Volcom's Slim Xtreme Mini Log



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Shoot, man, that's quite an ordeal! 2caps and you're up all night? And you're gonna stay up and go train? I know I'd skip that workout, but then, I HATE staying up all night, or even past eleven really...
That's the difference between you and me... you know how to make wiser choices :beerchug: You probably don't drink, let's toast our diet cokes!


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Extended Product Information

Slim Xtreme (SX) delivers energy. But not just any old energy. Clean, long-lasting, jitter-free energy, that lasts for 12-14 hours. While your body is adjusting to SX and its new metabolism, it may affect your sleeping patterns for the first few nights. However, this is temporary and your body soon will adapt to it. After no more than a few days, your normal sleeping patterns will return and you’ll feel great every day and have a whole new outlook on life.

Due to the possibility of one or more relatively sleepless nights, we recommend you follow these guidelines.

Always start with one (1) capsule of SX first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Remember, SX lasts for 12-14 hours so avoid taking it after 10AM unless you are looking to stay up late. If you don’t feel the desired effect, wait until the next morning and then try taking two (2) capsules. Once you find your perfect dose (which for many is one (1) capsule) SX WILL keep you going strong and feeling great for at least 12 hours.

If you find taking one (1) capsule gives you a sleepless night, it is absolutely critical that you stick with your SX regimen of one (1) capsule a day. Do not increase your dose and do not stop taking SX. After a few days your body will be fully adjusted and your normal sleeping patterns will return.

If you have increased your dosage to two (2) or three (3) capsules and this affects your sleep, reduce your dosage by one (1) capsule for a few days. This will help your body adjust before moving back to two (2) or three (3) capsules.

Rarely will anyone need to take (3) capsules to respond to SX. For most people one (1) to two (2) capsules will be the perfect dose.

Avoid taking any caffeinated products late in the day since caffeine may in certain situations actually extend the duration of SX.

Remember, SX has a very unique feeling and is unlike any other energy product you have tried. Don't panic and take another capsule if you are not “feeling it” immediately. Take a few days to follow these instructions and find your perfect dosage.

Once you’ve found your perfect dose, the key is to stick with it every day. With SX you won’t feel all wired and jittery. You’ll just feel like you have the energy to do whatever needs to be done. Extremely productive, high energy, low appetite and a great mood all day long……..You can sum it up in one word: Transformational!

Visit www.PowerofSX.com for a FREE customized weight loss, diet, and exercise plan.

That is the page from the guide that covers the sleep patterns.
Great stuff Big Smith. I genuinely appreciate how helpful and proactive you've been in here. :beerchug: I don't know why I'm on this toasting kick this morning.


  • RockStar
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I hate sounding like a salesmen trying to pitch a sale, but I think it'd be worth trying 1 cap, once. SX has been quite unique, but that's the last I'll say anything about it, you're a friend and I feel a bit douchey responding with rebuttals your posts. :beerchug: You have maturation of time on me and many of us, so I trust you are well aware of your bodies capacities. Apologies if I'm coming off douchey. "Why not just not post this post?" Because I confidently stand by my suggestion. No mas! Lo siento.
No man were good, and I may yet try this, I value your opinion. Just because I am long in the tooth doesn't mean I know everything :laugh: I am just thinking you can probably handle stims better than me so...

There is a lot of what I am reading that is fairly intriqing... I love the idea that is so smooth and again you only have to take it once a day in the morning. The appetite suppresion sounds good too. I think maybe a sample would be good idea for me. Just to see if I can adjust.


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Historically, Snag and Dragonfly have been my rest police. I think I need to put them back on the beat.
[sirens sound in the background..car pulling up..brakes]
Pull over Soldier, you're confined to barracks..you will sleep..:twak:


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No man were good, and I may yet try this, I value your opinion. Just because I am long in the tooth doesn't mean I know everything :laugh: I am just thinking you can probably handle stims better than me so...

There is a lot of what I am reading that is fairly intriqing... I love the idea that is so smooth and again you only have to take it once a day in the morning. The appetite suppresion sounds good too. I think maybe a sample would be good idea for me. Just to see if I can adjust.
As Da Ali G (aka Borat) would say, "Respect" :beerchug:

This is hilarious by the way.

