Zero V's Gettin Diesel Log-30lbs in 60 days-Part 1

Zero V

Zero V

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Mystery supp I'm guessing is hormonal, lol. :lick:
Nope, natural. I said no hormonal, so no hormonal lol. Else I would be in AN's competition with The One.

The mystery supp will be explained in time :type:
Zero V

Zero V

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Alright good news and bad newses tonight. Good News is I felt good at the gym save for the bad news I will explain.

weighed in 162, weighed out 161.(hopefully I stay above 160 now).

Definitely looked in the mirror too much tonight :D I have a bit of a belly, but my size is increasing in ways that it doesn't bother me at all.

Had pumps in my tricepts that made my last workout almost impossible.

I noticed strength increase, really just in the DB incline fly's. SO much easier than last week. And I was able to up it a lil. Next week all 35's with a finish of 40s? heheh

Incline DB Fly's

Flat DB Bench

Machine Fly's (was gona do flat DB, but my back....)

Rope Pushdowns

I spent the entire time worried about my lower back...

I have another thread

which pertains to the issue.

My lower back was popping while doing decline sit ups....well it did that too last year. No biggie, I would always stretch and bend and pop it till it was fine. I think Friday night I had a big issue doing the sit ups, when the night before it wasnt as bad. An occasional pop never meant anything to me, but this one was pop,pop,pop. Well more liek crack crack.

Well I Am only going to do normal sit ups now until this is figured out, I am also afraid of deadlifts. I know my form was right last week, I spent all day studying it, watching videos, used a light weight and went slow in the mirror. But my lower back has no need ot be finished off at 22 :worried:

Anyways today it felt funny all day, and tonight it was crappy at the gym. It popped when I leaned back to do DB press, and I even felt a minty feeling once. I have no insurance, which is another reason I am hoping for this Iron Workers job(great insurance). But also when doing normal flat situps sometimes I get a tingle down the inside of my right leg, its been like that since I as like 5 though. And it feels more like a tendon or vien that is tight or something if that makes any sense.

I am gona sleep with a pillow under my back tonight. Or on my side in the fetal position. Any time in life I have had a back issue, sleeping like that fixed it after a few days.

Now I also know this could be psychosomatic. Since I am so worried and thinking about it, i could be exaggerating the irritation. All I know is I just want it to be ok. My body is really all I got anymore o.o And I will NOT stop working out again even if I catch on fire. Every time I make progress something goes wrong. Till the death!

So cutting deadlifts, decline sit ups, and working on stretching it every morning and all day. Applying for govt aid for insurance(standing in like for 6 hours surrounded by stinky people) And praying. :worried:

I know alot of people on this site has issues with compressed disks, and herniated discs. Considering my lack of pain, I dont think its that. But I would like input. I will work towards seeing a doc/chiropractor as fast as possible. But it is a good month away even if I am blessed with a job this week.

OK no more ragging, It will be ok. Just over exerted or something. Needs some rest.

For kicks:

America in a few years lol.


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My back cracks when I lean back to do flat db. I think it's normal, but your pain is not.


the broader shoulders is from the upright rows i'm thinking. at least that's what happened to me when i started doing them :)
Wide or close grip mate?

I dropped the upright rows years ago, but maybe I wasn't doing them right, I need something else for width other than lateral raises!
Zero V

Zero V

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Wide or close grip mate?

I dropped the upright rows years ago, but maybe I wasn't doing them right, I need something else for width other than lateral raises!
close grip upright rows. About 6 in apart. Wide grip is easy, close grip and I feel it by the 3rd set.
Zero V

Zero V

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Gona do legs tonight. But damn, no squats. My back is bothering me. not hurting, but a weird ache/bothering. like pressure.

I will leg press though with my back supported. Deads/squats or gone until my back either calms down, or I see a doc.
Zero V

Zero V

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You got any progress pics?
Actually I should. I know I got some on my phone from beginning. And some from like a week and a half ago, and its not really hard to take more. hmmm. This portion of the log is almost over. So I guess I can do a 3 fold comparison.I am angry about not having abs though...but its worth the growth in strength and size. I will cut next summer, bulking till next spring :D long term investment.

Trying not to get too much excess before winter though. So its lean until summers over.
Zero V

Zero V

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Currently popping Darvacets and using some kinda mild topical pain reliever on my back. Technically my spinal cord -.-

I cannot find a comfortable position at all. I am pissed, now I am high from pain killers, and depressed becasue I technically have no way to find a doctor other than footing likely a couple thousand dollars to go into my already declining credit score with my other doctors bills. Losing insurance sucks.

