Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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Good God! I really don't know how you're doing this! Has anyone on here seen somebody grow this fast!?
Lol. Thanks man. I am CHEATING tho, aren't I? There aren't shortcuts, but gear has its place among those willing to work harder than most

motherfocker you aint gained no fat but last time i check you where +3 now i come in and your +9- YES! with a little extra calories and the var YOUR GROWING EVEN MORE! the pics DO NOT LIE!

If anything, I think I've lost some fat. I attribute that weight to water partially. I mixed my diet up this weekend. No cheating, just different things I ate. It probably had a bit more sodium in it for one. I also hit some carbs more than usual (ritz crackers with PB and some string cheese), but it didn't put any fat that I can see on me, it just gave me some more energy during and immediately after my workout. I was pretty wiped out after my heavy DL and squats this week, I also ate some of the greek yogurt too (no fat, no carbs, just two types of protein, fast and slow digesting). It was delish :)

Very noticceable improvements Herr morry!!

You're like that energizer bunny, you just keep going, going, and going.
Or should I say, "Growing, growing, and growing".

I hope it stays this way. I'm bigger than I think I have ever been and I am about to at a BF percentage I was when I was 24. I appreciate you following and your advice. It has helped push me here and will keep me going. I'm not even half way done yet.....

I'm hopin to see the split in my chest from top to bottom next week. I imagine my V will just keep getting deeper as I lean out more and more.

I have upped cals slightly, but I'm not sticking to a set up in cals. I'm doing it more by feel throughout the day. Being hungry 3 hours after I eat is ok if I'm heading into lunch in a hour. Being hungry 2 hours after working out....not happening. I'll eat more if that is the case. This isn't to say I'm not paying attention to my diet bc I am. I'm just not saying that I'm adding 500 cals a day at this point. I prob will a couple days a week, but others, when I know I can do without, I will do so.

Cardio today. Should be an easy day.


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you didnt gain 6lbs water though i can tell you that


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Day 36

weight 211 (+5) but 4 down from yesterday. I've been light the last two cardio days. Not sure if that means anything, just an observation

Ran outside in the freaking cold for 2 miles. I got a back pump running. I've had this happen before, but not recently. I took taurine at lunch too. This is the main reason I didn't run 4 miles today, only 2.
I ran in my Vibrams and my toes went numb for the first mile but they warmed up as I did and the numbness went away completely. Easy run, probably could have ran further but it is a 2 mile loop and 4 miles wasn't sounding like anything I wanted to do today. I was running slow so if I had to guess it was a 5 or 5.5 pace.
Taurine will be here either tomorrow or Friday and I'm going to eat it like skittles for a couple days. Overdosing on Taurine might be fun if it gets rid of my back pump.
Go ahead....look it up.....

Pinned 1ml test e this morning, right quad. My quad is stiff as fock. Not sure why bc I was pinning 2ml in that mofo and 3ml over 2 days and it wasn't as sore as it is today. Nothing went wrong with the pin. I'm thinking I might have stared at my leg the wrong way while holding my breath and crossing my fingers left over right which is where I made my mistake should have been right over left so I'm sore now. It loosened a great deal during my run.

Pin HCG tomorrow.

Everything else is the same. Rockin out with my kock out


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you didnt gain 6lbs water though i can tell you that
well I got to be honest about the way I weigh myself. You see I can't weigh myself first thing in the morning because at that time of the day if I'm naked (which is the only official way to weigh [term trade marked] ), my "manhood" rest and sometimes even drags on the floor. Let's just say willy doesn't always make it on the scale with papa. So to avoid this mishap I weigh myelf post workout bc something about a hard workout makes my junk contract enough where it no longer rest on the floor but rather hangs at salute. This means that without my purple headed yogurt slinger touching the ground I am able to weigh myself with much greater accuracy if I weigh myself post workout every day.
That being said, I'm not sure why my weight is going up and down besides the extra cals here and there, but the weight is substantial for just a one or two day fluctuations. I've read, however, that carbs hold 3 times thier weight in water. So if my extra calories were carbs, that would explain holding so much weight so quickly. The rest I'm not so sure about, but I do know it is diet related bc that is all that has changed.


