Transformation & Physique Goal Challenge 2018! Let's get it done!!!



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Yikes! You probably want to bring your hands in closer, the weight shouldn't be on the wrists and elbows. When I used to keep my hands too wide there was a lot of pressure on my wrists, but moving them in closer fixed that for me. My index finders are right on the edge of the knurling now and definitely inside my shoulders. If you have them out past your shoulders the weight is really going to be cranking down on them and trying to fold them up in a way they are not meant to go. When in close it's just a matter of bending at the elbow in the natural way it bends.

Oh it does but the guys shoulders are so big it probably isn't any less comfortable than a back squat. Guy is THICK!!!!!
Ha I don’t have much issue anymore since moving closer but with 650lb there’s no “good” wrist position ha.


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Yeah Rob Kearney is a crazy athlete - the foot speed is as wild as his strength.

Talking crazy frontsquats, Derek Kendall hit 832 in Chicago a couple years back, and more recently Jeza Uepa (spelling?) was alleged to have hit 400kg (880lbs). I know Clint Darden said recently he wants to get back to a 600lb front if he can.

That’s not a movement you can use a suit or briefs with at all, either. That’s just a bar on your throat and your desire to succeed.
This ^


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Trying to reel my diet in. Today is the day, now is the time!


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Trying to reel my diet in. Today is the day, now is the time!
Me too. Just started meal prepping for the week on sunday. The only problem is eating this clean it doesnt seem like i can ever bring enough food. Being a framer and crushing the gym at 4am every day makes me a hungry MFer. Trying to stick to it though and now that my test is starting to work i feel like im already getting leaner


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Me too. Just started meal prepping for the week on sunday. The only problem is eating this clean it doesnt seem like i can ever bring enough food. Being a framer and crushing the gym at 4am every day makes me a hungry MFer. Trying to stick to it though and now that my test is starting to work i feel like im already getting leaner
I know the feels...I am working on the thirs floor of a 3 storey walk up and running the job which means I am constantly downing tools for meeting or to address issues on other floors. I have been clocking my steps and ladt 3 days have ggeen over 23000.


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I know the feels...I am working on the thirs floor of a 3 storey walk up and running the job which means I am constantly downing tools for meeting or to address issues on other floors. I have been clocking my steps and ladt 3 days have ggeen over 23000.
Yeah i havent been logging my steps but when i used to i went over 30,000 several times


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Hey guys - I am with everyone else. Life has had its setbacks over the past couple weeks. I'm not losing weight, but I'm not giving up either. I can do better.

The thing about dieting really is - it's just getting to the point where you ACTUALLY decide. And making a decision isn't what most people think. It's not "Ok, let's do this". It's actually something inside that just clicks. It is calm. It doesn't involve effort necessarily. When you finally decide, there are no other options. It's like you've ALREADY achieved it. It's almost like things happen in reverse. You achieve it and THEN put in the work. It's kind of a strange thing. I know hairygrandpa knows what I'm talking about. It may sound crazy, but once you have that feeling the power of that mindset is unbelievable.

Anyway, I am seeing small increases in strength, but I need to do better their too.

On Sunday I hit 275 X 12 and 305 X 4 on squats. That's a 1 rep improvement on each set. I was hoping to be a bit stronger, at least enough that I may be able to hit the 15 X 275 next week and jump to 285 the following week.

My bench press has been stagnant and I did a little extra last week and then on Sunday I actually fell BEHIND! Last week I did 14 X 185 and 3 X 235.

This week I only got 13 X 185 and 2 X 235. I was so frustrated with that. I almost just took it and went onto the rest of my workout but I was so fed up I decided that after that, since it seems like I have trouble with the reps more than the weight (there is a 50 pound difference between my sets and I still can't hit the 15. Also, 185 feels light to me and I think I will EASILY hit 15 until I get to 10 and then suddenly it's downhill fast) - I decided I was going to do 100 reps with 185 (not including what I already did). I wasn't going to count sets. Just go for 100 reps.

