Transformation & Physique Goal Challenge 2018! Let's get it done!!!



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Dates are all over the place. Was trying to find pictures which are comparable. What I noticed is my mid section had leaned out a bit more even though I am on a lean bulk. This helps my lats to spread out.

Please critique. I need some suggestions on where I could improve and what I can do to improve.

2 months ago was the end of my cut.

View attachment 162691
May be because of different lighting but you look leaner today than at the end of your cut!


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May be because of different lighting but you look leaner today than at the end of your cut!
Yes. I do look leaner. My weight is up though. I started at 163lbs and now I am 167lbs. I know 4lbs doesn’t mean anything. But still... And that was my first cut after a year of adding weight to my bones. So, it wasn’t perfect.


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Yes. I do look leaner. My weight is up though. I started at 163lbs and now I am 167lbs. I know 4lbs doesn’t mean anything. But still... And that was my first cut after a year of adding weight to my bones. So, it wasn’t perfect.
Well you're doing something right though. Lookin good


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Looking great, jtmass !


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jtmass You my friend are looking great !!


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Thanks guys. And advice on what to focus on more? My chest development is weak. So, I am focusing a bit more to get them in shape.
I think your proportions look good. Just keep doing what you are doing, I'm sure you know by now what muscles develop slow and faster for you.


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I think your proportions look good. Just keep doing what you are doing, I'm sure you know by now what muscles develop slow and faster for you.
Yes. But, it helps a lot to get feedback from an experienced eye


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I think your balance looks pretty good. Just keep doing what you have been, it's working!!


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Well, visual progress is not too great here but I am down 1.3lbs from 2 weeks ago. Not too bad I guess when you consider how off I was on training and diet the week before last. Still not enough progress for me to be happy with but at least I am not exactly the same. Literally have a month left now. Really going to have to do something special if I want to see some serious changes in that time...

Here comes more cardio and the possibility of going keto for a bit. I didn't want to do keto but it might be what I need to jumpstart this process. Maybe just a 2 week stint then introduce 100-150g of carbs post workout only. I am really frustrated that even this competition / challenge did not get me more motivated than it has. Normally it will be enough to outweigh the other challenges but right now, all it is doing is keeping me from going backwards. I guess in a stressful time that is better than nothing but I am going to have to do something to come out better on the other end of this.

Here I am at 208 on the nose, down from 209.3. Like I said not enough change here but back to moving in the right direction... In my opinion there are no visible improvements to my physique this time out. I have failed to follow my plan, and that has led to temporary failure. Got to get things back on track if I don't want this to end in failure as well.

It is really pretty simple the only person I am failing here is myself, so I have to decide if I am going to allow that or not. I know what needs done...

The visual proof -
Front 208.JPG
Rear 208.JPG

Side 208.JPG

Here is a candid that to me actually shows a little more of my leanness. The ab on the top right side (left side in pic) is starting to stick out and separate from the ones under it, but other than that not much progress showing here except the sides toward the obliques.
Relax candid.jpg


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Well, visual progress is not too great here but I am down 1.3lbs from 2 weeks ago. Not too bad I guess when you consider how off I was on training and diet the week before last. Still not enough progress for me to be happy with but at least I am not exactly the same. Literally have a month left now. Really going to have to do something special if I want to see some serious changes in that time...

Here comes more cardio and the possibility of going keto for a bit. I didn't want to do keto but it might be what I need to jumpstart this process. Maybe just a 2 week stint then introduce 100-150g of carbs post workout only. I am really frustrated that even this competition / challenge did not get me more motivated than it has. Normally it will be enough to outweigh the other challenges but right now, all it is doing is keeping me from going backwards. I guess in a stressful time that is better than nothing but I am going to have to do something to come out better on the other end of this.

Here I am at 208 on the nose, down from 209.3. Like I said not enough change here but back to moving in the right direction... In my opinion there are no visible improvements to my physique this time out. I have failed to follow my plan, and that has led to temporary failure. Got to get things back on track if I don't want this to end in failure as well.

It is really pretty simple the only person I am failing here is myself, so I have to decide if I am going to allow that or not. I know what needs done...

The visual proof -
View attachment 162767View attachment 162768

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Here is a candid that to me actually shows a little more of my leanness. The ab on the top right side (left side in pic) is starting to stick out and separate from the ones under it, but other than that not much progress showing here except the sides toward the obliques.
View attachment 162770
Like you say, you have a month. Wars have been won in less bro.......

