How to "pulse" orals


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I think a lot of guys put too much emphasis on the size of their nuts! If you're horny and having lots of sex, why worry about the size of your marble sack? I always heard, "Small potatoes make the meat look bigger"!!:lol: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
Thunder you are funny shyt man :toofunny::toofunny::toofunny:


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You pulsed SD too? If that is the case then I will not worry...
Yes loved it. Pulsed for 6 1/2 weeks and I was horny as hell but the boys shrunk a little and the started pct and everything came back in days.


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Yes loved it. Pulsed for 6 1/2 weeks and I was horny as hell but the boys shrunk a little and the started pct and everything came back in days.
That's how long I planed on doing it as well. Hell bro thanks a lot for that tid-bit of info as I thought I'd have to cut it short early...:cheers:


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its funny, I got no noticeable shrinkage on a full SD cycle. Just goes to show how different we all are


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its funny, I got no noticeable shrinkage on a full SD cycle. Just goes to show how different we all are
yeah and I also noticed without a doubt increased shedding...nothing significant but more than I'm used to though i really don't care...and yet some aren't even affected in this way...hmmm


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yeah and I also noticed without a doubt increased shedding...nothing significant but more than I'm used to though i really don't care...and yet some aren't even affected in this way...hmmm

what dose are you taking m-drol? i just started today 3 on 4 off at 30 mg.


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what dose are you taking m-drol? i just started today 3 on 4 off at 30 mg.
Damn you started at 30mg? I took the 3 consec days to ramp up because even at 2 pills I was feeling hypo and aggitated as fukc. I manage my carbs better so 40mg doesn't bother me too much. Probably going to go up to 50mg for my last 2 weeks of this.


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Damn you started at 30mg? I took the 3 consec days to ramp up because even at 2 pills I was feeling hypo and aggitated as fukc. I manage my carbs better so 40mg doesn't bother me too much. Probably going to go up to 50mg for my last 2 weeks of this.
50 mg. is gonna be strong Bro!:aargh:! Should finish this thing off nice and strong. Go for it Mayne!! THE THUNDERGOD


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50 mg. is gonna be strong Bro!:aargh:! Should finish this thing off nice and strong. Go for it Mayne!! THE THUNDERGOD
Yeah tried 50 once during this pulse...was def stronger and could tell but dropped back down to 40...but usually and willing to finish you strong :head:


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Damn you started at 30mg? I took the 3 consec days to ramp up because even at 2 pills I was feeling hypo and aggitated as fukc. I manage my carbs better so 40mg doesn't bother me too much. Probably going to go up to 50mg for my last 2 weeks of this.

ya i know its alot but i have a lot of ph/aas experience. if anything doesnt feel right i will drop it down a bit.


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Did 50mg today and isn't bother me aggitation/back pumps/calf pump wise than it did before...I like it...time to finish you strong! ARHHH


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Thinking of Pulsing the following
2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol M,W,F for 4 weeks @ 20, 20, 30, 30.

-can I (or should I) take HDX2 on off days only for cortisol suppression/test booster, I was thinking 2 pills a day, or should I do 4 pills,?

-What would you guys recommend for PCT
MassFX or PowerFull? should I wait to take it after the 4 weeks or should I take it on off days with the HDX2

- For this pulse, do you guys recommend, Epidrol (from either GS or HF), Epistane, Havoc, or hemaguno? They are all the same Nomenclature, but I was wondering if anybody had a favorite/preference? Based on experience.

Thanks in advance
I'm out.


Never enough
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Heres one that has me scratching my head now. Are any of the heavy mass gainers worth pulsing? Particularly thinking Max LMG or M1,4add. In some ways I could see how they could fit nicely with hte idea of an AI for off days, it would limit bloat, etc. And with max lmg being non methyl, and m1,4add being less liver beating than some of the other methyls, seems like it could work. Particularly on m1,4 and its conversion to dbol, i think if I recall correctly all the old school bbers used to do the arnold style "sprikling dbol on their wheaties" and just take em all one dose per day. So it might be effective that way