YouTube - Ali G Interviews David & Victoria Beckham


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Yah but what's gonna happen after 3 pills.... :scared:
I took the 3 caps keeping mindful of the fact that I received virtually no sleep the night before and taking into considering that I was planning on performing my Triple Crown this morning. I suppose you can say I'm simply taking a gamble that all these aspects combined, will result in sleep.

You see why I need you guys around to keep my off colored reasoning in check.

I can feel a tiredness now. I'm sort of experiencing a weird separation of physical exhaustion vs enhanced mood. Usually, if I'm lethargic, I'm also not in the greatest of moods, but I feel really good and my mood could be a masquerade for energy right now.


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Just because I am long in the tooth doesn't mean I know everything..
I think maybe a sample would be good idea for me. Just to see if I can adjust.
My wife thoroughly enjoyed her sample. Pretty much as Sam has described it (w/o the sleep deprivation tho) -- smooth energy, oppressed appetite on 1 pill..


Active member
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Great log Volcom and you have got to be :censored: crazy taking 3 caps at once.

There is a lot of what I am reading that is fairly intriqing... I love the idea that is so smooth and again you only have to take it once a day in the morning. The appetite suppresion sounds good too. I think maybe a sample would be good idea for me. Just to see if I can adjust.
I'm on day 4 of my SX and am staying on one cap. I took the first cap @ 9am on day 1 (arrived by post) and was awake up 2am the following day! Since then I have taken 1 cap @ 6am and get to sleep at my normal time of 10:30pm so you should adjust pretty quickly if you keep the dose at 1 cap for the first few days.

I would highly recommend that everyone gets a sample if possible. I live in Europe so couldn't get a sample but bought a tub based on other people's reviews and I have been very impressed so far.


New member
This is supposed to be a mini-log? lol. this is like the fastest moving thread I've seen. That's definately a good thing


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Great log Volcom and you have got to be :censored: crazy taking 3 caps at once.

I'm on day 4 of my SX and am staying on one cap. I took the first cap @ 9am on day 1 (arrived by post) and was awake up 2am the following day! Since then I have taken 1 cap @ 6am and get to sleep at my normal time of 10:30pm so you should adjust pretty quickly if you keep the dose at 1 cap for the first few days.

I would highly recommend that everyone gets a sample if possible. I live in Europe so couldn't get a sample but bought a tub based on other people's reviews and I have been very impressed so far.
I know, perhaps it was a lapse in judgment due to the sleep deprivation. I'll most likely be sticking with 2 caps. "Most likely."


  • Legend!
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This is supposed to be a mini-log? lol. this is like the fastest moving thread I've seen. That's definately a good thing
Thanks for joining in. I hope you see something interesting in here, and yes, I have a bad habit of being very wordy, but only if I am enthusiastic about the product, so at least that part is a good thing. :beerchug:


  • RockStar
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Thanks for joining in. I hope you see something interesting in here, and yes, I have a bad habit of being very wordy, but only if I am enthusiastic about the product, so at least that part is a good thing. :beerchug:
Descriptive would be a better term, while there is lots of detail, almost all of it is of high value. You have a talent for expressing what your thinking in great depth. It's very easy to understand, as well.


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Thanks for joining in. I hope you see something interesting in here, and yes, I have a bad habit of being very wordy, but only if I am enthusiastic about the product, so at least that part is a good thing. :beerchug:
I concur! your logs blow up like some diesel and fertilizer:439: I stil have you on the infractions though:chairshot:


New member
Thanks for joining in. I hope you see something interesting in here, and yes, I have a bad habit of being very wordy, but only if I am enthusiastic about the product, so at least that part is a good thing. :beerchug:
no worries man, sorry if that came off like I was being a d***. I was goin for funny/ironic sarcasm, its hard to get that across by text. I'll be back here for sure. Good luck man!
Last edited:


  • Legend!
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Descriptive would be a better term, while there is lots of detail, almost all of it is of high value. You have a talent for expressing what your thinking in great depth. It's very easy to understand, as well.
Uhhhh, score
. Thank you DW, that is quite the compliment/feedback.