Time for you to dial in and step up (cause at the moment jtmass is handing us all our a55’s - lol)


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MrKleen73 give it all you got in this one month. We are all here to see the better version of us. So, even if you get a little leaner than where you started, it’s good. The competition is only the kickstart most of us wanted and you just have to keep going even after that.

JUST DO IT, god dammit!! (Stolen from Rich Piana, god dammit!! RIP)


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Like you say, you have a month. Wars have been won in less bro.......

Time for you to dial in and step up (cause at the moment jtmass is handing us all our a55’s - lol)
LMAO. I just visualised it. Sick mind


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Left was 1-26-18 206.2 , Right 3-29-18 208.4
Crab 1-26-2018.jpg
3-29-2018 Crab.jpg

FDB 1-26-2018.jpg
3-29-2018 DB.jpg

Side 1-26-2018.jpg
3-29-2018 Side.jpg

Front 1-26-2018.jpg
3-29-2018 Front.jpg


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sorry pics are too small. let me try this again. my internet is going in and out today.


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Like you say, you have a month. Wars have been won in less bro.......

Time for you to dial in and step up (cause at the moment jtmass is handing us all our a55’s - lol)
Exactly, I haven't given up, more or less giving myself the verbal lashing I needed and mentioning that I have failed up to this point.

Owning up to the fact this has been an abysmal failure thus far and it is completely my own fault is one of the big things here. I have to recognize that each day is a pass fail, and I have had way too many days that I have chosen to fail thus far. Lets not pretend for any of us who are not making the progress we intended. We are failing ourselves, and doing it publicly... I know for myself personally, I should be a lot more embarrassed by this than I am to be honest. Am I a man who does what he says he is going to do, or not? That is the real question here! Right now, I am not making myself proud, I am actually a bit ashamed of not sticking to my guns after stating I was going to do better in here. So here it is 4 weeks left and I need to make up for lost time if I want to finish this able to hold my head high.

MrKleen73 give it all you got in this one month. We are all here to see the better version of us. So, even if you get a little leaner than where you started, it’s good. The competition is only the kickstart most of us wanted and you just have to keep going even after that.

JUST DO IT, god dammit!! (Stolen from Rich Piana, god dammit!! RIP)
Fug an A! The bolded, that is really all it comes down too. Just fugging do it already!!!


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Collage 2018-04-03 04_39_27.jpg

Good morning Autobots.

Weighed in at 101.5kg this morning, up 1.5kg from Thurs last week thanks to a big weekend of food. Ah well, it was fun catching up with family and not worrying about restricting calories for the weekend.

Despite being sick a couple of times, I have been feling pretty good in the gym over the last 2 weeks, I am pretty sure thanks to the S4 kicking in, and my psoas tear finally recovering - I can literally feel my core tightening up again and this allows me to want to lift heavy again. Highlights have included hitting 230kg for deadlift triples, squatting 180kg for a single, and 5x10 with 90kg on the bench.

My focus now is to try and slightly increase my volume while maintaining my planned calorie intake - 2700cal/day this week then 2650 next week - to try and get this fat urning off again. I really wnat to hit at least 97kg, preferably 95.


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View attachment 162783

Good morning Autobots.

Weighed in at 101.5kg this morning, up 1.5kg from Thurs last week thanks to a big weekend of food. Ah well, it was fun catching up with family and not worrying about restricting calories for the weekend.

Despite being sick a couple of times, I have been feling pretty good in the gym over the last 2 weeks, I am pretty sure thanks to the S4 kicking in, and my psoas tear finally recovering - I can literally feel my core tightening up again and this allows me to want to lift heavy again. Highlights have included hitting 230kg for deadlift triples, squatting 180kg for a single, and 5x10 with 90kg on the bench.

My focus now is to try and slightly increase my volume while maintaining my planned calorie intake - 2700cal/day this week then 2650 next week - to try and get this fat urning off again. I really wnat to hit at least 97kg, preferably 95.
Definitely see the improvement around the abs from your last pic bro


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Good morning Autobots.

Weighed in at 101.5kg this morning, up 1.5kg from Thurs last week thanks to a big weekend of food. Ah well, it was fun catching up with family and not worrying about restricting calories for the weekend.

Despite being sick a couple of times, I have been feling pretty good in the gym over the last 2 weeks, I am pretty sure thanks to the S4 kicking in, and my psoas tear finally recovering - I can literally feel my core tightening up again and this allows me to want to lift heavy again. Highlights have included hitting 230kg for deadlift triples, squatting 180kg for a single, and 5x10 with 90kg on the bench.

