To Infinity.... and Beyond!



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Woke up at 200lbs on the money today. Much less stressed out about that this time around, lol.
Wednesday I have a 3am trip to Guadalajara for work. Was going to lift hard today and tomorrow but quickly realizing that my to do list to prepare for work is quite steep so I'll instead be pulling and benching tonight so that I can give the session my full energy and attention and tomorrow will be taking a rest day so I can run my pre-mexico errands. So unfortunately today will be my only session until next Monday, unless I can somehow fit in a session either in Guadalajara (doubt it) or Sunday when we get home (doubt it, but maybe).


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The past few weeks I've brought these into my stack:

XPG Epiandro
XPG Alpha Gel
Phosphatidic Acid XT

I have in the past been able to fly with ultra hard (in a smaller container), and XPG products. I'm not sure it's worth it. Does anyone have an opinion on whether it's worth it to keep these things mildly in my system over the week I can't lift while travelling vs just taking my last doses today and maybe tomorrow morning and taking 5 days off?

I often times like to at least maintain the Alpha Gel and maybe orchic extract as a sorta natty pct for myself when I can't use the epi or dhea. @MrKleen73 @Hyde @sns8778


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The past few weeks I've brought these into my stack:

XPG Epiandro
XPG Alpha Gel
Phosphatidic Acid XT

I have in the past been able to fly with ultra hard (in a smaller container), and XPG products. I'm not sure it's worth it. Does anyone have an opinion on whether it's worth it to keep these things mildly in my system over the week I can't lift while travelling vs just taking my last doses today and maybe tomorrow morning and taking 5 days off?

I often times like to at least maintain the Alpha Gel and maybe orchic extract as a sorta natty pct for myself when I can't use the epi or dhea. @MrKleen73 @Hyde @sns8778
I'm a fan of keeping things consistent when it comes to hormone levels, but I also know how much of a pain it can be with flying with things like that. I would say that ideally, you would take them daily but in reality, you have to weigh is it worth it to fool with the hassle of flying with them.

I do think if you were only going to take one of the topicals, I would take the Alpha Gel.

Phosphatidic Acid XT - if you don't take it with you, you could double the dose when you get back for a few days.


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I am with @sns8778 on this one for sure. Also I am not sure how big those bottles are but I had to throw out a bottle of hand lotion on my last trip that wasn't even that big. So I would be pretty pissed if that happened with a somewhat expensive supplement.


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I do think if you were only going to take one of the topicals, I would take the Alpha Gel.
Also I am not sure how big those bottles are but I had to throw out a bottle of hand lotion on my last trip that wasn't even that big. So I would be pretty pissed if that happened with a somewhat expensive supplement.
They are like RIGHT at the cutoff size (3.4oz) which i find highly suspicious @sns8778 lol. was that intentional?

I have an 'extra' bottle of the xpg epi so if I lost that it wouldn't be the end of the world since one is half empty now. and my alpha gel is half empty so I'll have to order another soon anyways. but I appreciate the feedback sounds like you guys don't think i'm going to lose a lot of ground taking a few days off.


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They are like RIGHT at the cutoff size (3.4oz) which i find highly suspicious @sns8778 lol. was that intentional?

I have an 'extra' bottle of the xpg epi so if I lost that it wouldn't be the end of the world since one is half empty now. and my alpha gel is half empty so I'll have to order another soon anyways. but I appreciate the feedback sounds like you guys don't think i'm going to lose a lot of ground taking a few days off.
Nah, just coincidental. We actually wanted to do 120 ml bottles initially but there is not a reliable supply chain of 120 ml airless dispensers so we went with the 100 ml ones that XPG uses.

I don't think that you're going to 'lose ground' but anytime that you stop hormonal things there can be some variables. For me, I would expect myself to maybe feel a little more down and sad bc that's the way low DHEA levels affect me to begin with. I don't think a few days is the end of the world though.


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Nah, just coincidental. We actually wanted to do 120 ml bottles initially but there is not a reliable supply chain of 120 ml airless dispensers so we went with the 100 ml ones that XPG uses.

I don't think that you're going to 'lose ground' but anytime that you stop hormonal things there can be some variables. For me, I would expect myself to maybe feel a little more down and sad bc that's the way low DHEA levels affect me to begin with. I don't think a few days is the end of the world though.