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well I got to be honest about the way I weigh myself. You see I can't weigh myself first thing in the morning because at that time of the day if I'm naked (which is the only official way to weigh [term trade marked] ), my "manhood" rest and sometimes even drags on the floor. Let's just say willy doesn't always make it on the scale with papa. So to avoid this mishap I weigh myelf post workout bc something about a hard workout makes my junk contract enough where it no longer rest on the floor but rather hangs at salute. This means that without my purple headed yogurt slinger touching the ground I am able to weigh myself with much greater accuracy if I weigh myself post workout every day.
That being said, I'm not sure why my weight is going up and down besides the extra cals here and there, but the weight is substantial for just a one or two day fluctuations. I've read, however, that carbs hold 3 times thier weight in water. So if my extra calories were carbs, that would explain holding so much weight so quickly. The rest I'm not so sure about, but I do know it is diet related bc that is all that has changed.





well- regardless your looking yoked





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It may be jsut that I am new but i do not understand what the big deal is about this guy......My sister is bigger than he is! Dudes a joke

Morry maybe you should start doubling you doses so you can start growing:aargh:


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It may be jsut that I am new but i do not understand what the big deal is about this guy......My sister is bigger than he is! Dudes a joke

Morry maybe you should start doubling you doses so you can start growing:aargh:
shut up bitch, post up your pics please

guys made great progress, until you post any pics shut the **** up


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shut up bitch, post up your pics please

guys made great progress, until you post any pics shut the **** up

Pics or STFU....:lol:

or I :nutkick: love this icon btw

and when you realize :tool:

and that :notworthy:

I'll answer some of your questions.

All kidding aside, bro's let's give a warm welcome to my older Brother DmaxJr

He has finally decided to contribute and not just follow along. I just hooked him up with some Ephedrine HCL and he is about to start hitting the weight hard again. He just had a baby and things have been crazy, but I am doing my damnest to get him involved with AM.

He is stirring the pot right now (hence his notion that our worthless sister is even worth the air she breaths let alone any sort of muscle building routine), but my boy Schwell already showed him the bro-love we got on here. Work hard, train harder, contribute to AM.

no homo.....


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Compared to you he has made great gains! I agree.
wait, your related to morry

im so so sorry

forgive me lol i thought you where just some random dude- i see you where being an older brother

but yeah morry a bish


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djmax WELCOME! any kin folk of morrys- is a kinfolk of mine!!!

Forgive my ass holeish comments i will shove them up my ass now!



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No worries I was expecting that kind of response. It was kind of what I was going for.

Saw Morry in the flesh yesterday and the pics on this sight do not do the kid justice! He is JACKED!


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No worries I was expecting that kind of response. It was kind of what I was going for.

Saw Morry in the flesh yesterday and the pics on this sight do not do the kid justice! He is JACKED!
That was a good one bro. I sensed something was up with that post though. ha ha

Wilkommen dmaxjr!!! :welcome:

Any bruder of morry's is a bruder of mine.

And I know what you're talking about with pictures not doing someone justice. I think we all feel that way. I'll bet in real life, morry looks massive. He's made incredible progress in such short time.


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That was a good one bro. I sensed something was up with that post though. ha ha

Wilkommen dmaxjr!!! :welcome:

Any bruder of morry's is a bruder of mine.

And I know what you're talking about with pictures not doing someone justice. I think we all feel that way. I'll bet in real life, morry looks massive. He's made incredible progress in such short time.
thundergod im really captin america in real life

can i be ur bruddah?


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thundergod im really captin america in real life

can i be ur bruddah?
We've been over this time and time again mofo.

I'm CAPTAIN AMERICA, on Mon Wed and Fri

You are Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun (cause everybody knows no crime happens on sunday anyhow).

Today is Wed just in case you forgot. That pic Thunder posted is for me, not you.

Some freaking ppl......

My cape is totally cooler next pics I'll be in my cape too


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That was a good one bro. I sensed something was up with that post though. ha ha

Wilkommen dmaxjr!!! :welcome:

Any bruder of morry's is a bruder of mine.

And I know what you're talking about with pictures not doing someone justice. I think we all feel that way. I'll bet in real life, morry looks massive. He's made incredible progress in such short time.
TG you freaking rock bro.....thank you for the kind words.

When Dmax saw me yesterday he said "If I were you, I'd just sit at my desk with my shirt off all day".....and I can't. IMO it's "obvious" I'm doing I'm not sure my boss would agree with it (not morally, I'm sure that wouldn't be an issue, but professionally). Big shirts and no flexing for me at work. Gotta keep a low profile for now....I do start to lay some concrete on the weekends over the next month or so and that's when I get all my sun.....and the lake soon too. This is going to be a great summer.



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I do start to lay some concrete on the weekends over the next month or so and that's when I get all my sun.....and the lake soon too. This is going to be a great summer.

