Zero V's Gettin Diesel Log-30lbs in 60 days-Part 1

Zero V

Zero V

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2-4 hours for cardio is straight up ridiculous. Reconsider sir.
Echoing the RECONSIDER this. Unless you're an endurance athlete training for something (and even then, trust me, it can get boring), then 2-4 hours of cardio is NOT necessary (no matter how MUCH you eat). Why don't you just go balls to the wall until you can't handle the pace anymore (at least it'll be HIT and far shorter and not against your goals)?

That girl is out there, mate. It's NOT a race though. Being single is not the end of the world.

On another note, Get Diesel has some interesting products. I'll be looking at trying some myself later on.
On the cardio part I ended up only doing an hour. I did some shoulders, hit the cycle for 30, did more shoulders, hit the treadmill at a 14 incline(max is 15) at a pace of 4 out of 10. O how I love inclines. So only an hour of cardio. And after the treadmill I finished shoulders and tore up some abs.

I am more of an endurance guy. I can run 12 hours literally....not super fast, but non stop.

Sry I just needed to think. When I think I hurt, therefore I balance it with the physical stress. How do you think a guy weighing 130 squatted 375lbs free weight with no spotter....(when I wrestled). I mean the cheerleader squad was in there and that mighta given me a boost.... >.>

I've been trying to pick this habit myself but its not as easy as lifting weights! maybe I'll pick it up here from your log :D
lol, thanks. Its a bad habit though. Its how I ended up with achilles tendonitis in the first place. Which hampers me still to this day and I feel it will forever. I may opt for a surgery once I get medical coverage. I fear I have some solidified scar tissue in there. I know because certain hyper extending move I do while sparing or messing around feels like I have a needle in there sometimes. This is also hindering squats atm and calf's as you can imagine.

Try following this site. They have a lot of options and keep cardio interesting...
I myself might be looking into that.
Zero V

Zero V

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As for an update:

Weight update: weighed in at 162, weighed out 159.5

Shoulders tonight

Besides the hour of cardio I hit up shoulders. I know the raises and shrugs didnt follow my normal routine, but this just felt better.

Front DB raises:

Side DB raises:

Standing upright rows:

Barbell Shrugs:

Just had me a cinnamon bun protein shake, heatig the grill getting ready to thaw some chicken, grill it up. I may have ran out of green beats if I did I will find a substitute veggie, maybe corn?

Heck yeah! I am now roughly 20lbs from my goal!

As for abs I did leg raises, inclined sit ups, a few other things. Also did some back extensions.

Total time at gym 2 hours
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Oh snap, just found this log. Zero looks def intense bro. Stay on top of things and that 20 pounds is nothing!!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Guess it's no different than me doing my cardio in the morning, and then heading to the gym afterwards (except that one never sees me in the gym doing cardio; and I never spend more than an hour (if that) tops in the gym if training).

I understand the need to make your body hurt, or suffer.

Anyways, carry on, sir...
Zero V

Zero V

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Guess it's no different than me doing my cardio in the morning, and then heading to the gym afterwards (except that one never sees me in the gym doing cardio; and I never spend more than an hour (if that) tops in the gym if training).

I understand the need to make your body hurt, or suffer.

Anyways, carry on, sir...
I think I will cap my cardio at 1 hour. I calmed down a bit once I got there, my buddy went with me. His arm is still messed up from Thursday lol.

Still dealing with the same things mentally I was a long time ago, and it gets tiring not ever having a breakthrough. Hence extra drive at the gym ^.^

At least gona make it work for me.

I really appreciate the input though. I just need to increase output more. I am finally getting that desire and burn and craving for the gym again. I am seeing results already with arm size. I just wanna make sure this bulk doesnt leave me with a belly. So cardio is getting kicked up.


Damn what I wouldnt do to have a good honest girl to be with. Not much of a selection out there though.

...Still dealing with the same things mentally I was a long time ago, and it gets tiring not ever having a breakthrough. Hence extra drive at the gym ^.^
Mate I really feel for you, but I'll tell you something from experience, until you're happy being 'just you', you'll never be able to give yourself to someone fully because you constantly have a of fear losing because of feeling inadequate in some way. That pressure in itself will drive the other person away.

