Transformation & Physique Goal Challenge 2018! Let's get it done!!!



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Here’s me currently. Dexa 2 weeks ago put me at 18% bf (for those that dont know me I used to be fat hence the weird loose skin going on).

Goal 1 is lean bulk (on cycle in March) and ideally get to 215lbs with same bf (currently 205) after pct.

Goal 2 is a 400lb squat (currently 352) and 500lb dead (current 440). Goal 2 is obviously massively ambitious in the timescales, realistically for this thread the aim is simply progress towards those numbers to hit them by year end.

Good luck to everyone - let’s get it smashed

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Update pic, feel like I’m starting to make progress here (granted my shocking picture taking makes it harder to evaluate lol).

I’m 20lbs heavier in this pic today (hopefully mostly water) - I’m more defined and vascular everywhere apart from my midriff (where my loose skin is probably holding a lot of the water from the trest).

Definition starting to come back though......

Hope everyone’s having a good weekend



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Whisky - Vascularity is looking good !!


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Whisky progress is obvious brother!


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My weight is dropping and I like what the mirror is saying !!


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Update pic, feel like I’m starting to make progress here (granted my shocking picture taking makes it harder to evaluate lol).

I’m 20lbs heavier in this pic today (hopefully mostly water) - I’m more defined and vascular everywhere apart from my midriff (where my loose skin is probably holding a lot of the water from the trest).

Definition starting to come back though......

Hope everyone’s having a good weekend

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Shoulders and chest are looking heaps bigger!


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Update pic, feel like I’m starting to make progress here (granted my shocking picture taking makes it harder to evaluate lol).

I’m 20lbs heavier in this pic today (hopefully mostly water) - I’m more defined and vascular everywhere apart from my midriff (where my loose skin is probably holding a lot of the water from the trest).

Definition starting to come back though......

Hope everyone’s having a good weekend

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You should do a side by side comparison of where you started and where you’re at now. The progress you made is obvious. Awesome!


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Update pic, feel like I’m starting to make progress here (granted my shocking picture taking makes it harder to evaluate lol).

I’m 20lbs heavier in this pic today (hopefully mostly water) - I’m more defined and vascular everywhere apart from my midriff (where my loose skin is probably holding a lot of the water from the trest).

Definition starting to come back though......

Hope everyone’s having a good weekend

View attachment 163044
Awesome progress man. Shoulder definition and vascularity are poppin!


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Id like to see a before pic from when you frist started trying to lose weight. What did you say you lost? 140 pounds?
On the left me when I started, on the right a year later (and 140lbs lighter), I’m about 40lbs heavier than the photo on the right now......



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Whisky Congratulation on your hard work. You are an inspiration !!


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On the left me when I started, on the right a year later (and 140lbs lighter), I’m about 40lbs heavier than the photo on the right now......

View attachment 163079
Can't wait to see a year from now and where your at. Cause you are definetly crushing it brother.


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Can't wait to see a year from now and where your at. Cause you are definetly crushing it brother.
Thanks DC, like I say, seeing what you fellas achieve helps me keep pushing. I’ve got an idea on where I want to get to but just enjoying the journey


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Not getting my notifications for some reason.
Up to 209.4lb. no new noodz. my photographer "wife" was not feeling good last friday and didn't go to the gym.
Nothing to really report. weight is up a little and look the same. Workouts have been good. Strength is still climbing nicely on the larger muscle groups.


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Holding steady at 229.0. Nothing crazy but it’s 4lbs lost in 3 weeks with a LOT of family commitments every weekend so it’s progress.

Diet has had a lot more veggies, fruit, whole grains and legumes so that’s definitely a win.


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I have been sick since Saturday, and unfortunately not the kind that drops a bunch of weight off of you when trying to cut... I had some sort of a stomach bug, but it wasn't a diarreah and puke fest. Just a lot of naseua and discomfort with some puking mixed in occasionally for good measure.