"don't want no twouble" I don't know why.... it's a generic association.

"Let's see, let's discuss the mood effect"


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no worries man, sorry if that came off like I was being a d***. I was goin for funny/ironic sarcasm, its hard to get that across by text. I'll be back here for sure. Good luck man!
Oh no, you mistook my attempt at humility as being offended. I'm all for funny/ironic sarcasm, so much so, I think I may be the only person who thinks I'm funny sometimes. My girlfriend says to me, "you know you're the only one who thinks your funny." Of course she's not being serious when she says that in general, she only says it when I say something stupid or tell a joke and I'm the only one laughing. I'm okay with that.


  • Legend!
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I concur! your logs blow up like some diesel and fertilizer:439: I stil have you on the infractions though:chairshot:
You are well solidified as the resident 2Pac, no doubt there Hman. AM thug life, no studio gangsters.


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no worries man, sorry if that came off like I was being a d***. I was goin for funny/ironic sarcasm, its hard to get that across by text. I'll be back here for sure. Good luck man!
Back to this one. Yeah man, I was trying to be humble, I wasn't taking offense. I wouldn't decorate my posts with all these goofy graphics if I took myself that seriously. It's all to the good in here.


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Descriptive would be a better term, while there is lots of detail, almost all of it is of high value. You have a talent for expressing what your thinking in great depth. It's very easy to understand, as well.
^^^I agree with this notion 110%. Your detail is the kind of information people need to see and read on this forum so they can make informed decisions about supplements and training bud.



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^^^I agree with this notion 110%. Your detail is the kind of information people need to see and read on this forum so they can make informed decisions about supplements and training bud.

Hey Samboz, I really appreciate that. I wished I could use a different word then appreciate, because it's gotten so generic and I don't want to give the impression that I'm just posting a courtesy response. It's an especially cool compliment when it comes from people I admire here. You've been a great encouragement for the longest time, and I do [alternate word for] appreciate that. Back'atcha :beerchug:


  • Established
Of course she's not being serious when she says that...
suuuuuure dude.. :poke: (there's some funny for ya!) :lol:
I concur! your logs blow up like some diesel and fertilizer:439:
Volcom has the talent to create incredible detailed info and make it a very entertaining read as well. Never a dull moment..
Oughtta be a writer or something. Just need to get spellcheck first, so you make sure Jehovah is spelled correctly! :lol:

..and you know I'm just being funny bro. My anality picks these things up. :sigh:


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suuuuuure dude.. :poke: (there's some funny for ya!) :lol:

Volcom has the talent to create incredible detailed info and make it a very entertaining read as well. Never a dull moment..
Oughtta be a writer or something. Just need to get spellcheck first, so you make sure Jehovah is spelled correctly! :lol:

..and you know I'm just being funny bro. My anality picks these things up. :sigh:
Sam has a way with making great reviews with amazing detail!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Hey Samboz, I really appreciate that. I wished I could use a different word then appreciate, because it's gotten so generic and I don't want to give the impression that I'm just posting a courtesy response. It's an especially cool compliment when it comes from people I admire here. You've been a great encouragement for the longest time, and I do [alternate word for] appreciate that. Back'atcha :beerchug:
Next time, you can humbly accede to and/or acknowledge the compliment Sam.


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Word of caution to those of us who contain a treasure box full of supplements. Don't put your Slim Xtreme anywhere near your Lean Xtreme. The two pills look dead alike and I had to toss out 4 pills in order to avoid a bad accident. I opened my pill dispenser to take my 3 SX caps, but 4 orange pills came out, one of which could have been a left over Lean Xtreme from last week's stash (during my Stim Break I was still using DCP & Lean Xtreme). ...
If you crack open the cap and smell it, the SX composite has a distinct chocolate smell (cocoa concentrate). Just so you don't have to waste caps again. ;)


  • Legend!
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suuuuuure dude.. :poke: (there's some funny for ya!) :lol:

Volcom has the talent to create incredible detailed info and make it a very entertaining read as well. Never a dull moment..
Oughtta be a writer or something. Just need to get spellcheck first, so you make sure Jehovah is spelled correctly! :lol:

..and you know I'm just being funny bro. My anality picks these things up. :sigh:
My grammer has been called into question on numerous occasions.

