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I know I've said this before, but I really need to get squat and DL with a belt apparently...
I'm pretty pro belt camp, but don't feel like you have to. Once you get used to it you should only really be getting between 5-15% performance bump from a belt (I am usually pretty much seeing 10%), but it does also increase the overall stress by doing more weight (vast majority of the time that trade off is worth it to me). They don't really keep you any safer though, if you feel safer (I guess mentally that could be a benefit..) or have a really big discrepancy between belted and non-belted you either just aren't mentally used to it or have something going on with your form and technique.


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I did 5 sets of these 15x15 Monday. Still feelin it today
dude I'm getting addicted to them. they are definitely cementing the idea of having to permanently move up a shirt size as well. even the larges that still "fit" in a comfortable way in the chest and arms are starting to come up more like a middrift type thing 😅😅😅

I know I've said this before, but I really need to get squat and DL with a belt apparently...
I love my belt man. I tend to run squats to around 250 before I belt up, deadlifts to about 315. RDL's around 275, deficits for my 10x3 was beltless at 275 this week. But generally speaking the belt gives me both mental and physical advantages. First time I broke 225 on a front squat or a clean were both when I finally let an old coach talk me into wearing a belt and my 1rm literally jumped 15lbs that day just by adding the belt.

BTW @GreenMachineX I did feel like the pump from adding in the pull-ups was awesome. It was still nice to finish with lat pull-downs for more reps and different angles, but the pull-ups worked the lats a little harder and actually surprisingly lower. it was good to bring them back in, I appreciate you mentioning them.


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10 x 135
2 x 3 x 175
3 x 205, 225

1 x 250, 275, 300, 315, 320
+5lbs from last week

8 x 230
13 x 190
15 x 150

8 x 95, 115, 135

3 x 10 x 30s

Superset with rope tricep extensions
3 x 15

Session felt a little short and like it was lacking an extra tricep movement, but an hour later my arms were feeling pretty worked so all in all I think it was fine. I did add 5lbs, but it wasn't an easy add. I'm still 5 or 10lbs below my previous sling shot PR so I'm going to have to eat and work hard next week.
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10 x 135
2 x 3 x 175
3 x 205, 225

1 x 250, 275, 300, 315, 320
+5lbs from last week

8 x 230
13 x 190
15 x 150

8 x 95, 115, 135

3 x 10 x 30s

Superset with rope tricep extensions
3 x 15

Session felt a little short and like it was lacking an extra tricep movement, but an hour later my arms were feeling pretty worked so all in all I think it was fine. I did add 5lbs, but it wasn't an easy add. I'm still 5 or 10lbs below my previous sling shot PR so I'm going to have to eat and work hard next week.
Was going to say some pretty good volume in there! The over head rope tricep extensions have been my jam lately this meso cycle.


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Was going to say some pretty good volume in there! The over head rope tricep extensions have been my jam lately this meso cycle.
I still haven't really been able to find a form/position that easily works over head for me (rope ext, skull crushers, or otherwise) without causing some discomfort in my elbow. might be a form issue, but that has existed since high school and at 41 if that's my only ache and pain right now I'm feeling pretty good.

I do however try to mix up my forma little when pushing down, pulling down, extending to hit the different heads of the tricep. when extending the rope I try to flare it to my sides instead of just pushing down towards my middle. really blows up the triceps. if I'm reaching failure I will still get a few more reps in pushed down dead center though



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I like to throw in the single arm tricep extensions supinated because I feel like I can change where in the tricep it hits based on my angle relative to the cable/weight/machine. Can't really go as heavy, but can go to failure and then a cheater rep or two.



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Yeah man with that high volume of pressing especially with the slingshot use your triceps should have definitely been worked hard. The slingshot allows you to really overload the lock out portion which is almost all triceps.

You should definitely check out some of Mike Van Wyck's triceps videos too. I do a lot of what he suggests but he talks about finding the tension line first and since adding in his motion which seems like it would not isolate them I get a much better stimulus from them now.


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I like to throw in the single arm tricep extensions supinated because I feel like I can change where in the tricep it hits based on my angle relative to the cable/weight/machine. Can't really go as heavy, but can go to failure and then a cheater rep or two.

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You are blessed if that is your only ailment when doing overhead tri work! I had always had that “tennis elbow” feeling. At least since 2014 and that’s what popped on me
To @MrKleen73 ’s point, I have been doing all Van Wyck style tricep movements for my rehabbing. It’s just little tweaks or nuances to every motion that you have done forever. Van Wyck says it best when you look at a golf he hones his swing for decades to improve. It’s not just about moving the weight from point “A” to point “B”. Tricep press down don’t move your hand to flex your tri. Flex your tri and there just happens to be a bar attached to a cable that you are moving. I’m paraphrasing and mangling it all at once but I’m sure you get my point!!!


