Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????


Looking good Morry

Are the pictures from week 4 and 5 switched? Lol, seems to be that way. Otherwise, looking like a beast man. I see some pretty awesome vascularity in your shoulders and traps are coming along really well also!


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Looking damn good morry!!:clap2:

Getting larger and leaner too. Can't complain about that action!!


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Very nice lean gains chest is much fuller traps are popping delts look good and.striations to boot



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Looking good Morry
Are the pictures from week 4 and 5 switched? Lol, seems to be that way. Otherwise, looking like a beast man. I see some pretty awesome vascularity in your shoulders and traps are coming along really well also!
Thanks man. Nah, the pics aren't flipped. Come on, following my log, I'm a detail freak. I wouldn't get the pics switched. What you see is the difference in the lighting and the location (I was out of town end of week 3 beginning of week 4) but this last pic was taken the same place the beginning of weeks 1, 2 , and 3. When I was out of town I didn't lift really heavy, so I'd guess my muscles didn't look as full as they do in the others due to these factors.

Son of a bish! You did it again morry. This has got to be the FASTEST transformation I have ever seen. Dude, words can't explain the props I give you. I'm not saying this motivate you, I'm saying this because it's true. I sit here amazed!
Lol, it's week 5 bro and Var just started. Things are going to get better and better. I think the next couple weeks will show me how much I'll be able to continue to recomp.
You are well on your way. Keep killing that workout and get your body used to frying those muscles and you'll have the same transformation.
I appreciate your encouragement nonetheless.

Looking damn good morry!!

Getting larger and leaner too. Can't complain about that action!!
Like you said brother, no pain, no gain.......but the pain is oh so freaking enjoyable....with the results

Very nice lean gains chest is much fuller traps are popping delts look good and.striations to boot
Thanks ole wise Sage. Seriously, I hope the striations continue. I'd love to be able to see the split from upper and lower chest.
I did some calculations last night that I didn't post. If you look at my weight, I decided to go with the second day of weight (the first was 212, second was 206) instead of the average of the two bc the 206 was obviously a 'dry' day for me and I continue to watch sodium and my diet to stay dry, so it makes sense to me to compare a dry day to a dry day. That aside, that means I was at 212 last night which would be 6 lbs increase. 6lbs is nothing for the compounds I'm on, but what about the fat I have lost as well that has been replaced with muscle? I did a LBM comparison with some math last night and I was happy with the results (I had to take my BF via calipers again) thus far. I'll share the addition a little later on in the log. I'd like to get at least 8 weeks into it before I start measuring BF again and posting weight difference and what not. I think 4 weeks will cause too much confusion and disbelief. I'll wait. :)

Guys, thank you for following, I really appreciate it and it is very encouraging. Keeping a log has helped me stay disciplined. I think I'm getting more out of the log than a lot of the readers. I know I am taking my weight every day, I'm working out and reporting every day, I don't cheat on meals bc I have a goal, but I also want to show the good side to gear. It is possible to do a cycle, gain some serious mass, loose some serious weight, and become and animal without roids making you crazy or whatever else the media and others try to say about gear. I'm 29 days deep in this cycle and I haven't so much as even snapped on a's all hype and people need to get out from under the guidance of our FDA and listening to our freaking media. They contribute to American's poor health and general retardation when it comes to nutrition. These compounds are safe when used correctly and your body and nutrition should never fall into a cookie cutter philosophy. 2000 average daily calories. WTF?
K, I'll shut it now. Just had to get that off my chest.

Long story short, do your own research, stop listening to the idiots of nutrition and live a healthy lifestyle.


Morry, I am the guy that pm'ed you a while back. I just started test e 500mg/ a-bombs 50mg/ed. Adding in Parabolan here in a few weeks. We are going to have a showdown on before/afters :)


i may also have a few other tricks up my sleeve that need not be posted ;)


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Morry, I am the guy that pm'ed you a while back. I just started test e 500mg/ a-bombs 50mg/ed. Adding in Parabolan here in a few weeks. We are going to have a showdown on before/afters :)
I'll take you up on that. I already went over and subbed.

You'll be on longer than me if you do the test e for 12 weeks bc I stop mine at 10, but i'll be in there till week 12.

