Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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Morry, if there is one thing I can guarntee from my cycle vs your cycle- my nuts are without a doubt- smaller
I told you bro. Hang weights from them. It's a little painful but it keeps the balls growing. Think of them as muscles. The more weight, the bigger they'll get. I know somebody told me all I was doing was making them swell up and get irritated, but hosh posh, it was better than HCG. Weights from the nuts while on hella cycle FTFW.

Your welcome....again. :lol:


Morry, ive been following along and was hoping you could comment on my thread 'my 6 month plan,' after all you are briefly mentioned in it. lol

Looking good man, are you this detail oriented in all things?



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Morry, you have hit on something that should have been discussed on this board long ago.

People do tend to let their diets slip a little when they're traveling or vacationing. That's totally inexcusable. Where there's a will.......there's a way!!
Morry has just detailed how to get the job done. It's all about the planning. You have to make sure you meet your goals no matter what obstacles stand in your way.

Good Job Morry!!!:clap2: :clap2:
TG, I appreciate that. Agreed, enough though you can prevent almost every diet mishap.
I will be honest though, I got caught in a situation where I was stuck for 3 hours more than I thought i would be, but I brought a bannana and made sure I had protein in the car. No blender, no nothing. I ate the bannana, walked out to the car with about 10oz of water, scooped up 30 grams and tossed it in my mouth, then started to drink. It worked but I would not recommend this to anybody. Fortunetly I was able to get some whole food (chicken with some peppers and onions) in about 1.5 hours later, but sh1t that sucked. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still....

I agree with you 100% thunder! This guy doesn't f around. Morry is the real deal. Props to morry and thunder.
I have my days, but you are right on. This is my first inject. I am not going to eff this up...

Day 23
Weight 211 (+5) and up one from last weigh in

Legs / Arms

Not as much energy as I would have wanted today, but I was in the car for hours so I think my brain was just tired. I went up in weights on everything and since my cut I hadn't squatted over 300, but today I did 345 x 3 (5th set). I know that sucks, but legs has never been a stong point. I do free squat though, only a towel, the bar and me. No smith machine , no safety below, just me squating and having to hit every rep or I have to drop and run (which I have never had to do). This is still up in weight for me. I also increased weight on skull crushers, lunges, 21s and was able to squeeze out a few more chin ups. I can get my muscles aching and hurting so bad. I know I have to be growing, there is no way I'm not. I'm getting stronger and having more energy overall (most days).
Today was heavy squat day and no problem out of my knee or back (my back feels 100%). I'm glad i took it decently easy while I was gone. Tomorrow is Chest/Abs. I missed 305x3 last time. I haven't decided what I'm going to go for tomorrow, but i better hit that b1tch.

Pinning 1 ml prop in the morning. It'll be right quad.

I did notice a couple of pimples on my eyebrow, but that isn't that uncommon. I get a few every once in a while, but they go away pretty quick so we will see. No other sides.


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Morry, ive been following along and was hoping you could comment on my thread 'my 6 month plan,' after all you are briefly mentioned in it. lol

Looking good man, are you this detail oriented in all things?

I'll give it a look in a bit. Just rushed today sorry bro.

But to answer your question, absolutely! I am very detailed. Most people that meet me think I'm too "intense". LOL.

Then I have sex with thier girlfriend bc she noticed how I paid attention to her details....


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TG, I appreciate that. Agreed, enough though you can prevent almost every diet mishap.
I will be honest though, I got caught in a situation where I was stuck for 3 hours more than I thought i would be, but I brought a bannana and made sure I had protein in the car. .
I carry whey around in my back pack all the time

You can always buy banana and a greek yogurt scoop of whey in a cup short-term problem solved..... Big fan of Subway too 6" whole eheat double meat and a scoop badabing



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You can always buy banana and a greek yogurt scoop of whey in a cup short-term problem solved..... Big fan of Subway too 6" whole eheat double meat and a scoop badabing

I do the same thing mate. When traveling I carry a tub of whey, cups of yogurt, baked chicken breasts, cans of tuna, cereal bars, nuts, raisins, etc.....

The yogurt and chicken breasts are in a cooler.......of course.

And Subway is a godsend for those of us on the go.

I love double grilled chicken on whole wheat. Yum.


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Guys, thank you for following and Ed and TG, you guys are perfectly on point. Carrying stuff with you all the time is the way to go.

Ed, I make greek yogurt with a scoop of WPI as dessert all the time. That sh1t is focking awesome.

Bottom line, if you are thinking about cycling and think to yourself that you can't bc you will be going out of town or traveling or whatever excuse to avoid your diet. These guys have shown it is possible and very easy with the proper planning.

Day 24
Weight 210 (+4)

Chest / Abs

295x5 on flat bench was hit today. Still not a PR but def getting close. I thought it would be close, but the last rep wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I added a set of Abs today using an 8lb medicine ball and just doing leg raises holding ball b/t my legs. This has made my entire chest day all circuits. The few days of active rest I took did me a lot of good. My shoulder felt great and my lifts were all up. I had plenty of energy even tho I was eating bannanas and protein shakes beside breakfast and dinner (still hit all my macros tho). Traveling has sucked but I should be done for a bit now. If I start getting run down again and pulling stuff, I'll take a couple days, but still lift and do cardio, but give my body plenty of "rest" (rest for me at least). My weight isn't shooting up, but my strength is coming along very, very nicely so I have no complaints. If I can get up to 220 and stay in single digits BF I'll be happy, but 215 would be fine too. I'm not shooting for a specific weight bc I have never been as strong as I plan on getting so I'm not completely sure what by composition will be, but if it is like I've been able to do in the past, I'll be happy.