So do some deep thinking, running, talk at length with someone or do whatever it takes to clear your mind but don't stew over prospective issues, especially women or relationships. Be you, live for the moment :)

...I just wanna make sure this bulk doesnt leave me with a belly. So cardio is getting kicked up.
It won't mate, we're here for you. Train hard, eat well, be happy and that belly will stay put ;)


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Mate I really feel for you, but I'll tell you something from experience, until you're happy being 'just you', you'll never be able to give yourself to someone fully because you constantly have a of fear losing because of feeling inadequate in some way. That pressure in itself will drive the other person away.

So do some deep thinking, running, talk at length with someone or do whatever it takes to clear your mind but don't stew over prospective issues, especially women or relationships. Be you, live for the moment :)

It won't mate, we're here for you. Train hard, eat well, be happy and that belly will stay put ;)


Your gonna love it bro and you will probably gain a little more than 30 lbs. I know I gained a lot more than I thought I would with Diesel Test Hardcore. I think I averaged around 10lbs for 3 months straight!!!! Of course kept it all since its not a PH.
Zero V

Zero V

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Went on a trip down to a nice lil lake with a special friend ^.^ Walked around, did a lil nature hike, smiled, and had some fun :) All clean of course.

A quote I quite like. In fact I think I will add quotes of the day now.

"Life is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it" :D

Peace and love to you all. I am going bowling. No gym time today. Today was friend time for me and a girl who is always very supportive of me.


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Went on a trip down to a nice lil lake with a special friend ^.^ Walked around, did a lil nature hike, smiled, and had some fun :) All clean of course.

A quote I quite like. In fact I think I will add quotes of the day now.

"Life is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it" :D

Peace and love to you all. I am going bowling. No gym time today. Today was friend time for me and a girl who is always very supportive of me.
Have fun zero. Try not to do any cardio at the bowling alley.


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so are you gaining about a pound every 2 days so far?
Zero V

Zero V

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so are you gaining about a pound every 2 days so far?
Not sure. I would say 14 days in, up started 150, up to pretty much 160.

Tired. Bowled a 149 tops >.< Suxorz

Tomorrow will be Biceps/back. And I am gona kill this shiz. Finally getting my drive going. Also getting more ballsy, havent been this ballsy since IGF-2,Drive,RPM. I can only imagine how I am gona be whenever I am actually ON something.

I cant wait to weigh myself tomorrow. For now I am installing a hunting game or one of my old RTS games... I tried installing 7th Legion which was a game I played 14 years ago on windows 95......does not work on windows 7 lol.

Mind is going crazy, and crap! I actually missed my DTH today because my mind was on that girl, and then bowling 0.0 Noooooozz!

Drugging myself with melatonin in T-minus 1 hour.


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you need to buy left for dead. that game is crazy!!!!!!! 10 lbs so far is a huge weight gain! Good job bro! What would you contribute this to? are you taking creatine? or just eating a ton and taking DTH?
Zero V

Zero V

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you need to buy left for dead. that game is crazy!!!!!!! 10 lbs so far is a huge weight gain! Good job bro! What would you contribute this to? are you taking creatine? or just eating a ton and taking DTH?
Nos Ether has 2 forms of creatine in it. I have never used creatine before so this will be newish to me. Another reason I am upping cardio lol. I have been eating alot, full good meals as well. Getting all my shakes in. Drinking plenty of h2o thanks to my Brita Pitcher.

Overall I think it is working well. I will see what kind of strength gains I have on biceps and back tomorrow. Gona look up and watch some videos on deads to make sure my form is going to be good and I will be getting some of those in this time round. Preferably light weight, good form. Flipping softball starts in 15 days. I wanna last season while working out coach dang near shizzed his pants when I smacked a fly ball almost into the trees.

BTW I have left 4 dead actually lol. For my 360.

For the comp I prefer to get in my RTS time. Dawn of War was sick, but I enjoy Age of Empires 3 as well. Do lan games with buddies.