Pics every week or you going to make me wait till week 12?

What sort of tricks and goodies? You got my attention, I'm interested. You going to add GH or CJC 1295 DAC to the mix during the shreading stage?

Btw- I'm pretty sure you are already bigger than me, I'm just a little taller.
If your not, you better keep up bc Morry isn't stopping this freight train till week 12, but even then that's when the fun begins (keeping as much mass as I can during PCT).

I'm off to run....ah white flood just hit me. Nice.

Day 29 of 84 is all I got to say. Stick around and enjoy the ride. I'm not letting up anytime soon.


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Day 29

weight (will weigh when I get home)

Cardio / couple supersets

Easy cardio day IMO. 500 cals but instead of hitting the tread hard like I did to hurt my knee I elected to increase the incline and slow the pace. I still ran the same distant (3 miles), just took longer. I also did some sets of upper and lower chest with my perfect pushup things (hits abs a little like a plank too). Back isn't tight, knee never hurt. Legs burned, but they were supposed to. I took my HR at one point, said it was 183, not sure how accurate that was, but then again, how accurate is the calorie measuring on those things?

Second dose of Anavar today. Nothing new to report. Still no difference I can tell but it is still really early on. I pin HCG in a few minutes. I just haven't walked down there to grab it yet. If there is an issue pinning it, I'll post later. I doubt there will be.

No pin tomorrow. Only pinning twice a week is going to take some getting used to. I'm so used to EOD after 4 weeks, but I'm not complaining. Less pins the better if the results are around the same. We'll see.

No sides. Everything is the same as it has been. Still feeling great everyday. The white flood hit me harder than normal today though. I was surprised. I usually use 1.5 scoops and that is what I used today but I got the tingly feeling which I haven't had in a while. I'm not sure what that is from or why I felt it more today.

Thanks for the read



hahaha well Im about 20lbs lighter then what I was in my avatar pic and not as tight so your ahead of me right now. Once these a-bombs start dropping all bets are off ;) I will post pictures of myself as of right now. in the thread. Should be a fair race! How do I give you rep? I'd love to but I suck with forum tools


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lookin good bish makin schwelly proud YUH!


morry you just keep getting bigger and bigger man. You said it right when you referred to yourself and this cycle as a "freight train" hahaha



Would you say that so far this has been a bulk or a recomp?


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Would you say that so far this has been a bulk or a recomp?
Depends on your definition of either since it seems to a debatable topic.

IMO I would say that the way I workout has always gotten me to recomp more than what substance I'm might be taking. I think I could be putting on more muscle giving my body a little more rest, but I'd be keeping the fat if I did that as well. So I sacrifice some muscle gain in order to slim down at the same time. Maybe I'm lucky bc I only workout around 55 min 6 times a week. NO CARDIO. I only do cardio on the 7th day. I do mix things up as needed. I'll add cals in if need be, add weight lower volume, lower weight add volume, take more day off and whatever I need to do in order to get in as many intense workouts as possible. I do keep an eye on my numbers and as long as I'm leaning out, getting stronger, and don't have a reason to slow down, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. If strength gains slow down enough, I'll obviously give my body a little more rest and concentrate on lifting heavier but less often.
Me personally when I bulk I eat way more carbs with each portion of protein. Not so much right now, but I'm not trying to weigh 250 so I'm not pushing it with carbs. I'm worried about strength over size right now. I know they are correlated and not seperated but thier correlation is hardly linear.

Short answer: Recomp

Day 30

weight 209 (+3) wtf?

Legs / Arms

Heavy squat day. 135x15, 250 x 13, 275 x 11, 295 x 9, 315x 7, 345x 5, 205x 15. That is moving in the right direction but I have been able to squat more in the past so I still got a lot of work to do on my legs. Went up in weight on a couple exercises. My knee didn't bother me a bit. My back was tight but nothing hurt. I lifted heavy and made the weights cry.
I felt the White Flood more than usual again today. I'm not sure wtf is causing that, but I enjoyed it hitting me hard. I'm pretty sure that helped me workout a little harder.

