs
1 set of 2 120 lbs

So overall. I was extremely happy with tonight's workout. I am not back to my normal leg press weight yet but i can easily see i should be there in the next 2 weeks. The diet is in full effect. I now have this diet down and have no problems with it. In the beginning it was a tad tough to eat my largest meal after my workout. Now, I am like is that it. LMAO...


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If it is an issue with what I am now taking i will not mention it other than when Need2Slin when it comes back in stock. And possibly the Transderm.
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

You are doing AMAZING!! :clap2:


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Gracias chica now stop farting your stinking up the house. You are about to be banned from our room. LMFAO....
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

Gracias chica now stop farting your stinking up the house. You are about to be banned from our room. LMFAO....
Don't be telling lies!! :buttkick:


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Jeff... when you transition from one muscle group to the next, say for example when you went from bicep curls to leg presses in your most recent workout post, do you warm up at all, do a set or two with lighter weight for higher repetitions to get some blood pumping to the new area? Maybe it is just me being a "Nervous-Nelly" but I've had an injury before (tore my chest clean off the bone in 2006) and do not wanna repeat that same mistake!


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Jeff... when you transition from one muscle group to the next, say for example when you went from bicep curls to leg presses in your most recent workout post, do you warm up at all, do a set or two with lighter weight for higher repetitions to get some blood pumping to the new area? Maybe it is just me being a "Nervous-Nelly" but I've had an injury before (tore my chest clean off the bone in 2006) and do not wanna repeat that same mistake!
No I do not. Usually just warm up with some cardio and some stretching. I also stretch after each set. With the exception to when I am dropping the weight and just going to failure. I will stretch after the first set and then stretch after the last set.


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Today was an off day with the weights. So i came home and did 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. Did various speeds and inclines. Tonight will be an early night had a super long day at the office.


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Today I upped my dosage of EPI-V today to 5 pills. Starting Monday I will be using 6 per day. I also took my last dose at 4:30 pm about an hour and a half before my workout. Had plenty of energy that lasted all the way through the workout it self. Now for the update.

Reverse Grip Pull-downs

1 set of 6 180 lbs
1 set of 6 180 lbs
1 set of 5 160 lbs
1 set of 5 140 lbs

Decline Bench Press

1 set of 8 190 lbs (Could have lifted more but my spotter "wife" wouldn't be able to help much if needed)
1 set of 10 190 lbs
1 set of 8 160 lbs
1 set of 6 140 lbs

Cable Upright Rows (Dumbbell area had too many people)

1 set of 8 120 lbs
1 set of 8 120 lbs
1 set of 6 110 lbs
1 set of 4 100 lbs

Back Extensions (Did these instead of Stiff Leg Dead Lifts due to hernia)

1 set of 8 280 lbs
1 set of 10 280 lbs
1 set of 8 260 lbs
1 set of 8 240 lbs

Machine Squats

1 set of 8 720 lbs (Personal Best weight to date) (I should have just loaded the rack full I know for a fact i could have done more :angryfire:)
1 set of 8 720 lbs
1 set of 6 630 lbs
1 set of 4 540 lbs

Now for the video. A little disappointing the angle doesn't really show you how low i was getting. Tried to focus on form and made a lot of dumb faces. Grrrr.

[video=youtube;2DV-J0hthCs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DV-J0hthCs&feature=player_embedde d[/video]


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She probably should have been standing next to the water fountain. So I guess the next time I do a video It will be heavier only because i felt like I had more left in the tank and she will not only get a couple reps with how many plates are on she will get a side view. Otherwise I am glad she at least got this so i can show myself that I can do it and I can critique what i need to do better.
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

You did a magnificent job!! Keep it up!!!


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She probably should have been standing next to the water fountain. So I guess the next time I do a video It will be heavier only because i felt like I had more left in the tank and she will not only get a couple reps with how many plates are on she will get a side view. Otherwise I am glad she at least got this so i can show myself that I can do it and I can critique what i need to do better.
I like how you can see her filming you in the rear mirror, LoL


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She probably should have been standing next to the water fountain. So I guess the next time I do a video It will be heavier only because i felt like I had more left in the tank and she will not only get a couple reps with how many plates are on she will get a side view. Otherwise I am glad she at least got this so i can show myself that I can do it and I can critique what i need to do better.
Looking at that film again, I think if she just moved over to her left about 4ft, that would be perfect, because then she would have your right front angle in the shot showing all the plates and you can also see your lift from the front and back via the mirror behind you, that is just my opinion, but it would cover as much area in one line of site/point of view!