Tomorrow will be Biceps/back. And I am gona kill this shiz. Finally getting my drive going. Also getting more ballsy, havent been this ballsy since IGF-2,Drive,RPM....
Definitely agree with you on the 'ballsy' part mate ;)

Never done creatine :wtf1: What sort of supplement junkie are you! :D
Zero V

Zero V

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Definitely agree with you on the 'ballsy' part mate ;)

Never done creatine :wtf1: What sort of supplement junkie are you! :D
I was always kinda "stay away" ish about creatine. It just never tickled my fancy. Thus far I am not sure what all the whoohah is about. But it is nice with my preworkout, my endurance seems to be up quite a few notches. Then again that could be the DTH or R4W as well. I was thinking of doing a straight mono log i the future someday. Just to really see for myself.

Duno, maybe the fact my body is naturally chemically different I mean caffeine knocks me out. Seriously. Might just make me doubt certain things.

Maybe it will also help boost me up to my goal since its a completely new introduction to my body? I do have to piss alot though.


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I was always kinda "stay away" ish about creatine. It just never tickled my fancy. Thus far I am not sure what all the whoohah is about. But it is nice with my preworkout, my endurance seems to be up quite a few notches. Then again that could be the DTH or R4W as well. I was thinking of doing a straight mono log i the future someday. Just to really see for myself.

Duno, maybe the fact my body is naturally chemically different I mean caffeine knocks me out. Seriously. Might just make me doubt certain things.

Maybe it will also help boost me up to my goal since its a completely new introduction to my body? I do have to piss alot though.
You need to sleep!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I was always kinda "stay away" ish about creatine. It just never tickled my fancy. Thus far I am not sure what all the whoohah is about...
If you're resistance (or anaerobically) training, then creatine, IMO, should be a STAPLE in your supplement regime. It's not about a "whoohah", but about ensuring the best anabolic environment for your body.
Zero V

Zero V

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You need to sleep!
As an insomniac, I unintentionally refuse to! ^.^ lol I try. Sleeping is the hardest part of my day.

If you're resistance (or anaerobically) training, then creatine, IMO, should be a STAPLE in your supplement regime. It's not about a "whoohah", but about ensuring the best anabolic environment for your body.
I will see how well it works for me on this run though. Seems ot be pretty well. But it may become a stable during bulks. I added 20 lbs last year lifting without it. So this year I will include it alot, and try a few kinds.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I will see how well it works for me on this run though. Seems ot be pretty well. But it may become a stable during bulks. I added 20 lbs last year lifting without it. So this year I will include it alot, and try a few kinds.
Creatine can (and should) be used regardless of goal (albeit at the end of the day it IS up to each individual, and you CAN make gains withOUT it). There are lots of different creatine PRODUCTS out there that are MORE than just creatine, so they may be useful for different goals, though.

Creatine is one of the most tested and proven effective supplements available, with creatine monohydrate the most researched "type".

Be interesting how using it (or not) and the different types compares for you.
Zero V

Zero V

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Creatine can (and should) be used regardless of goal (albeit at the end of the day it IS up to each individual, and you CAN make gains withOUT it). There are lots of different creatine PRODUCTS out there that are MORE than just creatine, so they may be useful for different goals, though.

Creatine is one of the most tested and proven effective supplements available, with creatine monohydrate the most researched "type".

Be interesting how using it (or not) and the different types compares for you.
I know the love out there for creatine. I even have a bottle of AN's neovar recomped. Havent opened it yet of course. I may do neovar, TD form, AP for my third log of the year(a ways away). It would be a good run I think.

Not likely that it will become something I use 12 months out of the year. Maybe 6. Long periods of no supps(save a vitamin+fish oil+bcaa) is something I like to do. I feel like it lets my body stabilize and solidify at a certain level, then I can boost it again and everything feels potent once more as well.

Small update: DTH has to be working in some form. For one a lil bit of shoulder acne(never have this off supps) two libido is full would best describe it for someone in my shoes lol. I am also being a bit more aggressive not just on the weights, but also with my friends.