I have a test/interview for the Iron Workers union on the 11th. I will be pissed if I cant do this, the job pays booku bucks and I get free insurance. SO damn close.


Good luck to ya, sounds like you need a run-in with lady luck.


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Sounds more like this countries healthcare system is not operating properly or for the benefit of its people. **** insurance. I'd love to go see a doc too!
Zero V

Zero V

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Sounds more like this countries healthcare system is not operating properly or for the benefit of its people. **** insurance. I'd love to go see a doc too!
The amount of dental and medical work I need done is insane. I have one tooth that is all but disintigrated, a bad cavity in the front that is luckily concealed. Bad ankles, bad muscle in left shoulder since HS(got tore westling, no insurance, let it attached wherever), and now meh back which is hopefully just a temporary thing that will go away.

I thought Obama said something about health care? :lick:


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Hey brah, followed most of your log, im seeing something about a back problem?

Whats the story? something your running? lifting?

So whats the deal with the USA healthcare? How can you "lose" health insurance?
Zero V

Zero V

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Hey brah, followed most of your log, im seeing something about a back problem?

Whats the story? something your running? lifting?

So whats the deal with the USA healthcare? How can you "lose" health insurance?
Thanks for following mate!

I had Blue Cross n Shield, Lost my job, Lost my coverage :(

here is what I put in the prayer request thread

"The pain is in the middle of my back down into my lower back. Its not really a pain like...if I fell, or if I punched something, or got cut kinda pain. Its like a low humming pain that goes constantly and builds up and is driving me mad.

I would say a burning almost but not quite. Like a tooth ache in my back maybe. Its right along my spinal cord.

I was fine like friday, and over the weekend. Last day I lifted was sunday which is when it was bothering me a lil. though I only did tri/chest.

Last week when doing situps, my back was popping. I had a vertibre that would pop when I would pull up in the situp. Not uncommon, did it to me last year too. A bit of stretching and it would go away, etc.

Well this time it kept popping. Then I noticed the next time I lifted even if I leaned back it popped. And doing inclined DB fly's was a lil uncomfortable for it even. And for my flat DB bench it was rough to get down.

So yesterday its been driving me mad. Mostly because I am so worried, and I am attributing some of it to being psychosomatic because of worry. Even though I cannot find a comfortable position atm, and I hate sitting with it.

I am taking Darvocets I had left over from a time ago, and using Active On rubbed up and down my spinal cord to relieve it. The combo makes the pain go away. Honestly the Ative On stick took care of the pain all day, I didnt take a pain pill till 2 hours ago. I havent slept either due to a slim x from yesterday.

There is the story sorry its long. Wanted to include it a..""


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Blue cross and shield?

Sounds rough bro, we piss and moan about the UK health system here but at least its free.

I know moneys an issue but have you even had it seen? Like a consultation?

Im paying private at the moment as i have had major issues this last 3 months, starting at the top of my trap(right side) down to my middle but apparently theres nothing wrong with me.

I was advised many times though by professionals to avoid standard sit ups whilst injured with my back and to concentrate on core work.

Hows your mood?
Zero V

Zero V

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Blue cross and shield?

Sounds rough bro, we piss and moan about the UK health system here but at least its free.

I know moneys an issue but have you even had it seen? Like a consultation?

Im paying private at the moment as i have had major issues this last 3 months, starting at the top of my trap(right side) down to my middle but apparently theres nothing wrong with me.

I was advised many times though by professionals to avoid standard sit ups whilst injured with my back and to concentrate on core work.

Hows your mood?
uh mood....technically suffering from depression for the last 5 months since job loss, and every time I get one lined up the company cuts a bunch of people, and obviously im not getting hired...

but pretty happy :) I dont let anything get me down, even when I am missing a couple bills n such.

ATM, I am happy, a bit wired I had a 3-4 hour nap a few hours ago and will be good till tonight at least thanks to the slim X from yeterday lol. Its also giving me some mood elevation I thinks.

My back isnt bothering me to bad at the moment after the nap. I am gona go lay back down, I think I slept stomach down to take all pressure off it and it helped alot.

GOD I just want to go to the gym tonight, 2 days missed. Do you whink leg press with my back at a 90 degree angle so it wont hurt it much will be an ok replacement for squats till its good to go?

