Votum takes on MrKleen's Warrior Routeen!

Looking good in here Votum!
Emartin, almost cried huh? AWESOME. I love how a lot of people look at that on paper and go Eh... I can do that... However following it as written is not as easy as one would think. I used to have something for biceps and triceps in there every day too. However i decided that was just too much on the arms for that frequency. If you decide to add more of them in do some without drops. Sooner or later your elbows will catch up to you if you blast them that hard for too long.
Looking good in here Votum!
Emartin, almost cried huh? AWESOME. I love how a lot of people look at that on paper and go Eh... I can do that... However following it as written is not as easy as one would think. I used to have something for biceps and triceps in there every day too. However i decided that was just too much on the arms for that frequency. If you decide to add more of them in do some without drops. Sooner or later your elbows will catch up to you if you blast them that hard for too long.

AVI lookin sharp bigcat! I've tweaked a few workouts, there isn't a day off in the 4 workout rotation, they're all BEAST MODE or you will fail. Your choice!
I love it!! The aggression from the MMV3 should be off the hook!! I've never got a chance to run the version 3, but the version 2 stuff was very decent. VERY!!:veryhappy:

AVI lookin sharp bigcat! I've tweaked a few workouts, there isn't a day off in the 4 workout rotation, they're all BEAST MODE or you will fail. Your choice!

Yep that is it, you are a Warrior or you are not... You don't have to be able to complete it to be one just not willing to give up until you can.
OK.... What on earth is an HS super incline? You Tube didnt even have this one for me to preview the pain I would embrace tomorrow.
20 lbs is a lot of weight by December. Bodybuilding takes patience. A lot of guys I see start pounding calories and it works at first, then they don't control the body fat and keep the calories too high and put on fat and have to diet it off. I have been there, much better to stay within 11-13 % than get up to 16-18 %. sure you'll be heavier and move more weight but the dieting takes months to get off, much better to not let body fat get above 13 %. Other people that have been there and back will tell you the same.

Keep up the good work my man.


Unless you take tren during the cutting phase... In which case he laws of human physiology no longer apply ha
W: BWx10 --- Set 1: +35x6 --- Set 2: +35x6 - Drop 1: +25x5 - Drop 2: +10x5 (+10 on working sets)

W: barx10 --- Set 1: 155x8 --- Set 2: 155x8 - Drop 1: 135x8 - Drop 2: 115x10 (+20lbs all around)

W: 35x10 --- Set 1: 65x8 --- Set 2: 65x8 - Drop 1: 55x9 - Drop 2: 45x10
This movement is very awkward. Dont know if I am supposed to let my wrists go limp or lock them out.

W: 10x5 --- Set 1: 20x6 --- Set 2: 20x4 - Drop 1: 15x5 - Drop 2: 10x10

W: 135x10 --- Set 1: 225x6 --- Set 2: 225x6 - Drop 1: 185x6 - Drop 2: 135x8

W: 90x5 --- Set 1: 210x8 --- Set 2: 210x6 - Drop 1: 155x6 - Drop 2: 110x8

Was feeling rough today. On top of that some stupid mother****ers were curling in the squat rack for 45 minutes. I sat there and stared at them condescendingly, they didn't take the hint. Then when I finally got the squats done, some other stupid *******s decided to use every single olympic 45lb bar in the gym (like 8) to do cleans and deadlifts. They also used almost every damn rubber weight we had. To top it off, the deadlift group was jumproping for their rest, yeah, cool, good for them. ****ing 8 jump ropes take up so much damn space....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR#RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
W: BWx10 --- Set 1: +35x6 --- Set 2: +35x6 - Drop 1: +25x5 - Drop 2: +10x5 (+10 on working sets)

W: barx10 --- Set 1: 155x8 --- Set 2: 155x8 - Drop 1: 135x8 - Drop 2: 115x10 (+20lbs all around)

W: 35x10 --- Set 1: 65x8 --- Set 2: 65x8 - Drop 1: 55x9 - Drop 2: 45x10
This movement is very awkward. Dont know if I am supposed to let my wrists go limp or lock them out.