HCG tomorrow same old, same old.

Pinned 1 ml prop this morning

No sides. I would say I have that alpha male feeling and I feel pretty good all the time. I just have this one problem with this one woman who can get to me, so being on cycle isn't the easiest time to deal with a difficult woman, but I'll manage. Always do. 5 second breather ahs saved

Thanks for following

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I'll give it a look in a bit. Just rushed today sorry bro.

But to answer your question, absolutely! I am very detailed. Most people that meet me think I'm too "intense". LOL.

Then I have sex with thier girlfriend bc she noticed how I paid attention to her details....
Thanks bro, and no worries. I too am quite meticulous and its refreshing to see that I am not the only neurotic one here, hehe. That being said, this is a plan for waaaay down the line.


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morry i applaud you

i do the same thing when i went to mississippi, i cooked 6 lbs of chicken breast for the trip there

and must have racked up a huge debt to subway too


+5 lbs of muscle and very lean dude- im focking loving it bro, very very solid- expect another 4-5 when the var kicks in, all muscle too bro omgz yuh


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this thread was worth the wait.your doing a great job morry keep puttin in that work man

hahahahaha Morry and Schwell, I am going to be logging my next go around come monday and I would love for you both to sub!
I know I'm not morry or schwelly but I'll sub as well


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Thanks bro, and no worries. I too am quite meticulous and its refreshing to see that I am not the only neurotic one here, hehe. That being said, this is a plan for waaaay down the line.
I posted over on your thread bro.

Nothing wrong with having every single detail planned. Being patient and taking your time is really a great idea and shows you have the right mind set. Patience over pushing results with a ton of compounds. Good luck man and thank you for following along
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Test P will run till the 2nd (15 total pins). I start Anavar on the 31st at 80mgs a day. I will run Anavar from 1/31-3/1 @ 80 mgs a day, then 3/2-3/27 @100 mg a day making a total of 5 grams of anavar (I imagine it will be a little less bc I'm bound to waste a little while I'm transferring and measuring it).
If my gains slow bc I dropped to .5gram of test (from 800 mg with test e/p), I'm going to order some suspension and use that on heavy lifting days at 100 mg a day 1 hour pre workout to get my test back up to 800 a week. I'll run the suspension till week 12 too bc its half life. My body doesn't have any negative sides with this much test. If my gains stay pretty constant while removeing the test p bc I have enough of the ethanate built up, I won't get any suspension.
Test E is staying on course as planned and will end on the 11th of March for a total of 20 pins for 10 weeks.
3/28 will be the beginning of PCT, although HcGenerate will start when the day after my first test e pin and the last day I run real HCG (ends with ethanate too).

These notes are for me mostly just so I don't forget.
If you have questions or suggestions, go for it.

Later today is HCG, Back/Shoulder (heavy DL day).


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TG, I appreciate that. Agreed, enough though you can prevent almost every diet mishap.
I will be honest though, I got caught in a situation where I was stuck for 3 hours more than I thought i would be, but I brought a bannana and made sure I had protein in the car. No blender, no nothing. I ate the bannana, walked out to the car with about 10oz of water, scooped up 30 grams and tossed it in my mouth, then started to drink. It worked but I would not recommend this to anybody. Fortunetly I was able to get some whole food (chicken with some peppers and onions) in about 1.5 hours later, but sh1t that sucked. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still....

I have my days, but you are right on. This is my first inject. I am not going to eff this up...

Day 23
Weight 211 (+5) and up one from last weigh in

Legs / Arms

Not as much energy as I would have wanted today, but I was in the car for hours so I think my brain was just tired. I went up in weights on everything and since my cut I hadn't squatted over 300, but today I did 345 x 3 (5th set). I know that sucks, but legs has never been a stong point. I do free squat though, only a towel, the bar and me. No smith machine , no safety below, just me squating and having to hit every rep or I have to drop and run (which I have never had to do). This is still up in weight for me. I also increased weight on skull crushers, lunges, 21s and was able to squeeze out a few more chin ups. I can get my muscles aching and hurting so bad. I know I have to be growing, there is no way I'm not. I'm getting stronger and having more energy overall (most days).
Today was heavy squat day and no problem out of my knee or back (my back feels 100%). I'm glad i took it decently easy while I was gone. Tomorrow is Chest/Abs. I missed 305x3 last time. I haven't decided what I'm going to go for tomorrow, but i better hit that b1tch.

Pinning 1 ml prop in the morning. It'll be right quad.

I did notice a couple of pimples on my eyebrow, but that isn't that uncommon. I get a few every once in a while, but they go away pretty quick so we will see. No other sides.
Test P will run till the 2nd (15 total pins). I start Anavar on the 31st at 80mgs a day. I will run Anavar from 1/31-3/1 @ 80 mgs a day, then 3/2-3/27 @100 mg a day making a total of 5 grams of anavar (I imagine it will be a little less bc I'm bound to waste a little while I'm transferring and measuring it).
If my gains slow bc I dropped to .5gram of test (from 800 mg with test e/p), I'm going to order some suspension and use that on heavy lifting days at 100 mg a day 1 hour pre workout to get my test back up to 800 a week. I'll run the suspension till week 12 too bc its half life. My body doesn't have any negative sides with this much test. If my gains stay pretty constant while removeing the test p bc I have enough of the ethanate built up, I won't get any suspension.
Test E is staying on course as planned and will end on the 11th of March for a total of 20 pins for 10 weeks.
3/28 will be the beginning of PCT, although HcGenerate will start when the day after my first test e pin and the last day I run real HCG (ends with ethanate too).

