Southern Charm Turns Up the Heat - Superdrol Cycle



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good luck with that, man! I too am interested in sd cycle......I gotta wait until i get better control over my lipids first!

Once that **** is in check, I'm going on a epic cycle
I got all my pre, intra and post **** lined up for either a sd/epi BAM, lipids from Dr. came back eff'd up (lil high)
Better safe than sorry......knowledege is power!

Gotta be right on the inside first!


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subbin' in on this one. SC your mailbox is full bro. Sorry I'm late - I been working like a dog lately and not online much.


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haahaha for anyone trying to PM me ill go delete my inbox. thanks for pointin that out lol


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Day 14........

I feel redeemed. Did not go to the gym today, but it's because I slept in and then had to cook, get some food ready and head to work. I slept 9 hours, which made up for my crappy sleep the night before.

weight - 256.6 Up 11.5 lbs. Arms are looking ridiculous. ( i tried to put on a watch my mom gave me and it's TIIIIGHHTT lol) Chest pumps when I flex... Mood is still f**kin AWESOME! Today is the last day of week 2. And I was commenting on Hump's log about a joint stack and said I was throwing in the Cissus when I throw the Epi in..

Should I start dosing tomorrow? I know it'd be 2 weeks of stacking 2 methyls but this way my whole cycle is a week shorter altogether.. I think this is what I'm gonna do. Ramp from 30 to 40 the first week and bump it to 50 when I stop the SD..

Today will be a leg day. Friday is my set leg day, with some heavy lifts, I might just do some heavy a$$ supersets on the leg curl, leg extension and calf presses on the leg press. Sounds good to me I wanna just do deadlifts ONCE this week. Everything else can pretty much be hit twice.


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I find that if I workout later in the evening, I don't feel as soar in the morning, but later in the day ...WTFFF lol. If I workout earlier in the day, I feel it right away next morning.
See I don't mind working out in the evening, I like it, but it interferes with sleeping since I try to get in a heavy protein meal afterwards.. AND due to the fact right now im working longer hours so it's easier for me to wake up early... get past the groggy part, eat and hit the gym.. The soreness for me varies, sometimes I wake up sore, sometimes I don't. Sometimes all I get is really tight, and some times I'm just miserable. I think a lot of it has to do with sleep and nutrients. But thats just my opinion!

good luck with that, man! I too am interested in sd cycle......I gotta wait until i get better control over my lipids first!

Once that **** is in check, I'm going on a epic cycle
I got all my pre, intra and post **** lined up for either a sd/epi BAM, lipids from Dr. came back eff'd up (lil high)
Better safe than sorry......knowledege is power!

Gotta be right on the inside first!
yeah definitely wanna be on the up and up with your health before you run ANY sort of cycle.. Especially a methyl oral like SD. This stuff is wicked. I preloaded fish oil, cycle support, milk thistle (additional), red yeast, coq10, addtional hawthorn, vitamin c all before my cycle even started. I wanted to cover all my bases, since support supps are cheap when you think about the price compared to other supps. I have not gotten any sides but will NOT be suprised when I get my blood work and my numbers are just f**ked. You're doing things the smart way and waiting til you know when the time is right. No need to rush things.

subbin' in on this one. SC your mailbox is full bro. Sorry I'm late - I been working like a dog lately and not online much.

Man at least you showed up!!!! I'm still... 8 weeks out between now and the last day of PCT!. I am running a bridge so when the SD stops ill be running 2 more weeks of epi, then 4 weeks on PCT and we'll see how the cycle treated me.. I work a lot too, if I had more time I'd be posting up daily macros but the diet is pretty much spot on Ive been eating the same sh1t for months! HAHA. I just cut out the extra bulk shakes

Another update..

My PCT consists of.. (I moderated this)

Nolva 20/20/10/10 (MIGHT get some clomid as liquid chems are relatively cheap)
6 bromo
TCF 1 (decided to go with this instead of bulk because they doubled the amount of servings)
ASGT for preworkout with 5g creatine 3 grams beta a
cycle assist run through PCT also.


