To Infinity.... and Beyond!



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I am honestly not 100% sure I know what I want personally, to be honest and I'm just realizing that as I look back on my leanest pics. I was shredded AF but GD I looked skinny as hell compared to now. I've built a lot of lean mass to go with the extra fat in the past couple years. I've hit a lot of strength PRs I'm very happy with. I've lacked and missed more explosiveness and endurance, a form of athleticism I've enjoyed my whole life, and I'd like to be leaner in the sense of abs, but I'm not sure the sacrifice would be worth it if I was as skinny as I was when I thought i was on top of the world.


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I think it's another sport where fashion has changed. Nobody would have called Ronnie fat, but clearly Arnold and most guys from previous generations had narrower waist lines. fat is fat and lean is lean regardless of shape to some degree, don't you think?

I don't think I personally care necessarily what my waist measurement is, and if I'm blockier or narrower in the waist but the tell tale signs that my BF is higher than I want are the little rolls. if the gut wants to hang over the belt instead of in it, if I see the spare tire poking out the sides of a fitted shirt from behind. I mean, we "know" if we have a little extra fat we want to shed.

CBum has done a great job of sculping huge lats though to make his waist look pretty damn trim. In terms of sex appeal every woman I've met would prefer the less vascular and cartoony look, maybe an off season Arnold at most. But yeah, I'd have no problem with a cbum physique 😅

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I am honestly not 100% sure I know what I want personally, to be honest and I'm just realizing that as I look back on my leanest pics. I was shredded AF but GD I looked skinny as hell compared to now. I've built a lot of lean mass to go with the extra fat in the past couple years. I've hit a lot of strength PRs I'm very happy with. I've lacked and missed more explosiveness and endurance, a form of athleticism I've enjoyed my whole life, and I'd like to be leaner in the sense of abs, but I'm not sure the sacrifice would be worth it if I was as skinny as I was when I thought i was on top of the world.
What is funny is that Arnold actually had a wide waist compared to other competitors but he has such a great ribcage and lats it was almost hard to tell. I think that CBum probably started out with a smaller waist i the first place.

Also, there is no way you would be as skinny as you were back then as long as you didn't use the same methods to lose the weight, overtraining and minimal calories. You would at least be 10lbs heavier minimum and that is huge when it comes to muscle mass and being lean.

If you are interested in a program that will give you the best of both worlds, have a look at some of Zach Evenesh's programs. I honestly think they might be right up your alley from what you are saying you want. I did really well on them, it was what I built most of my strength up with for my PL meet, then had a coach peak me for it. Lots of variety, lots of strength work, explosive work, and hypertrophy work with about 15 minutes of GPP/Condition thrown into the end of every session. It was extremely fun, challenging, and productive training. The program I was doing was here, it used to be $15 several years ago, and is $27 now. If I were interested in what you sound like you are interested in then I would check it out. It's super cool because there is a leaderboard and the workouts are put up and everybody who wants to puts there numbers in and competes within the group. Sometimes its a timed complex, almost like a WOD, other times just working up to a 3 rep max, or some kettlebell/dumbbell snatches, cleans, jerks, all kind of Olympic lifts. I honestly think you would really dig the training and the competitive portion of it which always drove me to push harder. Anyway, you might want to check it out. I remember that was one of the times my shoulders looked the best too from all of the explosive Oly style movements being incorporated in there. Plus my strength exploded with this training. This was what I was going to end up getting back into before it became evident my right shoulder wouldn't be able to handle all of the big strength training stuff.


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I remember that was one of the times my shoulders looked the best too from all of the explosive Oly style movements being incorporated in there. Plus my strength exploded with this training.
ha that does sound awesome and it's funny you mention that cause I just spent 10 minutes trying to find an old deadlift picture from a comp (shirt off) where my shoulders were absolutely shredded 😅
I never truly got very veiny yet had massive striations and paper thin skin on the abs, maybe it's genetics IDK.

on another note my water bill was $41 this month. remember all that ditch work I did in August? that's like a $250/month raise 😅(y)


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Finally slept in a bit today for the first time in Dec. Alarm went off at 4:20 and I was like...........nope.
Wife and I were out till like 10am doing some last minute Christmas chores that popped into our head (like stuffing a stocking and mailing it down to my step daughter as a surprise).

