How to "pulse" orals



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im planning on pulsing an epi-clone(10mg,20,30,30) and finigex/trn-clone(50mg,50,75,75) next week,3on-4off for 4 weeks.planning on using bulk resveratrol on off days,bulk resv,bulk divanil and tforce after the cycle.

question is i have a full bottle of winztrol(prostanozol).should i pulse also with the epi/tren on 3days,or take it everyday?and also at what dose.

first time pulsing,used test cyp,anavar,superdrol and epistane as past cycles(all seperate times of course)
Just pulse the epi. Drop the finigex it isn't great for pulsing. You could run it straight and then pulse the epi on top of it, but don't pulse it. Try pulsing the epi for maybe alittle longer and you can probably up your doses if you want to.


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Hey buddy -- sorry I've been absent a few days and missed all this. (I've been moving into a new-construction house, and it's been all kinds of headache getting everything to work.)
Having done the 3on/4off thing myself, with SD and DHEA, let me jump in here a sec. This is somewhat debatable, but I would only dose the DHEA on your "on" days. It really is more exogenous introduction of test, which may prevent (and certainly won't help) the "bounceback" you're hoping to achieve during those 4 off days. Of course it will help libido, but it's the wrong way to achieve it.
Like DrD suggested, I would (and did) rely on test boosters on your off days to help kickstart the bounceback. That's all I needed. But if that doesn't help you, try low dosing the OTC PCT AI's (only us supp nerds will be able to translate that, lol). But this approach scares me a little. With the "dryness" of SD, followed by an AI on your off days, I'd worry about obliterating estrogen too much, which may (or may not) be the main cause of SD's delayed gyno probs (from the inevitable estrogen rebound, of course).
I think maybe the best suggestion would be to use Post Cycle Support (natural SERM without an AI) on your off days.
Anyway, good luck. And keep us posted, bro.
thanks for the tip Imj2x...I switched DHEA to on days and been already taking PCS on off but I'll make that change and let you know how it goes...I take 1-2 HDX2 on off days or even just one just to boost a little. I can almost swear though that I'm gaining some size back in my nootz! :) I hope I'm not imagining things!


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thanks for the tip Imj2x...I switched DHEA to on days and been already taking PCS on off but I'll make that change and let you know how it goes...I take 1-2 HDX2 on off days or even just one just to boost a little. I can almost swear though that I'm gaining some size back in my nootz! :) I hope I'm not imagining things!
I think you'll enjoy the "synergy" between SD and DHEA. SD seems to love the slight addition of test from the DHEA.
And my "lads" never really shrunk at all (not that I measure them, lol). But you're on a higher dose than I took (I never exceeded 30mgs). But you're also bigger than me (I'm 5'7" 155), so the dose may be appropriate.
And I would think you could just continue the PCS and HDX2 as your PCT. (To combat the delayed gyno thingie, I would taper them both down simultaneously, rather than the usual "inverse taper" protocol. But my brain doesn't always work right, so be careful, lol.)


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when you guys are saying "3 on 4 off" are you saying on for 3 consecutive days and off 4 days or you doing say a mon wed friday on and the weekend and days inbetween off?


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when you guys are saying "3 on 4 off" are you saying on for 3 consecutive days and off 4 days or you doing say a mon wed friday on and the weekend and days inbetween off?
It's 3 consecutive days "on" (preferably with your weekly workout squeezed into those 3 days, in my opinion); followed by 4 consecutive days "off." These 4 straight off days give your HPTA a much better chance of "bouncing back" than just the 1 or 2 days you allow in a typical every-other-day pulse. Take a test booster during these off days, and you should be golden. It worked for me.
[PS: Next I'm trying a 2on/5off that I may never end.]


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when you guys are saying "3 on 4 off" are you saying on for 3 consecutive days and off 4 days or you doing say a mon wed friday on and the weekend and days inbetween off?
I don't agree with that at all. 3 consecutive days sounds less effective. The idea Dr.D came up with was 3 on 4 off but he said to do it mon,wed,fri. Thats how i have always run it as well. 3 consecutive days sounds like your hormone levels wiil be jumoing around too much. If you let your hormones build up for 3 days then just stop that is going to be rough in my opinion. One day on one day off that is alot better for a more consistant hormonal flow imo.