These notes are for me mostly just so I don't forget.
If you have questions or suggestions, go for it.

Later today is HCG, Back/Shoulder (heavy DL day).
Do like i said take the 5g and mix with 45g whey or creatine that way any slippage will be minimal

Just mix well in a ziplock and 0.8g = 80mg

If you dont do this you will end up with some waste the whole process of mixing folding and then shaking will take no more than 10 minutes


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Dude! I've been doing your workout all week! Good God man! I almost threw uP in the gym today! Lol lol lol you're da man. Keep it up!
I was going to ask you how the training was going. I appreciate the kind words, but you're the one pushing it and it sounds like you are working out like an animal. Good luck although I don't think you need it.

Dave 25
weight 210 (+4) but same as yesterday.

DL 135x15, 250x12, 345x12, 345x8, 345x7. Went up in reps on a few exercises but stayed the same weight. I didn't pull my back but I think I figured out why my back was getting knotted up. I usually do a heavy DL day then do shrugs lter in the workout with a bar w/250 sometimes 300. I think after lifing heavy on DL, when I shrug my delts are exhausted and I allow them to roll forwards. I noticed I was letting them roll forwards a couple weeks back but I didn't make the connection yet. So I dropped the weight to 205 and just slowed the reps down. So I will alternate the heavy dl days with light shrugs, then light DL days, heavy shrugs and see how that works. I stopped 1 set early bc my back started to feel tight (that feeling right before the muscle just seizes and puts you in pain), but after putting some heat on the area, my back was just as loose.

Tomorrow is Widow Maker day. I can't wait. I'm actually going to a gym tomorrow. I'm not getting a membership, my buddy wants to workout so I'm going.

No sides. Still on letro e3d. No mood problems, no achne. I'm stoked I'm not really getting any sides but I'm still able to murder my workouts.

Pin 2ml of test tomorrow. Only 2 more prop injections left.....then var....



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Pinned 2ml of test, but I'm not sure if a bottle of the test e had and extra .5ml in there or not bc I had a vial I had already pulled 1ml from earlier this week, so it was time to empty that vial (2ml a peice, 6 left) but I had 1.5 ml or test e. I'm not complaining and the little extra def couldn't hurt, so I pulled 1ml of prop in there and went to pin. I was using a pin site extremely close to the last one. I do this bc the leaner I'm getting, the more I am seeing veins in my leg, so when I find a good pin site that I hadn't had problems with, I was just reusing it. I injected and aspirated, but the needle took a little more pressure to get the whole 1" pin in the muscle. I start pushing the oil with the plunger and I notice a little comeing out the last injection site (it hadn't closed up all the way). So I stopped pinning, pulled the needle, swapped it for a fresh, found another pin site to the left of the previous and injected the remaining 1.75 ml. I massaged both areas, the first area didn't have anymore oil come out of it.
Lesson learned, rotate pin site a little further out.
I was alternating back and forth b/t quads but bc I was using 2ml some days and 1ml on others, if I alternated, one quad would always be getting 2ml. I don't think that would hurt too much, but I wanted both quads to be "used" to getting 2ml pinned. So I pin 1ml right, then 2ml right, then 1ml left, 2ml left and rotate back.
A little blood came out after the oil from the first pin site, but stopped very, very quickly. My quad feels sore and did pretty much immediately. I guess it didn't like me pinning it twice.

Eff it, today is legs and arms. I'll fry the legs regardless how sore that leg is.


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Day 26

Weight (not taken, I worked out at a gym and am at a friends for the day, will weigh tomorrow)

Legs/ Arms

Smooth workout. 33 sets, 53 minutes (maybe a couple more for warm-up). Widow makers felt really good but my knee was bothering me during lunges. I'll ice it and keep and eye on it. Maybe the heavy DL x12 aggrevated it. Still very aggresive and I was sweating like crazy. I pulled an extra rep out of just about every exercise. I had my buddy point out my form sucked on the calf machine, but it's bc I always lay down for this exercise and at this gym you stood. I thought the weight felt too easy. Nothing else really to report besides I continue to kill these workouts.

No sides and mood is staying very good. The endorphins hitting after workout was freaking great.

No pin tomorrow.

Chest/Abs tomorrow, I'll prob lower the weight and increase the volume, depends on how my shoulder feels. I do this one by feel if you remember from my last post.


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Eff it, today is legs and arms. I'll fry the legs regardless how sore that leg is.
Still very aggresive and I was sweating like crazy. I pulled an extra rep out of just about every exercise. I thought the weight felt too easy. Nothing else really to report besides I continue to kill these workouts.

No sides and mood is staying very good. The endorphins hitting after workout was freaking great.
Way to do it to it morry!! You'd be surprised how many guys skip a workout because they feel a little PIP (post injection pain). I've never skipped a workout over a little soreness. We're warriors......not wimps.