W: 10x5 --- Set 1: 20x6 --- Set 2: 20x4 - Drop 1: 15x5 - Drop 2: 10x10

W: 135x10 --- Set 1: 225x6 --- Set 2: 225x6 - Drop 1: 185x6 - Drop 2: 135x8

W: 90x5 --- Set 1: 210x8 --- Set 2: 210x6 - Drop 1: 155x6 - Drop 2: 110x8

Was feeling rough today. On top of that some stupid mother****ers were curling in the squat rack for 45 minutes. I sat there and stared at them condescendingly, they didn't take the hint. Then when I finally got the squats done, some other stupid *******s decided to use every single olympic 45lb bar in the gym (like 8) to do cleans and deadlifts. They also used almost every damn rubber weight we had. To top it off, the deadlift group was jumproping for their rest, yeah, cool, good for them. ****ing 8 jump ropes take up so much damn space....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR#RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Inconsiderate bastards
On apositive note I beat starcraft 2 today, what a cool game :)

About time man! Time for some multiplayer when the real game beings. Zerg Rush is old news, 'Toss rush is where it's at.

That sucks about the people in your gym yesterday. I've had days like that too...I guess the center of the universe moved from this cat in my gym to those guys in yours :toofunny:
OK.... What on earth is an HS super incline? You Tube didnt even have this one for me to preview the pain I would embrace tomorrow.

That would be hammer strength super incline, I just did it on Wednesday for the first time actually. Good stuff, a 60 degree or so incline press that hits front delts [and traps for me] and upper chest. Crazy pump from it though it came on after I finished my sets. I believe this is a highly underrated machine.
That would be hammer strength super incline, I just did it on Wednesday for the first time actually. Good stuff, a 60 degree or so incline press that hits front delts [and traps for me] and upper chest. Crazy pump from it though it came on after I finished my sets. I believe this is a highly underrated machine.

Votum - Sorry for the breif high-jack. I do not have the number of folks you do following my logs.

Oufinny - I work out in my garage.. I have a bench at my disposal and creativity on my side. What can I do to replicate this excersize? I want to stay as "true" to the vision of the Warrior Work out as I can.
I really am a proponent of frequency training and feel like this training method would be great for someone on cycle but off cycle the volume/intensity/frequency combo is a bit too high, one of those three really needs to be lowered for the average natural trainer IMO
Martin, any time!

Fin I like the new avi :D

Yeah that gym crap had me in such a fierce mood, I was hoping some AQ would climb our walls just so I could run out and gunem down ><
Votum - Sorry for the breif high-jack. I do not have the number of folks you do following my logs.

Oufinny - I work out in my garage.. I have a bench at my disposal and creativity on my side. What can I do to replicate this excersize? I want to stay as "true" to the vision of the Warrior Work out as I can.
Use Dumbbells and sit adjustable bench in between what you would for an incline and a shoulder press.

I really am a proponent of frequency training and feel like this training method would be great for someone on cycle but off cycle the volume/intensity/frequency combo is a bit too high, one of those three really needs to be lowered for the average natural trainer IMO

Well it isn't really for the average trainer. You need to be battle ready to even consider this program. It is also designed to have a week deload every 4-6 weeks. I haven't run across anyone having any issues with CNS or over training using it with a deload at 4-6 weeks. Volume is not really that high at all. It is only 2 work sets one with a double drop set. If you count the drops as sets this is 15 sets per body part per week. However simply as a work set scenario you are getting in about 9 sets per week. Not high in volume at all. However beginning trainees that are not up to the task, I have them cycle the exercises using a drop set on one workout for a body part and not for the next workout. It is easily adjustable but once again I have not run into anyone intermediate training experience and above that have had any issue with over training. Recovery is honestly a snap with this program. I have never used it On cycle but can only imagine the results I would get. I would be running it now if my tendonitis wasn't flaring up.
Use Dumbbells and sit adjustable bench in between what you would for an incline and a shoulder press.

Well it isn't really for the average trainer. You need to be battle ready to even consider this program. It is also designed to have a week deload every 4-6 weeks. I haven't run across anyone having any issues with CNS or over training using it with a deload at 4-6 weeks. Volume is not really that high at all. It is only 2 work sets one with a double drop set. If you count the drops as sets this is 15 sets per body part per week. However simply as a work set scenario you are getting in about 9 sets per week. Not high in volume at all. However beginning trainees that are not up to the task, I have them cycle the exercises using a drop set on one workout for a body part and not for the next workout. It is easily adjustable but once again I have not run into anyone intermediate training experience and above that have had any issue with over training. Recovery is honestly a snap with this program. I have never used it On cycle but can only imagine the results I would get. I would be running it now if my tendonitis wasn't flaring up.

You never did it on cycle? WOW. Don't want to air your laundry here but if you are natural I need to go find a bullet to nibble on because I am hopeless then ha
Martin, any time!

