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Congrats on the PR! 500 shouldn’t be too far off now.

It’s hard to diagnose the cause of butt wink in person, let alone online with not a ton of info, but here we go…

First is it even actual butt wink? Is the spine going from extended to neutral or actually going neutral to rounded. If he’s focusing on pushing back to far and hard or arching into it too much he may just be reverting back to neutral at a certain depth.

You could do quadruped hip rocker test to see if it’s an actual structural issue or mobility. If he can do the rocker fine it means it’s more likely an issue of coordination and stability.

1) you can hammer some front and side planks before and in between sets. Focus on really bracing the core. This should help teach the positions and tension required to hold the right position. I often have people do these when they first learn squats as a superset.

2) You mentioned goblet, but loading anteriorly is my first go to when learning to squat. He can even push the weight out a little in front to force slightly more upright posture and force bracing the core more.

3) Next you could just start with a high box tap and work his way down to lower positions as he gains control and can maintain further. Set it where he would start to wink and work there and lower slightly as he gets better. Can be done with out a box as well just being conscious of consistent depths with good back position before moving on.

Hope that helps, there’s a few other ideas, but tough without knowing his leverages and seeing or visualizing it better.
I was going to respond but you said everything i was going to say and a little more. Never thought of the planks for aiding in the squats in that way.


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Congrats on that 485 pull! That’s 5 plate club where folks use 20kg plates elsewhere in the world

Resolve said it how I like to do it.

Something I noticed with my stepdaughter is her buttwink is much more pronounced if she has her back overly arched/extended, pushing the butt out too hard.

Also, squatting too deep before you have the requisite strength/stability/mobility is going to promote that. Maybe consider a little ankle mobility along with the bracing work.


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I was going to respond but you said everything i was going to say and a little more. Never thought of the planks for aiding in the squats in that way.
Ya its something I stole from Dean Somerset what has to be like 15 years ago now. Especially with younger and novice lifters, I kind of live by having to "earn" movement. Therefore lots of initial isometrics to teach body positions that we need and planks and side planks can help ingrain that and proper tension needed for bigger lifts down the road.

Congrats on that 485 pull! That’s 5 plate club where folks use 20kg plates elsewhere in the world

Resolve said it how I like to do it.

Something I noticed with my stepdaughter is her buttwink is much more pronounced if she has her back overly arched/extended, pushing the butt out too hard.

Also, squatting too deep before you have the requisite strength/stability/mobility is going to promote that. Maybe consider a little ankle mobility along with the bracing work.
Ya I honestly wouldn't sweat it a ton right away. Younger/newer lifters are learning lots of body positioning at the start, sometimes this stuff gets better just over time as they do the movements more (this is not me advocating being lazy and not caring about form though).


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Wife's surgery was yesterday. Hospital checkin at 5am for 7am operation, got her home around 2-3pm and started an every six hour regiment of oxy, antibiotics, drain tubes and whatnot. I'm keeping a chart of everything to make sure we stay accurate, follow up is Friday.

I took the dogs for a good walk today with that hill climb so I'm mostly staying on my Dec cardio goal, but I'm not gonna head to the gym tomorrow unless I'm confident she's in great shape or has a visitor with her since she really shouldn't lift her arm or anything for weeks.

It's a great chance for us to finally just enjoy some downtime alone together, binge on some TV etc. she's doing really well and has surprisingly low pain for a pretty intense surgery.

That said, she's still quite health conscious so I baked up some chicken etc and am working to keep healthy food available to us even though we are out of our normal meal prep routine this week.


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Hope the surgery went well and that she has a smooth recovery. Prayers that she feels well and things proceed in the best possible way.
Thanks bro.
She had a mastectomy Tuesday morning. By Weds I/she/we had her down to half an oxy. Thursday she took none. Today at our first follow up appt (Friday) she's only on Tylenol and Advil and says her pain is usually only like a 2 but can "spike" to a 4 when shes moving around a lot. This girl is tough as nails. Dr was very very happy with the healing so far. She's looking good, and I'm happy to have her off the oxy, I can see how the light in her eyes is stronger without it, she's sharper and more chipper. But we have a TON left. I wouldn't hesitate to give her another half dose if she needed it but man she's just tough as hell.

Got her home and nestled in with her mastectomy pillow and remote, little lunch and tea and I'm slipping out for a much needed session myself while her aunt visits her for a bit.


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I hate to hear that, but hopefully it resolves what it was meant to resolve, and she recovers perfectly.

I also hope you have a hell of an enjoyable workout. Sounds like you need and deserve it!!!