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There’s no strength competition that doesn’t allow a lifting belt of some fashion, and you don’t get any points for competing beltless.

It’s very important to be able to brace without a belt, and leaving it at home is a great way to keep the weights lighter to focus on more total work, but remember that avoiding injury is always the highest priority in training (to allow it to continue on a regular timeline). So don’t feel like you need to establish beltless 1RMs and such. I always keep my belt off for earlier sets, but I don’t perform limit work/very high RPE without one because the juice isn’t worth the squeeze if I get tweaked over a beltless 5RM or something.

I have eaten a **** sandwich for trying to lift too heavy beltless on more than one occasion. It was never worth it.


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Totally agree on the belt. I have no desire for a beltless 1rm PR lol. But I am hyper aware of how easy it is to sync into a routine of gym math, so I am constantly trying to sorta mix up my warm up/ramp up sets. It's too easy to just go

10 x 135
5 x 185, 225, 275, add belt
5 x 315 etc etc lol

I do like to put on the belt and move to switch grip a little earlier than necessary to stretch the belt and the biceps. It's a mental thing.


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Yesterday spent first half of the day moving a half yard of gravel, a yard of bark, and doing general yard fall clean up and prep. I knew it was a hard yard day but it tore me up. Dropped about 3lbs and weighed in at 197 today after two cups of coffee. Felt like I had a monster back session. Lats, traps, and rear delts were just trashed.

Went to the men's store to get some new slacks. Size 32 still (barely) would fit the waist but hot damn, my ass, quads, and calves are NOT fitting those slacks. I'll go back later when I have time to get them tailored right.

But my glutes must have grown like crazy. Even the boxer briefs feel fine in the waist but the ass is NOT fitting in anything. Quads are feeling monstrous in my jeans, it's sorta weird. Especially with weight still chilling sub 200.


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Size 32 at you weight, you most still have a smallish waist then be pretty lean.


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You should expect the waist to always be big on any un-tailored pants that fit your leg muscles (if you have built some leg muscle and aren’t too fat).

It’s always the glutes, thighs, calves that are the consideration.


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Size 32 at you weight, you most still have a smallish waist then be pretty lean.
You should expect the waist to always be big on any un-tailored pants that fit your leg muscles (if you have built some leg muscle and aren’t too fat).

It’s always the glutes, thighs, calves that are the consideration.
yeah it becomes a game of going up 2-3 waist sizes to get the legs to fit then tailoring it down. takes a halfway decent tailor to do it right otherwise you either end up with really baggy pant legs, or front pockets pulled back behind you lol. What's nice is we have some K&G's out here which was bought by Mens Wearhouse. so you can get some really nice $100+ slacks for like $39 and they always have bogos and other sales on top of that. Just requires a little more work picking through things and sometimes not the best tailor comparatively.


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Warm up (waiting on platform)

DB curls
DB rows

(All relatively light)

6 x 135
3 x 225, 275
1 x 325, 375, 415, 455
+10lbs from last week

3 x 6 x 315

BB rows
3 x 10 x 135

Kleen swings
3 x 15

Superset with
Seated DB curls
3 x 12-15

EZ bar curls
3 x 10
+ 2 drop sets

Lat pull downs
2 sets supinated
2 sets regular grip

(I mixed in some pullups here but opted against sets cause my hands are pretty shredded from the RDLs today)

No lifting buddy today so honestly needed to summon a little extra grit to motivate through the 455 without a buddy there to compete / showoff with. Hit my goal, feel good about it.

Weight is somewhere around 197-199 ish.

Feels great to get the hardest day of the week done on Monday. All pop tarts here on out.



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Warm up (waiting on platform)

DB curls
DB rows

(All relatively light)

6 x 135
3 x 225, 275
1 x 325, 375, 415, 455
+10lbs from last week

3 x 6 x 315

BB rows
3 x 10 x 135

Kleen swings
3 x 15

Superset with
Seated DB curls
3 x 12-15

EZ bar curls
3 x 10
+ 2 drop sets

Lat pull downs
2 sets supinated
2 sets regular grip

(I mixed in some pullups here but opted against sets cause my hands are pretty shredded from the RDLs today)

No lifting buddy today so honestly needed to summon a little extra grit to motivate through the 455 without a buddy there to compete / showoff with. Hit my goal, feel good about it.

