Volcom's Slim Xtreme Mini Log



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I'm happy to report that I gathered the strength to workout tonight and it turned out much better then I expected. This is the brief over-view.


- Behind The Neck Shoulder Press x 4 sets, 155lbs

- Front Side Shoulder Press x 3 sets, 185lbs

[I don't normally do this, perform front side presses after behind the neck, this was sort of unplanned. I only intended on testing the waters because I hadn't done front side shoulder press in months due to a serious strain along my upper pecs. Even when my upper pec strain healed enough so that I could perform bench presses again, the front side shoulder press would still aggravate the strain. Therefore, my testing the waters translated into working sets when I felt that I was pain free.]

- Hammer Shoulder Press x 3 sets, 140lbs

- Machine, Behind The Neck Shoulder Press x 3 sets, 195lbs

- Barbell Upright Rows x 3 sets, 155lbs

What's with all the compound movements and lack of isolation? I wanted to take it a little bit easy on my body. Of course compounds are taxing as far as amount of muscle stimulated and amount of force produced, but isolated Db work seems to take more out of me.

Interesting Observations.

First and foremost, who remembers The Thundercats?

Today, Day 4.

- I decided on a 1 cap dosing.

- My energy levels seemed slightly higher then baseline, but much higher then it should have been consideration my situation. I did sleep last night, but it wasn't enough. I woke up groggy & foggy and that did not change much throughout the remainder of the day.

- Today's experience was very reminiscent of Day 1's, 1 cap experience, only diminished as a result of my fatigued state. My energy was okay and my mood was fine, but nothing worth mentioning.

This is the interesting part.

- When I arrived at the gym, I was still a bit on the zombie side. Or so I thought. I was anticipating my standard gym behavior of, avoid eye contact to avoid communication, I'm here to lift with my headphones, I am an island.

- To my unsuspecting surprise, I was once again very welcoming of conversation. Most of the time, if I see someone I know at the gym, I won't say anything to him or her unless or paths cross as a result of our routine, but I actually walked to the person today and we briefly conversed.

- I started to notice an extremely familiar sensation that i felt yesterday morning, as far as talkative and content.

- Furthermore, I had a second wind of heightened energy once I got moving. Yes its true that activity in of itself will create a sense of improved energy, increased HR, increased respiration, increased blood circulation, the warming of the muscles, each one of those aspects have their influence on a sense of improved bodily energy. However, what I felt was a seemingly dormant stim sensation increase in conjunction with the awakening of the body. That said, I was burnt out by the upright rows. Whatever kicked in was more then my body could sustain in its current state of fatigue.

- The degree of the second wind stim wasn't all that intense, really, but it was enough to reinvigorate me temporarily. As far as this second wind energy concept, I've experienced it before with other stims, but not 10 hours post ingestion, and accompanied with such a mood augmenting effect that I am by far the most fascinated by.
You never fail to impress bud. Awesome workout and per the usual....great commentary...its what makes your logs stand out as they are entertaining.

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:


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i havent been in there for a while. the only reason ive gone in there in the last year is to buy emergency protein or muscle milk oats.

i would say hit up vit shop or even that new one next to LV LAFITNESS.

and yeah. although i would say im very very close to that bulking style right now. legs 2x a week. thats my program right now haha.

btw, huge props on the cut. 186? geez! if youre interested in a keto diet, let me know. ive got some books in pdf i could send you. lyle mcdonald and dipasquales books to be more specific.

k. back to circuit analysis :1zhelp:

The owner of that vitamin shop next to LV's, La Fitness reminds me of Brandon Curry.


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Great that you were able to pull through another workout. The mood augmenting is definitely noticeable, esp if you are out talking to people when normally your in the zone.
Yeah I remember Thundercats!
Moving up the million dollar pyramid of 80's entertainment. I was too young to understand what they were saying conversationally, I still cannot recall the plot of the show, character names or why I like it, but I did.

What was the name of this show?



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The owner of that vitamin shop next to LV's, La Fitness reminds me of Brandon Curry.
haha i see it. when i went in there i immediately thought he looked like someone, but failed to think of who.

hes pretty jacked tho, if i remember correctly. i wonder if he competes or competed in the past.