Bicep/Back today.


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subbed :)

better late than never!
Zero V

Zero V

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I saw the original, lol. Good idea to cancel those plans :wave2:.
heheh. Sadly I coulnt swallow pills today, so I had to field strip the DTH to get its coating off(2 of em) which actually it doesnt taste bad powdered. The R4W caps though, good gawd almost tastes as bad as RPM(never uncap that stuff never!)

I have come up with a theory for my pill swallowing delima. Normally I can swallow my pills fine, every once in awhile for like a week I cant get it even to my throat without starting to choke. I think it is based of stress, and body tenseness. All I know is the taste alone of the powder from R4W is enough to make me want to throw around 200lbs lol.

Yeah I changed my plans after thinking bout it. Besides....That was me letting the world get to me, when I am a child of God and should know better ^.^

Off to the gym in like 15 mins so laters with an update. My traps are sore but this is gona be a good session, I can feel it in my blood.


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heheh. Sadly I coulnt swallow pills today, so I had to field strip the DTH to get its coating off(2 of em) which actually it doesnt taste bad powdered. The R4W caps though, good gawd almost tastes as bad as RPM(never uncap that stuff never!)

I have come up with a theory for my pill swallowing delima. Normally I can swallow my pills fine, every once in awhile for like a week I cant get it even to my throat without starting to choke. I think it is based of stress, and body tenseness. All I know is the taste alone of the powder from R4W is enough to make me want to throw around 200lbs lol.

Yeah I changed my plans after thinking bout it. Besides....That was me letting the world get to me, when I am a child of God and should know better ^.^

Off to the gym in like 15 mins so laters with an update. My traps are sore but this is gona be a good session, I can feel it in my blood.
What were your other plans?

I tried RPM uncapped once, i must of got half on my tongue before i started gagging like a pussy!
Zero V

Zero V

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What were your other plans?

I tried RPM uncapped once, i must of got half on my tongue before i started gagging like a pussy!
I took 3/4ths a bottle as well as drive and RPM on my tongue when I first started lifting. Couldnt use to take pills... heheh Thank God I learned how to get them down before mass FX and hyperdrol....they smell bad enough...but still to this day I have issues and a size limit to the pills. DTH is pretty much max size, but right now I would probably choke on a melatonin caplet lol. Duno why.

what did the original say?
the original post I made was about me freaking out over my financial issues, which is big enough to crush alot of people. All my friends say they would cave under what I have to hold, and I am jobless to boot. Actually the joblessness is one of the main reasons it gets worse.

I was basically planning multiple trips to the gym to release stress n rage. Which in all reality....I was in basic at one would just be similar to that lol
Zero V

Zero V

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He was giving up lifting for a gay stripper opportunity, but then God showed him the light. :dunno:
Oh Noez! the cat is out of the bag :hitit: I am just too sexy you know...

(Note: Way too hairy to be a stripper, and way to straight to be gay stripper)


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Oh Noez! the cat is out of the bag :hitit: I am just too sexy you know...

(Note: Way too hairy to be a stripper, and way to straight to be gay stripper)
Well... if being a gay stripper would gain you 30 pounds in 60 days, you better beleive you're going to be a gay stripper.
Zero V

Zero V

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Well... if being a gay stripper would gain you 30 pounds in 60 days, you better beleive you're going to be a gay stripper.
I think I would rather risk taking superdrol for 6 weeks lol

LMAO!!!!!!!!!I have quite the update for you peeps.... It seems monday will be a re initiation to hell for me...certain people from my past will be returning...never cried so much from anger in a long long time.....damn.... heh...bring me some tequila....
Zero V

Zero V

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Had a great time at the gym. Currently cooking garlic bread, grilling chicken,

and also cooking up some corn. Already had my cupcake batter protein shake.

First off lifts. I noticed I was lacking some.....ALOT of strength tonight, possible due to waiting too long to hit the gym after taking supps.... I was dealing with a new uh....."problem" that had arisen.