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Warm up
DB laterals
DB forward raises
DB snatch
DB curls

3 x 10 x 95 (varied grips)
3 x 145, 195, 230, 260
1 x 280, 295, 305 (assisted)
2 x 275

+Green bands to DBs
5 x 135, 160
3 x 185
1 x 200

10 x 3 x 160
(My favorite part is the 190lb farmers carry putting the DBs away after, lol)

22 x 160 - suicide grip
(Wanted to see what it felt like without bands, cause by the end of my EMOTM 3 reps was honestly quite heavy)

10 x 135, 155
5 x 175, 185
6 x 135 (dropset)

Tri cable extensions
3 sets to failure

Superset with cable bicep curls
3 sets to roughly failure

Hammer strength dips
3 sets to +270 x 8

EZ bar curls
10 x 70, 90
8 x 100, 80, 10 x 60
(Last three all one big drop set)

305 felt so damn good, got to about the half way point and got stuck. It didn't come back down, just stuck enough that I could actually tell the spotter to go ahead and take it calmly.. very close.

@GreenMachineX I had every intention of starting with heavy inclines but once I got in the doors the flat bench was calling my name.

I've hit inclines more in 2023 than all my combined incline presses since I started lifting around 1994-1995. It used to hurt my shoulders quite a bit but through practice, rehab and form I have zero pain with them now. Just need to grow em (maybe)


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I hate to hear that, but hopefully it resolves what it was meant to resolve, and she recovers perfectly.

I also hope you have a hell of an enjoyable workout. Sounds like you need and deserve it!!!
Well, not sure I deserve it as she's the one with the cancer and basically a breast amputation but I definitely am enjoying a little fresh air even though I feel bad not being at home with her. We get pathology back next week to find out if we are cancer free now, or if we start chemo/radiation.

She heard about Rockets year and she heard about when he was cancer free. I admit, I did not tell her when he passed away. Actually, two other people in my world passed away about the same time from cancer and I didn't tell her. I wanted her mind as strong as possible for surgery and recovery.

Somehow this Elton song popped on mid set from my 70s rock playlist and it hit me hard on the feels. I told my wife it's her song.



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Well, not sure I deserve it as she's the one with the cancer and basically a breast amputation but I definitely am enjoying a little fresh air even though I feel bad not being at home with her. We get pathology back next week to find out if we are cancer free now, or if we start chemo/radiation.

She heard about Rockets year and she heard about when he was cancer free. I admit, I did not tell her when he passed away. Actually, two other people in my world passed away about the same time from cancer and I didn't tell her. I wanted her mind as strong as possible for surgery and recovery.

Somehow this Elton song popped on mid set from my 70s rock playlist and it hit me hard on the feels. I told my wife it's her song.

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You have to keep your mind & body strong so you can give her the best support that she deserves.

Sending you guys best wishes!

I think about Rocket every day.


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Warm up
DB laterals
DB forward raises
DB snatch
DB curls

3 x 10 x 95 (varied grips)
3 x 145, 195, 230, 260
1 x 280, 295, 305 (assisted)
2 x 275

+Green bands to DBs
5 x 135, 160
3 x 185
1 x 200

10 x 3 x 160
(My favorite part is the 190lb farmers carry putting the DBs away after, lol)

22 x 160 - suicide grip
(Wanted to see what it felt like without bands, cause by the end of my EMOTM 3 reps was honestly quite heavy)

10 x 135, 155
5 x 175, 185
6 x 135 (dropset)

Tri cable extensions
3 sets to failure

Superset with cable bicep curls
3 sets to roughly failure

Hammer strength dips
3 sets to +270 x 8

EZ bar curls
10 x 70, 90
8 x 100, 80, 10 x 60
(Last three all one big drop set)

305 felt so damn good, got to about the half way point and got stuck. It didn't come back down, just stuck enough that I could actually tell the spotter to go ahead and take it calmly.. very close.

@GreenMachineX I had every intention of starting with heavy inclines but once I got in the doors the flat bench was calling my name.

I've hit inclines more in 2023 than all my combined incline presses since I started lifting around 1994-1995. It used to hurt my shoulders quite a bit but through practice, rehab and form I have zero pain with them now. Just need to grow em (maybe)
View attachment 238529View attachment 238530View attachment 238531
Nice. Good lifts though. Still wondering what that Incline is if you started with it.

Also, you're reflection is in the mirror... 😨


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Appreciate the support guys-
Her recovery so far is phenomenal. Hardest part at the moment is that I set an alarm to wake us up every 3ish hours for meds but it's not that bad. Her friend has been wanting to visit so she's coming over this morning to give me a little break and I have all her drug instructions set out so they can handle a dose while I meet the dudes for a 35f round of golf.

It's an ugly way to get a week off from work but I've enjoyed taking care of her this week. She's been great.


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Well, not sure I deserve it as she's the one with the cancer and basically a breast amputation but I definitely am enjoying a little fresh air even though I feel bad not being at home with her. We get pathology back next week to find out if we are cancer free now, or if we start chemo/radiation.