I was able to eat when feeling well enough, but was not prepping food. So I just ended up trying to eat as much as I could of whatever the family was having for dinner. I kept to my fasting but had eggs for a mid day feeding Monday and Tuesday as I was feeling a little bit better and figured eggs were probably the easiest thing I could digest.

I don't think I made much progress at all last week but it is hard to tell. The addition of Var and 30g creatine daily had me back up to a fasted 209.7lbs Saturday morning. So up 1.5lbs or something. I cut the creatine down to 15-20g in the AM due to excessive bloat and discomfort. I will try to work my way back up. Hopefully now that I am not feeling so sick I can bump things back up. The creatine has me pissing like a race horse, just nonstop. The added water retention is hiding any noticeable progress but hoping things will show up in the next week. If I remain uncomfortable from the creatine, I will drop it lower. We shall see how this goes. I do feel like I look a little more full though... I know, not the goal, but the added creatine is just going to have the effect.


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Hope you start feeling better brother!


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Hope you start feeling better brother!
Thanks, I seem to be getting a little better throughout the day. Really starting to get hungry, which is a good sign as up until now I ate because I knew I needed to and not because I was hungry. I am supposed to be fasting until training but I might just have a little something to hold myself over. Maybe some nuts and a shake, or some tuna salad or something.


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Tuna Salad on an upset stomach ...................... ?


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Tuna Salad on an upset stomach ...................... ?
Pretty much all fish is easy to digest. Tuna probably not as much as whitefish, it may not sound that appetizing with a jacked up stomach, but easy to digest. Plus I keep 3 cans up here in the fridge so I can make it in a pinch if needed. So it being on hand is a big part of that thought process. I still haven't eaten though... walked around and got a bit of a 2nd wind, or should I say my liver dumped some glycogen for me so I am re-energized. I think I am going to have some nuts, olives, and a couple cheese sticks here in a few minutes but not a full on meal. See how I feel after that then decide if I want to have a whole meal before leaving here and maybe try to get a workout in.

Probably me having very high hopes as far as training tonight goes. I think if I do, it won't be a balls to the wall session, just a get blood into things and spur a bit of protein synthesis.


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I have been sick since Saturday, and unfortunately not the kind that drops a bunch of weight off of you when trying to cut... I had some sort of a stomach bug, but it wasn't a diarreah and puke fest. Just a lot of naseua and discomfort with some puking mixed in occasionally for good measure.

I was able to eat when feeling well enough, but was not prepping food. So I just ended up trying to eat as much as I could of whatever the family was having for dinner. I kept to my fasting but had eggs for a mid day feeding Monday and Tuesday as I was feeling a little bit better and figured eggs were probably the easiest thing I could digest.

I don't think I made much progress at all last week but it is hard to tell. The addition of Var and 30g creatine daily had me back up to a fasted 209.7lbs Saturday morning. So up 1.5lbs or something. I cut the creatine down to 15-20g in the AM due to excessive bloat and discomfort. I will try to work my way back up. Hopefully now that I am not feeling so sick I can bump things back up. The creatine has me pissing like a race horse, just nonstop. The added water retention is hiding any noticeable progress but hoping things will show up in the next week. If I remain uncomfortable from the creatine, I will drop it lower. We shall see how this goes. I do feel like I look a little more full though... I know, not the goal, but the added creatine is just going to have the effect.
Sorry to hear that bro - hope you can finish strong now


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Getting nearer the end now guys.....hope everyone is ready to bring it.....

I'm feeling good on where i am right now so you boys might have to step it up haha


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Getting nearer the end now guys.....hope everyone is ready to bring it.....

I'm feeling good on where i am right now so you boys might have to step it up haha
I'm feeling safe in the get fatter and lose muscle category of the competition! Bring it! lol


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Getting nearer the end now guys.....hope everyone is ready to bring it.....