3rd dose of Anavar today and my weight is down 3 lbs from 2 days ago. Yesterday is was down 6 from monday (at least half of this was bc my water intake). I don't think the weight fluctuation has anything to do with the Anavar bc I didn't think it would/could have that effect so early. I can't explain it, though because my diet has been pretty constant. Water intake suffered on Tues basically bc I was being a moron and not paying attention so I wasn't really drinking as much water as I should have. I did today though and I was still down 3 lbs so I have no idea.

No pin tomorrow, I think I'll pin HCG Tues sat and test e mon fri.

Nothing new concerning sides. Everything is just as level as it has been.



Sweet man thanks. I only ask b/c when i copy your cycle (hehe) I would like to recomp as well. Blowing up is not really an option for me as I think it would raise too many eyebrows and could potentially threaten my job. I figured a nice slow recomp would allow me to hit my goals and still be able to chalk my growth up to 'hard work'

Keep up the good work!



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My knee didn't bother me a bit. My back was tight but nothing hurt. I lifted heavy and made the weights cry.

3rd dose of Anavar today and my weight is down 3 lbs from 2 days ago.

It could be that the Anavar is already helping out with your knee. I've seen studies where Var helps with collagen synthesis.

Your joints are gonna luv the Var!!:smokin:

Wait.......not those joints!! :lmao:


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It could be that the Anavar is already helping out with your knee. I've seen studies where Var helps with collagen synthesis.

Your joints are gonna luv the Var!!:smokin:

Wait.......not those joints!! :lmao:
Y agreed 100% on VAR and collagen synthesis and it is one of the reasons I always have a good stock of VAR those studies are in one of my logs ill see if I can dig them up for you


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Sweet man thanks. I only ask b/c when i copy your cycle (hehe) I would like to recomp as well. Blowing up is not really an option for me as I think it would raise too many eyebrows and could potentially threaten my job. I figured a nice slow recomp would allow me to hit my goals and still be able to chalk my growth up to 'hard work'

Keep up the good work!

I'm almost in the exact same boat. I don't think I'd get fired, but I wouldn't be able to answer all the questions to thier satisfactions should they be asked.

As long as I wear big shirts, which I have started to do, I think I'll be fine.

Thanks for the encouragement


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It could be that the Anavar is already helping out with your knee. I've seen studies where Var helps with collagen synthesis.

Your joints are gonna luv the Var!!

Wait.......not those joints!!
Maybe they both will........what is the "normal" time for Anavar to start helping in this aspect? Is it already helping? I know my dose is high enough for recovery as well as other benefits.

Y agreed 100% on VAR and collagen synthesis and it is one of the reasons I always have a good stock of VAR those studies are in one of my logs ill see if I can dig them up for you
Much appreciated!


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bish i didnt know var helped collagen this is good news for both of us yuhz

well im liking it so far- i still got some time on my cruise before i introduce anavar- i will be watching closely over the next couple of weeks to see your progress



if your looking for collagen synthesis why dont you just add low dose deca? that is what i am going to do. the size boost isnt bad either :) p.s. check my log morry im keeping test at 400mg/week AND adding deca at 250mg/week hehehe


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if your looking for collagen synthesis why dont you just add low dose deca? that is what i am going to do. the size boost isnt bad either :) p.s. check my log morry im keeping test at 400mg/week AND adding deca at 250mg/week hehehe
i ran deca at 500mgs, it lubed joints but didnt help collagen deca and eq or deca/var- that would be an amazing combo for joints/collagen

im on my cruise right now so deca is filtering out of my system :( i still got like 9 ml's of it too....future cycle i guess


oh man thats no good!


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i ran deca at 500mgs, it lubed joints but didnt help collagen deca and eq or deca/var- that would be an amazing combo for joints/collagen

im on my cruise right now so deca is filtering out of my system :( i still got like 9 ml's of it too....future cycle i guess
drink it.....


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Deca, Boldenone, and masteron all increase collagen synthesis, while test decreases it.