Weight is somewhere around 197-199 ish.

Feels great to get the hardest day of the week done on Monday. All pop tarts here on out.

View attachment 237137View attachment 237138
Those be some good numbers on deads and RDL’s!!!


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Nice pulling, keep it up and 500 is not far away!


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had my check up with the doc today. BP was good, which was my biggest concern because it was high when I had my vasectomy consult, although everyone wrote it off as "it's a stressful place" lol. she was on board with doing a blood panel but she didn't give two shits about hormones cause she felt i have zero signs of low T, I agreed but wanted a baseline so I should at least be getting T for fun here soon.

long story short tho, that tore up half my day. I will be getting my bench session in after work today, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to set up my bands or not so it might just be a fully raw day or maybe some sling shot volume.

Nice pulling, keep it up and 500 is not far away!
Right!!! Dudes a BEAST!
appreciate the support guys!

Solid yanking homie! No homo
maybe a little


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Warm up
DB laterals
DB curls (light for elbows )

3 x 12 x 95 (wide grip)
1 x 135, 185, 210, 230, 250
3 x 265
(+5lbs from last week)

1 x 285
3 x 305 (might be a reps PR)

8 x 235 (gotta be a reps PR here)
+5 lbs from last week
15 x 185, suicide grip

+ green bands
3 x 135, 155

10 x 3 x 155
+ 3 x 135

25 x 135
(Just wanted to see how it felt after banded work)

Cable tri push downs (wide grip)
3 x 20

Lateral DB raises
12 x 30s, 35s, 35s

Tri pull downs
3 x 15

(All the normal one handed grips were gone so I used half a nunchuck. Sorta looks like a weighted jerk off trainer. )

Forward DB raises
3 x 12 x 30s

Hammer strength seated dips
3 x 15 x +180lbs

198.x this morning
Legs got worked on that bench session
I know it's a fair amount of volume but it's my favorite day. Wanted more top end work but I don't like abusing the help of rando spotters over and over.

80lb dbs were not quite enough to keep from being drug around by the band. Need to stick with 90s.



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I'm catching up from about a week ago, but your comment about the deadlifter you were chatting it up with... that's the one thing I miss about going to a gym these days. When I was younger I didn't really care to talk to anyone. But these days, it'd be nice to just talk shop. No one I'm around works out or lifts, so that's probably why I'm on here all the time... LOL.


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I'm catching up from about a week ago, but your comment about the deadlifter you were chatting it up with... that's the one thing I miss about going to a gym these days. When I was younger I didn't really care to talk to anyone. But these days, it'd be nice to just talk shop. No one I'm around works out or lifts, so that's probably why I'm on here all the time... LOL.
I am w you on that point. No one to talk to in my garage gym. I haven’t gone to a commercial gym since 2004, and back then I wanted to go in, keep my head down, and get out.


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I'm catching up from about a week ago, but your comment about the deadlifter you were chatting it up with... that's the one thing I miss about going to a gym these days. When I was younger I didn't really care to talk to anyone. But these days, it'd be nice to just talk shop. No one I'm around works out or lifts, so that's probably why I'm on here all the time... LOL.
I am w you on that point. No one to talk to in my garage gym. I haven’t gone to a commercial gym since 2004, and back then I wanted to go in, keep my head down, and get out.
I go back and forth. My wife converted the garage into a master suite before I ever met her, she did a fantastic job and you can't tell it was ever a garage, but I have no garage so no lifting at home. I often day dream about a small set up, maybe in a shed but I also do pick up some energy from lifting around others I think. Double edged sword though is when you get into a conversation on accident when you are already crunched for time, or you they want to chat when you need to get back under the barbell. I've learned that I can continue the conversation as I set up for the lift and then they are usually really respectful for those 45 seconds I need for my set.


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Nice session, congrats on those PR's or PR matches. It's always nice to see those during a session!


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I go back and forth. My wife converted the garage into a master suite before I ever met her, she did a fantastic job and you can't tell it was ever a garage, but I have no garage so no lifting at home. I often day dream about a small set up, maybe in a shed but I also do pick up some energy from lifting around others I think. Double edged sword though is when you get into a conversation on accident when you are already crunched for time, or you they want to chat when you need to get back under the barbell. I've learned that I can continue the conversation as I set up for the lift and then they are usually really respectful for those 45 seconds I need for my set.
I know what you mean. Feeding off the vibes in the gym can add 10lbs to any lift. I think Mike Ahearn says the weights r heavier at his home gym. Lol.
But I never have to work in w anybody or wait for the only bench to free up. I miss the conversation to a degree but there was always that one guy who could talk a buzzard off a beef wagon.
It’s sufficed to say that I am the strongest son of a bitch in my gym. Lmao