My focus now is to try and slightly increase my volume while maintaining my planned calorie intake - 2700cal/day this week then 2650 next week - to try and get this fat urning off again. I really wnat to hit at least 97kg, preferably 95.
You look heavier than 100kg and like a strongman. Like Whisky said, I too see some improvement on abs.
Sadly, we can't choose where we lose the fat, LOL. The damn hip tire is my favorite storage place -but when dieting, I lose everywhere but on the hips. Stay the course!


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Going to try this again!
Sweats 1-29-2018 206.2lb , Shorts 3-29-18 208.4 Waist down 1 ", Up 2lb.
Front 1-26-2018 correct.jpg

3-29-2018 Front.jpg

Crab 1-26-2018 correct.jpg

3-29-2018 Crab.jpg

Side 1-26-2018 Correct.jpg

3-29-2018 Side.jpg


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Studhorse Traps and Shoulders always look good, Abs starting to show !!


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Looking good guys! Guess it’s time for me to get serious on this summer build!


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Studhorse Traps and Shoulders always look good, Abs starting to show !!
Thanks brother. Don't really see any improvement except in the traps. Started hitting them again after 6 months off, Wish my other body parts would grow like them. If you look really close you can see a new baby vein in each bicep. lol


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Hit 8 reps @320 on frontsquat today. That puts my estimated 1RM somewhere between 380-400. 4 plates, I’m still gunning for you!!!


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Hit 8 reps @320 on frontsquat today. That puts my estimated 1RM somewhere between 380-400. 4 plates, I’m still gunning for you!!!
He comes in and tells us this but doesn't mention he has been consistently PR'ing in multiple lifts in his training log. Hyde is killing the game right now!!!


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Hit 8 reps @320 on frontsquat today. That puts my estimated 1RM somewhere between 380-400. 4 plates, I’m still gunning for you!!!
That’s some nice lifting bro


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I’m progressing nicely on my cycle, strength is way up and scales have me over 20lbs up.

In theory the calories I’m eating and training program should be spot on for lean mass gain with a little fat loss. Problem is I’m retaining a lot of water so I can’t tell.

My cycle finishes in 3 weeks so if the water peels straight off I may come strong at the end, or I might have mis judged things and win a wooden spoon for worst recomp lol

Going to knuckle down and keep pushing through, doing my best to keep up.....


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He comes in and tells us this but doesn't mention he has been consistently PR'ing in multiple lifts in his training log. Hyde is killing the game right now!!!
It’s easy to PR if you try to focus on pushing things you never have


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Thanks brother. Don't really see any improvement except in the traps. Started hitting them again after 6 months off, Wish my other body parts would grow like them. If you look really close you can see a new baby vein in each bicep. lol
It's funny how even after all these years we still get excited about a "New Vein" !!


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Well put!
I’m trying not to be the guy who’s got a PR for best off-hand db press wearing lifting shoes on a Saturday during the vernal equinox, but I do always try to push my numbers in everything I train over time somehow. All the little improvements one day at a time add up to something bigger over years!


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I’m trying not to be the guy who’s got a PR for best off-hand db press wearing lifting shoes on a Saturday during the vernal equinox, but I do always try to push my numbers in everything I train over time somehow. All the little improvements one day at a time add up to something bigger over years!
Only way to do it in my opinion or you will stall out.I always add progressive load with any workout variance I do. It just works.
I started my daughter at 14 on progressive load workouts. she has only grown 1" In 2.5 years (now up to 5ft. tall) . She started at 96lbs and weighed in @ 130lb. yesterday and has increased her home to first base time to 2.5 sec. (Note: only 60ft. in softball) She also back squatted 150 for 12 reps. yesterday.
Proud Dad here! Her work ethic and dedication is a lot more than I had at that age. Plus she is a 4.0 student.


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It’s easy to PR if you try to focus on pushing things you never have
Only way to do it in my opinion or you will stall out.I always add progressive load with any workout variance I do. It just works.
I started my daughter at 14 on progressive load workouts. she has only grown 1" In 2.5 years (now up to 5ft. tall) . She started at 96lbs and weighed in @ 130lb. yesterday and has increased her home to first base time to 2.5 sec. (Note: only 60ft. in softball) She also back squatted 150 for 12 reps. yesterday.
Proud Dad here! Her work ethic and dedication is a lot more than I had at that age. Plus she is a 4.0 student.
Awesome and congrats....

Guys, I hate to say it but we are losing a "natty" again for this round. I have really become intrigued with this new Var protocol brought up in another thread, and am really wanting to try it out. Between being intrigued by this and wanting some extra motivation to get things going I decided to go ahead and run this. So I am going to be adding in one 40mg dose of Var in the evenings @ 6:00PM every night. Between this and dropping calories closer to 2000 I expect to see some quick results over the last 4 weeks of this challenge.