SX has completely crushed my appetite. last time i ate was at like 6 pm, then a glass of skim milk around midnight. food was completely off my mind. could be due to stress from my final tho.

alright. back to the grind.:type:


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Nice brother very thorough again...:burnout:
Thank you, and in responding to your rep, yes, we have openings in the Carniveryan Nation for any violent veggists and you can start hanging a steak from your back pocket to let it be known. Sow this image on the back of your bombers jacket and you're in!

Odd sense of humor, I know. I actually eat a ton of vegetables :27:


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haha i see it. when i went in there i immediately thought he looked like someone, but failed to think of who.

hes pretty jacked tho, if i remember correctly. i wonder if he competes or competed in the past.

SX has completely crushed my appetite. last time i ate was at like 6 pm, then a glass of skim milk around midnight. food was completely off my mind. could be due to stress from my final tho.

alright. back to the grind.:type:
I've spoken about the SX mood factor the most because it's my favorite and most uniquely experienced effect. I don't touch as much on Appetite Suppression because you can only talk about appetite suppression so much, however, I will say with some confidence, that the appetite suppression has been one of the most INTENSE and perhaps one of, if not thee strongest effect SX produces (in my experience thus far). It's like taking ECA every two hours throughout the entire day, in regards to the intensity of the appetite suppressant.


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You never fail to impress bud. Awesome workout and per the usual....great commentary...its what makes your logs stand out as they are entertaining.

Cheers to ya bud!:cheers:

Thank you Samboz, in all my logging history where you were present, I don't think you've ever left a post without some form of compliment or encouragement.

"you da bomb"
"no, you da bomb"


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Body Weight?

Following Wednesday morning's Sleepless in Seattle/Exercise Hiatus, I weighed in the very next morning at 186lbs.

This 186lbs weight was very questionable in my opinion, as I've not budged any lower then 191lbs for the past 2.5 weeks (perhaps, not certain about that .5).

I weighed myself this morning, fully expecting to be back up to 191lbs, 190lbs at best, and I was 188lbs.

We'll see if my weight picks up any further in the ensuing days. I did have my full meals yesterday and i was going to note how good that felt. I was still physically tired, but I felt incredibly well nourished, if that makes sense.

"3lbs down, big whoop, I lose 5lbs in my morning crap!" 3lbs is insignificant in general, but when you're as deep into a cut as I am, after being stuck at a stalemate for a couple weeks, 3lbs since Monday still lingers in the realm of an improbability.

I'll wait and see before I celebrate. I try to maintain a pragmatic skepticism in the face of extraordinary happenings. We'll see.


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Day 5, Week One Review: In Hindsight

Week One Review: In hindsight.

Ignition Intensity:

Preface: Before we get into my dose dependent comparisons, I need want to establish some considerations while reading this portion of the assessments. I consider myself very stim tolerant and I will provide an example to somehow quantify my description of “stim-tolerant.”

*I enjoy the stimulation of 400mg to 600mg of caffeine (in one sitting).
*I like to does Yohimbine at 9-12mg, along with 200mg caffeine & 25mg Ephedrine HCL

[cue song from, The Sound Music, “and these are a few of my favorite things.”]

Furthermore, my Stim-Tolerance does not suggest that I am impervious to the symptoms of overstimulation, it just means that I am comfortable, and in certain aspects, preferential to some of the symptoms of over-stimulation.

*I enjoy the shakes
*I like the feeling of restlessness
*I enjoy it when a stim is so intense that it feels like my eyes are being forcibly pulled open.
*The term “cracked out” is a selling point for me.

My “Stim-Tolerance.” I found that these were necessary conisderations to have in mind when reading my opinion of SX's stim-factors, because what I consider fairly mild, might be just right for a general population, and maybe even high if you're a Stim Emo.

Lastly, my definition of “Clean Burning” is determined by the degree of the lack of stim side effects I listed above.

Moving back on track.

Ignition Intensity:
(I'm going to provide descriptions, rather then a number rating, because numbers seem too general)

@1 Cap: Mild, very mild. I can feel that I am stimulated and it's enough to make me a tad bit more enthused to go for my early AM sessions, but the motivation & willingness has to pre-existing. It would not be a strong enough intial jolt to get me energized and motivated to hit the gym, if I were not in the mood for it that morning. However, in terms of starting off to a regular day, meaning lack of early AM training, it does suffice. If you're a PM lifter only, then the initial jolt is less relevant to you.