I'm feeling good on where i am right now so you boys might have to step it up haha
I was trying to step it up before I got sick. Hopefully I burned a little fat while sick. The next 3-4 weeks is going to be much more focused on leaning up.


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Well I have put on 2.5kg (nearly 6Ib) since Tues week ago, despite maintaining diet discipline and even throwing in a couple of fasts. Constant hunger, mild anxiety, tiny testicles, an outbreak of zits and some serious water retention seem to be the side effects from my YK regime, but the pumps and aggression in the gym are making it all worthwhile. This is definitely the strongest PED I have taking to date.

I feel like my body is adapting to it however, so I am hoping to drop some more weight over the last few weeks and get down below 100kg while on cycle.


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Well I have put on 2.5kg (nearly 6Ib) since Tues week ago, despite maintaining diet discipline and even throwing in a couple of fasts. Constant hunger, mild anxiety, tiny testicles, an outbreak of zits and some serious water retention seem to be the side effects from my YK regime, but the pumps and aggression in the gym are making it all worthwhile. This is definitely the strongest PED I have taking to date.

I feel like my body is adapting to it however, so I am hoping to drop some more weight over the last few weeks and get down below 100kg while on cycle.
How much YK are you dosing and how close to training?


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Well I have put on 2.5kg (nearly 6Ib) since Tues week ago, despite maintaining diet discipline and even throwing in a couple of fasts. Constant hunger, mild anxiety, tiny testicles, an outbreak of zits and some serious water retention seem to be the side effects from my YK regime, but the pumps and aggression in the gym are making it all worthwhile. This is definitely the strongest PED I have taking to date.

I feel like my body is adapting to it however, so I am hoping to drop some more weight over the last few weeks and get down below 100kg while on cycle.
Big nuts are over rated lol.

Sounds like it’s progressing well bro


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Was feeling better last night and able to get a lift in, the pump was just unreal!

However I woke up today looking like I had some extra water on me. I am attributing that to the high creatine dosing, and maybe the fact that I had 3 cups of milk with my protein shake. I normally don't respond that way to milk so I still think it is the creatine at this point.

Hopefully by the end of next week I will be able to see some serious differences in my physique. I made a lot of changes recently and they just have to show their damn head at some point!!! Either way, onward and upward, I got things to make happen. I will just keep doing the things I know I need to do and the results will show in due time. If the bloating continues though I will probably stop with the high creatine dose. Only way I will keep it otherwise is if there is a good bit more growth than expected.

Anyway the workout last night was awesome just need to see some definition start to come in.


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Was feeling better last night and able to get a lift in, the pump was just unreal!

However I woke up today looking like I had some extra water on me. I am attributing that to the high creatine dosing, and maybe the fact that I had 3 cups of milk with my protein shake. I normally don't respond that way to milk so I still think it is the creatine at this point.

Hopefully by the end of next week I will be able to see some serious differences in my physique. I made a lot of changes recently and they just have to show their damn head at some point!!! Either way, onward and upward, I got things to make happen. I will just keep doing the things I know I need to do and the results will show in due time. If the bloating continues though I will probably stop with the high creatine dose. Only way I will keep it otherwise is if there is a good bit more growth than expected.

Anyway the workout last night was awesome just need to see some definition start to come in.
I hope you will continue to get to where you want even after this challenge gets over.


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Spark Note Updates since starting cut on 03/26/2018
*Started at 196.6 lbs and lost 3 lbs in the first 3 days from having a consistent diet (water weight and bloat)
*In a span of about 2 weeks dropped another 3 lbs. Last weighed myself on sunday/monday at around 190 lbs.
*This week I varied my diet: dropped around 50-100 cals, and switched my lunch carb source from rice to quinoa & black beans.
*I feel that I am loosing fat, but very slowly and I am going to keep it that way.
*For about a week now i have increased my low intensity cardio (walks 30-40 min 3-4 times per week during lunch).
*Will increase cardio sessions a bit more on off days.