I am not sure what to do for abs atm then if that is an issue. Normal abs didnt hurt it, but i think now that it is bothered it would aggravate it.


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The consensus among the guys ive seen about it has been most back injuries are caused by poor form and/or a weak core.

What have you been doing for your trunk area all these years? Sit ups and variations probably?

Thats more than likely your issue, ive been addressing it for a few months now and finally able to train back lightly.

Im not expert but it might be worth a shot.
Zero V

Zero V

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The consensus among the guys ive seen about it has been most back injuries are caused by poor form and/or a weak core.

What have you been doing for your trunk area all these years? Sit ups and variations probably?

Thats more than likely your issue, ive been addressing it for a few months now and finally able to train back lightly.

Im not expert but it might be worth a shot.
Well I sacrifice more weight or better form actually with everything. As for my abs its like a combo of decline sit ups, normal sit ups leg rasies, planks. I also did back hyper extensions. You cant see my abs to to its slight protective coating atm, but I could take a punch to em and not jump. Last weekend or monday was the first time I did deadlifts since HS, but I kept the weight low and focused completely on form after spending forever watching videos and practicing it in the mirror with no bar.

But since I didnt have the issue till friday so I dont think thats it. Right now its not really bothering me. I feel like maybe it felt compressed. Sitting at the computer makes it start to get bothered after awhile, but atm its fine. Maybe a few days of stretching and relaxing will do the trick.

I really would like to see a chiro period.


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Chiro did nothing for me bro, apart from make me click very loudly lol.

Saw nothing in the way of benefits i could see and im still in a fair amount of pain.

keep your chin up man! depression is a helluva black dog.


Chiro did nothing for me bro, apart from make me click very loudly lol.

Saw nothing in the way of benefits i could see and im still in a fair amount of pain.

keep your chin up man! depression is a helluva black dog.
I dunno, the chiro was a bit of a lifesaver for my neck about a year ago (head spinning accident bboying...)

I think it depends again on who you get, a good chiro will look at everything as opposed to just the site of complaint.

Sorry yours was shite though mate!


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Yep no doubt theres good and bad guys in every profession.

When your back is in real pain most people will try anything!


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I happen to know the secret supplement. I'll tell for the right price..... muahahahaha. Zero, you better call that girl today :wave2:.


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Why haven't you been able to get work? And, what is the iron workers union?
Zero V

Zero V

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Why haven't you been able to get work? And, what is the iron workers union?
No I havent. Everytime I finally get one lined up, the company cuts me and others of in the process. 3 times, and once one hires me and we start a 2 week process or whatnot, I quit looking. 3 times that stuff has come up, one company even let 15 people go after they were supposed to hire me, leaving me out in the cold as well. yay for me.

The Iron Workers union is the people who are involved in building everything you see hahhah. Dams, large buildings, etc. In order to be an iron worker you have to be in the union. Pay is hella good though and free life insurance. Doing a crapload of apps though this week. Every place I go, even small warehouses tell me to go online and do

Look at it this way....either I have pissed God off(quite likely actually) or I am simply stuck in a 6 month long time period of sheer unluckiness.


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dude, i hope your back gets better!


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No I havent. Everytime I finally get one lined up, the company cuts me and others of in the process. 3 times, and once one hires me and we start a 2 week process or whatnot, I quit looking. 3 times that stuff has come up, one company even let 15 people go after they were supposed to hire me, leaving me out in the cold as well. yay for me.

The Iron Workers union is the people who are involved in building everything you see hahhah. Dams, large buildings, etc. In order to be an iron worker you have to be in the union. Pay is hella good though and free life insurance. Doing a crapload of apps though this week. Every place I go, even small warehouses tell me to go online and do

Look at it this way....either I have pissed God off(quite likely actually) or I am simply stuck in a 6 month long time period of sheer unluckiness.
Unlikely that it is bad luck, the country has like what, over a million people unemployed so it's almost natural now-a-day...

I thought you had to be certified to be a construction steel worker?
Zero V

Zero V

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dude, i hope your back gets better!
Thanks, me too :nervous:

Unlikely that it is bad luck, the country has like what, over a million people unemployed so it's almost natural now-a-day...