Yes sir,

Time to rip that shirt off and get some arse



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Yes sir,

Time to rip that shirt off and get some arse

Eddie, couldn't have said it better myself. Saw your leg workout again today. The volume is freaking crazy


Day 37

weight, 211 (+5) same as yesterday

Legs / Arms

The pin from yesterday was really sore when I woke up this morning. I've pinned 16 or so odd times and this by far is the worst it hurt. I figured it would loosen up as the day went on but the stairs at work made me limp, sitting at my desk for over an hour then standing to get some water actually hurt. I know, I know, I need to wash the sand out my freaking va-j-j, but seriously this sucked. I, for a second, thought about skipping leg day. Then I laughed at my sandy fish hole and grunted through the workout. I do get why some guys mught try to bail from such a workout bc when you are doing heavy squats and one leg feels like it is going to give due to pain, your other leg compensates naturally causing a dangerous imbalance. I felt myself doing this and had to concentrate extra hard on making sure I was pushing with the right force from each leg. This hurt my reps because I had to go slower and concentrate. I still got a great pump from the workout and am satisfied I fried my legs and arms. My wrist straps officially broke today too. One had been broken, but the other gave way so I gotta get some new ones. So I had a couple hiccups in the road today, but nothing I couldn't get through. Good workout, good burn, good pump and I'm pretty sure a pen1s grew where my sandy va-j-j was before my workout. No homo....

I can't understand why the pin location was so sore. It was actually slightly lower that was sore, but who knows. Everything remained constant besides the pain. Maybe I just hit a nice tender spot. Great. How lucky am I?
Pinned HCG today. No issues whatsoever.

Mood is still good. No achne. No hair loss. Huevos are still pretty good sized. Cycle is still treating me well.

Oh and my chinese scale came in after a month of waiting. Damn you freaking chinese scale makers. Not sure if they are going to process my refund now, but they clearly violated our terms. And you'd think being chinese and all they would be able to COUNT. 31 days is more that 18. No go on sale. Plus I'm not shipping that crap back to them. If they don't issue a refund for me I'll just spend the rest of my life praying the all have retarded children. Karmas a bitch, ya know?

Nothing else to note.

Thanks for the read and to those that gave my older brother a warm welcome, I appreciate that and your time. You all make AM a great forum and one that I'm proud to be a member of. If anybody reading this is on clomid and begins to cry, see paragraph 1 about the sandy fish hole......



I love following this thread :)

I actually never thought of keeping a low pro, but thats a good idea.


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I understand the leg pain thing. When i pin prop, I can barely walk for at least 2 days. Everyone responds a little different to pinning. When i pin cyp, no problem. Work through it buddy. You're a hard ass, you won't have any problems.
I've read that more than a couple times about prop. My first four weeks I was getting 1ml prop EOD and it never hurt like it did with ethanate this last pin. Ethanate doesn't generally hurt like that, so wtf?
Good news is it barely hurt today. I think roughing it yesterday was the way to go bc I was able to basically soak that muscle is fresh blood and nutrients with the pump I got in my legs yesterday. Thanks for the encouragement. I thought about skipping yesteday. Pssshh.

your making great progress .
Glad you are still following. Progress is getting harder to maintain. Time will tell.....

I love following this thread

I actually never thought of keeping a low pro, but thats a good idea.
Good to have you here.

Now what are you trying to say in the last part? Low pro? like profile? I'm so confused.....


Day 38

weight 211 (+6) same as yesterday

Chest / Abs

I was going for 315x4 and realized i don't have the weight to make up 315, so I tossed on 325 and was able to grab 2 but not 3 (254 max). I solved the weight problem today, I bought some 2.5s 5s, and 10s. So I'll be good for a little bit. My shoulders ached pretty bad throughout the workout. I think it might be coming time to take an extra day of rest and just go running for a couple days. Last time I did this I was able to go up 10lbs on my flat bench, so if I'm able to even rep 355 after I take two days for cardio only (maybe some light, light lifting) that only leaves 20lbs more to hit my goal and I have 46 more days left and about 12 or 13 more chest workouts. If I can steer clear of injury, this should be easy to get. Easy if I keep working hard as fock. I mentioned I think it might be time to take a couple days to just run not only bc my shoulders, but overall I can start feeling that I'm overtraining. It's harder to sleep, workouts are getting sluggish, I'm sore almost all the time, muscles feel like they want to knot (back mostly), my back pumps were getting real bad, and basically my body is telling me it's effin tired. I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but if everything goes as I'm planning, I'll do heavy DL tomorrow (with the extra weight, why not dead 380 a couple times and get myself primed to grow during my active rest) then take sat and sun to focus on cardio. If I'm not tired after cardio, I'll do some lift lifting.

Pin 1ml test e in the morning right quad.
Pin HCG on sat

I added 3 g or so of creatine to each anavar dose. So I'm getting ALA with it and creatine. Now all I need to do is remember GFJ and I'm gtg. I got 6 more weeks to figure it out.

Another 1.4 lbs of white flood and 1000 grams of BCAA (plus the creatine and a sh1t load of taurine) came in today. I also bought new wrist wraps and as mentioned more weight. I'm ready to step it up a notch or two.

Nothing to mention regarding mood or sides. Everything is going great.