NO PAIN.......NO GAIN!!! :aargh4:


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Do like i said take the 5g and mix with 45g whey or creatine that way any slippage will be minimal

Just mix well in a ziplock and 0.8g = 80mg

If you dont do this you will end up with some waste the whole process of mixing folding and then shaking will take no more than 10 minutes
Thx Ed! I'm going to spend a while this afternon getting everything mixed and measured out. If all goes well, I'll post the process I went through. But to anybody reading, I can't take the credit, Ed helped me out quite a bit.
I'd have done it earlier but I've been running around all weekend.


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Way to do it to it morry!! You'd be surprised how many guys skip a workout because they feel a little PIP (post injection pain). I've never skipped a workout over a little soreness. We're warriors......not wimps.

NO PAIN.......NO GAIN!!! :aargh4:
Agreed! My leg does ache, but who gives a sh1t.

F yea we are! Thunder, you couldn't have said it better!! And morry is the top dawg! Tried to give more cool points but it still won't let me. So what I want to keep giving them to the same guys? They're the ones who deserve them! Errrr! > :
Much appreciated. There are a lot of guys killing here on AM, I'm just trying to keep up. Including you, how's the workouts coming along? I hope you didn't puke, but you said you were on week 3 of your cycle a while back, aren't you about to start week 5 of your cycle?
Thanks for trying to give me reps. I don't understand the whole reps system as fat as how exact it is or how it impacts things exactly. Besides letting you know if a user hasn't been around for a while or doesn't have many post or whatever. I know it's probably in the forum documentation somewhere, but I don't care enough to look it up.


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u hit 375 yet?
Nope. Day 27 of 84. My max is sitting at 340 or there abouts. Leaves me about 14 more chest workouts. Give or take 1 or two. So that means I have to increase the max by 2.5lbs a session (a little less actually) or around 5 lbs a week. Using a Max Bench Press chart I'm alternating heavy to light but still getting to the same increase, just with different volume. If I can do two heavy chest workouts in a row (divided by 4 days bc my split) then I do, but honestly, the higher the weight gets, the harder it is to do two heavy chest days in a row.

I'll give you an example to how I calculate what I'm going to try and attempt in order to get to 375 (funny, you're the first to ask this, but I have been keeping track).
Last workout I was able to hit 295x5, putting my max right at 340 (339.25 or something). I consider that heavy. So this time I'll go to 265x10 which is a max of 345, giving me a 5lbs increase. Now I don't need to increase 5lbs in b/t each session, only 2.5lbs, but bc volume is high, if I can barely get the 9th rep, I'll lock out and give it a 3 count, concentrate and usually I can grab that last rep. This way I'm not exactly increasing by 5lbs bc I give my muscles a real quick rest and then push. Then my next workout will be 325x2 to give me a max of 345, but with 60 more lbs but 8 less reps. And it give me the entire 5lbs increase I need. Does that make sense?
Each chest workout, I know my last one, I look at the chart and plan out the next couple workouts depending on whether I grab the lift successfully.

If I don't hit it, I'm not sacrificing form over it. If I get off track, I get off track. I'll catch it later this year. My PCT is pretty solid so I may be able to increase a tad duing PCT, but we'll see. I'll be on Osta and some other things that may just help me get it. But above all, if the lift feels like it is more than just burn and leading to injury, I'll lower the weight.....everytime.


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Var dosage and dividing

I had some concerns bc I bought Raw Var and was worried about wasting, but I received some help and I'll detail the process out.

I plan on taking 5 grams var over 8 weeks. 30 days at 80mg and 26 days at 100mg.
Anybody know how little 80mg of Var is? Tiny bit physically but plenty for good results.
Here is what I used:

1 Jewelry scale accurate to .001 gram with a max weight of 10 grams
45 grams of WPI (~ value, but accurate to the tenth of a gram). Use a dark color if you have it, I used chocolate
2 small tupperware containers
1 plastic bag with 5 grams var inside
wax paper
24 "bathroom cups" (they are little plastic 3 ounce cups)
1/3 cup measuring cup (metal)
small teaspoon

First I cut a peice of wax paper about twice the size of the bag containing the Var. I put the bag inside this just in case the bag broke a little while I was crushing the Var. I then took the metal measuring cup and the spoon and spent about 7 or 8 minutes just crushing the Var into a fine powder. Then I measured out the protein I would need (45 grams). I had to do it 10 grams at a time bc my scale didn't measure over that. So I would tare the scale with one tupperware container, then measure 10 grams in it, then dump the 10 grams into the other tupperware container (note, the tupperware containers were clean, but I also wiped them out with paper towels to get as much moisture off of them as possible (the were dry too, I was just being overly careful) until I had 45 grams (I think is was 45.018 or something like that). Then I added the crushed Var that is now a fine powder. I put the lid on the tupperware container (I wiped it with a paper towel too.....var is expensive....) and shook it for about 7 or 8 min. I poped the lid and tapped the little that was stuck on the lid back into the main container. I could see the Var mixed in with the protein. This is why I said to use a dark protein powder bc if you use cake batter flavor or BCAA's, you don't really see the Var in there and ultimately cannot visually assess how well you were able to mix it. When I looked at my mix, it looked very even with no clumps of Var anywhere and just the crystals dispersed within the WPI. Now I wanted to go ahead and measure out a good 4 weeks worth of doses so when I go to take a dose, all I do is add water and swallow the mix. Everything else is done. Before I get to what I did to accomplish that, let's review the math that Ed suggested.

How to figure out the right dosage.