Seated Cable Rows:

Zottman DB Preacher Curls (omg this things are amazing)

I could have done higher weights on those, but decided not to. I was having a lil trouble pumping up until after this point.

Wide Grip Pulldowns:(these dissapointed me...)

Wrist Curls:
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand

stopped there with those due to having smaller wrists, afraid to hurt them

Standing DB Curls-Same time

As for cardio I did the treadmmill for 20 mins with a few min cooldown. I did max out the incline and speed (to 10pmh) for a minute for kicks, hell yeah that felt good.

I noticed a big lack in strength tonight. But I think I know a few reasons why. Especially considering back last year I was doing standing DB curls with, just will make me better with I pass it up and start doing 50s this year ^.^

I also tore up some abs with sit ups, leg raises, etc, and did some back hyper extensions.

As for the update that bothered me. I was able to hear the great news of my ex and her husband coming back from chairforce guard basic on Monday. Yay I get to the faces of the two people I could hit with a car and not even care, and I get to see them multiple times a week now ^.^ lol. The one demon I can never seem to stop from messing with me. Eh.


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Had a great time at the gym. Currently cooking garlic bread, grilling chicken,

and also cooking up some corn. Already had my cupcake batter protein shake.

First off lifts. I noticed I was lacking some.....ALOT of strength tonight, possible due to waiting too long to hit the gym after taking supps.... I was dealing with a new uh....."problem" that had arisen.

Seated Cable Rows:

Zottman DB Preacher Curls (omg this things are amazing)

I could have done higher weights on those, but decided not to. I was having a lil trouble pumping up until after this point.

Wide Grip Pulldowns:(these dissapointed me...)

Wrist Curls:
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand

stopped there with those due to having smaller wrists, afraid to hurt them

Standing DB Curls-Same time

As for cardio I did the treadmmill for 20 mins with a few min cooldown. I did max out the incline and speed (to 10pmh) for a minute for kicks, hell yeah that felt good.

I noticed a big lack in strength tonight. But I think I know a few reasons why. Especially considering back last year I was doing standing DB curls with, just will make me better with I pass it up and start doing 50s this year ^.^

I also tore up some abs with sit ups, leg raises, etc, and did some back hyper extensions.

As for the update that bothered me. I was able to hear the great news of my ex and her husband coming back from chairforce guard basic on Monday. Yay I get to the faces of the two people I could hit with a car and not even care, and I get to see them multiple times a week now ^.^ lol. The one demon I can never seem to stop from messing with me. Eh.
Why do you have to see them? Don't invite them over and don't go to their place.... seems easy? And for your lifts *shakes head* Pick it up soldier!!!!!!!


Why do you have to see them? Don't invite them over and don't go to their place.... seems easy? And for your lifts *shakes head* Pick it up soldier!!!!!!!
I agree mate unfortunately ^^^ Exs are like a contagion, they show up at the worst times and somehow manage to 'get in touch' when you're at your lowest (usually when you've just broken up with someone else!).

Stay well away mate, don't contact, don't take an interest in their lives, don't even think about them if possible...otherwise it'll eat at you like ebola.
Zero V

Zero V

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Why do you have to see them? Don't invite them over and don't go to their place.... seems easy? And for your lifts *shakes head* Pick it up soldier!!!!!!!
I agree mate unfortunately ^^^ Exs are like a contagion, they show up at the worst times and somehow manage to 'get in touch' when you're at your lowest (usually when you've just broken up with someone else!).

Stay well away mate, don't contact, don't take an interest in their lives, don't even think about them if possible...otherwise it'll eat at you like ebola.
Well considering we share the same church...have the same friends....means that all of my friends events, will have them there. And when I am trying to find peace at church, I have her trying to give me hugs....

UK is right...she always wants to make sure I am ok, or keep in contact. She is a decent person, she will probably help a few people out in her life. I wont play down that part of her. But damn she can be evil when she wants to be, an enjoys furthering her appearance. One of the reasons I am gona find a new church. That and so I can find some cute single Christian girl ^.^

as for my lifts. Well I knew something was up all day. I had a seriously painful upper shoulder/trap. Massaged it until I could work out. Oh God I couldn't wait for sleep. Damn thing is so tight today I aint using my right arm.