For the time being I did not take Letro today. I'm going to see if I can do without it bc I am done with prop and have switched to Var. If this goes as planned, I'll leave the AI for PCT. My weight has been stable the past few days so I'm hoping have a little more estrogen will help me put on a couple pounds. I'm still slimming down but it has slowed bc I have gotten pretty lean so I think the extra muscle will help me finish leaning out later.
If I get HcGenerate for PCT, I'll prob start letro at .25ml ED for 7 days, then EOD for 7 then E3D for 14, then switch to Exemestane (upon cessation of the HcGenerate).

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The pin from yesterday was really sore when I woke up this morning. I've pinned 16 or so odd times and this by far is the worst it hurt.

I can't understand why the pin location was so sore. It was actually slightly lower that was sore, but who knows. Everything remained constant besides the pain. Maybe I just hit a nice tender spot. Great. How lucky am I?
Pinned HCG today. No issues whatsoever.

I've talked to votum about this very thing. There's really no clear cut explanation for it. I mean from the same vial that you have good shots from, all of sudden you get a painful one. I've had it happen also. A few times. Everyone has. And you pin with the same size and brand of pins too. You warm the syringe under hot running water, you inject slowly, etc....
But still here and there an injection just fukkin' hurts.

It happens. It will happen again.

Oh gain!!!:aargh:


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But still here and there an injection just fukkin' hurts.

It happens. It will happen again.

Oh gain!!!:aargh:

Just man up and pin that sh!t in the eyeballs :aargh:


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Just man up and pin that sh!t in the eyeballs :aargh:
I'm one of those sick sadistic fukkers that gets off on pain......:mischievous:


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I'm one of those sick sadistic fukkers that gets off on pain......:mischievous:
I ****in love pinning, when i was pinning 2x a week it was sick, now im pinning e6d and no fun!

but tren a is coming shortly and that bad boy be 50mg ed

slowly ramped up


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I'm one of those sick sadistic fukkers that gets off on pain......:mischievous:
I second that. Maybe I b1tch too much in my log, but I'm trying to document as clearly as I can. If it hurts, I'll tell ya. Will it stop me? I seriously doubt it.

Ed, compared to you I sorta have a vagina. You're a freaking animal. I bet you do shoot some suspension right in the ole eyeball.

Day 39

weight (waiting)

Back / Shoulders.

Heavy DL Day! 135x15, 250x15, 325x10, 380x7, 380x5 (failure). I did shrug light as normal, but my rows I did heavy and my half clean and military press I did with heavier weight. I don't feel run down today either, it is weird. I figured I'd be wiped out after my workout today and honestly, I have more energy. If I didn't have crap to do tonight I'd go for a run. I think I'm going to have to incorporate some cardio after my heavy lifing days to keep taking weight off. I'm not sure yet though. I'll wait another week. Workout was powerful and I not lagging a bit. I'm still planning on cardio the next two days, but I will probably be in a gym tomorrow, so some light lifting seems like a good idea. If it is warm enough on Sunday, I'll run at the park. I've been waiting and waiting to run outside. I love it. No pain from my knee, back, nothing. Everything feels great. I've been taking 2 grams taurine on waking and 2 pre workout and I'm back to no back pumps (I was taking 2 grams just in the morning and that seemed to do OK, but 4 is much better).

Pinned 1 ml test e this morning. Not even sore right now. No isssues, no pain.
No sides. Mood is still damn good.
12th dose of Anavar at 80mg a day. I am taking it with ALA, creatine, and WPI (filler). Recovery seems to be much better on Anavar, but not enough to keep me going through heavy back to back 3 day splits. I don't think this is a reflection of the compound but rather a physical limitation. Everybody has to have a little time to recover from DL, Squat, or Benching above 300 (well about in some cases).
18 more doses at 80 mg then I go to 100mg till the end of the cycle.

I'm toying with the idea of test suspension. If I do (IF) get some, I'd only use it on heavy days each week (3 times a week at 75mg a pin which is equivalent to about 100mg of ethanate i think [no ester attached]). I'm thinking I'd use it for the last 4 weeks of the cycle to keep gains going on strong. I'm not sure though. I've read about the bloating and what not, but I've been on prop and ethanate and the pics show, I don't bloat with my diet and training (plus I might need to get back on letro, well almost certainly I would need to, eh?) so I'm not too worried about the bloat. Plus with ethanate in my system my spikes won't be as bad.
I have plenty of 29 g slins so if this is the case, I'll just pin it with a slin. IM is suggested, but why not SubQ? Would that cause it to absorb slower? I wouldn't think so. Peptides can be felt in 20 or 30 min in some cases and these are pinned IM. I think if I pinned 2 sites .5ml (50 clicks) a site, I wouldn't have issues with any IM pain, no lumps bc the volume is low, and I fast absorption. This is me just thinking out loud. I may not do any of this, but can somebody more knowledgable chime in?

Still not taking letro. I did notice a slight bloat when I got up this morning (I see it in the fat I still have on my chest and around my belly button), but I'm not going to take Letro as of yet. If the bloat continues I might hop on exemestane EOD and see if that does it. If not, I'll be back on letro. I'm trying to keep my letro use to a min without bloating too much or putting on too much "empty" weight. My gains have been lean thus far and I'd like to keep it that way.