45 grams WPI combined with 5 grams Anavar, this equals 50 grams total weight (I'll refer to it as mix).

So for every 10 grams of the mix, it contains 9 grams WPI and 1 gram of var. I need to take 80 mg of Anavar, or .08 of a gram.

10 grams mix= 1 gram Var, so the equation looks like this where X equals the amount of mix needed to consume 80 mgs of Var

x .08

You take that euquation and solve for X, cross multipying is the easiest way for me, meaning
x(1)=10(.08) or x=.8
So for me to dose at 80 mgs of pure Var, I need .8g of the mix I just made

Then I took the 3oz plastic cups and tared the scale using one (I measured 4 of them, they were all withing a hundreth of a gram or close to it). Then I measured out .8 grams into 24 cups (with an error threshold I kept at .03+ or - ). Then I took the cups and put them in a pan that was able to hold exactly 24 doses and has a cover to keep sh1t from getting into the mix while I store them. Now I have 24 days worth of var divided up with doses that are exact as I could get them with very little error.
When I get ready to dose the last bit (the other 32 doses), I'll measure out 6 more days of 80mgs of Var, then 26 days of the 100mg dose of Var, meaning .1 gram of the mix. The extra mix I am storing in a cool, dark place inside the tupperware container. In 3 weeks I'll pull it back out and finish measuring the doses out.
I went ahead and measured it out bc I am not going to have time every day to measure out that little bit of an amount. This will make sure I take it everyday and that the dose is accurate.

All I have to do to take a dose is add 2oz or so of water, mix with a spoon for a sec and down the whole thing. I'll prob put a little more water in there after I down it and make sure none is stuck to the bottom on each dose to make sure very little Var is wasted.
On non-workout days it has been suggested I split my dose. I'm not sure exactly how I'll do this yet. If I do split it, I will probably just do it by eye. Tap the cup till about half goes in my mouth and wash it down. Then fr the second part of the split dose, fill the plastic cup with water and down the rest. I know this isn't exact, but it'll be decently close.
I'll be taking Var at lunch time about 3 or 4 hours before workout (split doses will be 1st thing in the morning, then lunch time). This seems like the best time considering the half life. I'll be taking ALA with it and possibly creatine. I'm low on creatine right now, but I don't mind buying some monohydrate. I like taking it. It kicks the endurance up a tad (although endurance isn't a problem right now...not even a little bit). If my local vitamin store has some on sale or Wally world has some on sale I'll grab up some today. If not, I'll order some next week. I have a couple things I need to order anyhow....
I may substitute the water in the cup for GFJ. I haven't fully decided. I most likely will. If I don't go to the store and get some tonight, I'll grab some during the next week. Research suggest grabbing the concentrate not the fresh bc the manufacturers use the rinds in the concentrate which contains an oil that is believed to increase absorption (I know, I rolled my eyes too....).

I took some pics of the the tray with filled cups and the setup I was using. I'll attach them when my phone stops being a d1ck.

Pics below. I conquered my d1ckish phone...

Comments? Questions? Advice?
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Day 27

Chest / Abs
EDIT Weight 211 (+5) and up one from 2 days ago

I have to buy some more small weights. I broke my 5lbs a while back so I have no way to make up 265 for now. I'll get some more 5 and 10's and I should be gtg again. So I elected to do 275 (i'm talking flat bench) and was shooting for 8 reps maybe 9, I was able to get 7. I could've gotten 8 but it wasn't going to be worth it. I was going to arch my back to get it, so what's the point? This is a good time to adding Var in IMO. This lift shows that my body wasn't completely recovered from my last chest workout and from me killig my arms yesterday. That's ok bc the way I train I'm still getting stronger, but Var, in theory, will help me recover b/t workouts faster. All other lifts added weights or reps. My lower (bottom 4) abs have been sore since I started using a medicine ball (8lbs) for leg raises. I'm sort of surprised when I feel soreness like this bc it is def a indicator I wasn't hitting that muscle group hard enough. Problem solved now and it makes Chest and Ab day 36 sets. My back was tight again, but tomorrow is light DL day followed by a day of cardio and maybe some light lifting. Not sure. Whatever it is tho, I won't be putting a strain on my knee. This combo should keep my back loose and ready for heavy DL day and my knee at bay.

I pin 2mls again tomorrow morning. Then Wed is my last pin of prop (only prop that day), then Friday will be test e 1ml only. At this point I'll move the test e pins to Tues/ Thursday and HCG Mon and Fri. I don't have to rotate them around anymore bc I'll be off prop (going from 3 to 4 pins a week to only 2). I start Var tomorrow. 80mgs at lunch time This gives me 5 full days of Var at 80 mgs before the test p should be making it's way out of my system. We'll see how the trade goes from test p to var (I'll be getting 560 mg a week of Var vs 300mg of test, but var isn't as strong as test, but promotes more lean mass....). I'll order the suspension if this trade doesn't go so well...

Still no sides. I'll keep a close eye on how my joints feel an my water retention. Dropping the Prop and going to Var may mean I slowly get off of letro for now. I may get back on it during PCT bc at this point I'm planning to use HCgenerate (even tho it i expensive as fock) and it has been known to aromatize. I'll keep you guys updated. Anavar won't aromatize and I'm going from 800mg of test a week to 500 so there will be less test to convert to estro anyhow.

Thanks for the read.