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Day 31

weight (209 +3) but same as yesterday. -3 since the last day of my prop pin and I started anavar same day

Chest / Abs

My back was super tight when I got off work and for the last hour I was there. Wasn't a really stressful day, but wasn't stress free either. I thought about lifting light, but I got to my weights, took some white flood and started stretching and my back loosened up dramatically. With that I decided to lift heavy. I loaded the bar with 345 and was lifting it off just to get my body used to the weight again, then I was planning on doing 325x 2 (which is the same max, but less stress overall), but the weight felt really light. I put the bar back, checked the weight to make sure I wasn't being an idiot and I was right, 345 was on the bar. So I picked the weight back up and proceeded to rep that mofo. I pulled one rep off pretty damn easy. I probably could have gotten 350. The most I have ever lifted in the past was 345. Now I'm back at. Goodbye muscle memory and hello muscle proliferation. I went up in weight on reverse grip too, but my elbows started hurt a bit. Probably just all the weight, it didn't hinder my workout, just a little pain. I'm loving doing leg lifts with the medicine ball as part of a circuit too. It has kept my lower abs sore for over a week now. White flood hit hard today but I was on the bench about to rep 345 and it hit. The "rush" went away pretty quick lifting that heavy. Overall it was just about a perfect workout. No problems and I am still getting stonger.

I pin 1ml of test e in the morning. Then sat is 18-20 clicks of HCG. 4th dose of Anavar today. No noticable difference from the Anaver yet, but I honestly can't tell the prop is out of my system (which may mean that IS the difference). I still feel really good and my lifts are still going up. I haven't taken letro today (e3d protocol, today being day 3)and was thinking about waiting until tomorrow to take it and maybe taper off bc I am on anavar (no aromatization) . I'll see how water retention is and make the decision from there. I have exemestane too so if I do stop letro completely, I'll take exemestane to complete the taper and prob EOD (due to the difference in half life). This may all change, just putting it in my notes for now.

I'm looking forward to the increased collagen, recovery and healing properties of Anavar. I def overload my body the way I workout. If the recovery is that much better maybe I can go more than 3 weeks doing my split exactly without having to take 2 or 3 days of really light lifting and cardio (this is what I did while I was out of town, just happened to be perfect timing). I'll still take the 7th day to do some cardio and light lifting, but that doesn't really count. 2 3 day splits back to back, then one day cardio. If I get overloaded again, I'll just take the rest days I need with cardio and light lifting.
Thanks to the guys posting in here regarding the properties of Anavar and other substances. I appreciate the info.

No sides. Mood is great. Libido seems good.

Diet is in check as it has been. Not so much as one cheat meal or cheat snack. If I do "cheat" it is with greek yogurt and a scoop of WPI (taste like icing......mmmmmm).
Ok, I do sneak a bannana every once in a homo



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Day 31

weight (209 +3) but same as yesterday. -3 since the last day of my prop pin and I started anavar same day

Chest / Abs

My back was super tight when I got off work and for the last hour I was there. Wasn't a really stressful day, but wasn't stress free either. I thought about lifting light, but I got to my weights, took some white flood and started stretching and my back loosened up dramatically. With that I decided to lift heavy. I loaded the bar with 345 and was lifting it off just to get my body used to the weight again, then I was planning on doing 325x 2 (which is the same max, but less stress overall), but the weight felt really light. I put the bar back, checked the weight to make sure I wasn't being an idiot and I was right, 345 was on the bar. So I picked the weight back up and proceeded to rep that mofo. I pulled one rep off pretty damn easy. I probably could have gotten 350. The most I have ever lifted in the past was 345. Now I'm back at. Goodbye muscle memory and hello muscle proliferation. I went up in weight on reverse grip too, but my elbows started hurt a bit. Probably just all the weight, it didn't hinder my workout, just a little pain. I'm loving doing leg lifts with the medicine ball as part of a circuit too. It has kept my lower abs sore for over a week now. White flood hit hard today but I was on the bench about to rep 345 and it hit. The "rush" went away pretty quick lifting that heavy. Overall it was just about a perfect workout. No problems and I am still getting stonger.