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Ed, compared to you I sorta have a vagina. You're a freaking animal. I bet you do shoot some suspension right in the ole eyeball.
NOOOOO you the man

12th dose of Anavar at 80mg a day. I am taking it with ALA, creatine, and WPI (filler). Recovery seems to be much better on Anavar, but not enough to keep me going through heavy back to back 3 day splits. I don't think this is a reflection of the compound but rather a physical limitation. Everybody has to have a little time to recover from DL, Squat, or Benching above 300 (well about in some cases).
18 more doses at 80 mg then I go to 100mg till the end of the cycle.

I'm toying with the idea of test suspension. If I do (IF) get some, I'd only use it on heavy days each week (3 times a week at 75mg a pin which is equivalent to about 100mg of ethanate i think [no ester attached]). I'm thinking I'd use it for the last 4 weeks of the cycle to keep gains going on strong. I'm not sure though. I've read about the bloating and what not, but I've been on prop and ethanate and the pics show, I don't bloat with my diet and training (plus I might need to get back on letro, well almost certainly I would need to, eh?) so I'm not too worried about the bloat. Plus with ethanate in my system my spikes won't be as bad.
I have plenty of 29 g slins so if this is the case, I'll just pin it with a slin. IM is suggested, but why not SubQ? Would that cause it to absorb slower? I wouldn't think so. Peptides can be felt in 20 or 30 min in some cases and these are pinned IM. I think if I pinned 2 sites .5ml (50 clicks) a site, I wouldn't have issues with any IM pain, no lumps bc the volume is low, and I fast absorption. This is me just thinking out loud. I may not do any of this, but can somebody more knowledgable chime in?

If you havnt bloated yet i think it unlikely 75mg of Suspension would cause you to now, just make sure you have the letro on hand and yes go with the slin pins 100 click in delt, tri, bi wherever the stuff is seriously painless compared to Ace or Prop so no need for Sub Q


and when i say painless im not being a d!ck it really is like butter but Oh so much more fun :bling:


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im going to NEVER come off cycle guys

just wanted to put that out there


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I'm toying with the idea of test suspension. If I do (IF) get some, I'd only use it on heavy days each week (3 times a week at 75mg a pin which is equivalent to about 100mg of ethanate i think [no ester attached]). I'm thinking I'd use it for the last 4 weeks of the cycle to keep gains going on strong. I'm not sure though. I've read about the bloating and what not, but I've been on prop and ethanate and the pics show, I don't bloat with my diet and training (plus I might need to get back on letro, well almost certainly I would need to, eh?) so I'm not too worried about the bloat. Plus with ethanate in my system my spikes won't be as bad.
I have plenty of 29 g slins so if this is the case, I'll just pin it with a slin. IM is suggested, but why not SubQ? Would that cause it to absorb slower? I wouldn't think so. Peptides can be felt in 20 or 30 min in some cases and these are pinned IM. I think if I pinned 2 sites .5ml (50 clicks) a site, I wouldn't have issues with any IM pain, no lumps bc the volume is low, and I fast absorption. This is me just thinking out loud. I may not do any of this, but can somebody more knowledgable chime in?

Still not taking letro. I did notice a slight bloat when I got up this morning (I see it in the fat I still have on my chest and around my belly button), but I'm not going to take Letro as of yet. If the bloat continues I might hop on exemestane EOD and see if that does it. If not, I'll be back on letro. I'm trying to keep my letro use to a min without bloating too much or putting on too much "empty" weight. My gains have been lean thus far and I'd like to keep it that way.

I don't know if I've told you this or not, but I'm doing exactly what you're talking about here. I've been on Test-Suspension 3 X weekly for the last 2 months. 75 mgs injected 1 hour pre-workout. But I think you should stick to IM shots instead of Sub-Q. I'm not sold on the idea myself. I think you need to get that oil on down into the muscle tissues.

You will freakin' love how this shit makes you feel Herr morry!! Wundebar!! Sweet rage.......:aargh:

I think you will have to break out that Exemestane though. I have bloated a little from the Test-Suspension. got a little slack around Christmas too. But I've tightened it up now. Now the gains are lean. I dropped the Letro also and replaced it with Arimidex @.5 mgs. nightly. Bloating is way down now.

Even with "bulking" compounds, the gains can be lean if diet is in check. And I know that yours is.

So grab that Test-Suspension and enjoy the ride!!!


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I don't know if I've told you this or not, but I'm doing exactly what you're talking about here. I've been on Test-Suspension 3 X weekly for the last 2 months. 75 mgs injected 1 hour pre-workout. But I think you should stick to IM shots instead of Sub-Q. I'm not sold on the idea myself. I think you need to get that oil on down into the muscle tissues.