Last edited:


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Yeah. An awful lot of materials and effort that really could have been avoided by simply making a solution.

2.4g powder in 57.6ml EVOO = 60ml (total volume)

60ml @ 40mg/ml

You could have roughed it and gone 2.5g/57.5ml = [email protected]/ml

Not a very popular method EVOO with home brewing crowd VAR is very grainy and the shake and draw method is not very accurate but Y one of many options.... Most UGL's will go with Grain alcohol and PEG for a suspension but with VAR that has a tendency to crystallize.... Pressing into 10mg tabs is best but clearly not an option at home and capping at 10 or 20 mg is a pain in the arse and very time consuming

Morry u mentioned getting some chains for use on bench so im assuming your gym doesn't have if this is the case your best and cheapest option is going to a boating Marine Supply Store and they will cut them to your requirements prob about $50

If your gym has a power rack you can use bands wrapped from the top of the frame like this bur chains are a good tool as well as various thickness boards for the overload phase

I have these bands set up so i have 35lb of assist at chest level with zero help at lockout you can play around with the bands and tie knots in them to get the desired resistance and this is free..

Also you have the option of purchasing power-lifting bands which come in various forms of resistance not worth it IMHO when u can use the free ones at the gym :) food for thought


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Not a very popular method EVOO with home brewing crowd VAR is very grainy and the shake and draw method is not very accurate but Y one of many options.... Most UGL's will go with Grain alcohol and PEG for a suspension but with VAR that has a tendency to crystallize....
Excuse me? The howe brewing crowd? You are at AnabolicMinds a board which is known for home brewing and one I have been on for 8 years.

Yes, EVOO is rough but effective in suspending oral steroids in solution. If you so desire to go the route more complicated (ordering solvents on line) and using alcohol it can be made to dissolve into a solution. Honestly though the concern for crystallization and other adverse conditions are rather minor when you consider it will be used up rather than stored for periods of time.

BTW - You are a riot! :lmao:


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Excuse me? The howe brewing crowd? You are at AnabolicMinds a board which is known for home brewing and one I have been on for 8 years.

Yes, EVOO is rough but effective in suspending oral steroids in solution. If you so desire to go the route more complicated (ordering solvents on line) and using alcohol it can be made to dissolve into a solution. Honestly though the concern for crystallization and other adverse conditions are rather minor when you consider it will be used up rather than stored for periods of time.

BTW - You are a riot! :lmao: remind me of heat miser.....hmmmmmmmm


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Excuse me? The howe brewing crowd? You are at AnabolicMinds a board which is known for home brewing and one I have been on for 8 years. You mean well known for banning people discussing the subject LMFAO - you are a riot :lmao:

BTW - You are a riot! :lmao:
You wasnt listening i do not recommend the ugl's suspensions they r full of crap that i personally do not want to put in my body... Morry went the method that he did because this is what i advised him over the phone and no it was not necessary to measure out all those cups out at once but he was worried that the scales that he has would not last so he did this while he waits for new scales... Just repeating the process using the same cup is by far best and requires no capping no suspensions and very cost effective

For the record all the home brewers that ever really new anything at AM and that shared their knowledge were all banned as i am sure you are aware David and now mostly reside @ !!!! Ooops im not allowed to mention that site or are you telling me its OK to start a thread outlining the entire process of buying and brewing tren cattle pellets that are legal to buy? NO i didn't think so !!!!!!!!!!

Why all the animosity and passive aggressiveness its very unbecoming


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You wasnt listening i do not recommend the ugl's suspensuions they r full of crap that i personally do not want to put in my body... Morry went the method that he did because this is what i advised him over the phone and no it was not necessary to measure out all those cups at once but he was worried that the scales that he has weould not last so he did this while he waits for new ones... Just repeating the process using the same cup is by far best and requires no capping no suspensions a

For the record all the home brewers that ever really new anything at AM and that shared their knowledge were all banned as i am sure you are aware David and now mostly reside @ !!!! Ooops im not allowed to mention that site or are you telling me its OK to start a thread outlining the entire process of buying and brewing tren cattle pellets that are legal to buy? NO i didnt think so !!!!!!!!!!

Why all the animosity and passive aggressiveness its very unbecoming
The very simple point was that it would be much easier to simply suspend the powder in oil for convenience of suspending and dosing.

For the record my suggestions do not in anyway break board rules. I was outlining a way to suspend a substance, not an method to convert something into an illegal substance.

You seem to have assumed some sage guru status with the kids around here regarding all matters up to and including board rules, sponsorship, advertising, google ads name it. That is what I find to be a riot.

Believe it or not there was (and still is) very sound knowledge and advice around here before you bestowed us with your presence. Additionally, don't concern yourself about whether I'm becoming or not. Thanks.


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The very simple point was that it would be much easier to simply suspend the powder in oil for convenience of suspending and dosing.

For the record my suggestions do not in anyway break board rules. I was outlining a way to suspend a substance, not an method to convert something into an illegal substance.

You seem to have assumed some sage guru status with the kids around here regarding all matters up to and including board rules, sponsorship, advertising, google ads name it. That is what I find to be a riot.