And, I got 101 reps in 23 sets and it took me over an hour to complete. Just that. And I was exhausted. The last few sets were 2 reps each. I could barely lift my arms after that.

We will see if it pays off...


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Transformation & Physique Goal Challenge 2018! Let's get it done!!!

HIT4ME,Nice Numbers! Diet is the hardest thing to dial in,and being consistent with it.


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I have never hit 30,000 steps in a day normal is about 12,000


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I have never hit 30,000 steps in a day normal is about 12,000
30,000 wasnt really typical for me. Id say 20,000 was around my average on working days. 30,000 happened a few times and those were always days where i felt like i got hit by a truck when i got home lol


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The most I ever hit was a Day working the SEMA Show at 27,000


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The few times i hit 30,000 i was working at a builder supply building trusses. So alot of those steps were carrying lumber, pulling trusses off onto the rollers, getting up and down off the table and running around swinging a hammer lol. So it definitely kick my butt. That many steps will kick your butt even without all that added in


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Meanwhile in Bananaland....

Right in the middle of a cutting cycle, I got pregnant:



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Only baby that needs to immediately begin PCT after birth


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Who's the father ??


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I was so deep in that ish whoever pulled me out would have been proclaimed King of England
Not too mention they had to do it with a truck pulling harness and rope!!!



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Today well I just picked up a whole lot of stones for landscaping and of course mr. Muscles over here has to do all the moving LOL trailer wheel barrel to a ground. I swear my job gives me an edge over so many people


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Today well I just picked up a whole lot of stones for landscaping and of course mr. Muscles over here has to do all the moving LOL trailer wheel barrel to a ground. I swear my job gives me an edge over so many people
It feels good to do a Hard Days Work !


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Collage 2018-03-24 09_30_39.jpg
Collage 2018-03-24 09_30_39.jpg
Collage 2018-03-24 09_31_08.jpg
Collage 2018-03-24 09_31_08.jpg

Terrible photos this week. My old phone died and I haven't really figured out how to use the new one. Also these were taken after dads this morning, for which I care loaded last night. Despite being quite disciplined this week, my weight is actually up to 101.5kg, but my strength is also up and my wife thinks I look leaner so I am hoping the weight increase is just last night's carbs and maybe the S4 doing it's thing.


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Lol not sure what happened to my photos here I will try again


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I had to use my reading glasses, lol. I think you made progress. You are for sure a strong mofo! Keep up the good work!


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Up by 2lbs. Now back to 167lbs. 13lbs to go for my goal. I am going b@lls deep from this week on.


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Progress picks. Put on some weight but have lost a little fat. (Note: started taking Vector again 2 weeks ago.)

Red Shorts: 3-23-2018 Weight 209.0 LB
Black sweats: 1-26-2018 Weight 206.6 LB

Front 3-23-18.jpg
Front 1-26-2018.jpg

Side 3-23-18.jpg

Side 1-26-2018.jpg

Crab 3-23-18.jpg

Crab 1-26-2018.jpg

DB 3-23-18.jpg

FDB 1-26-2018.jpg

Funny because I look bigger @ 206.6 lb than 209 LB. @ 209 the pants are a little looser around the waist.


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Decided to make my nutrition a bit more simple.

I have a standard breakfast of 6 whole eggs and 1tbls of coconut or olive oil for 36g protein, and 41g fats to start the day.

I decided to make 4 recipes that I can just put in a bin for the whole day and eat it to completion other than breakfast and periworkout feedings.

Basically the recipes cover me with right at 150g protein, 50-60g fats, and 140-170 in carbs totaling right in the 1700-1800 calorie range.

With Breakfast that is around 2200 calories and 180g protein, 100g fats, and 140-170g carbs for the day.