I thought you had to be certified to be a construction steel worker?
No, its not a certified thing, its a trade job. Therefore if I get this Iron Workers job, I am actually an apprentice for 4 years. Though with the pay starting at 15.93, with an increase every 6 months, to 17.23, and so on, within a year mking over 18 bucks an hour aint bad... Plus the insurance, oh jeeze I will live at the dentist, and get my arm looked into, my legs cared for. Hopefully my back straightens out and is not on the list :wave2:

I actually dont care about debt no more. In all seriousness. Being jobless has put me through a metamorphosis about worry. I went from probably driving myself to getting an ulcer, to saying eh life is life, this can be fixed with a lil hard work for 2 years.

Also going in tomorrow to a place to apply(though for second shift) to work at the buckeyeranch, which is a school for youth who hae varying issues. Like anger or such. Would look great on my resume to be a youth pastor someday when I get my faith straightened out, and as a teacher.

The only thing I seem to be able to do right is help people, and coach em through problems. But I cant do it for myself haha
Zero V

Zero V

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Going to the ER tomorrow night. I cant take this no more. But I am gona go at night when I have nothing planned. I could rip a bulls head from its torso right now. Its eating my mind. I can tell it involves nerves now. The pain is too damn unique, and eats the mind. And 2 Darvicets aint helping no more. So...might as well go get another 3,000$ bill to add to the pot!

As long as it gets solved and I get a clean bill of health i dont care...I dont ant my lifting or my life screwed up so....yeh

Charging my old PSP up, finding my other book to read, taking a man purse(a side bag) with material to write/draw etc. Now I really wish I had my blackberry hahah :(


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Good luck this evening Zero. Befriend someone with a smart phone in the ER so you can get some clicks in on Forsaken Clans while you're there ;)

Glad to see that even through all that you've had to deal with these past 6 months that you've been able to create a positive mentality for yourself.


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Argh back pain is the worst pain by far...Its all encompassing. Hope it turns out ok man.


Yea good luck to ya zero, that's a real big bummer.
Zero V

Zero V

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Thanks...sitting here after resting my back all day. Prepping things to go enjy the night....but its not bothering me bad, so I duno if I wanna go, but I know if I dont go, it will be the same tomorrow that it is today. And I need x-rays done at least to see if everything's ok. Just for safety reasons.


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So, any news sir?
BTW, I love that scene there.
Zero V

Zero V

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So, any news sir?
BTW, I love that scene there.
Fearing another 2-3,000 doc bill I am gona wait till Monday. I been using one of them heat patches patches on my back. Helps a little.

Eating pasta, downing a monster lo-carb, going for a walk, then I will go to the gym.

It may seem stupid....but knowing how much debt I got, I dont let it stress me. But those doctors...and then the constant hounding by the bastards to get their money? No insurance sux. Plus I know how they treated me last visit with no insurance...damn near tossed me out the door..:worried: I really want to go and just get it looked at. But the fact that the last 20 hours have not been as painful convinced me to wait. I been kinda bending and moving, followed by extended time flat baked on a pad on the floor. Seems to help. Or laying on my stomach.

Maybe something will happen Sunday with church and all :nervous:

At any rate...Gona do legs, maybe combined it with biceps as well...putting together the dosing, pill times, and setting up an OVT training scheme for the second part of this log. Yeah its that time So I am counting this as my week in between, and monday depending will be the day I decide to either go see the doctors, or Start part two of the log. 11 Lbs. Not too bad. Save for the stomach(which actually shrank a lil...? until these last 4 days no gym, still eating haha). b4 +afters coming at the end of this log, and they will be up at the begining of part 2. Which will be a new thread.
Zero V

Zero V

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  • Established back was fine yesterday, not so at the moment. I am shaking, feel like vomiting, in the most agonizing pain I didnt know existed, in tears, likely gona call a uh...i may be off the board for a day or two...cya..

I wish the fk someone would knock me out. God this is a taste of what kinda pain hell would intrail. The last 3 years wasnt enough, I needed a damn FUBAR cherry on top of my life to make it all right.
Zero V

Zero V

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alright. My pops did call a squad because I was basially stuck laying here immobile wrenching my hands on my head in pain moaning. They came, one of them was a lifter. My BP was in the 150's which could be aiding the pain. But he explained he thinks it is a really badly pulled back muscle along my spine and its swollen and its hitting nerves thats causing me this pain. He advised that I should probably not go to the ER with it, because of the cost and its likely all it is. So I didnt.

a few pain killers plus a few advil plus ice plus heat plus laying here not moving.... and I feel ok. I am getting a soma tonight to help.