@2 Caps: Strong. I found that @ 2 Caps, the stim was rather satisficatory. It was a sufficent kick starter to my early mornings and strong enough to get me enthused and motivated for my early AM sessions.

@3 Caps: Outstanding. I felt an amazing boost. I'm guessing not many people will want to try 3 Caps, so I won't delve into it, but it was great.

General Intensity
(I purposefully chose to place my assessment of General Intensity immediately following Ignition Intensity, because there is a correlation I wanted to address.)

@1 Cap, @2 Caps & @3 Caps: The general intensity from all three options, all seem to ultimately, wean down to a very similar intensity level for the majority of the day. The most notable difference in the varying dosages was the initial 4-5 hour window. The increased General Stim Intensity, relative to increased dosages, was only felt for the initial 4-5 hours, and ultimately, around hours 6 on, they all fall down to around the same, mild General Stim Intensity. Just to make sure I get this point across.

@1 Cap: Mild from beginning to end.
@2 Caps:
Strong Stim for the first 4-5 hours, then it weans down to a mild stim for the remaining of the day.
@3 Caps: Outstanding Stim for the first 4-5 hours, then weans down to a mild stim for the remaining of the day.

(Mood shares a similar concept as what I explained above, but with some variation.)

@1 Cap: Noticeable mood enhancement, but for me, nothing too eye opening. The duration of the mood effects didn't feel “long.” That's very general, but it's hard to determine when a mild mood improvement falls back to “normal.” However, during a PM lift, my mood AND energy effect seemed to revive to a notable extent.

@2 Caps: Very notable mood improvement, most prevalent intra workout, but also an amazing feeling outside of the gym. I can't put a duration on the half-life of this effect, except a general, it felt long. Also, I felt increased mental activation, meaning, I had thoughts, ideas, & incessant brain storming to a very heightened degree (as compared to normal).

@3 Caps:
Incredible. It's everything I described above, but to an even greater degree on all fronts.

Clean Burning:

My definition of “Clean Burning” is determined by the degree of the lack of stim side effects that I listed earlier. Clean Burning is based on:

*lack of shakes & jitters
*lack of uncomfortable restlessness
*lack of anxiety
*lack of flustered concentration
*does not feel like you've been “dropped” when the stim wears off.

I did not experience any of the symptoms @1 Cap, @ 2 Caps or @3 Caps. Even when the intensity of the stim was high, I did not experience any of the traditional symptoms associated with over-stimulation. I mentioned earlier that I consider myself Stim Tolerant, but that only pertains to my ability to take a high amount of stimulation, and I do not mean it to imply a resistance to the listed side effects. I still get all these symptoms from intense stims, I just enjoy them.

Intra-Workout Effects:

- Mood was one of the most prevalent intra-workout effects. My mood effects were most prevalent intra, and thelevel of increased mood correlated with dosage. 2 caps had a more significant effect then 1 cap, and 3 caps had a more significant then 2 caps. However, the biggest jump in the dose to effect relation was 1 cap to 2 caps. 2 caps to 3 caps is still noticeable, but not as much as 1 cap to 2 caps.

- Enhanced Motivation in correlation with mood.

- I experienced shorter recovery time between sets, but this asepct was not dose dependent. My shortened recovery time between sets did not change from 1 cap to 3 caps.

- Incredible intra-thermo effect.

If there are elements I did not cover and you are curious about, feel free to ask and I'll share my experience.

This concludes Day 5, Week One Review.



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... This is the interesting part.

- When I arrived at the gym, I was still a bit on the zombie side. Or so I thought. I was anticipating my standard gym behavior of, avoid eye contact to avoid communication, I'm here to lift with my headphones, I am an island.

- To my unsuspecting surprise, I was once again very welcoming of conversation. Most of the time, if I see someone I know at the gym, I won't say anything to him or her unless or paths cross as a result of our routine, but I actually walked to the person today and we briefly conversed. ...
It appears that this supp may be imparting a notable empathetic advantage to you V. You seem to be growing psychologically, in ways that are somewhat atypical for you, yet very positive. The social enhancement you're experiencing is striking, plus the ability to adapt to physical stress in an on-demand basis is very interesting too. This sounds like a great fit for you.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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And just a little reminder for someone reading this in the future that might not realize it, Volcom uses high doses of some supplements. Your DTH dose is double mine. Remember you may be more/less sensitive to stims and 1 capsule may be enough to have you noticeably stimmed all day. I suspect this will be the case for me; I'll be trying a sample next week if it arrives :)


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And just a little reminder for someone reading this in the future that might not realize it, Volcom uses high doses of some supplements. You're DTH dose is double mine. Remember you may be more/less sensitive to stims and 1 capsule may be enough to have you noticeably stimmed all day. I suspect this will be the case for me; I'll be trying a sample next week if it arrives :)
Yes 80% of people take just 1 cap and sometimes have to adjust to that one cap. Everyone is different though and finding "your" perfect dose is key. You always know when you hit it :)


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Week One Review: In hindsight.