Add in Peri Workout Nutrition, and we are looking at 235ish protein, 100g fats, and 240-270g of carbs @ 2700-2800 cals a day 4 Build days out of the week, and 2200 on the 3 Burn days for an average of 2500 cals a day over the week.

I will be adding in at least 4 cups of fresh spinach to each of these to cover greens as well. Addition of any greens type food will be done without any type of counting, as it won't really matter in the big picture, they are there for micro nutrients.

Anyway I just finished putting together a few recipes for my BodyBuilding Buckets and hope to have time to cook up one tonight to have for tomorrow. I think simplifying things in this way will make following the plan so much easier. It can't get much simpler, eat breakfast, have peri-workout shake if a training day and other than that just eat what is in my bucket!!!


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Decided to make my nutrition a bit more simple.

I have a standard breakfast of 6 whole eggs and 1tbls of coconut or olive oil for 36g protein, and 41g fats to start the day.

I decided to make 4 recipes that I can just put in a bin for the whole day and eat it to completion other than breakfast and periworkout feedings.

Basically the recipes cover me with right at 150g protein, 50-60g fats, and 140-170 in carbs totaling right in the 1700-1800 calorie range.

With Breakfast that is around 2200 calories and 180g protein, 100g fats, and 140-170g carbs for the day.

Add in Peri Workout Nutrition, and we are looking at 235ish protein, 100g fats, and 240-270g of carbs @ 2700-2800 cals a day 4 Build days out of the week, and 2200 on the 3 Burn days for an average of 2500 cals a day over the week.

I will be adding in at least 4 cups of fresh spinach to each of these to cover greens as well. Addition of any greens type food will be done without any type of counting, as it won't really matter in the big picture, they are there for micro nutrients.

Anyway I just finished putting together a few recipes for my BodyBuilding Buckets and hope to have time to cook up one tonight to have for tomorrow. I think simplifying things in this way will make following the plan so much easier. It can't get much simpler, eat breakfast, have peri-workout shake if a training day and other than that just eat what is in my bucket!!!
So the bucket is as it sounds? Just a bucket of food (chicken, rice, fish, veg, potatoes etc) all mixed up?


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That’s the best way to stay on a diet I’ve found. Make food prep a priority and always have your food. And make it something seasoned so you will want to eat it!


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That’s the best way to stay on a diet I’ve found. Make food prep a priority and always have your food. And make it something seasoned so you will want to eat it!
All good ideas


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So the bucket is as it sounds? Just a bucket of food (chicken, rice, fish, veg, potatoes etc) all mixed up?
Yes, obviously there will be seasoning or even seasoning packets involved. As an example


All of this goes in one bucket together, with this one I will more than likely add low sodium taco seasoning, or some low sodium Slap Yo Mama Cajun seasoning. Could easily go with a Mediterranean type flavor too.


This one would more than likely be like a chili base, toss a 2 Alarm Chili kit in that and BOOM!!!! Could also go with a taco seasoning, or an italian flavor here as well.

That’s the best way to stay on a diet I’ve found. Make food prep a priority and always have your food. And make it something seasoned so you will want to eat it!
Exactly, the types of flavors I have mentioned above I really enjoy. Chili type food is something I can eat almost every day. I have 3 more buckets made up. One is a barbecue chicken breast bucket. I use diced potatoes and replace the beans with 3/4 cup spicy BBQ sauce, so it will be like a BBQ baked potato.

All good ideas
Thanks, I have to make this a lot more convenient for myself as I am still struggling with motivation to diet even with this challenge going on. So I have got to make it an automatic and easy thing if I am going to manage to buckle down and make a noticeable difference in the last month of this.


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Yes, obviously there will be seasoning or even seasoning packets involved. As an example

View attachment 162439

All of this goes in one bucket together, with this one I will more than likely add low sodium taco seasoning, or some low sodium Slap Yo Mama Cajun seasoning. Could easily go with a Mediterranean type flavor too.