Thanks Snag, I feel like it's my birthday or something and everyone is taking a turn on the speech mic. How many times can I write, "I appreciate the kind words" before it loses its effect? Because I do mean it. Muchos Gracias, Snag. Maybe if I respond in Spanish, my responses will regain some umph.


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If you crack open the cap and smell it, the SX composite has a distinct chocolate smell (cocoa concentrate). Just so you don't have to waste caps again. ;)
Nice, now that's some advice you can take to the bank! Much appreciated Dr. D.


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hahaha holy sh*t!

are there DEMONS in my phone??? I DONT KNOW? im just a simple caveman.

Your modern devices frighten me! I'm just an ancient caveman. I saw one of those "helicopters" and thought it was the great bird, come to take me away! :p


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Dude this is the best log I have ever seen!
Thanks Threshaman. I think the host makes it informational, but the guests make it interesting and fun, so thanks to everyone here as well. When the host has to quote his own posts, which I've done before, it's not quite as rich. It's a happy group effort, in my obnoxiously humble opinion. I need to see a psychologist or something. I could divert sunlight.


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Nice, now that's some advice you can take to the bank! Much appreciated Dr. D.
Yes sir, glad to share a tid-bit anytime I can my friend. I'm full of obscure, otherwise useless information. :D


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Sam has a way with making great reviews with amazing detail!
Thanks Hman. It's a pleasure to detail when I believe the context is actually being read. You guys are too much.


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Yes sir, glad to share a tid-bit anytime I can my friend. I'm full of obscure, otherwise useless information. :D
You are preaching to the less academically achieved choir. I know more useless facts about the human body then useful ones. HO YEAH!


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My quads are beyond dusted. DOMS has not even kicked in yet and I have to walk around like I'm hiding something in the exodus cavity.

My quads are really weak & numb. I have a double cardio planned for Friday, I'll be bummed if I'm still doing the senior home shuffle by then.


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236 post and over 1300 views.....

There's something to be said about a log and product that has that effect!



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236 post and over 1300 views.....

There's something to be said about a log and product that has that effect!

its the volcom effect. All of his logs skyrocket out of control. Its a full time job keeping up with it all.

Irish Cannon

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My quads are beyond dusted. DOMS has not even kicked in yet and I have to walk around like I'm hiding something in the exodus cavity.

My quads are really weak & numb. I have a double cardio planned for Friday, I'll be bummed if I'm still doing the senior home shuffle by then.
Man, I love that feeling. I have an F-150 and when I hop out after a leg workout sometime I collapse on the ground. Haha.


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Day 3, @3 caps, PM Report

Day 3, @3 caps, PM Report

This will be a current events report, as oppose to a PM Review. Given the circumstance, a Review wouldn't be fair, as my lack of sleep, or more accurately stated, absence of sleep, goes well beyond a "mediating variable."

Brief Overview
- I was unable to sleep last night, as I had stubbornly, rashly, ignorantly and arrogantly, increased my dosage of SX too soon.

- By 4:40 a.m., or 4:50 a.m. this morning, I made a decision to take 3 caps of SX in order to get primed for a 60 min, interval cycling class at 5:45am, at L.A. Fitness, in the City of La Verne.

- By 7:30 a.m., I had arrived at L.A. Fitness, Glendora, where I lifted Tri's, and also, in order to participate in their 8:30 a.m., 60 min, interval cycling class.

- By 8:30 a.m., I did in fact participate in a second round of 60 min. of interval cycling.

- By 10:00 a.m., I arrived at the Law Firm, which is one of my two job

Brief Summary of this mornings report, along with some newly added details.

- When I initially made the decision that I was going to tackle these bouts of exercise this morning, I was in an understandably frustrated mood. I was angry about the situation, yet excited about the challenge I was about to take on.

- By the time the SX kicked in, my mood took a 180 turn. I felt good, I felt abnormally friendly, uncharacteristically sociable (pertaining to the gym), and I felt like I was that carefree guy who sang, "I'm singing in the rain," not to be mixed up with the character from A Clockwork Orange, who also sang that song :nono2:

- Early morning mood enhancement, mood enhancement, mood enhancement. I can't say enough about how effective and radically transforming SX's mood enhancer played a role in this mornings success.