She's doing so much better though that we plan to take the dogs for a long walk tomorrow. her pain is way down, but it's sorta like she's had the flu for 3 weeks in terms of her physical capacity and exhaustion (the body is working hard in recovery, she hasn't actually been sick, just the body dealing with the big surgery). Looks like my boy and I will get a bro session in Saturday as well so I'll get my cardio caught up before the big holiday.


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Great to hear she is doing so well. Have fun doing that session with the boy. These are memories both of you will have forever.


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Bro sesh with the boy

10 x 145, 145, 185
3 x 225, 245, 265

2 x 300
1 x 315
22 x 185 (wide grip for fun)

9 x 225
20 x 135 (wide / suicide grip)

Things felt a bit heavy today. Weighed in at 197.4 this morning. I'm actually super with these numbers. The foundation seems pretty solid since my weak days are still better than my PRs a year ago.

Would have liked a much longer session but I'll get what I can with the teenager lol



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I bet your pecs were blown up after that though!


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You’re getting in some good heavy workouts….putting in the extra work before that Christmas food. Sounds like your wife is doing better and better every day, that’s awesome news, and I know she appreciates the love and care you have been giving her.
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and prayers for your strength and her healing.🙏


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My wifes BFF's son is in town from the Marines for the holidays and asked me to get him out for a session today

8 x 135, 185
3 x 225, 275, 315, 355, 395
1 x 415
10 x 315

12 x 225

Barbell rows
2 x 12 x 135

Tbar rows
3 x 10-12+

Superset with EZ bar curls
3 x 8-12+

Seated DB curls (damn)
3 x 10

DB rows
3 x 10


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Low weight recently was 196.8
High weight today was 204 after last night's Christmas Chinese.

So it's hard to know if the low was water or if the high is all water and what is real. Splitting the difference I'm probably 199-200 lol

Contemplating a very hard core but short cut until Feb when we go on vacation.

Just got a new bottle of Ultra Hard, wanting to run a cycle of it again to test it out compared to a year ago. I have some XPG Epi left so I'm thinking of slamming that for a few days then running straight into the UH for January and cutting back to mostly just Alpha Gel into mid Feb.

If I make this run I'll aim for a weight of sub 190 and will mostly utilize 30+hr fasts vs daily caloric deficits.


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Low weight recently was 196.8
High weight today was 204 after last night's Christmas Chinese.

So it's hard to know if the low was water or if the high is all water and what is real. Splitting the difference I'm probably 199-200 lol

Contemplating a very hard core but short cut until Feb when we go on vacation.

Just got a new bottle of Ultra Hard, wanting to run a cycle of it again to test it out compared to a year ago. I have some XPG Epi left so I'm thinking of slamming that for a few days then running straight into the UH for January and cutting back to mostly just Alpha Gel into mid Feb.

If I make this run I'll aim for a weight of sub 190 and will mostly utilize 30+hr fasts vs daily caloric deficits.
What are your current bench & deadlift PRs, and what are your goals? Trying to see if you are in range to just go for them in a couple weeks.


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What are your current bench & deadlift PRs, and what are your goals? Trying to see if you are in range to just go for them in a couple weeks.
With a proper warm up set up for it, I think he is very close.


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What are your current bench & deadlift PRs, and what are your goals? Trying to see if you are in range to just go for them in a couple weeks.
Bench 300, nailed that. I have no doubt 315 is going to be a 2024 staple but essentially I wanted a 300lb bench and seem to have a 295-300lb most days.

The 500lb pull is always on the list. Pulled 485 Dec 4th and training has been a bit intermittent with the wife's surgery but I feel like I have 450+ most days.

415 today by no means a top weight of the day. My buddy peaked at 385 so I wanted one more heavier pull before drop setting for some hypertrophy work.

485 was a very very clean pull but I was glad I opted for 485 vs 500 that day because I could tell it was my top effort of the day.

Best rack pulls was 500 or 520 but I've focused my time more on deficits the past few months vs rack pulls


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Most of my PRs seem to have come during weight ramp ups.