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@Dustin07 - what I'm trying to say is if it makes you sad or moody missing a few days and you go down for slapping someone and wind up going to a Mexican jail, try to at least make it count and make the national news screaming 'I miss my Xtreme Performance Gels' or something like that :ROFLMAO::LOL:😎


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@Dustin07 - what I'm trying to say is if it makes you sad or moody missing a few days and you go down for slapping someone and wind up going to a Mexican jail, try to at least make it count and make the national news screaming 'I miss my Xtreme Performance Gels' or something like that :ROFLMAO::LOL:😎


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12 x 95, 95
3 x 135, 185, 225
1 x 255, 270, 290 (easy peasy)
7 x 240 (+1 rep from last attempt)
8 x 240 (even better )
15 x 185, 155

Inclines (waiting for platform)
5 sets

5 x 135, 225
1 x 275, 335, 385, 425, 465
+10lbs from last week

That took effort.
I wrote it in my log before I made the attempt to make sure I hit it

10 x 225

EZ bar curls
15 x 50, 70
10 x 80
8 x 90
10 x 80, 80, 80, 80

Tricep rope push downs
4 sets ascending weight

(Attempting Jim's suggestions for hypertrophy rep schemes here)

Wanted to deadlift first but couldn't get a platform and the bench was empty, soooo

Sorta wanted heavier bench work but alas, no spotter today.

Once I hit my 465 x 1 my goal for the whole week was hit so I was content with anything thereafter.

Enjoyed a great bicep pump with the different rep and weight scheme today

240 x 8 is a PR on bench I'm pretty sure


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12 x 95, 95
3 x 135, 185, 225
1 x 255, 270, 290 (easy peasy)
7 x 240 (+1 rep from last attempt)
8 x 240 (even better )
15 x 185, 155

Inclines (waiting for platform)
5 sets

5 x 135, 225
1 x 275, 335, 385, 425, 465
+10lbs from last week

That took effort.
I wrote it in my log before I made the attempt to make sure I hit it

10 x 225

EZ bar curls
15 x 50, 70
10 x 80
8 x 90
10 x 80, 80, 80, 80

Tricep rope push downs
4 sets ascending weight

(Attempting Jim's suggestions for hypertrophy rep schemes here)

Wanted to deadlift first but couldn't get a platform and the bench was empty, soooo

Sorta wanted heavier bench work but alas, no spotter today.

Once I hit my 465 x 1 my goal for the whole week was hit so I was content with anything thereafter.

Enjoyed a great bicep pump with the different rep and weight scheme today

240 x 8 is a PR on bench I'm pretty sure View attachment 237399
Strong numbers. Big push and pull there!


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Nice session! Congrats on the PR!


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thanks guys, hanging right there at my current 1rm / PR levels of 300 and 475 so as long as a few days off for work in Mexico doesn't set me back I should hopefully have good momentum to finish the year strong.
Unless you bake yourself burnt in the sun or overindulge in alcohol, you will probably be better for the trip.


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Unless you bake yourself burnt in the sun or overindulge in alcohol, you will probably be better for the trip.
I'm not anticipating too much of either, we will be in Guadalajara so no beaches. Thursday we plan to explore Tlaquepaque for day of the dead, Friday is work pretty much all day, and Saturday will be exploring Guadalajara by foot to see architecture from the 1600s. I'm fasting today because I anticipate my biggest sin to be tacos, I love Mexican food.


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Enjoy that trip!


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Take some photos! I hate taking them in the moment but never regret them.
Yeah, I have never been one to take many photos if my wife is around because she always did but recently she has stopped for some reason. So no one is taking pictures. I told her at least one of us needs to capture a few memories. I am just bad at remembering things like that. I am an in the moment kind of person.


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I'm not anticipating too much of either, we will be in Guadalajara so no beaches. Thursday we plan to explore Tlaquepaque for day of the dead, Friday is work pretty much all day, and Saturday will be exploring Guadalajara by foot to see architecture from the 1600s. I'm fasting today because I anticipate my biggest sin to be tacos, I love Mexican food.
Be safe down there


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Nice rep PR! Enjoy that vacat….. errrr, I mean work trip!
Dia de lost Muertos was very cool. We walked around Tlaquepaque all day playing tourist then that evening went to this big fair type festival called Calavanderia with one of my suppliers down here... Friday was a very good work day, reestablished friendships and partnerships and rejuvenated some creative thoughts for growing business together.

The hotel is this super cool hipster chic hotel in the Col Americana neighborhood which apparently is the up and coming hipster neighborhood.. it's super nice but my wife and I aren't into some hipster ideas, like a toilet in the living room

There is a small gym here and a small rooftop pool, I can see how this would be a sweet stop for business trips. The neighborhood is very clean feeling, it's very very old, and feels like the jungle is still growing right in the middle of the roads.

My biz partner offered to take us to tequila town on this big tasting trip but we aren't looking to drink that much so we are going to head down to the cathedral today and hang out in the Centro area to see what there is to be seen.