Ignition Intensity:

Preface: Before we get into my dose dependent comparisons, I need want to establish some considerations while reading this portion of the assessments. I consider myself very stim tolerant and I will provide an example to somehow quantify my description of “stim-tolerant.”

*I enjoy the stimulation of 400mg to 600mg of caffeine (in one sitting).
*I like to does Yohimbine at 9-12mg, along with 200mg caffeine & 25mg Ephedrine HCL

[cue song from, The Sound Music, “and these are a few of my favorite things.”]

Furthermore, my Stim-Tolerance does not suggest that I am impervious to the symptoms of overstimulation, it just means that I am comfortable, and in certain aspects, preferential to some of the symptoms of over-stimulation.

*I enjoy the shakes
*I like the feeling of restlessness
*I enjoy it when a stim is so intense that it feels like my eyes are being forcibly pulled open.
*The term “cracked out” is a selling point for me.

My “Stim-Tolerance.” I found that these were necessary conisderations to have in mind when reading my opinion of SX's stim-factors, because what I consider fairly mild, might be just right for a general population, and maybe even high if you're a Stim Emo.

Lastly, my definition of “Clean Burning” is determined by the degree of the lack of stim side effects I listed above.

Moving back on track.

Ignition Intensity:
(I'm going to provide descriptions, rather then a number rating, because numbers seem too general)

@1 Cap: Mild, very mild. I can feel that I am stimulated and it's enough to make me a tad bit more enthused to go for my early AM sessions, but the motivation & willingness has to pre-existing. It would not be a strong enough intial jolt to get me energized and motivated to hit the gym, if I were not in the mood for it that morning. However, in terms of starting off to a regular day, meaning lack of early AM training, it does suffice. If you're a PM lifter only, then the initial jolt is less relevant to you.

@2 Caps: Strong. I found that @ 2 Caps, the stim was rather satisficatory. It was a sufficent kick starter to my early mornings and strong enough to get me enthused and motivated for my early AM sessions.

@3 Caps: Outstanding. I felt an amazing boost. I'm guessing not many people will want to try 3 Caps, so I won't delve into it, but it was great.

General Intensity
(I purposefully chose to place my assessment of General Intensity immediately following Ignition Intensity, because there is a correlation I wanted to address.)

@1 Cap, @2 Caps & @3 Caps: The general intensity from all three options, all seem to ultimately, wean down to a very similar intensity level for the majority of the day. The most notable difference in the varying dosages was the initial 4-5 hour window. The increased General Stim Intensity, relative to increased dosages, was only felt for the initial 4-5 hours, and ultimately, around hours 6 on, they all fall down to around the same, mild General Stim Intensity. Just to make sure I get this point across.

@1 Cap: Mild from beginning to end.
@2 Caps:
Strong Stim for the first 4-5 hours, then it weans down to a mild stim for the remaining of the day.
@3 Caps: Outstanding Stim for the first 4-5 hours, then weans down to a mild stim for the remaining of the day.

(Mood shares a similar concept as what I explained above, but with some variation.)

@1 Cap: Noticeable mood enhancement, but for me, nothing too eye opening. The duration of the mood effects didn't feel “long.” That's very general, but it's hard to determine when a mild mood improvement falls back to “normal.” However, during a PM lift, my mood AND energy effect seemed to revive to a notable extent.

@2 Caps: Very notable mood improvement, most prevalent intra workout, but also an amazing feeling outside of the gym. I can't put a duration on the half-life of this effect, except a general, it felt long. Also, I felt increased mental activation, meaning, I had thoughts, ideas, & incessant brain storming to a very heightened degree (as compared to normal).

@3 Caps:
Incredible. It's everything I described above, but to an even greater degree on all fronts.