Meaning I went from 183-195, hit some PRs, cut back to like 188.

Then ran to 200+lbs PRd everything.
Cut back to 190
Ran to 200 again and PRd both lifts again.

The little bull/cut cycle seems to be working. Everytime I go up I add just a couple lbs to the bulk but also PR both lifts on the way up.

Duh. I realize that's obvious info but my point is that my PRs at 200lbs continue to increase Everytime I cut back then bulk to 200. All of my PRs keep landing Everytime I ramp back up to 198/202lbs ish


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I would pull 500 the next deadlift day you’re feeling good, then cut. If you don’t feel good for it within a few weeks, then just start the cut. But you’re probably in position to just take it on a good day with a big jump.
Right, my thoughts too. Less jumps on the way up and kill it!


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Rare mid week bench day with my boy

20 x bar
15 x 95
10 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225, 250
1 x 275, 290, 295

1 x 315, 315
(The second 315 was like butter. First one was a grind)

5 x 250 (paused)
10 x 225 (no pause, suicide grip)

Rope tri extensions
3 x 10+

Hammer strength shoulder press
2 x 10

Hammer strength inclines
2 x 10+

Hammer strength declines
2 x 10+

10 min incline.

My normal lifting buddy showed up so we had a full blown bro sesh. My boy PRd bench, 165 raw, 175 with sling shot. My lifting buddy also PRd at 270. My 250 paused isn't really a PR, but it's damn close for paused sets.

And any day I hit 225 x 10 is a good day.


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Rare mid week bench day with my boy

20 x bar
15 x 95
10 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225, 250
1 x 275, 290, 295

1 x 315, 315
(The second 315 was like butter. First one was a grind)

5 x 250 (paused)
10 x 225 (no pause, suicide grip)

Rope tri extensions
3 x 10+

Hammer strength shoulder press
2 x 10

Hammer strength inclines
2 x 10+

Hammer strength declines
2 x 10+

10 min incline.

My normal lifting buddy showed up so we had a full blown bro sesh. My boy PRd bench, 165 raw, 175 with sling shot. My lifting buddy also PRd at 270. My 250 paused isn't really a PR, but it's damn close for paused sets.

And any day I hit 225 x 10 is a good day.
Looks like a good productive day, especially with your boy’s 165 Bench PR.


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Rare mid week bench day with my boy

20 x bar
15 x 95
10 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225, 250
1 x 275, 290, 295

1 x 315, 315
(The second 315 was like butter. First one was a grind)

5 x 250 (paused)
10 x 225 (no pause, suicide grip)

Rope tri extensions
3 x 10+

Hammer strength shoulder press
2 x 10

Hammer strength inclines
2 x 10+

Hammer strength declines
2 x 10+

10 min incline.

My normal lifting buddy showed up so we had a full blown bro sesh. My boy PRd bench, 165 raw, 175 with sling shot. My lifting buddy also PRd at 270. My 250 paused isn't really a PR, but it's damn close for paused sets.

And any day I hit 225 x 10 is a good day.
Nice you get to lift w your boy! I vividly remember anything I was included w my Dad. Building some good memories for the both of you!


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Looks like a really fun session! Congrats to the boy on his PR!


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10 x 135, 225
5 x 275, 315, 365
10 x 315

DB Rows
3 x 10

Superset with
DB curls
3 x 10-13

Lat pull downs
4 sets to failure

Really looking forward to January and getting back to normal routine. Took another Marine buddy today, he's 64. We had a great time but I really need to get my headphones on and be back in my zone with time to move heavy weight. Kept him at 95lbs since he hasn't pulled in ten years (he runs daily, he's still active just no powerlifting )

Very early morning lift, I don't usually like to say negative things about my sessions, but this was a very blah session. I have no intentions of staying up till midnight tonight, I want to hit my first session tomorrow strong and healthy.