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I don't agree with that at all. 3 consecutive days sounds less effective. The idea Dr.D came up with was 3 on 4 off but he said to do it mon,wed,fri. Thats how i have always run it as well. 3 consecutive days sounds like your hormone levels wiil be jumoing around too much. If you let your hormones build up for 3 days then just stop that is going to be rough in my opinion. One day on one day off that is alot better for a more consistant hormonal flow imo.
And you had to run a PCT, didn't you?
Don't forget why you're "pulsing" in the first place -- to prevent (or minimize) shutdown. I'm flat-out telling you that 4 consecutive "off" days allows your HPTA to bounce back much better than a single day off between doses.
I've done the 3on/4off thing, and it works very well. In fact, I did it with Superdrol (plus DHEA and Phera, at times) for 4 months, and here's how "shutdown" I was...
The very last week of my cycle, I met my ex-gf and her friend (2 hot 24 yos) in San Diego for their spring break. I was completely exhausted from work, but had no prob handling my business. That should have been completely impossible after 4 months on SD. And it would have been completely impossible if I had done the normal EOD pulse you're advocating.
So try it before you poop on it, smart guy. :trout:


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And you had to run a PCT, didn't you?
Don't forget why you're "pulsing" in the first place -- to prevent (or minimize) shutdown. I'm flat-out telling you that 4 consecutive "off" days allows your HPTA to bounce back much better than a single day off between doses.
I've done the 3on/4off thing, and it works very well. In fact, I did it with Superdrol (plus DHEA and Phera, at times) for 4 months, and here's how "shutdown" I was...
The very last week of my cycle, I met my ex-gf and her friend (2 hot 24 yos) in San Diego for their spring break. I was completely exhausted from work, but had no prob handling my business. That should have been completely impossible after 4 months on SD. And it would have been completely impossible if I had done the normal EOD pulse you're advocating.
So try it before you poop on it, smart guy. :trout:
Well i had 2 consecutive days. I wasn't shutdown(feeling) till I upped the dose to 50 mgs. then I used Apct and was back in less then a week. but that does sound interesting. But i might poop on it anyway!!!!!!!!!!! lol


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Well i had 2 consecutive days. I wasn't shutdown(feeling) till I upped the dose to 50 mgs. then I used Apct and was back in less then a week. but that does sound interesting. But i might poop on it anyway!!!!!!!!!!! lol
I think the dose is very important no matter how you pulse. But probably more so on the EOD than the 3on/4off.
And if you do decide to poop on it, let me know how that works, lol.


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I don't agree with that at all. 3 consecutive days sounds less effective. The idea Dr.D came up with was 3 on 4 off but he said to do it mon,wed,fri. Thats how i have always run it as well. 3 consecutive days sounds like your hormone levels wiil be jumoing around too much. If you let your hormones build up for 3 days then just stop that is going to be rough in my opinion. One day on one day off that is alot better for a more consistant hormonal flow imo.
Yeah, a 3/4 split (consecutive days) works pretty well actually. Of course, for some people it may be better alternating on and off days. M,W,F is good and you bounce on the w/e, but the 3/4 works too.

You really just have to experiment some hman, and see what your body does and doesn't object to. You can't change your genetics, but you can learn their "rules" and work them accordingly. Keep logs and always refine your techniques with each experience. In time you will find the perfect protocol for you.


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Yeah, a 3/4 split (consecutive days) works pretty well actually. Of course, for some people it may be better alternating on and off days. M,W,F is good and you bounce on the w/e, but the 3/4 works too.

You really just have to experiment some hman, and see what your body does and doesn't object to. You can't change your genetics, but you can learn their "rules" and work them accordingly. Keep logs and always refine your techniques with each experience. In time you will find the perfect protocol for you.
Exactly right.
And that's why I'm trying the 2on/5off perma-pulse next.


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Exactly right.
And that's why I'm trying the 2on/5off perma-pulse next.
Hey man. What compound are going to perma-pulse? Superdrol? And at what dosage? Thanks!! THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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i need some help. how am i going to split the dbol down to 10 mg when each capsule contains 260.5 mg?