Clean Burning:

My definition of “Clean Burning” is determined by the degree of the lack of stim side effects that I listed earlier. Clean Burning is based on:

*lack of shakes & jitters
*lack of uncomfortable restlessness
*lack of anxiety
*lack of flustered concentration
*does not feel like you've been “dropped” when the stim wears off.

I did not experience any of the symptoms @1 Cap, @ 2 Caps or @3 Caps. Even when the intensity of the stim was high, I did not experience any of the traditional symptoms associated with over-stimulation. I mentioned earlier that I consider myself Stim Tolerant, but that only pertains to my ability to take a high amount of stimulation, and I do not mean it to imply a resistance to the listed side effects. I still get all these symptoms from intense stims, I just enjoy them.

Intra-Workout Effects:

- Mood was one of the most prevalent intra-workout effects. My mood effects were most prevalent intra, and thelevel of increased mood correlated with dosage. 2 caps had a more significant effect then 1 cap, and 3 caps had a more significant then 2 caps. However, the biggest jump in the dose to effect relation was 1 cap to 2 caps. 2 caps to 3 caps is still noticeable, but not as much as 1 cap to 2 caps.

- Enhanced Motivation in correlation with mood.

- I experienced shorter recovery time between sets, but this asepct was not dose dependent. My shortened recovery time between sets did not change from 1 cap to 3 caps.

- Incredible intra-thermo effect.

If there are elements I did not cover and you are curious about, feel free to ask and I'll share my experience.

This concludes Day 5, Week One Review.

Try clen you will love it!!!! yeah but seriously that is some serious sh1t in my book.

Irish Cannon

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Try clen you will love it!!!! yeah but seriously that is some serious sh1t in my book.
I'm going to pick up some LipoBurn and dump some clen in there...look for that in my log in a few weeks. :D


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Brief Mention of Today's Activities

Generally, Friday's are my intentional double cardio days, and they are separated in AM/PM. Today, I almost didn't make the second session by a fault of my own.

Pre Work, AM Cardio
50 min of Plyometric exercises performed with HIIT principle.

This felt like hell, I pushed it a little too far, or maybe a lot too far, and when I finished, I was nauseous & dizzy, pale and slow of thought. I assumed I would get better in 20 min or so, but these feelings actually lasted up through 4pm. It was a real struggle to write that review. I think I took 4-5 breaks to rest my eyes due to my dizziness and I think I paused on a few occasions blanked out, and staring at the screen. Whatever it was I did this morning, was way overdone. I've done this routine before, but I'm guessing I've not properly replenished what I lost from the hiatus a couple nights ago, so I could have been redlining my body, but on fumes.

Post Work, PM Cardio
60 min interval cycling

I wanted to at least give it a shot and I kept the option of holding back if need be, but to my pleasant surprise, once my body was warmed and the gears were greased, I was good to go. I felt like shite the entire day from this mornings cardio, but following my PM cardio, I now feel the best I've felt all day.

This week was an abnormally high cardio week, my normal schedule is,

Pre-work AM Cardio, 60 min. [but Monday AM cardio lacks consistency]

Pre-work AM Cardio, 60 min.

Pre-work AM Cardio, 60 min & Post-work PM Cardio. [This is the only day I intentionally do not lift.]

I usually lift 4 times throughout the week, either in the AM, PM, or both.

Saturdays are usually a Double Lift, AM and Afternoon [the afternoon lift is not strictly enforced, if I feel my body is too fatigued from the week, then I'll opt out]


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And just a little reminder for someone reading this in the future that might not realize it, Volcom uses high doses of some supplements. You're DTH dose is double mine. Remember you may be more/less sensitive to stims and 1 capsule may be enough to have you noticeably stimmed all day. I suspect this will be the case for me; I'll be trying a sample next week if it arrives :)
Very true and thanks for re-emphasizing that Steveo. I tried to bring attention to this about myself in my review, and it's something I wanted people to keep in mind while reading my opinions.


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I need to get on this stuff so i can keep up in your log. :laugh:

EDIT: We need a :stimmedout: smiley.


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Thank you, and in responding to your rep, yes, we have openings in the Carniveryan Nation for any violent veggists and you can start hanging a steak from your back pocket to let it be known. Sow this image on the back of your bombers jacket and you're in!

Odd sense of humor, I know. I actually eat a ton of vegetables :27:
hahahaahh.... Have to look when I get home at the pic but still your puttin up a hell of a log.