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10 x 135, 225
5 x 275, 315, 365
10 x 315

DB Rows
3 x 10

Superset with
DB curls
3 x 10-13

Lat pull downs
4 sets to failure

Really looking forward to January and getting back to normal routine. Took another Marine buddy today, he's 64. We had a great time but I really need to get my headphones on and be back in my zone with time to move heavy weight. Kept him at 95lbs since he hasn't pulled in ten years (he runs daily, he's still active just no powerlifting )

Very early morning lift, I don't usually like to say negative things about my sessions, but this was a very blah session. I have no intentions of staying up till midnight tonight, I want to hit my first session tomorrow strong and healthy.
Still pretty good volume on the pulls. The weather here has just been overcast and cool and blah feeling. No plans to stay up past 9 here either 😂 hope you have a great session tomorrow morning!


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Still pretty good volume on the pulls. The weather here has just been overcast and cool and blah feeling. No plans to stay up past 9 here either hope you have a great session tomorrow morning!
Yeah I'm just a little frustrated with myself becaue we stayed out too late, too many drinks. That's when my buddy and I said hey let's lift together tomorrow and walk 9 holes of golf for cardio instead of the treadmill, 8am at the gym came pretty early after being out late and I tend to treat my gym sessions like competitive events. Even if I'm "just training" I eat, sleep, supplement, and hydrate for my sessions so going into a pull day half cocked was sorta a wake up call to take better care of myself.


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Last update for 2023.

I had a goal of 30min/day of cardio or 930min/15hr30min in December since I've done basically zero cardio in months. I came very close by my run keeper apps standards at about 14hrs. However, I did not include my 4.5hrs walking Chambers when I golfed which was 7 miles and crazy hard. I've walked a lot of courses but that one felt uphill the entire time

Probably going to set a similar goal for January.


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Empty bb, rows, power cleans, ohp.

2 x 10 x 95
10 x 135
5 x 185
3 x 225, 255
2 x 275
1 x 290

5 x 275
No spotter so stayed sub 300

5 x 235
10 x 195

10 x 135
5 x 155, 165, 175
3 x 185
10 x 135

Lateral DB raises
10 x 30s
12 x 35s
12 x 40s

DB Hammer curls
3 x 10 x 40s

Superset with
EZ bar curls
3 sets to roughly failure
60lb bar

(That was a killer pump combo)

Wide grip ez bar curls
2 x 12

Rear delt swings
20 x 20s
15 x 25s
10 x 30s

In bed by 9:30 on NYE, didn't drink too much, got plenty of sleep, starting off 2024 on a positive note! Bench was slow but my body was at least 1 day healthier.

Still a little fatigued but happy to be restoring the routine.

Weight 202.6

Front loaded the last of my XPG Epi for 4-5 days. It ran out last night with a full serving barely and started day 1 of Ultra Hard today.

Running UH different than last time:
A. Already using hair products to fight shedding
B. Starting right out of the gate with full dose
C. Already prepared better for PCT/gyno itchy symptoms.


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Let's get it Dustin!!!!


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Firing up the salsa machine, I love having fresh made salsa all week to spice up my meal prep.

I'm doing a red salsa with romas and mangos. This one is going to bring the heat with the habaneros, and a Verde that's gonna have less heat and more of a garlic + lime focus.


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Let's get it Dustin!!!!
Absolutely. We are going dry for the month of January, my wife is recovered so well she's starting PT and some legit lifting tomorrow (with some limitations) and our meal prep game has fifteen years of practice

Also, I setup a fire stick in her little exercise room where she has the spin bike and treadmill so we might start doing 30min extra a night together after work while watching a show to see how that goes (beats sitting on the couch in cold wet January)


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Absolutely. We are going dry for the month of January, my wife is recovered so well she's starting PT and some legit lifting tomorrow (with some limitations) and our meal prep game has fifteen years of practice

Also, I setup a fire stick in her little exercise room where she has the spin bike and treadmill so we might start doing 30min extra a night together after work while watching a show to see how that goes (beats sitting on the couch in cold wet January)
Awesome glad the recovery is going great! That salsa looks like it’s going to be a winner! We made a bunch of peach/haberno salsa this summer then a batch with just jalapeños. I need to start breaking that out. Also have started eating are homemade sour kruat every day.