Believe it or not there was (and still is) very sound knowledge and advice around here before you bestowed us with your presence. Additionally, don't concern yourself about whether I'm becoming or not. Thanks.
All hypocrisy aside I'm not going to argue with you this is not my thread your opinion is duely noted I have expressed mine and everyone should realize that they are just opinions and to be perfectly honest nobone should be taking my word or yours as gospel they should take all opions do their own research and formulate their own to the best of their ability


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Nope. Day 27 of 84. My max is sitting at 340 or there abouts. Leaves me about 14 more chest workouts. Give or take 1 or two. So that means I have to increase the max by 2.5lbs a session (a little less actually) or around 5 lbs a week. Using a Max Bench Press chart I'm alternating heavy to light but still getting to the same increase, just with different volume. If I can do two heavy chest workouts in a row (divided by 4 days bc my split) then I do, but honestly, the higher the weight gets, the harder it is to do two heavy chest days in a row.

I'll give you an example to how I calculate what I'm going to try and attempt in order to get to 375 (funny, you're the first to ask this, but I have been keeping track).
Last workout I was able to hit 295x5, putting my max right at 340 (339.25 or something). I consider that heavy. So this time I'll go to 265x10 which is a max of 345, giving me a 5lbs increase. Now I don't need to increase 5lbs in b/t each session, only 2.5lbs, but bc volume is high, if I can barely get the 9th rep, I'll lock out and give it a 3 count, concentrate and usually I can grab that last rep. This way I'm not exactly increasing by 5lbs bc I give my muscles a real quick rest and then push. Then my next workout will be 325x2 to give me a max of 345, but with 60 more lbs but 8 less reps. And it give me the entire 5lbs increase I need. Does that make sense?
Each chest workout, I know my last one, I look at the chart and plan out the next couple workouts depending on whether I grab the lift successfully.

If I don't hit it, I'm not sacrificing form over it. If I get off track, I get off track. I'll catch it later this year. My PCT is pretty solid so I may be able to increase a tad duing PCT, but we'll see. I'll be on Osta and some other things that may just help me get it. But above all, if the lift feels like it is more than just burn and leading to injury, I'll lower the weight.....everytime.
great reply. i just finished an 8 week program. i did 1 light day 1 heavy like you. except light day was 10 reps light no less than 4 but exactly the same theory of making my gains thru the high reps in speed vs heavy weight.


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All hypocrisy aside I'm not going to argue with you this is not my thread your opinion is duely noted I have expressed mine and everyone should realize that they are just opinions and to be perfectly honest nobone should be taking my word or yours as gospel they should take all opions do their own research and formulate their own to the best of their ability
Hypocrisy? Blow it out your ass!


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Yeah. An awful lot of materials and effort that really could have been avoided by simply making a solution.

2.4g powder in 57.6ml EVOO = 60ml (total volume)

60ml @ 40mg/ml

You could have roughed it and gone 2.5g/57.5ml = [email protected]/ml

Maybe I'll give that a try next time. I've read a bit about it and it looked like some people loved doing it this way but not everybody. Reasons varied and I've never done it so I wouldn't know. Doesn't sound hard at all tho. I have oral droppers, 1 ml and 3 ml. I could get the dose pretty close.


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The very simple point was that it would be much easier to simply suspend the powder in oil for convenience of suspending and dosing.

For the record my suggestions do not in anyway break board rules. I was outlining a way to suspend a substance, not an method to convert something into an illegal substance.

You seem to have assumed some sage guru status with the kids around here regarding all matters up to and including board rules, sponsorship, advertising, google ads name it. That is what I find to be a riot.

Believe it or not there was (and still is) very sound knowledge and advice around here before you bestowed us with your presence. Additionally, don't concern yourself about whether I'm becoming or not. Thanks.
Seriously? I added a lot of work to the process bc I needed to weigh out 3 weeks of doses at least bc it was a matter of time and convenience. I had some extra time this afternoon. I knew there were a variety of ways to do this, but I needed the scale anyhow and I found a way to dose accurately and very quickly if I spend the time setting it up now instead of each time.
I didn't even see this part and just responded saying I'd give it a try. I appreciate both opinions. Honestly I do. Maybe if I don't like the way it works for these 24 doses, I'll just combine both methods by taking all the protein and putting it in olive oil and make brownies out of it and have anavar brownies. Yummy.

I make my own decisions d1ck cheese. If you are going to demean me in my own thread that I've been doing everything I can to keep as accurate and helpful as possible, please get the eff out of here. Ed is no sage, he's just a nice guy giving advice. You are giving it as well but assuming it is better. I asked for comments, suggestions, and opinions. Thank you for yours. From now on if you read that again from me in this thread, you can assume that I inherently not including you is said request. Thanks for junking up my thread.


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Not a very popular method EVOO with home brewing crowd VAR is very grainy and the shake and draw method is not very accurate but Y one of many options.... Most UGL's will go with Grain alcohol and PEG for a suspension but with VAR that has a tendency to crystallize.... Pressing into 10mg tabs is best but clearly not an option at home and capping at 10 or 20 mg is a pain in the arse and very time consuming

Morry u mentioned getting some chains for use on bench so im assuming your gym doesn't have if this is the case your best and cheapest option is going to a boating Marine Supply Store and they will cut them to your requirements prob about $50

If your gym has a power rack you can use bands wrapped from the top of the frame like this bur chains are a good tool as well as various thickness boards for the overload phase

I have these bands set up so i have 35lb of assist at chest level with zero help at lockout you can play around with the bands and tie knots in them to get the desired resistance and this is free..