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Try clen you will love it!!!! yeah but seriously that is some serious sh1t in my book.
My only apprehension with Jet Fuel stims are the limited duration I'm able to use them.

High powered stims are a great experience for me for about 2 weeks. After that, my adrenals are ruined, and I start to crash & burn and get lethargic 3 hours my initial dose, to the point where I need to re-dose just to function at work.

The memories of needing to go back to sleep 3-4 hours after I just woke up from the adrenal fatigue is still too fresh. I'm not stopping jet fuel use, but I'm going to hold off a little while.

Although my preference are to the high power stims, I'm enjoying the duration of use for less hard hitting stims.


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ewww........ 60 min cardio. I can barley stand 20! :lol:


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hahahaahh.... Have to look when I get home at the pic but still your puttin up a hell of a log.
It's a seasoned & juicy T-bone on a fire grill, which is the symbol of our club's social justice.

and thank you.


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Yes 80% of people take just 1 cap and sometimes have to adjust to that one cap. Everyone is different though and finding "your" perfect dose is key. You always know when you hit it :)
I would think that was the case, and I tried to capture that concept by pointing out my abnormal preferences.


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This has been one epic week! I've decided to play it safe and keep my dosage at 1 cap through the weekend and try my luck at 2 caps again starting Monday (and I am looking forward to it).

natty texan

natty texan

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This has been one epic week! I've decided to play it safe and keep my dosage at 1 cap through the weekend and try my luck at 2 caps again starting Monday (and I am looking forward to it).

....this may be off the wall

but why not try 2 during the weekend when you don't have work and you wont have to be a zombie at work. in case of the insomnia thing again


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....this may be off the wall

but why not try 2 during the weekend when you don't have work and you wont have to be a zombie at work. in case of the insomnia thing again
I did consider that rationale, but my energy demands during the weekends are only a fraction of what they are during the week, so I have a better chance of "wearing myself down," by expending all that energy during the week. Compound the whole energy expenditure issue with the fact that I have to wake up much earlier during the week, which adds to the "wearing down" effect. Lastly, having an extra two days under my belt of getting adjusted to the SX will be beneficial before progressing. The added days of adjustment will probably play the most important role in having a smooth transition.
natty texan

natty texan

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I did consider that rationale, but my energy demands during the weekends are only a fraction of what they are during the week, so I have a better chance of "wearing myself down," by expending all that energy during the week. Compound the whole energy expenditure issue with the fact that I have to wake up much earlier during the week, which adds to the "wearing down" effect. Lastly, having an extra two days under my belt of getting adjusted to the SX will be beneficial before progressing. The added days of adjustment will probably play the most important role in having a smooth transition.
i'll buy that rationale.

you gave it more thought than i did. (that and i'm pretty new here so i'm still learning everyone)


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sam, just thought id let you know. ive referred a few of my friends to your blue gene final review, and after a bit of researching and reading your review, they picked it up. and were thoroughly impressed with the review/assessment.

so keep up the hard work you put into your logs. they go a long way.

oh and that review made me want to pick up blue gene as well. i just hope there is some left form the sale when i get another paycheck.


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sam, just thought id let you know. ive referred a few of my friends to your blue gene final review, and after a bit of researching and reading your review, they picked it up. and were thoroughly impressed with the review/assessment.

so keep up the hard work you put into your logs. they go a long way.

oh and that review made me want to pick up blue gene as well. i just hope there is some left form the sale when i get another paycheck.
Haha, damn, I need to put you on a payroll. That's awesome and thanks for telling me. I've always been under the impression that my past logs just faded and sunk to the bottom of the AM ocean.

That's awesome. You totally rock.

"that's what she said!"

Seriously though, that's some encouraging feedback.


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i'll buy that rationale.

you gave it more thought than i did. (that and i'm pretty new here so i'm still learning everyone)
It's all good, the weekend situation was my initial thought, so it wasn't a bad suggestion, and as a general rule, we're all "still learning" to some extent. (Except for maybe Stratigicmove).



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Haha, damn, I need to put you on a payroll. That's awesome and thanks for telling me. I've always been under the impression that my past logs just faded and sunk to the bottom of the AM ocean.

That's awesome. You totally rock.

"that's what she said!"

Seriously though, that's some encouraging feedback.
knock knock.

whos there?


kgb who?