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Awesome glad the recovery is going great! That salsa looks like it’s going to be a winner! We made a bunch of peach/haberno salsa this summer then a batch with just jalapeños. I need to start breaking that out. Also have started eating are homemade sour kruat every day.
Do you freeze it or does it preserve well canned? (The salsa)

Two mangos did the trick, it's got good heat from the habaneros and an awesome mango flavor.

I let my wife try the Verde for approval, then added chili de arbol for heat since I know she won't gravitate to it again this week lol.

Since I typically make boring breakfasts of rice and ground turkey etc I add salsa to every meal


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Do you freeze it or does it preserve well canned? (The salsa)

Two mangos did the trick, it's got good heat from the habaneros and an awesome mango flavor.

I let my wife try the Verde for approval, then added chili de arbol for heat since I know she won't gravitate to it again this week lol.

Since I typically make boring breakfasts of rice and ground turkey etc I add salsa to every meal
Just can it and store it in the pantry, it preserves well. I do put it in the fridge a few days prior to opening. We did a few years back have a bad string of lids that didn’t seal right and we lost everything.


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my wife got a killer deal on some NYE Lobster from a little grocery store about 40 minutes away out in the sticks so we cooked that up last night for New Years dinner. Even though I'm a saltwater guy, we have crab out here so the lobster experience was sorta new. I think it might have been the first time I ever had real full size Maine lobsters lol. $18! cheaper than Halibut!

Woke up at 201 this morning. I thought for sure I'd be like 205 by how full I felt on the lobster (salt and butter) and potatoes but it was 201 and felt actually 5lbs leaner. Running a full 30hr fast today since it's a rest day. Meal prepped twice my normal rice for my lifting days.

Only downfall, I didn't sleep again last night, which is weird. I really haven't had sleep issues since 2019. I'm going to try to exhaust myself a bit this afternoon with some extra LISS and maybe walk the little 9 hole golf course again if I can get there before it gets dark after work.


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Do you freeze it or does it preserve well canned? (The salsa)

Two mangos did the trick, it's got good heat from the habaneros and an awesome mango flavor.

I let my wife try the Verde for approval, then added chili de arbol for heat since I know she won't gravitate to it again this week lol.

Since I typically make boring breakfasts of rice and ground turkey etc I add salsa to every meal
Oh man I’m doing this today.


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Oh man I’m doing this today.
just slathered a bunch on my rice and turkey.

2 mangos
5-6 roma tomatoes
bunch of garlic
bunch of onion
jalapeno, serrano, habanero
light dusting of olive oil and salt on all
roasted everything in the oven at 375 until I could start to see some char (except mangos did not get roasted)

remove, let cool down.
throw in cuisineart with additional fresh onion, garlic, cilantro and mangos.
squeeze in lime or add salt to taste.

so damn good.


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just slathered a bunch on my rice and turkey.

2 mangos
5-6 roma tomatoes
bunch of garlic
bunch of onion
jalapeno, serrano, habanero
light dusting of olive oil and salt on all
roasted everything in the oven at 375 until I could start to see some char (except mangos did not get roasted)

remove, let cool down.
throw in cuisineart with additional fresh onion, garlic, cilantro and mangos.
squeeze in lime or add salt to taste.

so damn good.
I might have to give this one a shot. Probably not the mango because I have to keep carbs lower in the salsa to stay close to prescribed macros, but it has me in the mood to make another batch myself.


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10 x 135

+2" deficit
3 x 135, 225, 275, 325, 365, 405

10 x bar
5 x 95, 135, 185, 225, 265
(Really liking squatting in my flats)

Back extensions
10 x bw, +32.5, +37.5, +42.5

DB Hammer curls
3 x 10

Superset with
EZ bar curls
3 x 15 x 60

Superset with hammer strength lat pulldowns
3 x 12-15

Wrapped up a 34hr fast this morning with a pile of meat and rice.

Fasted weight 196.8lbs.

First legit session of the year, wanted 385+ on the deficits so I'm very happy with 405 x 3. I mean I think my best is 425 x 3 from the deficit so I'm actually very happy with this. and so far it FEELS like the fasting aspect is dialed. if I really focus on a solid carb load prewWO (2-4hrs) then a 30-36hr fast doesn't seem to have the negative effect on me I thought it did last winter when I first started trying it.
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