She heard about Rockets year and she heard about when he was cancer free. I admit, I did not tell her when he passed away. Actually, two other people in my world passed away about the same time from cancer and I didn't tell her. I wanted her mind as strong as possible for surgery and recovery.

Somehow this Elton song popped on mid set from my 70s rock playlist and it hit me hard on the feels. I told my wife it's her song.

View attachment 238534
Sending prayers for your wife brother.🙏


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Much appreciated guys!

Did get a chance to golf yesterday. About 38f and rain, lol while her friend visited. I did not count that for my monthly cardio goal but did get the dogs out for their walk today so I'm only about 13min behind for the month so far.

Back to lifting tomorrow.
Monday - deficits
Tuesday - pressing


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Just a thought, do you ever do db hammer curls? Might be a good accessory for stabilization bench wise. In regards to that 305lb PR


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Just a thought, do you ever do db hammer curls? Might be a good accessory for stabilization bench wise. In regards to that 305lb PR
I do toss them in a fair amount usually between 40lb-60lbs but usually when I'm curling I've been trying to focus on a supinated grip to improve the old tennis ball. I've never in my life built a great ball shaped bicep.

The 305 attempt felt very stable, it was about half way up when I felt like it just stopped. I was able to comfortably hold it at the half way point but not push through it (yet... Soon)


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Like Hyde said, you have to take care of yourself, and just because you aren't the one suffering doesn't mean you haven't gone through something with all of this yourself. Hope you enjoyed that round of golf!


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Congrats on the PR. Hell of an odd soundtrack for that number!!!
I know lol I can start out with some ozzie and all the sudden it just assumes Bonnie Tyler and Elton John fit in with the playlist 😅😅

Like Hyde said, you have to take care of yourself, and just because you aren't the one suffering doesn't mean you haven't gone through something with all of this yourself. Hope you enjoyed that round of golf!
I'm finally back to a computer and work today. The last week of taking care of my wife was honestly a pleasure and a week of tending to her went by faster than a week in Mexico or Hawaii, she said that as well. Her recovery seems to be doing really great and it's been inspiring to watch her to be honest.


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I know lol I can start out with some ozzie and all the sudden it just assumes Bonnie Tyler and Elton John fit in with the playlist 😅😅

I'm finally back to a computer and work today. The last week of taking care of my wife was honestly a pleasure and a week of tending to her went by faster than a week in Mexico or Hawaii, she said that as well. Her recovery seems to be doing really great and it's been inspiring to watch her to be honest.
Yeah, but all of that good stuff was after the surgery went well, nothing much to worry about there once already home other than spoiling them and loving on them. The time before a big procedure for my wife is when the stress comes for me, not from taking car of her after. That part is nice to be the caretaker for someone you love.


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Yeah, but all of that good stuff was after the surgery went well, nothing much to worry about there once already home other than spoiling them and loving on them. The time before a big procedure for my wife is when the stress comes for me, not from taking car of her after.
That is true. I was a wreck. being honest and human here... constantly holding back tears. the morning of the procedure the oncology surgeon walks in and asks how we're doing (it's about 6:45am, we've been there 2 hours, and operation starts in 15 minutes. 4 months have built to this hour) and I just about lost it. gladly, my wife was chatty and responded and I stayed quite.

because they'd have her for about 5hrs doctors (and wife) told me to just go home, have breakfast and tend to the dogs and house and they'd call me post-op (which they did, and we only live 15 minutes away) but that drive home I missed her more than any time I've travelled for work away from her.

That part is nice to be the caretaker for someone you love.
This is the first time I've brought someone home from the hospital since my son was born. I was taking notes, keeping charts, worried about screwing up drains, meds, etc. checking bandaids. 100% mother hen mode. But I always felt and said that marriage isn't really just about finding a hot chick to nail for the rest of your life, it's about being their to wipe each others asses when you break both arms so this week was an honor to care for her and feel like I was backing up what i've said for years I guess.


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That is true. I was a wreck. being honest and human here... constantly holding back tears. the morning of the procedure the oncology surgeon walks in and asks how we're doing (it's about 6:45am, we've been there 2 hours, and operation starts in 15 minutes. 4 months have built to this hour) and I just about lost it. gladly, my wife was chatty and responded and I stayed quite.

because they'd have her for about 5hrs doctors (and wife) told me to just go home, have breakfast and tend to the dogs and house and they'd call me post-op (which they did, and we only live 15 minutes away) but that drive home I missed her more than any time I've travelled for work away from her.