Thanks Votum! We are about the same size (not age)... Using your numbers as a berometer. I figure if I can keep up with you I am doing well. Going to hit it now and see what push pull day brings in the pain game.
Thanks Votum! We are about the same size (not age)... Using your numbers as a berometer. I figure if I can keep up with you I am doing well. Going to hit it now and see what push pull day brings in the pain game.

And im going to try to keep up my numbers with you.

You will first want to injur your shoulder and develope TERRIBLE form for any Deads lifts thus making your weights silly low and back outlandishly sore. There, you have my secret.

God lol. I'm already there! I can't even bench press anymore, because ill be back to square one with my shoulder. I do shoulder presses and declines/dips on chest day haha. My deadlift form sucks, but my numbers aren't bad. Hurts my back though.
God lol. I'm already there! I can't even bench press anymore, because ill be back to square one with my shoulder. I do shoulder presses and declines/dips on chest day haha. My deadlift form sucks, but my numbers aren't bad. Hurts my back though.

After reading some stuff from phil hernon (who I think is full of himself and a prick pretty often) I decided to stop doing all overhead presses and flat bench... My shoulders have never been healthy for so long. High pulls and variations of lateral raises only and more decline bench or dips once worn out (too heavy hurts)
God lol. I'm already there! I can't even bench press anymore, because ill be back to square one with my shoulder. I do shoulder presses and declines/dips on chest day haha. My deadlift form sucks, but my numbers aren't bad. Hurts my back though.

Yeah but you can hack squat 210948 pounds, and front squat an impressive amount too iirc :D

Votum I want your leg power and probably lifting form!!!!

Thanks man! First time someone has complimented me on my weights :D I will pretty much stick to low weight until my form is good. My form was not horrible on those 225 squats but it wasn't perfect either, so I am going to stay at 225 until its perfect :D

I still don't know of my deadlift but I think my form is ok o.0 I would take videos but the internet here is bad and I wouldn't be able to upload :(

After reading some stuff from phil hernon (who I think is full of himself and a prick pretty often) I decided to stop doing all overhead presses and flat bench... My shoulders have never been healthy for so long. High pulls and variations of lateral raises only and more decline bench or dips once worn out (too heavy hurts)

Full of himself and a prick, the mental image is hilarious :D

I won't go below 90 degrees ROM for incline press and military press. I've already ALMOST injured myself. Was taking natadrol and the strength gain was impressive, I was doing way more mil press than I could handle, tweaked summat in my shoulder...now I refuse to go below a 90 ROM for them.

I prefer Arnold presses and dips for shoulder anyway
Oh by the way, I was working late last night and took my off day this morning. Fast twitch muscles are getting no workout lol.

I won't skip sprint day next week o.0
You never did it on cycle? WOW. Don't want to air your laundry here but if you are natural I need to go find a bullet to nibble on because I am hopeless then ha
Yeah Mr. Kleen has cycled before lol
KK is right. I did a testosterone cycle in 1993, then got in an accident at the end of it before my last shot. :( I couldn't work out for a year and lost everything. I did an Epi and Furazadrol stack about 3+ years ago, got 3 weeks in and had to quit due to nasty sides. I had no pct at all on the test run and an OTC for the Epi. I didn't keep any of my gains from either of them due to that. Other than that I have been natural. I am just a thick "Husky guy" who has been lifting since I was 12 so 25 years with about 3-4 years off in between. That being said, I am now on a cycle of Super-DMZ (Dymethazine) :bigok: being logged here Invalid Link Removed Come check out what I can make come out of this frame actually on the strong stuff!

Finest form of flattery Kleen! :439:
I will take it for sure. By the way 1st week review is up in my log your gonna love it!
My body is very confused as to why I am beating the hell out of it with the Warrior Work out!!!!!
Tough Love E, Tough love!
Damn Kleen,

My genetics are horrible. I make no secret of it and I have abused stuff in the past that I am on hrt before 30 and not much further than where you are. Some of us are meant for this and some of us aren't, wish I realized it sooner before doing all of this ha oh well.
****, i know you hadn't cycled much, but you really are all natural.

Well yeah you could basically say that. I was 180 and 5'8" by the time I was 14, when not dieting and eating right I stay pretty heavy like 218-222 with a tendency to move n up to 240 if not watching carefully. I am just meant to be one of those Bubba's that gets fat but is always muscular to a degree. I came out of my mother and the Doctor told her she just had a line backer, and he didn't know how she passed my shoulders. I was only like 7 lb 8 oz too but apparently I was all shoulders.