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Awesome and congrats....

Guys, I hate to say it but we are losing a "natty" again for this round. I have really become intrigued with this new Var protocol brought up in another thread, and am really wanting to try it out. Between being intrigued by this and wanting some extra motivation to get things going I decided to go ahead and run this. So I am going to be adding in one 40mg dose of Var in the evenings @ 6:00PM every night. Between this and dropping calories closer to 2000 I expect to see some quick results over the last 4 weeks of this challenge.
Happy for you, sad for me (as more competition in the enhanced) lol


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5 weeks left. Man that is such a short time


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Only way to do it in my opinion or you will stall out.I always add progressive load with any workout variance I do. It just works.
I started my daughter at 14 on progressive load workouts. she has only grown 1" In 2.5 years (now up to 5ft. tall) . She started at 96lbs and weighed in @ 130lb. yesterday and has increased her home to first base time to 2.5 sec. (Note: only 60ft. in softball) She also back squatted 150 for 12 reps. yesterday.
Proud Dad here! Her work ethic and dedication is a lot more than I had at that age. Plus she is a 4.0 student.
It is a Great Thing to have children you are proud of. Congratulations !!

Awesome and congrats....

Guys, I hate to say it but we are losing a "natty" again for this round. I have really become intrigued with this new Var protocol brought up in another thread, and am really wanting to try it out. Between being intrigued by this and wanting some extra motivation to get things going I decided to go ahead and run this. So I am going to be adding in one 40mg dose of Var in the evenings @ 6:00PM every night. Between this and dropping calories closer to 2000 I expect to see some quick results over the last 4 weeks of this challenge.
Good Luck !!


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Awesome and congrats....

Guys, I hate to say it but we are losing a "natty" again for this round. I have really become intrigued with this new Var protocol brought up in another thread, and am really wanting to try it out. Between being intrigued by this and wanting some extra motivation to get things going I decided to go ahead and run this. So I am going to be adding in one 40mg dose of Var in the evenings @ 6:00PM every night. Between this and dropping calories closer to 2000 I expect to see some quick results over the last 4 weeks of this challenge.
Looking forward to seeing your var gains!


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It is a Great Thing to have children you are proud of. Congratulations !!

Good Luck !!
True. She already has 2 offers to play in college. She is only a soph. so we are holding out to see what happens this summer then she will probably verbally commit the middle of her Jr. year.


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Looking forward to seeing your var gains!
Or is it losses?
Well with how Var normally works for me it might be tit for tat as far as weight goes. I tend to recomp on it extremely well, and with the level of fasting his protocol wants me to follow I should be spending most of the day burning a lot of fat! I wouldn't be too surprised to see me very close to the same weight with a decent set of abs at the end. Then again 40mg is not a massive dose and the best I had was running it at 75mg. I actually gained some lbs then and ended up leaner in the end. We shall see what happens here.

If this protocol improves things as he said then I am hoping to get almost as good of results from this 40mg as I did on 75. Not quite the same but if it is close then I will be consider the test of his protocol a great success!!!

Either way the scale is not much of a concern to me so much is physique improvements. I will be happy at 195 or 210 with decent abs and less psuedogyno.


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I started taking yk11 on Monday and boy has it kicked in this morning. My aggression and strength have just sky rocketed, I am literally raging my way through sets. Still taking s4 at 75mg/day, card at 20mg/day and mk at 30mg/day. Going to book in a bloodtest for next week, I really should keep an eye on my liver at this point.


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I started taking yk11 on Monday and boy has it kicked in this morning. My aggression and strength have just sky rocketed, I am literally raging my way through sets. Still taking s4 at 75mg/day, card at 20mg/day and mk at 30mg/day. Going to book in a bloodtest for next week, I really should keep an eye on my liver at this point.
If your strength is sky rocketing they’ll have to buy more plates in whatever gym you train in.....


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I started taking yk11 on Monday and boy has it kicked in this morning. My aggression and strength have just sky rocketed, I am literally raging my way through sets. Still taking s4 at 75mg/day, card at 20mg/day and mk at 30mg/day. Going to book in a bloodtest for next week, I really should keep an eye on my liver at this point.
Just keep your water very high, maybe add some NAC or ALA at ~1g daily, you’ll be swell.

Still get the bloods; I’m just saying those 2-3 items go a long way. Adding TUDCA is the only additional thing that really would improve protection significantly beyond that, but I can’t see this stack warranting that.

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