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Looking at that film again, I think if she just moved over to her left about 4ft, that would be perfect, because then she would have your right front angle in the shot showing all the plates and you can also see your lift from the front and back via the mirror behind you, that is just my opinion, but it would cover as much area in one line of site/point of view!
Good catch.


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Good catch.
"F@CK.. I'm Good! Where do I get these ideas??? It's like a gift... It's like I can't control it!!!" Quote from..."The Girl Next Door"


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This training session a few thing happened. First I lowered the weight down to be able to accomplish a first set of 12-15. Then taper down so I can get some extra reps in. Next after a 10 minute warm up on the bike headed over to the dumbbell rack. Grabbed a 50 lb dumbbell and heard a pop from my left elbow. Tried not to let it bother me so I just proceeded to workout.

Arnold Dumbbell Press

1 set of 12 50 lbs
1 set of 8 50 lbs
1 set of 5 45 lbs
1 set of 3 40 lbs

Dumbbell Pull Overs

1 set of 12 80 lbs
1 set of 8 80 lbs
1 set of 6 75 lbs
1 set of 4 70 lbs

Hammer Strength Super Incline

1 set of 13 115 lbs each arm
1 set of 8 115 lbs each arm
1 set of 7 90 lbs each arm
1 set of 8 45 lbs each arm

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 65 lbs
1 set of 11 65 lbs
1 set of 8 50 lbs
1 set of 8 35 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 12 150 lbs
1 set of 8 150 lbs
1 set of 6 140 lbs
1 set of 5 120 lbs

Back Extensions

1 set of 15 280 lbs
1 set of 10 280 lbs
1 set of 10 280 lbs
1 set of 8 280 lbs

As the workout was coming to an end my elbow was throbbing. So it is time for some tiger balm and rest. Thank goodness the weekend is here so I have two days off.


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Chest Press w/Precor FT444 Machine

1 set of 12 60 lbs
1 set of 8 60 lbs
1 set of 5 50 lbs
1 set of 3 45 lbs

Cable Rows w/Precor FT332 Machine

1 set of 15 50 lbs each arm
1 set of 12 50 lbs each arm
1 set of 8 45 lbs each arm
1 set of 6 40 lbs each arm

Shoulder Press Machine

1 set of 15 180 lbs
1 set of 12 180 lbs
1 set of 6 160 lbs
1 set of 4 140 lbs

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 80 lbs
1 set of 12 80 lbs
1 set of 10 70 lbs
1 set of 4 60 lbs

Leg Press

1 set of 15 480 lbs
1 set of 12 480 lbs
1 set of 10 480 lbs
1 set of 6 480 lbs

Lying Leg Curls

1 set of 12 80 lbs
1 set of 8 80 lbs
1 set of 7 70 lbs
1 set of 6 60 lbs

Used mostly cable machine since the free weight area was way over crowded. It never seems to fail. You have the New Years resolution people and then those who want to get in shape in the middle of the year for the holidays. LOL..


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Pull Downs

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 10 120 lbs
1 set of 8 100 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs

Decline Bench

1 set of 12 210 lbs
1 set of 8 210 lbs
1 set of 3 190 lbs
1 set of 6 160 lbs

Cable Upright Rows

1 set of 13 110 lbs
1 set of 10 110 lbs
1 set of 6 100 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs

Machine Squats

1 set of 15 540 lbs
1 set of 10 540 lbs
1 set of 8 450 lbs
1 set of 6 360 lbs

Back Extensions

1 set of 15 300 lbs
1 set of 11 300 lbs
1 set of 9 300 lbs
1 set of 6 300 lbs

Tea Cups

1 set of 15 5 lbs


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Cardio, X Stretch from p90x with some core work all complete. Time to eay and go to bed.


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Cardio, X Stretch from p90x with some core work all complete. Time to eay and go to bed.
Damn, I know you're tired if you can't even spell eat, LoL... Keep up the great work Bro!


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Lmao thats what I get for using a stupid phone. Cause it darn sure isnt smart. Lol


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Lmao thats what I get for using a stupid phone. Cause it darn sure isnt smart. Lol
I know exactly what you mean and how you feel, I say that about my phone all the time... I think I have the dumbest "Smart-Phone" ever created!!!