I was going to do chest/tri today. But I am thinking giving my body a breather would be good. Might just go do 30-40 minz of cardio and ab work.


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I agree mate unfortunately ^^^ Exs are like a contagion, they show up at the worst times and somehow manage to 'get in touch' when you're at your lowest (usually when you've just broken up with someone else!).

Stay well away mate, don't contact, don't take an interest in their lives, don't even think about them if possible...otherwise it'll eat at you like ebola.
Great advice here, I try and tell all my friends this but they never listen :28:

Well considering we share the same church...have the same friends....means that all of my friends events, will have them there. And when I am trying to find peace at church, I have her trying to give me hugs....

UK is right...she always wants to make sure I am ok, or keep in contact. She is a decent person, she will probably help a few people out in her life. I wont play down that part of her. But damn she can be evil when she wants to be, an enjoys furthering her appearance. One of the reasons I am gona find a new church. That and so I can find some cute single Christian girl ^.^

as for my lifts. Well I knew something was up all day. I had a seriously painful upper shoulder/trap. Massaged it until I could work out. Oh God I couldn't wait for sleep. Damn thing is so tight today I aint using my right arm.

I was going to do chest/tri today. But I am thinking giving my body a breather would be good. Might just go do 30-40 minz of cardio and ab work.
Great Idea changing churches I had to do this after dating 2 of the 3 preacher daughters.

Another great job in your training, I havent been sore in a long time I miss the feeling.
Zero V

Zero V

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Great advice here, I try and tell all my friends this but they never listen :28:

Great Idea changing churches I had to do this after dating 2 of the 3 preacher daughters.

Another great job in your training, I havent been sore in a long time I miss the feeling.
Well I have issues with our pastor and youth pastor for both having conduct unbecoming of the ministry. Also I need to get away from my past. I been missing church, and some of the people called me to make sure I was ok and talk and to see if I needed anything. They are amazing people, some amazing friends. But I really just need to find a new place to make my main church, and maybe just visit every once in awhile.

If I dont change I will be seeing my ex 2-3 times a week...and with my anger now I cant promise I wont punch out her putz of a husband with who has titties...

Thanks on the compliment as well. I cant use my right trap at all. Think its a lil overcooked lol. Picking up some icyhot while I am out, and taking in extra BCAAs


UK is right...she always wants to make sure I am ok, or keep in contact...but damn she can be evil when she wants to be, an enjoys furthering her appearance.
Honestly mate, I have yet to witness an ex perform a selfless act for their past lover, it just doesn't happen.

It's nearly always to make them feel better about themselves/confirm that your relationship was a mistake or screw up any chance of you being happy.

Sorry if that sounded bitter mate, I speak from experience.

...I cant promise I wont punch out her putz of a husband with who has titties...
He has titties mate, unless it was some sort of hormonal disturbance outwith his control, just feel good about the fact that she has to bed that tub of lard every night (shudder)...;)


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Well I have issues with our pastor and youth pastor for both having conduct unbecoming of the ministry. Also I need to get away from my past. I been missing church, and some of the people called me to make sure I was ok and talk and to see if I needed anything. They are amazing people, some amazing friends. But I really just need to find a new place to make my main church, and maybe just visit every once in awhile.

If I dont change I will be seeing my ex 2-3 times a week...and with my anger now I cant promise I wont punch out her putz of a husband with who has titties...

Thanks on the compliment as well. I cant use my right trap at all. Think its a lil overcooked lol. Picking up some icyhot while I am out, and taking in extra BCAAs
Change churches asap without a question or depending on your faith this can make you stronger. My fiance from december left me for a loser and it took a lot knock to kick his ass but I prayed for them both and I'm able to shake his hand and say good luck. I'm not going into detail about other things she did it was a crazy break up but I've been made a better person on the inside and have been blessed with a better life and hotter gf :)
Zero V

Zero V

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Honestly mate, I have yet to witness an ex perform a selfless act for their past lover, it just doesn't happen.