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Hey man. What compound are going to perma-pulse? Superdrol? And at what dosage? Thanks!! THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
It will definitely be Super (I have a ton of it). And the dose will be 30-50mg, unless I stack it with something else.


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It will definitely be Super (I have a ton of it). And the dose will be 30-50mg, unless I stack it with something else.
How do you fit the workout schedule in with just pulsing on 2 days?


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How do you fit the workout schedule in with just pulsing on 2 days?
I'm just now ironing that out. May have to be split AM/PM workouts. But the 5 days off will allow me to get back to the cardio and ab workouts I've been missing lately. All-around fitness is the goal.


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I'm just now ironing that out. May have to be split AM/PM workouts. But the 5 days off will allow me to get back to the cardio and ab workouts I've been missing lately. All-around fitness is the goal.
Let me know how that works. How did you do the workout with 3on 4 off? And how long did you run it? What were the gains? Pct?


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Let me know how that works. How did you do the workout with 3on 4 off? And how long did you run it? What were the gains? Pct?
Actually, getting a full workout done in 3 consecutive days was much easier than it sounds -- I devised several different routines that worked well. Doing it in 2 consecutive days will be tougher, but I'll come up with something effective. I'll let you know.
I ran the cycle for 4 months, but that's not as bad as it sounds. It just took me that long to get through an entire bottle of 90 count original DS Superdrol. So it averaged out to 20mg/day, 3 days/week.
I don't weigh myself often -- I rely on the mirror to judge progress. (It's much more accurate, IMO.) But I can tell you I gained nearly 20lbs on cycle. And then, to satisfy everyone's concerns, I did a PCT of just 6oxoExtreme, tapered down from 8/day to 1/day, for 23 days. But I seriously don't think a PCT was necessary -- my nutz never shrank, and my libido was actually better than normal. I believe the 4 day "bounceback" I was getting every week completely prevented shutdown. (But who knows, for sure?)
Today's actually my last day of PCT, and I'm still up about 15lbs. And the weird thing is, my strength has continued to increase slightly.
I'll take at least a month off, before I begin my 2on/5off experiment.


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I don't agree with that at all. 3 consecutive days sounds less effective. The idea Dr.D came up with was 3 on 4 off but he said to do it mon,wed,fri. Thats how i have always run it as well. 3 consecutive days sounds like your hormone levels wiil be jumoing around too much. If you let your hormones build up for 3 days then just stop that is going to be rough in my opinion. One day on one day off that is alot better for a more consistant hormonal flow imo.
Inevitably it allows for you to pulse LONGER with no pct needed...hell maybe even no need to get off your cycle...I did this routine for 6-7 weeks and after a month off I'm going to get bloodwork done...but actually may be not till the fall but should still provide some sort of information about it...


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Actually, getting a full workout done in 3 consecutive days was much easier than it sounds -- I devised several different routines that worked well. Doing it in 2 consecutive days will be tougher, but I'll come up with something effective. I'll let you know.
I ran the cycle for 4 months, but that's not as bad as it sounds. It just took me that long to get through an entire bottle of 90 count original DS Superdrol. So it averaged out to 20mg/day, 3 days/week.
I don't weigh myself often -- I rely on the mirror to judge progress. (It's much more accurate, IMO.) But I can tell you I gained nearly 20lbs on cycle. And then, to satisfy everyone's concerns, I did a PCT of just 6oxoExtreme, tapered down from 8/day to 1/day, for 23 days. But I seriously don't think a PCT was necessary -- my nutz never shrank, and my libido was actually better than normal. I believe the 4 day "bounceback" I was getting every week completely prevented shutdown. (But who knows, for sure?)
Today's actually my last day of PCT, and I'm still up about 15lbs. And the weird thing is, my strength has continued to increase slightly.
I'll take at least a month off, before I begin my 2on/5off experiment.
You should do the bloodwork too to satisfy our queries :p


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Inevitably it allows for you to pulse LONGER with no pct needed...hell maybe even no need to get off your cycle...I did this routine for 6-7 weeks and after a month off I'm going to get bloodwork done...but actually may be not till the fall but should still provide some sort of information about it...
How were your gains after the 6-7 weeks?