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Heres one that has me scratching my head now. Are any of the heavy mass gainers worth pulsing? Particularly thinking Max LMG or M1,4add. In some ways I could see how they could fit nicely with hte idea of an AI for off days, it would limit bloat, etc. And with max lmg being non methyl, and m1,4add being less liver beating than some of the other methyls, seems like it could work. Particularly on m1,4 and its conversion to dbol, i think if I recall correctly all the old school bbers used to do the arnold style "sprikling dbol on their wheaties" and just take em all one dose per day. So it might be effective that way
And now I'm scratching my head, Easy. I'll be running some real d-bol in a little over a month from now, and I've read hundreds of threads on it. The verdict is still out on the best way to take d-bol everyday. It seems almost a 50/50 sort of scenario. Half say to spread the doses out during the day to keep blood levels constant since d-bol has a relatively short half-life. The other half says to take your whole dosage at one time, in the hopes that more will bypass the liver. I'm gonna split mine up on non-workout days, and on workout days, I'm gonna take the whole day's dose pre-workout in the morning. Try a little of both methods!! What do you think of this protocol easy? :think: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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I know that the old skoolers mostly did the 1 dose a day, but I think that was just so they didn't have to count and remember :D particularly with stuff that has shorter half life, having to dose 4-5 times over the day to stay at constant levels is a drag.

For me its always been 2 points that make either pulsing, or doing full dose all at once make more sense.

The first is suppression. With short to moderate half life substances, having it all be clear of system before you go to sleep means you are more likely to create more testosterone while you sleep. Also related to this is the math of suppression. Using compound x, lets say that at 20mg your body sees enough androgen in blood to no longer produce test. taking that 20mg 3x a day means your body has that "enough androgens" all day long. Taking 60mg at once means your body has the "enough androgens" signal for only 6-8 hours, so the other 16-18 hours of the day it still sees the need to produce.

The other point is sleeping. With some things like 1-t having 3-4 hour half life, am I supposed to wake up during the nite to take it ? If not, i'm not keeping the constant levels anyhow, so trying to force constant levels during the day to have it disappear at night seems pointless.


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I know that the old skoolers mostly did the 1 dose a day, but I think that was just so they didn't have to count and remember :D particularly with stuff that has shorter half life, having to dose 4-5 times over the day to stay at constant levels is a drag.

For me its always been 2 points that make either pulsing, or doing full dose all at once make more sense.

The first is suppression. With short to moderate half life substances, having it all be clear of system before you go to sleep means you are more likely to create more testosterone while you sleep. Also related to this is the math of suppression. Using compound x, lets say that at 20mg your body sees enough androgen in blood to no longer produce test. taking that 20mg 3x a day means your body has that "enough androgens" all day long. Taking 60mg at once means your body has the "enough androgens" signal for only 6-8 hours, so the other 16-18 hours of the day it still sees the need to produce.

The other point is sleeping. With some things like 1-t having 3-4 hour half life, am I supposed to wake up during the nite to take it ? If not, i'm not keeping the constant levels anyhow, so trying to force constant levels during the day to have it disappear at night seems pointless.
Thanks again Easy. Thou art indeed, a well-spring of knowledge. This board and all of its subscribers are lucky to have you around sir! Thanks for being such a help to all of us. THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


I have a question. Anyone have success with, or feel any of the wetter compounds would be worth pulsing? I can't handle the dry joints of epi, SD, etc. which is what most people are pulsing. I don't believe Phera would be good to pulse. Any ideas?


I have a question. Anyone have success with, or feel any of the wetter compounds would be worth pulsing? I can't handle the dry joints of epi, SD, etc. which is what most people are pulsing. I don't believe Phera would be good to pulse. Any ideas?

I loved Phera, I felt great all the time on it. But I took it straight through. But I believe that some of the wet compounds shut you down too fast, and may cause you to have alot of bounce around with your test levels if you were to pulse. I would rather be shut down for 4 weeks and then start PCT then have my levels go bonkers with inconsistent dosing of a wet compound. Thats just my two cents though. Check this out, this is from the Anabolic Xtreme forums its about different orals and how good they are for pulsing.


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Thanks again Easy. Thou art indeed, a well-spring of knowledge. This board and all of its subscribers are lucky to have you around sir! Thanks for being such a help to all of us. THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
I agree with ThunderGod! Great source of knowledge you are Easy!