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oh and if anyones wondering im considering switching to clomid or using a combination because i keep reading clomid this clomid that like my nolva pct will be trash. so really i want some more input before i spend some change on the clomid or even change my pct at all. thanks in advance


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I've never used them but many people on here say clomid is better at bringing the boys back and nolva is better at keeping estrogen at bay. I decided to go with nolva because I heard it's better for estro and the hcg would take care of my boys so no need for clomid.
Young Gotti

Young Gotti

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i used, or am using a blend of both clomid and nolva....i like having both, nolva better for estro related gyno, clomid better for getting your boys back in order alittle quicker and any prolactin or progesterone problems that may from what i've seen you should be fine with just nolva, but a combo couldn't hurt either to cover all basis


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Same here, I was reading a thread where Unreal was saying he always uses clomid based PCT's.


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i did some ***** leg workouts today, hit up the leg extension and leg curls LMAO

but none the less i knew i had to go heavy as i could

leg curls

120 x 12
140 x 10
160 x 8 (this one was hard for me!)

leg extensions

160 x 15
180 x 12
200 x 10
240 x 8
300 (the stack) x 6 - had to stretch for a few after this one lol

calf presses on leg press

270 x 15
320 x 12
370 x 10
390 x 8

db standing squats (dont know what theyre called)

80 x 12 (each side)
90 x 10
100 x 6 (almost busted ass on the last one lol)

i didnt do any compound movements besides the "standing squats" i wanted to basically hit the leg muscles but not feel like i got hit by a truck.. gonna do back and traps tomorrow so i did not hit deadlifts so that my traps and forearms are fresh

i feel like i got a buzz right now almost like i wanna throw up but I think its because im not used to those dumb bell squats and i wore sweat pants to the gym and its like a sauna outside

i also got my blended protein from my buddies nutrition shop

its got 8 grams bcaas per serving, 34g protein and 160 calories per scoop. it is a blend of whey isolate, miscellar casein, egg albumin (sp) all in one. 45 bucks and local.. and it's the best chocolate tasting protein ive ever had so im gonna pound one down and get this stir fry ready.


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about PCT what hump says is right, nolva is better for gyno control, clomid better for testosterone recovery, a stack is good.

The reason I talk about clomid so much is that i only used nolva PCTs for a while and i recovered but never noticed anything... couldn't really tell i was in PCT or recovering my test. When I did a clomid PCT i could tell around week 3 i started getting acne and my balls were throbbing full sized (lol TMI) and my libido was way up... Clomid has been like that everytime for me. Everytime with clomid, i come out of PCT feeling like my test is higher than it was pre-cycle. It just works much better than nolva for me.


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i always always use nolva. not a big fan of how clomid makes me feel... but i agree that clomid brings the boys back better but for that i always use a ridiculous amount of hcg in PCT so i always feel g2g there. like most things there are more than one right way of doing it and its up to the person to figure out what works best for them, their body and their goals.

looking good in here SC.


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I slept like a rock last night, woke up with a massive erection and had to hit this morning... Made me kinda tired so I slept another 2 hours and then woke up and ate haha... Libido obviously has not been affected.

Dosed 30 mg SD, 40 mg of Epi (i was gonna do 30 accidentally took 4 pills whoops) lol

So i had time, and my girl helped me set it up I set up a REAL t bar...

Narrow grip (used the handles from the cable row)

90 x 15
135 x 12
160 x 10
205 x 8

Bent Over BB rows

135 x 12
135 x 12 (i felt like the first set was slopped)
185 x 10
225 x 8
235 x 6

Lat Pulldown

ALL x 10

iso row

270 x 12
320 x 10
340 x 8
360 x 8 - NEW PR baby!!!

Im gonna have to figure out another day to do traps because I don't use straps or anything, and my fore arms were fried. Didnt need to do anything to isolate biceps, I got them workin hard today. Pumps in my back, lats already feel sore LOL

Like they say in the MISC @ "feels good man"



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I slept like a rock last night, woke up with a massive erection and had to hit this morning... Made me kinda tired so I slept another 2 hours and then woke up and ate haha... Libido obviously has not been affected.

Dosed 30 mg SD, 40 mg of Epi (i was gonna do 30 accidentally took 4 pills whoops) lol

So i had time, and my girl helped me set it up I set up a REAL t bar...