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Let me know how that works. How did you do the workout with 3on 4 off? And how long did you run it? What were the gains? Pct?
I followed Imj2k with this 3 on/4 off with M-drol but I dosed as high as 50mg with no adherent sides other than lil ball shrinkage and more than normal hair loss which I thought would be expected. I also did a Havoc pulse EOD so I wanted to try something new this time around gained 14 kept 10lbs. In case some of you are unaware from other posts I've made, I would alternate days of chest/tri/shoulders, back/bi/abs, legs up so I would change up which workout I did last DOMS effect. I'm basically done my cycle and will still do PCT just as precaution but it will consist of HDX2 and PCS (Nolva/Letro on hand just in case as always). Was thinking maybe a quick Nolva PCT of 2 weeks 40mg first 3 days, then 20 to finish out the week then 10mg for last 3-4 days and continue on with PCS and HDX2. To finish out I gained 7lbs and leaned out bigtime which is very nice. I ate everything that wasn't tied down during my Havoc pulse so went more regulated and stricter for my M-drol so doubt I'll lose anything...but will let yas know...I'm going to try the 6 weeker EOD also with M-drol and see how that fares and maybe do a Havoc 3 on / 4 off and see which protocol and whatnot I like and respond to Dr. D said...just have to tweak and see what works for your body...


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you've got me pondering 2 on 5 off. I can do my primary workout those 2 days, with one rotatated day in the middle without sd


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you've got me pondering 2 on 5 off. I can do my primary workout those 2 days, with one rotatated day in the middle without sd
Do it Easy -- you might even get started on it before I do. (I'm nursing some weird shoulder injury -- feels like something's pinching right at the bottom, where the delt ties into my upper arm.)
I think, with the proper support supps, this might be a protocol you could stay on indefinitely.


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Do it Easy -- you might even get started on it before I do. (I'm nursing some weird shoulder injury -- feels like something's pinching right at the bottom, where the delt ties into my upper arm.)
I think, with the proper support supps, this might be a protocol you could stay on indefinitely.
I think I can cope with 40 taken as 20 pre 20 post, with 100mg of dhea with each. seems to keep the lethargy lower


Actually, getting a full workout done in 3 consecutive days was much easier than it sounds -- I devised several different routines that worked well. Doing it in 2 consecutive days will be tougher, but I'll come up with something effective. I'll let you know.
I ran the cycle for 4 months, but that's not as bad as it sounds. It just took me that long to get through an entire bottle of 90 count original DS Superdrol. So it averaged out to 20mg/day, 3 days/week.
I don't weigh myself often -- I rely on the mirror to judge progress. (It's much more accurate, IMO.) But I can tell you I gained nearly 20lbs on cycle. And then, to satisfy everyone's concerns, I did a PCT of just 6oxoExtreme, tapered down from 8/day to 1/day, for 23 days. But I seriously don't think a PCT was necessary -- my nutz never shrank, and my libido was actually better than normal. I believe the 4 day "bounceback" I was getting every week completely prevented shutdown. (But who knows, for sure?)
Today's actually my last day of PCT, and I'm still up about 15lbs. And the weird thing is, my strength has continued to increase slightly.
I'll take at least a month off, before I begin my 2on/5off experiment.
So what all kinda stuff did you take on the 4 "off days" a week? Just a test booster and that's it (like say would just DTH be good enough)? This has me interested maybe for an M-Drol cycle or maybe Havoc cycle in the future or something...

Another question, how did you feel on the 4 days off? Did you get any kind of emotional roller coster-like effect with the hormone levels bouncing back and fourth?


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I think I can cope with 40 taken as 20 pre 20 post, with 100mg of dhea with each. seems to keep the lethargy lower
I loved the SD+DHEA stack -- it was suggested by DrD. It somehow brought on itchy, puffy nips. But B6 handled that just fine. And you know all about P5P, so you'll be fine.