I pin 1ml of test e in the morning. Then sat is 18-20 clicks of HCG. 4th dose of Anavar today. No noticable difference from the Anaver yet, but I honestly can't tell the prop is out of my system (which may mean that IS the difference). I still feel really good and my lifts are still going up. I haven't taken letro today (e3d protocol, today being day 3)and was thinking about waiting until tomorrow to take it and maybe taper off bc I am on anavar (no aromatization) . I'll see how water retention is and make the decision from there. I have exemestane too so if I do stop letro completely, I'll take exemestane to complete the taper and prob EOD (due to the difference in half life). This may all change, just putting it in my notes for now.

I'm looking forward to the increased collagen, recovery and healing properties of Anavar. I def overload my body the way I workout. If the recovery is that much better maybe I can go more than 3 weeks doing my split exactly without having to take 2 or 3 days of really light lifting and cardio (this is what I did while I was out of town, just happened to be perfect timing). I'll still take the 7th day to do some cardio and light lifting, but that doesn't really count. 2 3 day splits back to back, then one day cardio. If I get overloaded again, I'll just take the rest days I need with cardio and light lifting.
Thanks to the guys posting in here regarding the properties of Anavar and other substances. I appreciate the info.

No sides. Mood is great. Libido seems good.

Diet is in check as it has been. Not so much as one cheat meal or cheat snack. If I do "cheat" it is with greek yogurt and a scoop of WPI (taste like icing......mmmmmm).
Ok, I do sneak a bannana every once in a homo

bitch a cheat is a whole package of tollhouse cookies-

im going to try your greek yogurt thing

im trying to keep cheating to NONE but at THE MOST 3x a month so one every 10 days

too bad my bday is right after valentines day wtf


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if your looking for collagen synthesis why dont you just add low dose deca? that is what i am going to do. the size boost isnt bad either :) p.s. check my log morry im keeping test at 400mg/week AND adding deca at 250mg/week hehehe

Low dose deca for joints EQ for collagen synthesis 200-300mg will be helpful but add zero to gains or vascularity

I have much research on the subject and promise to dig up


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bitch a cheat is a whole package of tollhouse cookies-

im going to try your greek yogurt thing

im trying to keep cheating to NONE but at THE MOST 3x a month so one every 10 days

too bad my bday is right after valentines day wtf
Look here ho bag. You go mix you some greek yogurt and some WPI and you shut it.
Your bday is coming up and I'm not invited. :nutkick:
That Cake Batter WPI I sent ya is perfect for this. It is really, really good. If you get the Zero version of the Yougurt, mix it with about a scoop and a half. If you get the Vannilla kind (already has about 30 grams of suger per serving in it), then you only need about a scoop to make it taste right.
I've been eating the Zero version recently and mixing extra WPI in it to make it taste like icing.
When I get done eating dinner, I mix about a cup of yogurt in with a scoop of WPI and toss it in the freezed. After about an hour, the yogurt is almost frozen. It's freaking delish.
I honestly have only had this once this week though. Considering my weight being down I went ahead and ate this combo last night. If my weight is still down today, I'lle at it again tonight. It is a good source of slow and fast digesting proteins. Perfect for bedtime....IMO


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Low dose deca for joints EQ for collagen synthesis 200-300mg will be helpful but add zero to gains or vascularity

I have much research on the subject and promise to dig up



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Here I am, holding my diet right on the mark and you had to post I'm in going to follow your progress.............go for it.


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Here I am, holding my diet right on the mark and you had to post I'm in going to follow your progress.............go for it.
Welcome aboard. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Toss in some questions if ya got em. I think some that are following have chosen to remain silent (just judging from the read count). Either way tho, there is a lot a helpful guys posting in here as well. I'm a lucky mofo to have some participating.


I'm keeping a close eye on weight. The pics and weight will be really important over the next couple weeks. It will show me how much water I was still holding onto being on 800mg (sometimes 900 depending on the EOD and week) of test a week. My diet is pretty constant, but I have been numping up cals the past couple days. Not a ton, maybe 300-500 cals or less. If I drop below 209, I'll increase cals more, but it will really depend on how much fat I'm putting on. At week 8 I'll take my BF and weight again and compare. I'm just surprised I was down 3lbs the day after my last prop pin.


morry you must tell me where you get this Cake Batter WPI. It is critical to the survival of earth as we know it. There is no other way


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morry you must tell me where you get this Cake Batter WPI. It is critical to the survival of earth as we know it. There is no other way
I would but I can't. They aren't a board sponser.....