However Goon I think you are bigger than me by a good bit. My joints are tiny but my ribcage large so I look bigger than I am. My arms were only about 16.25 MAYBE 16.5 inches flexed in that shot. My knees are less than 14 inches around. I just have tiny joints and bones other than my ribcage and shoulder carriage.
Yeah man. My arms are about the same, 16.5-16.75 when I was fat. My arms will never grow. I don't work legs though (it's just not worth it with my back, I am too young and I have the spine of a 90yo).

Either way you are doing good. You carry fat in a different way than me which makes a difference. All of my last fat forms a perfect half inch layer over my abs that won't leave haha...

Oh well, I am interested in the training. I to like frequency training and often use things based on DC or Lyles Ultimate diet 2.0 so this is right up my ally...if this eternal diet ever ends maybe worth a shot.
Yeah man. My arms are about the same, 16.5-16.75 when I was fat. My arms will never grow. I don't work legs though (it's just not worth it with my back, I am too young and I have the spine of a 90yo).

Either way you are doing good. You carry fat in a different way than me which makes a difference. All of my last fat forms a perfect half inch layer over my abs that won't leave haha...

Oh well, I am interested in the training. I to like frequency training and often use things based on DC or Lyles Ultimate diet 2.0 so this is right up my ally...if this eternal diet ever ends maybe worth a shot.

Yeah mine is on my abdomen too. No fat on legs, or arms just my stomach and right under my chest. That under the chest part sucks! I have to be under 8% to even look lean because of the fat there. However that pose hides it well. I was about 6% there I think.
Yeah mine is on my abdomen too. No fat on legs, or arms just my stomach and right under my chest. That under the chest part sucks! I have to be under 8% to even look lean because of the fat there. However that pose hides it well. I was about 6% there I think.

Which pic are you talking about, your avatar?

Not the depleted one from your new log...?

I know about under the chest... I actually have gyno not fat
W: 45x10 --- 110x5 Set 1: 90x8 --- Set 2: 110x8 - Drop 1: 90x10 - Drop 2: 65x10

W: 40x5 --- Set 1: 80x8 --- Set 2: 80x8 - Drop 1: 65x10 - Drop 2: 50x15

W: 70x5 --- Set 1: 130x6 --- Set 2: 130x6 - Drop 1: 110x6 - Drop 2: 70x9

W: 45x10 --- Set 1: 115x8 --- Set 2: 115x8 - Drop 1: 95x6 - Drop 2: 65x10

W: 155x5 --- Got 310x1 - Set 1: 265x5 --- Set 2: 265x6 - Drop 1: 220x5 - Drop 2: 155x7

W: 20x10 --- Set 1: 55x6 --- Set 2: 55x6 - Drop 1: 45x8 - Drop 2: 35x10

Was feelin smoked today for some reason. Think it was the 310 deadlift. Form was not pretty with that. I suppose 50 pounds is to much to add in one week :sgrin: Still got one rep out though. Will kick it down to 275 next week.
MY fat like to sit on my belly also :(

A lot of us suffer from that crap. My lower abs as SOOO hard to upcover, but then I am a whole nother age range and body type.

Keep beating up the iron! Looks like you are winning that fight.
Got 310x1

Was feelin smoked today for some reason. Think it was the 310 deadlift. Form was not pretty with that. I suppose 50 pounds is to much to add in one week :sgrin: Still got one rep out though.

Way to smash out that deadlift Votum!!

Invalid Link Removed
BEEEEE Careful on that hulking deadlift stuff.

I got stupid/unlucky and went for a third rep with 545 and snapped my back and permanently ruined it. Crippling pain and it hurt slightly on a daily basis, working legs is a thing of the past for me.
Yeah be careful, 1 rep on your first working set isn't pretty. Other than that keep it up and you will be a big mofo in no time :)
BEEEEE Careful on that hulking deadlift stuff.

I got stupid/unlucky and went for a third rep with 545 and snapped my back and permanently ruined it. Crippling pain and it hurt slightly on a daily basis, working legs is a thing of the past for me.

Yeah I had a hell of a time getting it up. Bad form deadlift but perfect form SLDL rofl. Not going to try 310 again for awhile

Yeah be careful, 1 rep on your first working set isn't pretty. Other than that keep it up and you will be a big mofo in no time :)

It wasn't a real set though :) Just tried it and then I did match my weight and reps from last week. Success in my book. Not goign back there for a bit though.