It's nearly always to make them feel better about themselves/confirm that your relationship was a mistake or screw up any chance of you being happy.

Sorry if that sounded bitter mate, I speak from experience.

He has titties mate, unless it was some sort of hormonal disturbance outwith his control, just feel good about the fact that she has to bed that tub of lard every night (shudder)...;)
Actually he is really skinny and tall, he just has titties. I guess gyno from puberty. Then again, the guy does not have any testosterone in his blood. I doubt he even has balls. I dun get it, cuz it makes me feel shizzty that when we broke up she went with that. He looks like a 6 foot gopher, with boobs. She is from KY so maybe it tickled her fancy(actually its just that he had money, she wont admit it but she likes having money around...slut)

I just wanna break him in half. He gets back form the chair guard with her monday. I just wanna hurt im... for many reasons ^.^


...she wont admit it but she likes having money around...slut)
Don't worry about him mate, he may be a string bean with man-boobs but he's the fool for falling for someone as shallow as that...and for those reasons alone you can only feel sorry for him! ;)

Just be thankful you got away from her with some money in your back pocket!


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Had a great time at the gym. Currently cooking garlic bread, grilling chicken,

and also cooking up some corn. Already had my cupcake batter protein shake.

First off lifts. I noticed I was lacking some.....ALOT of strength tonight, possible due to waiting too long to hit the gym after taking supps.... I was dealing with a new uh....."problem" that had arisen.

Seated Cable Rows:

Zottman DB Preacher Curls (omg this things are amazing)

I could have done higher weights on those, but decided not to. I was having a lil trouble pumping up until after this point.

Wide Grip Pulldowns:(these dissapointed me...)

Wrist Curls:
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand
30x5 each hand

stopped there with those due to having smaller wrists, afraid to hurt them

Standing DB Curls-Same time

As for cardio I did the treadmmill for 20 mins with a few min cooldown. I did max out the incline and speed (to 10pmh) for a minute for kicks, hell yeah that felt good.

I noticed a big lack in strength tonight. But I think I know a few reasons why. Especially considering back last year I was doing standing DB curls with, just will make me better with I pass it up and start doing 50s this year ^.^

I also tore up some abs with sit ups, leg raises, etc, and did some back hyper extensions.

As for the update that bothered me. I was able to hear the great news of my ex and her husband coming back from chairforce guard basic on Monday. Yay I get to the faces of the two people I could hit with a car and not even care, and I get to see them multiple times a week now ^.^ lol. The one demon I can never seem to stop from messing with me. Eh.
Nice numbers zero. Maybe you could just through acid in their faces, vehicular manslaughter is so last year.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Honestly mate, I have yet to witness an ex perform a selfless act for their past lover, it just doesn't happen.
I think that you will find that that's very dependent upon the individual.

Change churches asap without a question or depending on your faith this can make you stronger. My fiance from december left me for a loser and it took a lot knock to kick his ass but I prayed for them both and I'm able to shake his hand and say good luck. I'm not going into detail about other things she did it was a crazy break up but I've been made a better person on the inside and have been blessed with a better life and hotter gf :)
Why do you guys get so bitter when a female leaves you for someone else? You're just going to move onto the next woman anyways. It just means that it wasn't meant to be. Take it as a stepping stone (as you did) and use it as a chance to better yourself, so that when you finally DO find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with you are a person YOU would want to be with.

Actually he is really skinny and tall, he just has titties. I guess gyno from puberty. Then again, the guy does not have any testosterone in his blood. I doubt he even has balls. I dun get it, cuz it makes me feel shizzty that when we broke up she went with that. He looks like a 6 foot gopher, with boobs. She is from KY so maybe it tickled her fancy(actually its just that he had money, she wont admit it but she likes having money around...slut)

I just wanna break him in half. He gets back form the chair guard with her monday. I just wanna hurt im... for many reasons ^.^
There's no reason to talk like this about either the ex or her husband. For her reasons she chose another man. If you had really loved her, you'd want the best for her, and for her to be happy, whether that was with OR without you.
Zero V