But they do have the most inexpensive, easy mixing, best tasting WPI around....


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Dude, did your workout and I was hacking in the trash can! Lol! You da man!
Kill that sh1t. You get to where you only feel like you are going to throw up from time to time. Lol.

Day 32
weight 209 (+3) but same as yesterday, hasn't moved since monday

Back / Shoulders

I used less white flood today and still felt it kick in harder than I remember but over the past couple days I've kind of started to expect it. I still wonder why it feels like it kicks in much harder than just a week ago.
DL 135 x 15, 250x12, 345x10, 345x8, 345x7. Shrugged light. Workout went smoothly. My back was tight but it never knotted up. It has been staying tight on and off, but no pain at all. Maybe the anavar is helping me recover faster.
Most compounds get to thier maximum blood levels within 3-5 half lives, right? So if Anavar half life is around 9 hours, even on the longer side of half lives makes that 45 hours or about 2 days for there to be 80mgs of Var active in my system pretty much all the time. 80mg seems to be a good dose for good results. I still don't really miss the prop and haven't lost any strength, just weight.

Pin HCG tomorrow. Been taking anavar a little past lunch time each day in one dose. I may split the dose on cardio day just to see if there is a difference, but I don't think there will be due to the dose and half life. We'll see though.

No sides. Nothing else to really add. Cycle is going great.



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Day 33

weight (will take when I get home, but I woke up late so I'm a meal off, I did wake up in the middle of the night and eat tho)

Legs / Arms

Widow maker day. The White Flood did not hit me like a ton of bricks today. I was a little disappointed, but workout went ok regardless. Energy was a little low during my workout but I was a meal behind when I worked out due to a late night and sleeping in (I woke up and got a bannana and a shake and went back to bed). I moved up in weight on widow makers, 135x15, 225x22, 225x18, 225x16, 225x13, 205x12(failure). I wanted to die and puke and it felt really good. I'm getting a great pump in my legs too. I've been adding in extra sets of legs to give them some extra love bc I feel like they are a little behind my back and chest. I am hoping to get some more definition in them as well. I've never really taken pics of my legs, so starting now might seem dumb, but maybe I'll take some tomorrow and compare to the end of cycle pics. I figure at the end I'll take some of my back and other spots too, but I haven't decided.
This cycle is really going well and the only regret I have is I didn't go with pinning earlier. Orals can be too harsh and suck on thier own compared with running something like Anavar with Test, but I haven't PCTed yet, so we'll see. The Avavar is def doing something bc strength is still going up and I feel like I am leaning out (keep in mind, I'm also off prop, so strength is still increasing and I'm down 300-400mg test a week).

Pics tomorrow. I meant monday, pics monday

Late night, right? Libido is still really good. Mood is great. No sides.

Pinned HCG today. No issues. Right quad is a little stiff from the pin on Friday, but no big deal. Not any more sore than usual and it went away when my legs got pumped up from the workout.

Bench again tomorrow. I think I'll go with a higher volume this time and lower weight as I hit 345 last workout, but I'll see how my chest and shoulders feel tomorrow.

Last edited:


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Day 33

weight (will take when I get home, but I woke up late so I'm a meal off, I did wake up in the middle of the night and eat tho)

Legs / Arms

Widow maker day. The White Flood did not hit me like a ton of bricks today. I was a little disappointed, but workout went ok regardless. Energy was a little low during my workout but I was a meal behind when I worked out due to a late night and sleeping in (I woke up and got a bannana and a shake and went back to bed). I moved up in weight on widow makers, 135x15, 225x22, 225x18, 225x16, 225x13, 205x12(failure). I wanted to die and puke and it felt really good. I'm getting a great pump in my legs too. I've been adding in extra sets of legs to give them some extra love bc I feel like they are a little behind my back and chest. I am hoping to get some more definition in them as well. I've never really taken pics of my legs, so starting now might seem dumb, but maybe I'll take some tomorrow and compare to the end of cycle pics. I figure at the end I'll take some of my back and other spots too, but I haven't decided.
This cycle is really going well and the only regret I have is I didn't go with pinning earlier. Orals can be too harsh and suck on thier own compared with running something like Anavar with Test, but I haven't PCTed yet, so we'll see. The Avavar is def doing something bc strength is still going up and I feel like I am leaning out (keep in mind, I'm also off prop, so strength is still increasing and I'm down 300-400mg test a week).