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So what all kinda stuff did you take on the 4 "off days" a week? Just a test booster and that's it (like say would just DTH be good enough)? This has me interested maybe for an M-Drol cycle or maybe Havoc cycle in the future or something...

Another question, how did you feel on the 4 days off? Did you get any kind of emotional roller coster-like effect with the hormone levels bouncing back and fourth?
I think DTH would work great for your off days. I took several different test boosters -- just whatever questionable product I could find on Vitamin Shoppe's 50-cent table. But they seemed to work fine.

I actually felt great through the whole cycle (until I added Phera, and experienced severe lethargy). I didn't notice any "emotional roller coaster" at all.


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personally trying methylXT as a pulser, as part of a halo/prop cycle

(halo/prop should be mild suppression wise at 2caps each ED for 4weeks, and methylXt gives a nice bang prewo. not looking at minimizing shutdown, just sides, still running a normal pct)


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I still wonder about m1,4add as a pulser
Should work excellently Easy. The Dr.'s first flirtations with pulsing type protocol used Dianabol I think. The M1,4ADD converts to dianabol really well from what I hear, so it should work great as a pulser. Of course with higher than usual dosages for the pulse. Just my measley $.02!! THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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hmm maybe a formestane every day, with something like 150mg of m1,4 on workout days. interesting idea


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hmm maybe a formestane every day, with something like 150mg of m1,4 on workout days. interesting idea
I was going to suggest this in my previous post. Use some form to keep the d-bol type bloat away. Great idea! Maybe a few years down the road, when I get bored with the designers, I might just stick with real dianabol and this pulsing protocol.:thumbsup: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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hmm maybe a formestane every day, with something like 150mg of m1,4 on workout days. interesting idea
Easy, let me qualify this by admitting I've never used formestane, so this is not exactly expert advise (go to thebigt, thesinner, or neoborn for that), but here's what I think...
I wouldn't use form everyday (especially on a long cycle), for the same reason I don't use DHEA everyday -- it's introducing (however slightly) exogenous testosterone into your body (it converts to 4-OHT, as I'm sure you know). This can't possibly help the HPTA "bounceback" you're hoping to achieve during your 4-5 off days.
And form has the added characteristic of being a strong AI. So using it everyday for an extended time will obliterate your estrogen levels. I'm not a big fan of that. Not only will it really dry out your joints (which are nearly as old as mine, lol), but it may eventually kill your libido. And the biggest problem is that, in the opinion of many (including myself), such a drastic/extended reduction of estrogen may be the main cause of the dreaded "delayed" gyno (due to the inevitable e-rebound, of course).
So here's what I'd suggest:

Day 1: weights + PH/DS, DHEA, formestane, resveratrol
Day 2: weights + PH/DS, DHEA, formestane, resveratrol
Day 3: OFF + formestane, resveratrol
Day 4: OFF + formestane, resveratrol
Day 5: cardio/abs
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: cardio/abs

I'm still considering dosing/taper for the form/res.
Any opinions on the above protocol?


Never enough
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makes sense. I could even see taking the resveratrol all 7 days, dose dependent of course. Its a pity there aren't good studies on how much formestane removes how much aromatase and how long it takes the body to produce more.


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Imj2x i like your idea above because i did this as well(I only used the dhea on certain days). This wasn't always on purpose. I think what you said makes alot of sense. I really like the idea of using low dose dbol as more say a supplement instead of a steroid persay. I read it in some other log awhile back, i will try to find it but can't remember waht forum it was on. Anyway the guy was doing like a real low dose dbol and he was taking it mornings preworkout. He was on it for a while but received some very nice slow hard gains and was experiencing some elevated libido from it the whole time. I have heard that this was arnolds method alot of the time just mornign dbol on workout days. I am very curious about this.


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makes sense. I could even see taking the resveratrol all 7 days, dose dependent of course. Its a pity there aren't good studies on how much formestane removes how much aromatase and how long it takes the body to produce more.
I've seen where thesinner says form reduces estrogen 84%. So be careful.