Narrow grip (used the handles from the cable row)

90 x 15
135 x 12
160 x 10
205 x 8

Bent Over BB rows

135 x 12
135 x 12 (i felt like the first set was slopped)
185 x 10
225 x 8
235 x 6

Lat Pulldown

ALL x 10

iso row

270 x 12
320 x 10
340 x 8
360 x 8 - NEW PR baby!!!

Im gonna have to figure out another day to do traps because I don't use straps or anything, and my fore arms were fried. Didnt need to do anything to isolate biceps, I got them workin hard today. Pumps in my back, lats already feel sore LOL

Like they say in the MISC @ "feels good man"

I always do real tbar rows on back days. I love them. If you aint doin em with a barbell, u definitely are missin out, those tbar row machines are crap.

That's kick a$$ too that your libido is not affected, when i get into week 3 @ 30mg of SD, my libido takes a dive, which sucks.

But i think my next cycle in sept-oct, i'm thinking about runnin some of pp's androhard with SD, or maybe some test for the 1st time? hmm...


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Nice work SC... epi phase is here for ya.. interested to see what happens


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Day 16, Still going strong. Weight 257 (+12)

Still no atrophy, no back bumps, no blood pressure headaches..

I have a feeling EPI is going tear up my joints. Getting a late start to my day dosing as we speak. 30 mg SD, 30 mg Epi

Ive got a nice big fat steak with onions and mushrooms and brown rice with cauliflower and broccoli waiting to be hammered down... maybe in an hour yummmmm

I plan to hit chest later, probably all db flys, flat incline and decline. Some dips and skull crushers. Sounds like a good work out to me. Then it's heavy legs tomorrow.. man im already planning out tomorrow hahaha this stuff just gives me tunnel vision and a one track mind. I eat good ****k good and i wear myself ragged at the gym..


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Day 16, Still going strong. Weight 257 (+12)

Still no atrophy, no back bumps, no blood pressure headaches..

I have a feeling EPI is going tear up my joints. Getting a late start to my day dosing as we speak. 30 mg SD, 30 mg Epi

Ive got a nice big fat steak with onions and mushrooms and brown rice with cauliflower and broccoli waiting to be hammered down... maybe in an hour yummmmm

I plan to hit chest later, probably all db flys, flat incline and decline. Some dips and skull crushers. Sounds like a good work out to me. Then it's heavy legs tomorrow.. man im already planning out tomorrow hahaha this stuff just gives me tunnel vision and a one track mind. I eat good ****k good and i wear myself ragged at the gym..
at your size i'd say just go to 40 epi since you already did, why not?? you seem to be handling the sides very well (you're lucky.... I do not handle SD's sides well at all). but do be careful with the epi and your joints... epi made my joints dry as hell.... major forearm splints... especially if ur doing skullcrushers. other than that though no sides from epi, it made me a human vaccuum, I could eat whatever i wanted and be hungry in 2 hours, it's crazy. of course i was taking 120 mg of it the last 2 weeks i was on it....


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Damn southern looking crazy. Starting my new job next week. MONEY!!!! so ill be able to get PREPARED for my roll with super, shoot, it looks like it might be coming in october....WINK! We'll just wait and see.


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at your size i'd say just go to 40 epi since you already did, why not?? you seem to be handling the sides very well (you're lucky.... I do not handle SD's sides well at all). but do be careful with the epi and your joints... epi made my joints dry as hell.... major forearm splints... especially if ur doing skullcrushers. other than that though no sides from epi, it made me a human vaccuum, I could eat whatever i wanted and be hungry in 2 hours, it's crazy. of course i was taking 120 mg of it the last 2 weeks i was on it....
Yeah I hear the joint issue over and over. I have a well prepared stack for this. IM already on the fishoil and animal flex, starting the cissus when it gets here

Super Cissus RX
Animal Flex
Fish oil (10g daily... was at 6-8 but its cheap wth)

Hopefully this helps with joints, i also eat a lot of healthy fats like almonds, fish, olive oil, macadamia nuts, cashews, natty pb and avacados.