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I have a question. Anyone have success with, or feel any of the wetter compounds would be worth pulsing? I can't handle the dry joints of epi, SD, etc. which is what most people are pulsing. I don't believe Phera would be good to pulse. Any ideas?
It is said that phera takes awhile to "kick in" or "see results" so pulsing it is kind of pointless. I never did it myself so I can't say from experience but thought I'd give you the general consensus...anyone's chime in is accepted:cheers:


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any thoughts guys? Dr. D? Neo? Easy?Anybody?
Thinking of Pulsing the following
2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol M,W,F for 4 weeks @ 20, 20, 30, 30.

-can I (or should I) take HDX2 on off days only for cortisol suppression/test booster, I was thinking 2 pills a day, or should I do 4 pills,?

-What would you guys recommend for PCT
MassFX or PowerFull? should I wait to take it after the 4 weeks or should I take it on off days with the HDX2

- For this pulse, do you guys recommend, Epidrol (from either GS or HF), Epistane, Havoc, or hemaguno? They are all the same Nomenclature, but I was wondering if anybody had a favorite/preference? Based on experience.

Thanks AGAIN in advance
I'm out.


I loved Phera, I felt great all the time on it. But I took it straight through. But I believe that some of the wet compounds shut you down too fast, and may cause you to have alot of bounce around with your test levels if you were to pulse. I would rather be shut down for 4 weeks and then start PCT then have my levels go bonkers with inconsistent dosing of a wet compound. Thats just my two cents though. Check this out, this is from the Anabolic Xtreme forums its about different orals and how good they are for pulsing.
Great reference there g29er, and thanks for everyone else chiming in as well. Unfortunately I don't see alot of options in the "preferred" or "good" category (can't remember which) that are wetter compounds except maybe the dbol, but I don't think I will find that, so....straight Phera for me I think. Too bad. I was interested in trying to lower sides, and costs w/ less support supps, by pulsing but I can't find a decent fit. If someone has experience to the contrary or I missed something let me know.


I wanted to pulse as well. But I see that everyone is doing it 3 days a week only. I feel like I would be missing out if wanted to blast my legs and didnt take at least 20mg preworkout,because I workout every other day.I wanted to pulse Havoc every other day for 6-8 weeks. My pulse is open for critique and is as follows:

week 1 20/20/30/30 EOD

week 2-5 30/30/30/30 EOD

week 6-8 30/30/30/30 EOD

or something along those lines


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Funny you say that as I started taking DHEA 100-150mg a day few days ago on my off days to aid in bouncing. I am going to continue on as is to keep the sides to minimum and because I just like pulsing as it is. Sad thing is D is that my boys look smaller, but I'm bouncing and hornier as ever on my 3rd and 4th day off. I mean, even a hole in the wall was looking good! So what would you make of that? Me being paranoid? hahaha
Hey buddy -- sorry I've been absent a few days and missed all this. (I've been moving into a new-construction house, and it's been all kinds of headache getting everything to work.)
Having done the 3on/4off thing myself, with SD and DHEA, let me jump in here a sec. This is somewhat debatable, but I would only dose the DHEA on your "on" days. It really is more exogenous introduction of test, which may prevent (and certainly won't help) the "bounceback" you're hoping to achieve during those 4 off days. Of course it will help libido, but it's the wrong way to achieve it.
Like DrD suggested, I would (and did) rely on test boosters on your off days to help kickstart the bounceback. That's all I needed. But if that doesn't help you, try low dosing the OTC PCT AI's (only us supp nerds will be able to translate that, lol). But this approach scares me a little. With the "dryness" of SD, followed by an AI on your off days, I'd worry about obliterating estrogen too much, which may (or may not) be the main cause of SD's delayed gyno probs (from the inevitable estrogen rebound, of course).
I think maybe the best suggestion would be to use Post Cycle Support (natural SERM without an AI) on your off days.
Anyway, good luck. And keep us posted, bro.


It is said that phera takes awhile to "kick in" or "see results" so pulsing it is kind of pointless. I never did it myself so I can't say from experience but thought I'd give you the general consensus...anyone's chime in is accepted:cheers:

This is the only reason I was given not to pulse Phera, but does it(Phera) effect people that much differently? 'Cause after a week at 15mg(straight through) and then the first day at 30mg my bench went up 20lbs (full ROM). So for me, if this is the only objection for pulsing Phera, I dont think it has any merit.