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Imj2x i like your idea above because i did this as well(I only used the dhea on certain days). This wasn't always on purpose. I think what you said makes alot of sense. I really like the idea of using low dose dbol as more say a supplement instead of a steroid persay. I read it in some other log awhile back, i will try to find it but can't remember waht forum it was on. Anyway the guy was doing like a real low dose dbol and he was taking it mornings preworkout. He was on it for a while but received some very nice slow hard gains and was experiencing some elevated libido from it the whole time. I have heard that this was arnolds method alot of the time just mornign dbol on workout days. I am very curious about this.
I think dbol would work great in the suggested protocol. I've actually considered using anadrol in this manner. The formestane (if it ever becomes available again -- damn FDAholes) would be perfect for combatting adrol's bloat.


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PS: I think proviron might work very well too, if we can't get form.


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I think dbol would work great in the suggested protocol. I've actually considered using anadrol in this manner. The formestane (if it ever becomes available again -- damn FDAholes) would be perfect for combatting adrol's bloat.
Are they(fda) getting rid of form? The dea just suggested a ban on tren, phera and bold products so ay bye to those and you know super and hdrol are comming next.


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Are they(fda) getting rid of form? The dea just suggested a ban on tren, phera and bold products so ay bye to those and you know super and hdrol are comming next.
Those fukcers.
I'm moving to Mother Russia, where everything's legal.


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Those fukcers.
I'm moving to Mother Russia, where everything's legal.
hman's right on this one I'm afraid bro. Patrick Arnold was talking about it on another board this morning. Bold, Phera, and Tren may soon be gone. This sh*t is going way too far!! What about banning alcohol and cigarettes? Sh*t that really kills people!! Well, maybe there'll be big sales on it after the companies are told to get rid of their stocks. Remember M1T going for $5 a bottle a couple of weeks before the ban of 2005? I'm getting ready to stock on Phera and Tren anyways, so they (FDA) can go fkuc themselves!! :smite: Where's freedom at in the land of the free? THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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Actually, I live about an hour from Tijuana. (Though I'm not sure how to take advantage of it, lol.)


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Actually, I live about an hour from Tijuana. (Though I'm not sure how to take advantage of it, lol.)
Oh there is alot you can do with that. Drive over there twice aweek for a shot!


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Anyone ever use a pulse during PCT to keep gains while recovering? I'm almost tempted to try this out as would the days off or "pulse" help with HPTA recovery. Almost like a jumpstart every week to the nutz. Just a thought please share experiences or opinions.


OK so I've quite a bit of this thread, and I really don't want to be a broken record.

I've done a lot of research on this stuff, and think I have a good understanding of the bio-chemistry going on here.

Now I'm going to pulse next week, finally got my 4 bottles of m-drol (figured I'd stock up in case it is that good). I'm experienced with this sort of thing, but my one issue is the "off days" Sun-Tue-Thu-Sat:

1. Would it be adviseable to use Cissus as directed for an anti cortisol device?
2. Included on those off days should I take a test boost like 6-oxo, if so going parallel to the m-drol doses should I got 3 caps 20 mg m-drol, 4 caps on off days during the week while taking 30 mg m-drol (M-W-F), 6 caps for the 40 mg weeks and then pyramid back in reverse fashion finishing weeks 6-7-8?

3. What is a better cortisol reducing agent 7-keto or just plain old DHEA? Or would CISSUS do the same thing?

I am 4 weeks into a 4-5000 calorie program (I am 6' 209 10.6% bf) and want to maximize the last 8-weeks with m-drol (superdrol).

Other supps:
5-10 grams of arginine throughout the day and night
ergopharm NOX
5-10 gms glutamine

On off days I plan on adding:
liver detox (NOW product)
prostate support (NOW product)
6-OXO (as mentioned above)
Cissus (as mentioned above 2x in the AM 2x in the PM)

I think that is it. LOL I make a fair salary so $$$ are no issue and have spent about 350 bucks on my supplies (more than usual). I think I'm set, any thoughts, comments, concerns?

Oh and I drink between 1-2 gallons of water daily.

One last question, would A glass of wine, or A glass of beer during the 8-weeks kill me? I mean I know alcohol's reaction with relationship to insulin levels etc., but cmon 1-beer or 1-glass of wine can't put my liver into overload right? LOL



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