This is the first time I've brought someone home from the hospital since my son was born. I was taking notes, keeping charts, worried about screwing up drains, meds, etc. checking bandaids. 100% mother hen mode. But I always felt and said that marriage isn't really just about finding a hot chick to nail for the rest of your life, it's about being their to wipe each others asses when you break both arms so this week was an honor to care for her and feel like I was backing up what i've said for years I guess.
That’s what true love is all about…..the fun times are great, but when we can show our wives love by taking care of them after a major surgery or illness, that’s the real love that stays through anything, and is the most rewarding kind of love, because you prove it to her with your actions. 😇


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That is true. I was a wreck. being honest and human here... constantly holding back tears. the morning of the procedure the oncology surgeon walks in and asks how we're doing (it's about 6:45am, we've been there 2 hours, and operation starts in 15 minutes. 4 months have built to this hour) and I just about lost it. gladly, my wife was chatty and responded and I stayed quite.

because they'd have her for about 5hrs doctors (and wife) told me to just go home, have breakfast and tend to the dogs and house and they'd call me post-op (which they did, and we only live 15 minutes away) but that drive home I missed her more than any time I've travelled for work away from her.

This is the first time I've brought someone home from the hospital since my son was born. I was taking notes, keeping charts, worried about screwing up drains, meds, etc. checking bandaids. 100% mother hen mode. But I always felt and said that marriage isn't really just about finding a hot chick to nail for the rest of your life, it's about being their to wipe each others asses when you break both arms so this week was an honor to care for her and feel like I was backing up what i've said for years I guess.
What you did leading up to all this is a PR in itself. Marriage is like building a bridge and once built, that bridge is a living and breathing entity!


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Warmup, empty barbell
BB rows
Power cleans

10 x 135, 185

+2" deficit
3 x 185, 235, 285, 335
1 x 385, 435 (PR I think for deficits)

5 x 3 x 275

RDLs, no band
8 x 225

Preacher curls (EZ bar)
15 x 40
8 x 70
7 x 80
5 x 90
10 x 60 + 10 x 50 dropset

Awesome pump. Sorta self regulating after last week's PR


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I went into Todays session knowing I had just PR'd last week by a long shot for me but felt as though my fatigue level was somewhere in the middle where i needed enough work to spur the NEED for recovery, but I knew I was not going to PR anything meaningful so I cut my emotm in half and RDL's down by 2 sets, etc but still got heavy work in. we'll see how it goes. an hour later I'm feeling spent in a productive way.


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Since I have to get up at 4:20am to dose my wife with meds I've been taking advantage of that and jumping on her treadmill for some LISS this week while she goes back to sleep.

Staying on top of my monthly goal of 930minutes logged, just like 7min behind but it's going well I think.


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10 x 95, 95, 135
2 x 175, 205, 235, 260, 280,
1 x 295

2 x 300

9 x 225

10 x 95
5 x 115, 135
1 x 155 + 4 x 155 push press

Hammer strength dips
3 x 10

Superset with
DB laterals
3 x 10 x 30s

Tricep push downs
3 x 15

Superset with
Forward DB raises
3 x 10 x 30s

Didn't really have it today. Realized I had tamales a coworker brought in rather than my normal rice preWO and funny enough felt sorta depleted the whole time.

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You still put in the work.


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You still put in the work.
yes sir! just an off day that I'm probably overdue for. ironically went in feeling fairly optimistic but could tell I was lacking some fullness in the muscles. an hour later, I'm actually pretty dang tired.

I mean shoot, I can't be upset if I'm putting up 295 for 1 and 225 x 9 on a bad day for me. those numbers weren't even reachable a year ago.


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That is verbatim what my buddy and I said today as I contemplated it. Still they're delicious. My coworkers mom made 60 dozen for $25/,dozen for Christmas money so I bought some off her. Homemade is the best.
Oh well, if it’s delicious then surely that will mean it’s going to help you feel optimal in training - that’s why I always recommend biscuits & gravy consumed between rounds of HIIT work


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Oh well, if it’s delicious then surely that will mean it’s going to help you feel optimal in training - that’s why I always recommend biscuits & gravy consumed between rounds of HIIT work
Yeah I would have thought the same thing but it just doesn't seem to have worked out this time. Probably should have had one more


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Wife has a follow appt this morning so I'll be attending that with her before heading into work. Jumped on the treadmill for a little LISS and Duolingo while she slept at 4:30am.



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Hope you get all positive remarks from her follow-up. Sounds like you should from what you have said so far.


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Hopefully all goes well at her appointment.🙏
Hope you get all positive remarks from her follow-up. Sounds like you should from what you have said so far.
Wishing her the best!
appreciate it fellows. wrapped up my LISS, fed the chickens, prepped coffee and went back to bed with my wife after I set a time lapse video for the sunrise this morning.

appt was very positive. the cyberattacks recently apparently hit the medical industry and they said our pathology report isn't ready yet because of cyber attacks but should be any day. it's done and not lost, just can't be communicated yet. however my wife did get the drain out today and the doc is very happy with the progress so far!



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Congratulations on the positive report, and what a beautiful sunrise man!

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