View attachment 162440

This one would more than likely be like a chili base, toss a 2 Alarm Chili kit in that and BOOM!!!! Could also go with a taco seasoning, or an italian flavor here as well.

Exactly, the types of flavors I have mentioned above I really enjoy. Chili type food is something I can eat almost every day. I have 3 more buckets made up. One is a barbecue chicken breast bucket. I use diced potatoes and replace the beans with 3/4 cup spicy BBQ sauce, so it will be like a BBQ baked potato.

Thanks, I have to make this a lot more convenient for myself as I am still struggling with motivation to diet even with this challenge going on. So I have got to make it an automatic and easy thing if I am going to manage to buckle down and make a noticeable difference in the last month of this.
I’m with you, I kinda do this with recipes than naturally lend themselves to it (kedgeree, chilli etc). At the moment my sous vide has taken food prep to different places. I bulk cook chicken, turkey or salmon with various flavours and cool in the sous vide bag. That gives the meat/fish plus sauce and I typically throw that along with a packet of pre cooked rice/quinoa and some salad or veg. I do spend a relatively high amount of time on food prepping though....


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I’m with you, I kinda do this with recipes than naturally lend themselves to it (kedgeree, chilli etc). At the moment my sous vide has taken food prep to different places. I bulk cook chicken, turkey or salmon with various flavours and cool in the sous vide bag. That gives the meat/fish plus sauce and I typically throw that along with a packet of pre cooked rice/quinoa and some salad or veg. I do spend a relatively high amount of time on food prepping though....
I use a sousvide too! The cool thing about them with these "casseroles" is that you don't have to bother with searing the meat afterwards. You know how it looks weird if you don't sear at least the top side of it when you prepare it as a whole breast. I can bag 3 or 4 1lb bags of breasts with different seasonings and cook them all at once then just dice and drop into the tupperware with my seasoning and carb sources, you can cook all the rice at once too. So it saves a lot of time. Where before it would have just been the same marinade or seasoning on the chicken for the whole week then a different one the next week. The sousvide makes it so much better. Plus there is no such thing as a dry chicken breast that was cooked sousvide. It is my favorite way to cook chicken for sure!


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I use a sousvide too! The cool thing about them with these "casseroles" is that you don't have to bother with searing the meat afterwards. You know how it looks weird if you don't sear at least the top side of it when you prepare it as a whole breast. I can bag 3 or 4 1lb bags of breasts with different seasonings and cook them all at once then just dice and drop into the tupperware with my seasoning and carb sources, you can cook all the rice at once too. So it saves a lot of time. Where before it would have just been the same marinade or seasoning on the chicken for the whole week then a different one the next week. The sousvide makes it so much better. Plus there is no such thing as a dry chicken breast that was cooked sousvide. It is my favorite way to cook chicken for sure!
Oh 100%, the moistness actually makes my d!ck a bit hard.....salmon is also amazing in there.


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I cook most my meat for the week on the grill every Sunday!


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My method of attack has changed this week. After spending the weekend pooing and vomitting from a GI virus, I have found it easy to cut my carbs down to about 150g/day by basically eating nothing but muesli for breakfast - post workout -roast meat (lamb or beef) and steamed vegies for lunch, and chicken (pre prepared, like chicken nibbles, bbq chicken, butter chicken) with steamed veg for dinner. Trying to get my daily macros down to 200g protein, 150g carbs, 150g fat for less than 2800cal now.


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My method of attack has changed this week. After spending the weekend pooing and vomitting from a GI virus, I have found it easy to cut my carbs down to about 150g/day by basically eating nothing but muesli for breakfast - post workout -roast meat (lamb or beef) and steamed vegies for lunch, and chicken (pre prepared, like chicken nibbles, bbq chicken, butter chicken) with steamed veg for dinner. Trying to get my daily macros down to 200g protein, 150g carbs, 150g fat for less than 2800cal now.
It always nice when you get things worked out

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