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I go back and forth. My wife converted the garage into a master suite before I ever met her, she did a fantastic job and you can't tell it was ever a garage, but I have no garage so no lifting at home. I often day dream about a small set up, maybe in a shed but I also do pick up some energy from lifting around others I think. Double edged sword though is when you get into a conversation on accident when you are already crunched for time, or you they want to chat when you need to get back under the barbell. I've learned that I can continue the conversation as I set up for the lift and then they are usually really respectful for those 45 seconds I need for my set.
Now that you’ve met her, convert it back to a garage (gym)!


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Feeding off the vibes in the gym can add 10lbs to any lift.
ahaha for sure. gonna give it that extra 1% to avoid a failed lift in front of 25 strangers 😅

It’s sufficed to say that I am the strongest son of a bitch in my gym. Lmao

Now that you’ve met her, convert it back to a garage (gym)!
I told her when her ex was OK with giving up the garage that should have been a MAJOR redflag right there.


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ahaha for sure. gonna give it that extra 1% to avoid a failed lift in front of 25 strangers 😅


I told her when her ex was OK with giving up the garage that should have been a MAJOR redflag right there.
Right, Gym, Workshop, or Man Cave, those are the only acceptable options. Well I guess parking your car too if you are one of those my car isn't made to be outside, and needs shelter kind of people.


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Right, Gym, Workshop, or Man Cave, those are the only acceptable options. Well I guess parking your car too if you are one of those my car isn't made to be outside, and needs shelter kind of people.
I agree w the vehicle option. I was looking at a cj-8 w a 383 stroker, Zig zag orange, and 6” of lift. We have a 2 car garage under ranch house. Glad I asked b4 I bought. It wouldn’t have cleared the track for the garage door opener. And then crazy thoughts set in….”remove the power garage opener or deflate the tires to get it in and now you have an excuse to buy that air compressor” said the little voice.


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Well I guess parking your car too if you are one of those my car isn't made to be outside, and needs shelter kind of people.
keep in mind, Puget Sound. anything left outside turns green by January 😅😅😅
if we had my dream garage, I'd no doubt park my '68 GW invader in there and hotrod it out. I used to build hotrods, but now that we are by the water with no garage, it's the boat life lol.


.”remove the power garage opener or deflate the tires to get it in and now you have an excuse to buy that air compressor”
my favorite tool when I had a garage was my welder, but I did love my air compressor!


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keep in mind, Puget Sound. anything left outside turns green by January 😅😅😅
if we had my dream garage, I'd no doubt park my '68 GW invader in there and hotrod it out. I used to build hotrods, but now that we are by the water with no garage, it's the boat life lol.

View attachment 237217

my favorite tool when I had a garage was my welder, but I did love my air compressor!
Now that thing looks like fun. Oh and yeah, that is what a car wash is for. You should be washing the salt off of your car anyway or does it not snow up there? Here in Houston we have to worry about interior fading and drying out. However, my cars aren't investments they are fun transportation. So I don't sweat the small stuff. I also don't have extra cars sitting around not being driven so they wouldn't have time to turn green here. LMAO!

That being said, I have one hell of a garage gym and i got to a real gym every morning. I need that mindset for what I am doing right now.


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You should be washing the salt off of your car anyway or does it not snow up there
we are at sea level so we get usually one snow day a year which can be a light dusting, or up to a foot, and its typically gone next day but never lasts a full week. we stay in the 30f range from about now (lows of 33-34f this week) until like... March/April with the exception of false spring which seems to happen every Feb where we get a week of 70-80, then back to freezing temps and risk of snow in March briefly lol. So salt isn't really an issue. its hard to motivate to wash the car a lot though when it rains 6 out of 7 days a week or more on average during the winter.

I also don't have extra cars sitting around not being driven so they wouldn't have time to turn green here. LMAO!
😅😅 we just have the two, my wife's grocery getter and my truck. even with washing her car the roof turns green if you don't get in there and really detail it well. my main boat that I keep on the water can be white... white... white... through december. then all the sudden January hits and it turns green as the days get longer but the rain continues marching on lol.

oh and moss, don't forget moss. PNW is rugged lol I mean people from our area boat up to Alaska regularly. I am not going to say we are as bad as AK, but we aren't that far away either!