Right now Im dosing 30mg Havoc ED and pulsing 20mg SD 2on/2off and havent even seen close to those gains in those first 2 weeks of phera. Too bad it gives me delayed gyno, which the Havoc got rid of in the first week (after trying weeks of Letro).
Red Dog

Red Dog

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In all honest I think everybody reacts to the various compounds (Epi, Phera, Sdrol, etc) in different ways.. I think personal body composition, past androgen experience, and a bunch of other factors influence how well each person will respond to a compound..

I pulsed Epi and had great results, and pulsed M-drol and I might as well have been taking sugar pills (it was either bunk -- I still have the lot number -- or I just don't respond well to it)..

Phera is next, and I'll make sure I let everyone know how it goes.. SAFELY trying the different compounds would be the best way to see what you respond best to.


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bump my question.. please. Anybody? I'm on page 58 of this thread and I don't think I have read a definite answer. Everybody seems to be raving about Epistane but I also read somewhere that
"Lab Test of Epistane showed that it contained less than 40% of label claims" That's why I was asking which one (Epistane, Epidrol, Havoc, Hemaguno or any or the other clones) is preferred/better based on experience.



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that 40% thing is so "out there" its not even funny. If you actually look at what was tested, how it was tested, the lab's testing method, what they used as a control, etc its pretty irrelevant.


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bump my question.. please. Anybody? I'm on page 58 of this thread and I don't think I have read a definite answer. Everybody seems to be raving about Epistane but I also read somewhere that
"Lab Test of Epistane showed that it contained less than 40% of label claims" That's why I was asking which one (Epistane, Epidrol, Havoc, Hemaguno or any or the other clones) is preferred/better based on experience.

I went with Havoc and had great results. Lots of people have had great results with Epistane. Some reported goods with Epidrol. Haven't heard much on Hemaguno even though it's the same compound so can't chime in there. It is really just take your pick bro and see for yourself...


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Cool, thanks for the replies Easy, and Mayne...
I will go with with havoc 4 week pulse at 10, 20, 30, 30, break then another 4 weeks at the same dosage.
HDX2 and PCS by AI on off days
and MassFX with PCS by AI in the 1 week break everday and post the second cycle for another week.
how does that look for my first pulse cycle?

I was tempted of stacking the second part of my pulse cycle with either Furaguno, or 11-OXO, you know a methyl (havoc) with a non-methyl stack... what do you guys think? Or would you guys recommend another non-methyl other than the two i'm thinking of taking?



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11-oxo could work well if you are looking to drop some fat. not too sure of your stats and all, but adrenosterone at 300mg or up a day does seem to work for a lot of people


dead sexy wino
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Funny you say that as I started taking DHEA 100-150mg a day few days ago on my off days to aid in bouncing. I am going to continue on as is to keep the sides to minimum and because I just like pulsing as it is. Sad thing is D is that my boys look smaller, but I'm bouncing and hornier as ever on my 3rd and 4th day off. I mean, even a hole in the wall was looking good! So what would you make of that? Me being paranoid? hahaha

Why are you going 3 on 4 off instead of spreading it out through the week?


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Why are you going 3 on 4 off instead of spreading it out through the week?
Longer break period but also my current constraints and limitations with lifting EOD...


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This forus is saying m1t is no good for a pulse... any feedback on that?

I have 23 doses of 5mg m1t and want to run it, was gonna pulse it spread it out to make it last longer but sounds like im gonna have to run it straight now... i would like to go at least two weeks which is either gonna be

7 days @ 5mg
7 days @ 10mg


4 days @ 5mg
5 days @ 10mg
3 days @ 15mg

or something... suggestions?

or should i jsut pulse it hahaha


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Might as well...I would if I already had them...def wouldn't go out of my way to get em that's for sure...


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Alright, can you guys critique the cycle see if I have everything covered. I made up my mind and I'm going with HAVOC

Here is what I am doing: Havoc 3 times a week for 4 weeks @ 20, 20, 20, 30. 1 week break and then another 4 weeks on @ 20, 20, 30, 30 for a total of 8 weeks. Dosages will be split 10 pre wo, and 10 post wo. When I get to 30 mg, it will be 20 pre wo, and 10 post wo.

On off days I will take the following
Hyperdrol X 2 as my AI
MassFX as my test booster
Retain 2 as my Cortisol control
and Pulse cycle support

Any thoughts? am I missing anything?