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Arnold Press

1 set of 15 40 lbs
1 set of 10 40 lbs
1 set of 7 30 lbs
1 set of 6 20 lbs

Dumbbell Pull Overs

1 set of 12 85 lbs
1 set of 6 85 lbs
1 set of 4 80 lbs
1 set of 4 80 lbs

Hammer Strength Super Incline

1 set of 12 115 lbs each arm
1 set of 5 115 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs
1 set of 6 45 lbs

Reverse Grip Bench Press

1 set of 15 170 lbs
1 set of 10 170 lbs
1 set of 8 160 lbs
1 set of 6 150 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 10 120 lbs
1 set of 8 110 lbs
1 set of 6 100 lbs

Back Extensions

1 set of 15
1 set of 10
1 set of 8
1 set of 6

Sit ups

1 set of 25
1 set of 25
1 set of 25


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Chest Press W/ Precor FT 444 Machine

1 set of 15 60 lbs each arm
1 set of 10 60 lbs
1 set of 6 50 lbs
1 set of 4 45 lbs

Cable Row W/Precor FT 332 Machine

1 set of 15 50 lbs each arm
1 set of 12 50 lbs
1 set of 8 45 lbs
1 set of 7 40 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine

1 set of 15 200 lbs
1 set of 10 200 lbs
1 set of 3 180 lbs
1 set of 1 160 lbs

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 95 lbs
1 set of 10 95 lbs
1 set of 6 80 lbs
1 set of 5 65 lbs

Leg Press

1 set of 15 500 lbs
1 set of 15 500 lbs
1 set of 11 500 lbs
1 set of 8 500 lbs

Lying Leg Curls

1 set of 12 100 lbs
1 set of 8 100 lbs
1 set of 6 90 lbs
1 set of 4 80 lbs


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Today is an off day for weigh training so cardio was done. 35 minutes on an incline of 8 speed of 3.0


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Wide Grip Pull Downs

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 10 120 lbs
1 set of 8 100 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs

Decline Bench

1 set of 15 220 lbs (Personal best to date)
1 set of 10 220 lbs
1 set of 3 210 lbs
1 set of 4 190 lbs

Cable Upright Rows

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 12 120 lbs
1 set of 7 110 lbs
1 set of 5 100 lbs

Machine Squats

1 set of 15 540 lbs
1 set of 12 540 lbs
1 set of 9 450 lbs
1 set of 8 360 lbs

Back Extensions

1 set of 25 100 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs

Weighted Ab Crunch

1 set of 25 120 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs
1 set of 25 120 lbs


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Nice workout, seems like you are starting to adopt my high-volume style a little, eh?


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The only real difference I see is our rep range is different!


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Well yesterday was supposed to be our workout day. However we had such a wonderful day we decided to post pone the workout til this morning. Yesterday started off with jumping on the scale and being shocked at the number on the scale. (Yes I know the scale does not tell you everything but it is nice to see the numbers go down and not stay the same or go up.) So that was a great start to the day, then a few hours later I finalized the purchase of 2 acres of land. Now I actually own a piece of something that I can call mine. And then to top it all off, My cousin whom I haven't seen on well over 30 years came to visit and we spent many hours of quality time together. Now my cousin and I talk on a regular basis just have not seen each other since we were very young.

Now for this mornings workout in a fasted state...

Arnold Press

1 set of 15 40 lbs
1 set of 10 40 lbs
1 set of 8 35 lbs
1 set of 7 30 lbs

Dumbbell Pullovers

1 set of 12 90 lbs
1 set of 10 90 lbs
1 set of 6 85 lbs
1 set of 6 80 lbs

Hammer Strength Super Incline

1 set of 12 115 lbs each arm
1 set of 8 115 lbs
1 set of 7 90 lbs
1 set of 8 45 lbs

Reverse Grip Bench Press

1 set of 15 180 lbs
1 set of 12 180 lbs
1 set of 10 170 lbs
1 set of 8 160 lbs

Back Extensions

No Weight

1 set of 20
1 set of 20
1 set of 20
1 set of 20

Leg Extension

1 set of 13 140 lbs
1 set of 10 140 lbs
1 set of 8 130 lbs
1 set of 6 120 lbs


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Today was a great workout. Why you ask. Well I hit my personal goal of being able to flat bench 250 lbs 10-15 times. This would be the first time in many years of being able to do this.

Flat Bench Press

1 set of 10 250 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 6 250 lbs
1 set of 4 230 lbs
1 set of 8 190 lbs

Dumbbell Rows

1 set of 12 100 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 10 100 lbs
1 set of 8 95 lbs
1 set of 7 90 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine

1 set of 15 240 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 10 240 lbs
1 set of 5 220 lbs
1 set of 4 200 lbs

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 95 lbs
1 set of 8 95 lbs
1 set of 4 80 lbs
1 set of 6 65 lbs

Leg Press

1 set of 15 500 lbs
1 set of 12 500 lbs
1 set of 6 500 lbs
1 set of 8 500 lbs

Back Extensions

4 sets of 25



Today was a great workout. Why you ask. Well I hit my personal goal of being able to flat bench 250 lbs 10-15 times. This would be the first time in many years of being able to do this.