You will freakin' love how this shit makes you feel Herr morry!! Wundebar!! Sweet rage.......:aargh:

I think you will have to break out that Exemestane though. I have bloated a little from the Test-Suspension. got a little slack around Christmas too. But I've tightened it up now. Now the gains are lean. I dropped the Letro also and replaced it with Arimidex @.5 mgs. nightly. Bloating is way down now.

Even with "bulking" compounds, the gains can be lean if diet is in check. And I know that yours is.

So grab that Test-Suspension and enjoy the ride!!!

i wish i had some susp. when i was bulking

but i may pick some tren susp up HA HA HA HA HA CALL ME THE MAD HATTER MOTHERFOCKAS!
ps morry that cake batter whey is AMAZING

ok, im out

and i have a confession

im addicted to bodybuilding



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nice nice M
looking good and congrats on the transformation...,


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Day 40

weight 214 (+8)

Yup, that's right. I slept about 15 hours this day. Only got up to eat. Increased cals but kept carbs at a min.

No pin, took anavar.

Woke up and my right nip was a little sore. I knew they were a little puffy so I had been careful to keep an eye on things and was surprised but relieved I caught it so early. I took 20mg tamox, 10mg exemestane, and 2.5 mg of letro, the next day took same letro, same exemstane, no tamox. the following day I'll stick with just letro till the issues subside.
Should've stayed on letro....lesson learned
Day 41


weight 216 (+10)

Ran 4.5 miles outside. Easy run for the most part. My lower back did start to tighten up but I had taken 2g of taurine on waking and 3 g about 30 min before I ran. By the time I was in my second mile my back loosened and the run was much easier. I walked the last half mile bc a cramp but no big deal.

I have GFJ for the anavar now and took it with my dose today. So with 80mg of Var, WPI, ~2g creatine, 5 oz GFJ, ALA (400 mg I think). If I can get the most out of the Var adding some simple things I'll go for it.

Right nip much less sensitive. i figure with the combo I took I prob kill estro levels quick. as soon as I get total relief I'll bring the letro dose back to e3d. I might increase it when I add suspension.

Suspension will be added at some time in the future. I'll probably take it an hour pre workout. If I'm lucky and I get site specific enhancements, I'm going for the biceps, quads, and chest. I already have a long ester test in my system so adding this in 3 x a week seems like I'll be able to push the envelope a little more. I hoping being on anavar will help me retain some of the strength I'll get from the suspension. That being said, I'll be keeping a close eye on bloat and will increase letro as needed.



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+10 HEll yes!


do you think that the back pumps are because of the var?

Sucks about the nip my man, good looking on that progress. Makes me wanna hop on so bad!!


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do you think that the back pumps are because of the var?

Sucks about the nip my man, good looking on that progress. Makes me wanna hop on so bad!!
Ya know I didn't think of that, but the timing would be about right. Either way increasing my taurine in take fixed the problem.
Next time I use Var, I'll be looking for this. I think you are probably right


Ya know I didn't think of that, but the timing would be about right. Either way increasing my taurine in take fixed the problem.
Next time I use Var, I'll be looking for this. I think you are probably right
I get hella bad back pumps, when they hit me a deep sampson stretch really helped out. I have some taurine powder that i mix in with my intra-bcaas.


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femara for the win!!!
Yes sir. The combo of all 3 seems to be working well. My laft was a little sore yesterday and my right a little less sore than the day before. This morning my left is just the slightest but sore and the right a little more. I'll keep the letro at 2.5mg a day till it goes away.
I'm aware that this is going to murder my libido.

I get hella bad back pumps, when they hit me a deep sampson stretch really helped out. I have some taurine powder that i mix in with my intra-bcaas.
I looked that stretch up. If I have more problems I'll give it a try.

Since that post yesterday, I was reading and I saw that ppl were saying thier legs in thier shin area (where you get splints) was cramping during a run which is exactly what happened to me yesterday. It was my lower back for about a mile, but then that cleraed up but after or around mile 4 the right leg at the shin cramped up so bad I had to start walking.
I'll up my Tuarine to 8 or 9 grams next day I run.

I did pin 1 ml of test e this morning. No issues. I did pin the EXACT same place I did last time that it hurt so bad just to see if I could get it to hurt again. As of now, the pin site isn't sore. It did feel a little weird while I was pinning, but that could have been because I was 'expecting' something due to the pain I endured the last time I pinned that spot.

Weight is going to be interesting the next couple days.
I have added cals on and off but centered mostly around my 2 rest days. Letro should keep me from putting on a ton of water weight and I've been careful not to add carbs. I'm adding protein and fat (with a mix of fiber in there too).
In the mornings I was eating 2 eggs, half a yellow onion, 1/4 green pepper topped with ricotta chez (ranch blend). Before I would eat my eggs, though, I would have .75-1 cup of GoLean with 25g WPI. I think I'll cut the cereal and the protein completely out. I'm going to replace it with just 10 grams BCAAs. So in the morning it will be my eggs with veggies and BCAA's.