- Around 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., I can't accurately recall, I wrote another letter of encouragement, appreciation and inspiration to yet another professor. This is strange, professor letter writing number 3. One of the letters or actually e-mail letter, I wrote to professor yesterday, received a response, asking my permission to be used as a source of inspiration to be shared with her Kines 454 students, present and future. All three letters were spontaneous and they were inspired within those early morning windows when the mood is at its optimal effect for me. I have to believe these desires had been in me awhile, perhaps not consciously, but in seed form somewhere, but I just never cared enough to produce them. I'm not AS STUDIOUS as this paragraph may be depicting me as. Nonetheless, I am fairly confident that in my highly mood enhanced state, in terms of pleasantness, contentment, motivation, comfortable and confidence, all of it helped to bring the seed into fruition.

Current Situation
It is now 6:32pm and you have to be wondering if I suffered any crashes or perhaps what my thoughts are on the probability of another sleepless night.

Let's begin.

- I felt comfortably energized up between 2pm and 3pm. By this time, I was beginning to feel the effects of my sleep deprivation, compounded by this mornings TRIPLE CROWN feat of exercise. I didn't suffer a traditional stim crash. Here is where I'll try to make some distinctions. When I am physically lethargic, it is traditionally coupled with an emotional apathy, my mental acuity becomes greatly clouded and my mood, in terms of outlook, is a bit self loathing and my mood in terms of sociability, is very stand off'ish. A serious stim crash will generally result in the aforementioned conditions.

This afternoon, when I was "crashing," my mood was still positive, my body felt like it really wanted to lay down and rest, but I wasn't experience lethargic symptoms such as a sense of laziness, a strong desire to not want to do any moving or anything complex, whether it be physical or cognitive. Although my mental acuity could not be described as cloudy, such as feeling as if you're processing information slower then usual, but I felt absent minded. For example, while I was typing, I was writing just as fast, I was able to develop ideas and premises just as fast, but then I couldn't think of a word I wanted to use. I was looking to use the word "Exude" in my letter to my professor, but I couldn't think of that word. I had to spell and mis-spell the word Exhume until Google associated the word I was looking for.

The point being, I did crash and I'm continuing to crash now, it did suck, but it was not AS BAD and in many ways different, from a traditional stim crash.

However, my current condition, at 6:53 p.m., now, is much more physically detrimental in comparison to what I just finished describing.

Clearly, my mental acuity is still with me. My ability to process thoughts and generate ideas seem completely uneffected, but if I stand up, I feel uneasy, dizzy and a bit nauseous. Plus my quads have been taxed to utter hell.

From the way I "feel," energy wise, I am expecting to sleep tonight.

I've decided that I will perhaps stick with 1 cap for a couple of days and max out my dosage at 2 caps. At least until I've become more adapted.

I'll reiterate as I have multiple times now, that this mornings decision to perform this mornings TRIPLE CROWN of exercise leans heavier on a poor decision then a reflection of dedication. I don't think it's wise or safe for that matter. With that said, it's not my first action of this nature, and sadly, but in truth, it most likely won't be the last. I get too into pushing my limits and sometimes not in the wisest means.

This concludes my Day 3, @3 caps (and no sleep), REPORT.



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Real quick warning

I'm sorry I didn't proof read anything I wrote up there, so please forgive any incoherency, horrendous mis-spellings or anything that may make you think I'm aggressively illiterate.
natty texan

natty texan

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i'm guessing vol's asleep right now.

hoping for his sake.

i'm heading to my bed now.


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Day 3, @3 caps, PM Report

This will be a current events report, as oppose to a PM Review. Given the circumstance, a Review wouldn't be fair, as my lack of sleep, or more accurately stated, absence of sleep, goes well beyond a "mediating variable."

Brief Overview
- I was unable to sleep last night, as I had stubbornly, rashly, ignorantly and arrogantly, increased my dosage of SX too soon.