Heading to walmart tomorrow morning to get a pyrex to brew the TD form.

Spine still doesnt feel right...but, the guy seems to have known the pain and said he had it before. i jsut cant get over how it makes me feel like I have top poop, plus makes it feel like aknife in my stomach. Nerves suck.

BTW sry for being such a pussy :D

REsting some of this week, starting part 2 of my log Saturday, if it clears up more before then, then I will sooner. May put off deads for 2 weeks....
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hang in there, bud. We're all here for you. Sending you grace to bear it and strength to get through.


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good luck with your back. i find doing very lightweight movements helps flood some blood into anything that hurts.


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Glad you were able to get a little help with that today Zero. Hope your back gets to feeling better.


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yeah bud, glad to hear you finally got some help with it.

keep us posted, and I'll be praying for your quick recovery!
Zero V

Zero V

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Thanks...never fails ^.^ I think I am cursed at doing logs. Maybe its because I up the intensity I put out in the gym too much while doing logs or something.

I am wondering what kind of workouts I could do to keep from losing too much muscle this next week. Obviously back is out of the Q, but Bicep/tricept wise I think if I had a lifting buddy spot me and pass me the weights(no bending over,etc) I could pull off some maintenance work. Every time I start lifting hard I get hurt no haha really. But I do gain permamently higher weight. its been a slow crawl from 130, but I am finally in the 160's(maybe upper 150s since my back). Second half of log WILL see me into the 170s though as close as I can get to my 180 goal.

Thanks again for the support. If anything these issues I run into are humbling reminders that I a human. But they also make every pound gained that much more valuable.

Still dont know how I did this...i cant remember hurting it directly i just remember when things started getting complicated, and guess maybe the spine popping could be from the pressure.

At any rate, review my diet, and planning out and review the OVT idea and setting up a schedule for it.

Hoping to start part 2 by Saturday.

I may go to the gym and try what you said sun. For one do some cardio less I put on too much belly, and 2 go to the mats and relax and do some light movements and stretches real slow and without much pressure. less this sounds lieka bad idea.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I am wondering what kind of workouts I could do to keep from losing too much muscle this next week...
If you have to take a week off training to allow your body some time to recuperate, then do it. Don't try and be a hero and keep going, when you could potentially make the situation worse.

As for losing muscle mass, so long as your DIET is ok, you shouldn't lose any muscle mass in a week.


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I've not trained in 6 full days now and i haven't lost any muscle mass at all so don't worry about it! Just keep on eating


Sorry I missed if you hurt your back lifting or if it was a random onset of pain...

Also is that Wolverine before weapon X in that last comic?!
Zero V

Zero V

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I've not trained in 6 full days now and i haven't lost any muscle mass at all so don't worry about it! Just keep on eating
I havent lifted since last monday, so its been 7 days...

If you have to take a week off training to allow your body some time to recuperate, then do it. Don't try and be a hero and keep going, when you could potentially make the situation worse.

As for losing muscle mass, so long as your DIET is ok, you shouldn't lose any muscle mass in a week.
My diet has suffered a bit, considering I mostly take pain pills and sleep, sweat, and roll around. Appetite is destroyed. I randomly remember to at least take a shake to keep my strength up.

Sorry I missed if you hurt your back lifting or if it was a random onset of pain...

Also is that Wolverine before weapon X in that last comic?!
I must have done it lifting(maybe deads) but I didnt feel it on any specific day, it just creeped up during the week after I stopped lifting. Weird huh.

And I do believe it is wolverine pre-weapon x btw.


Well you should keep an eye on it if it becomes intense, unbearable pain again o_O. I've heard of that leading to serious health concerns. I mean life and death. Not trying to scare you, it's just I had a friend go through that recently, but I don't think your predicament is anything like his.

And yea the bone claws made it look that way.... I LOVE DEADPOOL.


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Really sorry to hear about your injury, try staying positive and having some rest.

I have had numerous weeks of in the past (2-4 weeks) due to injury/holidays/life/being lazy and I barely noticed any muscle loss. Whilst you might not be able to walk back into the gym and lift what you were lifting before, a few incremental loading sessions spread over two weeks and you'll be back to where you are now.

So take a week or two and do nothing. Upon your return, re-read all your techniques from reputable sources (by people who have published books and have qualifications) and take it easy.

Keep us updated on how you’re doing

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