Zero V

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Nice numbers zero. Maybe you could just through acid in their faces, vehicular manslaughter is so last year.
Actually I am the kinda guy who will "bump" into one of them with a hypodermic needle infected with aids and laugh at them for 5 years as they deteriorate. And of course they will accuse each other of cheating once they test positive and then their entire worlds fall apart, plus it would likely go a awhile undetected so I dont have to worry about getting in trouble..... Remind me to delete this post a year from now >.>

I am a pretty slick be honest I wish I could join Blackwater or another "private contracting" company. I feel snuggly with an AK47 in my arms....
Zero V

Zero V

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I think that you will find that that's very dependent upon the individual.

Why do you guys get so bitter when a female leaves you for someone else? You're just going to move onto the next woman anyways. It just means that it wasn't meant to be. Take it as a stepping stone (as you did) and use it as a chance to better yourself, so that when you finally DO find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with you are a person YOU would want to be with.

There's no reason to talk like this about either the ex or her husband. For her reasons she chose another man. If you had really loved her, you'd want the best for her, and for her to be happy, whether that was with OR without you.
She didnt really leave me, we were taking a mutual break thing...and our pastor and a few other people from church pulled us apart with a few lies, and squeezed them together...sorry but this guys last fiance was 300lbs and so ugly his friends puked....he cant get a girl, the pastor kinda talked her into it. She hasnt been as happy since she got married.

Dont get me wrong I will always have a place in my heart for her, but that is what angers me. The series of events that unfolded, even after she married him she told me that she kinda wished things went differently before then we would be married.

This is not one of those simple cut and paste relationship issues. Its one of those *how the hell did I get chosen for this experiment Dr. Phil* ones....She is a pretty good person like I said. She but she still comes to me for help all the time....go to your fking husband, why am i your problem solver? Cant he do it? Wait, he isnt a man. Sorry, he cant. Talk to the pastor then, but leave me out of this. I have bent over backwards to help her, and every one else. One of the reasons I have come to lack faith in humanity, or the value of the individual.

Sry....^.^ many knifes in the back here....I need to move away, but I am beyond poor...

Some days I wish I wasnt the good guy, I wasnt the nice one, and I wish I could light everything on fire. But I am who I am. nnnnnnnggghh Pain...

Sry I play the role of psychologist to all my friends, big brother to quite a few people, and always aid out those in need. I do a perfect job of it. But I am tired....and on top of that Karma has to be a lie, because nothing good comes to me lol
Zero V

Zero V

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Okay taking my supps and going to go do some cardio an ab work until I pass out or puke. Not really, just until I feel better.


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She didnt really leave me, we were taking a mutual break thing...and our pastor and a few other people from church pulled us apart with a few lies, and squeezed them together...sorry but this guys last fiance was 300lbs and so ugly his friends puked....he cant get a girl, the pastor kinda talked her into it. She hasnt been as happy since she got married.

Dont get me wrong I will always have a place in my heart for her, but that is what angers me. The series of events that unfolded, even after she married him she told me that she kinda wished things went differently before then we would be married.

This is not one of those simple cut and paste relationship issues. Its one of those *how the hell did I get chosen for this experiment Dr. Phil* ones....She is a pretty good person like I said. She but she still comes to me for help all the time....go to your fking husband, why am i your problem solver? Cant he do it? Wait, he isnt a man. Sorry, he cant. Talk to the pastor then, but leave me out of this. I have bent over backwards to help her, and every one else. One of the reasons I have come to lack faith in humanity, or the value of the individual.

Sry....^.^ many knifes in the back here....I need to move away, but I am beyond poor...

Some days I wish I wasnt the good guy, I wasnt the nice one, and I wish I could light everything on fire. But I am who I am. nnnnnnnggghh Pain...

Sry I play the role of psychologist to all my friends, big brother to quite a few people, and always aid out those in need. I do a perfect job of it. But I am tired....and on top of that Karma has to be a lie, because nothing good comes to me lol
I have to disagree with you.... you have had about 10 pounds of good added to you in a short amount of time. :wave2:

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