- By 4:40 a.m., or 4:50 a.m. this morning, I made a decision to take 3 caps of SX in order to get primed for a 60 min, interval cycling class at 5:45am, at L.A. Fitness, in the City of La Verne.

- By 7:30 a.m., I had arrived at L.A. Fitness, Glendora, where I lifted Tri's, and also, in order to participate in their 8:30 a.m., 60 min, interval cycling class.

- By 8:30 a.m., I did in fact participate in a second round of 60 min. of interval cycling.

- By 10:00 a.m., I arrived at the Law Firm, which is one of my two job

Brief Summary of this mornings report, along with some newly added details.

- When I initially made the decision that I was going to tackle these bouts of exercise this morning, I was in an understandably frustrated mood. I was angry about the situation, yet excited about the challenge I was about to take on.

- By the time the SX kicked in, my mood took a 180 turn. I felt good, I felt abnormally friendly, uncharacteristically sociable (pertaining to the gym), and I felt like I was that carefree guy who sang, "I'm singing in the rain," not to be mixed up with the character from A Clockwork Orange, who also sang that song :nono2:

- Early morning mood enhancement, mood enhancement, mood enhancement. I can't say enough about how effective and radically transforming SX's mood enhancer played a role in this mornings success.

- Around 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., I can't accurately recall, I wrote another letter of encouragement, appreciation and inspiration to yet another professor. This is strange, professor letter writing number 3. One of the letters or actually e-mail letter, I wrote to professor yesterday, received a response, asking my permission to be used as a source of inspiration to be shared with her Kines 454 students, present and future. All three letters were spontaneous and they were inspired within those early morning windows when the mood is at its optimal effect for me. I have to believe these desires had been in me awhile, perhaps not consciously, but in seed form somewhere, but I just never cared enough to produce them. I'm not AS STUDIOUS as this paragraph may be depicting me as. Nonetheless, I am fairly confident that in my highly mood enhanced state, in terms of pleasantness, contentment, motivation, comfortable and confidence, all of it helped to bring the seed into fruition.

Current Situation
It is now 6:32pm and you have to be wondering if I suffered any crashes or perhaps what my thoughts are on the probability of another sleepless night.

Let's begin.

- I felt comfortably energized up between 2pm and 3pm. By this time, I was beginning to feel the effects of my sleep deprivation, compounded by this mornings TRIPLE CROWN feat of exercise. I didn't suffer a traditional stim crash. Here is where I'll try to make some distinctions. When I am physically lethargic, it is traditionally coupled with an emotional apathy, my mental acuity becomes greatly clouded and my mood, in terms of outlook, is a bit self loathing and my mood in terms of sociability, is very stand off'ish. A serious stim crash will generally result in the aforementioned conditions.

This afternoon, when I was "crashing," my mood was still positive, my body felt like it really wanted to lay down and rest, but I wasn't experience lethargic symptoms such as a sense of laziness, a strong desire to not want to do any moving or anything complex, whether it be physical or cognitive. Although my mental acuity could not be described as cloudy, such as feeling as if you're processing information slower then usual, but I felt absent minded. For example, while I was typing, I was writing just as fast, I was able to develop ideas and premises just as fast, but then I couldn't think of a word I wanted to use. I was looking to use the word "Exude" in my letter to my professor, but I couldn't think of that word. I had to spell and mis-spell the word Exhume until Google associated the word I was looking for.

The point being, I did crash and I'm continuing to crash now, it did suck, but it was not AS BAD and in many ways different, from a traditional stim crash.

However, my current condition, at 6:53 p.m., now, is much more physically detrimental in comparison to what I just finished describing.

Clearly, my mental acuity is still with me. My ability to process thoughts and generate ideas seem completely uneffected, but if I stand up, I feel uneasy, dizzy and a bit nauseous. Plus my quads have been taxed to utter hell.

From the way I "feel," energy wise, I am expecting to sleep tonight.

I've decided that I will perhaps stick with 1 cap for a couple of days and max out my dosage at 2 caps. At least until I've become more adapted.