Flat Bench Press

1 set of 10 250 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 6 250 lbs
1 set of 4 230 lbs
1 set of 8 190 lbs

Dumbbell Rows

1 set of 12 100 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 10 100 lbs
1 set of 8 95 lbs
1 set of 7 90 lbs

Shoulder Press Machine

1 set of 15 240 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 10 240 lbs
1 set of 5 220 lbs
1 set of 4 200 lbs

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 95 lbs
1 set of 8 95 lbs
1 set of 4 80 lbs
1 set of 6 65 lbs

Leg Press

1 set of 15 500 lbs
1 set of 12 500 lbs
1 set of 6 500 lbs
1 set of 8 500 lbs

Back Extensions

4 sets of 25



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Had a pretty descent workout. Took my cousin to the gym to let him see how its done. Needless to say he was whining like a little beatch. lol

Wide Grip Pull Downs

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 12 120 lbs
1 set of 6 100 lbs
1 set of 4 90 lbs

Decline Bench

1 set of 15 230 lbs (Personal Best to date)
1 set of 8 230 lbs
1 set of 6 190 lbs
1 set of 5 140 lbs

Cable Upright Row

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 10 120 lbs
1 set of 5 110 lbs
1 set of 3 100 lbs

Machine Squats

1 set of 15 720 lbs
1 set of 10 720 lbs
1 set of 8 630 lbs
1 set of 7 540 lbs

Seated Leg Curls

1 set of 15 125 lbs
1 set of 10 125 lbs
1 set of 8 110 lbs
1 set of 7 95 lbs


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All New-Bies whine like LiL Beatches, Nature of the Beast! Gotta crawl before you can walk, you take a guy in there and expect him to keep up with your well paced jog and he hasn't even learned to crawl yet, he's gonna be whining!!!


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All New-Bies whine like LiL Beatches, Nature of the Beast! Gotta crawl before you can walk, you take a guy in there and expect him to keep up with your well paced jog and he hasn't even learned to crawl yet, he's gonna be whining!!!
Lol but it is all so funny. When they say they can do what you do. Lmfao


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Lol but it is all so funny. When they say they can do what you do. Lmfao
I have a perfect example, have you ever seen "thetinyguy"s thread? He does so much volume and at a very fast pace, if I tried to hang with him, I would be whining.... and at the same time, if he tried to hang with me and lowered his sets & reps with raised the weight, he would be whining, so it is all relative to what you are used to!

At the same time though, I do understand where you are coming from and I have done that myself on quite a few occasions... you get some guy, a friend or a friend of a friend who thinks he is strong or in good shape, etc. For me, it was one of my wife's bosses, she is a server at a Mexican Restaurant, well this 26yr old assistant manager kept nagging me and nagging me about working out with me, how strong he is, how he shocks everyone when he works out, that he could hang with me, etc. etc. Well, sure enough, it was LEG day and I ran into him at the gym, HeheheHahaha (evil laugh), I called him over and asked him if he wanted to work legs with me, he was like "Hell Yeah!" So we get about 5 sets into me leg pressing and he says he needs to use the bathroom, which later I found out he went and puked his guts out, anyway, he was so sore that day and the day after that he had to call in sick to work, but I'll give him two things, he finished it, he didn't whine, and his little pencil thin legs pushed a **** load of weight, not as much as me, but close enough to where I was like "Damn" impressed! Anyway, I did see him like a month later and it was back day and I asked him if he wanted to join in and he said he could not afford to be out of work for two days again, LoL, so I humbled him, LoL!


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So my cousin wanted to try to do another workout. So I took him. Once again he tried really hard but was a tad frustrated that Cathie is able to lift more than him. LOL. While I had another descent workout.

Arnold Press

1 set of 15 50 lbs
1 set of 10 50 lbs
1 set of 9 45 lbs
1 set of 8 35 lbs

Dumbbell Pull Overs

1 set of 12 90 lbs
1 set of 10 90 lbs
1 set of 8 85 lbs
1 set of 6 80 lbs

Hammer Strength Super Incline

1 set of 12 115 lbs
1 set of 6 115 lbs
1 set of 6 90 lbs
1 set of 9 45 lbs

Reverse Grip Bench Press

1 set of 15 190 lbs
1 set of 8 190 lbs
1 set of 6 160 lbs
1 set of 5 140 lbs

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 110 lbs (Personal Best to Date)
1 set of 10 110 lbs
1 set of 8 95 lbs
1 set of 6 80 lbs

Leg Extensions

1 set of 15 140 lbs
1 set of 10 140 lbs
1 set of 6 125 lbs
1 set of 7 110 lbs

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