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I hope you will continue to get to where you want even after this challenge gets over.
Oh, I will and trust me I am working toward it right now. Just hard to tell what is going on with the new regiment and all the dang creatine. I HAVE to have lost fat the last two weeks. I am 209 with a ton of muscle and the highest calories got last week was in the 2400 range... If I am not burning fat then there is just something wrong here...


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Spark Note Updates since starting cut on 03/26/2018
*Started at 196.6 lbs and lost 3 lbs in the first 3 days from having a consistent diet (water weight and bloat)
*In a span of about 2 weeks dropped another 3 lbs. Last weighed myself on sunday/monday at around 190 lbs.
*This week I varied my diet: dropped around 50-100 cals, and switched my lunch carb source from rice to quinoa & black beans.
*I feel that I am loosing fat, but very slowly and I am going to keep it that way.
*For about a week now i have increased my low intensity cardio (walks 30-40 min 3-4 times per week during lunch).
*Will increase cardio sessions a bit more on off days.
Do you really feel you are at a sticking point where you need to increase cardio, or are the walks just activity and not brisk enough to count as actual cardio?


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Do you really feel you are at a sticking point where you need to increase cardio, or are the walks just activity and not brisk enough to count as actual cardio?
Correct. The walks are just keeping me active instead of sitting the rest of my lunch. Actual cardio that I count i have only done once a week so far, so I want to step that up to at least my 2 rest days.


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Correct. The walks are just keeping me active instead of sitting the rest of my lunch. Actual cardio that I count i have only done once a week so far, so I want to step that up to at least my 2 rest days.
Makes sense, when I first looked at it I thought you were doing 30-40 minutes cardio and wanting to add more... Then realized these are probably walks like I do for lunch when not too busy.


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I started out this challenge at 184lbs down to 177lbs this morning !!


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Controlled Labs is dropping an awesome new preWO:


Since many of you are losing weight, bodyweight exercises are getting easier - I just wanted to invite anyone here interested to check out our latest promo to win a CL stack:

Controlled Labs: WHITE FLASH Push Up Contest!

How many quality pushups can you pull off in 2 minutes? 3 prize packs each for men and women, so get the ladies involved too!

Also have a logger application thread up as well


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Controlled Labs is dropping an awesome new preWO:

View attachment 163472

Since many of you are losing weight, bodyweight exercises are getting easier - I just wanted to invite anyone here interested to check out our latest promo to win a CL stack:

Controlled Labs: WHITE FLASH Push Up Contest!

How many quality pushups can you pull off in 2 minutes? 3 prize packs each for men and women, so get the ladies involved too!

Also have a logger application thread up as well
Cool contest!


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Collage 2018-04-14 07_18_28.jpg

Here is my progress pic this week. I was trying to stand up a bit straighter in these ones, kind of look a bit strange as a result.

Current body weight 102.5kg, about half a kg down from last week but up 2.5 from my lowest so far.

Got blood work done this week. My test is low (to be expected) at 5.5nmol (range 10-30), I am iron and calciun deficient, and AST is slightly elevated (55) while ALT remains low (31). This is pretty normal for high protein calorie deficit.

Gym sessions have been good this week, hitting numbers that previously were unachievable during this cut, and recovering very quickly. YK is lots of fun in the gym, but I have been getting some nasty cramps in the middle of the night.

Work has been challenging as I am finding my brain is not functioning well leading to embarrassing mistakes. Thinking about eating more carbs next week.


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Said anyone cutting ever

You could try to pull fats even lower to make room for more, or add more veggies
Or, if you just now dropped carbs quite a bit you could hold off and wait to see if you adjust to fat burning for your energy requirements. Often there is a cloudy period after a big drop in carbs but it is almost always transient in nature lasting 4-10 days.


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Day 1 left right today. This is now 3 weeks into cut from “bulking” up from day 1.

3 weeks ago left.

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