Suspension will probably be here late this week. I'm going into a light split, so by the time suspension gets here, I should be ready for my big 3 lifts. I plan on pinning biceps on arms and legs day, then upper chest on chest and abs, then quads on DL day.
I'll be pinning with my slins. 1 ml bilaterally

I'm glad I figured out I needed to stay on letro BEFORE i started suspension.


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i get HORRID splints when running on any type of AAS even just 250mg test

but never get bck pumps

im thinking its taurine

anyways dude i think that straight test is going to ROCK i would use it but im low on funds besides i got a load of gear as it is

watching very closely


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Day 42

weight 215 (+9) but down one from yesterday

Back / Shoulders

Was going to do Legs and Arms, but somehow I just started doing back and was 6 sets in before I realized it. I'm just going to rotate the split and do Legs / Arms on day 3. Not sure if I'll do the second split in the same rotation or change it back to normal. If I change it in the split I'll do legs and arms two days back to back, one light, one heavy, light being first. Not sure this is such a bad thing considering the gear I'm on. Anyhow,
Workout went well, went up in weight on light DLs, normally I do them with 205 but a couple weeks back I upped it to 225 and today 250. 135x15, 250x15, 250x16, 250x15, 250x15. My back pump was pretty freaking bad again. It hurt on each back workout where I used lower back or if I stood at all. I took 2 grams of taurine this morning and 3 grams pre workout (plus I pulled the powder from the capsules, mixed it with some creatine and just chugged it). I'm going to be doing some more reading bc it seems getting these pumps is going to be common for me while on Anavar, but I'm sure there is more I can do to alleviate the problem. I still got all the way through my workout going up in weight and finishing feeling pretty damn good.
So I went for a 2 miles run/jog/walk. Took 30 min so it was slow, but once again, my lower back and my shin had that crazy pump going in it. I do run in vibrams so my lower legs and back are utilized more I think. If I can get this pump crap figured out I'm going to try and add a cardio session behind each workout that I finish and feel like I still have evergy. This coupled with some diet tweaks and I'm thinking I can push the evelope with BF a little more.

Decided to take the combo of letro, exeme, nolva for a couple more days. Symptoms are almost non existent and I expect they will be completely gone either tomorrow or the following day. At which point I will back the dosage down to .625mg letro e3d.

Pin site from this morning is a little sore but nothing like it was the last time I pinned there. I wasn't able to replicate why the hell it hurt so bad last time bc this time I pinned as close to the same spot at the same angle and everything I could think of. Chalk it up to I don't effing know why it burns more sometimes. TG said the same thing and so did HC. It's the dark side. Get used to it, right?

No other sides. No mood changes. Everything else is great.

So for now, unless sombody objects. I'll be posting 2 pics a week. A pic from the first day and then the pic from the current day. This will save some space on the pages as the pics were starting to take a lot of room.
I can always edit it later if I change my mind.


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bro you have shed a very good amount of bf and replaced it with a very good amount of muscle pics r night and day dude!



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bro you have shed a very good amount of bf and replaced it with a very good amount of muscle pics r night and day dude!

I appreciate that. The "easy" part is over, now the fat is going to require I burn precious muscle to continue chipping away at things. The question will be can I put on more muscle than I burn?

Damn morry, great progress!
Thank for the encouragement and for following along!

With as fast as you grow, you ever think about competing?
Hmmm.....not really. I haven't put that much thought into it. I've thought about doing some sponsored logs if I could find something that interest me. I doubt that will happen tho bc I am skeptical of supplement companies and I know thier are some good ones, but the majority of the promises and marketing schemes seem outlandish at best.

I'm not sure I could compete honestly. Let's see where this cycle takes me. I'm stronger than I have ever been and I'm interested to see how much of this I'll hold on to after PCT.

How's the routine treating you?


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Going well. SLOWLY making gains. I just don't think I respond to test too well. I'm at 600mg/wk and eating like a horse! About 300g protein a day and 4000 calories. I am strong, but not where I would like to be. I guess everyone responds differently...
My friend at work competes professionally. He has won mr. Indiana 3 times and he started at 155lbs. It took him 4 years to get to 245lbs. Despite what you think, yOu have a chance. You're growing faster then he did.
That's good to hear. Gains are gains and the slower they come, the easier they are to hold on to IMO.
Are you still shedding fat and increasing LBM like you want?

Huh....I've been training for a while, but I bet I could get to 245 by next summer (over a year) if I kept at it and had the right....motivation.....

I like I kept things rpetty mild this cycle bc that leaves a lot to be desired in the cycles to come in the future....