Pics tomorrow.

Late night, right? Libido is still really good. Mood is great. No sides.

Pinned HCG today. No issues. Right quad is a little stiff from the pin on Friday, but no big deal. Not any more sore than usual and it went away when my legs got pumped up from the workout.

Bench again tomorrow. I think I'll go with a higher volume this time and lower weight as I hit 345 last workout, but I'll see how my chest and shoulders feel tomorrow.

thats a hell of a workout man


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Day 33
I moved up in weight on widow makers, 135x15, 225x22, 225x18, 225x16, 225x13, 205x12(failure).
I wanted to die and puke and it felt really good.

This cycle is really going well and the only regret I have is I didn't go with pinning earlier. Orals can be too harsh and suck on thier own compared with running something like Anavar with Test.

Yes, yes, and YES!! Quoting morry, "I wanted to die and puke and if felt really GOOD!!" :twisted:
Thunder-Likey!!:hammer: Oh....the sado-masochism of it all. It's intoxicating and downright addictive.

And I'm with ya on the wishing I had started pinning earlier. At least you're getting an earlier start than I did. I was 45 before I did my first injection. Test makes all the difference in the world. Orals have their place in cycles as kick-starters and all, but the Test Is Best!!!

I'm NEVER gonna waste the time, money, or gear on an oral-only cycle ever again.


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Yes, yes, and YES!! Quoting morry, "I wanted to die and puke and if felt really GOOD!!" :twisted:
Thunder-Likey!!:hammer: Oh....the sado-masochism of it all. It's intoxicating and downright addictive.

And I'm with ya on the wishing I had started pinning earlier. At least you're getting an earlier start than I did. I was 45 before I did my first injection. Test makes all the difference in the world. Orals have their place in cycles as kick-starters and all, but the Test Is Best!!!

I'm NEVER gonna waste the time, money, or gear on an oral-only cycle ever again.
LOL i was reading that same line thundergod and was like HELL YES MORRY IS THE GENGHIS KHAN OF THE WEIGHT ROOM KILL!

way to go morry!

Geez off day for schwell- I hate em, have to take calories down to 3000 ugh,
o wellz

superbowl sunday anyways YUH!


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Yes, yes, and YES!! Quoting morry, "I wanted to die and puke and if felt really GOOD!!"
Thunder-Likey!! Oh....the sado-masochism of it all. It's intoxicating and downright addictive.

And I'm with ya on the wishing I had started pinning earlier. At least you're getting an earlier start than I did. I was 45 before I did my first injection. Test makes all the difference in the world. Orals have their place in cycles as kick-starters and all, but the Test Is Best!!!

I'm NEVER gonna waste the time, money, or gear on an oral-only cycle ever again.!
You got that right. I think of all the muscle I gave up and all the effort/money I spent on oral cycles......maybe I shouldn't think of it. It pisses me off that I was that far off...:squintfinger:to the "lying" supplement companies. This isn't to bash all of them bc I know there are some really good ones our there, but most are peice of garbage (then again this is America and if there is a way to make money, right, wrong, or indifferent, people will attempt to make it).

Your sig says it all. We gotta get through that pain to enjoy the power

LOL i was reading that same line thundergod and was like HELL YES MORRY IS THE GENGHIS KHAN OF THE WEIGHT ROOM KILL!

way to go morry!

Geez off day for schwell- I hate em, have to take calories down to 3000 ugh,
o wellz

superbowl sunday anyways YUH!
Genghis Khan, eh? I don't like asias right now. They are focking me on a long over due
Much appreciated regardless.

Put a tread in front of the big screen. The guys won't think it's all that gay.....k, maybe they will.
I'm about to go kill me some weights.


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Go in with all guns blazing!!

Good Movie....and I did.