Also you have the option of purchasing power-lifting bands which come in various forms of resistance not worth it IMHO when u can use the free ones at the gym :) food for thought
Marine Supply shop? Is there a specific gauge that works best? I need to read a little more. I'm guessing you measure the distance b/t the floor and the bar at lock out, then pick a gauge chain and get it that length, weigh it and the adjusts your other weights accordingly.
This sounds like a good way to lift heavy more often without murdering your shoulder and tendons.

I don't workout at gym. I have all my own equipment so chains is going to be the cheapest route for me.


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Seriously? I added a lot of work to the process bc I needed to weigh out 3 weeks of doses at least bc it was a matter of time and convenience. I had some extra time this afternoon. I knew there were a variety of ways to do this, but I needed the scale anyhow and I found a way to dose accurately and very quickly if I spend the time setting it up now instead of each time.
I didn't even see this part and just responded saying I'd give it a try. I appreciate both opinions. Honestly I do. Maybe if I don't like the way it works for these 24 doses, I'll just combine both methods by taking all the protein and putting it in olive oil and make brownies out of it and have anavar brownies. Yummy.
Your post on the matter concluded with "opinions, comments or suggestion" I think. I gave you my opinion and suggestion is all. Take it for what it's worth.

I make my own decisions d1ck cheese. If you are going to demean me in my own thread that I've been doing everything I can to keep as accurate and helpful as possible, please get the eff out of here. Ed is no sage, he's just a nice guy giving advice. You are giving it as well but assuming it is better. I asked for comments, suggestions, and opinions. Thank you for yours. From now on if you read that again from me in this thread, you can assume that I inherently not including you is said request. Thanks for junking up my thread.
****cheese?!?! Really?! Demean you in your own thread? I said nothing to you other than make the suggestion about the oil. Your thread is accurate and detailed and props to you for doing such a good job. I'm sure it will be helpful to someone.

My comments were made to edwitt and not to you. Yet now you are calling me ****cheese and asking me to consider I'm excluded. Last time I contributed you were enamored that an admin had an interest.

I need to remember to stay out of threads of guys on steroids. You guys are a bunch of women with the mood swings and sensitivity of pubescent girls.


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Yet now you are calling me ****cheese and asking me to consider I'm excluded. Last time I contributed you were enamored that an admin had an interest
I believe you mistook sarcasm as a compliment :(


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being someone who has sifted thru alot of muddled threads, this kind of bickering really takes away from what could be great threads. It sux when u have to waste time to get back on track.

I hope you guys call it quits on the argument soon lol


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dunn, come back to my thread, i added in trenbolone a i would like your take!]

yes im being serious


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being someone who has sifted thru alot of muddled threads, this kind of bickering really takes away from what could be great threads. It sux when u have to waste time to get back on track.

I hope you guys call it quits on the argument soon lol
lol ur 4'6 and 300 lbs bro you must be jacked

morry all i have to say is this

your cool

eddy-you know your cool

lets just :grouphug:

wait :wtf:


  • Established
lol ur 4'6 and 300 lbs bro you must be jacked

morry all i have to say is this

your cool

eddy-you know your cool

lets just :grouphug:

wait :wtf:

i was waiting for that! yeah not true lol


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I need to remember to stay out of threads of guys on steroids. You guys are a bunch of women with the mood swings and sensitivity of pubescent girls.
Not all guys using steroids act that way. You shouldn't stereotype people like that. It's unfair and inconsiderate to users who remain level-headed and polite.

Thank You David Dunn. :usa2:


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Moving on....

Pinned 2ml this morning (test e & p). No issues whatsoever. Light DL today. Will be taking Anavar at lunch.

I woke up hungry at 3 in the morning. I just ate some greek zero (greek yogurt with that is light in every way it can be besides protein) with a couple scoops of whey in it. I only ate about half of what was there, but I was surprised I woke up so hungry. The scale is moving up a little, but I don't think it is BF. I'll be posting pics later today which will help me decide.

Back / Shoulders today.


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Day 28
weight 112 (+6)

Back / Shoulders

I think I found the sweet spot for alternating these days b/t heavy DLs and heavy shrugs. I seperated them out and my back wasn't tight at all during or after my workout. It was a little when I laid down, but that's decently normal. DL looked like 135x 15, 205 x 15, 205x 15, 205 x 15, 205 x 10 (failure). Shrugged 300. 1 armed bent over row with dumbbell was with 100 or 105. Workout was overall pretty easy, but this day is to keep my activity level up and fine tune some of the smaller groups of muscles, but let my CNS rest for the most part. Seems to work well so far. It was warmer in the basement I workout in so I sweated like crazy. No issues with the workout though and I was able to increase weight on a couple exercises. Finished the day in under an hour. I got a pretty bad back pump after all those DLs. I take taurine in the morning, but if I get it again, I may get some powder to add into my pre workout shake. It wasn't so bad I couldn't continue, it just hurt and made me limp a little as I walked. It went away after my workout was complete.

Pinned this morning and I looked and I had one more pin of prop, not two, so prop ended today and Var started today. I took my first does of Var about 3 hours before workout (long story, but I didn't take lunch at work today, I just left early). I didn't "feel" any different, but I'm sure it's too early to really feel the var and I'm thinking I'll see Var more than I'll feel it. Hopefully with some striations but I think that's just me being hopeful.

Still no sides. Still feel like an animal in the gym. Libido still good. Mood is great.

Pics as promised. If you are hopping in here, it starts day 1 week one and a pic is taken at the end of each week.
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