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Right, Gym, Workshop, or Man Cave, those are the only acceptable options. Well I guess parking your car too if you are one of those my car isn't made to be outside, and needs shelter kind of people.
Wait, y'all's garages aren't stuffed with seasonal decorations? 😳


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In IL, that’s what our basements are for. Plus all the crap my wife hoards we’ll basically never use.

Okay, she doesn’t hoard stuff, but she probably would if I didn’t nag her not to bring stuff home lol
Yeah, we don't have basements in GA or AL. 😠


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Yeah, we don't have basements in GA or AL. 😠
We have been looking to downsize and a slab foundation is a deal breaker for us. Right now our basement is a 720 sq foot master. King size bed, “L” shaped couch, pellet stove, hot tub, and 3/4 bath. Funny that my need for a basement is for storage but we use ours as living space. And we use the spare bedroom for storage. Here I am contradicting myself again. So bass ackwards!


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Wait, y'all's garages aren't stuffed with seasonal decorations? 😳
Plus all the crap my wife hoards we’ll basically never use.
the struggle is real. When I had a garage most of my cleaning was actually all the empty boxes and crap my wife would throw out there. now days even with the shed I try to mancave, I'll go in there all the time and have to reorganzize cause 'someone' threw junk everywhere lol. they do a fantastic job of nesting the "on display" portion of the home but I won't discuss the shoes or closet 😅

when I lived alone I was super OCD about my closet, laundry, and kitchen/dishes. I learned that in order to stay married I have to embrace some level of "organized chaos" 😅;)

Yeah, we don't have basements in GA or AL. 😠
I grew up in a 1910 and a 1920 home that both had basements, but out here it seems like houses built after about the 1960s or 1970s stopped having them. I don't see basements anymore at all in new homes unless they're custom with daylight basements.


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the struggle is real. When I had a garage most of my cleaning was actually all the empty boxes and crap my wife would throw out there. now days even with the shed I try to mancave, I'll go in there all the time and have to reorganzize cause 'someone' threw junk everywhere lol. they do a fantastic job of nesting the "on display" portion of the home but I won't discuss the shoes or closet

when I lived alone I was super OCD about my closet, laundry, and kitchen/dishes. I learned that in order to stay married I have to embrace some level of "organized chaos" ;)
Sounds the same as my life. Probably something to the personality type of women who end up with younger husbands, or something.


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Sounds the same as my life. Probably something to the personality type of women who end up with younger husbands, or something.
I am also a younger husband and I concur with your assessment. I find it accurate.
Example: We both have to be out the door within 15 min of each other for work, My Loving Bride uses all 3 bathrooms to get ready for work. Apparently the “lighting” is good in one bathroom for makeup and hair, one used for “bathroom needs”, and one just for brushing teeth, water pick, and teeth bleaching. I didn’t want to say just for oral. Lmao


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the struggle is real. When I had a garage most of my cleaning was actually all the empty boxes and crap my wife would throw out there. now days even with the shed I try to mancave, I'll go in there all the time and have to reorganzize cause 'someone' threw junk everywhere lol. they do a fantastic job of nesting the "on display" portion of the home but I won't discuss the shoes or closet 😅

when I lived alone I was super OCD about my closet, laundry, and kitchen/dishes. I learned that in order to stay married I have to embrace some level of "organized chaos" 😅;)

I grew up in a 1910 and a 1920 home that both had basements, but out here it seems like houses built after about the 1960s or 1970s stopped having them. I don't see basements anymore at all in new homes unless they're custom with daylight basements.
A lot of the slab vs basement comes from the cost of concrete. Say you want 2000 sq it is cheaper to build a 2 story than a linear ranch.


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A lot of the slab vs basement comes from the cost of concrete. Say you want 2000 sq it is cheaper to build a 2 story than a linear ranch.
probably true, plus I'm a PNW native so wood is the "cheap" building material of choice out here.


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Deficit deads, 2" plate
5 x 135, 225, 275, 315

+Green bands
10 x 3 x 250

T bar rows
5 x 10

Superset with EZ bar curls
5 x 10

Kleen swings
3 x 12

Superset with DB curls
3 x 12

Stimulate, don't annihilate is again the Thursday mantra. Banded deficits gave a nice plumpy pump in the glutes and hammies but did not feel destructive. Rom felt great.
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15 x 95, 95, 135
1 x 185, 225, 250, 275

Sling shot
295, 315, 325
+5lbs from last week

5 x 280

6 x 240

3 x 8 x 185

Tri rope pushdowns
4 sets, 15, 12, 10, 8
Ascending weight

Superset with DB laterals
4 x 10 x 35s

Life fitness machine flies
3 sets


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