On topic: DOMS is non existant this week so far, despite moving up in weight and doing more reps in most exercises. I like it :D I keep doing pullups and pushups throughout the day though to keep sore
315+ deads are fun though. I'm closing in on 4 plates.

I should be seeing 4 plates again in a month or so, don't think I will ever see 5 plates again as I am going without straps. I just don't have the grip strength. I won't consider straps at my age cuz I want the weakest link to be grip rather than my back if you catch my drift...:ponder:
^ Good plan DW lol! I will never get to a weight I have to use straps or wraps for. If my body can't naturally handle it I shouldn't be doing it, and don't need to be doing it either!

Today I rested...2 run days off in a row I feel lazy...but work has gotten in the way.

Just found out today I will be flying north soon. I am expecting a call and about 12 hours notice...they told me they are planning it right now and it might be 2 days out if I am lucky...looks like I need to pack my **** tonight!
^ Good plan DW lol! I will never get to a weight I have to use straps or wraps for. If my body can't naturally handle it I shouldn't be doing it, and don't need to be doing it either!

Today I rested...2 run days off in a row I feel lazy...but work has gotten in the way.

Just found out today I will be flying north soon. I am expecting a call and about 12 hours notice...they told me they are planning it right now and it might be 2 days out if I am lucky...looks like I need to pack my **** tonight!

Good luck!

Pictures incoming, later tonight before I sleep. Camera battery is ded and charger is mia.

W: 40x10 --- Set 1: 70x7 --- Set 2: 70x6 - Drop 1: 55x6 - Drop 2: 40x5

W: 50x10 --- Set 1: 85x8 --- Set 2: 85x8 - Drop 1: 70x8 - Drop 2: 50x10

W: 25x10 --- Set 1: 40x8 --- Set 2: 40x7.5 - Drop 1: 30x6 - Drop 2: 20x6

W: 20x10 --- Set 1: 30x6--- Set 2: 30x6 - Drop 1: 25x3- Drop 2: 20x5

W: 180x10 --- Set 1: 450x8 --- Set 2: 450x8 - Drop 1: 360x10 - Drop 2: 260x10

W: 17x10 --- Set 1: 44x8 --- Set 2: 44x8 - Drop 1: 35x6 - Drop 2: 26x11

I feel awesome once again. Punished myself today because I have missed a few run days. Before I went in I wrote down what weights I was going to do. I only filled the reps in for the warmup, but I doubled my warmup reps for a lot of stuff. I think lunges might eb the best all around leg exercise so I smoked the **** out o myself doing those last. Every other exercise has seen a decent improvement for 2 weeks, my leg press strength is coming back as well. 450x8x2 isn't anything to brag about, but its more than a lot of people can do. I also do my leg presses like every other exercise, no more than 90 degree angles on the worked body parts. I'll eventually be getting up to too much weight and don't want to be pulling anything like an idiot.

Going to be a good day fellas!
Pictures incoming, later tonight before I sleep. Camera battery is ded and charger is mia.

W: 40x10 --- Set 1: 70x7 --- Set 2: 70x6 - Drop 1: 55x6 - Drop 2: 40x5

W: 50x10 --- Set 1: 85x8 --- Set 2: 85x8 - Drop 1: 70x8 - Drop 2: 50x10

W: 25x10 --- Set 1: 40x8 --- Set 2: 40x7.5 - Drop 1: 30x6 - Drop 2: 20x6

W: 20x10 --- Set 1: 30x6--- Set 2: 30x6 - Drop 1: 25x3- Drop 2: 20x5

W: 180x10 --- Set 1: 450x8 --- Set 2: 450x8 - Drop 1: 360x10 - Drop 2: 260x10

W: 17x10 --- Set 1: 44x8 --- Set 2: 44x8 - Drop 1: 35x6 - Drop 2: 26x11

I feel awesome once again. Punished myself today because I have missed a few run days. Before I went in I wrote down what weights I was going to do. I only filled the reps in for the warmup, but I doubled my warmup reps for a lot of stuff. I think lunges might eb the best all around leg exercise so I smoked the **** out o myself doing those last. Every other exercise has seen a decent improvement for 2 weeks, my leg press strength is coming back as well. 450x8x2 isn't anything to brag about, but its more than a lot of people can do. I also do my leg presses like every other exercise, no more than 90 degree angles on the worked body parts. I'll eventually be getting up to too much weight and don't want to be pulling anything like an idiot.

Going to be a good day fellas!