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Take some photos! I hate taking them in the moment but never regret them.
I'm trying to be better about that. My wife got some great footage from the festival. Today I made it a priority to snap the cathedrals (circa 1500s). The European influence on these 500 year old streets is crazy. Today was a surreal experience, I could walk Guadalajara for days.



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I'm trying to be better about that. My wife got some great footage from the festival. Today I made it a priority to snap the cathedrals (circa 1500s). The European influence on these 500 year old streets is crazy. Today was a surreal experience, I could walk Guadalajara for days.

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That’s some really good pictures….looks like a beautiful area. My wife and I love old historical buildings. The craftsmanship and creativity they had back then really helped them create not just beautiful buildings, but works of art.


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Looks like a pretty cool place, how did the grass hoppers taste? Kinda reminds me of lonesome dove when the cook they hire tried to feed them grass hoppers lol.


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Haha, I noticed no picture of the 2nd or 3rd taco being eaten. Were they?


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weekend summary;
arrived home at 202lbs. made salsa sunday that was 10x spicier than anything I could find in Mexico. woke up Monday morning at 199lbs. so about the same as when I left give or take a lb. 😅😅

Looks like a pretty cool place, how did the grass hoppers taste? Kinda reminds me of lonesome dove when the cook they hire tried to feed them grass hoppers lol.
Awesome pics; glad you guys are having a great time!

Idk how I feel about trying grasshopper…. I like trying things, but I would have a hard time selling myself on it
When we were walking the plaza in Tlaquepaque in some back alley shops someone was offering samples of grasshoppers and huge black aunts, I think I already had a shot or two of tequila in me and my inhibitions were pretty low so I tried them. Ended up buying a small container of each for my boy. They tasted like corn nuts, and crunchy, except a little squishy too. not "break your tooth" crunchy like corn nuts. so when I saw them on the menu at the restaurant I figured, what the heck lol. They really weren't bad!

The prices in Guadalajara were amazing. We could order a full meal + drinks and with a 20% tip usually get away with about a $27 tab for meals that would be easily $80-100+ here in the Seattle/Tacoma area. often a cerveza was around 30-60 pesos, most dishes were around 130-200 pesos tops. a fancy dish was 270-370 pesos. the only thing I saw break 400-500 pesos ($29) was very good cuts of steak that a place here might sell for $70+.

we uber'd around a lot. from our hotel it was bout 25 minutes to Tlaquepaque, and my work visits were north about 20 minutes + south about 20 minutes. my Uber rides were anywhere from 49 pesos to 80 pesos on avg ($4.70). my most expensive uber ride was 157 pesos including tip ($9.23). There's no beach, but the architecture, shops, neighborhoods and food (and PRICES) were fantastic.

Haha, I noticed no picture of the 2nd or 3rd taco being eaten. Were they?
I assure you, every bite. Plus some of my wife's steak tenderloin she ordered. she passed on my grasshoppers though, lol.


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weekend summary;
arrived home at 202lbs. made salsa sunday that was 10x spicier than anything I could find in Mexico. woke up Monday morning at 199lbs. so about the same as when I left give or take a lb. 😅😅

When we were walking the plaza in Tlaquepaque in some back alley shops someone was offering samples of grasshoppers and huge black aunts, I think I already had a shot or two of tequila in me and my inhibitions were pretty low so I tried them. Ended up buying a small container of each for my boy. They tasted like corn nuts, and crunchy, except a little squishy too. not "break your tooth" crunchy like corn nuts. so when I saw them on the menu at the restaurant I figured, what the heck lol. They really weren't bad!

The prices in Guadalajara were amazing. We could order a full meal + drinks and with a 20% tip usually get away with about a $27 tab for meals that would be easily $80-100+ here in the Seattle/Tacoma area. often a cerveza was around 30-60 pesos, most dishes were around 130-200 pesos tops. a fancy dish was 270-370 pesos. the only thing I saw break 400-500 pesos ($29) was very good cuts of steak that a place here might sell for $70+.

we uber'd around a lot. from our hotel it was bout 25 minutes to Tlaquepaque, and my work visits were north about 20 minutes + south about 20 minutes. my Uber rides were anywhere from 49 pesos to 80 pesos on avg ($4.70). my most expensive uber ride was 157 pesos including tip ($9.23). There's no beach, but the architecture, shops, neighborhoods and food (and PRICES) were fantastic.

I assure you, every bite. Plus some of my wife's steak tenderloin she ordered. she passed on my grasshoppers though, lol.
I have actually heard they are not too bad. I would have tried them for sure.