I might just run 40mg like you say, hell im already running 30mg of sd. i highly doubt 10mg is going to break my liver lol. I have 3 bottles of epi total didnt wanna use more than i had to but ill see whats up.


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just heard the door, and when i opened it was a package from np. my tcf 1 came in.. NICE! Now if my ASGT could just show up along with my cissus ill have my whole cycle


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yo're lucky with all that stuff sc! I got liver juice the other day and it tastes like complete sh*t lol. I don't got much prepared for pct except nolva maybe kre alk.


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your joints should be good to go with animal flex. thats what i used and it worked well at reducing the pain/inflammation


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hahaha i got the asgt, tcf1, nolva, 6bromo, creatine, beta a, cycle assist, some extra thistle and hawthorne and ryr. I ran out of coq10 and its EXPENSIVE!!!!! but ill see if i can scrape up some money for more. I hope the joint stack i made helps cuz 4 weeks on epi (2 of them being stacked with sd) are going to be hell on my joints. I do my back movements with no straps (of course the weight is not anywhere near powerlifter status but heavy for me nonetheless) so my tendonitis has been flaring back up. I fell on my finger some months ago and have had some grip issues ive been working on. tendonitis is a MF but even tho it hurts i still pound it out.

tonight is chest day again, gonna do some db work and help my girl with her work out. she went with me yesterday to do back and hit 50, 60, and 75 on tbar and 150 on the iso rows. pretty good for her, she's strong for such a small package.


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Syched man! Keep it up. SC when did you really start to feel the SD? And I feel your pain in the joints area, 15 years in construction and the first 15 minutes of all my workouts is excrutiating. I never thought there was much I could do about it except fish oil. I take so much fishoil I **** the stuff (it sux)
How was the workout tonight?


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chest day (or should i say night lol)

i was gonna do db work... lol... but after stretching i started flexing and holding and trying to get a pump in my chest.. got me all stoked and I said lets do this.. now ive stated this a few times i have a problem shoulder, has not gotten worse if anything better, and have heard a few times that it could be my form. i take critique with arms wide open.. so i decided to do the exercise that i think caused my injury, but work on form

i did some incline BB press today.. I figured if I really get my form down perfectly I could maybe ease tension in my shoulder, if not completely alleviate the problem. So i did light weight, very light weight to make sure my form was immaculate

incline bb

135 x 12
155 x 12
185 x 10

Stretched after this.. Then did

Front Raises

35 (plate) x 12 for warm up
45 (plate) x 10
25 (each side) x 8
30 x 6

Iso Wide Grip hammer strength

270 x 12
320 x 10
340 x 10
360 x 8 - PR PR PR PR PR
380 x 6 PR PR PR PR PR

LOL sorry I was excited... Got some really really wide eyed looks from the last two sets

Tricep vbar pull downs

200 x 12
220 x 10
230 x 10
250 x 8
260 x 4 (was trying for 6 or 8 but tris were FRIED) PR PR PR

All in all pretty good workout, 260 on pull downs would have been AWESOME if i could hit 6 or 8 reps but it is what it is.

JOINTS- I had to stretch a little more than usual, but no significant increase in joint discomfort. I will admit that I have been thirstier, and I sweat today like I was running some dnp or something. SOAKED!

I slammed some nutra pro and showered, and ate two chicken breasts, 3 pieces of turkey bacon and some broccoli about 45 minutes again and im starving hahaha....

will do milk/casein before bed.. IM SURE tomorrow I will feel kinda tight in my chest and tris..


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Holy **** 11:19 pm LOL! I got out of the gym at 9pm and thought that was late.
Well Happy Friday Fella's.


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well it was 10:19 my time when i updated my log but i was done at the gym at 8:30 if that late lol...


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for CoQ10 i get my stuff from puritans pride......hope i aint going against the rules...cant PM you yet, not enuff

Been here over a year, (sad I know)......i love to lurk and observe!
I learn more


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well technically puritans pride is a company im familiar with their site. LOL thank you though.

The supplement itself is just expensive compared to most others... 100 pills puts you out 10 bucks or so on average (depending on the strength) and you can get 350 fishoils for 10 bucks at sams haha


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damn, gotta make a 'run' to

keep killin the plates, SC.....progress looks good!