I'll reiterate as I have multiple times now, that this mornings decision to perform this mornings TRIPLE CROWN of exercise leans heavier on a poor decision then a reflection of dedication. I don't think it's wise or safe for that matter. With that said, it's not my first action of this nature, and sadly, but in truth, it most likely won't be the last. I get too into pushing my limits and sometimes not in the wisest means.

This concludes my Day 3, @3 caps (and no sleep), REPORT.

This is just how can I word this....hhmmmmm.....AWESOME observations... Very detailed man...Good Job and hope you have an excellent night of sleep my friend.... :Thinkingof_: >>>>> Sleep


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Glad you're still there, V! :bandit:


But next time, if 1 is good, and 2 is too much, don't immediately take 3, k? :stick:


Get some rest, bro. :)


Registered User
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Glad you're still there, V! :bandit:


But next time, if 1 is good, and 2 is too much, don't immediately take 3, k? :stick:


Get some rest, bro. :)
Talk about "cutting" your losses bro.

"In other news tonight"
"A multicultural, strong azz, intellignet, positive and temporary insomniac raves about new stimulant by AX." "Is there gold and REM's at the end of the rainbow... Well find out at 5am, back to you tom." :spam:


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... I'll reiterate as I have multiple times now, that this mornings decision to perform this mornings TRIPLE CROWN of exercise leans heavier on a poor decision then a reflection of dedication. I don't think it's wise or safe for that matter. With that said, it's not my first action of this nature, and sadly, but in truth, it most likely won't be the last. I get too into pushing my limits and sometimes not in the wisest means.
Sam, you're a man after me own heart. :) If you don't push yourself though, who will? Of course there are limits, but you can't define them if you haven't tested them.

It may sound contradictory on the surface, but why is it so hard to accept that when everything is stacked against you, you perform at your best? Isn't stress an incentive for improvement? Exercise is a destructive physical act, but the results yield a positive reward (endurance, strength.) Our spiritual and mental health work in a analogous fashion. Some guys falsely believe that they need everything just right before they are confident to perform, but you have trained yourself to function at a high level regardless of your circumstances. That is something not all men can claim and certainly to your credit IMO. When I am fasting, sleep deprived, hungry, etc.. basically self-neglect or anti-selfish, I often experience the most rewarding results. This paradox doesn't seem ironic to me anymore. It's an adaptive response to adversity and fairly predictable. What does not kill you changes you. The polarity of that change is based on your intent to a great degree IMO, so healthy motives are paramount.

There is no supplement or meal replacement shake that can truly replace food or sleep. I get nauseated too when I don't get enough sleep, no cure but get more sleep. Depleted neurotransmitters are often the cause of suboptimal mental performance when sleep is neglected. Inefficient fat utilization resulting from sudden calorie deprivation can cause symptoms from destabilized blood sugar. Increased physical stress like extra hours at work or pushing new levels in the gym can compromise redox balance (over oxidation) resulting in chronic fatigue and generally poor health. SX seems to cover all these bases, plus it has nootropics to address the bad mood issues that kill the finer points of most otherwise good fat burners out there.

You have experienced some impressive accomplishments the last few days! Great long too. I pray you meet all your goals and continue to experience success my friend. :)


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Talk about "cutting" your losses bro.

"In other news tonight"
"A multicultural, strong azz, intellignet, positive and temporary insomniac raves about new stimulant by AX." "Is there gold and REM's at the end of the rainbow... Well find out at 5am, back to you tom." :spam:
Give him a break guys! :p Insomniacs are people too, lol.

Heeeeere's Chucky! :tongue2::scratchchin::24:


Well-known member
  • Established
Give him a break guys! :p Insomniacs are people too, lol.

Heeeeere's Chucky! :tongue2::scratchchin::24:
insomnia. for college students, it hits about the same week every term. starts on a saturday, ends on a friday. oh the joy of falling asleep on friday night.

that being said, slim extreme sample will be my stim of choice for studying all day tmrw. possibly into friday morning.

used one cap this morning about 8am or so. and i still feel a bit productive despite the fatigue that is setting in from the cold/sore throat that has gotten progressively worse throughout the day.

/end rambling.

off to have a gram of vit c and some echnacea. and a toast to snag, sam, and ic, cuz i think i picked up that little mix from them.

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