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I mean if it was down to a survival thing I would eat insects, but if I had the choice I’ll always stick with good old traditional meats, but I get it. I did have a buddy one time eat a scorpion when we had a UFC fight get together, and yeah as he was eating it he was talking about it wasn’t too bad until he bit into a juicy part and it squirted out of his mouth, he almost puked then. My youngest son is in the Army and he will try anything. He used to eat stuff just to freak his Mom out, and I guess it stuck with him. lol


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I have actually heard they are not too bad. I would have tried them for sure.
I mean if it was down to a survival thing I would eat insects, but if I had the choice I’ll always stick with good old traditional meats, but I get it. I did have a buddy one time eat a scorpion when we had a UFC fight get together, and yeah as he was eating it he was talking about it wasn’t too bad until he bit into a juicy part and it squirted out of his mouth, he almost puked then. My youngest son is in the Army and he will try anything. He used to eat stuff just to freak his Mom out, and I guess it stuck with him. lol
I mean, I'll eat anything that's offered to me as food, ideally in a restaurant. I do think escargot is very good, I have grilled my own frogs legs that I had bought at the Chinese food market, all forms of sushi/sashimi but I'm not going to grab a centipede from under a rock and wrap it in bacon in my front yard 😅


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I mean, I'll eat anything that's offered to me as food, ideally in a restaurant. I do think escargot is very good, I have grilled my own frogs legs that I had bought at the Chinese food market, all forms of sushi/sashimi but I'm not going to grab a centipede from under a rock and wrap it in bacon in my front yard 😅
To be honest, back in my college and drinking days I may of ate a few things I don’t remember, and truthfully don’t know that I would want to remember.😎


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I have tried a few different insects or like dehydrated grubs, mostly in chocolate concoctions. I actually think I had a chocolate covered grasshopper when I was younger. I tried them to be adventurous, not expecting them to be great. I got the experience I expected. :)


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12 x 95, 135
3 x 175, 205, 235
1 x 155, 275, 285
(-5lbs from last week, not a substantial loss)
1 x 305, 315

6 x 240
5 x 240
7 x 225

6 x 135, 155, 175
1 x 185, 195, 205
15 x 135

(These are still such a foreign feeling movement)

Tricep extensions
3 x 12-15

199 today
Bench down 5lbs and 1-2 reps today, honestly not bad for a week+ off. Thursday plan to hit a speed/volume day with bands then hope to hit next week where I left off.

Got home yesterday and did all my meal prep. Extra rice, ground turkey, and even homemade salsa. Forgot all of it before work today....... So I did what I could raiding the vending machine for preWO carbs. A big cookie, tuna and crackers, and a rice bowl. Around 150-200g of carbs so not bad just not my normal.
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To be honest, back in my college and drinking days I may of ate a few things I don’t remember, and truthfully don’t know that I would want to remember.😎
I recall being young and dumb with a few drinks on a st patricks day and snorting a line of salt.
I have done a lot of dumb things in my day. Wearing a helmet when biking and snowboarding probably isn't enough, it might be smart for me to wear one all day.


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Frogs legs are freaking delicious. I was able to get some fried gator nuggets at a great bbq place we hit up in Orlando; never pass on gator!
100% ! although I will say the frogs legs in a restaurant tasted much better than the ones I bought skinned at the Chinese market. those ones tasted a bit more like pond water lol. I grilled them up with montreal steak seasoning, but they were still good, sorta like chicken thighs. I can't recall if I had gator or not when I was in Texas. I know we did crawdads a bit, and they know how to spice them up! your lips are burning by the time you finish them lol


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Frogs legs are freaking delicious. I was able to get some fried gator nuggets at a great bbq place we hit up in Orlando; never pass on gator!
Yeah, I had some fried frog legs and really enjoyed them!
100% ! although I will say the frogs legs in a restaurant tasted much better than the ones I bought skinned at the Chinese market. those ones tasted a bit more like pond water lol. I grilled them up with montreal steak seasoning, but they were still good, sorta like chicken thighs. I can't recall if I had gator or not when I was in Texas. I know we did crawdads a bit, and they know how to spice them up! your lips are burning by the time you finish them lol
Oh yeah, we know how to boil those mudbugs! I haven't heard Crawdads since I lived in West Virginia, that is what we called them there. We call the crawfish down here, or mudbugs depending on how country you are. LOL

Gator is damn good stuff. Worth a try for sure.


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Yeah, I had some fried frog legs and really enjoyed them!
Oh yeah, we know how to boil those mudbugs! I haven't heard Crawdads since I lived in West Virginia, that is what we called them there. We call the crawfish down here, or mudbugs depending on how country you are. LOL

Gator is damn good stuff. Worth a try for sure.
before I typed it I tried to remember which was the right name in TX vs WA lol 😅😅

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