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man i got some good sleep last night...

weight... 258 im up 13 lbs...

im starting to think that my gains would be greater however im only 300 cals up from maintainance... Which I AM starting to notice either less water weight or less fat. Not much, but enough to say that I should be up 16 lbs instead of 13, my muscles feel AWESOME


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Keep it going man

and up those cals


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yeah i got an extra 800 in today from the get go... LMAO. I stopped to get one of those chicken breakfast burritos from chickfila.. Definitely a cheat meal type of thing but it was awesome. And just had an extra bowl of oats from what I normally eat so that combo put me about 750 or so up from yesterday if everything else stays the same. Should hit 4000 today. Even though im bigger my maint. is about 3300 cals


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were about the same weight, im about 233lb right now

Im was doing 4300 for recomp currently mini bulk 4600-4800


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lol my metabolism is in the subspecies for snails LOL its slow bro. i would love to be able to eat 4500 cals lol


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i'm with you SC... I maintain on 3K and blow up in a bad way on 4k, never in my life exceeded 4K for an extended period of time.


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man i really wanna cruise on test but ive never pinned and im pretty high body fat and itd be CRAZY to do this for my first rodeo... LOL

Im just like... Oh man just one more week on this SD hahah..bummer!! HAHAHA


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SC save the injects for next time, one thing at a time haha. BTW you make me want to take my SD to 30mg. I feel like i'm adapting to 20mg a bit... usually i don't run a flat dose so long... also don't think my phera is doing much.. I like Phera but very mild for me. NEED MORE SD!!


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Hahaha just like you and Jasen's cycle made me wanna run a base LOL.. But yeah I am not going to, itd be overkill like i said for my first rodeo. Want and do are two different things in my book, just cuz I wanna do it doesnt mean im going to...yet.... LMAO

I think when you up the dose youd feel any adverse effects within a couple of days. At least for me I felt a little more kick in my pants when I upped it, but hell I was only 5 days in. HA

this cycle is going good for me. Actually think im "recomping" a bit AND my strength is getting to where it needs to be at my size. I am a big dude, like Ive said ive been a big guy since I can remember. I let drinkin and partying and eating like hell get the best of me for a long time, and I dont expect to be at my optimal physique any time soon, this is surely a good kickstart. After this will be a long, long, long slow cut, after reading the 3 years BMC James log i feel truly inspired.. If i could get to 9% i would scare MYSELF! lol


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Yeah save it and do something crazy like Unreal is doing lol.
I jonse to pinn test, I almost had some but the guy wanted like 600 for a cycle of t250...
Then another guy I know never got back to me :( :(
Wtf is it so hard to get AAS? I dont make friends in the gym maybe thats why?


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ok unreal this ones for you

this was my boy at exactly one year at his first official weight pull event. he only got to 1980lbs, which is 30x his body weight, but it was a good pull. Since he's young and has never been on a track with dogs on the side, everything distracted him.


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this was him at 10 months.. we had a lil female puppy but she passed away due to anesthesia complications.



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Nice man, I had a fat lazy english bulldog but she bit my daughter out of jelpusy :( :(
Had to give her away


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If I had a dog that bit me or anyone in my family I'd put it down. No such thing as jealousy in dogs, theyre either well tempered or have human aggression issues which isnt tolerated with the breed i own. there's a very common misconception that pitbulls are vicious towards people, but the breed was originated to take dog bulls and hogs, and later turned into "pit fighting dogs" hence the name american pitbull terrier. the word pitbull is a slang, and the true temperament of these dogs is to not tolerate any other dog, but to show no fear or insecurity around humans (this is why human aggression is a big no no in the breed). LOL sorry for the rant ive always loved the breed, i am a fan of the true dogs, not all these hybrids theyre making with "huge heads" and bowed legs and all that. those are simply mutts with the name pitbull misleading the public


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SC your dog is awesome, what a cutie. My dog is rot/pit so he looks similar. Such nice dogs, people think they're mean but i don't think so... i dunno though I love animals in general. Keep beefin him up lol! Sorry to hear about the little puppy passing though she is so adorable in those pictures.

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