Day 34

Chest / Abs

My chest was still pretty sore from last workout, but I did 50 pushups when I got up to loosen the chest up and hours later I stretched and hit chest. My shoulder didn't bother me, just burned and arms ached b/t sets. Usually by the time I get to clap pushups my outer chest is so sore that I can't get but a few then I go to assisted. Today I was able to complete them all unassisted. I haven't been able to do this since I incorporated reverse bench. I've been working up to it, but my endurance was unusually good today. I did eat some carbs late last night. Not sure if that was enough of a calorie difference or if it is the Anavar, but I just kept being able to go through sets. I stopped myself on chest a couple times bc I knew I could get the rep, but I was going to have to cheat and sacrifice form, but this combo of gear makes me feel strong as sh1t. I'm not doubting I'll hit 375 on bench if I continue at this rate.

6th dose of anavar today. No pin today.

I did change my diet for dinner last night. I had .75lb of strip steak. Same veggies and topping. Ate some cheese and crackers. Maybe some yogurt too.

I found some turkey tenderloin and I'm going to bake a sh1t load of it, be lazy, and watch football.

Pics tomorrow.



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Day 35

weight 215 (+9), added some calories the past couple of days bc I felt like it was time to start eating a bit more to help build muscle. Not sure if I packed on any fat, but pics today anyhow.

Back / Shoulders

Taurine, taurine, taurine. I forgot to take mine today. My back pump sucked a fat one. I limped and had to wait longer b/t sets bc I would stretch to try and pull some of the blood out of those muscles. Besides that stupid crap, my workout went great. I was able to move up in weight on a couple exercises, but my wide grip pull ups suffered a couple reps today. My shoulders were still sore from chest yesterday, but not sore enough to keep me from lifting and despite my back pump I still shrugged with 300 (I dead lift it first, I don't use the rack). I did order a d1ck load more of taurine today too. I don't want another back day like that one. I know I could have lifted more, but I won't make that mistake again.

1ml test e in the am. Mood still very good. No sides. Still got all my hair, i haven't gotten into a fight and my nuts still working pretty good.
Vasuclarity is up a bit and I think I'm still slimming down a bit. I figure that will slow down as I get lower in fat.

I was hopin to get my hands on HcGenerate as just one of the things I plan on using in PCT but they are out. Suggestions?
Pct is outlined in previous post but looks something like this
tamoxifen (I won't take clomid again)
cjc 1295 dac
test booster (phytoserm 347?)
Sarms S1
I have everything but the phytoserm and the HcGenerate



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Day 35

weight 215 (+9), added some calories the past couple of days bc I felt like it was time to start eating a bit more to help build muscle. Not sure if I packed on any fat, but pics today anyhow.

Back / Shoulders

Taurine, taurine, taurine. I forgot to take mine today. My back pump sucked a fat one. I limped and had to wait longer b/t sets bc I would stretch to try and pull some of the blood out of those muscles. Besides that stupid crap, my workout went great. I was able to move up in weight on a couple exercises, but my wide grip pull ups suffered a couple reps today. My shoulders were still sore from chest yesterday, but not sore enough to keep me from lifting and despite my back pump I still shrugged with 300 (I dead lift it first, I don't use the rack). I did order a d1ck load more of taurine today too. I don't want another back day like that one. I know I could have lifted more, but I won't make that mistake again.

1ml test e in the am. Mood still very good. No sides. Still got all my hair, i haven't gotten into a fight and my nuts still working pretty good.
Vasuclarity is up a bit and I think I'm still slimming down a bit. I figure that will slow down as I get lower in fat.

I was hopin to get my hands on HcGenerate as just one of the things I plan on using in PCT but they are out. Suggestions?
Pct is outlined in previous post but looks something like this
tamoxifen (I won't take clomid again)
cjc 1295 dac
test booster (phytoserm 347?)
Sarms S1
I have everything but the phytoserm and the HcGenerate

motherfocker you aint gained no fat but last time i check you where +3 now i come in and your +9- YES! with a little extra calories and the var YOUR GROWING EVEN MORE! the pics DO NOT LIE!



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Very noticceable improvements Herr morry!! :clap2:

You're like that energizer bunny, you just keep going, going, and going.
Or should I say, "Growing, growing, and growing". ;)
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