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Aesthetic Update

I know body shots are the most popular form of picture updates, and I have nothing against that, but apart from the most sought after center piece in all of fitness, a good set of abs, there are also other exciting indicators that can be worn as a badge of leanness.

I've always had a rounder face, as oppose to a square one, as is a very dominant and common feature for Orientals. However, that said, I was higher up on the spectrum of "squareness" then the average Charlie. I wanted to share an update that's exciting for me as I continue to lean away.

This is my jaw/chin structure at around 197lbs, it's not that bad. 197 is considered fairly lean for me.

Here is tonight's update.

Contrast with 215lbs


Not quite AM member, Russianstar, but it's still the leanest my face has ever looked.
natty texan

natty texan

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atleast you don't have a meatball head :)


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I couldn't find any at 230lbs, but I don't think there was much facial difference from 215 to 230lbs, I believe I carried the difference in body size.

Body shots would have revealed the most radical transformations, but I wasn't exactly eager to take my shirt off at 230 (let alone to pose for a picture). I think I did take body shots when I cut down to 215, but was radically disappointed when I saw the pictures, because my self image is defaulted at a 195-200lbs picture of myself, so I tossed those shots awhile back. Boy, I still remember how disappointing that was, because I worked hard to drop from 230 to 215.

I'm pretty happy with the flow of things now. I'm hoping I've legitimately broke the 190lbs, but I'll give it a couple more days and see if my weight doesn't return to the 190's+.


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Ya man anyone can tell leanness in the face I can see it, I use to have a bucket head for quite a while then started hitting the gym hard cardio hardcore and lifting and went from 195+ down to 164lbs... now I'm sittin right about 174 with the start of my log but from 164 to 174 has been all muscle gains have kind of changed my workout routine to more and more lifting versus cardio now....
EDIT>>>>I saw the steak now thats NICE...Hey man where do you find all those cool looking creatures and emoticons etc....????


  • Legend!
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Ya man anyone can tell leanness in the face I can see it, I use to have a bucket head for quite a while then started hitting the gym hard cardio hardcore and lifting and went from 195+ down to 164lbs... now I'm sittin right about 174 with the start of my log but from 164 to 174 has been all muscle gains have kind of changed my workout routine to more and more lifting versus cardio now....
EDIT>>>>I saw the steak now thats NICE...Hey man where do you find all those cool looking creatures and emoticons etc....????
10lbs of unadulterated muscle gain, very nice, and that has to be very apparent as well, especially from 164 to 174.

you get it?


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Looking good, V! I must, however, point out one thing.

I've always had a rounder face, as oppose to a square one, as is a very dominant and common feature for Orientals.
It's Asians!! The word 'oriental' is used to describe objects, like a rug or a lamp. People are referred to as "Asian."

natty texan

natty texan

Well-known member
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Looking good, V! I must, however, point out one thing.

It's Asians!! The word 'oriental' is used to describe objects, like a rug or a lamp. People are referred to as "Asian."

nice back!

Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
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Yep, I've been snapped at for calling an Asian, Oriental. "Oriental is FOOD! I'm Asian a-Hole!"


Well-known member
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nice back!
Thanks, bro. Although I can't take too much credit anymore since that was before I started bulking back in September when I was 180. I hit 197.8 last night (not really a fair measurement since it was in the evening), and weighed in at 193 this morning. I'm starting up some goodies (in my sig) that should put me in the 200 range (for the first time ever) within the next several weeks. :D


  • Legend!
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Damn my ignorance to my own people's sensitivities! :pat:

Hey, are all the smileys Asians because they're all yellow? :23:

........ that was deep


  • Legend!
  • Established
Thanks, bro. Although I can't take too much credit anymore since that was before I started bulking back in September when I was 180. I hit 197.8 last night (not really a fair measurement since it was in the evening), and weighed in at 193 this morning. I'm starting up some goodies (in my sig) that should put me in the 200 range (for the first time ever) within the next several weeks. :D
Shadow's eight pack turned into a fat @$$ six. Have some pride in yourself, six pack.... :tired:


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Still going strong I see... :scared:


  • Legend!
  • Established
Yep, I've been snapped at for calling an Asian, Oriental. "Oriental is FOOD! I'm Asian a-Hole!"
I apologize on behalf of my people's, you are now welcomed back into our chain of restaurants that start with Panda, but not the one's that end with Bowl.


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