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That's good to hear. Gains are gains and the slower they come, the easier they are to hold on to IMO.
Are you still shedding fat and increasing LBM like you want?

Huh....I've been training for a while, but I bet I could get to 245 by next summer (over a year) if I kept at it and had the right....motivation.....

I like I kept things rpetty mild this cycle bc that leaves a lot to be desired in the cycles to come in the future....
So so very many options :sasmokin:


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So so very many options :sasmokin:
:147: I like the way you're thinking....

Day 43

weight 212 (+6) but down 3 from yesterday, some of the weight has got to be that I'm running after I workout.

Chest / Abs

Loaded 355 (flat bench)and picked it up, held it for about 5 then racked it. Repeat except this time I slowly did one neg rep. I might have been able to get the weight, but it's only been 4 days since my last heavy lift so I need at least a few more. Then I loaded 250 and went from there, something like x10, x8, x6, x4, then 205 to failure.
Shoulders burned as normal, but didn't really hurt. Maybe ached a little, but not bad. Abs felt good today. The 380 on the DL def got my outer abs so today there was a good burning no matter what I did on abs. Clap pushups I continue to be able to do unassisted all 3 sets and I went up in reps as well.
When I got done working out, I slammed 5 g BCAAs and went for a 2 mile run. No back pumps, no shin pumps, nothing but normal aching burning muscle. It was a great 2 miles and without all the discomfort I was able to get it done in 25 even after a chest/abs session.

I don't think I'll be incorporating cardio after each lifting session. It is going to depend on how I feel. If I feel like I'm going to throw up I prob won't head out and run 2 miles. My goal, however, is to add 3 to 4 cardio sessions AFTER my workout seperated by 5 to 10 grams of BCAAs. Then when I get back I spend about 30 min drinking my PWO shake.
I also trimmed the complex carbs out of my diet. All I had was cereal in the morning that was high in fiber, but with all the onions and peppers I eat, I doubt I'll miss the fiber. I love to sh1t. :) This shifts my diet entirely away from any carbs unless they are gotten from fruits or veggies. Barring the occasional carb in something like spicy mustard or something, but under no circumstances do I ever put HFCS in my body. I did add an egg in the morning (making it 3 eggs, 1/4pepper, 1/2 onion and my riccotta dressing stuff.
I also am gonig to try and not eat so much yogurt late at night. Its a cheat that is almost perfect but at large quantities (2cups+ :lol:) it probably isn't the best. I haven't worked out my macros as of yet, but I think I made some very fair, progressive changes that will yeild more fat loss without sacrificing too much muscle. I'll play around with it and find something that works. I plan on measuring BF at week 8 which is only 13 days away. I started at ~13%. This calculation along with weight will also document the gain in LBM over the 8 weeks.....and I'll have 4 more to go, then PCT.

Is HcGenerate back in stock yet? Jesus.....I want to but that and PhytoSerm 347 from those guys. Part of my PCT.

I about to pin HCG in a minute when I get done logging today. If there are issues, I'll post back, but it's a slin pin, wtf could happen (knocks on wood).

I did order some Versa Grips bc my wraps broke and my gloves are brand new so I'm not even really used to them. I asked Eddie what he used and he suggested these and I started doing some research. Long story short, I ordered some that afternoon (I didn't find ONE person that is a serious lifter say a bad thing about them). These things get great reviews and if it can help me squeeze a couple more wide grip pullups and closed grip chin ups, I'm all for it (plus I'm thinking on Back day I usually superset wide grip with leg extensions, but if these grips helps me from loosing my grip, it'll go wide grip, narrow grip, then leg extensions, 45 sec repeat). Toss on the fact that I'm still looking to get another 45 to 50 lbs so I can get my reps for deads in the 425 area and that's why I bought them. Should be here Friday or Sat. Plus I might have another goodie coming in that time frame as well :saroll:

I'm prepared to go to war with the last bit of the fat and the last 20lbs on bench I must hit to reach my goals in a short 5 almost 6 weeks.

Last edited:


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They get better and better as you wear them in they r a bit stiff to start but still great give them a couple of weeks and you will be raving about them and wondering why u didn't get em earlier, love my.heavy farmer walks at the end of back day and impossible without them.

Good purchase


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They get better and better as you wear them in they r a bit stiff to start but still great give them a couple of weeks and you will be raving about them and wondering why u didn't get em earlier, love my.heavy farmer walks at the end of back day and impossible without them.

Good purchase
I'm dying for the things to come in. Heavy DL day is on Sat and they should be here by them. I looking forward to breaking those suckers in.
I wondered how the fock you did farmer walks after all the other back work you do with pulling movements. Makes more sense now.

I'll def be keeping up with how they treat me, but I'm certain I've made a good investment.

Good luck on meeting your goals. If you don't, it's definitely not your fault. We are rooting for you man!!
Failure is not a focking option.

Unless I am stupid and injure myself that is.......
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