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Alright, can you guys critique the cycle see if I have everything covered. I made up my mind and I'm going with HAVOC

Here is what I am doing: Havoc 3 times a week for 4 weeks @ 20, 20, 20, 30. 1 week break and then another 4 weeks on @ 20, 20, 30, 30 for a total of 8 weeks. Dosages will be split 10 pre wo, and 10 post wo. When I get to 30 mg, it will be 20 pre wo, and 10 post wo.

On off days I will take the following
Hyperdrol X 2 as my AI
MassFX as my test booster
Retain 2 as my Cortisol control
and Pulse cycle support

Any thoughts? am I missing anything?

Are you doing any pct?


So right now I am in week 4 of 20,30,30,30,30 Havoc ED with 20mg SD pulsed 2on/2off. I have to say that I am not really seeing any gains in strength, and no size since I am on a somewhat cut (with carbs around 100-150g).

I am wondering if I should up the Havoc to 40mg ED and/or up the SD pulse to 30mg. The only thing is that out of the remaining 9 workout days I would only pulse 4 times, with 2 times being on off days. And I honestly dont feel any different, strength wise, on the pulsed days.

Also, if I up the Havoc to 40mg ED, do I spread it out for about every 5 hours or do 1AM, 1pre, 1post, 1bed?


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Are you doing any pct?
I was under the impression that HDX2 combined with the Mass FX and the Retain 2 plus PCS will be sufficient for PCT? Am I correct or would a SERM be absolutely necessary, even when pulsing at the dosages mention.


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So right now I am in week 4 of 20,30,30,30,30 Havoc ED with 20mg SD pulsed 2on/2off. I have to say that I am not really seeing any gains in strength, and no size since I am on a somewhat cut (with carbs around 100-150g).

I am wondering if I should up the Havoc to 40mg ED and/or up the SD pulse to 30mg. The only thing is that out of the remaining 9 workout days I would only pulse 4 times, with 2 times being on off days. And I honestly dont feel any different, strength wise, on the pulsed days.

Also, if I up the Havoc to 40mg ED, do I spread it out for about every 5 hours or do 1AM, 1pre, 1post, 1bed?
to get mass get that food down. If you are cutting you won't see much mass. I wouldn't really use the mdrol while cutting imo.


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I was under the impression that HDX2 combined with the Mass FX and the Retain 2 plus PCS will be sufficient for PCT? Am I correct or would a SERM be absolutely necessary, even when pulsing at the dosages mention.
You probably won't need much of one but you need to have a ai or testbooster to run for pct. I never needed a serm while pulsing but i had one on hand just incase. So i would advise getting one just to have and even run a low dose to be safe.


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I was under the impression that HDX2 combined with the Mass FX and the Retain 2 plus PCS will be sufficient for PCT? Am I correct or would a SERM be absolutely necessary, even when pulsing at the dosages mention.
I think you'll be totally fine with this PCT myself. The PCS is a "natty" SERM anyways. The combo you mentioned above should suffice on this cycle. Why don't you log this for us all to enjoy? Good luck!:thumbsup: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:


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I think you'll be totally fine with this PCT myself. The PCS is a "natty" SERM anyways. The combo you mentioned above should suffice on this cycle. Why don't you log this for us all to enjoy? Good luck!:thumbsup: THE THUNDERGOD:hammer:
Sorry man I missed the part about pcs that should be great. I would advise having a serm on hand especially if you have never used a compound before just in case. my .02 cents


im planning on pulsing an epi-clone(10mg,20,30,30) and finigex/trn-clone(50mg,50,75,75) next week,3on-4off for 4 weeks.planning on using bulk resveratrol on off days,bulk resv,bulk divanil and tforce after the cycle.

question is i have a full bottle of winztrol(prostanozol).should i pulse also with the epi/tren on 3days,or take it everyday?and also at what dose.

first time pulsing,used test cyp,anavar,superdrol and epistane as past cycles(all seperate times of course)


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Don't take the winztrol everyday. It will shut you down, and defeat the whole purpose of a pulse. Especially a 3on/4off pulse, which I found to be very effective at preventing shutdown. If I were you, I'd run the pulse for maybe 8 weeks -- 4's too short for a good pulse, IMO.

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